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I’m a young guy, 19, in college, and I’m decently good with women. I’ve had several opportunities to have sex but I keep having trouble staying hard while with girls. Basically I’ve realized that the frequency that I look at and beat to fat chick porn has been messing with my irl sexual experiences. I’m not on the nofap wave or anything like that. I was hoping to find some guys that are going through the same thing so we could support each other quitting. I want to start a group chat, completely anonymous, not sure what app to use though. Maybe, snapchat. Anyone interested?
Nah man. Were you actually into these girls or was it just an opportunity to smash some sloppy drunken Becky?
Yeah, several girlfriends actually, and they were on the heavier side, so its not that.
Maybe they were ugly? Post and we’ll be the judge.
>>41273 (OP)
Your impotence is directly tied to being a Scott Pilgrim fan.
>>41273 (OP)
please don’t assemble a gooner council, that’s not the way to go about this if there is one

just work it down, do it a little less every day

got the urge? do some work, you’re in college, you always have shit to do
I don't think it's porn, though if you think it's a problem it probably is. You have performance anxiety from lack of self esteem. Get into TM or see a therapist.
This, quit while you still can.

I shouldve done the same at your age but now 15 years later it's impossible to stop.

Liking fat girls has nothing to do with it, it's the porn itself.
Nah. I jacked off 6 times a day at his age.
Still fucked mad pussy. Like, another handful of times a day.
Busting a nut keeps your testosterone high. Porn only makes it easier to understand and control your erections and orgasms.
Maybe you’re gay or just not attracted to these girls/situations. Maybe you’re in your head with performance anxiety. The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here.
Everyones different pirn can have negative effect on some peoples sex life and porn-induced erectile dysfunction is a studied thing. Just like with anything that surges dopamine there's going be be people who wont experience any negative effects and then you have those who turn into addicts
>>41273 (OP)
Hey man, I'm a few years older and honestly had pretty similar worries and troubles when I was 19. It was still early days with having sex at that point for me, as it may be for you, and I remember encountering issues with staying hard with girls. After lots of stress and worries and doubts about my relationship to porn and to being an FA, I honestly just found that I I wasn't used to the feeling of pussy, and that a girl needs to be sufficiently fat to have sex with for me. After a good few tries and an understanding gf, I quickly got used to the feeling of pussy as opposed to my hand. And I really lost interest in trying to fuck girls who I found were pretty, but I knew weren't sexually satisfactory: i.e. fat. And since then I've fucked some girls who I had zero emotional connection with, frankly did not find their body particularly beautiful, but I was horny and she was a fat girl to fuck. No problems with sex. Last time I tried with a cute slim girl, bad night for performance.

In short, maybe you need to get truly used to the feeling of vaginal sex still( was the case for me. It takes awhile) and accept that your sexuality may simply skew away from petite women. I'll confess, I'm not fully out of the woods with self doubt around being an FA, but the more I think about my own sexuality the more I realize that a fat woman is the only true path for sexual satisfaction, and trying to force enjoyment with a skinny woman is setting myself up for disappointment. And if you're on this site, that may be the case for you.
She still think you wont leave. Now thats funny my dude.

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