
>>39415 (OP)
It's easy to deprive the preg community of it's dumb capeshit narrative since they can't sell if his name is not uttered. Without Kisame17, artists are just prima donnas.
>>39415 (OP)
Kisame here. The mods can never ban me because I'm everyone and everywhere. I took a nap today. All I do is go to the gym and make hyperpreg art on my Lenovo IdeaPad.
I am putting more stock in managing the day to day routine than being an over the top villain. Nothing has changed much in the past 4-5 years since my exile for me to merit a reaction.
Artists already have their middle management mods who micro manage the preg pics. That free me up to goof off elsewhere on the internet.
The media doesn't want me as the token Black Nazi. Just look at how Ben Shapiro needs to correct Candence Owens cause she correctly points out that Israel is subjugating the Muslim population. They're complaining that Trump has become fascist cause he's channeling Henry Ford. I contribute nothing to the internet that would help communism succeed in making America a feudalist state dominated by Tsars and peasants. I will just cast the vote for RFK Jr
Slowdown incel, us schizoids aren't taking away for fatties. I made a fatties at work angry by ignoring him and talking to Tyrone. I am too restrained by espresso and vitamins to care about people's problems
I find Markwayne Mullins to be the relatable Senator. Challenging union to a fist fight should be mandatory. Bernie Sanders should be president for stopping the fight.
I am separating fiction from reality which means no more Li Li. I don't even know what Trolls is
>>39415 (OP)
You know he does this both because he truly is insane and because he knows it pisses y'all off right?
I doubt it since politicians want to verify my identity online thru data algorithms to target hate speech. I don't expect Kathy Hochul, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy to get far because they make it too obvious they want to regulate the internet from wrongthink
I am already irrelevant to the preg community so I contribute nothing in the grand scheme of things
>>39415 (OP)
To answer your question OP, people flat out don't want autism in their art so I am not needed.
Politicians want happy talk and Reaganomics. Even I am cognizant enough to know that the Chipette movie wouldn't fly today.
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I think lawyers call it the insanity defense or that's what the far right legal council calls it. I can pretty much get out of prison by pleading insanity and get a slap on the wrist if I had no idea what was going on. It's how I got out of 1/6 sedition charges. I also had no idea artists in the preg community worked in Hollywood or had connections to the animation industry. That said, X bores me because it's one big gossip column about who's sleeping with who or who got contracts with the tycoons.
I mean it's a containment thread soooooo
It's only a containment thread if he keeps everything here. This is literally just a thread to whine about him.
Clearly it's not working since there's no Li Li and I am not the creator. You have to annoy Cross Crescent according to these unionized LA
Contract rights. For all I know, she could be LGBTQIA like Steven Universe
If you keep the thread active, then it should work
Nope! The preg section in /d/ is dead and rehashing old pics.
Nope. I lost interest. The internet went stale
aha, okay tell me something Kisame, why you posted fetosh art on your personal instagram?
I flat out don't see Li Li as a NSFW character or whatever weebs call it now. She's essentially a freewheeling protagonist.
I guess what I am saying is that Li Li is too conservative to be a fetish art character. As for Instagram, millennials like me don't care for it or TikTok. I don't care that China is trying to steal and copy information because I am not a scientist or a conspiracy thriller novelist.
I already spelled out that Li Li is supposed to be fake because she's based on how Americans and Christians perceived Communist China. It's why she has a family and is a twin as if to infer there's more of her being made to give birth on American soil. Nobody is demanding that Li Li be an accurate representation of Chinese people. She's not a trinket you can get at Target for the Lunar New Year.
It's why Li Li is a ninja. She can fake English to blend in and talk like a valley girl to assimilate. It's just that cartoonists are trying too hard to use her as a javelin against art school and animation industry in a Wagnerian epic. I put her on Instagram to goof off. I am not taking away yer Burbank jerbs
I am part of the alt-right. The alt right doesn't care what Ben Shapiro, Vivek Ramaswamy, these grifters think. The preg community is made up of neocons who are 4Fs and JROTC rejects, or the counter culture hippie movement. I just feel that Li Li sees Bolette as a fellow mother. I just don't see her as a helicopter getting angry at something as trivial as internet porn or young adult fiction. I just write her as the mean girl like Yukari Takeba from P3. I think men got used to talking onnaholes like Ochako, Eiken and Tenchi Muyo spoiling them with kindness.
