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>>26331 (Cross-thread)

So, it looks like there are plenty of chubby chasers in the military. And now it's time to raise the next logical question: are there any fat girls in active service? And I mean not only in the IDF, the Israeli army is flooded with females who clearly indulge in a lot of falafels, it's a common fact. But outside IDF - i can't find a single photo, or video of an overweight female soldier. So, share here your stories of interaction with fatties in uniform, and not only army ones - police, firefighters, coastguard - any paramilitary services at all.
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I mean after days of searching I managed to stumble across only one video. Where the somewhat chubby chick from the 1st infantry holds a black dude during flu shot, lol
Huh. Thats actualy really nice. Ukranians are cool, so thanks anon
I was in the IDF and there were a few in my unit. 2 of them were good friends of mine and had office jobs so they would mostly sit around all day, lots of food too and lots people in the idf gain weight after basic training because you do lots of sitting around and eat good food. Especially where i was in the armoured corp where more fat and crippled people go who couldnt make it to infantry.
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Thanks for your reply! Are all of these chubbies even going through infantry basics? Or are they just auxiliary personnel from start to an end? I can barely imagine this girl in the armor vest shooting an assault rifle (not like i don't want to imagine…)
There are mixed(male/female) infantry units, but they just go on safe borders like Jordan or Egypt. Other than that they will just go to a place where all the kinda auxilary people do their training and get assigned to a any random unit after whether combat or not. Ive also had female combat medics in my unit (good luck trying to pick up an obese tank driver on a stretcher) but other than that females will be all auxilary. Some were fat but it wasnt too common and the ones that were usually were ugly.

That girl in the photo is definitely not in a combat unit and judging by the fact she has an undershirt on she is on kitchen duty, which almost everyone would do whether a combatant or auxilary
Ok, israel soldier here.
First thing, basic infantry training in Israel is very easy.
You can't be a battle soldier with that kind of training, you need more advanced infantry.

Second thing, "chubby" girls aren't as weak as you think.
I've met chubby girls from battle formations.
If a girl has good muscles and stamina, she can be really strong actually.

Third, Israel has a LOT of office work.
I personally was in the base with a office workers.
Like literally, with the people who just seating under their computers all day.
People there are posting chubby girls, but it's just top of the iceberg, cause I've met literally ssbbws there.
I've met a girl, she was I assume something like 400+ pounds.
She was barely making a set of stairs and wheezing after a 10 minutes walk.
How the gods fuck she managed infntry training?
I have no fucking idea, yeah infantry training was easy and I'm personally fat, but she was morbidly obese....
Sadly she worked very hard, (12-13 work shifts, sometimes in night) so she wasn't in a state for dating.
Or she just has bf already.

Feel free to ask the questions!
Army ssbbw working all day behind the desk sounds almost too good to be true (i believe you though)
Now i wonder why צה"ל‎ had xxxxxl uniform in stock. Or this girl had to modify her uniform so it can fit her?
By the way, cheers to you guys, all adequate people in the world support you. (Not like you cannot live without my words of appreciation, but nevertheless)
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So it’s some kinda white girl feminist propaganda?
They aren’t actually soldiers in a shootout, unless it’s time for a photo shoot?
What feminism has to do with that? Israel is surrounded by enemies and bringing through military basics as much young adults as possible is a necessity and not a dome left wing political statement
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And they think it’s cute to pretend their women are solider. Are you an idiot, Zionist or microdick to pretend you’ve met a Jewish woman who can even cook dinner much less use a gun.
You know they’re qualified to do one thing and it’s press the button to nuke a UN school and post it to Instagram under #GirlBoss.

Yeah, it was amazing.
She also was eating a lot.
Things like pasta or cheese.

About clothes, I have a story.
When I was getting form, there wasn't a form of my size in the base.
So I took the biggest jacket that was there.
And man, it's fucking HUGE.
I'm a big guy 6,1 240 pounds, but it's at least 3-4 sizes too big for me.
So I don't think that she needs to use custom form.
Dude, you're not even trying.
As an ex soldier at 150 kg i can confirm you can hace up to 4-5xl from there on you need customs. Although those uniform are the worst thing i ever put over my skin.
Go to the Purple Trades (Logistics, Truckers, Medics...etc) or Reserve side of the Army and you will see plenty of thick, plus-sized or BBWs.

The Navy and Air Force are also a good place to see fatties, again the Purple Trades or any sort of admin role.

Some of the military clinics, hospitals and field ambulance locations are where you make see different types of women; they are showing up for medical or mental health needs.

