
(165 KB, 1132x1350, 39162.jpg)
WTF. Liking fat chicks doesn't make you part of the alphabet bullshit.
Yeah we really don't need this. We're not an oppressed or underpriviledged group. All FAs have to do to normalize the preference live their lives as if being into fat women is normal. People might judge or even insult you, but you're not gonna be denied a job opportunity or get hit over the head by a baseball bat.
>>41418 (OP)

I agree that it's not a queer sexuality, but I have been thinking about if it really is it's own form of sexuality that is separate from normal heterosexuality. I mean, it is still heterosexual (if you're a guy just into women) obviously. But for me, and I think most people in the community, it's pretty exclusive towards fat women. Skinny women are almost totally asexual, and I just don't really want to have sex with them. But a mid fat chick I'll have the typical male desire to fuck even if there's not a real emotional attraction.

Recognizing FA as a sexuality in itself could help define it for people in the community and share the attraction.
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No, fuck off. I don't want to acquire guilt-by-association by being lumped in with the rainbow brigade.
This goes back to the issue of chubby chasing as either a preference or a fetish. If you're lucky, you can feel attraction to women no matter their size, but it gets better the fatter they are. For fetishists, if a girl is below a certain BMI and can't even be asked to larp, you can be flat as a board, meaning your dating pool is reduced and any women curious about it will think, "is he gay or something?" But, much like amputee fetishism, you're asking someone to at least pretend they're handicapped, which is a tall order if someone doesn't have it already. Besides, you don't need a flag to find a fat girl and bang her, which destroys the point of making a political flag, they're a dime a dozen; it's telling them they're hot that's the problem.

Pride flag garbage will only taint chubby chasers in the long run, because even though "queer" and "demisexual" are straight/bi by any other name, they will be asked to either suck the tranny dick or let the balls touch. In addition, the commies that run the rainbow mafia will eventually resent fat people once they get the power they want, as Obesity gets in the way of their healthcare agenda. Remember the Japanese bullying women in the clinic for being overweight? That's the future they're going to get if government healthcare is mandated everywhere.
Hmmm can I say the f slur now then
in /gen/ you're free to say whatever you want, niggerfaggot
>>41418 (OP)
Tbf I thought I was Ace for a little while in HS because skinny girls did practically nothing... Now I know why lol.
>>41418 (OP)
You're triggered about a flag someone uploaded on commons a decade ago that nobody uses?

btw, the thing is, currently nobody cares about us, so mostly what I don't want is any attention. If the "death cultists feeding innocent women to death" narrative became commonplace, you'd need at least something to fight back.
>>41418 (OP)
I love that the flag is a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich
“F-slur”? Dick sucking buttfuckers aren’t a protected class, they’re just another group of whiney white people who wanna get away with having popper fueled parade sex in front of children.
They are people trying to live their lives and have sex with consenting adults, they have faced a lot of persecution for who they are, they do need protection and love.

For all this, there are FAs that are queer. There's gay men who dig larger men, lesbians who dig plumper women. Heck there are probably male FAs that are bi or female fat admirers that are bi. I do feel a lot of the voices in these circles are often straight dudes gushing about the love of plump women.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed
Honestly, these fag-hags get annoying, it’s just a union of professional dick suckers.
Everywoman on Feabie claims they’d date a non-binary XYZ but are all getting paid by the same heteronormative chads when they aren’t gold digging.
(And you know none of this tenderqueer empathy applies to broke men of color, it’s just whining Beckies).
(47 KB, 254x247, Furfagmeme.jpg)
Kisame here. There is no persecution of adults for having sex lives. As the resident medicated schizo, I just make breast expansion and pregnancy to replicate the simulation of cartoons. Furfags were the ones to embrace Elon Musk's PayPal to own fundies. They're just mad he applied the golden rule to Twitter and did it cause Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire, Charlie Kirk red pilled him on the conspiracy theory.
Gays are /fit/ anon. You can't be fat in a gay household cause it turns to cellulite. Only Pierce Bronson cares for his fat wife.
It's a flag from like a decade ago, chill out.

