
Please get a life and stop obsessing about this person. The bile and vitriol directed at this normal ass person who just wants to REMAIN ALIVE after delivering a literal cartoonish gain for 3 years is bordering on incel rage. Move on.
Nah, imma do my own thing
has it been one cringe redditor u/AllenTranch making 90% of the bbwchan mochii return posts all along?
Agree, leave her alone and let her have a break. She went hard for years and was very generous with her free and paid content unlike other models who paywall everything. She also seems like a kind and genuine person in her interactions.
I am literally providing an update for people who are interested.
We don’t need an update. Nothing’s changed, she’s not back yet.

This thread will devolve into nothing but arguing, shitposts, and conspiracy theories. It should be deleted.
There are so many gossip threads on here, why does it matter if there's another. It's an update, chill out.
Don’t be a fucking loser. We know you posted this to bait tards into going baby rage mode. The title of your post is some cheeky bullshit Along with multiple screenshots of her replying very normally to some Redditor who is interrogating her.
Bet you anything it's just him this whole time
Idk man sounds like you're getting your blood pressure up for no real reason. Maybe go take a walk. Touch some grass. Jack off.
Thanks, was about to post it.

Hey, at least it's confirmed she's not dead.
Right? That's what I'm sayin'.
The more I dig into her story the sadder I feel for her. I went onaspiral trying to learn more about her, and all I can say is wow. I honstly hope she leaves her "partener".
I'm just a casual observer who sees the 'when will mochi return' threads pop up on /gen every month, spill the beans/drama >.>
What do you mean?
*Refuses to elabrorate*
I did some open source investagating, and was able to see a window into her former life as a "normal" person. I knew I had the right personson when I saw her tattoo. She did a good job at wiping herself from the internet, but there was some residue leftover. I don't want to dox her. Because then she will never come back lol. But damn she seemed so normal, but she was a tumblr girl so I'm not shocked completely.
>> She did a good job at wiping herself from the internet, but there was some residue leftover.

Why do you make it sound like she can't properly wipe her ass? Also are you seriously going to do the "well I dont want to doxx her, but I have x info on her"?
Bro’s actually bragging how much of a fucking creep he is, seek help and get a hobby
You're retarded, get help and keep that to yourself. Posting shit like that just makes any chance of a model coming back less likely
See this is what I was talking about and why this thread should be locked.

Why can’t you fucks just be normal?
the bar to get called a creep is pretty low these days. every employer will do some "open source" investigation before they hire you but once anyone else does it they're deemed a latent jack the ripper.

>>every employer will do some "open source" investigation before they hire you but once anyone else does it they're deemed a latent jack the ripper.

An employer does it so they don't bring in a crackhead or felon into their company. This guy does it because he's a creep who can't leave the woman the fuck alone.

Don't be the one to defend this bullshit. You know he's in the wrong.
Kisame here. I've worked with crackheads, felons, and drug dealers at the workplace in the restaurant industry. Mr. 9-5 is the first to crack cause the alimony and divorce payments along with the rent and cab fare ate the whole paycheck. Unless you're rich enough to get the jeep and do the commute from the sticks to the mall, there's no way to be safe. The second to crack is the fat Black chick who does Trader Joe's and Whole Foods cause of all the boomers.
Anyone have the nude shorts she would send out during the indulgence month. Any of them including the ice cream pump.
anyone have anything new, any new video or maybe sneak peak or maybe anything pls
>every employer will do some "open source" investigation before they hire you but once anyone else does it they're deemed a latent jack the ripper.
oh so when the store takes your card it's fine but when I do it, I'm a "mugger" and you're "calling the police"
Something tells me you’ve not been successful in getting a job because employers keep finding out you’re a massive retard
Guy guy please no fighting pls share sexy mochi babii pics maybe from her secret account
the right analogy here would be you leaving you "card" somewhere in a spot that suggests you don't care for it causing others to get influenced by your negligence and snatch it. the key-word here is "open source" if you haven't lingered on facebook and linkedin profiles to get some extra context about some people your showing amazing restraint.
mods can you please handle this retard already?

>>oh so when the store takes your card it's fine but when I do it, I'm a "mugger" and you're "calling the police"

What the fuck are the cops going to do? If someone mugs me I'm either chasing them down or beating the shit out of them.
I was watching an old video of hers earlier, it was the final year of gaining compilation, and at the end there was this part where the music plays in reverse and it shows tiny clips of her gaining weight. She starts out as this tiny 120 pound woman, super pretty and fit, and the clips show her gaining all the way into the fat disgusting land whale she is now all while this reversed music is playing. It was like something out of a horror movie, but the pure fear and disgust made it so much better.
Ignore the haters, spill the tea. All I know is that she comes from an upper middle class family and went to a decent school in Manhattan.

Y'all, she is not coming back. She broke her body.
Yeah her content has always been good. Some of the best shot and editet content in the scene. Shame it turned out how it did
> >40776
This right here is why models leave
> If someone mugs me I'm either chasing them down or beating the shit out of them
Hahaha ohhh the big tough guys gonna beat up an armed mugger. What a flaming hot bag of Cheetos.
Anyway, it’s a fun game to find the women’s place of work and LinkedIn, it’s often too easy.
you should probably kill yourself

How's it feel to be on a list?
This was not as difficult a conclusion to come to as many on here make it out to be. She routinely leaves ShopRite brand products out in her videos. That’s an immediate giveaway that she’s from the northeast. Then, all you’d have to do is find restaurants/fast food places she’s mentioned to see if she is from NYK, Philly or Boston, since she’s been in a larger city in several videos. Its hard not to realize this stuff.
Damn I had no idea that this community was this autistic before reading this thread
she’s stated she lives in NYC and used to work a dead-end retail job after college. it’s not that hard to track people down on the internet, especially when they have to register their financial info to get paid from porn/streaming sites
No one cares, stop being retarded and posting to a public forum that you know everything about a model. It is no wonder they leave, if you want to stalk someone, keep it to yourself.
It's one of the most common reasons for a model to leave, some basement dweller on here doxes them
They’re doing it not only because they are a creepy weird fuck but also because they know it will spark a reaction. I’m my opinion the stalker should kill themselves
When was she at het peak?
Nigga, I'm not saying this like it's revolutionary information. I'm just trynna gossip, calm down.

I wanna know why her boyfriend is apparently a creepy weirdo like the other dude posted.
Boooooo, tomato, tomato, tomato.

She's not coming back because she almost killed herself with Velveeta and rawdogging NYC during an active pandemic, lmfaoooo.
I mean she was already lying about her real weight, she could be lying about coming back too.
I wouldn’t really find it surprising if she lied about her weight. I know she’s lied about her stuffing sometimes, you can see it on how long she spends, the cutting etc. but she has obviously gained a lot of weight. So what proof do you have?
Do you actually believe that she was 20 away from four hundo?

I think it's mostly just part of the "entertainment experience." I don't expect these models to be truthful, at the end of it they need to pump their margins. She knew she wasn't coming back.
As I said, I wouldn't find it surprising. But I'm asking for proof and you're asking me if I really believe her? Why don't you believe her? People look very different with fat distribution, but she got fucking big in the end there. Find me some examples of similar heights and builds around 380lbs and tell me she looks alot smaller. And how much do you think she's adding on if so?
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She obviously gained a shitfuck of weight in a very short time frame. I'm not going to say she was 380 because I don't know personally, but I find that really hard to believe. I've been in the fat acceptance community since 1996 so I've seen some shit and experienced in real life and I just don't see it. Maybe 330 340 was peak? That's being generous.

