
My fiancé is quite large, bbw but definatley not ssbbw. We tend to go out quite a lot and I notice the odd person giving her a second look. Maybe im naive but I usually don't jump to the conclusion that they are judging her but maybe just checking her out. As far as I'm concerned it's quite rewarding for me that people can notice her size.

As far as friends and family go they haven't had any negative comments about her size. But then again anyone who would say something negative about us would probably not be our friend for much longer.
Friends and fam saw me dating bbws and initially mocked me for liking fatties and then eventually shut up. During college the guys nonstop made fun of me for being the one who liked fatties.

I'd date/fuck ssbbws between relationships when i lived alone and wouldn't tell anyone, but found one or two good ones (hourglass shape / mid to high 300s, almost passed for acceptable fat/thick, pretty, etc) but they mever quite made the cut. The superfatties are fun but long term its just not sustainable without big sacrifices

My gf now is average build with a big bubble butt
>>39659 (OP)
I've never dated one. I so badly want to though. I would spoil her and treat her so well. alas, I live in a rural area. No fatties, save for very old crack-heads, I'm a young guy! no way. not today. though If one came onto me I might not say no.
PS this picture has always enamored me... I think the juxtaposition between just like a fucking huge girl and a skinny guy is hot. Like, christ almighty, ne of her thighs is the size of his whole body. I wonder if he has a chad face? and they say fatties cant bag guys! shes a high class pretty lady, Id def stare at them
>The superfatties are fun but long term its just not sustainable without big sacrifices
If you're reading this thread, I'd be interested in hearing more about that part.
The only comment I've ever gotten was having fun at a concert with my girlfriend and some girl said to me, "Oh my god, you and your girl are so adorable together."

I'm the most insecure dude of all time, but I actually felt hella confident being in public with her (5'7" 260). Imo, it's a great opportunity to be confident in yourself and implicitly tell the world, "This is what I like, and I'm standing by it."
No one said fatties can’t bag guys. That guys also in no way Chad, his shoulder don’t even fill out that suit, he’s like 150 pounds of daddies money.
>>39659 (OP)
Ngl, worrying about this type of shit is part of why I didn't date much at all in HS (beyond one casual dalliance, but that's beside the point). If someone shits on you for liking big girls, you have every right to tell them to back the fuck off. If they'd give you shit, they ain't worth associating with.
When my now wife and I first started dating we'd usually get compliments from other women on how we looked like a good couple. We were usually dressed to the 9's like in the OP pic, so I think it was partly that, but it may have also been like a girl moment "wow, good for that fat girl, and he must be sweet." and maybe a "I wonder if I could get fat and still pull decent guys like she did." I dated a "thicc" girl with a big bubble butt, and one time we had to go to a government office of some kind and the stares and compliments from the older black guys was off the charts. She'd wear the tightest dresses possible and one time her butt broke the fabric of her dress and I had to safety pin in back together, so hot.

My family is pretty fat phobic(or whatever), and they haven't really said anything except at the very beginning of the relationship. My friends have never said anything, but I'm sure it's obvious.
Have you ever dated one? Eventually they do get big enough that they cant move as fast as a normal walking pace and need to rest frequently. Plenty of chronic health issues over time when they get older and sometimes even when theyre young. Plus I do a lot of outdoorsy shit and the really big girls just cant handle that stuff. Most dates i went on with ssbbws involved a little bit of walking, a lot of sitting, or tine spent at one of our houses. Once in a blue moon i found a girl in the mid to high 300s who was able to walk more and didnt have issue going out bar hopping or walking through the city, but it wasnt the norm.
I'm 6'5" and skinny so there's always a very obvious contrast between me and my fat girlfriends. Almost all of my girlfriends have been between 250 and 400.
I get some looks in public (although far fewer than you might think) but nobody has ever actually said anything. If anything the bigger problem is actually guys hitting on my girl, lol.
My friends never say anything beyond teasing me a little bit (never in the presence of my girlfriend), which I can handle.
My family are pretty fatphobic but I've gotten a lot better at telling them to fuck off over the years.

I was drinking with a female friend the other day and I ended up telling her about my preference. Her reaction was surprisingly positive, she basically said it was really sweet that I like fat girls. She is neither single nor fat, for what it's worth.
Someone who has actively dated big women for over 10 years here.

Getting over the paranoia of “what will other people think of me” was the best thing I ever did. The ridicule is about 1% of what you think it is, and most of that is from people you really ought not want to impress anyway. By contrast, I actually got a lot of “credit” for being mature enough to actually going after what I wanted. People would assume I was incredibly unshallow — which was probably undeserved.

I did have to have a few conversations with friends along the way, but most of it was just mentioning what I like, and generally people just rolled with it. For the most part though, I just dated amazing people who were fat.

My brother once told me “at first, I didn’t get it. But now I’m jealous — you’ve been able to date really amazing people and not had to compromise on the physical. I used to find it strange, but now I wish I were like you.”
Being tall helps it look normal. It’s weird when it’s some little twerp getting towered over like in the picture above.
But then daddy long leg spiders look right wrapped around a fat roach.
This. I'm 5'6 and the last girl I was dating was a BBW and 5'10". made me uncomfortable
its not as of a big deal as you would think, ive always been very open to what i like (always dated ssbbws) and ive never had an issue. Yea you may have someone give a look or say something behind your back but what do they matter? If family and friends love you they will accept what you like.
This is my take on this theme.
I was in a four-year relationship with a bbw (weird to call her like that, lol) and naturally we got used to the stares in public places. Not like there were a ton of them, quite the opposite. Just here and there sometimes. Gladly, she was a very positive person with a sense of humor, so this was never an issue to us, really. But it was funny to catch an anvy look from the thin-ass girls, when we hugged in the open.
What i really wanted to share with you, anons, is a couple of stories which happened to us and can be related to the topic
So my ex-gf had a pear-shaped body type. Average size breasts, really wide hips and quite a ball of a belly which considerably protrudes forward.
Once we took a train during very busy hours, so we ended up standing the whole ride. The seat next to us was occupied by a charming granny, who offered my gf a seat. We politely refused obviously, not knowing what she meant. Later she repeated her offer and it turned out that she thought that my gf was pregnant, lol. We cringed a little, but decided not to explain everything, just claiming that we will find another seat in the next carriage. We were confused at first, but soon just laughed that situation out.
Another time, we were visiting a museum and we had to go under metal detector's at the entry. There were no security guards, so it was a mere formality. When she went under the detector, she hit its mount with her fat thigh and made the whole thing shake like it was about to collapse. She panicked and ran deeply in the museum hauls, to avoid stares. Then I had to find her, laughing my ass off. Everything ended well, tho

Очень классно вообще
My friends can be pretty ruthless and making fun of fat people is no stranger to them. My mom has always been a health freak.

