
(440 KB, 2002x1355, 2830583516.jpg)
Indeed it is. People have such terrible taste. She isn't even that fat.
She's beautiful (these pics don't do her justice), and there's no excuse for being rude or insulting in turning a woman down. But people like what they like — it's not about acceptance or politics I would not date a thin woman, period, no matter how gorgeous, because I would not want to have sex with her. I don't think that makes me shallow.
>>41420 (OP)
for a normal person she is extremely fat, your frame of reference is just skewed
>>41420 (OP)
I genuinely don't understand why so many people have so much fucking hate and anger towards fat women, and fat women who have adorable little faces with chubby cheeks no less, that woman has what some people would call thick, even. it actually makes me incredibly sad to think about what that poor girl would feel if she saw that. she is beautiful and none of the people who are calling her ugly pr whatever would even have the chance to get spit on by her. i'm not even simping it's just baffling to me. i want to choke everyone in the replies to death.
(279 KB, 1019x1869, niccinunez.jpg)
Her name is Nicci Nunez and I guess that video is a year old and had an article about it back then. She also appears to have a podcast discussing dating as a fat woman. And I tend to agree that she's not that fat.
She looks like a woman my former sensei and I used to know. We were sent by a high ranking operative in the US military to infiltrate and eliminate an officer in a major geopolitical conflict on a side opposed to the west (not saying what conflict to not dox myself). He had obtained a wonder weapon that rendered all conventional firearms useless, so the US military had to rely on martial arts masters instead. We were dropped into combat with only our wits and our fists to guide us, we eventually made contact with a woman who looks like her at a local village who fed us and helped us gather critical information to fulfilling our mission. When we were able to confront our target he held her hostage and said he would shoot her if we used any of our multitude of highly stylized combat arts against him, my master begged me not to but I killed him using the Shaolin Smash and he killed her as I performed the necessary 10 step breathing technique to focus my chi. Since then my sensei has vowed to kill me for inadvertently causing her death and I've been on the run ever since.
But you made the time to contact us and tell us. It's been an honor, thank you for you service!
Most people are cruel children in adult bodies waiting the opportunity to start shit or bully people without it blowing up in their face. Fatties are just soft targets for them.

You know what, you're pretty good.
>soft targets
pun intended?
anyway it needs to stop, or else i'm going to have to intervene, and those people would never say that type of stuff if they were face to face with someone.
>>41420 (OP)
She seems like she would hate men who like her because she’s fat
It tends to be a built in stigma that nobody should like fat. Many fat women are preyed upon because it's often the case that they have low self -esteem. Most people regard fat as something you have to look past, and if you like a fat girl you're not shallow because you MUST only like her for her personality. Not because you cosider her a sex bomb, and her weight enhances said beauty.
to be extremely fair, I'm like 90% positive she didn't mention she WAS fat in the first place and more than likely just used photos from the neck up
Kinda of a shitty thing to do tbh. You should at least try to be honest with the person you're seeing. smh
Thats a pretty big bitch by most people's standards. Some of you guys have to go outside more.
Counterpoint, she is pretty big: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSVHxtbrShg/?img_index=1

Yeah she even alludes to being like that on her insta in various places. Definitely one of those where talking about being fat casually is actually more of a self-challenge rather than indication of comfort with the subject. It’s usually the tip of an emotional mess iceberg tbh. Since they have so much internalized stigma and shame, the first reaction to a dating partner who actually likes their body is that they’re a sex pest. The guy is supposed to somehow just not notice that the love of his life is fat, but stop well short of actually finding it a desirable physical characteristic.
That's what I'm saying, like yeah I get what site I'm on but it IS a genuinely shit thing to do and makes you look like a child when you start complaining that people get rightfully angry about getting catfished.....I swear Women lying about their weight is the Female equivalent to Men lying about their height
>>41420 (OP)
She's thicc to me, but yall people on this site like real Whales, I like thicc women we are not the same! And you guys are the same people that shame girls for having a bbl but like actual fat bitches with no body or booty!
We not the same. U said that from your childhood bedroom

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