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>>39803 (OP)
3/10 bait thread and probably off base.
Honestly, I’d bet it’s a mixed bag. Some low testosterone incels, but some high testosterone sex addicts. Someone’s fucking all the girls and dating the models.
Fetish addictions got nothing to do with not getting laid. I’ll fuck three times in a day and still have time to bust a couple extra nuts to fat girl porn, more so if I’m not having feeder fetish sex with a massive hog.
You can’t be getting laid and be ugly.
I’m also 6”3 and work out religiously for the sole reason of getting laid more often and having more fat fetish sex in my life.
Got plenty wrong with me on the inside: impulsive hyper sexuality, this controlling fat fetish as well as a somewhat related manorexia— but ugly isn’t one of my problems.
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Being a chad has nothing to do with how many times a day you get laid, nor how attractive you are. It's all about your decisions, the amount of respect you got for yourself and the others. It's not even about how much you got on your account. It's all about being a decent human being against all odds.
Someone may claim that the person who possesses all the qualities above must attract a lot of women's attention, but unfortunately it's a far cry from reality. And not because the world is an unfair place, and the girls only like jerks, or some other cynical crap. It's just how it is. You will be fucked no matter how hard you try, exept maybe some mediocre chans for success out of pure luck. Does this mean that you should stop trying to be a nice guy? Well, the answer to this question will determine how chad you are.
Thank you anon, I've had a terrible morning/afternoon and you made my day.

Don't forget to tell your loved ones how important they are in your life and how much they mean to you once in a while. It may not be "chad" or manly (according to the general opinion of our society), but it'll strengthen your relationships and make these people happier.
>>39803 (OP)
No. You described a “short king” not a Chad.
I’m pretty sure being Chad is about being 6 foot something with a pair of shoulders and a six pack. Strong jaw, attractive face, has all of his hair and all of his teeth, makes six figures USD.
These kinda guys are what we mean by Chad, respecting yourself is for children’s programming, lift/get money/fuck bitches.
>Chad is about being a decent and honorable human being even if it means you don't get laid
This is in fact the exact opposite of being chad
It depends on term interpretation. In modern internet culture chad often refers as a stand up guy who can deliver. And not just macho who fucks everything that moves.

I think that interpretation is a newer, an almost ironic, usage of that term. Also the meaning of 'chad' seemingly shifted as it's grown into mainstream parlance with 'gigachad' shit being big on tiktok. The original 4chan/virgin vs Chad etymology is more of the simple hot guy who fucks mad bitches meaning.
The real chads are the friends we made along the way
I wouldn't call myself a Chad because I am skin and bones rather than muscular and am a turbo-virgin. But I am not bad looking either.
I've been dating a model for a while and have intense feedism sex regularly. I work out HARD at the gym 3 times per week for the exclusive purpose of being more physically attractive to my gf and keeping her pussy slimy dripping wet when she looks at me.
I'm 5'8 a Short king
Bench: 245
Shoulder Press: 165
Squat: 295
Deadlift: 345
I too have quite a few problems but being ugly isn't one of them.

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