I’ve been dating my girl for over a year and was around 280 when we started dating and blimped up to 320 at 5’5”. I’ve always dated chubby girls like 220lbs max, and although I’ve slept with a couple of huge SSBBWs, she’s by far the fattest girl I’ve ever dated/brought home and seems to keep getting fatter. None of them care, or have ever said anything, and infact they all love her and love having her around. I haven’t ever really noticed any staring in public or anything, but I live in the Midwest so big cornfed girls aren’t super out of the ordinary. She also tends to look a lot smaller than she really is unless you’re looking at her from the side and then you can tell how fat her gut is. Or when she’s naked and all of that lardy wobbly fat dumps out.

So yeah go date the fat girls, they’re a good time and no one is really gonna care if they’re not a wheezing 550 pound blob on a scooter
This sort of question gets asked allot and I answer it allot: fact is, it's not as big a deal as you think it is, particukarly in the US where obesity isn't exactly rare, and the average Joe walking down the street doesn't give two wayward shits about your sex life.

I've been with my wife for ten years. She's almost always been over 300 and at times outweighed me by 150lbs. I can count on one finger the amount of times a stranger brought it up in public; it was a very old, potentially senile man with no filter loudly complimenting me for "liking my women 'CHARMIN' (refernce to the Charmin ultra soft commercials) with 'something to hold onto'" in a Walmart checkout line. That moment was equal parts mortifying and hilarious (his caretaker/nephew was profusely apologizing as the old guy just went on and on), and now it's just a joke between me and my wife that's forever burned i to my brain. Ftr the old man was black and I'm not.

As for family, it's come up slightly more but not as much as you would think. My family likes her as a person so if they have thoughts about her weight they hold them back. I do have one filterless friend whose brought it up once, but he's the type who has something to say about everyone's SO, so you just kind of brush it off. He does like her, for what it's worth, and it's not like he's bringing it up all the time.

In conclusion, date the people you want to date, not the people your friends and family (or strangers) want to date. People who are fonna mouth off about your SO's weight will find something to say about anybody you date. Even the people who do care about you have lives and aren't sitting around thinking about your fat girlfriend all the time, and strangers are thinking about you exponentially less. Maybe a momentary "wow she big" before their mind moves on to whatever they were doing before. If they do stop you in tge street to make a remark they're probably partially insane.
Анон, это потрясающе, где ты смог познакомиться со своей пухлотян? Я который год пытаюсь, но нравлюсь исключительно худеньким(
>belly so big and round people think she's pregnant
goals tbh
you sound like a chad, tovarisch (and I mean that wholeheartedly)
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Ах, чувак, история та ещё атмосфера, как сюрреалистический кошмар. Встретил её в этой замшелой усыпанной дерьмом приюте – дядя миллиардера с пухлотями на паспортном столе. Слышишь, как дождь в лужах варит идеи? Ну, так она – идея наркоманская.

Насчёт твоей проблемы с худыми – лови совет от бардак-философа: променивай суд, где кривляются с хлебушками, на суд, где толстушки урывают вкусняшки. Красть пышности – вот твой тайник. Поищи ббвшек в зале справедливости, там, где свора пытается унести тортики. Всё бодро и философски, дружище!
I appreciate your words, mate, i really do. But after all i think that i just got lucky with this girl. Still, we broke up, but this is not anyones fault. It just hapens.
Эх, блин, чувак, это все дико сложно и рандомно. Советы давать не могу, потому что сам хз где искать свою половинку после расставания. Я много где пытался, но эту про которую писал получилось найти в группе в ВК для знакомств с пышками. Звучит конечно зашкварно, но тем не менее
Do what you like, be with who you want. Fuck the rest. If they have a problem with any of that, They aren't worth keeping around. I'm about 480 and my MAN treats me like a person. I've dated boys, and they just care about my body.
My girlfriend is about 280 pounds, so not on the extreme level of what a lot of people on this board are into, but still very fat by most standards. I’m like 150 pounds too, so the contrast there is quite obvious.

You just gotta realize that the majority of people don’t care. I had hooked up with fat girls a few times before I was with my current girlfriend, but never anything serious to where I had been seen in public with the girls I was with. I was pretty nervous about being in a relationship and introducing a fat girl to my friends, family, just being out in public together, etc. but eventually I realized that I was never gonna be with a skinny girl so it was just something that I had to get over. It’s dumb, but it is kind of like “coming out” to some degree.

Seven years into it and nobody has ever said anything negative to us— except random strangers in public. But if you live in a city, random dickheads will find ways to yell rude things at you for any reason, so I don’t put much stock in that. I think that this draws an important point— people will find a way to judge you for ANY reason whether you’re into fat chicks or you’re into men or you’re into blonde bimbos. Even if you’re with a conventionally attractive woman, you will be judged by certain people in society and if you aren’t being “judged” you may attract other types of unwanted attention such as other men trying to compete. Negative attention is not unique to being with a fat chick, but obviously it’s inevitable to worry about it a little bit because people are obviously more outwardly rude to fat people.

I think the most important thing is realizing, that if you feel uneasy about being judged for your preferences, imagine how she feels for just existing. For that reason it’s also important to be able to defend her if someone makes rude comments. Like if a family member were to ever tell my gf that she needs to diet or whatever, I would not hesitate to tell them that it was none of their business and I would just get up and leave in that moment. No matter how much confidence a fat girl may have, there is always going to be at least some insecurity and it’s important to recognize that you need to be able to defend her if people give her shit.

