
I find it a bit cute, not necessarily hot. It also depends on what she does afterwards and why she's doing it. Ideally, she belches from eating a massive meal that makes her feel on the edge of uncomfortably stuffed, and this makes her a tiny bit embarrassed and blushy until I say "Awwww..." and rub her massive belly.
I'm not into the slob and no-shame sort of things you often find here. I wouldn't find huge loud belches on a frequent basis very hot, because it says the girl doesn't care about how others see her and it makes each belch a sign of slovenness. Belching should be a rare sign of her being at her maximum level of indulgence, relaxation and gluttony, and being undone by it enough that she no longer has the strength and stomach capacity to hide the signs of her gluttony.
Food burps are hot
Liquid/air burps are not
I find the dichotomy of a cute girl doing “non-ladylike" actions like burping nonchalantly and loudly. Also it's the best sign of gluttony for me, a girl who's eaten so much she has to let air out.
I agree that food burps are the best, stuffing vids with plenty of belches are peak.
I think I'm more of a burp fetisher than a fat one tbh, can't really get off on a vid if it doesn't have burps on it. Big girls belching make my brain go brrrr.

I am also into braps for similar reasons
I already have a burp fetish outside of being into fat girls, so a fat girl burping is naturally pretty hot to me. Especially is it's after a huge meal. Natural burps are far superior to any on command airy stuff.
I don't really find bodily functions hot at all. But absolutely hot for adjacent consequences. The only belch I enjoyed from a woman is right after she swallowed my load to fast after oral. Not into braps, but get excited that her ass will be potent when I worship/smell her later that day.

Same. Shameless fat women are my ideal. A big fat woman just casually letting out a huge unapologetic belch is instant turn-on.

The food ones are good, but after marriage my favorite have become the ones when she gets up after sitting or laying down for awhile. Without fail, every time my wife stands up after being on the couch for a few hours, the trapped gas will free up and she'll let out a huge burp. It's so cute.

I won't get into all of the things that make a woman attractive to me since this is more about burps but it's essentially the whole package of a fat, confident and spolied woman, and burping whenever you feel like is definitely part of that.
Bro same. I always liked burps and videos where a fat girl is burping a lot is like gold to me. I can still get off on a video with barely any burps if it's not a chugging/stuffing video. Burps are like a must have if you are doing a stuffing and especially a chugging video unless someone established themselves as peak hot to me like Candii Kayn, Tianastummy, etc.

Funny enough I do not like air burps or feel attracted towards a skinny girl burping. Air burps all just sound the same and weird and forced sounded burps doesn't do it for me. Only one I like that does that is vora-cious. And every skinny girl has the fucking same burp and my brain is already fucked up where I can't be bricked watching a skinny girl.
Fr, Tiana and Candii get a no burp pass just by how hot they are. Tho Candii does let out more belches occasionally.
I have that problem with LisaLou too, for a girl her size and with all that she eats she never burps.

Whether or not air burps sound forced depends on the context. In porn they probably mostly are forced because they're essentially actresses playing a part, but irl they can be hot.

For example, if a big woman burps because she has trapped gas from laying around watching tv on the couch for 3 hours, and finally had to get up to use the bathroom or grab more chips or something... that's fairly hot to me. If she burps during sex because me being on top of her big belly forces one out, that's also hot. But just sitting there forcing them out for no reason isn't.
Even better than burps from being on top of her and pushing them out, is the big burps coming out when she's on top riding me and bpuncing around with a full belly. Training the gf to basically expect sex after almost any big dinner is one of the best life choices I ever made lol

How do we feel about burps in public/in front of other people? As my gf has gotten bigger/piggier/gassier, she has gotten less and less concerned about how she "presents" herself in public. She's also often had a bit of a problem with acid reflux, even when she was a relatively skinny teenager, so as she's gotten comfy being with me, she'll just let loose in bars and restaurants and stores. For awhile, she would say something like "I gotta burp" before she erupted, but nowadays I havent heard that in awhile. Depending on how I'm feeling and the context of where we are, this public belching is either the hottest thing imaginable to me or genuinely mortifying.
As long as she keeps up her appearance and stays a lady in public, she can burp and brap as much as she pleases around me. In private, I'll even enable it be kissing her right after she belches. Or she braps bent over in doggy, I'll kiss her ass. Anything to assure there's no judgement while we're together.
After extensive revision of Cakedupkayyla's latest vid (kind guy uploaded it on her thread) I came, and also came to the conclusion that it's the hottest burping video I have ever seen.
World class burps, of all kinds, including soda and stuffing belches, top notch stuffing and quality belly rubs to accompany it. Everything that's been described on why belching clips are so good is there.
Thanks for the recommendation, my guy. It really is a next-level clip
It's a toss up between her, FeedistDani, and HelaBBW (when she was still around)
(159 KB, 1179x1536, RDT_20231008_1604456843760676810781065.jpg)
Cakedupkayyla is like a jack of all trades in a way, but instead of being average she's top tier in all of them.

Like big asses? Her ass has a nice plump shape. Like big tits? Hers are big and not over-exaggerated. Like big bellies? She has one of the best bellies of any BBW. Like pretty faces? She's very attactive and her face is not a blob. Like big burps? She burps nearly every video and are extremely hot. Like quality content? She's super consistent and each video is great.

You can tell I'm a big fan of hers but she's just near perfect imo. She will always be in my top 5 favorite models and more should check her out.
Pre pregnancy Dani was god tier, perfect burps, she hasn't been quite the same afterwards >>42605
I agree with everything in this statement
Does she brap?
>And every skinny girl has the fucking same burp
Funny enough my sister is pretty thin and has the loudest deepest burps I have ever heard in my life like comically loud. I am dating a girl almost 3 times her size and she puts her burps to shame. I don't have a fetish for burping though so maybe it's just boring coming from a skinny girl
Only in my dreams

I personally like it when they're a bit stifled in public, but they still happen. Like she's so used to just burping whenever that they'll slip out from time to time.
tbf she hasn't really done any vids post pregnancy
She's only posted a few small things since her pregnancy and a few backlog videos she shot during the latter stages of pregnancy. Hopefully she returns to full time content this year.
I dated a girl a few years back who got so used to burping around me that I caught her a number of times letting them slip out in public and she barely noticed. She would just be looking at her phone or whatever and just erupt in front of everyone. She was crazy, but she was one hot gas pig.

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