There has been a change on the Basic Military Qualification, where candidates have to meet certain fitness evaluations during course on top of the annual FORCE (fitness) test.
Why so? I am wearing an old IDF shirt at work, and it's pretty comfortable.
>>40639 there are two types of shirts A and B
The B one is for combat soldiers and general work wich is amazing and has ventilation holes in the armpits the A one is made out of polyester and does not breath a single bit. It is the more representative type of uniform and is used in ceremonies. Sweating in it is the worse type of suffering.
“Sweating in it is the worse type of suffering.”
Israelis will kill 10k civilians in a month but being a sweaty out of shape blob is the worst part of their military service.
>Feel free to ask the questions!
Why do you guys spam 4chan with all that BBC/interracial stuff--shouldn't you be killing Palestinian civilians so Bebe can build his waterpark?
entering the military in any first world country isn't a matter of life and death (anymore). i'm guessing when you look at military casualties at the israeli side technical fuckups were the main cause. looking at it that way joining a technically advanced army isn't that virtuous, no one sane would do it if there was a 50/50 chance they'd be missing a limb upon return. hamas on the other side know a unmanned drone will be hovering above their heads in matter of seconds so they're p ballsy but their's a strong belief in afterlife among them so they aren't that different in the end.
Kisame here I don't know. Republicans where I live are trying to get an Ethiopian Jew from Tel Aviv to replace George Santos who lied. I think the educated types tend to be liberal but they're brainwashed into becoming Republican and pumping out seven children while living in the North Shore.
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Only Orthodox tend to be race mixers in the sense of Ukraine-Ethiopia or Jewish-Roman Catholic if you want to maximize mullet power for your child like Geraldo Rivera. The catch is that they'll grow up Republican and five ex wives cause they didn't have a padre.
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Ethiopian Jews are forcibly sterilized by Netanyahu’s govt as policy.
Ethiopian’s have been Jewish for 1000+ years but face extreme prejudice and exclusion from the white, European Jews that control Israel.
Kisame here. I willed myself back to reality and reject your claim. Netanyahu is too inept to have that much power over Israel
Ultranationalists are losing cause they're stuck in the past or want to live in the past. I rather have Communist China take over since they're moving forward.
man i used to follow a bunch previously on insta, lost their handles
Look at it this way: Vivek will never be president but he did a gold job making the GOP come off as unlikable and a party of old white men who want to brag about how great they are with his trolling. He mastered Socratic dialogue
Israeli women aren't allowed to have social media. We can't have Jewish roasties attracted Hamas since Netanyahu had no information.
In America jewish women are told that if they date outside of their race and don’t marry a Jewish professional their children aren’t actually Jewish and they can’t take a free vacation to the Motherland on Uncle Sams shekel. Early in life the Jewish woman is taught to be a cheapskate with her own money and frivolously spend other people’s money.
Shopping at Sacs on fifth is essential and one never have too many bags. Mothers molest their sons into being weak willed accountants and dentists who enable this consumerist behavior.
Kisame here. Banking is now dominated by women. This is why Chase is so desperate for Nikki Haley to be president.
Hey faggots, this thread is not about Israel, its about military stuff in general, so go in to thread next door and spam your political crap there.
Kisame here, Americans don't serve in the military. Only fundies do and they all like to brag about protecting the Syrian Christians from Assad or the Kurds from the Taliban. Netanyahu is popular with the Daystar TV fundies or the Robertsons and 700 Club. Both of whom like to brag about opening a TV station in Israel while living in Dallas McMansions and looking down at Austin for being too liberal.
Dude, stfu and check yourself into a mental hospital. You need meds.

We already have a military thread
Still cranky that Charlie killed your dad in Nam and pumped your fat mom full of gooks?
Damnnn I wouldn’t mind a Jewish Ssbbw colonizing me or trapping me in a tunnel with her weight crushing me.
Adult entertainers hate the military industrial complex. Israel being full of hard intellectuals who want to execute people means no fatties want to shill for Netanyahu.
Yeah, it's kinda "bruh" that this thread degraded to another Israel wars discussion shitfest, and only because all i did was placing the IDF girls as a picture (like i had any choice, it's not my fault that fat girls only serve in Israel army)
Hey, are you retarded or something? They were just responding to someone who was in the IDF, also OP posted a picture of fatties in the IDF. Seriously, get your head checked.
>trendy latte leftists
Ok back to your containment board, 2014 Glenn Beck.
If you don’t want people to discuss the IDF, maybe don’t use them as your OP image next time, Ivan.
Sorry, John, as i sad before: if you want to to start a military fatties thread, you kinda limited in options
We need more fat female war criminals.
Imagine the torture porn we could film if anyone ever gets the chance!
OOF o you Jewish lads are getting the shit beat out of you by Hamas. Fat girls are the best but if they are in a non-combat role with hard as nails men in the Comabt Amrs yo should be okay.
But seeing everyone is is weak you guys seemed to be screwed.
I heard jews jerk off to big booties
This Jew does.
Israeli here, where are the idf ssbbws at exactly
There was another thread that featured an IDF fatty in its opening post but a mob of anti-semites took it as an invitation to flex their insecurity, ignorance, and gullibility so it was bumplocked.
Washington primary. Alright. You can have that one. Ha
Yeah right. Because pointing out the white supremacists Jewish Nazis are bombing an entire city full of children to build their ethnostate’s suburbs is AnTiSeMeTISm. Jewish people are globally nerds who depend on the teacher to defend them from shit they stirred up. The sooner Donald deports you all to Israel the better.
Jewish people just went mask off and can’t handle the smoke they started. At least you got you KKK hooded bbwchan mods to protect you from “antisemitism”.
I'm not talking about criticism of Israel or the Gaza bombing. Actual anti-semitism was expressed and a lot of it, including throw them in the ovens, they're all ugly, they're all thieves, their lizard cabal controls the universe, Hitler was right, etc, etc, etc. There were vintage Jew-hating cartoons to go with it. Your next comment will be something related, I'm sure.