But yeah, at the end of the day, you’d probably be surprised at how little people actually care about your preferences, especially moreso as time goes on and obesity is just kind of becoming the new normal. Most friends and family will probably just be happy that you’re happy, and if they aren’t, maybe you need to rethink your relationship with them.
Bro, may you please write it on english? Cause google translate is bad for translating english to russian
I am kinda surprised that it is this bad, actually. I thought maybe this post was a trolling at first glance, or something
I never gotten flack from my friends or family from dating heavy-set women. Even going back in my early 20's (think 19-24), the one time when one of my friends had casually asked me why I was dating a 350 pound woman I hooked up with, I simply responded "Hey, don't knock it until you try it" and that was the end of it.

Honestly, with regards to stares and looks that people in public will give me while out and about? The majority of people simply don't care about your preferences. Even when I was somewhat nervous about being in a serious relationship, it was more along the lines of "I don't want to fuck this up" or "I hope this person actually appreciates my company" over someone potentially being a judgmental prick as I'm dating someone who was twice as wide as I am. Really, you will always get a rainbow collation of jerks that will find ways to yell at you for the pettiest of reasons, regardless of you or your significant other's appearance.

But it is important to recognize that you need to defend your love one if people are going to give her trouble, for no matter how much confidence your partner may have strutting their stuff off, there is always going to be some insecurity underneath the surface. One time, my GF and I told some random stranger to bugger off that she needed to go on a diet, for it's none of his business and he almost ruined a nice get-together at a coffee shop we love visiting.
I think because I've always dated bigger women I don't really notice it, sure I guess people have a look at the chicks gut whilst we're out and about - semi hot?

Nothing to worry about though, I have noticed a lot of NPC's turn to weight as a discussion in NPC conversational situations e.g. work functions.

If you have a problem with it, you'll let others make it a problem for you
I see you’re from Italy unless that’s a VPN. I’m getting my dual citizenship worked out. Where do you find fat girls over there? I’ve been all over the country (from Lombardy to the Amalfi coast, no further) and I haven’t seen many big girls. Maybe a few over 220ish, but they were tourists. I have heard Sicily has some bigger women. Anywhere else?
Nobody has ever said anything about it to me and I've been married to an "SSBBW" for 11 years.
Unless you come from some background where status matters to your family / friends I don't see why you'd care.
Honestly no one cares half as much as you assume they do.
No one cares that much, my now wife was just heading over 400 before she decided it was affecting higher mobility and now watches she's stays around 280.

Don't get me wrong, there is that 1 in 10000 that's an absolute fuckhole asshat who thinks it's clever to comment, but it really doesn't happen much. You tend to look and think, yeah, you look like you're on crack, nice front tooth mate, what happened to the rest.

But there's your chance, your make and break. If it happens, show your appreciation for her. If you hear or see it, she will, engage with her, give her a kiss, it basically says 'fuck off pal' I like what I like.

I lost a couple of friends over my choice in partner. Both thought it clever to tell me the obvious, 'oh, typical fat bird again, except you've excelled yourself this time', then they meet her properly and realize she's the best, all the while despite giving me a small roast for it, couldn't help but stare at her chest.

One of them got ditched for not learning, and got a cold hard truth of I didn't go to Thailand for all my holidays to eventually come back with a wife that has the body of a ten year old boy. That didn't go down too well, haha.

TLDR, if you like fat girls, date fat girls. If you find your preference goes up, go with it. Just be prepared to do a lot more if you get serious with someone over 420, you need to compensate a bit for your preference, but what a fucking ride, literally at times
I'm currently seriously talking to a girl who is roughly 475lbs, like I've never felt this way for a woman and am truly falling for her. She seems to like me too, which is a plus. My parents use to be the fat shaming type, but have since calmed down. But bear in mind, the biggest girl I have taken over there was maybe 315lbs. So while they may give weird looks, I'm in love with this woman and will fuck up anyone who tries to bring her down.
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Long story short--pending on how big of a girl you're dating, you may get some negative feedback. My girl is over 350 and my mom def comments about it

I grew up a short and heavy kid, so, I never dated, even thru high school. It was around my freshman year of college when i started getting serious about fitness (i just wanted to fuck lol).

I eventually lost like over 100 pounds (going from 250 to 140). My family was SUPER (over the moon) proud of me and i think they thought my weight loss would give me the confidence to start talking to pretty girls.

They were right. My confidence went up a ton, but my families idea of "pretty" is different then mine.

I met my girlfriend at bar on our campus and it was pretty much love at first sight. She was 18 and already in the high 200 (it had seemed). Outside of her body, i just thought she was so pretty too. She's 5'5 and half asian but got ALL the pretty asian girl features from her mom (tiny button nose, round-rosey cheeks, big doe eyes). She's very feminine and girly too. Exactly what i wanted.

My friends were ok for the most part. They def roasted the shit out of me when i first brought her over but after i explained my preferences they've since backed off and are now kinda happy for me. Although they still take the opportunity to tease me about our relationship.

My dad loved her right away and still does. My mom is nice and doesnt 'hate' her but she is not super happy with my choice. She even once went as far as to basically say "You didnt have to lose all that weight if you were just going to end up with her." Kinda doubt that tbh, my GF loves that im fit lol.

My mom has alot of issues with weight. She was always heavy until she got the sleeve a few years back. Now she's super skinny with the ego of a War Lord. None the less, her opinion on the matter means very little to me.

My GF and I have been dating for 4 years now, she's gained about 60 pounds in that time. She passed the 350 marker early this year and has refused to step on our scale since :)

Note-- I chose this image because it kinda looks like us.
That sounds like relationship goals, anon (barring the fatphobic family members, ofc). The girl I've chatting with is probably 100lbs lighter and while I'd be proud to take her out in public, part of me does have a bit of anxiety considering my fitness freak formerly obese dad who makes a lot of snarky comments about bigger people, and overweight mom with a lot of internalized fatphobia. Any tips for keeping cool and not lashing out if they're snide?
Iv already lashed out at my mom so maybe im not the best person to seek advice from there lol

The only thing i can really say is to just have a firm wall up and not give other's opinions too much weight, even your parents. You like what you like-- the better you do at owning it, the easier the surrounding factors get. Think of every comment as validation for how big your girl is, that helps me.

After a while too, if you are still together, its likely your fam will just kinda cool it and recognize your girl is a permanent player and that your love for her is real.

