
(252 KB, 2048x2048, FNNmhndXIAInpry.jpg_large.jpg)
Obviously we all have models that we'd like to spend some one on one time with, but do you ever think about a model that you would actually like to spend time with? I'll go first, I think bubblybooty would be a blast to take out on a date, she seems really fun, BC Bonnie also seems like she would be really fun in person.
>>39533 (OP)
Mary is the obvious answer here. I guess the real question here is which models probably have a nice personality and are fun to be around.
+1 on BC Bonnie
Agreed, Mary Boberry would be a really nice date too, I've said before on here that she radiates "hot girl energy", like if you took her on a date even normies who don't like SSBBW's would be like "Wow, that woman is a total smokeshow".
Roxxie. Ticks all the same boxes as Boberry minus Bo’s insane hourglass build but she makes up for it by being down to earth as fuck and a filthy feedist pervert. Yo Rox hmu?
chiquita bc the sentence, "demeter, do your fucking job" lives rent free in my head

she even lives in my city (i think?) :(
Agreed, Chiquita would be the most fun to date. If I had money, a nice car, and a 401K, I would want to date Boberry and marry her.
—Boberry and Roxie would be too old in person, both still photographs well with makeup.
—CC’s quirky personality would be 100% less cute and more annoying in person.
—JJ, PP, etc: lipedemia fat looks a lot sexier than it feels.
Also, just these models all have the loose vagina energy of Beckie’s who’ve mistaken freakshow fetish attention for legitimate attraction.There are plenty of models who don’t radiate the stank energy of a mid-grade hoe who’s found a market where they can punch above their weight class.
Margot, Erotika, Jazz, Skylar all come across as having enough perspective to put in effort into more than just makeup and boring Sugarbaby consumerism.
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>>39533 (OP)
Good thread OP, but it's missing a little something:

Which models would you take out on a date, and where would you take them?

My thoughts on the girls posted so far?

- BubblyBooty - Sammy would be a fun date, I get the vibe she doesn't take herself too seriously. Nice restaurant, American or Italian food, maybe one of those upscale craft pub places where for some reason barrels are used as tables. Idk why but I also get a Dave & Buster's feel from her? If I wasn't absolutely certain she had a man, I'd totally want to get to know her that way. Always been a favorite.

- BoBerry - Oof. She's my top pick for sure, but I don't think she's been on a cheap or modest date in a damn long time. It'd be a dream to take her somewhere but it'd have to be somewhere super upscale. Girl's been fine dining in some ritzy places after all. I'd die happy from the experience but I'd have massive regret afterwards emptying my bank account so... Probably would be a pass from me. >>39565 gets it - I'd need way more money to even consider it.

Bonnie - Nah, I've never been wild about her personally. I mean I wouldn't say no, but I don't think I'd break the bank over venue. High tea maybe?

Roxxie - Same boat as BubblyBooty, she'd be a fun time. I think where Sammy might scoff a little at the notion of a chain restaurant, Roxxie might be a little open to it? Still would wanna take her somewhere pub-like though. Girl just looks good with a huge burger and a pint of beer.

CC - Why not, y'know? She's cute, she's got that autistic rizz. Applebee's for half apps, maybe a bar afterwards.

- JJ - Despite having the appetite of a fucking garbage truck, I think Jackie would be offended if I suggested fast food. It'd have to be somewhere with big portions at the very least. I wanna say Cheesecake Factory (knowing full well that bill would rival whatever Michelin Star restaurant I'd be taking BoBerry to) but even then I'd have to be on her good side and that would take months of warming up to her. Blind date out of the blue? Un-fucking-comfortable time with her.

- PP - No, I don't think I'd want to even try. I don't think I could take her anywhere without thinking she'd rather be somewhere else. Way too full of herself. Not even if someone arranged it.

My picks that haven't been mentioned yet:

- I think Haley (GingerBunny) would be happy going anywhere, but I'd def want to take her somewhere fun. She might be a little awkward but I think we could have a fun time.

- Sasha - there's definitely a down to earth vibe I'm getting from her, I think she'd be down for one of those craft brewery spots or a winery. Would totally do.