...which only reinforces the idea that when a group like Hamas says in writing they want to eliminate Jews from the earth and then acts on it, they must be wiped out, whatever the cost and whatever Instagram activist college students think of it.
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>Jewish people just went mask off and can’t handle the smoke they started.

Handling it just fine. Most of us wish Netanyahu wasn't running the show and that Hamas would surrender to save the people they'd be killing otherwise, but we also know Israel is doing what has to be done. What any country would do if an ISIS-aligned death cult declared war on them.

Notice how literally no country of any significance has boycotted Israel yet or even cut off diplomatic ties. Just pulling their pud with useless UN decrees. Because they love Jews? No, because they know they'd do the same given similar circumstances. Shit, the US, Britain, Russia, and dozens of other countries have killed millions of civilians even without an existential threat like Hamas, including their own citizens.

>At least you got you KKK hooded bbwchan mods to protect you from “antisemitism”.

So the KKK protects Jews now...? "You got you" no working brain cells, brother.

Nope, the Powers That Be of bbw-chan didn't delete a single anti-semitic post. They just pushed the thread to the back of the board once watching me slay one virign retard/Meme University grad after another got tedious.
??? They've been bombing Palestinians for decades. Just because someone calls them kikes means that Palestinians should be bombed? Fuck off, dude.
They won't boycott Israel because boycotting Israel means boycotting the US. They aren't "doing what has to be done," what should have happened is actual aid and not fucking building a powderkeg for years. There's literally no reason for this to be going on other than the fact the IDF likes to use toddlers as target practice.

Whatever happens to Israelis is warranted and long overdue.
Nice racist picture, but I’m 100% pure Aryan and wonder what how you inbred waste of white skin thinks you’re allowed to be bigoted against anyone.
Just admit Israel is Britain’s most recent colony and Americas 51st state— used for a proxy war vs OPEC that hasn’t been relevant geopolitically for 2 decades. You’re lucky we still bother to pay Israel to kill Arabs. Your turn will come again if you keep it up
Stay in your lane buddy. The Jewish people are the loyal attack dogs of the west and act like the dog you are.
They've been bombing Palestinians for decades and Jews have been targetted throughout Europe and the Middle East for millenia. My point was that the continuing existence of vicious, violent anti-semitism means Israel, and Jews as a whole, have to take it seriously. Of course a lot of the rhetoric is from frustrated virgins blowing off steam. But then that describes many of Hitler's followers in 1932 as well.

Hamas from Day One made the elimination of Jews from the planet its main goal. Wrote it in their charter and never revised it. Look at the hundreds of millions they've spent on weapons and tunnels rather than their own people. On October 7th they took advantage of the Netanyahu govt's corruption and fecklessness to rape, maim, and kill the equivalent of 20,000 Americans by population. What do you think Biden/Trump would do if that was the case here? What would Sunak do? What about Putin? He's killed 10k Ukrainian civilians in the past 2 years just for existing. Imagine if Zelinsky took out a small Russian city.

>They won't boycott Israel because boycotting Israel means boycotting the US.

I think you're overplaying that relationship. For decades the US had parallel channels of trade and diplomacy with plenty of countries who were literally attacking Israel, directly or by funneling weapons to the PLO, not just boycotting them.

>Whatever happens [cheap righteous blather]

You know nothing about the history of the region, so of course you think that. Short version, there were a few wars and many sub-conflicts fought between 1919 and 10/7/23 between Jews and Arabs in the region, starting before Israel existed. The Meme U narrative that a bunch of Jews showed up in 1948 to an unoccupied Arab utopia called Palestine and kicked everyone out is good for binary thinkers but also bullshit.

>Actual aid

Google how much actual aid Hamas has received since 2007 and contrast it with living conditions in Gaza pre-10/7. They did build a lot of tunnels though. All kinds of tunnels, 100s of millions of dollars' worth. While foreign countries ran their only functional hospitals and schools that weren't madrasas.

>Nice racist picture

The microcephalic happens to be South Asian (?). No more a slur than posting an Aryan who happens to be microcephalic.