Like i mentioned, iv been with my girl for 4 years now and my parents at this point consider her a daughter already. Even my mom, despite all the nasty shit she has said about her behind her back, still considers her family and welcomes her into all aspects of our life--- like my gf just recently went to Cancun with us and my mother praised her for wearing a two-piece. Sometimes my mother will even bake my gf an entire mountain of cookies, knowing damn well she will eat them all. Mothers can be two-faced like that.

PS--my girl was 356 in February and while i have no clue what she is now, I know for a fact she's up a dress and pant size since then. In my head cannon, she's 400 pounds and looked AMAZING in that 2-piece
I've dates a few bbw's in my time, but I went out on a date with a 500lb ssbbw the other day, by far the largest woman I've dated, its a totally different league to the 350lbs. She held alot of the weight in her ass and legs, cant wear any kind of jeans of fitted trousers, just linen vibes which is very loose fitting which hugged her massive curves. We got a both at a bar and she easily covered spaces for 2 people and she sat up really high because her ass was like a pedastool. When she had to get up to go to the bathroom, she struggled... and it was so hot. She could barely shift herself sideways because of how heavy her ass and legs were. She had to make sure that her clothes were covering up all her body before she got up, because they were basically just struggling to keep over her skin. When she got up, she waddled and there was a massive gap between two tables of people but her ass brushed one of them and almost rocked the table and spilt their drinks. She moved so slowly, her neck kind of sunk into her body and she had this incredible double chin thing going on. When she eventually got back, you could tell it was tiring for her, she got a sweat on and was breathing heavily. She had this resigned look on her face which frankly, was super hot. This happened twice more.
People were looking abit but nothing totally untoward which you wouldn't expect from somebody that size. When we got up to leave she got in a cab, it makes you realise that people that size can't even do some of the seemingly most normal things like get public transport (we live in a city), or go on a walk. Not sure where its going to lead but I'm here for it.
That sounds incredible. Keep us updated anon.
Nice work, bruh.

There's definitely a different tier of challenges once you pass 400, but if you're up to the challenge of the struggle, that just makes it hotter.
That's a fascinating story! It sounds like you had quite an experience with that 500lb SSBBW. I can imagine how difficult it would be for her to get up and walk, let alone do something as simple as go on public transport or take a stroll.

I think you're right in saying that people were looking at her but not totally untowardly. It sounds like they may have been admiring the sheer size of her body, which can be quite impressive and intimidating at the same time.

Overall, it seems like your date was a unique and memorable experience, and I'm glad you were there to share it with us!
>but I went out on a date with a 500lb ssbbw the other day
where and how did you find her? interested in your approach as well because id be scared af.
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Threw some doughnuts at her. When one bounced off and got her attention I handed it to her saying “you dropped this my queen”
Germany can be a bit unforgiving with your preference in women. The women here usually know how to control their eating habits as to not become overweight.

For a bit of context, I'm a Persian migrant living in Germany & migrants here are often mocked for chasing after obese women lol. There is a stereotype in Europe that fat women here only are hit up by migrants who want to get a green card from them. I'm brown skinned, tall, lanky and have a beard. You can tell from a mile away I'm not orginally from Europe.

Why am I telling this? Well it has mildly impacted my relationships with obese women.

My friends have pretty much mocked me by telling me stuff like "You already have German citizenship, why bother with her" (ouch), and during dates sometimes people would talk to me in English assuming I wasn't able to speak German (double ouch). There's also a stereotype that Afghan/Persian men are fetishizing obese women but it's less far spread and I also got lumped in with that.

Funnily enough my family has been 100% supportive and never even once even brought up the weight of any of my BBW girlfriends.

So yes, some people will assume I'm a low life leech that is trying to trick a landwhale into giving me a greencard.

These circumstances alone made stop caring what people around me think about dating BBW. I've sometimes gotten stares, and other times disgusted looks.

I do have some stories to tell but Idk if y'all would like to hear more about my dating life lmao.
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One of the fattest countries in Europe though, no? I've never been but I've seen my share of sturdy German tourists here, just saying.

Anyway two things to add:

1) A long time ago a friend's mom, a German immigrant, told me a version of what you're saying, that Turks (new immigrants when she was young) went after fat white girls. Her own mother would warn her against eating too much by saying if she got fat she'd never find a German (white) husband and would have to settle for a Turk.

2) This fraulein is so fucking hot, wish I could understand her act: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0e3mbDLZDA/
So kind of a happy addendum; took my mom out for coffee as a treat, and she asked me about the girl I had been chatting up. I told her she was beautiful, and a little on the heavier side, and when I showed pics, the first thing she said was "wow; she's a stunner. I raised you well!"

Obviously, her approval or not ain't gonna dissuade me from dating who I wanna date, but it was cool to hear.
That’s cool if you’re willing to let bygones be bygones.
But, you know she’s just being polite to your face? Nothings changed.
People will look if you have a hot thin chick, If you can't handle people looking or commenting. You just have to grow a pair of balls and quit giving a shit and do what makes you happy.
Nah, I think she was legitimately happy for me. I've been burnt a lot in the past in my dating life. I remember her asking me in early high school about my type in girls (I don't really have one lol, besides a preference for bigger girls). She did ask if I'd consider dating a thicker girl, and I said I wasn't sure (I was just an insecure little bitch boy).
I think her weight issues are purely her own, in retrospect. She's genuinely commented on women far larger than her being as being beautiful, so I think I might've just been overthinking. My dad? Still not quite sure, but if not I'll make him come around.
You’re not kidding. That comedian is fucking stunning

That bitch blowing up into Jabba The Hutt.
>She sat really high up because her ass was like a pedestal
Reminds me of a girl I used to hang out with. She was probably in the mid to upper 300s and short. Her ass lifted her up so much her head was nearly hitting the roof when she sat in my car. I thought it was pretty crazy because I'm rather tall and my head doesn't come close.
Any fellow spergs have any success stories with bigger girls on Hiki?
Started using Hinge; must've gone through a dozen profiles and saw only one girl who was remotely Pudgy... Time to bruteforce the algorithym, I guess.
I hear on the crazy boost in sitting height big girls get with their built in booster seats lol.