This does not change the fact she was dedicated and got fat as heck.
Man i miss her. She has a consistancy of pure gluttony to her vids that you rarely see with other feedees.
Kisame here. I think this mochi person lives near the malls since fatties roam QCM and Staten Island, or Kings Plaza. Unfortunately, the area around Roosevelt Ave caught media attention for the sex shops and tourists. Fat Latinos and Flips live around Corona cause all the good food exists around the subway.
Another problem is that there are other internet personalities like Kerwin Frost who does merchandizing deals with McDonald's and sell merchandise for 40 bucks. North Queens is very conservative and still home to fat hockey fans.
Isn’t her name actually Colleen? Or is that her friend from college
I see somebody deleted a post that mentioned a name. Must be Mochii's real name.
Despite you being Kisame this is all 100% true.
Idk man just lookup women who are 5'3/380. I think she was exaggerating by a good 40-60 pounds, but ultimately it doesn't matter much. I think "380" was just a milestone to sell as much as she could before calling it quits.
I saw her the other day at the bagel spot in Tribeca. She’s def a little smaller and without a doubt at least 375, I’d guess she nearly hit 400 at her peak. Easy to spot, only so many ball shaped women playing Pokémon go wearing a tutu.
anyone would want to chat about mochii ?

on discord kik telegram or so on ?
just discuss her what we like about her etc
Yeah it’s me. Every time I mention Mochii’s real name some mod deletes it.
It’s kind of amusing honestly given it’s probably happened 5 times now and all the other BS in this thread stays up. I found a picture of her on an old friend’s Instagram and discovered her name is Colleen from it. Posted the pic in the previous thread too.

Why are mods so hellbent on suppressing something as minor as her name???
>>41913 because sharing these models real life information can lead to actual consequences? fucking stop dude. youre the one whos being dense.
Stop doxxing and sharing personal information about the models, it's weird
Firstly, I could’ve sworn her name was Maya, so thankfully you’ve not gotten the right name.

Secondly, you’re a fucking moron. Like an actual idiot. I shouldn’t have to explain why strangers on the internet having your full real name is a bad thing, and how much worse it is if it’s the excessively horny and socially awkward degens on here.

Cut this shit out. Seriously.
mods please ban this cunt already
Leave the girl alone for God sake.
I rather her be alive and happy with her boyfriend than eat herself to death. Also how is he a creep?
He pressured her into doing till she loved it?
Yeah pushing it this hard could be comsidered spousal abuse. She should lose a bit.
Maybe go back to 300lbs.
I don't know the man.
Also stop the stalk for fucks sake. You fools are we she and her man deleted there twitch channel.
you think she would eat herself to death ? really ?
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>mods please ban this cunt already

Freedom of speech. Can’t stop the internet.
Democracy dies in darkness.
Yeah, she could kill herself.
So stop pushing. She is 5 2 and weighs nearly 400lbs If she lost weight and is closer to 350lbs, good.
would ou be ok to chat/discuss her a bit ?
would love to hear your thoughts
either on kik telegram discord or so
what do you think ?
Discord sure.
whats your name there ?
or do you want to add me ?
here you go just add me on discord and we can chat about her
For you maybe, I can't think of a hotter way for this to end than for her to end up a greasy bedridden 700lb slob. The former skinny cheerleader who ends up dead from a hyper obesity-caused heart attack before she's 35.
Lmao, that's her alias dumbass.
500 percent doubt that internet weirdos are the reason she deleted. She's undisciplined and cannot commit to a schedule because of her "illness." The most logical, boring, answer is that her body can't do it and she doesn't want to be under a lense anymore. She says she's trying to come back on reddit, whatever that means, but the evidence says otherwise.
That sounds like the perfect way for her to go
Would you want to discuss this further ? Her journey to become a immobile slob

Between the faggot who keeps stalking her in New York, and the dickhead who keeps looking up her personal info, she'll either get doxed or scared into quitting.

Niggas don't know when to fucking stop and end up ruining shit for everyone.
You're sick.
Death feedists disgust me.
It's not like she's planning on coming back idgi

YoU'Re SiCk.
DeAtH fEeDiStS DisGuSt mE.

I'm sorry, did we not collectively get off to the sack of girl shaped fat who was actively sucking down a liter of KFC gravy and Velveeta cheese?
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True but she is still a woman, not a piece of meat for us to jerk off to. Even if she wants to be. I admit I am disturbed and aroused at the same time. You don't control my words, dude.
I say what I please
This Nigga gets it.
would you guys say she just enjoys alcohol like a normal person or does Mochii drink a lot of booze ?

i cant really tell since i dont drink at all
>would you guys say she just enjoys alcohol like a normal person or does Mochii drink a lot of booze ?

That’s a rock hard alcohol and sugary drink midsection if I ever saw one. Legit, nearly no subcutaneous fat on her. No recognizably feminine features.

You gotta accept its insanity how easy to find these girls personal info is. I could probably dox half the smaller models (and their place of work) right now, that’s just from checking their follows on Instagram from their sex work account to their IRL account.
She’s not a person to the Chan, just content. Content wants context, context is data, data wants to be free.
It's dead easy to cut someone's finger off as well. Doesn't mean you should fucking do it!

I swear, you absolute moron, cut the whole "muh freedum of speech" shite out. Yes, you are "free" to do it. Much in the same way that I'm free to think of you as a fucking idiot, and definitely in the same way that the mods can ban you for being a dozy cunt if you keep this shite up.
This year. Assume everything they say is bullshit. Ppl lie for no reason. You have stay far from that you will see them self destruct themselves. Ppl only tell u what they want to make themselves look good in a situation. Your own mother will lie to you. Good luck fuckers
so you think she drinks a ton of booze and eats lots of sweets/coke ?

makes me wonder if she has diabetes already
This nigga gets it.
Do you guy think mochii losing weigh I am very scared I don't want to see mochii return and weigh less than 300 I will fucking cry man I am so scared to see the sexiness disappear
Dont be like that because your sister booty bigger then yours now. She getting served huge cock.
Same tbh she can't lose that huge gut
It would be such a disaster if she comes back being under 340
This year she should push past 450 towards 500 pounds
>That’s a rock hard alcohol and sugary drink midsection if I ever saw one. Legit, nearly no subcutaneous fat on her. No recognizably feminine features.
This really nails it. In principle her gains and devotion to gluttony should be incredibly hot to me, but I just don't find her attractive.
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what makes her not attractive to you ? do you know what it is ?
she is like the perfect extreme feedee gaining such a shit ton of weight during covid is so amazing
Lmao she won't push for jack shit. Only thing she will push is the "post" button on curvage where she says she's delaying her return for another month
Colleen Colleen Coleen. Fucking retards lol
i mean she kinda seems super addicted to the feedee lifestyle and being a total gainer pig stuffing herself with fast food
Look man, I want that to be true aswell. But it seems like you haven't noticed her not posting anything for almost a year now. And of course she might still be into gaining, but for some reason decided to keep it private. Even though I doubt that.

But if she returns and she looks the same in terms of weight she might have told the truth all the time. But again I doubt that, how hard could it have been to film just a couple of five minutes over the course of almost a year? Even when she's supposedly sick, just to show everyone she is serious.

And I don't hate her or anything, people do what they feel are best for them ofc. But she's been one of my favourites for the last few years so it's just sad that it's over.
she is nearly unrecognizable here
i wonder what that friend thinks of that huge weight gain or if they are even still friends
lets just wait and hope she comes back this year still as fat or even fatter
would you want to discuss mochii some more maybe ?
Haha sure man, tell me where
I'm the same guy btw, just was on vpn for a little
do you have discord ? if so i can give you my username
Sure man, post it
send me a friend request would love to chat about mochii
Is your discord the one shown above?
yes thats mine
Can you just post the Instagram profile or DM it to me. I’m not interested in stalking her because that’s freak behavior but I am interested in seeing how she used to look before she gained weight and that pic is promising
her taking a hiatus is obviously to lose weight and heal up better. Expect her back in 18 months at 270lbs and start gaining again
Please stop encouraging this retard.
Everyone knows the second this retard doxxes her to yet another retard on discord or whatever it spreads like wildfire and as usual the model ends up leaving.

Please get a life and stop ruining models lives. Or if you're going to stalk them, keep it to yourself instead of letting every other schitzo on here know
Does anyone have anything from her lost Twitch videos? There were a few hot moments posted on an old thread.
Right there in the post I responded to. The hard, subcutaneous ball belly, the lack of a "feminine" shape or proportions. And her face too, honestly.

Not saying this to insult Mochii, it's more of an "I'm sad I can't fap to this" vibe. Her sheer gluttony is incredibly hot, it's just that the physical results truly don't do anything for me.
Its fucktards like you who do dumb shit like this and cause a bunch of girls to leave the scene. Fuck off and stop being a creep.
She was never coming baaaacccck. She breadcrumbs on reddit, but it doesn't mean anything.