Unfortunately my other favorites would probably be a logistical nightmare to get them accommodated. Them's the breaks.
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BC Eve. She's not my ideal physically, though I do like SSBBW pears quite a bit and I think she's very cute. It's that she comes off smart, down to earth and self-aware with a sense of humor, a little nerdy without being a nerd. And ngl, I'm hella turned on by the idea of walking into a restaurant with a 6', 600lb babe on my arm and seeing people's reactions.
Lol, there is something funny about seeing a woman in her mid thirties dressing like she's a 22 year old sugarbaby still. I think from your list Margot would be fun to hang out with, you'd have to know your true crime probably though. I think you could take her somewhere easy like fast food, but she'd appreciate a nicer wine at or something.
Yeah, I was thinking something similar with Sammy, like, she'd be happy wherever she went, not like she's desperate, just that she's down to earth and would make a fun time anywhere.
>>39533 (OP)
This thread is maximum autism. Go outside and touch grass.
brother. if this isn't some sort of AI, please seek treatment
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Well, I thought it was a cute idea for a thread. Am I the only one who sometimes imagines being more actually romantic with a girl that you fap too?
Nah, but this is a chan. There is an ocean of salt and sour grapes about these parts.
>>39597 i like it too, don't let these assholes get you down >>39585

imagine feigning some sort of autistic superiority on a chan because you went outside one time
I like to imagine me and ChubbyChiquita settling up a nice little household together in the West Bank
Idk what to tell you man, lot of bitter folks here.

The appeal of these girls is they want you to fall for them or want you to fuck them. That's the whole point of what they're doing, that's the entire draw of softcore porn. If you haven't fantasized about taking them on a date or rawdogging them then they're doing a bad job.
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Thanks fellas. It's kinda simpy, or sappy, but I like to imagine taking these girls out on a nice date sometimes, it makes it more fun. Mobility issues aside, I think Adeline would be fun to take out, I wonder if she's more of a homebody though, maybe a lot of these girls would just prefer a door dash date.
No it's called being human which means being capable of empathy, aka making a connection with another human. The opposite of autism, which interferes with such connections.

The touch grass cliche is even stupider because they're on a fetish chan — the gen board no less, which is about discussion, not even porn — with the need to go out of their way to claim superiority over other fetishists.

Feel bad they're so afraid of feelings. Must suck.
I've always found that chans are less vitriolic and toxic than other kinds of social media. The issue is people turn being a le epic imageboard troll into a hobby and think that these places are just for shitposting, not sharing/shitposting about your hobbies.
They're toxic in a much more straightforward way but not as toxic as most social media in an abstract sense. No other sites will get you having slurs hurled your way but they're also much more clique-y, drama filled and generally gross
>>39533 (OP)
I wouldn't want to date any of the models because all of them are selling pictures of their bodies and are terminally online.
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I'd want to take thicladybug out on a date. She's extremely cute IMO, both in terms of looks and personality.
I'd want to take her to a barcade that does food. There's one in Dublin that seems to be a popular spot for BBW dates lol. I've taken a few BBWs there and I've also seen plenty of other guys on dates with their BBW girlfriends there.
BC Skylar fs
>>39533 (OP)
Chubby Chiquita and Thicccollegegirl because they're both hot as fuck and seem like pretty cool people. Like I think I'd just enjoy hanging out with them.

JJ for the spectacle of it. Seeing a near-600lb wheezing blob with a chronic food addiction shovelling truckloads of food down her throat without a care in the world sounds hot AF. Mochii would be great for a similar reason.
I think it would be interesting to meet Sara Aikawa. Maybe she could tell me how chubby chasers of the west are similar to debusen of the east.
Brie Brown when she was in her prime. Honestly, her voice makes her sound like an alchy opioid addict but then again all adult actresses seem to have similar traits.
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>>39665 Honey: we confront a portrayal reminiscent of Lumpy Space Princess—perhaps a carnitas incarnation—whose prime seems to be in the rearview mirror, with the once aesthetically pleasing fat now assuming a less flattering disposition compared to its heyday in the 2010s.
CC: seems like you could get away with not taking her on a date and play fortnight at 11pm as ask her to come over and bring takeout.
JJ: lipedemic fat that evokes a waterlogged quality, rendering it particularly sensitive to touch and prone to bruising, presenting an experience that doesn't quite align with the expected tactile sensations.
Her mental states vibes in the loopy trajectory, if not bordering on a childlike cognitive ability.
In my experience, encountering these models has been a veritable reality check, altering my perception of the fetish in a less-than-positive manner. I've navigated those waters, and it undeniably shifted my perspective. My sincere advice: embrace genuine connections, engage with real individuals, and mutually explore your sexuality—leave the realm of fiction to these women who, in essence, remain crafted characters on a screen.>>39597
>>39533 (OP)

Agreed on Bubblybooty. She's cute and all, but damn some of the shit she posts cracks me up! She seems really cool in her livestreams as well. Also does not seems to be an over-politicized extremist of either side which is awesome and kind of rare now.
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>and where would you take them?
I mean if you're not taking your BBW+ girl to at least a restaurant and/or dessert parlour what are you even doing in this fetish? And if you're on the SSBBW side we know you're not taking her for an uphill hike followed by hang-gliding.