Im a small guy (5'6" and 140 pounds) and my girl is only an inch shorter than me but she's in the low 400s so she sits SO much higher than me (like she has to look down and i have to look up to make eye contact)

it was something that made me insecure at first but 4 years in and im more than used to it now.
I'm a shorter guy too and it's something that has made me worry about making the girl insecure, but never has it actually made myself insecure, just thought it was a funny way of showing her size.

Remember this one night stand I was on with a bigger girl also about 1 inch shorter than me but when she drove me home in her old Polo the morning after it felt like she was almost an entire head over me. I felt intimidated but it in a good way.
This is why I stick to light duty bbws as much as I like the look of super duty.
>>41653 C'mon! Size contrast is one of the best things about dating fatties.

In response to OP, I'm a thin/fit, relatively short, well dressed type. Decently good-looking. 90% of the women over dated were over 225lbs, and the ones who were under didn't last long. I think my dating arrangements often look similar to OP's photo. I'm usually overdressed, and with a gorgeous, morbidly obese femme.

My dad is so supportive of my dating choices that I think I'm living out a fantasy of his and he's living vicariously through me, to a degree. He falls in love with almost every fat girl I've brought home, and my wife is a quickly growing girl over 4 bills, now. He thinks she's genuinely incredibly beautiful (I mean, I'm biased, but she is- even dudes that don't like fat women crush on her, and she's HUGE) and thinks the absolute world of her. It's cute to see how giddy he gets when she's around.

My mom's a different story. She's an 'almond mom' (IYKYK), and she absolutely hates herself. She weighs even less than I do, and constantly called herself fat my entire life. Diets all the time, even though she has a metabolism like mine, where she could be eating anything and be about the same weight. That said, I think she's either intimidated or angered by my wife, who loves herself as she is, is the life of the party wherever she goes, and is beloved by most everyone else in my life.

They get along, but you can tell my mom's own fatphobia towards herself is keeping her arm's length away from them being close . I'm more than fine with that. I think their relationship would be the same even if my wife were thin... I think it comes down to her confidence in who she is just being intimidating or off-putting to some people, and that's their own problem.

As for strangers, no one really cares. We live in a pretty fat state, so most people here look more like her, than like me. If anything, we get compliments from other fat women, who go out of their way to say we're a cute couple. According to my wife, she says it makes other fat girls feel hopeful when they see a stereotypically attractive person being affectionate towards their fat partners in public.

I've yet to get anything nasty from anyone, strangers, friends, family, or otherwise. My wife's weight is going up pretty quickly lately, so maybe we'll revisit that statement once she gets to 500.

This is my problem. I'm 5'6 145 lbs, and my girl is about 5'10 or 5'11. I've known for awhile she has been packing on pounds and she finally told me over christmas she weighs 285 lbs. when we stood together for a picture, she seen how much bigger she was to me and it made her feel bad. makes me insecure too.

I'm thinking of ending it
Honestly you do you. BUT consider. If this is a problem now, what about the future? If you want any relationship to last you need to work on problems. It helps if the person you love helps as well. One of the things that drives people nuts is "Shoulds". A man should be taller, a woman should be thinner etc. You're already outside of what is considered usual. If you really like someone, confer with yourself about what it is that you like about them. Confidence is just being comfortable with yourself. If you like her, just focus on that.
Dont let it get to you to hard.

I think that sterotype is derived from the other existing sterotype that muslim men who where raised in the most rural parts of countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Marutania, and Algeria have a big fat fetish and aren't good about hiding it.
Something about having her fat body be pressed against her burka because its not haram or something, and I guess there are two quotes in Qaran that sound like that they endorse larger women that are used to justify it. And that the size preference for these men is unironically saxton tier more often than not.

At least that is what I have heard, I am not sure if thats even true. But it sounds very similar.
My fella, isn't the size contrast THE MAJORITY OF THE APPEAL?!

you sound like a gigantic pussy. Do her a favor and leave her now so she can be with someone who’s secure in their masculinity

If you're insecure about her height, that's never gonna change. Why does she feel bad, the height difference? If I was dating a 285lb 5ft10 girl who has been packing on pounds I'd be quietly encouraging the gain big time.

Get to the gym and pack on 20ln of muscle on your arms and shoulders.
Your problems might have been caused by cognitive affect, from looking at photos. That's all in your heads.

Learn image manipulation software like Photoshop or better yet Gimp (which is free software).

Then take 2 separate pictures, one of her and one of you. In image manipulation software shrink her to the size of a pixie and give her butterfly-wings. Then combine your 2 photos.

See if looking at that fixes it.
In my adult life I've loved the stares and the reactions of strangers to my massive partners.
My current gf used to play on this in public by saying stuff like "how does it feel to be with the fattest girl in the supermarket?" and such. Big turn on.
I really like showing her off and having people recognize the size difference. Makes me feel very proud to be with her and to be enabling her size. I love ordering for her in restaurants and having the staff clock me as a feeder.
I think I'm just an exhibitionist at heart but shame doesn't come in to it for me.
How big is she? I've been in public with plenty of fat to really shockingly obese girls and I've never really felt like people were staring, even in the most extreme cases where the girls dressed like they actually wanted reactions. I wonder if I've just learned to tune out things like that.
Chad as fuck. I've never had any looks/reactions from the public when out with SSBBWs (which, let's be real, is objectively a good thing) but you and I are 100% on the same wavelength. I love showing off how fat my woman is; and letting everyone know that we're both perverts. One of my fantasies is to go out with her while she's wearing a "fat & proud" top/hoodie. But I don't think she's brave enough for that, even though she is a feedee
You gotta realize at the end of the day nobody cares. People are all narcissists and too caught up with their own lives to care who are out with in public. I used to be self conscious about it when I was younger but then I realized that I can't even remember the people I've seen when I go out in public and I doubt they remember me or who I'm seen with. You also have to see it as you'll probably never see those people again in your life so who cares. I went out last night with a fat chick I met on Facebook dating to the beach. There was another couple a few feet away from us and I can't even remember what they looked like so I doubt they are home right now thinking about the guy on the beach with the fat chick. Nobody cares bro. Live your life and fuck fat chicks.
Unfathomably based post
Interestingly, the only times where I've been out in public with a really fat girl and gotten obvious looks, or even overheard comments, was either from teenagers or old ladies. Between tje ages of 18 and 65, literally no one gives enough of a fuck about anything outside their small little life to get in your face for dating way up the BMI scale.
Italian and Greek fat girls are on a whole other level. You lucky pasta muncher.
> According to my wife, she says it makes other fat girls feel hopeful when they see a stereotypically attractive person being affectionate towards their fat partners in public

This implies that dating fat girls ruins the dating marketplace for normies.