As has been repeated, ad nauseum, if she was serious she'd throw up a selfie or something. It's just not happening.
Doesn't mean you have to encourage the retards behavior.

Just about every model that's left and hasn't come back is due to someone on here doxxing them, then inevitably the retards come out and start messaging their family. Who cares if she isn't coming back.

Post model shit, not personal shit

Damn, I just went through her ex's IG. So I guess mochii got sad/ fat and chose mediocrity instead of following her friends and doing something with her life, and her current bf was there to pick up the pieces. Kinda hot tbh.
Your daughter said you lazy u only do shit when ppl come thru. And your son said your jealous. Soo I guess I see why winners make you malicious
I love a good schizo post as much as the next guy, but what?
Sex with someone taking herion. Heads up next time smh
What's your discord?
You think a lot of her old friends left her after she blew up into this huge disgusting pig ?
It’s hot to think about because she literally gained 300 pounds in like 2 years. Somebody catching up with her after Covid (around 2022) would remember this really slim athletic woman and be met instead with a massive, sweaty meatball who is shoveling a disgusting amount of food into her maw and most likely passing gas uncontrollably while slurring her words due to the massive amount of face covering her face. Shit would be disgusting as a normal person.
Can we chat more about that ? Maybe on discord
Like what her friends and family would say and how she would present her massive gains to them
No, I think her friends probably left her after she opted to become a fat loser. Not necessarily because she's fat, but because on paper she doesn't do anything.
pretty sure she has a WFH job so not a loser entirely…? her private handle is onaspiral. twitter and insta are private and reddit has two comments from 3 years ago lol
My guy, why the FUCK would you post her private handles? You know the kinda morons we get on here are going to spam those with requests now, which is only going to (rightly) freak her the fuck out. I swear to fuck, are you morons really this fucking dense?

BTW mods, if you're actually reading this, nuke the thread. Seriously, ban the people who need banning and nuke the thread. Nothing good can come of this, and we all know it.
She’s a celebrity. These are just open facts on the internet.
Something about Icarus wings made of waxy hard fat.

Oh, please. She's long abandoned her personal accounts. Unless someone messages her ex, which I doubt, idk what the issue is. She's Very Online anyway, so I'm sure she's anticipated people finding her personal life. It's not like you can hide turning into a meatball.

Thread needs to be nuked already
Congrats to the retards on here for ruining it for everyone like they always do.

Poor incels aren’t getting enough attention in real life so they post shit like this to get attention. You guys are no less retarded than that milkmerz guy
How about everyone give up pornography. Jesus loves you all.
Shut up virgino, you never felt the touch of a ssbbw.

She lied to us and is never coming back and already lost a shit ton of weight. Who cares what happens to her, she's posting herself and named all the resurants she's been to

The day I give up porn is the day this site stops having a child porn problem.
Then don't watch her content?
I feel bad for diagnosing you over the internet but I think you might be retarded too.
You're a Virgin who cares too much about a deflated bbw, go bounce on your daddies knee
Lmao you’re a whiny little faggot crying about an e whore on a fat porn board. Go touch grass then kill yourself. You’re pathetic
Kisame here. I go to Marnie Surillo's ministries and she's been complaining about the sex trafficking off Roosevelt Ave. You guys have been doxing that studio off Corona by Willet's Point
I think she may or may not have spotted DocGyara and Gnarly Otaku at that building since Whites are not native to Corona and Flushing
The one in Elmhurst?

The one that's easily Google-able?
Yeah. My cousin is a youth pastor and security at the mall across the street
Milkmerz never gave out personal info.
These fucks are way worse.>>42262
Bro you need to fucking get off the web and go outside pal
This thread is absolutely no fun with Mochii MIA extensively and the mods deleting every other post.
When half the comments you read evaporate within a few hours it’s obvious there’s a suppression campaign going on.
It's not a suppression campaign. It's a "avoid idiots doxxing people" campaign.
Here's an idea: don't post things that would allow people to find out her real name with minimal effort.
just delete the thread already.

these retards aren't going to learn
What is Moochi’s technical classification?
Is she actually a “super duty ssbbw” as advertised?
It's pretty clear she's probably right around 300 at her highest weight. Even accounting for visceral fat she's visibly shorter and smaller than basically any girl on the ssbbw board. It would be so much hotter if they were just honest about her weight from the start because that's still a shocking level of obesity compared to where she started
Her personal username is still on here so it's not like they're doing a good job lmao
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I know I’m late as fuck to this but I read her latest post and I’m like 99% sure she’s diabetic and just doesn’t want to say the quiet part out loud. I also don’t think she’s into the whole “eat until you die” aspect that tends to come along with the type of stuff that she’s making.

Legitimately there’s kind of a moral quandary with this fetish that’s slowly been turning me off of it over time. Sure it’s hot to see a girl go from being skinny and proper to a complete butterball, but it always comes at the cost of her health. And while you can say that’s just a trade off the years of fun as she gets fat aren’t worth the inevitable last few months/years of her being very sick and dying.
If we're gonna be honest she looked better before the weight anyway. Not all women are improved by gaining and she's one of them. It's all gross visceral fat that's no doubt impacting her health.
would anyone want to chat or discuss mochii ? on discord telegram or kik ?
Someone here said she's shaped like action bronson now and I can't get get it out of my head, kinda ruined her material for me
idk why so many people think she doesnt look great with that massive gut and just knowing she is chugging gravy and butter
she is a perfect extreme feedee and super sexy with that massive gut
No one cares, then go hang out in a thread of a model you like
What's the matter with this weird insistence on discussing models through chat? Are you going to live through this chats vicariously you little autist? I think i'm seeing you all over Reddit as well.
i dont see whats wrong with chatting about those sexy models with other people who enjoy them too
>she is a perfect extreme feedee and super sexy with that massive gut

No. She has the diseased, hard block of manly fat belly. She’s got the body of a midwestern journeyman pipe fitter.
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Kisame Here: Alcoholics and office workers get rock hard watermelon midsections because they eat at Los tacos or Xians as well as drink too much sugar getting their drug fixes.
Vices like coffee and alcohol are looked down on in the hyperpreg community for the affect they have on a momma’s 54 pound fetus. Mommas should be consuming decaffeinated lattes and virgin-mother pinna-cool-lottos.
Graduates from places like Amherst College and Wesleyan University lack the moral fiber to to move out of midtown and start mowing a lawn. They just spend their fat STEM paychecks on doordash while playing the Nintendo. This retarded growth and clogged maturity shows up in the accumulation of visceral adipose tissue.
What's Amherst? I don't know what that is
Goddammit he’s here too!? Fuck off, you mentally deficient cuck! Grow up, get a job, and stop wasting your life clogging up threads with inane bullshit!
Why do women put bible verses in their instagram bio? We all know you be fucking take down the bible verses. Hoes go to church don't be fooled
Who are you talking to anon? That's an imposter and way too high brow to be the real Kisame.
I dunno. Church attendance is down and people who send identify as Christians like Vivek are neckbeards.
Any woman with biblical scriptures on their facebook or instagram is classified consensual slut. They wNt to seem good on the outside looking in. But whores behind closed doors theyre the freakiest. If a church woman tell you she never said fuck during sex then thats all you need to know that the bible isnt real in its entirety
I doubt it since the church excommunicates pornographers. Christian men now go for Asian and Latino women
It must be an Obama staffer impersonating me since they're the technocrats of the party. I am still aligned with Trump and will vote for him or RFK come November.