I doubt we got a taste of the "real" personalities of even the most apparently down-to-earth models but many of the BigCuties models went in that direction with their performances, presumably at Heather's direction. I'd gladly take any one of them out on a date in my dreams but if I had to narrow it down to top 3 it'd be Sasha, Trysta (yes I know she wasn't actually into it and got WLS), and Ash (maybe preferably more towards her "middleweight USSBBW" phase than nearly-immobile phase)

TBH while I adore BoBerry, she's tremendously out of my league in terms of social class and I'd feel horribly out of place.
I can tell you from personal experience, bubblybooty is 100% the most sane and normal out of any ssbbw model I’ve interacted with
She’s genuinely funny and doesn’t take herself too seriously, a genuinely nice woman who I feel lucky to know
All these women is the same.
Skip the dates just gift them thousands of dollars worth of Funko Pops and Nespreso pods, props if either are Harry Potter themed.
Thought this was Angelina duplisea at first until I saw her butt. thought she had gained all her weight back for a sec

BoBerry’s kind of an interesting catch 22. Too posh for the average guy, yet most members of the upper middle class would feel equally out of place since being circus-sized isn’t a done thing. A true member of the American upper middle class would need to forsake their social class to a degree to be with her. She’s best off with some new money person who can do the lifestyle without true attachment to that set.
I think we all greatly overestimate how trashy that much makeup looks in person. She’s a Waffle House date after clubbing and not an unusual sight at that.
I thought it was a fun idea too...
This is dumb, but that makes me really happy. I'm the OP, and taken, but if I wasn't, and she was free I'd definitely pursue her. I know there's always an aspect of salesmanship to a model's content, but it does seem like she genuinely likes being fat, and thinks stuff like creampies are hot.
Much like celebrities, these people think they've cured cancer by just wobbling their fat-asses in front of a camera. Just talk to any fat girl who's relatively unknown around this place and maybe she'll be interested that you're more than okay to stick around with her despite being, you know, fat.
I’ve dated several models at one time or another. For all the folks talking shit, I’d say you’re missing out. It’s genuinely fun taking hot fat chicks out on dates.
Yeah. Also dated.l a few.
The thing is. Anyone can finder hotter fat chicks in every American city.
These models aren’t all that into being fat anyway, it’s a bunch of pcos/lipedemia diseased gold diggers with no personality.
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Such a generalized, untrue statement. I don't know who you've been with but dating a few myself - that is a crock of shite. Maybe you need to choose better?
Nice AI art, decent concept. The men shouldn’t be eating a northeast style pizza pie. That’s a deep dish sorta culture if I’m guessing from the Duck Dynasty stylings.

> don't know who you've been with
I’m not about to dox models by discussing their personal struggles abuse/disease/addiction/etc that led them to being monstrously obese and eating 5 figures destroying their public image for life. Few are feedees or even pro-fat. It’s a living. It’s not respectable, glamorous or fun.
>… but dating a few myself - that is a crock of shite.
Attractive women with self respect do not post images/videos online: obese women, kinky feedee foodsluts, etc. I’m talking college educated women who’d be attractive at any size.
Repeat: attractive fat women rarely post themselves online. Even the hottest ssbbw models are just the hottest of the crew of toothless, balding working class rejects.
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> Not going to Dox models
Good, I honestly wouldn't want you to. If those were your experiences you had then I am sorry. I have had better experiences with the 2 I have dated. Both were Pro-Fat and enjoyed it, which made it exciting.

>College educated women...
OK this is a fair point. One was smart, the other quite dumb no college for either and TBF only 1 would be hot at any weight. I did date a 3rd that guested in a shoot for her college friend, that were both hot. And both got away from the modeling eventually. He friend still comes around very rarely.

So - fair point I redact a majority of my statement and apologize for saying you were full of it. Not that you need my approval for anything.

> Nice AI
Thanks! I've honestly just been having fun with it, some of them really make me laugh when I get the results. I figure I can post them here for some sort of decoration on my shitpost. Like polishing a turd. Also funny you bring up regional Pizza styles, I had just requested the patrons be hillbillies - rednecks won't get past the filter for some reason. AI programmer must of been a Hank Jr. Fan.
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Redneck is a bit colorist.
Hillbilly isn’t racially specific as it refers to their geographic location.
Terms like bumpkin, yokel and hick may be allowable but I doubt you can ask it to “wop dago eating pasta with a goombah Garfield” and get anything one could jack off to.
For example in the above image I had to resist saying anything specific about color, or even species of the reptiles.
Not to derail, but I'm loving these AIs. Do you have a tumblr or DA for them?

I really need to set something up -I didn't know if anyone else would like them other than me. I didn't think I would honestly, just did it as amusement when I was bored and I didn't expect to laugh at them so much. I think there is an AI board here, I might put some shit in there.
We need more AI content. The orbs were great but we’ve lost the Last of the Orbmasters some time ago.

Check /bbwai I put a lot in there and there is other goodies around

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