
(35 KB, 526x526, 33152711_2559157774309244_520792173646446592_n.jpg)
He opened commission tier on his Patreon not long ago, now posts this:

<I would like to start by apologizing to the people who's commissions I was not able to get to. When I first opened up for commissions I had originally intended to only open up for 5 or so slots. I really did bite off more than I could handle. As for the announcement:

I've decided to stop commissions all together and will be unpublishing the highest tier because of it. Since without it, there isn't a reason for that tier to exist (more on that below).

It basically boils down to the simple fact that I suck at commissions. Not the results or the process (some of them I really like), but that it costs me a lot more energy and motivation to do them. Yet I kept forcing it, draining my motivation for any 3D work in the process. And then after the batch closes, people approach me with excitement for the next time it opens and just... it overwhelmed me. I hate the situation so much because I love seeing people so thrilled to see their character or idea through my vision, but I simply can't get myself to.

Besides, it is also unfair towards the tier 3 pledgers that specifically pledged for the commissions. I realistically can't upkeep the benefit, hence this post and the coming removal of the tier. I'm really sorry that it has come to this, but this has been in my mind for two months now and I really did not see another way out.

As for the highest tier, unpublishing simply means that it won't show up on the list, but it still exists. Coming January I will be deleting it entirely, and any that are still pledged will have no tier. So ideally before that point everyone on tier 3 will have changed theirs. Since this is so close to the new month, I will provide refunds to those who weren't able to switch tiers in time before their December payment.>

No word on whether those who signed up for commission tier and already paid and were "missed" will get their money back, only refunds for those who don't switch before next couple of days. I'm not one of the commission tier patrons, so I have no dog in this race, it just seems kind of shitty. Also, one can't help but notice that he makes these 3D art burnout excuses all the time. Also also, just about everything posted on his Patreon goes up on his Deviantart like the same time, including drive links. Seems like there's really no reason to sign up anyways. I'm an active patron of his, and honestly if you're not one, you're not missing much, just to give a heads up.

Inb4 white knights show up.
There's no autists like Kisame funding preg art. So naturally the workload increased cause the preg community is demanding.

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