I had my Starbucks. To answer your question anon, women hate organized religion because it still is a missionary frat boys clubs. Christians like to play pranks on women and get under their skins cause boys will be boys. There's no interest in being men. It's the same reason the Chabads in BK built that tunnel leading to the museum. Nobody want to live with elderly geezers
There's a lot of liberal theologians who want to usurp the old Ford, TD Jakes, Gould, Rockefeller protestant work ethic and replace it with Billy Graham or Falwell University where they destroy forests to build a college with shuttle service. It's just Fred and Donald Trump without the bombast. It's like how Ms Cleo got caught in Old Westbury
For me, it's the way her tits rest on her gut. If you look at her naked she's shaped like Action Bronson
She should have seen this coming. If you do nothing but game and eat literal garbage for a year to the point you gain faster than freaks like 'cado, its only natural to get diabetes. If Mochii DOESN'T have diabetes I'd be fucking shocked. And if she couldn't see or comrpehend that she is a retard
But is it so bad for her to have diabetes type 2 ?
She can just stuff herself with more garbage and sweets and just take the pills or insulin
Everyone in NY has type 2 diabetes. It's bad cause you can go blind and get amputated if you don't eat properly
Mochi could be reduced to those double amputees who ride Access A Ride.
you have seen those before ? never seen that here in germany
>But is it so bad for her to have diabetes type 2 ?
You just made my day with that comment
Yeah I tried to tell him to chill and he und=freud when I wanted to him about Kaiser Wilhelm II
He is obsessed with belle delphne too.
We know Catholics are the niggers of Christianity
every day I come to this thread to see if there is news and every day I have to remind myself that not even on a chan *specifically dedicated* to fat chicks can we just talk about fat chicks

like idk if you wanna yap but why is it always this thread? make a new one for gods sake and migrate there.
You have been trolled.

there's nothing to discuss, girl's donezo. Her public info also got out so there's even less incentive now to come back to the community. The only purpose of this thread is for weirdo meme posters to dig its corpse out and rape it every so often.
What’s her instagram account with photos from before her gain? Even just like to see the photos
Kisame here. Honestly, she can still eat if she’s blind or needs her legs amputated. Not a good way to go but if she wants to chow down until she looks like Bigweld from Robots then more power to her. It’s all for our enjoyment anyway, these models are nothing but toys. When one breaks you find another.
that would be so hot her doing stuffing videos without her legs and blind and shoveling donuts and ice cream in her mouth
Her insta isn't public. If you find her ex's account there are a handful of pictures of her.
wdym ? what ai thread ?
Kisame here: She had an incredible shape, really rare is the opportunity to find a wild type orbtacular in the meatspace.
I wonder if we pass the collection plate around she’d be willing to drop a couple legs off her body and start making some premier orbalicious content. Maybe offer her $250£ but I think she might need closer to half a mill to take them off high enough above the kneecap to be appropriately proportioned. The girl is so special and really has a body built for disability.
Kisame here. Full orb surgery to cure her leg dysphoria is the logical next step in Mochii's progression.
> Idk my money's on she's started ozempic
How much money you got to put on it.
I feel like if we all promised her 210 US dollars each she might be amendable to having her legs cut off.
Tree fiddy

Lmao, hit her up on Instagram. She's active rn.
What’s her ex bf insta?
Stop being retarded and encouraging doxxing models
Kisame here. Fuck off and find it yourself. No one here is going to spoonfeed you.

Either Kisame is using a VPN and forgot to switch it back to American, or some loser is so desperate for attention that he's pretending to be the resident troll.
I think there are some guys trying to pretend to be me. I am playing Persona3 and on vitamins right now. Artists never wanted me back so why bother humoring their delusions? I am getting that car and apartment now.
(874 KB, 480x515, 1703459502225674.gif)
Pardon my language, but, I have been playing Persona 3 Reloaded for the PS4 this weekend and stopped requesting artwork from artists. They've already forsaken the gamer subculture for Discord. Now they're screaming into the void about topics I no longer care about like politics, culture, and transgender/mental health. All the MAGA supporters moved on from the internet so people are now wasting oxygen arguing over winning or myths.
It's not hard to be kisame. String together a nonsensical word salad that's half-pulled from american politics and half-pulled from your stream of consciousness, cut it up into small sentences. Voila, you derailed another fatty thread.

Speaking of which why isn't this locked? She ain't coming back until 2025 if ever.
I don't know what you tourists are talking about but New York is full of fitness and health buffs as well as concerns about the homeless loitering the subway. All the burger king and McDonald's is being replaced with halal food. Muslims with their Chevy Suburbans are replacing the Acces-A-Ride fat people. Being fat is a stereotype of MAGA from LI where the buffets are and even those shit ball restaurants are shutting down cause of safety violations.
Damn, she deleted her personal Tumblr and insta
No. The mods finally banned the imposter Kisame. That’s all over now.
Shame. Someone must have let her know about us.
Someone gooned too close to the sun
Damn never even got to see them
Hate to beg but can’t find them anywhere, anyone have the bonus nude shorts you get for tipping her montages? Subscribed to her onlyfans to get them but they’re not there anymore

She would send them to you through dms since she’s not active atm subscribing ain’t gonna get them. So unless anybody has them here there not gonna be seen until (if/when) she comes back

The fatty that cried wolf
It’s been said a thousand times over but atp if she’s been gone for a year plus struggling to eat at all no one’s gonna be interested when she comes back like 60 pounds lighter. Believe me I’d love to see more content especially extreme gain challenges but I seriously doubt that will happen
She needs to just retire tbh. It's not sustainable, especially if her guts are irreversibly fucked if she eats too much.
I'm not a fan of Mochii or anything so I'm not as invested as folks here, but frankly the whole thing reeks of a star player on a sports team getting paralyzed by an accident at their peak performance. It sucks, it's tragic, people hope for the best, but we ultimately know we're not getting that magic back.

She really should consider retiring. It was a wonderful run from what little I've seen but I doubt anything that comes after is going to live up to what she's done before.
The old “I will be back at *vague unspecified time* so don’t unsubscribe because it could be next week, but could be never”

“Flares up seemingly at random, like when I don’t feel like making content”.

Imagine giving this cow your money lol
>Mochi and sports

Football boomers hate pornography. Aside from lowtier teams like the Chiefs, Redskins, or Patriots, I don't think that pornography is even popular. I know the Chiefs are the champs but I don't think unironic loutish behavior is tolerated in Vegas. Entertainment is sterile now and made with AI. I thought they photoshopped Usher with all the graphics playing. It wasn't as organic as Dre, or even Rihanna
>Imagine giving this cow your money lol

but, like... she isn't asking for money. at no point in all these "I'll be back soon!" posts did she so much as even imply to get ready to sub to her OF again or anything like that.

If you're giving her money for no reason despite her not even asking for any, then that's on you. And I don't mean you specifically... the royal you.
"Yes hi hello, can I interest you in buying this bridge?"
CC had similar stomach issues for more than a year and is now back and fatter than ever, I wouldn't count Mochii out yet
That’s partially true. She wasn’t gaining for a few reasons that involved antifa, and federal government mandated injections sites. I blame the jab.
I thought she lives in NY which is full of fitness buffs and vegans like Adams banning everything fat that repulses them
who is CC? sorry, just have no idea, also curious to see what the post gain was like.
(42 KB, 800x451, 937525902125f74d0059e6480fedfaa46de1b6d074acccf3ad6c2ad7d7e49b4e.jpg)
ehh, i'd be interested, something tells me she's gonna gain it anyway. and she' great at the fat talk and other aspects of feedism. plus i love seeing that "oh no i ate too much face" / I can't believe i'm doing this face. so her lighter means doing that more often. I support.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Idk according to her OF description a fair amount of people are still subscribed. I get that she isn't explicitly asking for subs, but i would imagine she gets an uptick in subscribers whenever she does make a vaguepost about coming back. The other thing that chapped people's asses was when she said she was coming back by whatever date, posted a bunch of videos of her new streaming setup, then ghosted (again). But, yeah, I agree, what a weird thing to waste your money on.

