
Why do you make yourself out to be a creep for something that isn't even creepy? Linked girl literally has a picture of her celebrating being 18?

But to answer your question nah, we younger guys also have to have our SSBBW's our own age to look at not only ones pushing 30 and well over that, I haven't heard of her before. Feel free to drop more names if you've got any.
Age of consent in France is 16, non? 18 in the USA. It may be creepy if you're older than 35 or so but you're not a pedo.
>>41029 (OP)
shes 19 man but why say fat teens u acting weird
You're fuckin sick in the head
Just because they’re legal doesn’t make it right lol. If you’re in your early twenties it’s ok I guess. If you’re any older than that like, 30+… yeah you’re weird as fuck man
> If you’re any older than that like, 30+… yeah you’re weird as fuck man
What's weird about it? An attractive woman in her thirties doesn't look all that different from an attractive woman who's just turned twenty, especially when you're talking about bbws.
for real fat makes you look younger
Im 24

thanks guys
You do not understand evolution, I would like to take this prime young porker at peak fertility and fill her full of FEED and SEED!
this. linked girl is 19 but calling the thread "fat teens" and assuming you do look at younger based on that.. is in fact pedo behavior
I actually prefer MILFs and even GILFs but I think the pedo tag gets thrown around way too much, to where it's all but lost its meaning. (That most of the guys throwing it around support an ex-president who's a personal moral holocaust, sexually harassing teens and so on, makes it that much more ridiculous.)

A guy who's into post-pubescent women is not a pedophile by any real definition. The dude might be fucked up in other ways, especially if he's significantly older than that, but he's not mentally ill. It's how men are wired, to be into women of childbearing age.

Legally speaking, 18 and 19 year olds are literally teenagers yet over the age of consent in the US. Plus this is an international board and other countries have it at 15-17.

Not to mention that of all places, a fetish chan really shouldn't be the place where people flex their moral superiority for brownie points (npi). Seems like a lot of overcompensation going on...
Linking a guy who is attracted to an 18-y-o girl to pedophilia can only come from Ameritards who think that 21 should be the legal drinking age and 80 should be the maximum speed limit on freeways.
That's right but I don't look at younger, it's just the fact that being so huge at 18-21 means these girls could probably end up in the 600 by 30
(177 KB, 1024x760, pol-96.jpg)
Around 16 in most European countries
Jesus Christ how have she gotten so fucking fat already by then
Lol Come to the land of the free (soda refills). I've seen way bigger 16 year olds.

Think it's just the hospital gown making her look humungous. In casual clothes she's probably just regular fat, probably a bit under 300 pounds. Far from impossible to see in Europe.
Any word on how she's doing nowadays?
Age of consent is 15 in France. It's a rare exception which intellectuals and politicians have taken advantage of for decades. :-)

looked it up, she's doing fine
So what your saying is, she needs to be bigger
oh my fucking god
all im saying is, if shes still even alive
if that's "healthy" i want this prime age piggy to be whatever level they call unhealthy before 18
tried reverse image searching and only thing that came up is someone on Curvage askin the same thing.

the first one is pretty fuckable but tbh idk if i like the other ones... One isnt even a teen lol
Damn how do you find these? Do you have more?

Yet if the genders were reversed, you'd be giving him a high five. Gotta love double standards.

It's okay for a 20 year old guy to hook up with a woman in her 40s, but God forbid a 30 year old man going out with a 19 year old.
Long over due divorce cheating on each other enough hurting lol
lmfao its this social justice shit again... if you used gender neutral pronouns they wouldnt give a fuck so "theyre" old enough to consent to have sex and "theyre" hot as fuck and I want "them" morbidly obese for sex before theyre 17
(115 KB, 1465x1100, 20231208_222834-COLLAGE.jpg.103aea61415b866a08c5f90fdc9fe4e6.jpg) (123 KB, 1465x1100, 20240103_232333-COLLAGE.jpg.0fcd4c191f4ca28fcc6c901840685874.jpg) (137 KB, 1465x1100, 20240103_232635-COLLAGE.jpg.3996f9611101146fd743cca35a59049d.jpg) (152 KB, 1465x1100, 20240103_233342-COLLAGE.jpg.52139b059926f8dfaf951801dfbf9057.jpg) (124 KB, 1465x1100, 20240103_233422-COLLAGE.jpg.a7ffbe8017a3e785a07a63dcfa6c5430.jpg)
do any french people know who this (french) girl is? the curvage poster is gatekeeping her even though she obviously has >10000 followers. Google Image search changed the algorithm so it withhold TikTok results
Show me dem fat young girls, YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Guys hit up chickenugget on feabie, she is seriously massive despite her profile photos showing otherwise. I’m talking 340+. Complete land whale, seems to gain really quickly and has a huge perfectly round belly
Who is this?
I said ill hire your punk ass boyfriend if u let me fuck tonight. Youre hired
>>41029 (OP)
>am I a pedo

Yes. You disgust me, like all French people do. Fuck the French.
Thoughts don't make you a pedo, actions do. Fantasy is fantasy.

I've shot rope to clips of obese children but do I want to be anywhere near them irl? Fuck no.

I'd let her convert me to Protestantism god damn
Why did you admit to jacking it to CP wtf ew
I usually have a pretty high tolotance, but yeah this is one of the worse posts I have ever seen on this website.

Frankly, I think you should honestly be banned from here.
Doesn't really look any exceptionally big tbh. But obviously great she's fine now.
Can we get some 14 or 15 year olds in here that are at least 250 pounds?
That's oddly specific, but I guess you're of that age yourself lol

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