Right now, nobody cares about this fetish, and the less they do the better, so making pride flags is counterproductive. But imagine a world where the "murder fetishists feeding manipulable women to death* narrative becomes mainstream.
>I agree that it's not a queer sexuality

This is technically incorrect. The definition used for "queer" comes from David Halperin: "queer is by definition whatever is at odds with the normal, the legitimate, the. dominant" You do NOT want to identify with the queer label, however, because it is a mechanism to radicalize for communist revolutionary purposes. "You're weird, society is normal and oppressing you with its normalcy. You must help overturn society for the Commune, comrade."

The mechanism is basically to find a property, abstract or concrete (in this case, being "normal"), create identities of "haves" and "have nots", and then create a label. Because if you can label something, you can gatekeep, control, and subvert it for the revolution.

Such an identity would also go against the Fat Liberationists, because they don't like being sexualized BECAUSE of their oppressed identity. I'm sure everyone here has interacted with a fat women who doesn't like the fact that someone likes that they're fat, or that someone likes their fat features. This discord is by design, to create alienation to break apart society.

A cursory reading of their theory will also illustrate how closely tied to p3do shit it is. The book "Thinking Sex" by Gayle Rubin is the founding doc and is obsessed with "boy lovers". The best thing the LGBs could do is shrug off the TQ, because there will be a societal reckoning that will leave them ostracized.

TL;DR Say no to flags!
>>41418 (OP)
I guess I am just a big time hippie who doesn't like flags of any kind, as they only serve division between humans.

But if youre gonna do this just do a body positivity flag or something. Virtue signalling liberal gym owners can put them outside and advertise how you will not be body shamed or something.
No we should include trans and queer people they are as much part of the LGBTQ community as much as lesbians, bis and gays. The community was founded by these individuals banding together against a society that couldn't understand them. Trans people are trying to live their lives. Gay and bi people going against trans people is no better than when rich blacks hang around rich whites and disconnect themselves from the black community. Especially with the idea that those in their community should change to be "more acceptable" to society rather than have society change to accept them. That's what these gay people are doing by saying that trans people should be "normal" to be acceptable to those in power.

>No we should include trans and queer people they are as much part of the LGBTQ community as much as lesbians, bis and gays.

"""Community""". Please see "Gays Against Groomers" and the Anti-trans/TERF movement within the gay/lesbian populace. There is no one force within those numbers, and their previous coalition is falling apart - mostly due to Queers demanding people have sex with others irrespective of their sex or sexuality. See: the Super-Straight meme from a few years ago.

>The community was founded by these individuals banding together against a society that couldn't understand them.

The GSA was about rights like marriage and next of kin, that were denied them previously. The Queer movement criticizes gay marriage because it is a "normalizing force", which keeps people from radicalizing.

This always comes up. LGB people are biological essentialists. Followers of Critical Gender Ideology (Trans and Queers) believe gender is something you do, not who you are, and demand reification of their beliefs by everyone else. "I am something other than my sex, and now everyone else has to behave that way in order to make it real".

>Trans people are trying to live their lives.

Nevermind the AGP or autism implications. The aspect of it that most people are rejecting is the social contagion and perceived grooming of children.

>Gay and bi people going against trans people is no better than when rich blacks hang around rich whites and disconnect themselves from the black community.

Lol "no better" WEW LAD

"Rich blacks should coalesce with working class blacks and not people who have more in common with them day to day because...well because they just should, okay???"

You want them to be politically Black, not just black. And politically Black people are expected to do and be in one way, which is why anyone who doesn't parrot critical theory is considered a race traitor, or the "black face of white supremacy".

As the resident black man of the expansion community, I don't know what the activists wing of the party is trying to imply. Wealthy black conservatives tend to renounce secular wealthy whites and their cohort Jewish businessmen because the average black man makes less than two dollars below their minority counterparts. The black conservatives like Clarence Thomas abandon Savannah for Virgina or they try to remain in Dallas and vote Republican cause black men want cops to treat them middle class citizens.
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>>41418 (OP)
Yes it does. Fat fetishism is a kink, a sexuality. There are pride flags for that (and for much weirder ones than ours). My favorite being the one for Rubber/Latex. You would have to be delusional to not acknowledge how these things are (indeed, have been) related to the LGBT community. Cry more.
Yeah, cause I know a lot of fat "sexuality" like feederism and gaining don't have inherently sexual connotations. Like, I've met Ace people who had fat kinks.