> inbred

There are like 4 faces in all of Scandinavia. Methinks the Aryan doth protesteth too much.

>Just admit Israel is Britain’s most recent colony

Britain had colonies after Mandatory Palestine, still does. Your erudition is boundless.

>and Americas 51st state— used for a proxy war vs OPEC that hasn’t been relevant geopolitically for 2 decades

No oil anywhere near Israel/Palestine... yet "OPEC."

"Hasn't been relevant for 20 years"... yet we give Israel more money per capita than any other country.

So our 51st state is "irrelevant"...?

Yup, all kinds of awesome Aryan logic there.

>Your turn will come again if you keep it up... proxy...

Yes, look at how the Muslim Middle East has come to Gaza's rescue. Besides Iran and their pet Assad regime in Syria they were falling over themselves to normalize relations with Israel pre-10/7. On hold for now, because of Arab Spring PTSD, but when this ends they'll be kissing the Knesset's kosher ass once more.

As for this being a proxy war of the US v Palestine, um, no fucking way. This is the biggest pain in the ass Biden could have imagined right now. It's splitting the party like no other issue since desegregation (which Biden was against, another discussion). As for Republicans, Trump won't even talk about it. Trust me, the US wants Israel out of Gaza yesterday. Preferably several months ago.

And since when does the US need a proxy to kill Arabs? Please.

>The Jewish people are the loyal attack dogs of the west and act like the dog you are.

Arf! Arf! How's that? (Nicely crafted sentence btw. Maybe it works better in the original Aryan...?)
Figures, the one day I drink spiked cherry lemonade and stop being Kisame17; conspiracy nuts go at it. The Supreme Court doesn't care what wine moms think. Clarence Thomas isn't going to give up his yacht, RV, and fishing trips for actors in their tiny studio apartments to stop Trump from the ballots. Europe is shifting hard right from centre left cause weak moderates like Macron and Olaf care about money more than the plight of Muslims in urban centers. I argue neocons are doing more to undermine Joe Biden by asking him to protect them from MAGA. Trump was barred from running a business as libs demanded and now they're reduced to fighting Gen-Z toddlers. Chris Cuomo wants to be part of the manosphere and MAGA to protect his Hampton estates from libs.
There's no proxy war. The left is losing cause Jews are wasting NYPD's time and energy to taze the high school student for being a dip shit. Biden's problem is that he can't go full klan and lynch neo cons for sport.
> Arf! Arf!
Imagine getting commanded to get on your knees and bark like a dog and following orders.
The free Palestine movement are considered a joke cause it's performative theater. Their army of dysfunctional middle of nowhere lawyers ended up giving Trump a win. They're as crazy as the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers. Hitler liked black sports stars and respected Henry Ford. He just didn't believe in being kind to your fellow man or a good neighbor. Watching as Roasties seethe when John Stewart attacks them
Hitler had really bad gas and farted a lot.
Imagine being Ava in that bunker.
Hitler is dead anon. The point is that Jews don't have some cartoon super villain to unite against.
Fat girls in the army
Not a single supervillain, but 2,000 years of conspiracies and resentment from the majority of the world population that a few times too often culminated in a massacre or expulsion.
You're asking too much of the local police to detain teen bullies who hurl slurs at the high school cause they're too dumb to know any better. Your beef is mostly with Eric Adams. The state got rid of Trump. Now people are blaming Joe Biden for enabling the radical left who voted him and the northern coastal elites. Notice how the Audi, Mercedes Benz, Porsche, Corvette class is turning against him cause they're "evading" taxes by going on vacation.
I would like to add that Cocaine Mitch is gone as well meaning that the left has no middle man to traffic drugs and guns to Israel-Kyiv. Zeldin lizards lost cause he wanted to give fat NYPD cops military equipment. The respect the booty types are crazy to execute people for subway fair.
So. Nothing but your feelings?
Really, we’re supposed to kill Palestinian kids because white Jews don’t trust white Europeans?
Such a weird race of fucking weak willed womanly complainers. Hitler wasn’t any worse then Netanyahoo.
Jews lost a war against Germany, same as Palestine lost this war. Auschwitz’s was full of human shields, not people’s bodies, just Zionist shields.
So are we going to get any pics of fat cuties in uniform? Maybe out of Russia? Or all they all dead by now?
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>we’re supposed to kill Palestinian kids because white Jews don’t trust white Europeans

Yes — you, me, your grandma, everyone has to kill at least one Palestinian baby because I'm afraid of Europeans. It's the law.

>Such a weird race of fucking weak willed womanly complainers.

Wait – I thought we were vicious imperialists who control the universe...?

>Jews lost a war against Germany

Ah yes, the Great Jewish-German War... My great uncle Schlomo told me his whole shtetl was wiped out in 1932 when they tried to invade Munich. Luckily he tripped on his tzitzits as he entered the cathedral and fell beneath the sacrarium, shielding him from the Reichswehr's barrage of bratwurst....

