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Do fat women like masculine dykes enough to settle down and marry one? its hard to find any info on this, fat women are mostly promiscuous whores, yeah?
Fat women are not a monolith. Some are gay, some are straight, some are promiscuous, some are monogamous. The only truth is that there are more and more fat women as time goes on, with obesity rates rapidly increasing, so chances are there is a fat woman out there for you.
How am I to find a beautiful dominant curvaceous chocolate (black) goddess,,,
Move/travel to a town with a large obesity rate and a large African American population, install literally any dating app besides FarmersOnly or ChristianMingle (are those even around still?)

There, I gave ya a pretty good head start.
Fucking idiot, “monolithic” is a rock term. Dummy.

Move to Mississippi.
i've been seeing more lesbian couples recently, very frequently thin + curvy to fat pairs and it doesn't strike me as geniune. it's just seems like too big of a coincidence that the 1 group of women that is unappealing to the majority of men and is insecure about their body shut themselves off males entirely. if you're a big girl and started catching feelings for woman well after the onset of puberty i'm going to believe those are some unresolved issues.
Jesus bro, maybe theyre just into women

Words can have more than one meaning retard.

"Monolithic thinking describes the tendency to view cultures, experiences, and people from a single perspective."
You think this because you're a fucking idiot with unresolved issues of your own, go to therapy
Fucking smooth brain over here can’t use a dictionary. At least cite your sources peon.

formed of a single large block of stone”
>>39494 (OP)
As a woman into women, I’ll say you certainly have a pretty nuanced view on this lol
You said “fat women are not a monolith”.
Of course they’re not a “large stone” or “system” or “chip” you idiot, they’re people, not things?
Where are you from Utah or Kansas?
I didn't say it, I'm defending the guy who did. I've never even been to Utah or Kansas, though I've been to Colorado, which borders both states. Does that count?

Here, I'll break it down further:

Websters says a "monolith" can mean "an organization or system." (Those who didn't eat too many lead paint chips as a toddler call this a "figurative" meaning.)

Copy, paste, click, and Websters further tells me an "organization" is "an organized body of PEOPLE with a particular purpose."

The original commenter says fat women are NOT a monolith, which means NOT "an organized body of people with a particular purpose." They have different opinions, different goals, etc. That was his point.
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Did ChatGPT write this response? It looks so close to being logical while making zero sense whatsoever.
Switch over to /bbw, rub one out, and read it again. Excess sperm buildup interferes with cognition.

Monolithic may not be the most accurate word (he could have used heterogeneous), but what's the point of arguing when the meaning can be clearly inferred from the whole sentence? lmao
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Go back to your BA and MFA since you care words so much nerd. Get your head out of your booky-books and learn to code and act a little smarter? Instead you’re here trying to use a whole bunch of high fallouting rhetoric to cover up for the fact you used a geology word In sociology class.

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