
(2 KB, 225x225, download-1.png)
So I have a mega account filled with bbw and ssbbw videos with a few other stuff and it has almost 3 TB (yes ik I'm horrible) of content at the time of this post. I have designated folders of certain models I have at least a handful of videos of, as well as a random or other/misc. folder, though the folders itself are a bit organized and I haven't got yet to sorting.

But anyway, I'm not saying I'm going to quit collecting videos as of right now, but I know I will at some point in the future. So I'm wondering how much are yall willing to pay if I was to sell my account in the future? Of course we're all here mostly to get free porn, but there are a few that are content providers. But I spent way too much time (and money) to build up my account and it's not something I would just be willing to give away for free. I could share whole folders but they will be at risk of deletion and my whole account terminated.

That being said, how much would you pay if I was selling the entire account, or better question, how much should the price be? Should I host a bidding session when the time comes or sell individual folders (don't think that would be ideal but who knows)? Again it ain't something I'm willing to share for free. I could be a saint and do that, but again, too much time and money taken away because I collect porn each day and it'll feel like a giant waste to just give it for free. Of course I could change my opinion in the future but for right now I think it would be right.

I'll consider any suggestion. Please don't be a faggot and harass me just because I'm thinking about selling collected porn instead of giving it with no returns.
>>40197 (OP)

>>Please don't be a faggot and harass me just because I'm thinking about selling collected porn instead of giving it with no returns.

Unless you're giving a huge discount, why would I buy porn from you over the model it came from? If I'm going to spend money anyways I'm not going to buy someone's sloppy seconds.
If you bought the content yourself and the price would be lower than buying it myself I would consider it. If you didn't buy it besides me possessing the content already I could get it for a low enough price on places such as GigaTribe ($5) or Premium BBW Content ($20) which are pretty much archives of drops here.

Porn is a resource that is used impulsively, people generally don't collect it or aren't too invested in what they've saved. A collection can grow in value somewhat as clipstores get removed but models get forgotten too and the audience moves on Remember Cajun? you probably don't. If someone had the foresight to rip her site before it closed I would be willing to (preferably) trade with them. I've ripped some now closed sites such as those from Asshley, Veelynn and KitKat. Instead of reselling them I let people download them on Giga and occasionally upload them here. If I ever want to remove these rips i'll probaly upload them here one last time
>>40197 (OP)

Hard to say without knowing what was in it. I also have to wonder how much someone would realistically spend, especially if a lot of what's in there can be found for free if one is persistent enough.


What's your name on Gigatribe? Which Asshley sites do you have rips of?

>>Porn is a resource that is used impulsively, people generally don't collect it or aren't too invested in what they've saved.

It also loses all it's value as soon as you purchase it.
>>40197 (OP)
There are just so many way to get free porn so I don't think you're going to be able to get anything. That's the reason we're all at sites like this. Who really pays for porn? No one unless they really want something specific that they can't find for free. Then, that content is mostly only valuable for them, or some others, or people that don't know how to find free porn.

Plus, if it's 3TB, how are we going to be able to verify it's content and quality? It's a total gamble for the buyer.

I know you don't want to hear it, but you're here to get free porn and for help finding stuff that might be hard to find. Share it with us and know you did something good with it.
Well, I know you did something good with it for you. Now pay it forward. Thanks bro!
Or just hold on to it until you no longer use it, your drive goes bad, or you lose it.... eventually it will be useless or worthless to all. Just share it and feel good about what you did.

The only kind of people that would "be in the market" for this kind of porn and quantity are here and you know damn well we're not going to pay for it when we get so much porn for free. That's why we all go to sites this this!

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