>Auschwitz’s was full of human shields, not people’s bodies, just Zionist shields.

Let's talk some more when the Ambien wears off.
Putin would rather skip a botox session than risk a photo of a fat Russian in uniform going viral.
> everyone has to kill at least one Palestinian baby because I'm afraid of Europeans. It's the law.
kinda is the law in Israel dipshit. Do Zionists just lack self awareness and he think he’s being ironic?
I dunno. Trump got fat guys like Nick Adams to say they shoot take the family to Hooters.
Why? I work out of an army, navy, air force town and the army are the fat and proud second only to the Irish Rangers fans dining on McDonald's. The navy are the fit guys second only to Vietnam Vets. Sons of WWII black vets tend to be the fascists
Ignore the anti-Semite, and I say this as Kisame17. They're still mad fat Maga is winning
Only actual good geopolitical analysis in this thread
Fat girls in the army
Imagine having your family devoured by one of these far Jewish slugs.
The idea of fat women makes me debate returning to my homeland after so long.

Are Isreal women loyal is the question or are they gonna cheat like other women?
Israelis of both genders are neither loyal or trustworthy. You should know this of all people, nazisraeli scum.
The Socialism is the infancy the humankind.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will triumph.
Palestine Socialist Nation.
Death to Israel.
Yes, but backwards: Palestine won't triumph. Israel won't die.

The Palestinians fucked themselves electing and supporting Hamas, who knew that Oct. 7th meant the end of any chance of a Palestinian nation. They'd rather sacrifice their people than compromise on anything less than kicking out 7 million Jews and claiming a homeland from "the river to the sea."

Notice that the whole world is talking a good game about helping the Palestinians but no one has actually -done- anything. Why? Because they love seeing dead babies on the news? No, because they know what Hamas is about. Not to mention Iran-supported jihadists in the West Bank who've given the IDF cover to finish what the settlers started. A 2-state solution based on pre-1967 borders was their best shot and they blew it. As they blew it in 1947, as they blew it in 1967, and for good in 2002.

Meanwhile Hamas "civilian" leadership live like billionaires in Qatar on the foreign aid that, really, was enough to create a Little Sweden in Gaza. Instead they kept the place a third world donkey pen dependent on foreign schools, foreign hospitals, foreign food, etc. And now even that's gone. They'll be impoverished refugees under occupation forever, just how their leaders want it.

(Yassir Arafat, founder of Palestinian identity and the PLO, died in France with $6 BILLION in the bank. Netanyahu is an evil fuck but Palestinians are absolute savants when it comes to choosing leaders poorly and then being fucked by them.)

Meanwhile Brazil is one of the most unequal societies on earth, mostly based on skin color, so perhaps look in the mirror before flapping your little dick at any other countries.
Idk if there’s anyone triumphing here. Arabs have the oil, direct military aggression is increasingly out of style. This is a pretty big capitalism L for the west overall, doubly so if Israel fucks up shit with Iran or Qatar or Saudis because the US actually needs those allys and trading partners.
Fact is 2B Muslims, most of whom are peace loving Indonesians, have lost all respect for the west.
Most leftists, ex-slave populations and colonialized people can no longer respect the legitimacy of the west. Respect for international law, human rights or really any enlightened conventions is a farce whose sole aim is placating globalized peasants who should rebel against a structure that no longer benefits them.
The Jews are a tiny population that barely gets along with their fellows whites. I don’t think alienating themselves from pretty much every political and ethnic group except the most bloodthirsty American warhawks will work out well.
More Jews live in America than anywhere, I’ve seen entire friend groups disown every Xionisy leaving moderate NY JAPs lost, friendless and depressed. Conflating Antizionism with Antisemitism basically gave everyone a free pass to be antisemitic, it’s not antisemitic to complain about money-hungry Jew bankers or lying Jew lawyers or abusive Jewish landlords, it’s a political opinion.
>Idk if there’s anyone triumphing here.

I'm not saying Israel will come out of this better off — likely worse, at least in the short term. But they'll survive as a nation and the Palestinians will never have one of their own.

>Arabs, 2B Muslims

It's ridiculous to think the Muslim Middle East — much less the Islamic world in general — as a unified entity. They fight with each other far more than they do with the West. Like any other country on earth their own interests take precedence, and those very often require cooperation with infidels.

Again, note the ratio of yelling and foot stomping vs. actual actions taken against Israel or the West. If any of 20 Muslim countries gave a fuck about dead Palestinian babies they wouldn't have to fire a shot, they could cut off oil exports like in the 70s and bring us to our knees. They're not even calling for sanctions.

>The Jews are a tiny population that barely gets along with their fellows whites.

