
(162 KB, 1072x1072, IMG_3574.jpeg)
I’m not sure about:

- Dumplin, who weighed in at 471 pounds recently and just straight up doesn’t pass the eye test. I know people carry their weight differently, sure, but she’s 30 pounds away from being the “smallest” member of the 500 club and I just can’t buy it.

- Reenaye, with the caveat that I think her content is pretty good and she really goes out of her way to sell the fantasy. I think she’s in the 600s but ever since she really started leaning into the extreme gaining/morbid feedist tone I think she’s started exaggerating in an effort to stick out more. She does *so* many weigh ins compared to other girls and she’s always much heavier than the last time. I just don’t think she can eat as much to both maintain and gain as she’d have to get that fat that quickly. Like Jackie is a fucking PIG and even she randomly lost 30 pounds recently. Reenaye is just up and up and up at huge increments and it seems fishy.
Nah. I'd believe mid to upper 500s depending on height, but she ain't 752.
what was the name of that model who did a few videos with Ninjah and eventually split off and did her own clips store and eventually became a trans man (or NB, I forget tbh). we had a mutual friend on feabie who disclosed to me that she was advertising herself as a quarter ton when she was really in the light 300 range, lol
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This is Carol Yager.
She is offically weighed in at 1189 pounds. She had a false rumor of weighing 1600 pounds. Now compare her picture with the woman above. What is the difference of body size?
The next picture is of fatmisst she weighs in at the upper 700 range for sure. But look at the difference of body size. It's not that much. I would put this down to the deceptiveness of the Cube-Square Law.
If they gained 50 pounds that would only be an increase of about 4-6 percent of overall mass. That's not that much but trying to eye-ball that difference is only something someone can see under ideal conditions or an austist.
Equally, how tall is Carol Yeager vs. how tall is MissT? If Carol was 6ft+ that would also be a big contributor. Equally, if Carol had a fair amount of muscle (muscle weighs more than fat, so a person with muscle and fat who looks just as fat as a fat person would weigh more)
I pretty much assume any girl who doesn’t weigh herself on cam or shoots POV phone cam weigh ins is exaggerating her weight at least a little and I don’t blame any of them one bit tbh
Isn’t Dumplin like an X-Men for gaining?
Please elaborate, what do you mean "x-men" for gaining?
Adaptive mutation conferring a gaining phenotype bordering on superhuman
We need to go back to bullying kids like you
Agree w/ op that reenaye’s recent progress is too clean and too fast for her not to be making it up. She’s very much operating in a carny selling a fantasy phase of her career and I don’t really have any beef with it tho.
Unless she's packing an ass to pass her belly in size I can't believe that. Her legs and belly are nowhere near close to big enough to look 700+. Look at the people on my 600 pound life, she's middle of the pack with them at best
What's the prevalence of obesity in Jamaica? I'm thinking the Caribbean is overlooked in terms of places that have been hit by the "obesity epidemic" they are car-centric and the food is calorie rich. I've seen some serious heavyweights in adjacent areas.
On vacation. Near some tourist spots so many people I see turn out to be British or something.I'd say it's on the lower end of obesity compared to some other Carribean countries from videos I've seen
Carol Yeager had severe edema. Water weighs more than fat etc etc. That’s why guessing anyone’s weight, particularly an SS/USBBW is a sucker’s game.
>Water weighs more than fat etc etc.

What a fucking idiotic thing to say.
-Fat in the human body is 75% water.
—Therefore 1/4 is pure fat, (i.e. 25%, 0.25)
—That also means for each *mass unit of fat* accumulated she is also gaining fat at a rate of 1.333 *mass units of water* (inverse of 4/3 on a continuity of mass basis, literally just a restatement of 75%).
—Thusly; 1.33 - 0.25 = 1.08 (this is the mass ratio of fat to water)
—As 1.08> 1.00 there is a greater mass ratio of fat/water, and even 1.05 to use a p-value greater than 0.05 such that we see the null hypothesis is not rejected.

TLDR: For these mass dynamics it will always be true that the “fat in fact, weighs more than the water”.

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