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actual conversation I overheard at work today:
>be me at work
>company with 99% women (all turbo normies)
>none of them are fat, if that matters
>the girls are talking about "90 day fiance" (reality tv show)
>apparently one of the guys on that show calls his fiance "piggy" as a term of endearment
>all of the girls think this is horrifying / disgusting
>several of them said "that would literally give me an eating disorder"

Has anyone here ever actually called their partner "piggy" IRL?
It's something I've always wanted to do (as a term of endearment, not in a negative way). Even though I have dated several fat women, I've never had the balls to even broach the subject, and I think my exes probably would've had the same reaction as my coworkers
I've basically brainwashed my girl into being a feedee. Now she can't cum without me saying what a fat piggy she is.
I've had a couple partners who actively wanted me to be call them 'Piggy'. I kind of hated it. I'm a fat worship kind of guy, so I want to positively talk about how fat my partner is/is getting, plus, it kept me on my toes/creative with the euphemisms for fat and the nicknames I had to come up with instead.

Piggy was always kind of a turnoff for me, since it almost felt like insulting someone about something I loved about them. I do get the appeal, but it always felt forced when I did it to please my partner.
pigplay shit is a massive boner killer. it's just too cringe.
>I've basically brainwashed my girl into being a feedee.
How'd you manage that? And how long did it take?
Yeah, I do. When we're having sex I love telling her what a fat pig she is.
I am a big fan of the fat nicnames, but only ones that are cute and positive. Not everything can be transcripted properly, but even self conscious russian fatties dont mind if you call them a sweet or soft bun
Funny enough, my ex gf was fond of insults, like fat pig etc. It made me cringe all the time
She was already quite chunky, so I told her from the start that I like BBWs. I avoided this in the past, but being open and honest about your preferences work best. With my first wife, any tummy touches or mentioning her chunk would immediately turn her off because she would immediately feel insecure. Being honest about this from the start either (1) weeds out women where there will never be any fat-play allowed or (2) allows her to feel comfortable when you touch the fat, talk about her fat, etc during sex.

From then on, it was just operant conditioning. Basically, the more she stuffed herself, the more I focused on her pleasure. If, for example, she started a weight-loss diet, I stopped initiating sex with her, and when she initiated it, we neither of us would cum. I told her I'm sorry, that I was there to support whatever her decision was, but it would take me time to get used to the situation and be able to maintain a hard-on.

When she would finally cheat on her diet, that's when I would reward her. Naturally, I was 100% aroused, which turned her on, and I told her directly what was turning me on. Seeing her indulge herself like that really does it for me, etc. Then, as her climaxes would build, I'd get dirtier and dirtier. You can tell when her orgasms are getting more intense. That's when you tell her (after she's comfortable with it, of course) that she was meant to be your fat fucktoy, that stuffing her until she's ready to burst then fucking her brains out is her only duty, and eventually that that's all she will ever be able to do, get fatter and please you because she will be too fat to and too helplessly addicted to food to to anything else. As long as she is open to it, and you progress to that point slowly, pushing the boundaries little by little, eventually it will become her fetish as well.

I also kept her hooked on both me and our feedings with drugs. This is the part that most people would probably object to, but I dosed her regularly with F-Phenibut, about 50mg every 8 hours or so in her Crystal Light. When she would stuff herself more, I would give her more. When she would diet, I would restrict her intake. This drug is highly addictive, and those intake differences can feel like life is terrible, everything is bad, and you get 0 joy or pleasure out of anything just by reducing intake from 50mg to 10mg, or like you're invincible and have no troubles in the world and everything is perfect by giving 100mg.

This part, however, is tricky. I finally got her off F-Phenibut, because it's not a long-term solution, but it took over a year to do it. And she never even knew she was taking anything.

My current wife and I met when she was 220 pounds, up from her low of 190 and down from her high of 280. Over the next three years, she gained up to 310, then down to 270 then back to 300. We got married with her at that 300 pound mark. We've now been married for around four years, and each year she's gained about 25 pounds (on average). That first year, she gained 40 pounds, then she gained 30 the second, then she's plateaued at around 400 pounds for the past year. But now, she's genuinely into it. She is always eating and drinking junk and cannot cum without being overly full. She cums the hardest when I reach the deepest, darkest levels of fat fetish depravity. She really is helplessly addicted to food and her fetish now to ever live a normal life.
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>I also kept her hooked on both me and our feedings with drugs. This is the part that most people would probably object to
yes, because it reveals it as an obvious larp
It’s a good strategy if you mean marijuana, or even alcohol.
This research chemical shit is fifty shades level fictional sociopath and that shit fucks up your stomach.
it's possible to do but I'd still treat 90% of stories about tricking people into food addiction with *other* addictions as complete bullshit. just get them used to excessive eating, don't overcomplicate your larps lol
another rambling slop post
The munchies are the gateway to mindless snack lifestyle. Most other drugs curb the appetite.
Also gonna say this post is cringe larp so it's not just brits doing it
I heard about Phenitbut for the first time here, from someone explaining how they trained their girl to get fat, and it works. It doesn't decrease appetite at all, in fact it seems to increase it. It's basically like alcohol, but without any inebriation. The trick is to use F-Phenibut rather than regular Phenibut, which is noticeable in beverages because of the bitterness and the amount you need. F-Phenibut is a little bitter, but also a little sweet, and you only need a tiny bit to form a physical dependence. One that dependence is formed, they just feel wrong without getting it. A terrible sense of discomfort and anxiety. That is associated with you, so they become, in essence, addicted to you. Then, you tell them how much more attractive they are with more fat, and also associate the pleasure from Phenibut with stuffing, great sex, etc and the withdrawal effects with dieting, and you have a woman addicted to getting fatter. It works. I don't know why folks think it's a larp, but frankly, I don't care. I learned it here, and I'm sure someone else will learn from me, and that's enough for me to rest easy knowing I've contributed to some gaining.
can you kys already
My wife is similar, she was a confident fat girl(at least as much as any of them are), and I really just proved in my actions that I was legit super into her being fat. In public I just treated her like any other girl, being very affectionate and normal, so she felt comfortable being my fat GF who wasn't a secret, guilty pleasure. Then, in private I'd say things like "the softer you are the harder I get" and well, it was obvious that I was telling the truth. She didn't like "piggy" at first, and even told me so, but once I laid the groundwork she got comfortable and since she likes being submissive, she grew to like the idea of being my fat fuck toy, and teasing her and calling her "piggy", "fatass" and other degrading names went along with her fantasies about being submissively held down/choked etc.

It's really about showing her that you're not a liar or scumbag and women will get comfortable with just about anything if they like you.
based and architectpilled
I used to call my SO "chunks." This was far into the relationship and she didn't mind it. The first time it came out of my mouth I swear it wasn't about her weight, it just sounded cute and she picked up on that. She called me on it a few times ("I'm not chunky!") but in a joking way.

The only time it was an issue was when I slipped and called her that while we had friends over lol. One of them laughed and she was embarrassed.

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