Tiny yes, and there's antisemitism all over the world, but we coexist just fine in nearly every facet of society in North America and Europe. Think about it — with all the criticism of Israel and Jews over the past six months how many actual violent incidents can you think of? Or even serious allegations of discrimination. A bunch of Yeshiva pussies at Ivy League schools got bent because they saw someone wearing a kefiya or waving a Palestinian flag. That's the extent of it.

You're right things may change moving forward but I doubt it. The only group criticizing Israel with any serious passion or in any numbers are young people who don't vote and don't yield signficant economic power. Note how massive worldwide protests and social media pressure tactics by said young people have produced "strong statements" by Biden, Britain, and the EU, which led to a minor change in strategy by the IDF. The money and weapons kept flowing to Israel without pause. Then Iran fires a bunch of useless rockets and all is forgiven.

>More Jews live in America than anywhere

Except Israel. The populations in both countries are about equal.

>it’s not antisemitic to complain about money-hungry Jew bankers or lying Jew lawyers or abusive Jewish landlords

All flavors of gentile inhabit those three occupations and are just as capable of being greedy, untruthful, or abusive. Calling them out as "Jewish" is the definition of antisemitism.
>All flavors of gentile inhabit those three occupations and are just as capable of being greedy, untruthful, or abusive. Calling them out as "Jewish" is the definition of antisemitism.

I’d push back against this notion somewhat. There are obvious demographic and historical facts. Jewish people disproportionately do contribute towards banking and other jobs that require abusing society to enrich oneself. Other religions have laws against such sorta usurious behavior.
Racial superiority that entitles them to the property and hard work of the proletariat is sorta baked into Zionism/Judaism. The entire Old Testament is so unethical most major religions were formed to address the unethical society destabilizing activities Jewish culture celebrates.
Hamas is the best opponent Israel could have, and in fact Hamas doesn't help much, I would much prefer Marxist-Leninist organizations like the PFLP to be much larger.
I argue that the death of Israel is a necessary step towards the construction of a Palestinian united with Jews, Muslims and Christians, a multinational state like literally ALL states in the world, without this damn apartheid. If one day the greater Palestine exists, let it be as a socialist state, but if it is capitalist, it will be a great advance.

If the attempts to demarcate the Palestinian State failed, it was because Israel did not fulfill its part of the agreements, the error is simply that the Jews have the right of return and this right of return is prohibited to the millions of Palestinians who are in diaspora around the world.

If Brazil is the most unequal country in the world, as in fact it is, it is precisely because of the colonialism that Europe carried out throughout the third world, and also because of how our elites allied themselves with the first world to profit from this backwardness and poverty. Brazil, like China, will only overcome this state of dependence with a revolution.
I'm not going to doxx where I live, but Brazil is not just a favela, Brazil is a large complex of Brazils, each state and region of Brazil is a great wealth of cultures that unfortunately suffer from obscene poverty.
Brazil, always remember why your country sucks. The Jews created the unequal capitalist exploitative hellhole that is Brazil. Euro Jews who came to Brazil were the financiers and the business brains behind Brazils slave based sugar cane industry.
This is documented in many economics textbooks as a nod to Jewish cultures inherit desire to subjugate and exploit gentiles bodies on the pursuit of money.
It’s just not reasonable to try to befriend or politically negotiate with these living animals. The Jewish man can’t be reasoned with, just bribed, and even then it can’t be trusted.
Jews are proportionately overrepresented in finance and law. I don’t believe that’s the case with residential rental property ownership but whatever. The antisemitic part of Anon’s assertion is with the modifiers: greedy, lying, abusive. Within the population of bankers, lawyers, and landlords who are Jewish, are a disproportionate number of them “bad”? Moreso than other demographics? No, and that’s why it’s antisemitic. Painting any group with the broadest, most negative brush based on hearsay and stereotypes is bigotry.

The part about the Old Testament is absurd. It’s quoted as justification for all kinds of acts and opinions by Christians far more often than Jews. It’s still the first 929 chapters of any Christian Bible and informs the ethics of all three major Abrahamic religions. If you’re not a fundamentalist — Christian or Jewish — it’s a series of allegories to instruct one on how to face the challenges of existence. And yes, being written several millennia ago a lot of it is outdated, like a 70s sitcom.
Please show the references from those economics textbooks.
The PFLP is completely marginalized in both territories. They were an important factor in the early Palestinian liberation movement but were pushed aside by religious fundamentalists like Hamas and the corrupt PLO.

The idea of a future Palestinian state with a liberal, democratic, socialist regime is a leftist fantasy — or rather a cope. It’s the only way social Justice-minded anti-Israeli protesters can sleep at night supporting nihilist nutjobs like Hamas. “They’d be like Denmark if only the Jews would get out of the way.”
“ In The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith attributed much of the development of Brazil's sugar industry and cultivation to the arrival of Portuguese Jews who were forced out of Portugal during the Inquisition.”