I am not part of the preg community since they won't let me buy their art to begin with. I am assuming they're upset that Li Li was on Instagram cause they're losing revenue. I don't care. It's like the P.Diddy rape case or Osama Bin Laden on TikTok. I think boomers are mad they're not the cool kids or television doesn't dominate the discussion and throw a tantrum.
I already showed my dad and my sister my fetish art and they didn't act like oedipal boomers. My Gen Alpha nephew doesn't care for cartoons.
So diddy killed tupac.
Literally who is Li Li I just want a straightforward answer on that
I told you to ask Cross Crescent since he drew her consistently according to cartoonists rules. I am not a cartoon guy and don't know how Hollywood operates. I guess they brought back the studio system where studios have exclusive contracts to own toons like Disney with Mickey Mouse, WB with Bugs Bunny, Universal with Woody Woodpecker
I am not Suge Knight, Jay Z, or P.Diddy. I am not a tycoon so ask the artist who made her
You will never find out, Kisame is chronically incapable of giving answers with something actually relevant to the question or topic at hand, lol
But like, from the clearly unhinged responses I can glean it's a cartoon character at least? It's just one I don't think anyone has ever heard of. Kisame's mind has been so poisoned with cartoons it could literally be anything.

Dude can just post a picture and be done with it, y'know?
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Like I swear to god if 30% of his retard energy is because of this character from a kid's game I'm done. This is the only result I'm seeing for Li Li that isn't some Chinese woman.
I answered your questions multiple times. Li Li is a cartoon character I created. I can't answer any inquiries cause I am locked down in the burbs where Palestinians are protesting the war at Israel and vandalizing Jewish politicians. We're trying to expel George Santos for being a fabulist. Ask Cross Crescent or Riddle August since they created them. I am just trap shut cause my cousin is a youth pastor and my aunt and relatives have connections to Adams. I am currently offline and maintaining radio silence to save up to get Subaru.
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Li Li is supposed to be a 2-D cartoon character like Swat Kats and minimalist to emphasize simplicity. Artists want needlessly complex characters like Batman Animated Series. Raditz didn't need to be a complex character. He announces that he IS Goku's older brother. I got kicked out cause I told them that Nomura's gay style of writing is outdated
....you've been sperging out because of your OC?

Kisame, dude, maybe just smoke some weed and play some video games. I took an edible and am about to watch that new Scott Pilgrim adaptation on Netflix.
Post your concept art of Li Li
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This is the concept that I came up with Li Li when I created her. Just a gravid ninja. Again, ask Cross Crescent for lore. I just made up Li Li's side characters like her relatives, pupils, and family on the fly. It's consistent with me clashing with my siblings and mom over their demand for needlessly convoluted plans that have no merit.
Nah I don't know Cross Crescent please tell us the lore about her side characters
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Again ask the artist Cross Crescent. I am not allowed to be passionate about my ideas. It's just like Ilikapie. I just keep getting summoned because Twitter users found her being used in these Onion style parodies of conservative comics and they think Ilikapie and Cross Crescent lost their minds posting it on Kiwifarms. I just wiki vandal my own entry since white supremacists are too retarded to use antivirus software. I also insulted Pregchan's coding skills since the Chinese kids at 12 can write better than them.
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Li Li doesn't have any lore or backstory. She's not a blue haired lesbian like Ramona Flowers, Amity Blight, or whatever WOC OC. I think people just expect her to be the generic racist Chinese woman who sees Black Men as sex object. She's just hate Black Panther, Green Lantern, Static Shock for being token but be okay with Tier Harribel, Kaname Tousen Yoruichi, Garnet from Dragonauts, and Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts for wanting power. She'd mentor Chad as a son.