For me though, it's more a preference than anything else. Beyond a wee bit of fat chat and belly play, the kinkier stuff ain't really my wheelhouse.
Kisame here. I sucked 5 fucking cocks today, by the way and am a massive faggot who won't use the name field for a god-forsaken reason. Also, I threw a puppy out of a 5th story window into a tree yesterday
Try a little harder with your ragebait next time
Try a little harder with your ragebait next time
What rage bait? We have a storm
Maybe it a white woman impersonating Kisame17. They always do that bang men and kick dogs nonsense
>>41418 (OP)

I'd never use a flag like this, but I also don't give a fuck if people do. It's about my lowest priority of things to be angry about.
I would think that feedism would be a darling of the billionaire set that's been encouraging and possibly funding depopulation agendas, like pro-gay and anti-family. Can't have beautiful babies when you're 700 lbs.
How does depopulation benefit billionaires…?
They need workers and less people means less workers.
Plus there can be queer people that are into bigger bodies, there are gay men that dig larger men and lesbians that love larger ladies. Heck there are probably bisexual men that dig large men and women and bisexual women that love large women and men.

There probably are loads of people like this but they just aren't present in a lot of these spaces as most of this is straight men venting about their lust for plump women. Very rarely do we get women venting about their lust for plump men. Or hear of lesbians with a thing for larger women or bi people who love plump men and women. Since most of this site is dudes talking about hot fat babes.
I also see a dislike towards plump men. I imagine that so many of us are used to bigger men in fiction, but rarely see plump women in a story. It's a given/okay for men to be large and fat. But fat women are almost non existent. This is starting to change more and more nowadays. I just figure with us men, we're so tired of how common fat men are in stories that we want stuff with more plump women (especially showing off her bod) and are hostile towards seeing larger men being sexual. After all, a women isn't seen as a fat admirer for having a larger husband. This is seen as common/normal. That a woman be thin/curvy and her husband be large and fat. It's common in a lot of sitcoms. We want more of the reverse. More thin/hot guys with big fat women. Or at most fat men with fat women.
If you're seriously wondering why there are fat dudes in stories, it's an easy way to justify a character flaw without being too mean-spirited. Somebody like Homer can be implied to be dumb, unfit, and impulsive from his weight, but his health isn't so terrible that existing would kill him, and he can at least be funny/jovial about it. Men usually can make up for their appearance in other ways, since in order to be a successful dude, you either got people skills, technical knowledge, or just flat-out rich. Look no further than everyone's favorite fat bastard, Santa Claus.

For women, though, most of their appeal in stories is somewhat based on their looks, and don't usually go for the "Hero's Journey" self improvement arc that men usually overcome to be exceptional. For something as simple as being fat, they usually don't have the personality to compensate, or be swallowed by jealousy or envy that prevents them from being content with their size. If they're recently big, that may lead them to be the gossiper of the town to get an edge up from their predicament. Even in the most ideal situations, fat comedians are rarely successful; for every Rosanne, there's an Amy Scheumer, and for every hourglass mom archetype with a little more sand, they're usually side characters to the main character. Mrs. Claus can be hot depending on the angle, but she rarely shows up in stories about the North Pole

tl;dr Women are more often potrayed as being insecure about their size, and don't usually have the charm to take the negative comments. It's still free real estate for a story to have a main character that's a fat girl and likeable. But in mainstream media? Probably not, Mike and Molly's schtick got old fast. That's why it's always stuck in "the writer's barely disguised fetish" episodes where the team doesn't care about filler episodes.

