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I'm sure you guys have heard this song and dance before. For instance, I personally ended up in a relationship with someone who loves to eat and loves food but is terrified of health risks regarding this idiot fetish. Obviously it's easy to say "break up and find someone new" or "you never loved them anyway if you need them to involve your fetish" or whatever ridiculous statement, but a lot of these things are always more nuanced. (For example, what if people just want to try it out? What if the relationship is extremely stable but someone just wants the extra oomph? What if sexual desires are fine occasionally but would be nice to bump up if indulge in the fetish? etc etc) Just look at tons of people's disappointments and difficulties finding those rare ones that already inherently enjoy being fat and even rarer for those willing to go completely all the way with feeding.
No, I just want to approach the topic thoroughly and hopefully just settle as much collective knowledge on this as much as possible once and for all. Mostly because on random threads here and there, I continuously see contradictory statements about it.

First of all, obviously it's not INHERENTLY healthy compared to just not doing it. I believe everybody knows this at a baseline. However, there are constant examples or methods of not acknowledging it as the "end of health" that a lot of people claim it to be at the same time. For example, many elderly people within their 70s/80s/etc that are significantly obese, and yet are still as old as they are seem to be surprisingly common. Even some that continuously engage in worse habits, such as smoking or etc, live on just fine while also being fairly obese, so it seems being fat isn't inherently a death sentence.
So then, in regards to the statements I've seen about it, there are a few things that should be clarified at a baseline: "What causes diabetes" as well as "What types of food cause body issues" etc. From what I've heard, things like how glucose works should be clarified in regards to how sugar actually affects insulin, or whether you can stuff someone with nothing but healthy foods and still see issues (I recall seeing a completely vegetarian bbw somewhere on twitter, so I know you can at least still be fat despite the food you eat? So it doesn't have to be all fried chicken and sugary desset products). Another thing to acknowledge is whether it would affect people who have other issues, like PCOS or a family history of diabetes. Especially with the latter, since you don't even have to be fat to get diabetes.

I feel like at least acknowledging enough about this could help a lot of anons really settle into a decent lifestyle with any potential partner. As much as it's fun to indulge in the fantasy, and how a few people out there are willing to make that fantasy a reality, I doubt most are willing to really deal with anything completely unrealistic or the consequences of that. (Especially regarding the hygenic aspects of it) I'm unsure if people fully feel similarly, but if there's a noticable stomach and plumpness to my partner, that would be enough to satisfy me, as anything further either depends on my mood or only really looks good in art. Also, unsure the exact science behind how fetishes work in general but it could help clear up a few things for the anons significantly more retarded in figuring this out (like myself). For instance, I haven't really understood or decided if this fetish is the only one I care about sexually, or if it's just porn addiction, or what. I've had this fetish for 10+ years and it still goes strong and it's still my main interest despite trying to dip into other things. Feels like everything else, even typical sex appeal is just a "novel" fetish that fades in and out, while BBWs feel like my default normal.