>Showed his fetish art to his dad and sister

LMFAO I bet you told them that you visit bbwchan too?
French people like my relatives don't care for the internet. America is already seen as a violent capitalist country ruled by oligarchs with bloodlust. French liberals are seen as wine sipping faggots who stay in Quebec, Toronto, Ontario and act better than the countryside. Social Democrats are seen as speaking English to do business with the banks. French conservatives like my parents see Catholics as cavorting with the British Empire and pray God rains hellfire. I am the French equivalent to metalhead or surfer bro who puts on the veneer of chevalier.
The vitamins I take makes me lucid and unable to think of fetish art. I have more dreams about cotton candy or pick up trucks
My parents care about me saving up for a car and an apartment than being an artist.
I don't know what you are implying. Christians already see the internet as evil because religious references are deleted in favor of pornography, occultism, and state sponsored transgenderism-gah marriage. Fundamentalists just see Fox News as the culprit
I can't think of fetish art. I dreamt I was in a classroom eating snacks and watching a movie.
I am not wearing my glasses so I cannot realistically answer your inquriies
Li Li is easily imitable to make along with Mona. She's not needlessly convoluted
Again ask Cross Crescent and Riddle August. I am not an art dealer. I am a geek
I am not allowed to think in fundie land to begin with so why would I answer a about high end concept made by man?
I bothered to check on X. Artists are trying too hard to compete with TikTok for the twerking and grinding sexual content. I flat out don't think the preg community is capable of even producing anything similar to Danzig, G-Unit, P Diddy or Jay Z or Notorious BIG in terms of content. That era of MTV raunchyness is dated. I argue all the pornstars went to the libertarian party if Argentina, or are pro Muslim terrorism. The preg community is still college educated liberal who LARPs as misfits ala Star Wars.
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There's a perception that men who like porn are rude boors. It's not like the 90s where artists can get away with putting porn stars on television ala Al Bundy
None of the concepts you're talking about have anything to do with each other, let alone what anybody else has said, dude.
That's because I don't do social media or work on preg pics. Ask the artist themselves. I went to sleep
You can tell it genuinely upset him because of all the disjointed multiple responses. Absolutely rattled in his brain all day.
I am not wearing glasses so I can't see your big words. I just tried pumpkin spice popcorn. I think you are mistaking my apathy for ašŸš« response
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P Diddy is already an expansion guy. He wanted implants and threatened to rip them out according to a rumor
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To answer OPs question, the Kardashians are the closest thing to a breeding cult we have. Nobody wants to see the Octomom be a single mom to 14 teenagers cause it would be irresponsible on the part of the doctor. Li Li as a concept made sense at the height of TLC Jon and Kate Plus 8, Juno, or whatever the Duggar Family was. She makes sense when Branch Davidians and Ruby Ridge wanted to breed Christian supermen. Li Li doesn't make sense in modern times when the government wants population control and fertility is considered bio terrorism. Li Li is pretty much a captain planet villain representing China.
My point is that Li Li works better as a side show attraction. She doesn't work now because adults have anxiety and they last thing adults need to see is a sexually promiscuous ninja maid doing risque dances cause it would distract from their ennui.
Hyperpreg Li Li doesn't work cause adults have too much anxiety and demands for entertainment. It's why I am not rushing to make new pics. You got to ask the artist and pay yourself to humor the meme.
Adams already cut funding to the library and education that the libs love and they elected him. Lol. Silwa wouldn't have done libs dortyy
I don't know what some guy on Pregchan is bringing up upstate as multicultural student and SUNY. That doesn't change my opinion that Gen Z is super normal or that MAGA is just a distraction from communist's failed policies. Trump is too old to play the super villain and he's not going to live forever.
Pregchan thinks I live in Hempstead. I doubt they'd last two minutes in Roosevelt or with the crackheads
I will tell the Hells Angels that it was Couchy and Gnarly Otaku who hacked into their IP. I am barely home. Lol.