Maybe. If she weren't a monumental flake then I'd have more confidence. Even when she wasn't sick she had difficulty keeping to a schedule for some reason.
People have high standards.
>I'll post an update in a couple weeks
See you in 2025 bros
That's cuttin' it kinda close. Let's say 2027, just to be safe. She has a lot going on behind the scenes. Real BIG stuff, y'know. The WORKS.
Better say 2027 just to be safe. She's got BIG things planned. The WORKS. So much going on in the background, just you wait and see.
I saw her getting coffee off of 6th street. She’s bigger than ever, she didn’t lose any weight, but she is strangely taller and less fat.
Yeah exactly, it's not necessarily to get more people subscribing, but to keep people subscribing. Someone I know been subbed to her since she started, and I asked him why he was still subbed when it doesn't seem like she'll come back anytime soon. He said he wanted her to know that people still support her lmao
So, I plan on making a more official public update in a couple of weeks but after reading this thread I feel like I need to just directly address things as raw as possible

For starters, my health updates are in no way intended to boost my OF subscribers and I haven’t pushed my OF or ANY of my content a single time since leaving the scene. It's a major reason why I haven't posted any content at all while I've been improving my health, I'm not into playing the sympathy card for money

People subscribe for my entire back library in one easy to scroll place and I feel like I make it very clear in my OF description that there will be no new content until I return. Absolutely no one is tricking/forcing anyone to subscribe or remain subscribed. Honestly I wanted to somehow pause my OF but I got MANY messages asking me to leave it active because people watch my older content all the time

Delaying my return is no way about money, it’s about taking the time I need to get my health stable after absolutely destroying it with a 3 year long fantasy fueled non stop binge session followed up by a devastating case of Covid

Everything I did, I did for real. Unlike MANY others, my content wasn't just me eating a scoop of ice cream or gaining and losing the same 10 pounds over and over. It’s my actual fantasies brought to life and sometimes living your fantasies has real consequences

I don’t regret anything I did, I loved every second of it. I loved gorging myself on takeout 5 times a day, I loved barely moving at all while I exploded with fat BUT you can only go at that pace for so long and I always said I'd slow down if/when I was faced with serious health concerns

Of course after getting Covid at my fattest and unhealthiest my health issues got serious earlier than I had hoped. Even after recovering from the initial sickness I had an insane amount of ongoing inflammation, especially in my intestines

I was told that if I didn’t immediately manage it I could get permanent damage and possibly never be able to enjoy the foods I love again. So among other things I was forced to eat only anti-inflammatory foods while my body recovered

Obviously all this is NOT sexy and is even more complicated than I can explain. It’s not the kind of stuff you want to talk about with a community of people that only wants you fatter at any cost especially when you are actively navigating it yourself

Fact is, I’ve been in the dark as well about how long it may take to fully recover. Sometimes there would be weeks when I could barely eat without issues followed by weeks where I would feel fine. This led to me making the mistake of trying to come back too early which I know rightfully frustrated people and I apologized for

It's difficult because If I stay silent and just focus on health people immediately start rumors of my death or try to dox me and if I post small updates I'm labeled as a liar just trying to string people along for OF subs. I lose either way.

I said this on Reddit but I do feel like I've done a lot in this community. Compared to how other models were 4 years ago I actually gained weight, I actually had big stuffings, I made sure my videos were always priced fairly and were quality (so much so it lowered the entire market prices) I often gave free content/free full length videos, I took a hands off approach to piracy and my OF had nearly every single full length video directly on the timeline (where others would nickel dime you in DMs)

I did all this because I wanted my videos to be as accessible as possible while still allowing me to pay bills and fund my fantasies. I took this fetish to the extreme for 3 years, documenting it every step of the way and doing many things that have never been done. But now because I've inconsistently handled a unpredictable health issue that's it? I should retire?

This fetish is a major part of my life, I fully plan on returning once I'm as confident as I can be that I can do so safely and consistently. I plan on gaining again (slower this time) and making similar content but I will absolutely be finding a better balance between health and this fetish and I will be completely transparent about that

I know it may be disappointing to some that I don't plan on immediately returning to rapid gaining and eat myself to death but that's ok, you don't need to follow me or watch my content but my goal is to keep sharing my fantasies for as long as I can
Thanks for the update. Health first.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
I think the general sentiment is that you should retire because of your reoccurring health issues, not necessarily because of how you've navigated it publicly. Gut inflammation doesn't really go away, all it takes is one or two meals then you're back where you started. It's your body though, we're going to burn alive anyway if COVID doesn't take us.

Good luck.

Fair, I messed up my wording a bit there but I do understand the general sentiment

Fact is, I've worked hard the last year to drastically improve my gut health and lower my inflammation

My latest tests have shown big improvements in all my numbers including inflammation markers and long covid seems to finally be clearing from my system (which was making everything worse)

In the last 2 months I've been able to eat large meals again without issues and for the last 3 weeks I've been doing a mock content schedule to see how my body handles it (so far so good)

I don't EVER want to get back to the point I was at health wise but I feel like doing this with more of a balance/healthier pace is 100% possible and I'm definitely down to at the very least give it a try
How much weight have you lost in the time period of fixing your health ?
She's not gonna answer that
i guess she has other priorities now than your fap-statistics.
It’s some random LARPing as a fat girl. A real moochi woulda posted her undergraduate gpa or last five of her social as proof. This was probably written by chatgpt based on key parameters.
Everyone on gen turns against a model when they aren’t getting their jerk off fix. I’d just ignore bbw-chan completely as it’s 90 percent incels. Reddit probably isn’t far off either
You'll always be a goddess until they cum.
It's telling how much you shit on other models business practices, so much for being a girl's girl, huh?
Yeah, that's kinda wild. Also if it was between cancelling OF all together, or changing the price to something discounted-- why not discount it. The description hadnt changed until recently sooooooooooooooooo I guess the rumors are at least kinda right if they're striking a chord lmao
when has she claimed she's a "girl's girl"? far as I know she hasn't even collabed with anyone like many do these days
I don't think being a girl's girl means that you have to collab with people. Though it is kind of crappy to throw her fellow sex workers under the bus, because she's the only one who*checks notes* actually fulfilled her fantasies and gained weight. I can name at least ten Tumblr accounts who've done the same thing, and plenty of professional models who've done the same thing, they just didn't have the privilege of not maintaining a day job while doing so.

L take.
stop being a contrarian baby

responses like this are exactly why models stop giving a crap about the community and just take your money. she didn't throw any one under the bus, the facts are right there.

some models have been making 8 minute "stuffing videos" for four years now and some have actually been making real stuffing videos.

there's literally no lie detected here. and stop telling people to retire this isn't the NBA lmao
Appreciate the update. I hope your health continues to improve and you're able to return more sustainably.
How am I being a contrarian? Are you saying models like CC, Reiina, Wood, and the entire Big Cuties catelogue haven't gained weight? There's a lot of chaff in any niche porn community, I just don't think that you should get a medal for doing the job you signed up for.

What are you talking about? I didn't say she should retire. I just said if she's only now up in arms about unsubstantiated internet rumors that have been circling around for more than a year, when she's had more than ample time to address them when they were starting, then there's probably some credence to them.
my response is to the full board including you, but
dude, half the big cutie catalog isn't even in commission the last 4 years and they've been around since 2005 dude
, reina, did a full blown yo-yo, and CC is CC now because she's also tired of you guys.

my point is, everyone doesn't work on your time dude, esp when there in the middle of personal stuff. that's why you're being a contrarian
I think the entire community appreciate finally hearing an update from you.