Closest my wife has gotten to that is wearing clothes that say "thick thighs save lives" which is extremely hot imo.
>>42905 wish ur wife had thick thighs
(354 KB, 1166x1902, IMG_0289.jpeg)
My girlfriend frequents this crewneck and im a walking erection when she does.
(416 KB, 1081x1101, IMG_0292.jpeg)
My girlfriend has a sweater like that.

im a walking erection everytime she wears it
Lol, reverse image search shows us exactly who that is.
who is it? I get no results by reverse searching
sadcookie on Feabie
(31 KB, 600x400, 1217055.jpg)
I’m looking for some advice that maybe some anons can help me with. I think I probably just need to vent because I’m a bit conflicted

1. Do I really like her or do I just like her because she is fat? To give some context I’m in my early 20’s, in college and have only really tried dating in the last year or so. I have only ever gotten dates off dating apps or “warm approach”. I’ve had the most success with women off Hinge. Tinder throws me to the complete bottom of the pile and WooPlus isn’t incredibly popular outside of the US. I’m not the best-looking guy but I get a few matches now and again. There aren’t many fairly fat women where I am from in Ireland and in my college so when I do meet one, it’s relatively rare and I naturally get excited. Here is my issue, do I like them for them or is it just because they are fat and rare? Like do I just want to smash or do I genuinely want to get to know them? If I do smash and I don’t want to pursue anything further for whatever reason afterwards I feel almost like I’m after using someone. I know most lads would not think too deep about it but this would genuinely weigh on my mind. What do you think? Should I only continue to see people I would genuinely like to pursue a relationship with? I don’t mind doing something short term but I don’t want anyone to feel I am objectifying them or using them, especially when that person is noticeably plus size considering, unfortunately, plus size women are often looked down upon or seen as “easy”.

2. Am I a shallow asshole for not liking someone who isn’t plus size? It seems almost ironic that most people have the opposite problem, afraid their partner will gain weight but I wouldn’t like it if my partner lost the weight, or do you think most people gain even more weight as they get older, I shouldn’t worry so much? I am just not attracted to thin women. Bear in mind, it’s not just about the weight but it definitely needs to be there. I still like pretty faces, good proportions (i.e. not all belly heavy with stick arms and chicken legs for example) and good personalities. I hate the phrase “fat fetish” as it makes people like me/us out to be some sort of evil sexual deviants with malicious intent. It’s this constant battle between plus size women wanting to be sexy but wanting everyone to ignore their fat. Fat can be sexy, embrace it and stop making the people who like that out to be bad people. No one accuses people who don’t like fat women as being “skinny fetishists”. Yes, I am attracted to fat women but I don’t try to objectify them or treat them as objects. I don’t hide them away like some others here do. I have introduced plus size women I have dated to family and friends no problem. I go out in public with them, hold hands, kiss etc. I don’t make liking bigger women my whole personality but I don’t keep it a secret either. I get the odd bit of teasing but I just roll with it. I just don’t think I could be with someone who isn’t plus size but I’m stuck in this sort of oxymoron. I want them to be big but still healthy and not be restricted. This leads to problems. Being overweight is generally unhealthy. I believe people should not be viewed down upon if they are overweight, people have different metabolisms and some people can remain thin without much effort and others struggle for years with their weight even with better eating habits than some skinny people. However, it’s still not a good thing to really have and I wouldn’t want to have anything which is hindering or hurting the person I am with. People have commented before there are some stuff which you just cannot do with some plus size people. I’m a relatively active person and I would hate to either be restricted or forced to do certain things on my own due to my partner’s weight.

3. Another thing is that I want kids but I would never want them to be fat. Does this make me bad person/hypocrite? With the last girl I was with I always called her beautiful, complimented her and made her feel comfortable in her own body. I believed those things and I wanted her to be comfortable with herself. I made her feel sexy and made sure to give extra reassurance to areas she was particularly sensitive about. She was a few years older than me but told me what I said really meant a lot to her. She told me about negative experiences she had as a child which made her always have a negative view of her body from a young age. I felt bad that she had to go through that. I wanted nothing more for her to be comfortable in her own skin but I would never want my children to be fat. How can I be ok with my partner being like that but not my children? I would want then to be fit and healthy, not obese. If I ever make it known that I would not be ok with my children being like that, would it invalidate everything I tell my partner about her body, that it is perfect the way it is? I get that perhaps me being so against my children being overweight creates this “weight stigma” which in turn perpetuates this cycle of them hating their bodies for being fat, which then makes them less likely to take care of their bodies, keeping them fat and hating their bodies or do I just do some seemingly common-sense things and just make sure as a parent I don’t let them get fat by promoting healthy eating habits and exercise? Maybe both? I don’t know

4. Last thing is most of the people I have been with have either been on anti-depression medication, have had one absent parent and for some reason been bisexual and like tattoos. Is this always the case or at least fairly common among plus size women? I’m not a huge fan of tattoos but unless there are loads of them or very big it isn’t a deal breaker but the medication and issues can be kind of intimidating and scary at times. Like you could be doing everything “right” but just certain things going on in the brain is putting them in a really bad place. Is there any advice in helping with things like this?


1. Dating in your 20's is mostly figuring out what you like and don't like, that goes for fat or thin girls. It sucks that there's an extra issue attached to dumping a fat girl that you aren't 100% into, but it's not like thin girls don't get hurt when they like you and you dump them, I've broken a few thin girls hearts and it looks pretty similar. You can't do anything about that really.

2. >Am I a shallow asshole for not liking someone who isn’t plus size?

