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This is more of a thought experiment akin to bodybuilding, but if one were to take the plunge on gaining, how can someone maximize their gains for more rounded hips? After analyzing liposuction patients, those that are more masculine or have been working out don't have a rounded booty and only have their butt jut forward, along with their hip bones being exposed. However, those with more feminine builds could easily take liposuction or other sculpting methods and become a PAWG.

Any dieting, supplements, or other routines are appreciated ITT.

>Hard mode
Devise a regiment for men to have a latina booty, while keeping his virility intact.

>European Extreme
No insurance, no BBL, no procedures costing over $1k per session, no downtime
Your hip size is largely determined by genetics so yeah you can make them bigger but not by much.
Much like hair loss, that's common sense but not the full story. Due to sexual dimorphism, estrogen is a key factor for females which points to hip gains and breast growth in the first place. However, in bigger families, I've sometimes notice the daughters having bigger bums than the mothers, and my grandmother managed to have larger hips than her sister despite having the same parents, and having breast cancer later on in her life. You can shrug and say it's mutations within genetics, but there's a lot of unanswered questions.

For example, PAWGs are rarer in the wild compared to latinas and black women. Black women are exposed to a lot of soul food while latinas are raised on home cooking; white women are the most likely to have preservatives in their diet and drinking booze, when they're not gnawing on rabbit food. Although the former two are exposed to seed oils, I would say white women are the most exposed to fad diets and meal prep kits that try to be healthy, but are the most jacked with preservatives for "flavor".
pioglitazone and don't eat saturated fats, only unsaturated fats.
10th thread (?) asking the same question, and here are the same answers:

A woman cannot spot gain (or lose), because fat distribution is determined by genetics, period.

Yes, estrogen causes hip growth in puberty, like testosterone causes belly growth in middle age. However you can't grow bigger hips in adolesence by taking extra estrogen, or grow a larger belly (proportionately) by taking extra testosterone.

> it's mutations within genetics
>PAWGs are rarer in the wild compared to latinas and black women

You had the smart answers, yet went stupid with it. Black women and Latinas* have larger asses than white women because of shared genes.

(* Though mostly with Carribean and Brazilian Latinas. Notice this is generally not the case with Mexicans and others from Central America, because the small-assed indigenous genes are more dominant, while Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Brazilians, etc have a lot of African DNA.)
Did you major in Feederism Eugenics?
>>40190 (OP)
Who is this? Can’t see the file name
The architect thread was dead and geared towards a different purpose, so that's why I moved on with this thread.

>A woman cannot spot gain (or lose), because fat distribution is determined by genetics, period.
It's common knowledge that women can get a 360 lipo and remove their double chin to appear skinny while having all the benefits from weight gain. Liposculpture can also relocate the fat to a degree, and only need to wear compression garments in exchange. The only exception is BBL, where the target can't even sit for a week or two.

Another fact overlooked is that women during menopause will have less estrogen in their blood, thus when they get fat, it's viscerally rather than subcutaneously. Conversely, one of the supplements for PCOS is bovine ovary pills, which not only work on hags, but also triggers breast growth and estrogen in younger women. The key component is triggering aromatose to convert T to E, and also triggers weight gain along with breast growth; if your girl doesn't mind menstrual cycle changes, headaches, or acne, it's a free W for female gainers. It's also powerful enough that troons use it too, but there's been conflicting reports on impotence; more research is needed.

There is also topical estrogen, but unlike minoxidil or T gel patches, there is little research on how it changes the body.
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Also of note is that there's noninvasive methods of various degrees. Coolsculpting kills fat cells directly while leaving the skin intact, with a small chance of scarred fat cells left behind. EMSculpt is more recent but the latest generation has no downsides so far; the only catch is that it works only patients under 35 bmi, which is a dealbreaker for some here.

Once upon a time "muh genetics" was an acceptable answer, but with the amount of breakthroughs these days, I think we live in the best timeline for architects.
Although fat transplants come in many forms, the biggest hurdle is how deadly the procedure is, and how much of it is based on technique. Although fat girls don't normally have this problem, the reason this isn't for the super skinny is that the fat has to be injected between the skin and muscle with a cannula, which is not the same as a needle. Once the fat for the other areas has been collected from liquifying it, it has to be purified before making an incision to start squirting it out like concrete to the target points. However, one wrong move and it punctures the muscle layer and injects the fat into the pockets, tearing up blood vessels and fibers instantly. You basically bleed from the inside in a matter of minutes. Knowing what I do now, it's not something a tentpole clinic can pull off, which is why it costs so much and how much downtime occurs.

Biggest flaws:
>the fat medium
The thickness of the purified fat is about as thick as applesauce, where normal needles can't pour in and out like a turkey baster. Thus, the rods must be used.

>The incision
Unlike injections, the cannula uses landmark holes to spread the fat around under the skin, and if done sloppily, it can leave extra lumps which distort the target. Meanwhile, liposuction has a lot of margin for error, and you can avoid the cannula if you don't have to.

>The time
Depending how many areas need to be treated, it can almost take a full day. As the doctor gets more tired, errors can happen.

If we were to make this safer or cheaper, here are my suggestions:
>injecting the growth hormone in key areas to trigger fat cell division in them
>using AI/machinery to automate the procedure for less errors
>sampling a set of fat cells and cloning them to be injected in target areas; as the fat cells are unfilled, they can fit in smaller needles easier

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