Well she's obviously addressing it because people were talking about it and she has been the only one actually producing quality content. Let's not pretend it's normal in this scene for *anyone* to produce so much content of high quality for not comically high prices. Most "models" shoot everything on a fucking phone and upload once a month, if they're not having people DM for clips, or selling clips of a burp for 20 dollars.
I mean, whatever, that's just off of the top of my head. My point it there are hundreds of women who've made content well, she's not the only one lol. Just because I have a different opinion and a valid critique doesn't mean I'm being a contrarian. She's trying to do some past due cleanup work and it's very obvious.
If that werent the case then there wouldn't be any models that have dedicated threads, and curvage would be out of business. She's literally not the only one who makes decent content. Are y'all the people paying for the back catelogue???
you're a contrarian bro just hold your nuts and shut up lmao,
Shrug, I feel kinda bad that you subsidize a medically retired twentysome. But we all have to live with our decisions.
lol perks of not being a manchild, enjoy weird wood lmao
She really hit a special sorta slob-hate/becky-hate boner: “annoying scrum master who thinks she’s special for going 6 figures in debt and is stress eating to compensate” sorta good old fashion American consumerism modernized.
Basically, the fat farm wife in the corporate era. Bossing around farmhands who work like dogs while eating too much cornbread. But now it’s project management spreadsheets and starbies.
Based schizoposter
I am rubber and u r glue, everything u say bounces off of me and sticks 2 u
This kind of thing is doomed to go back and forth forever but I just want to get a few things straight before I take my leave

I absolutely never said I was the ONLY model who has gained weight or provided value to the community. There are many models out there who are genuine and work hard to make amazing content (paid or unpaid). I am in NO WAY trying to throw anyone under the bus. Everyone should be free to make content and run their business however they see fit

I was just referring to what I felt was the general state of the scene when I first became active in 2020. Overall video prices were sky high and good stuffing content was hard to find in my opinion. It's one of the major reasons why I wanted to start making content, I wanted to give more value, I wanted to make my content more accessible, I wanted to do events and challenges and I wanted to bring more excitement to the scene

I feel like I accomplished those things, influenced others to do the same and have always been very community first in my actions. So to read that the general sentiment now is that my updates are bullshit and I'm just trying to string along my OF subs definitely bothered me. I only didn't respond to it sooner because I haven't been reading these threads (or really any site) until recently

Also, to reply to >>44570
I did discount my OF. When I left I changed my description to state that I was on Hiatus and only my backlog of content would be available, I then changed the price to $10 when my active price was $13-15. I think that's more than fair for 200+ videos many people just instantly rip and keep forever anyway. After reading all this recently, I decided to update my description again to be even more specific so there was absolutely no possible confusion

At the end of the day I decided to post in here to just give you all my perspective directly in the most raw way possible. Many of you have already locked in your opinion of me and that's fine, I just wanted to say my piece
thank you for even replying to this thread and taking your time to do so
i hope you can get to better health and i think i speak for a lot of us here that we loved your content you did till now. it just felt raw and diffent to other cc

and take your time to come back to making content
> Overall video prices were sky high and good stuffing content was hard to find in my opinion. It's one of the major reasons why I wanted to start making content, I wanted to give more value
> I then changed the price to $10 when my active price was $13-15. I think that's more than fair for 200+ videos many people just instantly rip and keep forever anyway

Anyone with this much of a religious belief in undergrad Econ and marketing shoulda realized that the optimal price point is either 20$ or 5$ because people will either sign up intermittently at 20$ or stay signed in at 5$. It’s error of assuming inelasticity in a simple supply/demand but shows a lack of understanding for customer value. You will never get into big consulting at this rate.

It may be a valid price, it just seems funny to jump from "wanting to cancel," and make nothing, to keeping the price relatively the same. Anything helps for that streaming setup.

Thank you for sharing and for the posts. Not everyone here is totally brain dead and a handful of us understand you’re a real person living your life, taking part in a community and running a business. Godspeed hope to see new stuff soon Mochii.
Kisame here. To be honest? I don’t really care. Models destroy their bodies for my pleasure. They get sick of it and leave or die then I find new models to jack it to. Reminds me of when my 17 year old son took his life. My wife was really against adopting another son with the same name. I did it anyway and he’s been a blessing unto us like no other. A great person to us, especially in an election year like 2024. Anyway, have a good day.
It is not fetish content, but do you ever plan to return to streaming?

Absolutely, gaming/streaming is what we do for fun outside of this community and the plan has always been to return to both feedee content and "vanilla" streaming around the same time

We actually were going to have a test stream recently but ran into a tech issue and are now waiting on a new capture card

Honestly, lots of people that watch our stream are from this community but we keep things vanilla over there because we like having a place to just to just play games and talk about our non-fetish interests

It's also nice to connect with everyone on a more personal level sometimes, outside of the fetish

But short answer, yes the goal is to return to both feedee content and streaming very soon. Once we are 100% on the date I'll be posting a public update on all my platforms
You have a pink to your twitch account? Want to make sure I am up to date
>schizoposters about to scare another feeder off the scene
May I make a suggestion? Release your feedee content at the same time you announce you're back. That way you avoid this fiasco of saying you're back and then having to renege.

Seriously, make the content first, put it out for sale, THEN announce that you're back. If you haven't made new content yet, don't make a public update. Problem solved.
advice on bbwchan that doesn't read like somebody's manifesto? it's more likely than you think

anon is wise, this is good advice. announcing ahead of time and then flaking, justified or not, is why the lesser among us are cranky about it
I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better and plan to return to making both types of content.

You've been really professional and polite dealing with this situation, some people should've been more trusting and understanding that you needed a lot of time to recover.
You know this is just someone with chatgpt 4.0 LARPing right?
Lmao holy shit who cares. This is literally just another vague non-update to save face and string subscribers along (loOk how mUcH I ChAngEd the cOmMunItY), only disguised as “raw” and “vulnerable” confession. Like honestly at this point who cares until there is actual content. Come back or don’t, there’s a ton of other fat girls that make content, you’re not that special lol
HAS SHE THO? she hasn't actually *done* anything other than that TikTok she deleted because people rightfully called her out.
gods of sage, have mercy on us and let this thread jump over the styx
Did she ever deny being a scrum master?
I think she just got a good remote job doing software PMing.
Does she have the skills to do that? She can barely organize herself. I figured she was doing data entry.
Hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha "do you have the skills to be a scrum master"

Oh he he he he he he he he

Bro being a lady who makes videos and tardwrangles on the internet is essentially no different from being a scrum master except the videos are slides and instead of coaxing money from fools you coax labor from a different but equally pathetic type of fool
How do you translate that to a professional resume? On paper she's been unemployed since, like, college other than a retail job. I guess she could have gotten a PM cert, but I doubt it.
Shut the fuck up you fucking nerds, go lick eachother's assholes elsewhere
Nuh uh you should do that
Call me, lean me over, spread my cheeks

she worked retail. she's not capable of getting a pmp/high skill job/scrum master job. that requires self discipline and work

becoming a scrum master 1-3 is free or 10k depending on how you get in. its not hard if you're not stupid. theres also few jobs for it as its a specific use case so places use SAFE which is bullshit toddler agile. companies across the board are eliminating pm/pmp/tpm positions as most are useless nepo jobs for women who got marketing degrees at cal poly or asu. 100k debt for what?

i'd bet one of them has rich parents/parents supporting their income. you're not living in ny doing retail/freelance food videos. gtfo here
I mean I think that’s generally the case for her kind of people. People from or who have parents from the Philippine Islands are built genetically to serve other humans. It’s in their programming, nothing wrong with that. They were dominated by European powers and later the US for like 500 years. Nursing is about all their brains (25% smaller than White brains) can max out in. Biden supporters would tell you otherwise but I actually learned facts in school. The senile old man will call it quits soon enough andTRUMP will be back in business. Kisame17
This is incorrect, observationally. Duterte has a confirmed IQ of over 200 and has published extensively on Non-Abelian Symmetry Groups for unconventional gauge theories in quantum gravity.
I think the imposter is pulling your leg cause Trump voters are leaving Hudson Yards for Florida, Texas and other states. A lot of us on retail are doing Netflix and chill. I am saving up for a car.
There should be a ban on Mochii threads because they always degenerate into these steaming piles of shit.

Whatever Mochii does or doesn't do next, she produced some of the best feedist content of the past decade, maybe ever, at the expense of her health. I want to see more of her journey as much as the next guy, but she's already done more in a few years than most models will in a few decades.
Just like there were many before her, there will be plenty to follow after. Was it good content? Sure, but she isn't the end all be all of fat fetish content. She's a side show piece at best.
If she have legs and a vagina she will cheat out the excitement of not being caught
I agree, it's almost a fluke that this quality was even produced.

I'm legitimately asking, is there anyone who can even come close to match Mochii in terms of production quality and content? Are there anyone else who gorges on camera in HD? Because if there are I want to watch that.

So far it seems like the main dish. We might have content creators of the same quality in the future but who knows how many years that'll be. The content sphere surrounding this type of fetish is incredibly bad. Most models use their iPhone camera. And a lot of them are, no offence, straight-up unattractive.
Hold on I want to talk more about Scrum and AGILE methodologies.
Agility waved bye bye to Mochii a long time ago.
Obviously this is a nuanced discussion. One man's trash, y'know. Personally I was only interested in her because she's like a fascinating freak show. I don't find her attractive as much as I find her ability to wolf down tons gross shit interesting.

