
>>no prostitution/escort

By that logic drunk women that you met at the bar and Tinder dates don't count either.

I don't see how relationships are a factor on whether or not you lose your virginity.
I think there's a decent chance but revealing all reasons why would reveal too much personal info.

In college I studied a tech subject and plan to do it again soon, there aren't much woman there.

I don't like putting my pictures up on the internet so I never attempted online dating. I'm interested in knowing if my missing out by not going on Tinder and starting a catfish account, how hard is it these days?

There aren't enough fat prostitutes for me to have ever saw it as an option outside of considerations related to moral and pride. I did contact a SSBBW for a "session" but have a hard time getting a response lately, we're the about the same age, i'm taller, slim and reportedly handsome so I think something freaky could happen if it came that far.

I do approach women and I had the most success with a co-worker from a job I had briefly and a fat woman that was a stranger to me. I ran into the co-worker a few times and asked for her number the last time cause it felt natural, the conversations we had were kind of akward but fun, she's seems a lil autisic (like me) and her primarily hobby is playing Video Games. Physically she's a shortstack BBW, mixed (the kind that's pale with freckles), I think I would be more forthgoing if she was taller, she told me she's bicurious too.

The stranger was physically a SSBBW, blonde, tall and a absolute dime piece let's just 90% of you would hit on her. She was flattered by my approach, I asked for her number but she told me she was still in the early stages of dating with someone so offered to swap Instagram profiles instead, that was until I told her I only have a anon Insta. She didn't cut off the conversation but passed on swapping profiles. The problem is that I don't live in a big place and it isn't difficult to stumble upon profiles so I did. I'm not sure if I should contact her if it looks like the date fell through in a couple of months or just continue to ignore it. Both women are about the same age but the latter is more settled in life which may be less fitting for me.

So that's why.
I'm going to die a virgin because I never lose
No such thing as "hard mode". You either had sex or you didn't.

In either case, no.
Why would you die a virgin? Is something prohibiting you from having sex? I have sympathy for incel types but like in real life I don't think it's that hard to just go meet a fat girl and have sex. Maybe it's different in Romania than here in the US, but in urban areas there's enough interesting, liberated fat women to meet, date, get along well with and have sex. Dating apps work pretty well, like it's not as easy as being a hot woman and having endless choices on there, but put some cute pics on there, be yourself but appeal to the 'female gaze', be interesting and charming, dress well and be funny - you're bound to get a good few matches a week, a couple meetups in a month! It took me a while to acclimate to socializing with women for sure, growing up shy and all, and someplace like college really helps get people together if you can attend. Don't die a virgin, sex is good and fun and worth doing. Godspeed!

>>Why would you die a virgin?

Because he acts like any woman that's less than 400lbs is unfuckable.
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Virginity? Ha! You see, societal standards gnaw at the fringes of existence. Meeting a chubby chick, like an elusive quest, holds allure, but oh, the modern dating maze. Apps, right? Snap some pics, appeal to gazes undefined, dance with words – matches galore, dates sometimes. Life's like a cluttered carnival; college, a messy ticket. Yet, societal navigation, it's not a virgin's cakewalk. Flip a coin – fun or peril.

Now, distractions! Ever notice how pet rocks drew hoards in '76? A riff in consumer fervor. Then, the plastic fork enthusiasts – such ardor for prongs! Subcultures bloom; now imagine virginity, not a mere state but a market. Track it – these consumers, like lost ants to odd crumbs. The baffling rhythm, the chaotic dance, and amid it all, virginity – a realm invaded by paradox.
>> click on this thread to check in how the incels are doing
>>still writing poetry into the void about dating
I don't know what I expected.
Some people are just ugly or otherwise disabled to the point where this isn't an option for them.
Others don't live in these urban areas and can't just uproot themselves in search of pussy.
More than that, a lot of us have zero interest in hook-up and dating apps, we're looking for a long-term relationship with someone who shares our values.

What you're describing is a life for a small milieu that a lot of people will never have the chance or the volition to experience. Statistically most young men in America are not having sex or dating someone with the aim to get married and break the bed making more little fundies, so it isn't as simple as you believe.
I still have a chance. Rejected quiet a few advances from girls in college due to having insane levels of insecurity and self-hate, but I'm not unfuckable.

1. Women don't care as much about looks as you're leading on. I've seen women hook up with the ugliest of motherfuckers and seem to be happy.

2. Unless you're a legit hunk of flesh in a wheelchair, a disabled person can find love. If dwarfs and 600lb butterfaced blobs can find love, then anyone with a working pulse can.

3. You don't need to live in the city to find love. If you can travel an hour to work then you can travel an hour for pussy.

Hey man, don't knock it till you try it. Dating apps and hook up culture is pretty unfulfilling, but it's pretty nice in moderation. Just get more out of it than it gets out of you, as with all vices of life.

As to being too ugly or disabled, that sucks. Pretty rough roll of the dice on that one. Pretty understandable to be turned off of sex altogether if that's your boat, but I mean there's someone for everyone, I think it'd have to be a pretty specific case to write off love for someone entirely.
24 and never been on a date also few friends and nowhere to meet anyone
i'll get on because there's more to life than sex and relations
same here. 25, only a few friends who don't know any women either, no women at my workplace and can't meet women through colleagues because they're all jaded boomers (factory job). literally don't know a single girl my age at all. had zero luck on dating apps (any date that's been agreed to i've been ghosted the night before. the life of a zoomer male.
>no women at my workplace
I work in a female-dominated industry at a company with a high rate of turnover (i.e. lots of women coming through). been at this job for the last 6 years. me and the boss are the only men. otherwise it's a constantly-changing cast of about two dozen women. almost none of the women I've worked with over the years were single. and the few who were single wouldn't touch me with a bargepole.
My job is also very turnover-prone and historically mostly female, though not to that degree. I'd say it's roughly 2/3rds-3/4ths women most of the time. Either way, the overwhelming majority of them have explicitly been in relationships, while most of the rest haven't mentioned anything either way, with only one I can recall being single. Even if I was still single and the sort to do hookups myself, very few of them really are/were my type regardless.

OT: At this point, I'd say the odds are pretty low. Despite the occasional bump in the road, there's a pretty good chance I lose it to my current GF. Beyond that, there's a nonzero chance I end up losing it to someone else, though the only real block is myself. I've had at least a good half dozen chances to lose it that I can recall offhandedly, but I've turned those chances down.
Cope. Life exists to reproduce. There is not more to life than sex.
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Respectfully disagree, there’s really not much more in life than sex. That said chasing sex mindlessly is for animals.
1) try other people in other places:
Flex your American citizenship. Google “passport bro”.
Try the American South, they don’t have the most IQ points or incisors but they make up for it in obesity.
2) If god hasn’t gifted you with what you need to attract the ladies have you considered gifting yourself some?
Steroids or a very good workout routine and a high protein keto diet should work.
Get a high paying job, take extra shifts, try the stock market or crypto or something. Fuck interest and morals, just work really hard at making money. Can’t do college, too broke, etc, try selling drugs, dealers are always getting laid. (I know I did).

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