
It could possibly be the fact that there are more ADHD and Austists that are willing to admit it outloud. Response bias would be a hard thing to overcome when it comes to admiting a fetish.
Majority of the fat models claim autism
Other way around. Liking big women is one of many causes of autism
The weight and softness are stimulating.
That's my rationale for it, at least when it pertains to me.
CC said that the models are here for the paycheck.
That being autistic has nothing to do with the fetish per se just that it’s an easy paycheck for autistic girls who don’t wanna figure out the work world.
This is why the recent crop of content producers are so boring and homogenous, autistic girls trying to follow a script and copy successful fetishists. Like, the world does not need another mid-sized mid-grade bbw in a cow print bikini, the market is saturated.
>>40585 that's not what i said at all lol, i said if anything the girls with autism are the ones who are actually into it. it's just an incredible perk that we can make a living off taking horny fat pictures instead of having to go to vocational therapy on the states dime
also there's a pretty well known but poorly researched connection between paraphilia and neurodivergence, the thing i wonder about is why i got the fat fetish and not a thing for feet or something
Kinda? As always you’re playing both sides.
>>40594 you either grossly misunderstood what i said or are being disingenuous to get me a lil irritated. worse than the waffle stomping guy.
Not really. Both can be true and you’ve presented both sides:
It can be true some models are somewhat into the fetish.
It can also be true that they are here to cash in on the community and collect a paycheck.
high T = extreme male brain = autism (high functioning)
>>40572 (OP)
Literally every fetish has obessive autists about. Retarded thread.
Nah but why BBWs specifically?
>>40572 (OP)
>Why do so many Autistic and/or ADHD people have a thing for big girls?
based on what?
Funny because BITD (90s) there was a running joke on the Dimensions boards among BBWs about how you'd meet an FA's Star Wars figures before you'd meet his friends. By which I mean we're nerds, which back in the 20th century often included folks we now call autistic.

Goes back to what makes an FA, nature or nurture, and whether it's a preference or fetish. I've yet to see an explanation that makes sense to me.
bruh get your head out of the sand.

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