I think Reiina, Nadya, Casey, etc are on par with her. But I dont really care about over the top production. If I can see what they're doing, and it's not shot from underneath them, *I* don't care. Some of the more amature-tumblr-core stuff is more interesting than what 10k worth of camera equipment can produce.

Yeah, they're not attractive. Isn't that part of the appeal? They're debasing themselves because they actively choose pork rinds over being a person. I don't give a shit about their feelings, or how they think they stand out in the "community," they're consumer sacks of hormonal fat who think they're worth something because a bunch of horny chuds will give them ten dollars to watch them eat a deep fried turd.
Reiina, Nadya, Casey have admin assistant energy.
Moochie can’t sprint, she’s barely built for walking but she’s the only feedee with the strength of will to remove blockers for a sprint’s retrospective all during a single standup meeting.
Casey exudes shitty RN/ medical coding energy
Yeah I'd rather her retire to slim down a bit and get healthier rather then get worse health issues
It's not conventionally attractive but let's act like coping dipshits and pretend we don't watch it because we find it weirdly hot, which is obviously an incredibly weird thing in the first place.
Biden’s sitting here like “I did that!”
I mean, the crux of this is that *I* personally find gross bitches hot because they're explicitly not attractive, and treat their bodies like garbage. It's only weird if you don't accept it.
For me, it’s an acceptable outlet for my raging hatred of women and rampant insecurities. No lie.
She’s disgusting, and easily dehumanized. The fact that she’s physically, emotionally and dependent and craving my approval is a nice plus.
Kisame here. Biden is mostly to win Nov barring Europe and Israel doing something that scares voters to Trump. People wanted normality which means I cannot understand why fat woman wants good service at fast food. I am part of normality now despite being far right
Yeh, I more or less agree.
Highly doubt that they will
Agreed I have to wonder why these steaming pile of dogshit threads keep coming back. Who even cares if she comes back. In all honesty I stopped caring when she actually got fat. Watching her eat until she puked made me realize this fetish isn't worth the time or effort but that's my cringe take of course.

I actually have a girlfriend. I just don't see fat women as people. Have you talk to fat women irl? They're more like animals than proper humans.
And yet here you are, lurking on the cum dungeons of the internet. Something keeps bringing you back, lmao.
She’s chugging milk and eating peanut butter while playing Cities: Skylines on her twitch rn
Link? Her channel still says over a year of inactivity
Not that one the other one
Press X to doubt. Link us up if that’s the case
Yeah porn addiction and fat chicks is like a hydra.

>>I actually have a girlfriend.

Yet you're still active on this site? I imagine she'll really appreciate you spending more time here than with her.

Wait don't tell me, she's fully aware of your fetish and still allows you to beat off to fat chicks instead of her, right?
We contain multitudes.

What do you mean "allow." Once you get into a relationship you're not collared and gagged, unless you're into that sort of thing. Do you think that people don't look at porn once they have a partner? Weird.

She's aware I look at porn. She is unaware that I'm on a chan site, and frankly she doesn't need to know that I am.

>>She's aware I look at porn. She is unaware that I'm on a chan site, and frankly she doesn't need to know that I am.

aka, she'll dump your ass the moment she finds out you're beating your meat to blobs.

>>Do you think that people don't look at porn once they have a partner? Weird.

The fact you have to hide your fetish from her means either you're too pussy to come clean or you're hiding a lot more behind her back that you don't want getting out.
I never said I hide my fetish from her. She just doesn't need to know every stupid thing I do on the internet. She thinks it's weird, but she's into anal and has some fucked up rape fantasies so it works out lmfao.

What are you getting at. Are you mad that you don't have a girlfriend? Try being funny.

>>What are you getting at.

That you're full of shit and the only you'll ever knock up is your sock and left hand.

The fact that you even have to justify having a girlfriend here is reeks of lies and desperation
You sound stressed. Maybe you should try getting laid.
(165 KB, 810x1080, mochiibabii_0146.jpg)
>No dude I'm not into fat girls at all. That's why I hang out on a board dedicated to fat chicks. Actually fat chicks are disgusting. I hate watching these girls eat and eat. I only watch it because I HATE watching it you see. Really I want them all to get skinny. Actually that's my fantasy. For them to become healthy, hot skinny girls again.
Why are you being obtuse? It's almost like people aren't black and white. Are you autistic?

I do not think the women deserve the same social credit as thin women. They actively give up their personhood for Cheetos, and *that's* what I find hot. I'm not here to say it's "right" or "wrong," I'm just talking about how I view it. You don't have to agree, Brody.
Everyone here is autistic my friend. Without exception.
U ryte, u ryte.
It's a bit eerie to watch her earliest videos being all naive and excited
She went fucking beast mode through it all. Basically threw 20+ years of her lifespan in a garbage for our enjoyment. I’m not complaining. She can lose the weight but her body is as good as permanently wrecked, not to mention the mental side.

I respect it but in the same way I find enjoyment in like zoo or circus animals.
she's only like 25. you'd be surprised at how well your body can recover at that age.
Maybe. It sounds like she's disabled from COVID, and studies have shown that it ages your organs 3-4 years faster. Considering she's (or was) morbidly obese, coupled with years of inactivity, and at least two COVID infections, she's aged her body at least a handful of years as a baseline that she more than likely will not get back.
Fake news. If you see her on her non-fetish twitch channel she’s pretty athletic these days, even if it’s just kids Nintendo athletics.
The twitch channel she hasn't updated in over a year but keeps promising things are in the works for? That twitch channel?
"Big things! Fantastic things! Things like you've never seen! Things like you've never IMAGINED.

btw don't forget to subscribe to my OF that I have wanted to turn off, but couldn't figure out how, so obviously I HAD to charge for it.

btw we keep having tech issues, but STAY TUNED."
This but ironically. She’s gonna come back so hard and prove all the haters wrong
[generic filler post]
sage the thread
lol she's doing the exact thing we asked her not to do.

She should have stayed quiet until April, posted her content FIRST, then made a post about her being back.
I mean it’s like a week at this point, that message in august was like “yeah I’m planning to be back in like a month” this one seems better at least
At this point I'll believe it when I see it tbh. If she actually pulls through, neat. But I get the feeling she's going to run into "technical" issues due to a "shipping delay" or some other lame excuse.
get ready for the weight loss
That or she’ll dip back out after a couple videos due to “muh mysterious health issues”. She knows it’s the free pass that people can’t call out or they look like assholes and attacked by her legion of simps. But coming back just quick enough to keep/regain some subscribers

Lmao, I smell an ozempic announcement on the horizon
COVIDs a lie bro.

Vax damage is real.

I know many folks who've had massive heart attacks outta the blue, blockages, etc. Cancers etc. thanks to "TRUST THE SCIENCE OR ELSE!" crowd.
What if I told you that they're both real.
(154 KB, 358x349, Screen Shot 2024-03-25 at 3.03.40 PM.png)
Besides the folks in the trailer park you hang out with, why hasn't there been a massive uptick in heart disease and cancer over the last 3 years? 65% of the world population has had at least one dose. People should be dropping like flies all around us.
flat earth... microchip in vaccines... reptiles... chemtrails... ufo... deep state... illuminati... new world order... maga... fake moon landings... blah blah blah...
There *has* been an uptick in colon cancer in the last few years, but that's largely unrelated

>>There *has* been an uptick in colon cancer in the last few years

Lack of enough fiber and smoking/drinking are the main culprits. You'd think raisins and prunes would be flying off the shelves since a lot of people end up constipated for days after drowning everything in cheese.
Maybe shotgunning a half gallon of Velveeta ISN'T the best idea.
Globalists inserted unnatural chemicals into the meats via GMO cows. That’s why everyone’s fat and sick. Fat should make you healthy as it did prior to 1890.

