
>>41440 (OP)
let's talk about it.
I honestly don't think that they do. I mean, at least not in the way that they're doing it to fulfill a fetish. do i think that the fat acceptance women put on all that weight and THEN start to realize how sexy they feel and realize how much praise they get? yes. i think that with having the fat positive stuff drilled into their head they see no need in trying to diet or remain thin, they start thinking to themselves, hey, i can eat anything, mg body is beautiful no matter what, so they just go buckwild and eat whatever they want and pile on more weight, it is so incredibly easy to gain weight, especially as women, because they are more prone to it, and it is hard to lose. food these days is absolutely filled to the brim with calories.
all of that said no i don't think they do i think they realize they don't have to be skinny to be beautiful and they take it upon themselves to indulge in what they like to eat, as they should.
people find fat activists annoying but i say, more beautiful women for me, i love their attitudes, they're beautiful and have more innate worth than a man even if they're bigger and they know it.
>I honestly don't think that they do. I mean, at least not in the way that they're doing it to fulfill a fetish.
Out of curiosity is there a movement which calls for the obesification of women? Or some radical side of fat acceptance? Or even just thin shaming and encouraging obesity on women?
Basically here am just asking for spank material. Moving on.

>do i think that the fat acceptance women put on all that weight and THEN start to realize how sexy they feel and realize how much praise they get?
>yes. i think that with having the fat positive stuff drilled into their head they see no need in trying to diet or remain thin
How do they get the idea that fat is good or whatever the hell fat positive stands for while they aren't fat yet?
Also, what praise are you talking about? Outside of people like you and me, who like our women to jiggle all-over when they walk and not just the tits and/or ass, who praises them?

>they see no need in trying to diet or remain thin, they start thinking to themselves, hey, i can eat anything, mg body is beautiful no matter what, so they just go buckwild and eat whatever they want and pile on more weight
So, none of it is intentional? Are there surely no adherents to this movement who would think lesser of you if you werent atleast obese?
Is it all just gluttony?
Speaking as a male I cannot tolerate being fat as it is simply a drag on my body in a conflict for example, besides it simply feeling gross on me. How do they tolerate or even love being fat while not having a fetish for it?

>it is so incredibly easy to gain weight, especially as women, because they are more prone to it
I know this is true as I've seen it first hand. However I am going to need a source in case I get into an argument with another internet autist.

>and they take it upon themselves to indulge in what they like to eat, as they should
Does this apply to males too?

>people find fat activists annoying but i say, more beautiful women for me
I see your point if they are women however what if they are men? Fat activism isn't for women only.