Let's settle this already.
>>39297 (OP)
>any elderly people within their 70s/80s/etc that are significantly obese, and yet are still as old as they are seem to be surprisingly common.
never seen an obese 80 year old. they must be on a lot of medication. did you consider that?
>Especially with the latter, since you don't even have to be fat to get diabetes
type 2 is caused by obesity in most cases. insulin resistance is a prerequisite to diabetes, which is an inherent condition that comes with obesity
>or if it's just porn addiction, or what. I've had this fetish for 10+ years
been attracted to fat women, even ssbbws for as far as i can remember. if you got it later in life, it's a (porn induced?) fetish
>healthy foods and still see issues (I recall seeing a completely vegetarian bbw somewhere on twitter, so I know you can at least still be fat despite the food you eat
what makes you think a vegetarian diet is inherently healthy?
most people who live long just eat normal, balanced homecooked fucking food. maybe you don't have a concept of that in america, since your "people" don't even know how to cook nowadays
the only cope i could think of that actually somewhat mitigates the damage of obesity is very regular intense exercise. but you obviously wouldn't want your woman to exercise, it also bring other problems
shitty blogpost overall, not sure what you want. just don't gain weight if you want to live long healthy lives together
stop coping with imaginary exceptions
Heya anon, dunno where you got the "blogpost" from, but maybe I just assumed this would be a common concern in this fetish but maybe not? Either way, you ignored my point about a majority of things so I do want to go through them real quick:
Firstly I want to address the last part regarding "most people who live long eat normal". I began this entire premise by already acknowledging the point that everything about this fetish isn't inherently healthy. No shit. The goal here is to understand how to accomplish it without going the complete opposite direction by giving up, not caring, and ruin your body with nothing but the worst foods imaginable. You even said so yourself since I never implied it, that even Vegetarian diet isn't even inherently healthy. The point is that it's still a healthier alternative than the common "chug heavy cream and shove down soda and fatty foods" type deal that most models surrounding this fetish seem to indulge in. That's why it's a question of the best way to healthily "gain weight", because when approaching this topic, it shouldn't exclusively be either "never gain weight" or "maximize gaining weight as much as possible".
>Elderly people must take a lot of medication
Sure, I can concede on this since I only really brought this up because it's an anecdotal point. Perhaps it's exclusive to Americans, and I agree that probably living the rest of life attached to nothing but medicine seems like a really bad way to go. However, that's still most likely in the context of people who gained because they had no real context of health or anything. A lot of American culture involves not even acknowledging or understanding the consequences of what people commonly eat, it's probably why there's a lot of obesity around here. So even if it's passive and people can come off fine, I can imagine that it would be just as likely that it wouldn't need to be that bad if people just had a more healthy regimen while also simply just weighing more.
>type 2 is caused by obesity in most cases. insulin resistance is a prerequisite to diabetes, which is an inherent condition that comes with obesity
This is exactly the kind of statement that made me create the tread to begin with. There are tons of contradictory statements about MOSTLY just this topic alone, that I don't even know where to start. For example, even a simple Google search can tell you the literal opposite of what you said. This is why this specific concern should be evaluated more, because there are tons of places that say similar where it's simply the fat cells, others say it's what you eat, etc. I haven't been able to find a truly consistent link to obesity other than what comes alongside it, such as clogged arteries from too much fried or greasy foods, too much eating of one type of food causing some kind of poisoning, or the overexaggerated type of obesity where it goes well into the 400+ and of course causing physical issues. You can claim I'm awful at research, and I am, which is why I want a discussion about this. From "body positive" groups that claim that diabetes can happen regardless of your weight, so where exactly does the insulin resistance come from then if not the fat cells? It's also common for people to gain a lot of weight due to the nature of how physical fitness works, and be completely healthy despite being significantly heavier than what the BMI would claim they should be. This is the kind of confusion I'm talking about. I'm well aware they're different scenarios, like with the latter being all the weight comes from muscle mass instead of fat, but this isn't about muscular weight, it's about indulging in a stupid fetish while minimizing the damages.
Even your last statement about "very regular intense exercise" isn't even a bad suggestion, as there are some models (only one I can think atm of is CouchQueen who is in the middle of bbw as well as gym nut, unsure how truly successful she is about that) that have a perfectly fine bbw body type while indulging in exercising a reasonable amount of times (supposedly). I'm sure there are others out there that do the same, but I'm not super familiar with a lot of models.
Apologies if I said something retarded to get you so upset about this being a blogpost/cope/whatever anon. I probably am doing it as a cope since I simply just enjoy this fetish and just feel like it's a part of me, and it's all probably imaginary but it's not like I'm asking to be completely risk adverse. I do want an earnest conversation about this, I feel like it would settle my mind more than just acknowledging that it's probably impossible. (Especially considering how little people talk about it as a potential, or the stigma about having any kind of fat at all is an objective wrong despite the contrary.) As an apology if you want, as a very inactive drawfag, I can make something for you to make up for being a newfag or whatever. I mostly do shitty anime style, but I can sketch you something to make up for whatever.
metabolically healthy obesity is rare. metabolically healthy obesity STILL comes with significantly higher risks of various cardiovascular conditions. metabolically healthy obesity is a transient state, vast majority of metabolically healthy obese people eventually deteriorate to the normal state of obesity. vast majority of obese people develop insulin resistance at some point in life. there is overwhelming evidence that obesity itself is linked to all these diseases. eating a balanced diet free of processed food and refined sugar certainly does improve general health, but nowhere near as much as losing weight
it's terrifying having to come to the defence of the obvious and common sense more and more these days
here is ONE of many good overviews of this specific topic, it should answer most of your questions:
>Apologies if I said something retarded
no need to apologise for anything. this is an anonymous chan, i'll go ahead and call you a nigger faggot just for the sake of it while i still can
>I simply just enjoy this fetish and just feel like it's a part of me
don't make your taste for fat women a part of your identity
>I feel like it would settle my mind more than just acknowledging that it's probably impossible. (Especially considering how little people talk about it as a potential, or the stigma about having any kind of fat at all is an objective wrong despite the contrary.)
i feel like trying to justify your attraction is fundamentally backwards and absurd. when you eventually settle for a woman worth marrying, the love should and would transcend the body. a healthy marriage should lead to you both caring for each others health. until then, have fun with obese slampigs if you want. EVEN THEN, non-obese curvy-overweight women with fat asses, thighs and just a little belly are also attractive to me. don't know how it is with you. can you elaborate if this is a fetish for you, how has it developed?
>as a very inactive drawfag, I can make something for you to make up for being a newfag or whatever. I mostly do shitty anime style, but I can sketch you something to make up for whatever.
thanks but no thanks, figments of some autistic mans imagination (2d women) do not interest me :^)
>>39297 (OP)
My advice is, eat with large quanity but also quality. By that I mean find the healthiest foods, eat a balanced diet, and binge on those. I have heard that highly processed foods come with more health risks so maybe you should avoid those. Also see the doctor OFTEN and keep a med kit around the house. That should help dispel any fears about a fatal health problem popping up out of the blue. If she wants to be really paranoid about it, try moving close to a hospital and hook her up with a permanent heart monitor.
Beware of any other pre-existing health conditions because being heavier may exacerbate them and you should consider not doing it. Also, pre-40 is the best time to gain. After that the effects of aging begin to wear on the body and put too much stress on vital organs. That is when you should be dropping the pounds especially if you are like, really big.
>Don't make your taste for fat women a part of your identity
Don't make it most or all of your identity, but don't be a closeted doormat like many here.
>Love should transcend the body
I hate this woman-brained take so much. "If you love me, it shouldn't matter what I look like!" Maybe when you're 60, but otherwise a dead bedroom is the mark of death for any relationship and don't listen to retards telling you otherwise. It's not a crime to wanna be physically attracted to your partner.

