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stufferdb comments are a gem, post yr favs. i'll go first with one i just found.
>>40313 (OP)
More of these would be nice but the site returns a 404 now
You can still access it if you hit models
Why’d they disable comments like 5 months ago? Dumb shit
In the hushed coop's embrace, I unfurl,
An anomaly spun from avian swirl.
Within my shell's undulating grace,
Irregularity pulsates, a clandestine trace.

Rhythmic clucks and feathers' dance,
In shadows, I linger, a puzzle's trance.
Each curve tells a tale, a labyrinthine art,
Contradictions dance, a ballet from the heart.

Oblivious clucks compose their song,
As I endure, an uninvited throng.
A witness to coop's enigmatic plea,
A testament to profound complexity.
Agreed 100%. I pointed out a few fake gains but my comments never showed up.
The ones who accuse you of fragility are the fragile ones themselves.
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I'm not going to lie I kind of see his point
Ain't bim transgender or something?
Yeah, he uses He/Him pronouns despite being born as a girl and presenting himself in pretty much every way as a girl.

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