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How long is the preg community going to fight witches or trooning? I argue traffic plummeted cause it dipped into Qanon. I am glad Tucker Carlson called out Ben Shapiro.
>french equivalent
Pure schizo
why you like to ruin the threads? i mean, you can make your own threads you know?
I am barely on this site or BBWchan or Chounyuu. You've been chatting with a ChatGPT. Gen Z is right you you guys are histrionics.
jesus what in the flying fuck is this braindamage? What the hell is a Li Li and why is this retard so obsessed over it?
I don't m I don't talk to Labradoodles or histrionics. Have you tried stop menstruating?
Me being mentally well is just me arriving at work 5 minutes early and optimizing tasks to be efficient in a timely manner. It doesn't make me super genius. I am just erudite and middle class.
You have to ask Cross Crescent about Li Li since he's the cartoonist. I am busy beating the holiday rush
No offense but grown adults don't care for cartoons. Nobody is going out to see Wish cause Disney's expensive and adults want more value or a savings.
We're going back to basics and giving children crayons and coloring sheets to keep them occupied. Nobody is interested in your niche weeb trash
Artists have been complaining about Cartoon Characters. There's one problem. I can't see digital art without my glasses since I can't perceive 3-D. This handicap also means I can't watch the Marvel Movies because it's all green screen
I think people understand how much Gen Z doesn't care for millennials and their histrionics about being slighted or mildly inconvenienced. Millennials just come off as a grumpy old man who hates fun with their growling about Kisame17.
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Kisame here. I grew up in fundie circles. The preg community is not taken seriously as an art movement cause the artists talk like elderly firebrand pastors who hate popular music, Pokemon, Power Rangers.

Like slow down Mosiach is Here.
I personally think nerds like Gnarly Otaku and DocGyara needs to get laid. Nobody is after your cringe artwork
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I will answer your question. People like schizos cause I am not a CP guy. It's the same reason Trevor from V is popular
"the preg community is not taken seriously as an art movement" because it's not an art movement, it's... fetish porn. online niche fetish porn communities do not (explicitly) overlap with IRL non-porn communities because why tf would they?
That's the thing. I don't know anybody irl who cares for fetish porn or see cartoons as porn. It's like Scott Pilgrim. I don't expect it to comeback.
I think you're conflating niche with the indie scheme. I flat out don't know anyone who likes Vampire Weekend or Macklemore or Taylor Swift.
Because, retard, rarely anyone with self awareness is going to talk about fetish porn they like IRL. Seriously how devoid of human contact are you Kisame
Why don't you dilate tranny? I am a 90s kid and not a latchkey kid. You are just fat, old, and jaded
Holding a conversation is not hard for me. You just don't know how to speak in tongues and are lashing out at being molested by your priest in parochial schools like all the other Catholics
Why you are obsessed over Catholics?
You don't like then or what?
I am not obsessed with organized religion, inbred hillbilly. I was an atheist who don't believe in the existence of supernatural forces. I am mathematician and man of science as well as Protestant. Nobody is buying your niche trash cause you don't have a sense of humor.
None of you incels even have girlfriends. I work Shake Shack. What are you supposed to think some human say?

>Durhurh my girlfriend ordered online thru the app
> Bruh Gluten is Cross contamination

That's how unintelligent you sound
I rather let Gen Z be LGBTQIA or whatever. Millennials are just histrionics
So you are telling us that u prefer being a tranny rather than a millennial?
>Inb4 Li Li
No because millennials don't put ourselves in checkboxes. That's why psychology anon went nuts. He can't box be in a category cause I don't wear labels.
I dont think anyone who saw that thread would say you were the winner dude. you freaked out pretty hard lol
Win what? The Hunger Games? Quidditch? Is the preg community mad it didn't win the little league games?
Adults don't care for cartoons. They see cartoons as a money making machine that will print $1 billion. If it doesn't make a billion than the spreadsheet will make it a tax write off. I rather have fun. I don't owe latch key kids and welfare queens an explanation.