Velveeta isn't even considered cheese by the FDA. You're essentially scarfing down rubber cement.
It's a line Kraft has been skirting for a while now, unfortunately. The amount of additives and substitutes for ingredients with their products, especially the cheese portions, downgrade it from being considered cheese. Now, you'll see it branded as a "cheese product". You'll find more egregious cases of this with shredded cheese packages.

It's still good and safe to eat, but it's a far cry from it being a natural product you could feasibly make at home.
I was being facetious. I know that Velveeta isn't actually cheese and was more of a reference to mochii housing a liter of cheese-like goo and then going MIA for a year.
Anybody have the videos of Mochii dipping a burrito in melted butter in between every bite?
I got the new custom from Feb if anyone has anything else recent to trade.

What's the name of this video?
Is she back yet? It's Thursday.
Is it 4/5/24 yet?
Is that what she said? I just saw "the first week of April."
1 more hour til the posy
Keep the faith boys. This is but a test. Our rapture is coming. She'll post soon.
Didn't she even say first week of April?
This would leave a little over 2 days till the end of sunday....
She said Friday 5th April
IF she does post today, you know it won't be until the very end of the day.

She's always been like this.
Where?? She didn't say a specific date on reddit or curvage, just that she'd be updating this week.

Compose new post...
Drop files to upload

Mochii Babii
43 minutes ago

My Feedee Return | Weigh In & Stuffing


I won't lie, It's been a rough year dealing with so many different health issues that started after I got Covid last March

It was really hard not being able to eat like a feedee for SO LONG and it was even harder to watch myself lose weight because of it 😓

Even after my issues FINALLY got better recently, I hated the idea of coming back smaller and disappointing you all...

But eventually I realized that being a feedee and sharing my fantasies with this community is a HUGE part of who I am now and I couldn't let a number on a scale keep me from doing that

So with that, I'm officially BACK and I'm so READY to stuff myself with amazing food and grow all over again! 💕

Play Video


Mochii Babii
2 hours ago

Return Update

Hey loves,

I’m really happy to share that after needing most of the last year to recover from severe post-covid issues, I’m FINALLY able to start being a feedee again!

I’ll be releasing my first video back tonight which will include my current weight and my first real stuffing in nearly a year!

I’m really sorry I haven’t been able to share much while I’ve been away but I want to use this update to give more details about what happened and what my plans are moving forward 🥰


For the majority of the last year I was dealing with “long covid” which was giving me AWFUL inflammation problems that caused so many different health issues…

Chronic fatigue, breathing issues, irregular heart rate, bad headaches, loss of taste and smell, terrible stomach/digestive problems, it was a MESS!

I went from stuffing myself to the max whenever I wanted, to barely being able to eat without pain and that sadly caused me to lose weight over this past year 😓


It took nearly 10 MONTHS but my issues started fully clearing up towards the end of January and now that I'm sure I can eat like a feedee again without problems, it's time for me to come back to doing what I love!

While I definitely still plan on stuffing and gaining again, this time around my goal is to try and find a better balance between my health and my feedee desires

I feel like things only got as bad as they did with long covid because I had been really neglecting my health for a while leading up to getting it

If I want to keep indulging and hopefully grow even BIGGER than before, I definitely need to do a MUCH better job at keeping my health in check this time 😅


Finally, I just want to truly thank all of you for showing me so much love and support during this awful year

So many of you sent me such kind messages and I'm STILL trying to respond to them all!

I appreciate all of you that care so much about my well being and I look forward to sharing my fantasies with you all for as long as possible 💕


To my OnlyFans subs specifically, I am now FULLY back and will be posting new content regularly again starting my with video tonight!

My goal is to release at least one full length video a week which will be sent through DM to ALL active subs

I have plans for other weekly content too but I'm going to be starting out slow while I readjust to my feedee lifestyle 🥰

Ironic that shoving a brick of Velveeta "cheese" down her throat didn't fuck her up as much as covid did, especially when she got it at the tailend of the pandemic after everyone else. Then again, being morbidly obese didn't do her any favors for her recovery time.

>>Even after my issues FINALLY got better recently, I hated the idea of coming back smaller and disappointing you all

Wasn't her original return back in October? Either she was rushing and messed up her recovery process or she underestimated the effects of long term covid.

>>My goal is to release at least one full length video a week which will be sent through DM to ALL active subs

Another nail in the coffin for coomer.

For fucks sake, at least give her a month before pirating the video. We've been waiting too long, to immediately run her off.

I mean, she spent years sealed inside of a hamster cage and thought she could go out and party with an immune system that wasn't acclimated to be outside. COVID is still very real, and it's unsurprising that she got sick after bar hopping on St. Patrick's Day. I think she's just young and stupid, but youth is full of hard lessons.
???? Wtf with that old man
Some empathy Will help you in your daily Day xd
All I want is a screenshot or a pic, just to see how she looks now - can anyone offer that?
I can I’ll upload after work today but it’s nothing special
Why would I be empathetic to someone who's lazy and irresponsible? "Oh no I went out partying during an active Pandora's Box pls idk how this coulda happened." I'm sympathetic towards her- COVID sucks. But the way she's handled this situation is abysmal.
Covid ain't real. All you chemical whores that got vaxxed have calamari in your blood now.
She just said that shit so she could have some time off
COVID’s real but those tests and the vaccine are frauds. Pfizer in the bag for Biden with Tema Swifties and they’re not even hiding it. Moochies in hiding because Eric Adams gave Crypto bros and tech investors a bad name in NYC.

>>at least give her a month before pirating the video.

Did you forget what site you're on? Take your ass back to Curvage if you wanna act like a bitch over piracy.
lol if she immediately runs off because a vid got shared, then she literally is just looking for any excuse to quit and shouldn’t even have come back at all. Get a grip, that’s literally what this site is for.
She came back fatter than I was anticipating. I figured she probably was going to deflate in her year away, credit due.
She looks the same, just less bloated.
How much does she weigh
Like 330 now, down from her peak of 370 but she looks the same. It'll probably take her all year to get back up
Respect her keeping her health in check still following her work only hoping for the next Mochii to come along. Her previous work was peak nut content. Need more gainers focusing less on vanity and revenue and more on gaining without limitations or regard for health

>>Need more gainers focusing less on vanity and revenue and more on gaining without limitations or regard for health

So you want women to eat themselves to death while ending up broke? "Peak nut content" doesn't mean shit when this fetish is fickle as fuck and you've all known to turn on women the second they even consider improving their health or end up with a feeder you don't like.
>covid isn't real
>well covid is real but the vaxx is a fraud bros
It's insane how fucking retarded you people are, you know that? What a drain on humanity.

>will be sent through DM to ALL active subs
Dick In Hand comment
Ssbbw content is your golden ticket then
> Need more gainers focusing less on vanity and revenue and more on gaining without limitations or regard for health

Seriously. The bar is so low for content these days. These fucking commenting attacking the man for making a pretty low key request is telling about this alt-white feminist rage you guys got.
I can confirm that NY is full of anti-vaxxers who want to flip the state red by voting RFK to deprive Biden the delegates. It can work if only cause Netanyahu and progressive are their own worst enemy. I am too busy building capital to be Kisame17
Can someone just rip her content and upload it, please. I don't think she's worth paying for yet but I'm still curious.
Netanyahu is an incel school shooter with his daddies AR.
Christian fundamentalists only support Israel because it justifies fulfilling the dream of an American Christian Nation.
Like I said, I don't care. America is just bored cause there's no Saturday Morning Cartoon Supervillain to fight
Imitation crabmeat stick tastes more like the original than you do.
I think Mochii lives in A.O.C's district and it's super conservative. They've been frowning upon pornography cause it's violent.
There’s no supervillain, but historic supervillains such as Hitler look a lot more reasonable when you wonder if he was sent from the future to stop Israel from existing and then accidentally caused it.
Sorta the standard time traveling Cassandra complex.
Guys... She's back
That’s not what I said you stupid it is an opinion there is only few who have accomplished what mochi have but prioritizing health is a turn off I don’t care about supporting feedees whose work can’t get me hard. Waste of money. She still eats like hog I like it. Don’t put words in my mouth. I can have an opinion as much as you it’s a free country.
Idk she left a lot of food in that pizza box and called it a "stuffing."

I heard the news already.

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