
Jesus, can Russians be any more fucking degenerate.

Disgusting cockroaches living in a bottle of vodka, all of them.
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>Disgusting cockroaches living in a bottle of vodka

So? What seems to be a problem, сука?
>Sees Russian flag
Instant MSM programming takes hold as a hot searing flash of rage without logic takes over.

(And he'll believe that he hates Russians from his own free will, despite never meeting one.)
>>40266 (OP)
Next time use ukrainian flag. It's will be fun.
OP is literally talking about crushing on his friend's gf.

I've met many Russians. They are either degenerate drunks or subversive through non-stop lying and gaslighting.

I know you're just being a contrarian against the current thing because it makes you feel smart, but it's not. You just come across as a Marxist asshole
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How the fuck do you get "Marxist" from that?
The sheer amount of projection is enough for an IMAX theatre screening, lmfao.
>>40266 (OP)
One of those kids trooned out. sad.
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A) You frankly sound like a pedophile, obsessing over the sexuality of children. I’m my day chomo scum got a quick a make out session with the curb and choked on their own teeth.
B) Anyway, no the boy moved away and got replaced with the girl. Two different people.

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