4] Smith, Adam (1776), The Wealth of Nations (PDF) (Penn State Electronic Classics ed.), republication in 2005 by Pennsylvania State University of The Wealth of Nations, p. 476, archived from the original (PDF) on 20 October 2013, retrieved 8 March 2011
> Jews are proportionately overrepresented in finance and law… Within the population of bankers, lawyers, and landlords who are Jewish, are a disproportionate number of them “bad”?

Listen to this Jew lawyer try to trick us by ignoring the central point: a higher percent of Jews are economic vampires compared to moral cultures.

Let’s try an analogy: “Germans are over represented among Nazis, but within the population of Nazis are they worse than the French or Dutch or Ukrainian Nazis?”
Really got me there didn’t you.
That only holds true in the state of New York only because everybody else would rather work retail than have an office job. I am operating under the assumption that the far right that the left points out are just a convenient distraction from Biden's short comings. This could be why the Socialist Democrats are getting kicked out of NYC for being too anti-Semitic by the moderates they need to win
I can honestly see the left lose if only cause they can't make the idea of Trump going to jail sound interesting. The press is declining cause nobody wants their fan fiction
My guy, all the far right that you covet like Kisame17 are too bombastic to hold office or serve a jury. How are you going to persuade respectable republicans with a straight face to work on a project and not pay their mansions? It's the same reason Paige Sprinac is showing cleavage on golf, that money talk is pussy repellent
Brazil has the 11th largest Jewish population in the world, several businesspeople here are Jews. However, Judaism is an invention of the bourgeoisie to confuse the workers and peasants, Judaism is nothing more than a way of having someone to blame for all the crimes of the entire bourgeoisie. The crimes that anti-Semites accuse the Jews of are nothing more than the crimes that the bourgeoisie commits against all humanity, and with or without Jews these crimes will happen because of the capitalist system.

Okay, that's the Jews in Brazil, 300 years ago. I won't argue. But your assertion was about "Jewish cultures inherit desire to subjugate and exploit gentiles bodies" [sic]. I can name 100 other cultures who've subjugated and exploited.

On that note...

I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not trying to trick anyone. It's more about correlation v. causation. If you go in with the false notion that exploitation is inherent in Jewish culture and religion then every example of Jewish exploitation proves it.

However if you examine any of a dozen European cultures, from Dutch to Spanish, you can find all kinds of examples of exploitation. This is often backed by shocking cruelty and disregard toward humanity. Yet I wouldn't say the Dutch and Spanish are inherently exploitive and cruel, that it's baked into their culture and religion. (And yes, your idiotic German Nazi analogy is idiotic.)

Correct, except for the part of Judaism being an invention of the bourgeoise. Jewish success in business (relatively speaking) is rooted in working around the systems of anti-semitic discrimination and oppression that existed from the Middle Ages til very recently. It would have been far easier to accept Jesus as our lord and savior, as many did.
Union motions blocked in court lmao
> Yet I wouldn't say the Dutch and Spanish are inherently exploitive and cruel
You obviously know nothing about the Dutch people or their history.
You misunderstand my point. I know their elites expolited several countries horribly. They're in good company in Europe, including their immediate neighbors. However if I met a Dutch person randomly I wouldn't automatically think they were greedy venal murderous colonialists. Yet Jews are being characterized in this thread as inherently that.

Not to mention the illogic of it... If nearly every culture in Europe and beyond has at some time in their history oppressed other peoples, then why are Jews called out specially for it? Seems it's just part of human nature.
I mean. You made you points clear. You caped for whit Europeans, specifically listing a nations that’s entirely genocided servals populations (e.g. Bandas islands). You’ve always been pro genocides of white on nonwhites. That’s the point here mister.
It’s clear you’ve rotten your brain to mush watching too much Eurovision.
With such a well-articulated response you've changed my mind. I take it all back. Death to Jews! From the River to the Sea! Viva Hamas! Heil Hitler!
Why did you fart on my couch.
No one farted on your couch. It was a targeted falafel strike into the toilet. Your entire house stinks because of collateral damage. Either way, you’re responsible for any diarrhea I splashed onto your upholstery shield.
I knew you took a shit! Went back soon u left lmao
Ironic deflection won’t get your people out of this mess. You’ve outed yourselves as republicans and reptile skinned demmys incapable of empathy, morality or following the law.
Remember that time the entire population of Jews globally demanded millions of women and children be starved? Pepperidge farms remembers.
We see you all defending the Settlers, and that neonazi battalion. We all know these mealy mouthed half-apologies are just IdF propaganda.
At this point, we didn’t trust them because of the banks and the legal system… but this year has proven that the entire Jewish population cannot be trusted.

Given them a foot and they take a mile and enclose it in barbed wire.
I dunno, I just came back from the Civil War film and the fat guy journalists who is pro democracy gets used as a bullet sponge while the androgynous Missouri tomboy is the MC. I think Bad Boys is the only film fat guys get look good assuming you want to be Martin Lawrence.
Your mouth was full of dick and I didn't want to interrupt so the couch seemed like a logical second choice.

