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Trigger Warning:

Anyone got PTSD? How to do you stop it from affecting you? What techniques do you use when you feel you're about to go into it?

Honest post, I'm sick of dealing with this shit.. want to see if any of the boys on here have tips

Photo: Random
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yea sure I'll bite. I think it's important to focus on the P in PTSD. That is, whatever it was, it's over. Whenver you are in life, this is POST shitfest. Maybe there are long term consequences, but if it's still bothering you, ask yourself why. For many people, it's reinforcement. You ponder it, wonder what you could have done differently, lament the consequences, turn it over in your mind, etc. It's a useless chunk of neurons in a meat sack that's been fed by being acknowledged. Now, I know a lot of people say you have to accept the past, embrace it, but for some, I would say the "let the past go" route is the only way to freedom.

That means, when your thoughts start to stray to the trauma, you say no. Nope. Not even going to give those stupid neurons the pleasure of activating. You do anything else, hum a song, clean your nails, take a walk, anything to abandon that trauma and it's lingering effects. And slowly, over time, you find yourself having to distract yourself from it, less and less. They say you never forget how to ride a bike, but if you really try, you can purge a lot of things from this organic file database we call a brain. Repetition works both ways. You can keep remembering, thinking about, and acknowledging trauma and thus feed it, or you can starve it of all energy, all thought, all presence in your life and over time, let it die of thirst for impact. My two cents.
yo Barclay, I don't have PTSD but I struggle with anxiety and intrusive thoughts and this resonated with me in a big way. appreciate you for all you do big dog, happy Thanksgiving.
Damn bro what the hell did we do to deserve you. Tha GOAT
>>39906 (OP)
go to a therapist. Trust me, it works. Check Therapy in a Nutshell on YouTube.
appreciate the words mate x
I am skeptical about therapy despite being Kisame17. I argue what people want is Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, or Jerry Springer. I don't see the increase in mental illness translating into an increase in Jordan Peterson, Bishop Barron. There are some evangelicals and rabbis who want to make their mentally ill people into a doctor, lawyer, finance only to get stabbed cause they try to replace mentally ill with the devil. Now that the evangelical churches closed, they're being replaced with Sikh temples or mosques. I argue that people want to live life like the 1950s in the 21st Century and can't process change.
NYU is not going to give up that pricey real estate for their army of medical students. This is why women settle for nursing as opposed to doctors. Many of them still act like dumb jocks who want to control fertility
Big fucking shocker, the resident schizophrenic is skeptical about therapy. Let's ask the crackheads about multivitamins next.
You baby fuckers can't hold an intelligent conversation. Gen Z was right thar you are full of histrionics. What you call psychology is just theory and formula.
Go to mass if you want to whine about your feelings.
Kisame here. I am not a government worker looking for a pension. I have United Healthcare thru my employer. This is why your burgers are $18.
Trust me when I say parents want Matt Walsh or Candence Owens to pacify their children. There's no K-Mart, Ringling Bros Circus, Train surfing to keep kids occupied.
Since this absolutely hit a sore spot for Kisame, I'm going to speculate on why and add my two cents.

I'm willing to bet family members of our black MAGA schizo autist have urged him to go to therapy, as his erratic speech patterns and trainwreck thought processes are a constant source of aggravation to anyone who is currently responsible for making sure he doesn't jack off in public. It's likely he's been coerced into a session or two, told in no uncertain terms that his behavior and obsessions are not healthy, he needs better outlets for his obvious stimming, and he needs to actually take his meds instead of faking them. You can sperg out at me to confirm.

The thing of it is, therapy doesn't work unless you let it. Otherwise it's a forced conversation you're locked into and counting the seconds until the session's over. It's not easy to talk about feelings. We, as men, are expected to pretend everything is okay and we can handle everything we're subjected to. You don't have to relive your past or embrace the bad parts of you, but you can talk to someone who knows how to navigate a conversation in dealing with them. It's not a matter of forgetting what you've been through, it's about finding the right spot and context for your past & trauma in your being without letting it define you. It's about asking why you're behaving in a way that has others concerned or is upsetting you and how to move forward. It's about growth, and sometimes to figure out why you're not growing you have to examine the roots & soil.
Kisame here. Nobody cares about trauma. I was listening to Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance, System of a Down as teen. You just are just an elderly boomer with new balance who who's mad that Gen Z is listening to Bad Bunny, watching RuPaul. I argue nerds like Gnarly Otaku is mad that comics are mainstream and you just want to be a reactionary.
Read you like a fucking book, nigga.
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I've said that I cannot conceptualize an over the top ancient evil. Like Gnarly Otaku, you're mad that kids identify with edgelords like Sasuke, Ulquiorra, Aizen or Itachi and Sesshoumaru getting all the girls instead of Dungeons and Dragons. No shit, we booted Moms of Liberty because we're okay with letting children read. They don't want boomers mumbling about IBS or their legs blown off. Just look at how turbo gay Ron Desantis is talking about being a winner.

Get a job welfare queen. George RR Martin isn't going to write Game of Thrones. You men are such weak will fags who will die is hospice care
If you don't shut up about your imaginary friend Kisame, I will personally execute you and lynch you for being a coward. We need to go back to the old days where General Patton executed men for showing combat fatigue. You chicken hawks, conscientious objectors, draft dodgers and quislings need to get with the program: you lost nam, Korea, the middle East and 1/6. It was Uncle Charlie's land, Ragheads's land, and Uncle Vlad's land.
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Why don't you mentally ill boomers go practice Taoism like Cross Crescent? Nobody cares about western medicine. Maybe you are a Fire Horse woman with too much free will. Xi doesn't care what you Whores of the Orient thinks
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The real reason I don't get therapy is because the judge, county clerk, criminologists need to make the determination. I don't qualify as criminally insane. The radical left should have thought harder. I am more focused on getting a Subaru and your day to day monologues are pathetic.
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Globalists don't care that you are mining cobalt, lithium, and other toxic metals. They care about making money. Therapy chucks are worth less than a Big Mac and a iPhone. Have fun screaming mental health in the void like all mole people in Texas. Mr. Musk wants to work double shift at steel mill.