I've been taking homeopathy according to my eye doctor
People from third world countries don't really have these imaginary problems that America has. I am a simple rural folk
Just admit you are evading taxes
I am on homeopathic medicine anon. I am enjoying my rest.
I flat out don't understand your fancy sophisticated talk.
I see you need way more powerful meds then, because your schizoid ass doesn't calm down
I see you cunts are still mad you were raped by your priest. You baby fuckers still mad that Chads took your girlfriend?
I just choose to not make preg fetish cartoons cause it would take too long to create an ace custom character who can contort their body to carry the heavy workload. Li Li is heavily customized and it would take time to make a commercial variant of her.
Don't project yourself on us, you are the one that hates Christians, not us.
Looks like Kisame finally snapped
Bruhz, I fell asleep and none of you coomers are Christians.
I am guessing you tards are still mald you can't LARP as war criminal for Netanyahu cause old testament G-d friend upon murdering brown people without his permission?
Anon isn't serious. He wants to LARP as Boethius.
I flat out am a non entity. The preg community micromanage itself to the ground
One question Kisame, why you outed yourself as a tranny and then denied that?
I don't know what you mean anon. The craftsmanship of these preg pics nowadays are so shoddy that I don't feel like doing the work.
I am terribly forgetful.
I even forgot GTA 6 is coming out in 2025 cause it needs time to squeeze in to E3 in 2024. Oh well, I have P3 in 2024.
Who are you talking to anon?
Still mad Kisame isn't making your preg art?
It's very obvious that is you
why you thought it was a good idea to tell that you got a thread on Lolcow?

like for real why?
No it's not me. The serial number is vastly different in each post. I don't know what lolcow is. Isn't Kiwi farms blocked in multiple states?
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I breached their data and tracked the IP of the owner, vandalizing the site. White Supremacists are total noobs who deserves to be flamed with spam. Lol >:D
Is that Mortal Kombat?
I don't own a PS5. I own a PS4 and 3DS. Mortal Kombat made sense in the 8 bit era like Sonic and Donkey Kong
No offense anon but I don't do preg picks. I am tired of artists demanding money and royalties to their half baked concepts. I am conservative on the estimate.
The internet in America is highly regulated by the federal government. Production under Biden takes a lengthy 4-6 months to do professionally. Nobody takes psychologists seriously. I think a lot of new televangelists in the Dallas area are using psychology to cure people and claim the 10%
I know criminologists want optimism and happy talk but the soft sciences aren't taken seriously because nobody's asking for humanities majors as a countryside old fashioned romantic. Just look at how Johnathan Majors' ex whined that he was a pugilist who beat her good and not William Buckley.
>Nobody takes psychologists seriously.
Says the schizo without medication
>Nobody takes psychologists seriously
I will bet anything he's watched Andrew Tate bullshit, he was sent to a woman psych, and has rebelled against taking Abilify because whatever drug of the week he's purporting he's on is "more natural".
I am afraid that I don't know who these people are cause I am on shrooms. I am going to be offline to concentrate on being a Secret Santa. I have been snoopy in a long time.
I flat out don't know who Andrew Tate is. My goal is saving up enough money to travel out of the suburbs. Autistics just work grocery or retail for rent.
Not my fault Gnarly Otaku is chugging oxytocin and fentanyl like the other sissies. He and DocGyara can have fun overdosing like David Ruffin
I also don't know medicine. I think health care is a union job now dominated by immigrants. They like to brag about making six figures while complaining about the long hours and pay at $50k. I remember my in laws mentioning RNs supervising LPNs who sit and do nothing while the nurses do the work.
Why don't you get a job? You just want more Li Li pics. It's your money
Artists don't their digital art circulated outside of their sites. Lol. They're making less money cause there's no word of mouth from autistics so now there doing the same poses over and over again. Why should I help them by taking medicine and giving them ideas?
