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I noticed in the trailer how Lucia looked chubbier during the car scene/while she was robbing the gas station, however she looks slimmer and more jacked while in prison.

Not to mention the pawgs that were shown off during at the beach and nightclub scenes.
girl you dont think that might just be because there's a time jump??? come on

It's still weight gain bitch. Take it or leave it.
The split second white chick with an American flag bikini was kinda hot, for a video game character

Because Lucia looks better than half of the women here. You coomers have shit taste in women to the point where a video game character getting fat is one of the highlights here.
Kisame here. I play GTA. Supposedly the game takes place in fake Florida as opposed to Vice City proper just like Mafia III takes place in fake New Orleans. I think they want the Yellowstone audience despite previous titles ripping Middle America as mornings. I feel like IV's interactions are more organic. VI feels like it's trying too hard to make up for Amanda in V being a turbo whore
She's not in the game. Rockstar thinks gamers care about their stories when the appeal of GTA is mostly free roaming and doing as you please. Zoomers care more about Tenkaichi or Ultimate Ninja storm than GTA. Pokemon and Mario are the only titles people care about. Rockstar gets a pass cause it didn't go the Mortal Kombat route

>>Rockstar thinks gamers care about their stories when the appeal of GTA is mostly free roaming and doing as you please.

Speak for yourself and all the other shut-ins. If I wanted to freely roam and do whatever I please, I'll go outside.

If I'm paying $70+ for a game, then you bet your ass I expect a story that's more than shooting cops or running over hookers.
Right now the tone just stinks of shit. It seems so dead, hollow, just trash. So much brown in the video, pastel frames, fat (but ugliness). Idk, I guess my nig crime sim just got too real. Why don't we think about moving over to Europe until the nukes fall and cleanse the north american continet?
Kisame here. That's what Florida IRL looks like. Especially around Miami and Tampa
Florida is trailer trash anon. I guess they scrubbed the fundies who live in the state
Florida doesn't look like that. It's a senior citizen state where people goes to die. Incels just want to part of the Miami nightlife and not live in the states
You can always just stfu and not buy the game.

Point immediately invalidated
It's true. You incels want to roam South Beach.

I doubt it's going to come out in 2025. More like 2026 to pad for E3
Kisame, go back to your containment thread
Why don't you keyboard warriors get a real job for a change?

Your ass is probably mad cause you can't afford a PS5 or Series X. Broke boi



Go there and type in your birthday and you'll find something fucked up happening on Florida during that day.

Then again, you're probably some dude from Utah who lives underneath a rock.
>Buying Xbox and PS5

I knew niggers were wasteful, I didn't expect them to be that dumb
to be fair he said "or"

Anyone who still uses nigger as an insult has never picked up a book in their life that wasn't hentai or full of guns.

Then again, your grammar alone shows that your IQ is in the single digits.
Nigger please. You womb fuckers don't care for the libraries.

Watch out everyone, the troubled kid is getting angry. He's either going to beat his cat or shoot up a school. Let's continue to anger him to see which outcome will happen.

Lol, did Jerome take your girl or something? It's always the white boys who are the saltiest. Don't hate cause your house smells like cottage cheese and your step-dad best you when Trump lost.
Wow, you baby fuckers have no lives. It's Tuesday. Normies don't watch the news. You niggers still mad Trump isn't running for high office?

I voted for Harambe so I could care less lol. Also why are you talking about fucking babies? No wonder this place almost shut down. Too many racist pedophiles.
Whatever nigger lover.

Sure thing Chomo.
Ah yes, it's the racist pedophiles that are the problem, the regular ones are fine though.

Could care less about being called a nigger, nigger lover, porch monkey, or whatever overused insult these brain-dead white boys call me. Still won't tolerate some disgusting fuck abusing children and posting it here.


Oh boo-hoo, too many brown people for the pasty Irishman. If GTA was in Dublin, you'd be asking for Conner McGregor and Liam Neeson to make cameos.

Melanoma boy.
You can already get fat in San Andreas as CJ
since you can eat out at any restaurant and Michael is implied to be fat with his trailer trash wife and son in V. CJ is implied to be weak and you get fat throughout the game becoming like Big Smoke. Roman in IV is supposed to be fat presumably saving him from a near fatal gunshot by Faustin.
The Irish already exists in IV. They're just a parody of Irish-Americans who LARP as the IRA as a cover to rob the banks while working for the NYPD. Jesus Christ, Katie McReary was too high test
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V feels barebones in a lot of areas. Like Michael is supposed to be an overweight 50 year old yet he has no problems jumping out of helicopters and keeping up with guys half his age.

It feels like VI will borrow a lot from Read Dead 2, of which had an okayish weight gain system. Which realistically you're not going to be come a blob in the game.
As long as I can get Lucia fat and watch her thighs rub in skimpy short then we good
>>40481 (OP)
While I think it's too early for anything beyond speculation, considering that there's a weight system rdr2 there's a good chance we'll get one in 6.
Fingers crossed it'll be like SA where we'll be able to make Lucia properly fat or obese, along with unique voice lines for her and responses from NPCs.
Michael in GTA V is supposed to be kinda a take on Tony Soprano, who absolutely was a badass in his youth (despite never having the makings of a varsity athlete) and can still do the occasional badass thing in his middle age. Of course everything is exaggerated even more than on HBO, but that's the general angle.
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GTAIV was already the Sopranos-Law and Order plot right down to figuring out who's the rat and who's getting whacked. Michael is just a bank robber who LARPs as a boomer. V is not consistent with the laid back atmosphere of San Andreas where Big Smoke's actions make sense given that he owns his own property, business, eats and plays video games while having time doing radio promos. Then there's Toni Cipriani of LCS who gained weight in III. When his Ma thought he was skinny, she sent assassins after him till Salvatore Leone makes him made.

Fat people in GTA are mobsters or cop or drug barons who the player work for. IV is where it works against the player since it's Guliani era NY
>Michael in GTA V is supposed to be kinda a take on Tony Soprano, who absolutely was a badass in his youth

LMAO, Michael has always been a snake who'll snitch on his crew just to save his own ass. The fact that Madrazzo made him his bitch for half the game should've told you that.

It's sad that all of you believe that a one time feature from a 20 year game is going to magically come back.

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