I flat out don't know any of the people you're talking about but I'm glad my post got a reply made by Kisame or someone pretending to be Kisame. From my experience, therapy worked, despite not having PTSD. Those were my two cents.

>The thing of it is, therapy doesn't work unless you let it. Otherwise it's a forced conversation you're locked into and counting the seconds until the session's over.

No. That's a lie. Psychology is just soft sciences. There's no such thing as PTSD since I am a civilian and not military personnel. The federal government is cutting funding to medicare cause doctors don't have the physicians and nurses to treat people. You're just doubling their work by being selfish
Legend has it he is still seething To This Day
I got 5 direct separate replies from him, 6 if you include >>40023. Even a death threat. I wish he fucking would lmao
No. I was watching Scott Pilgrim takes off. Old Scott does three things wrong proving how ineffective you weebs are: he took up martial arts, neglected water and food, and doesn't bathe or rest. At 47, his body would've torn a muscle like most MMA fighters and gotten beaten by Young Scott. That big ass on old Ramona was hot though. The point is that you have no arch enemy and you tards are histrionics. I had a churro and a ginger ale by the park near the subway despite not wearing glasses. There's no MAGA threat, you are just huge pussies.
"I don't watch cartoons" - Kisame

"I was watching cartoons" - Kisame
Just a minute ago, you were menstruating about ravenous MAGA Kisame making you his prison bitch. Not my fault Americans are bipolar and unable to comprehend duality
I can't even read your toddler tweets without my glasses.
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Alright, I'm done provoking the schizo. All (Barclay included), if you're having issues emotionally or mentally you can usually find someone to talk to and process your business. It may not be the first or second person you find, but the right person is out there.

If you attempt to "tough it out", you'll sound like our resident schizophrenic here. If you think he sounds happy, more power to you. Just know you're going to cause concern for the people in your life that care or could care about you. No man is an island.
Seethe harder and dilate tranny. Go whine in Myspace, Nazi baby fucker
Don't follow his advice. The tranny will get stabbed the moment he shows human weakness. Netflix and chill!
Suck my dick in the dark omg lol
Who are you talking to? Anons are talking to their imaginary friends. You don't even pay for cartoons baby fucker. Still mad yiyr crypto and Bitcoin is tanking?
Yo babies need to tough it out. You're just bitter America lost three wars and have nothing to show for it. I don't care for culture wars. You lost nigger lover
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Don't worry anon. We'll fix that psychology talk buy beating it out of you and throwing your BBW into the fire at the latest witch trial. You cannot tell fact from fiction.
No offense but this Kisame characters is a figment of the preg community's imagination. I have been taking homeopathy according to my eye doctor. Not my fault Americans invent imaginary problems cause they're too stupid to cure their ALS
Kisame here. I sucked 4 cocks yesterday, gonna suck another one tomorrow
I am too high on shrooms made thru homeopathy to care about your imaginary friend Kisame. I am doing my laundry
You must be really gay for this Kisame person
i got raped by an older gentleman when i was a child. it was a horrid, fucking unspeakably terrible experience.
but eventually as barclay said above, you eventually come to terms with the fact it passed and you have to move on, i try not to let my trauma define me and instead move on the best i can
not to say i'm not fucked up from the incident but ive channeled that energy into helping others
>>39906 (OP)
I have CPTSD from near constant bullying and ostracism at the hands of my peers and school administration throughout my childhood. Developed severe trust issues, a warped negative sense of self and a fear of intimacy that prevents me from wanting to commit to relationships. The good news is I've made a lot of progress this year alone in developing self confidence and learning to love myself. Therapy with someone I think will be extremely helpful starts in a little over a week, and I'm gonna plunge into dating again in the winter now that I feel more at peace.
Same. Now, I can't afford therapy - I simply don't have the $1600 a month it will cost because demand is now so high, so what do I do?
Fuck dude, that's rough. Idk how it's like in Australia, but are there private options where you can schedule stuff for one-offs every so often? That's what I'm doing; pay 150 every couple weeks or so for an hourly conversation.
Do it once a month with the possible psychiatrist he can give help with pills that are now generic so if it’s out of pocket it’s possible. I would ask this doctor to give you homework along with book reads so you are still working on things at 0 cost. Part of you homework should be planing on what is most to talk about in that hour. This is probably $300 and not $1600 a month. You probably won’t do it because part PTSD is staying stuck and finding more reasons this wouldn’t work…then just talking more how things are not fair. Basically a dog chasing its tail. What ever happened is unfair but you not doing anything is all on you.
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Kisame here. You people are being unrealistic. I make 1.4k-1.5k monthly, pay 140 in rent, 200 in dental, and 300 on new glasses bi yearly. I am saving up for a 500 a month car. I am not paying 1.6k to confirm my temper and spending habits. My coworker is already talking about how they're shipping people to Thailand just to serve elderly white boomers and their white Thai children at the mall. The downside is that there's more 40 year old Thai women who want 20 year old men cause they don't want their children to look like lolberterians.
This talk of trauma has got me wondering if BBW surrogate partner therapy is a thing?
Yeah, you can do it that way. I've tried a few times, I've never been to a therapist of any kind who actually seems to get me as a person.

I can read the 'just doing my job' therapists easily, and I get it, they earn a living and it's what they need, however I don't want to be seen like yet another depression patient because I'm not. It feels like every time I go, it's just flushing cash away

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