
(58 KB, 750x797, E85EAFFE-CC7F-4BFE-8503-CA30B9A33F7C.jpeg)
I myself am I fat girl and i want and desire nothing more for her to whip me and beat me and make me her slave. perfect female form. so amazing. i want to be her. or be with her. both at the same time.
tits or gtfo
no!please don't take away my internet. you don't understand how much i need it. it's my whole life.
>>41208 (OP)
stop making threads everywhere you fat biiiiiitch.
This is the 5th counting the 2 in bbw and one each on the trans and ssbbw board.
(195 KB, 710x525, bruv moment.png)
And stop claiming to be a femanon without specifying (mtf) just to garner more attention, stay on /ee/
is that fucking kim jong Un
im sorry, you got me. i wasn't trying to be excessively annoying on purpose.
nah, it's whatever really lol.
but go outside sometime you gooner.
gooner? i never even coom
i should touch grass regardless thoufh
>never even coom
huh, is it like impossible after bottom surgery or what?
not even being rude, i don't understand what you are.
anomalous creature.

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