>You’ve outed yourselves as republicans ... empathy, morality or following the law

We're overwhelmingly Democrats. Empathy and morality are hard to gauge but we have extremely low criminal conviction and incarceration rates.

>Remember that time the entire population of Jews globally demanded [sic] millions of women and children be starved?

No, when was that? Was it a press release, a meme, or did we paint that on the side of a blimp? Anyway there are a lot of Jews who oppose the Gaza war, and West Bank settlements for that matter, so definitely not the "entire population."

FWIW the settlers got a big politcal boost when Hamas showed their true colors on 10/7/23 and a majority of Palestinians supported them. A lot of Israelis who supported a 2-state solution finally reailzed there was never gonna be a compromise. It's all or nothing.

>We all know these mealy mouthed half-apologies are just IdF propaganda.

What apologies? As of 10 minutes ago Israel is still vowing to go full-on into Rafah which means no one in the govt is backing down, much less apologizing. Unlike the US-led incursions into Iraq or Afghanistan that you and everyone you know supported, this is life and death for them. They don't give a fuck what you think about their tactics and neither do I.

Bottom line is that if Hamas didn't want its territory destroyed and their people killed, they should have taken the money, kept the dysfunctional status quo and not massacred Jewish civilians and taken hostages. If you had functioning testicles and were in Israel's shoes you'd do the same.

>At this point, we didn’t trust them because of the banks and the legal system… but this year has proven that the entire Jewish population cannot be trusted.

Who's "we"? If you're talking about Western Christians you so outnumber us you could kick us out of banking and law by dinnertime. Yet "you" don't, huh. How fucking weak can you be?

Every time someone barfs up this kind of paranoid bullshit about Jews it reinforces the idea the world hates us and will let us die or outright kill us where politically expedient. That's why there can be no quarter given when it comes to exterminating Hamas and their supporters, and anyone else who's a proven threat to our survival and not just talk (like you).

>Given them a foot and they take a mile and enclose it in barbed wire.

Nobody gave Israel anything. When the Arabs rejected the UN mandate in '47 the Jews went ahead and created their own country. And again when they took the Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza from Syria, Jordan, and Egypt respectively after those countries made the grave mistake of invading. Remember: Palestine was ALWAYS occupied, Israel is just the latest to do so as of 1967.

As for barbed wire, trust me, if you lived next door to a group of people who believe it's better to sacrifice their children than live side by side with Jews you'd put some up as well. You'd probably build a very high wall and arm yourself too.
In America, Merrick Garland's status as a far right militia hunter got hampered by Biden's shift from legalism towards corporatism. The negative stereotypes of Israel I've heard comes mostly from Tel Aviv, which is pretty much more like Miami or Florida with it's military and gun obsession. Arabs I guess are the equivalent to the fat black guy on COPs running from the IDF
I am going to be nice to Jews despite being far right. Deep down, neocons and Israel just long for the simpler time of the Bush Years when they can get defense spending while traveling across America to beat liberals in college campuses. The world just got complex and they can't distract people with Naruto, Bleach, Superhero flicks. That Trump guy is going to prison, so the chaos unfolding allows teens to decide Jews control everything. Kids aren't distracted anymore. There's no dead or alive volleyball so now you have an angry and hormonal adult becoming conservative. Jews aren't at fault, but this is the logical conclusion of the left larping as communists.v
It’s funny how much you keep on the mask of civility to just blanket dehumanize the Palestinians and suggest ethnic cleansing.
You’re an embarrassment to mankind, just admit to yourself you’re a racist white supremacist who wants to commit a genocide. You’ll feel better admiring it to yourself you closeted fascist.
Hard to say. The news is so sanitized and censored that it's hard to gauge what's going on.
If it was up to me. Streets need a body. Streets need a body.
Like I said. Entertainment is sanitized now. Jews just fine off as mildly inconvenienced by college students protesting the war
Never trust internal affairs. After all regular people with jobs who troll bbw-chan. Streets need a body.
Streets need a body
(99 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.jpg)
>It’s funny how much you keep on the mask of civility to just blanket dehumanize the Palestinians and suggest ethnic cleansing.

That's some sentence, wow. Please tell me English is your third language, or you're a slow eight year old who snuck onto mom's laptop.

Anyway I did nothing of the sort, and it would not be funny at all if I had. You have no idea what genocide or fascism means. They're just words you barf up when facts don't confirm your Instagram-based view of the world.
I am guessing Eric Adams one man crusade on fatties and their means drove everyone insane in NYC. This is causing fat Muslims from Westchester and LI to dominate whatever's left in Manhattan at Columbia U. Not sure how NY got in the culture war politics but it's hurting libs and Biden

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