
(21 KB, 220x262, what-confused.gif)
Looking for a thing most I guess most would just call a fat suit.

But I don't know what its called or where you would even get one if its not just some custom made thing or not.

I'm looking for any info on a fat suit but one that you fill with water that way it has more real movement and weight to it.

I'm looking for a full body one but have no idea how to look one up without just getting wetsuit sites.

I've seen clips once in on very rare moments where mostly inflation kink people have ones that fill with water but I got no clue about them or how to get one.

I'm looking for one that would make a person look like a total immobile bed blob a female body one.
I've never heard of one for sale. I'd love to have one myself, see what it's like to waddle around as an actual 400 pounder. Without being, you know, 400 pounds.

Though I always thought that silicon gel, like the stuff in keyboard wrist support pads, would be better than water. To me those things actually feel like fat.
>>39453 (OP)
Are you men or womeb?I half two possible solusions for you

If men then gay

If wobmen get fat
Get out of my country.
The fat suit is not for me it's for my wife as annoying as it is she can't gain a fuck ton of weight due to needing to work thanks to all this gay-ass inflation making the dollar near worthless.

I'd strongly rather her be a fat fuck because I like the real deal lard and health problems that go along with it but we both need to pay bills.

The fat suit is a compromise till either we get nuked by some retard in power pissing off the wrong country or shit somehow cost a lot less so she can stay home and be a fat fuck.
just what exact amount of fat fuckness do you want, dude? A woman can still go for a work while being really really fat. Lots of examples IRL. Making her just not as huge as you want is a better compromise than making her wear a fat suit, don't you think?
I'm with you Russia bro but her job is the get-up and walk around a lot kind so she can't get very fat, she could just get another job but she needs this one because it will cancel out a lot of her student debt if she sticks it out for another 10 years.

Personally, I'd rather her say fuck the job and get one that's remote to only work from home so she can be as less mobile as possible and pile on the lard but those jobs are never hiring and very limited or you can turn in 100s of apps for them and never get them.

I want her so damn fat she is nearly immobile as that's what gets me rocks off, but that kind of food costs a lot in fag-flation so we have to wait it out till that student debt fucks off.

It was her idea to do the fat suit, I rather get the real deal but it's better than nothing for the time being I guess.
If she's still willing to put up with it, that's at least a start. Problem is, aside from pregnancy sympathy bellies, there isn't much of a market for padding beside crappy halloween costumes. If you don't have the time to make a homemade solution, the closest area of expertise is fursuiters to tailor-make a solution. If you don't get a helmet or gloves that should cut down on cost, but it's definitely not going to be cheap unless you find a newbie down on their luck.

Godspeed, anon.
Also, cosplayer/kirugumi tailors are another good option, but they're more likely to ask questions what this is for. Since fursuiters are at peak degeneracy, they're more likely to take the job without looking into it.
I thought about the furries doing it but like you said their prices are insane. Asked a friend who is one of them and was told it would be around 7k or more if I got one of them to do it even though I know furries have no problem making the most depraved shit a person can think of without question as long as the money is there.

I may end up having to make something myself I guess, It can't be too hard to do I would guess. Just get a fucking huge shirt and yoga or sweat pants, make a duct tape dummy, buy all the foam stock from a fabric store, and use a hot knife or turkey carver to shape the foam.
Well I can say that you are already very lucky that your wife is willing to become obese for you. That's a really good start.
My suggestion to use silicone as a filler, because its as close as you can get to a fat structure. The only problem is making a suitable mold for silicone to recreate the belly shape. Do not know how to achieve it.
In the meantime, start preparations to transfer her to the remote job, and indulge as much lazy behavior as possible. I still believe that you can make her start packin while still on the active job.
Do you mix it like epoxy and let it set or something?

As for a mold, I guess make it out of soft clay, shape it, put some nonstick grease or something in it then dump the silicone into it and let it set. hopefully, that would work I guess.

We have been looking for months for a suitable full-time remote job. No one seems to want to actually hire though, got nothing but the run-around and wasted time so far.
I mean two-component silicone that needs to be mixed. Then poured into the mold. I think you understood me correctly. I don't know much about this stuff, but I think you will get help with your choice from the store employees. It’s really worth rubbing the mold with grease so that the silicone doesn’t stick to it when it сures

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