The fact that fat female comedians can make jokes about weight solely is pretty lame. I don't know any female fat influencer whose content isn't based on her weight. This is probably biased since I don't care much about social media and other countries have a higher obesity rate, which (I guess) makes it easier for fat people to be famous beyond their weight.
I can see that, the double standard that men don't have to care as much for their appearance, while women must look beautiful/sexy and that's what's important, regardless of how smart/skilled she is in whatever. It's brought up how this double standard is present in character designs. Men can be big and muscular, tall and skinny, short, fat, old, etc. While most to all women in a story must be thin, curvaceous and leggy. Our desire here is to have more women that are fat and own being fat and for her to be treated as sexy/beautiful. As well as for more stories with fat women that doesn't end with her dieting and getting thin and becoming her "true self" while going on a hypocritical "it's what's inside that counts" message.
Fat men are failed men: Soft. Physically and mentally weak. They’re the embodiment of everything bad for men: gluttonous, greedy, slothful.
Skinny weak men aren’t any better.
Men should have more pride and self control than to let themselves be such embarrassments.
Males of all species are supposed to be bringing home the bacon and fighting off predators. What kind of man hero just sits around eating, letting himself be too fat and out of shape to be as heroic as he could be.
A fat wife is fertile, maternal, domestic. A fat man is just a overgrown baby.
Honestly I’m flattered. Thank you.
That’s a high effort meme and the handsome dude in it looks pretty cool.
Actually there are people attracted to the softness of a fat man or enjoy fat rugged or fat hairy men and the masculinity such a dude exudes.
You're proving my point at what I'm saying how we love plump women and will talk about her positives but fat men are something that we are infuriated at and get huffy at. Just how there's a double standard in this community regarding men and the presence of men in art with fat women.

On BWS thread there was an argument at how tiresome it is to see yet more BBW lesbians and why the artist should have more men in their stuff. The arguments against this were "WE DON'T WANT DUDES NAKED! WE DON'T WANT GUY BUTTS!" and then people saying how repetitive it is to have yet more lesbians in stuff and how there can be men but not guy butts and then just a whole argument over whether or not there should be men in art with fat women.

Personally, I want to be equal opportunity with fanservice in my work. I will have fat men and fat women near nude and full nude. As well as men going with men and women going on women. If that infuriates of disgusts you, fuck you.

You're on an image board for dudes who enjoy women that weigh more than baby elephants, can you really not fathom that there may be some who enjoy the other gender the same way
He’s right tho. Strong fat is not what we’re talking about here. You know you mean bitchtits.

Yeah I can see art of large men just being passive, gluttonous fatties and not strong fatties. There can be different guys in the gay community with different types when it comes to larger men.
I also wondered if there are bisexual people that are into plumper people. Like guys who like fat men and women and women who love women and men, but they just aren't present much because we have this dichotomy of being gay/straight. You either love women or men. You can never be bi or bicurious. You can't be a straight guy/woman with gay fantasies or be a bisexual person expressing what you find attractive in a partner. I hear a lot of bisexual people, but less about what they find sexy in a partner and are attracted to. Much less FA Bisexual people. I feel that liking fat chicks can be part of the LGBTQ+ community.
I'm sure as soon as I mention I have gay fantasies, you'll all throw "Gay", "Gaytard", "Faggot", "Faglord" even as I say I also think of women and how I'm clearly delusion and only want men and that it can't be possible to fantasize about men and women.
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Dude. There’s no need to ironically call you any sort of homosexual slur.
You’re obviously gay as shit and repressing it. Or bisexual. Either way, it’s cool. Be you.
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And there are plenty of bisexual people out there. It’s honestly a boring conversation most people don’t want to have in public.
Plenty of dudes have a wife and suck dick.
It's refreshing to hear this, I often expect to hear angry, homophobic stuff on this board. To immediately follow what I said with "we'll you're clearly gay and denying it" and then a whole argument will follow from there. With someone using gay as an insult, or using words like faggot or faglord, it's refreshing to hear you say what you said, thank you.
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Good for you examining your own preferences with an open mind. Accepting your preferences is awesome.
As much as sexuality is fluid, I think there's a level of forgiveness with fap material and the gay/straight spectrum. Especially if you're into the supersized and beyond. Who among us got interested in a picture of a body or a piece of art before it was revealed it's actually a guy?

I mean hell, this one guy with a smooth face and was hospitalized at over 1,000lbs broke the flood gates for me. I'm not fully bisexual, I just have a type with fat guys. It's so niche I can't imagine it manifesting IRL. So I guess I'm a 1-2 on the Kinsey Scale.
I want nothing to do with dicks or men's assholes, body hair, etc. I'm middle aged and never had a gay experience. But I admit to a fascination with very fat men that's similar to what I feel for very fat cis women. I guess that's why they call what I have a fat fetish, one that goes beyond "preference" (though I have that as well). The idea of someone being overwhelmed by their own fat fascinates me no matter which gender.
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Who here hasn’t seen a bedbound fat man and just been in awe of the vulnerability and dependency
Weird that this still makes its rounds.

