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Wanted to rant on something that's been agonizing me internally recently, and something I'm sure may be relatable to some of you.

Part of being as FA is reconciling with the fact that your sexual desires limits the potential partners you may have. At the end of the day, no matter how smart, funny or interesting a girl may be, there's a baseline level of fatness that is needed for sexual satisfaction. Is she ain't fat, then she's wack. Thankfully, in our modern world there's no shortage of fatties. But recently I've felt an incongruence in my sexuality, after developing a bit of a crush on a platonic friend. She's funny, cute, intelligent, and a consistent joy to be around - but she's a bit on the smaller side. I'm left with an aching divide inside on how to reconcile these two feelings of wanting her, but knowing sexually I may be unsatisfied.
Now with this girl, nothing is gonna come from it, I have no plans to pursue it, as I'm planning on moving soon anyways, and I don't want to jeopordize a friendship. But regardless I've felt this schism before, and it's a frusturating part about being a FA - feeling attraction towards a girl mentally and emotionally, but knowing that the FA part of the brain will be left wanting if anything were to come from pursuing her.
With this girl in particular, I had tried hooking up when initially getting to know her, but when it was time to actually have sex her skinniness made me unable to perform. I still don't know if it was nerves, alcohol, or purely being an FA that made me not perform, but every instance of sex since then with a proper fat girl I've had no issues, even when feeling less mentally attracted to the girl. That lack of a hookup with the friend while still mutually having a good time led to the friendship, so it was okay in the end. And she's put on around 40 pounds in the meantime so she has thickened up considerably since then, but still I'm left usure of if she's "fat enough". Still not a BBW by any means, but a bit chubby. Which is a unpleasant aspect of being an FA that normies don't have to worry about - wondering if someone is obese enough to find attractive in sex. It's shallow and fetishistic, and I want to be able to have and enjoy sex with all kinds of women, not only ones that are of a certain weight range.

Also, what has especially accentuated this feeling of frusturation was a recent breakup i've gone through with a BBW I was dating for several months. Her body was fantastic. 5'7, 280lbs, huge tits and a big soft belly. I loved the sex so much I tried hard to convince myself I actually felt a sense of love and true attraction to her even though deep down I knew I didnt. I didn't truly find her interesting, or witty or beautiful internally - we just weren't truly compatible outside the bedroom. Eventually it lef to some bitterness before I finally ended things. And I must admit, some of what turned me off of her her were aspects common to being a fat person that i don't like, despite being an FA. I didnt like she was terribly slow at hiking. She was lazy and often didn't want to leave the couch. Not a huge appreciation for nature. Dressed sloveny with the oversized t shirts hiding any curves. Now obviously not all fat women share these qualities, but i think these are pretty common for a lot of fat women. And let's be totally honest - if a girl is a real go-getter, intelligent, on top of it person, they're not often gonna let themselves get to 300 pounds. Exceptions apply ofc. Previous fat girlfriends and flings have been more compatible then her, but have shared some of those qualities.

So now I'm single again and reconciling with this nagging crush I've developed on a friend who is a bit too skinny. She has many character qualities I realize I need for a meaningful relationship, ones I didn't find in my last relationship, but lacks a fat body. Which feels silly to have as a negative qualifier. Sometimes I try to convince myself that the fetishitstic needs are unimportant, and that if I only cut out all porn or fantasizing or thinking about fat women then I could have a relationship with a smaller woman. But this is suppressive, and the moment I think about a slapping a big fat ass or grabbing some belly rolls, that idea this is unimportant goes out the window. This fetish/sexuality/preference feels narrowing to the point of frusturation, in that an ideal girl must be a kindred spirit, funny, intelligent etc. but must also be properly fat.

Have you all encountered this frusturating schism in your desires? This conflict between the heart, mind and the cock? Wanting a woman to fall in love and raise children with, but also be a fat piggy for you.
Had this conundrum with my current girlfriend. We get along extremely well, however she is super skinny - literal former anorexic. If the right woman comes along, and she isn't fat, just go for it man. Looks fade. Porn will always be there if you need a fat fix. At the end of the day, you and your future wife will eventually both be wrinkly old loose-skinned ugly elderly people. Love is what matters, and it is built on far more than appearances.
I disagree. You live only once and if you don't want to twist your head when a fattie passes by when you are walking with your skinny girlfriend, then bite the bullet and keep searching.

Do you find you have good sex with your skinny girlfriend? Tastes as an FA vary but even when I cum from sex with a thinner girl, which is lowkey rare, it's never as great as with a big girl. I would feel unfulfilled in a huge aspect of the relationship, and feel that it may rot away the love in the relationship or make me want to cheat.
>>40364 (OP)
>Part of being as FA is reconciling with the fact that your sexual desires limits the potential partners you may have.

People who wouldn't bang fat girls limit their potential partners and they don't give a fuck.

However, you pointed out a case which led you to reconsider your fetish. And that's alright.

Even if you end up being able to fuck her, the real question is: Would you be willing to sacrifice your sexual desires because you've met a woman who may be a great romantic partner? I honestly don't know if I would. I'd try, tho.

I honestly would have sex with 80% of women around my age. And that would be a conservative calculation. However, sex wouldn't be as good with a skinny girl.

iirc I haven't been in that situation because I've been interested in few women and, for some reason, most women who have shown interest in me are fat.
>>40364 (OP)

If you’re moving anyway, I’d try to subtly hint at this fetish and/or feeding. If it works out, you won the lottery my friend. If it doesn’t, you don’t ever have to see her again. Why do you have to choice between sex and platonic love if you could have both? Worth a shot imo.
Very allegorical OP, you must have graduated at the top of your fuckin class!
>>40364 (OP)

You're a fucking retard, OP. This is genuinely the most arrogant top of the bell-curve redditor thread I've ever seen posted on this website.

You have a girl who gained 40+ lbs and you're still wondering if she's fat girl material. Look at the fucking trend dipshit. Where do you think she's going to end up if she's already gained that much weight, especially with someone to encourage her?

The fact that you can't find her sexually attractive unless she's already 280 is so fucking niggardly. You have a perfect girl right in front of you, but your head stuck so far up your gay entitled ass musing about "which side your brain wants what" to realize what a fucking retard you're being. I hope she loses the weight and finds someone who isn't such a lukewarm 110 IQ faggot.

PS: if you get mad at your 300-pound girlfriend for "not hiking fast enough", you should fucking kill yourself.

t. Everyone

Alright simmer down there dude. Fucking overdramatic. I see the the fuckin trend on the girl, but the bigger thing is the different points in life with moving and all. Not gonna jeopardize a friendship over this, and that's fine. And I'm not fuckin saying a girls gotta be 280 for me to be attracted, but like maybe 175 +? Idk there's no definitive line but I think it's a true thing for FAs to feel attraction after a certain point in weight.

And you're fuckin misinterpreting what I'm saying about my ex and hiking. I am not mad at her for that of course, that'd be fucking ridiculous. It's general post break up gripes, combined with legitimate parts of a fat relationship. Idk about you but I love hiking. I love the outdoors. I wanna share that with a girl, but it's harder if the girl is fat and certain hikes are off limits. That's legitimate and real!
this thread is another case of the usual normie boomerslop word vomit essay posts you get on this site. obviously no imageboard experience. who tf is gonna read all that shit? and they always dramatise all this bullshit about muh morals angst, as if a girl weighing 200lbs is a big fuckin issue. niggers need to get real.
>that's legitimate and real!!!!!

No, that's fake and gay. Your post is retarded, fuck you.

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