>i love their attitudes, they're beautiful and have more innate worth than a man even if they're bigger and they know it.
What attitudes? I say this as someone living in fatty deprived eastern europe. Do none of the women seriously have no resentment towards skinny women?
Beautiful in what sence? Objective beauty or just the fetish? I myself don't consider fat to correlate with beauty. I've seen both beautiful and ugly, fat and skinny women.
Also you saying they have more worth than a man is just your penis talking. I get it.
I don't think, outside of super mega weird gooner fetishes, there are any movements that call for all women to become obese, no. but i could be wrong, and if i am, i'd love to know what said movement is called and where i can find girls who subscribe to it. lol.
>how do they get the idea that fat is good or whatever the hell fat positive stands for while they aren't fat yet?
Also, what praise are you talking about? Outside of people like you and me, who like our women to jiggle all-over when they walk and not just the tits and/or ass, who praises them?
Did I imply sometning like that? if i did, that's not what i meant, see, women will get praise REGARDLESS 9; how they look, but these women come to understand that they will receive praise EVEN if they are fat, which isn't the beauty standard, and when they discover this, it's like, oh my god i don't need to starve and torture myself to be deserving of love or attention! i would honestly say that fat women get more attention than stick thin ugly anorexics, because the people who like fat women REALLY like fat women, like myself. the people who like skinny women only do so because it's been ingrained in them that they should, i think.
>So, none of it is intentional?
i think some of it might be, i think some fat activists genuinely like the way they look. actually i think a small amount are ashamed. but again i don't think there's any movement that tells women that they should be obese, just that, if they happen to be obese, it is OKAY and they are still beautiful. get it?
i don't reckon they hate the way being fat feels, actually, from what i've heard, being fat feels nice and cozy and you could get your whole body slammed against something or have to sit on something hard and you wouldn't feel it. While not entirely the same thing, i've seen girls say they play with their boobs like stress balls, and boobs are fat, so for a fat girl it probably feels nice to squish themselves also.
>Does this apply to males too?
I mean, i'm not sexist or anything, but probably not. men are expected to be fit or a worker. but i will say if other men want to eat and be chubby i don't mind, i actually have found chubby men hot, but they have to have a specific look and build. most guys get all their fat in their stomach, like a beer gut.
>What attitudes
I don't know, i just love the way they know they're beautiful and aren't ashamed of themselves like a lot of fat girls are, i like it when they're pretentious and bitchy, they should be. it shows that they know their worth and they shouldn't let men tell them theyre ugly or unworthy. i also agree that not all fat women are beautiful! but a lot are. and even if i don't find them attractive it doesn't mean nobody else does.
>Do none of the women seriously have no resentment towards skinny women?
i'd venture to guess some do. but there's a lot of fat girls who have skinny friends that they post pictures with. its cute. the fat girl sticks out like a sore thumb. i sometimes feel like the skinny girls are actually the ones who resent the fat girls, i think fat girls want acceptance from skinny girls more than anything. being fat is in now. skinny girls are shamed now.
>Also saying they have more worth than a man is just your penis talking. i get it.
I guess what i mean is that they have more sexual value, not that anyone is lesser or deserves to die because of their gender, i don't believe it, but so many people do, and women are treated like they are worth a trillion diamonds while men are treated as disposable
but yes i was horny as i wrote that and also while i write this reply, as anyone would be if they were on bbwchan
fun talk, Romanian anon.
forgive me for autistic rambling but since you made a long winded reply i figure you wont mind.
to add, women don't get in conflicts like men do, or really do any physical labor. they like to sit and be pampered and look pretty (as they should, kek.) so that's not an issue for them. women were meant to be soft and to sit. women and men are very different.
The ones who talk about how oppressed they are and call everything fatphotic. Slam skinny girls out of jealousy. Guarantee the body pos models would be skinny of they could. It's just a big trauma dump for sympathy. They don't actually like being fat. Most end up losing weight.
A majority of body positivity/HAES people would cash in their chips and be skinny tomorrow if they could, at which point they would forsake the entire movement. It’s a mental cope for a significant number of them. Just like modeling, where sure, a few have the fetish but most are thinking “wellp I’m fat and have a mediocre day job at best, how can I monetize this shit?”
Then you have the models that basically wear their fat insecurity on their sleeve like Katie Cummings who, goes “yeah I’ll do kinks like pretending to be your sister… but fat stuff no way Jose” while being a level of fat that all but ensures that the only viewers like fat women.
>A majority of body positivity/HAES people would cash in their chips and be skinny tomorrow if they could, at which point they would forsake the entire movement. It’s a mental cope for a significant number of them
Would they like to see skinny girls get fat, though?

FWIW I've asked my wife (who isn't part of any FA type movement but is a ~300lb woman who doesn't hate herself) about this. Basically "if you had a magic pill that made you any weight you wanted tomorrow, what would you pick and why?"

She said low 200s. Big enough to bring attention to herself in a room and retain some physical strength that comes with being a larger woman, but thin enough to avoid the worst health impacts and inconveniences of being obese. She likes being big, just not the health reprucussions of it.

So that's one perspective.
This feature was in red dead redemption 2 and online dumbass and it was released in the leaks too
Explain to your union rep why you never show up for your shift
We have people that want to be here. You waste of payroll can take a hike.
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This could be a fun thread, so lemmie try and chuck some stuff here instead of just my hobby threads on the SSBBW board.

Like most things in life, I don't think you can really say how an entire subsection of people would fall. However, there are definitely some cases on the Fat Acceptance/Plus Sized/Body Positivity sphere that fall on extreme ends of this spectrum.

On one end, you've got people like IMO Rosie Mercado (pic 1). For a while there she was a pretty heavy plus-sized model (she claims 400 pounds. She is all but idk if she was that big). Rosie did some stuff in the Fat Acceptance space, some light Plus Sized modelling, and other stuff related to her size. She seemed content and ostensibly happy with her size at first, and spoke as such in some interviews about being a bigger girl, However, according to her, a few bad experiences (humiliation at an airport and the like) she started to lose weight, got some surgery, and then promoted herself as a weight loss story. If you ask me, I think it felt pretty clear that she was never happy being 400+ pounds, and a lot of her movement in that acceptance space was tyring to find a groove that fit before she decided to lose.