I remember the discussion of trying to find a subtle way to identify feedists at events like bbw bashes so you didn't have to bring up kink talk in a vanilla setting where it might not be welcome, but someone could still pick you out if they were into it.

Even back then it seems there were bbws who wanted their weight ignored and those who wanted you to be into their body and you had no idea which one you were talking to until you said the wrong thing.
No one dont even. No one.
This whole alphabet soup is a fucking joke these days, exasperated by people who are proud to be that other wonderous term, 'woke'.

The soup doesn't even make sense anymore as the definition of them all is so wide. Now it doesn't refer to mere sexual preferences it's just a joke and it's getting more common to hear the first 3 want out.

LGB makes sense.All definitions of sexual preferences.

Girls who like girls,
Boys who like boys,
Girls and boys who like girls or boys,

As soon as trans is stuck in there the sexual preference is out of whack. Trans are people who believe they are born in the wrong body and have the desire to challenge it.

Further along the Trainwreck of lettering we get to people who are Asexual, someone who has no sexual engagement or attraction.

Shoving them all in one alphabet soup just gives the woke folk this idea they can throw out tirades of abuse at people with no regard to the fact that their own actions are usually far worse than who and what triggered them. All socially engineered just to rail people into being controlled in the future.

You're not pushing me into the fucking soup. I'm sexually attracted to fat women and have a porn preference of super fat women. I've never felt any gay attraction, always felt like I'm male, and dont ever see it changing.

Stick your alphabet soup up your ass, or better still leave it in the bowl, sprinkle it with a little cheese, grab a baguette for dipping and let a fat girl eat it.

The world has gone fucking nuts

Ok. Date who you want then. Make sure to factor in your persecution fetish too.
I rather make 50k per year working for myself then work in a matrix simulation for 750k per year with some douchebag telling me how to run my business. Elon musk doesnt need permits or permission to launch in space! BIG BUKU FUCKING MONEY! Thats why! Goal is to get money. Fuck everything else

Yeah calm down you limey bastard. This shit does not matter lmao. Whether you like it or not, you have a mode of sexuality that is deviant from the norm. It's still heterosexual, but it's different from normies. That gives you some limited kinship with queer people. Regardless, doesn't matter, and has nothing to do with trans people or asexuals destroying society or whatever. Like chill bruh.
Those groups have banded together because they're all sexual/gender minorities who've been oppressed and discriminated against in the past, and there's strength in numbers. In terms of lobbying for rights, 30 million people make more of an impact than three, right?

Like, back during the AIDS crisis lesbians were among the least affected, for obvious reasons. Yet they made common cause with male homosexuals because they realized the middle finger public health authorities were giving AIDS sufferers was inspired by the same prejudice that prevented lesbians from marrying or adopting children, or how could be let go from a job or denied housing for being gay.

So just admit you're annoyed by it, even though it really doesn't affect your life in any way.

> just gives the woke folk this idea they can throw out tirades of abuse at people with no regard to the fact that their own actions are usually far worse than who and what triggered them

Are they? Do you have some data to back that up? I'm a straight FA too but I've lived with and among gays and a few trans for years and find they throw out abuse at basically the same rate as straight cis folks.
Kenny should be out first but they keep sending out white people because theyre racist agents who need to be shoot and murdered
Swear to god im going to the yard with my semi automatic and shoot up every building im tired of these prejudice whites. Im going to end them this week. Dont give a fuck no more
Follow tom home and his faggit henchmen raise hell on all of this year. Push them the fuck out!!!!!!!!
I dunno. I argue Gen Z is close to Cosby kids or happy meal kids in terms of diversity than costumed vigilantes. They simp for Chun Li or relate to Jiren because they want to have the be the hero who punishes the bad guys. It's not like millennials who identify as the P3 team, Akatsuki, Organization XIII, Espada or the Frieza Force cause they're wagies doing their job. Part of the problem is that the Sailor Scouts and Z-Warriors are the only two factions that feel like friends.
I am not talking politics. It's Trump this, Trump that, Taylor Swift at Chiefs this on television. I argue Okusan was better when she was a femme fatale using sex to assert herself in front of her husband's boss. Making her a senile boomer having children made her boring. It's why I am not into Spyx Family. Yor is a Boomer
You're not pushing me into the fucking soup. I'm sexually attracted to fat women and have a porn preference of super fat women. I've never felt any gay attraction, always felt like I'm male, and dont ever see it changing.
1000% most repressed gay man I’ve ever read.
Just accept your gay brah.