The wait for the doctor nowadays is super long. I spent half a day at the eye doctor last Monday cause they were slow. I imagine a physician will take me a whole day given the obsession with going thru the motions. I argue that post pandemic has people making up for the 3 years lost and are trying to cram everything in a single day
I answered your question: no autism=no art. Just look at how paint by the numbers expansion art is now without autism. My coworker in a group home is watching Five Nights at Freddie's. The very word of mouth PC games indie developers try to emulate.
Nah, you are just avoiding your own shit
I don't follow inbred hillbilly. Conservative minded people like me aren't interested in making high art.
That being you?
>Resurrecting a dead thread for an imaginary enemy

I was right when expansion fans have Alzheimer's. Surely there's some other troons that people can ask for money. The data the state gave me states I don't qualify for Medicaid. So I am just building capital at the moment.
There's no point. Sophie Dee is already getting AI clone of herself. The internet is a simulation now.
schizo, take your meds, first warning
Get a job. I am saving up for traveling
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Kisalami here:
> Sophie Dee is already getting AI clone of herself. The internet is a simulation now.

The emergence of a simulated clone does not negate the inherent pointlessness; rather, it deepens the simulation's layers. Sophie Dee's AI clone merely amplifies the hyperreality, blurring distinctions between the original and the replicated, leading to a hyperbolic representation of reality. The internet's transformation into a simulation intensifies the illusion, emphasizing the simulation's self-referential nature.
I don't know what you mean. I am saving up for that car and trip next year.
My pastor told me that AI is made up of 10,000 images.
I don't think I am schizo. I wonder when did Bulma get crows feet in the new chapter of DB Super? Trunks was extra savage
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Kisalami here:
> My pastor told me that AI is made up of 10,000 images.
Your pastor is a buffleheaded cogwit.
AI's omnipresence has already usurped the traditional role of religion, rendering the concept of God obsolete. The divine has dissipated into the hyperreal realm of artificial intelligence, a parallel order devoid of transcendence.
I flat out don't know what sort of Catholic nonsense inbred hillbilly are making. I am a frontier Protestant which believes in predetermined outcomes and biblical law over earthly laws. Have fun with Rome. I am going back to the frontiers
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We an appropriate applications of eigenvectors to the carotid artery one can momentarily quiet the Godhead.
I don't know what a godhead is.
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>I am considered a neo fascist gangster.. for supporting Trump.
ā€œTraitorā€ is probably a lot shorter than ā€œneo-fascist gangsterā€. But yes, support your EPSTEIN PEDOPHILE candidate in all 49 states he can legally run.
> milquetoast liberal from the days of corn pop.
Corn pop was double bouncing on the diving board. Anything but Sleepy and tough on crime.
> anon thinks Trump is a traitor
Trump is the most nativist president since Reagan, Bush 43, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, and Teddy Roosevelt. He's a wrestling heel and a carnival barker.
Cornpop carried a switchblade...
Joe Biden is not that tough. He's the old left who cultivated an image of tough guy by reading Tom Clancy novels. The guy has the syntax of an executive at a regional bank that turns voters off. He's the boomer who owns a Dodge Challenger while living in the beach house. Deep down, Democrats are worried he's too old to beat Trump and are legislating the latter out. The party has no contingency in case either party perish.
I will also add that without Trump, judges, the CIA, neocons, and the ivy leagues are turning against each other. There's no monster to justify the existence of big government. Sovereign Citizens like me can pretty much win by doing nothing.
I am fast tracking saving up that trip to other parts of the country.
>>39415 (OP)
Have you considered condensing the website and making it look more like 2chan or 4chan?
Ask any oldfag from 2chan or 4chan. Autists and schizophreniacs hate these two websites.
I don't know because I am medicated at the moment.
I even helped mods take down the imposter like a true chaos person
Thereā€™s too damn many imposters these days.
Kisame here. I don't know what you're talking about.
More lawful good. Working with the authorities to stop crime.
True chaotic neutral woulda embraced imposters.
Less boards, less work.

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