On the other end, there are some models and activists who definitely don't mind being heavier, and if anything actually do like being fat. Denisha Shah (pic 2) is a plus-sized model (or former Plus-sized model) who often reaches some clothing promos on Insta and the like. She also had a tumblr (@dollpiggy350) where she crossposts some photos and videos, but openly reblogs and posts notes on feedism content, even extending to some immobility and dark-gaining fantasies. Her bio even has a CW and GW, indicating a willingness to gain deliberately. Obviously, this is an extreme example too, since even people who are happy with being fat or getting fatter might not openly have it related to their kink

I use these two examples to highlight probably the most extreme contrasts of course, because people will fall between these. I don't think Tess Holiday for instance actually has a kink for actively gaining weight, but then again I don't think she secretly wants to lose weight and become a weight loss story.

Moral of the story? Not all people who are fat *can* lose weight easily, and not all fat people *want* to lose weight. As a general rule of thumb, if they're in the fat acceptance scene, chances are however they're more content than not with being fatter, and wished society reflected that view..
>>41440 (OP)
Would have been a nice treat to be at the Pasadena City hall the day she waddled up the roof to take that photo
Plus the women in the fat acceptance sphere can have different opinions towards people like us. Some don't mind us, others would date someone like us if they can click in ways beyond sex.

Others hate us and view us as creepy perverts and don't want to be denoted as a fetish. Like they don't want the reason a man goes out with them to be because they're fat and the dude loves fat women. It can also hurt if they have issues with their body and hearing about how a dude was to do stuff with their belly or call them nicknames may not be the solution to their body image issues.
(424 KB, 344x547, Loey.PNG)
Definitely a very good point. I remember Loey Lane (not officially Fat Acceptance model or anything but definitely plus-sized model material) had like a tiktok of her expressing her disappointment at some of the people who were into her and following her had a "fat fetish".. It's very easy to see how they can fit into that category, and feel uncomfortable with that stuff.

It's definitely not all in the Fat Acceptance/BoPos/PlusSized community who think like this, but if you've struggled with coming to terms with your figure, or you're highlighted and picked on because of your figure, or even if you just haven't paid much attention to it, having a partner or entire community who highlight and emphasise the fatness of your figure, then yeah it could be uncomfortable and offputting. Really the key here for people into fat folk is to just not be weird about it and see how your partner feels about it, and adjust accordingly.

Mind you there are definitely bigger people in that community who are all the more happy to see some people who love fatness and fat people. I've seen a lot of stuff from the Fat Liberationist circles that seem to highlight how fat someone is to show how sexy fat people can be. So if you're really not sure, then don't worry, there's definitely some people out there who are more than comfortable with having a partner into fatness.
I so doubt that fat women who have body issues want to hear about men that want to fondle their bellies, boobs, thighs, butts, bingo wings, double chins, etc. It will just make them more uncomfortable with their bodies.

Though there can be body positive women who don't want to be reduced to a fetish or sex object or who feel that all we do is objectify women and to be known for more than their weights on a bathroom scale.

I do agree that while we can pursue plump women, we should know who they are as people and accept if they have body image issues and how us saying their bodies are sexy may not help them with said issues. That's what I do, I do try to know something about women beyond how sexy they are and if we have anything in common.
fuck that if i'm hooking up with a fat chick then i'm fondling her stomach. Doesn't have to be weird. In fact, not squeezing her thighs would make stuff uncomfortable.

to quote infinite jest "He said he'd personally prefer that Orin wait until he'd found someone he loved enough to want to have sex with and had had sex with this person, that he'd wait until he'd experienced for himself what a profound and really quite moving thing sex could be, before he watched a film where sex was presented as nothing more than organs going in and out of other organs, emotionless, terribly lonely."

comment after you've been laid a couple times, bub
You can enjoy rubbing a plump woman's tummy, just saying some women like that and some don't. You can do that just saying that we will come across beautiful fatties who don't like their chub. Maybe try to find women who like their fat or at least are neutral about it.
for why I brought up thighs, it was because I was just listing the parts of the fat form we fantasize over, and how these things can feel bad for those who have issues with their weight. They may not want to hear about their big belly, thick thighs, big butt, double chin and bingo wings. Again, you can like these things and find a partner who loves these things about themselves, but you also need to know when you find fat women who don't want to be called fat.
IMO it def comes nore naturally to compliment the hourglass/pear shaped girls on their asses and thighs, more so that talking about bellies arms etc, because its normal to just tell a girl she has a nice ass. You dont have to get into details when you compliment them, even if they have body issues most of them still get on board with throwing their ass around in bed because its a normal thing to do whether theyre 150lbs or 400lbs. Only a couple girls have been genuinely into me feeling their bellies, but they all love when you get a good handful of ass and squeeze their thighs
I know of no organization like that
Do any of them like being fat however?

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