Bit of projection going on here 'brah'? Haha...

Get that cock sucked just like daddy likes, right back all the way and pukey, nigga boy.
Accuses him of being crypto gay and projecting
>Bit of projection going on here 'brah'? Haha

Were you that loser in middle school who thought that repeating an insult back at the person who said it verbatim didn’t make you look like a massive bitch.

Straight or not buddy, I’d fuck your in that tight little ass cause you’re obviously a bottom.
>Check the news. Biden voters have to write their name in to circumvent the rules on NH because they snubbed the state to pander to blacks in Black History Month

This is sad on so many levels and shows Biden voters are in denial that their candidate is going to lose to Trump.. He's even getting heckled by the social justice left
We still have Trump voters who think awesomeness equals extra votes. No matter how passionate you are, you only get one vote.

7 million more people cast votes for the other guy last time. That’s why Trump lost. It’s just inconvenient math.
Eric Adams is already conspiring to ratfuck Biden, so is Charlemagne the God.
That's not it. The left are pretty much recycling old ideas as new. They're bringing back John Stewart cause their army of millionaire comedians still want to tell the same Trump jokes. I've heard from black journalists that the network pushes Trump too much and it's alienating them with black voters, creating a perception that Biden voters are sucking oxygen out of the room. How is John Stewart going to appeal to a modern NY that's more Muslim, Sikh, Asian, Ukrainian, Russian?
She didnt tell you cut off all that hair yet? Suprised. Her booty getting big lol
You’re not getting it. It’s not sports. Just because YOU think Trump is a better president doesn’t mean more people voted for him.

Lumping everything you don’t like/don’t understand into a giant bucket and labeling it “wokeness” is kind of stupid. Or it makes people who say it sound stupid.
I flat out don't know what wokeness is. I am far removed from internet
Boomers wether they be left or right hates the internet because they can't make a quick buck off of it. I argue Trump is restoring the internet back to early YouTube where guys are just making videos to pass time. It's like how Tucker Carlson is refining the government conspiracies.
>When the worst insult they can think of is that you're just like them
>Implying the Left and Right aren't just two sides of the same jewish coin

Well done for reading this thread, it's quite the shit show.
An umbrella term for leftist conspiracies that the MSM (and the ESG) believes. They basically believe white, heterosexual men are a shadowy cabal and must be dismantled at all cost, with no presumption for innocence. The irony is that they own so much of the monopoly board now that they can't blame their own failures on a boogeyman, and every mistake they make validates the far right as the left is deemed as cheating degenerate idiots.

If a gay person wants same sex while staying in their lane, fine by me. But if they're obsessed with grooming children starting at preschool to take over institutions to engage in purity spirals because they hate straight people that much, it will only lead to civil strife and decay. Respect the sneeders who made you, and they will respect you.
MAGA doesn't have power which is precisely the point. It's why Iran and Hamas are so effective and why Trump is effective. The ability to cloak one's energy is handy. Biden is losing because he wants power to rule the world which is so old fashioned.
In France, the conservatives farmers have to be appeased so they don't hurt the left during election season.
i'm pretty sure macron is a centre-right liberal and among his opposition is the left but I know Americans can't fathom political shades of gray
Center-right Dems are voting for RFK or Joe Manchin leaving Biden with his army of college students
Then again nerds like Vivek thinks the Chiefs game is all part of a conspiracy to win for Biden. I guess the Steelers and Eagles don't appeal to conspiracy nuts like the Raiders, Patriots, Jets
Yeah I don't want this

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