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Not trying to brag but I've been working out for a long time and have a very impressive physique, so it gets me a lot of compliments from women.
I've always been into fat chicks, and one of the biggest turn ons for me is the contrast between our bodies, and even lifestyle. The idea of me working hard to sculpt a body strong enough to fuck her brains out while she needs to do nothing at all to be attractive is so appealing. Just thinking about a fat woman's soft, tender body against my rock hard abs makes me diamonds.

Another turn on is knowing that I'm leagues above her in terms of conventional attractiveness. Most fat chicks I see end up with losers, so it feels great knowing you're probably the hottest guy she will ever be with. Also her knowing that I could easily get a conventionally attractive woman, but still being way more into her than she could ever imagine. Bonus points if she has self-esteem and body image issues.

I feel like people like me are rare, since this isnt something I see discussed a lot. Where are my fellow architects?
I'm with you, and I'd say it's more common in FAs than not. At least the fantasy of it — how many are actually gods among men like yourself, I'm not sure. I'd say few of us.
Two days ago I hited the gym for the first time in my life. I don't have plans to become buffed, just want to be a little stronger and healthier. But combining even my modest upcoming results with my “attractive face” (lots of girls said to me that, i don't know, i think i am ok at best) i think fat chicks will appreciate me as a partner. What really cool about that, it's the fact that everybody will know that dating fat girls is your own decision, and you doing it not just because you are ugly and insecure
>>40120 (OP)
Didn't realise there was a name for this. It's definitely a goal for me.
>>40120 (OP)
Not the body issues and insecure part. That shit is annoying, never wear anything to flaunt her fat in public, afraid to be touched in fat areas, and needs constant exhausting reassurance or jealousy. I’d take a confident fat girl any day
Same. But confident fat girls are not existent. There are very few confident slim girls actually, and you are talking about confident fat ones...
You had me until the body issues part, that stuff gets annoying. Its awesome when i find one who's confident. I love when chicks wanna flaunt their looks. Plus its one less mental health issue to deal with when they like their bodies
The vast majority of women are very insecure; This is especially true for overweight women. You will be shit out of luck to find a woman who is not, there are just some who hide it better than others.
It works in your favour though, because insecurity feeds into the dread that you can do better and can leave her at any time. You might think its annoying but its something you have to deal with in all women. Just reassure her when necessary, but that feeling of dread needs to be ever present.
If a woman ever thinks she can do better than you, she absolutely will try to, and you can't really blame her because why wouldn't she? Nobody wants to settle for less. Asking for a confident girl is asking for a girl who thinks she's good enough for you, and that is always a bad thing. For a woman to truly love you, she needs to believe that you are the best she could possibly get and that she has to work hard to keep you. Otherwise she will think she can do better.
Luckily that's a much lower bar to meet as a chubby chaser
Depends on who and where.
In TNT a girl with a heavy bumper is queen, in america she might be insecure about how big her butt is.
Obese women aren’t insecure as thinner women, they’re securely fat af, the most insecure ones are the mid-sized women who aren’t sure if they’re normie hot (they’re aren’t) but are bangable if he’s drunk.

I realize that this is a fat girl porn board and not the prime platform for discussing relationship dynamics, but if i like a woman enough to be her monogamous partner its because i see her as a partner and not some broad who is worried that I'm gonna leave her at any moment.

Maybe the gals are different where youre from, i found a good one here
Yeah you're right I was getting off topic haha. Do what works for you.
But where I'm from chicks are vicious, so thats just the mentality you tend to develop through accumulated experiences in that environment.
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Are you Indian? Ever Carib I met loves to celebrate obese women. Favorite part of dating Caribbean women is they feel more beautiful with a fatter ass.
You’re right women wanna feel like the bitch in a relationship and have a man who they can be a weak vulnerable woman around. It’s important to keep her head on level, to be the type of man she looks up to, but— I’d suggest being stronger, smarter and better than her rather than just tearing her down. It works better than way.
This guy knows
>t. Shredded skelly, got abs in a month of going gym. Still only ever managed to keep one girl for a couple weeks so far
Maybe it’s bad dick?
lol I remember being a teenager on vacation in the Dominican Republic, spent a day in Santo Domingo taking a tour of the Cohiba factory with my cigar loving dad. Tour guide walks past a line of ladies wrapping the cigars, and as he passes a fat one just grabs her love handle and keeps walking. I already knew what I liked so I was glued to that whereas most people probably didn’t even notice much as it was subtle-ish.

OP I’m with you except I do better with a lean runners physique rather than being ripped. I find male weight gain rather off-putting (I never want to watch any of those get fat with me videos some models do) but absolutely love the notion that I look like I do while my partner is a total chunk.
Nah I'm african.
Yeah the ass is the best part. To be honest I'm only into plus size girls if they have a big ass, otherwise its like there's no point. Preference for bigger women is a lot more common and accepted down here, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that seeking out obese women is the norm.
Agree with everything else you said, didnt mean to come off as implying that you should be verbally abusive or anything of the sort

I also find male weight gain repulsive, but I definitely wouldn't classify putting on muscle as being in the same category. The way I see it muscle=masculine and fat=feminine so men and women are naturally supposed to veer towards opposite ends of the spectrum. Its the same reason I also find muscular women off-putting.
In my experience it is true girls only really care about you being lean and fit, and putting on more muscle after a certain point only impresses guys. But I like the way it makes me look so why not keep going, its not like I can ever get too big
>>40120 (OP)
I am a Lift Bro who loves large women. It's more me being strong and chad while she is pampered and fertile-looking.
A cute fat bitch giggling at some sitcom and scrolling through her phone, mindlessly filling her mouth with snacks and obliviously belching, while I get in a workout, grocery shop, cook, and educate myself, that's basically been my kink since I was 14 years old.

I don't like a girl who's mean or unpleasant, but a bubbly friendly girl who lets her brain get soft along with her body, while I hone my body and mind into someone who is way out of her league. Extra points for having such a pretty face that she could have achieved it all if she had ever "got her shit together". But who could say no to the spoiled pampered life she has with a guy like me? Extra extra points if she doesn't even realize how good she has it. Obliviousness at how crazy it is that this 300+ lb girl is cramming ice cream and pizza in her mouth in front of everyone, then watching my biceps flex as I help her stand up and rub her back to get the gas out.
I don't like ditzes, that that just me.
Extremely based
>>40120 (OP)
Why the fuck do they always pick the losers tho
>>40120 (OP)
Why the fuck do they always pick the loser tho
as a fat girl who loves muscular men - and know i have no right to - this thread was made for me.
As a muscular man who loves fucking fat girls behind closed doors, my skinny wife thanks you for curing her of lockjaw.

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