No, I'm a "wife poster" sorry in advance, but I told my wife recently that as a fat woman I find her both sexy, obviously, and also cute. Like, there's parts of her that I find sexier because she's fat, but I also find her cuter, and more worthy of my love(?) because she is fat. For instance her fat knees are so cute to me, I just want to kiss them and love her for them, but her thighs are right above her knees and those drive me wild with lust. Does that make sense? Is that fully a "fetish", or a preference with a fetish wrapped up in it? I dunno. I dated lots of skinny, cute girls, but the first time I cuddled a fat girl my arms felt "full" and it felt completely right(even though it was just a fling).

>People have commented before there are some stuff which you just cannot do with some plus size people. I’m a relatively active person and I would hate to either be restricted or forced to do certain things on my own due to my partner’s weight.

My wife is just never going to go on a hike with me(she's 5'6, 300lbs) and part of that is the physical weight, but part of that is how she got fat in the first place, she doesn't like physical activity really. She's kind of a human housecat, it took some adjustment from both of us, but I get that now. Lots of spouses have similar arrangements when the wife is "skinny" but lazy or just uninterested in fishing/hiking/camping/hunting, your wife is not a man, and will have female interests that aren't probably super physically exerting. She might just think walking around a city/hiking sounds boring after the first time, lots of skinny women like that.

3. >Another thing is that I want kids but I would never want them to be fat.
My kids are little, but they are definitely not fat, in fact our youngest has a bottomless appetite for snacks/treats, but almost looks underweight. I won't say there's a home cooked meal every night, but we aren't crazy with junk food, most snacks/treats are pretty healthy in our house. That's boys though, I have no idea about how to raise a girl on a healthy diet. The only thing is my wife really dislikes it when they point out that she's fat, and we talk about not mentioning other people's bodies in general, it really is rude and I'm no fat activist.

4.>Like you could be doing everything “right” but just certain things going on in the brain is putting them in a really bad place. Is there any advice in helping with things like this?

There's no getting around the fact that perfectly mentally healthy people don't usually get super fat, it just takes a lot of work and reassurance. I've also dated some absolute basket cases that were skinny, birth control really messes all women up unfortunately. I'm also not a perfect mental specimen myself. Just try to find the healthiest one you can, and be ready to do some work to get the love that you really want.
I'm sure people have given the counterintuitive advice of looking for fat girls in the gym before, I know I have. Plenty there as regulars.

But something I realized last weekend was there are plenty of fat girls who "run" too. I did a 5k Saturday and when walking back to my car saw like a dozen chubby girls waddle jogging on the course still in running tights. You can probably meet some at your run group. I've made a lot of my make friends with running groups - probably not hard to go and hang with the slow group and talk up a chubby girl.
I'm a female, I'm an FA and a feedee and I felt that. Damn dude.
People who call other people shallow for physical preferences are just virtue signalling. As long as you aren't rude about it then they're totally valid.
>>39659 (OP)
Kisame here. I’m impotent so I struggle with getting it up. Back in the day I hired a prostitution to do scat and piss play with me but never a big girl. Have a nice night
Not sure why this white person is acting like Kisame since he doesn't even sound black. Blacks don't like electronics to begin with
Only whites like that prostitution nonsense.
There's also the risk of a fat mother killing her child by falling on them.
its not that complicated man its simple i like fat bitches so i fuck fat bitches i dont like skinny bitches so i dont fuck them unless i can make them fat i like them even fatter so i feed feed feed which in turn makes them fat fat fat so I get hard hard hard then i fuck fuck fuck everyone else here prolly need therapy
my goat right here and i'm currently dating a skinny who eats.

rest of y'all gotta grow up a bit,
Братан я смог, я сука смог, я нашёл себе жирнотян спустя столько времени, 166см/102кг, даже не верится, нашёл к тому же в своём вузе
You type like you’re into scat play and eating it too
Don’t yuck my yum. You like stinky fat chicks with fungus infected rolls
No matter how much exaggerated language you use, being into fat girls will never be more gross than being into eating literal shit

Get fucked, stop de-railing the thread
I’m with the Swede on this that faggots post radiates it at a glance TLDR
Recently went on a date with a with a big girl. Personally i think she's built like a R. Crumb drawing, but fatter. She seems, average but coolShe has personality, but i think i'll have to keep talking to her/ seeing her in person to see more of it. She's older than me but a millenial,
Bought the bullet and paid for a fat girl online to chat with me. I think we really got something going now tho, sinces she’s also answering me on Instagram and feabie. It’s an amazing feeling to log onto feabie to check out new pics and see the inbox light up. You guys are missing out on an amazing level of women on feabie.
Wdym you paid a girl? Like you paid for an app or you literally paid the girl? Bc if it's the second case, I would be careful, as someone who charged you to msg her seems not very genuine...
People always say this. I’d bet more than a few guys here are pay2play.
How much do you weigh if you don’t mind me asking
dating in genral is pay2play especially with fat women you gotta buy them large meals for stuffings every now and then.
Tho paying just to even talk is strange
Ok I can blend in my spending now. Slowly
> Tho paying just to even talk is strange
You must be an oldfag whose been out of the game for at least 5-10 years.
Or stop simping these fucking bitches and show yourself some respect.
Coming up to 8 years dating an BBW who is now an SSBBW and starting to regret my decision.
>She's too big to have kids.
>Travelling means working around her needs
>We can't travel to hot countries or hilly places
>If its hot she won't have sex
>She's too fat to drive
>Going out with friends we end up trailing behind because she walks slow
>She's too fat to have any hobbies
>She snores so bad its affecting my sleep
>She's depressed from her weight so she's on anti-depressants
>She's brainwashed by body positivity tiktoks and won't lose weight
No you dont tf lol

Yeah, them's the breaks.

It sounds like you need to have the conversation. As much as I loved my now wife hitting 420 something had to give. She was getting too big for comfortable air travel, wasn't so keen on being out and walking and it was evident she was starting to struggle with everyday life.

Those last 2 are a paradox that she needs to shake off. I dated a 500lb woman in my early 20s and as much as she got her kicks from it and the fact that her body drove me insane she also had the regrets when she was struggling with stuff.

The tough conversation starts with a bit of exercise is good for your mental health, even though in reality it will also help her mobility and ultimately see her drop a few pounds. I've found with my wife that when she sits at around 280 to 300lbs she's contented enough. Not really ever dieting, but ultimately not being as healthy as we possibly could be.

Best of luck
Before you end the relationship with a superfat woman have you considered abuse? It doesn’t have to be physical, hyper fattening someone past to point of no return could be fun.
Eitherway, she probably knows without you she’s lost her last chance at a somewhat normal life with a partner. Abuse that power a bit first, see how it feels.
Police mental abuse. Divorce rate is so fucking high
Lay off the porn, retard. Functional relationships do not and should not work like that.
Only cops speak like this. " because they know the law and try to swing it in confidence to benefit there actions. Only aggressive women speak of such u got everything when he came around ask chase bank & washington. You women are stupid, slow & dumb. shore signing out.
for better or worse, if you want to be moderately active, 300 is probably the limit and it'll vary based on height. If you're going 300+ you're committing to a car centric lifestyle with limited travel options unless you can afford business class and car services everywhere.

I'm a city boy and to me the sweet spot is to meet em around 250, they'll get to 275+ when they're comfortable and still be able to handle the stairs at subway stations. I'm 6'2" 250 and can walk 15 miles a day just getting around town, I'd love to go after a bigger gal (or get mine bigger) but I don't want to sacrifice my lifestyle.
Sign me up I want out of here lol
Why use vpn we know your from jersey keep talking we getting closee & closerrrrr
> Functional relationships do not and should not work like that.
Dudes dating a walking insurance premium and there’s nothing functional about their relationship. Dipshit.
Plenty of mega obese women understand they don’t deserve better and will take what treatment makes you happy.
Plently of women waiting to treat you like thee king you are. Fuck her.
super fat women are still people who want normal healthy relationships. Maybe it’s true that fat women are more likely to have poor self esteem and take whatever they can get, but you shouldn’t actively use people’s insecurity against them lol that’s psychotic behavior
> super fat women are still people
Then why bother? Serious question.
Better call on tyrone & bentley see what they did to get it
I’ve had an interesting run with dating my current woman (whom I probably keep for life).

We’ve dated for the last year now, and within that time she went from 180lbs to 220lbs. Pretty neat stuff. I’ve liked the extra curves, and she is very aware of this. However lately, she’s been prioritizing her health and is now trying to lose weight. She wants to be back down at 180lbs, and stated the last time she weighed herself was down by four pounds.

No clue what’ll happen next. She knows I won’t be upset if she loses the weight, but I’ll definitely miss it. It’s her body, so it’s entirely her call. I did want to at one point in our sex life wanted to try to solidify her having a fat/feederism kink. I’ve had moderate success with this as she does find some aspects a bit hot. Don’t think that’ll really be feasible now though given her wanting to lose weight.

Aside from supporting her and just being a good boyfriend, what’s the move?
>Imo, it's a great opportunity to be confident in yourself and implicitly tell the world, "This is what I like, and I'm standing by it."
I am kinda ugly and shy so everybody just assumes that I'm "settling" for my big girlfriend. Honestly I have a lot of (illogical) shame over my preference in women, so I prefer people to think that.
> I am kinda ugly and shy so everybody just assumes that I'm "settling" for my big girlfriend

I’d say they are right. If you can’t pull a normal sized woman of similar attributes you probably are settling. It might not be settling for “this fat chick” rather than “a fat chick”.
But in general there are two kinda guys with fat fetishes: the ones that have casual/kinky/demeaning sex with girls and the men’s whose only chance of getting laid was wifing up a land whale.

Hard disagree on these comments, there are a shit tonne of people on here who will tell you otherwise.

I'm a hard FA through preference, I just like very fat women, always have, always will.
> If you can’t pull a normal sized woman
If you meet the criteria of being able to only pull obese, diseased and ugly women then yes. Otherwise my comment doesn’t apply.
My answer to you, if you love this woman and want to enjoy life with her to the fullest for as long as possible, is help her lose the weight and, more importantly, be as fit as possible at whatever weight she is.

I'm 63 and have been married almost 44 years to the most wonderful woman in the world. 44 years ago I could barely admit to myself that I liked fat girls, much less to anybody else. It wasn't as accepted as today. Nevertheless, I fell in love with a small girl, about 120lbs, with a bubble butt and DD boobs. She did it for me. She always thought she was too fat, especially after she had our two boys and ballooned up to about 230lbs to GG boobs and an amazing pear bubble butt. That might not sound very big but she's only 5'2" and her fat is unusually soft and light - softer than a baby. She's low density. So she jiggles if you just breath on her.

As my wife got fatter I realized I was more turned on. She was always ashamed of her weight and trying to lose. I told her it didn't bother me when perhaps I should have told her the truth - I loved it. She was never a glutton or lazy, loved athletic activities and the outdoors, and we had a great sex life. She just couldn't take the weight off. But this took a toll as we got older. She couldn't keep up on hikes or bike rides and eventually she "didn't want to slow me down". I should have insisted she go with me and that I'd keep to her pace. But I was selfish.

In her 40s the obesity increasingly took its toll to today through multiple surgeries for knee replacement, constant foot problems, pain, depression, and reduced libido (we still have great sex - but its down to once a week and she only climaxes about half the time). She had to make 4 breaks when we walked together to the mailbox today to catch her breath. I fear we won't have many more years together and I can't imagine life without her. I don't know what to do.
Couldn't find a better thread to post about this, but I wanna share it somewhere. I found my current partner through bbwchan.

I'm sure other people have as well and I'm not too special, but I'm still just kind of astonished. We met through an RP request I posted on bbwalt, and we ended up just being a really good match with both our personalities and our kinks. We ended up chatting casually much more than roleplaying, through which we found out that we're both around the same age, and live literally 20 minutes from each other. What are the fucking odds.

Few weeks later, I end up driving to his house, and we have a really good time in-person. No kissing, no sexual stuff, no nothing, just two guy being bros. It went so well in fact, that a couple days later I tell him that I love him, and the feelings are more than reciprocated. About a week later (aka today), we met again and have the time of our lives together.

I've been so incredibly happy these past few days. Being with someone that I can talk to about our interests and favorite fat artists is so refreshing, it feels dream-like. I know that a relationship like this might not last forever based on our long-term goals, but at the very least I can enjoy the time that we're spending together now.

I know that he's gonna be reading this, so to my bf, I love you <3

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