I will also take advantage of this being an anonymous chan to call you a nigger and wish you luck in jerking off to fat women when your skinny wife isn't looking.
correct on all counts
sounds like you're in a difficult marriage, i'm sorry about that
i don't know the marriage culture in the US, but here it's much more than being partners with tax benefits. choose wisely :^)
Kisame here. It's Winter. Judging by the Christmas decorations and the light frost on the grass in the morning, I say fat wives are sick as they can't handle the wind chill
based beyond belief
any fat around organs is bad, subcutaneous > visceral
True dat.
How do you maximize one kind of fat and minimize the other though?
>>39297 (OP)
Just do these 3 things.
1. Don't let her get too big. It is possible to be healthy at 400lbs, but it is hard. Beyond that then it basically becomes extremely difficult if not impossible to keep her remotely healthy for longer than a few years.

2. Make sure she exercises. Weight loss in general is difficult from exercise alone so don't think it will make her trim down significantly. Daily light exercise will keep her cardiovascular health in order, lower the risk or side affects of diabetes. As well make sedentary diseases like blood clots and skin infections non existent.

3. Make sure she eats healthy. I know it is some people's fetish to see a girl down a whole tub of crisco, bags of candy, or gallons of ice cream. And that is probably the least healthy way to gain weight / stay fat. With the sheer risk of diabetes from obesity, the last thing she needs is to be eating lots and lots of sugar reguarly.
Also, dont let her binge eat junk food as the preservatives and additives can mess with her hormones and if she is eating lots and lots of food, then that is something to keep in mind.
more unsaturated fat, less saturated fat
This thread raised a question for me. Is there any significant difference in “healthiness” between a person who was born fat and one who gained a lot?
At first glance it appears that natural fatties must be healthyer because they're body more adjusted for being heavy. That's just my thoughts not based on anything, but if it's true, then the ethical question of this fetish can be easily solved. Just date girls who are already fat. And don't try to fatten up skinny ones, no matter how hot it can be.
I mean, in the end there are a lot of people who were born fat and society can't claim that all of them should slim down or gtfo. This kind of mentality is non ethical either.
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If a person experienced childhood obesity, there's no telling how much processed fast food they inhaled compared to someone who's recently fat. The bright side of gaining weight later in life is that you can have full control of your diet, and can do it "right" with a balanced diet to avoid the downsides. Meanwhile, for pre-college, they're mostly stuck with their parent's diet, and even if they have an allowance, they're not going to care about the quality of their food getting fat; they're just going to want the good stuff, which is gonna be the most harmful.

The biggest difference is how the fat settles depending on their age, much like rings on a tree. Prepubescents gain all over their body as subcutaneous fat, puberty is where the weight starts getting sorted as curvy weight or not. During adulthood, your hormones level out gradually unless under certain circumstances that affect hormones (i.e. pregnancy), meaning that subcutaneous fat is less likely to grow, and thus grow visceral fat instead (not always). This is especially prevalent in menopause women, where women will most likely gain visceral fat from the lack of estrogen.

tl;dr if a girl's fat and someone you like, just date her if she's legal. The odds of them architectmaxxing at an early age is so low it doesn't matter. BUT, if they were an ex-athlete and had healthy habits, that is miles better healthwise than the fatty that was born in the goyslop.
I don't know how true this is but have you considered age itself and its impacts on health? Most of the fatties I see here are well over their 20s and into their 40s, especially the really big ones. 40s is when the damaging effects of aging seem to start taking hold of these blobs and they start dying early. I would think ideally you would want their weight to peak at a more ideal age in their 20s but this is somewhat rare. You are right that it is somewhat rare for women to be gaining their whole lives to achieve this.
If one were to embrace gaining the moment they're an adult, and only limit their gain to the prime time of their lives before losing weight as the window closes, then yes it would be ideal. But there are a few flaws to date zoomer fat women.

1. The comrbidity odds will rise the longer they're fat, and the higher weight they get. Particularly, if a kid gets fat, they most likely did so through candy, which will jack up their glycemic index, which puts them at risk for diabetes. As adults, we know better and know the bare minimum, so they're less likely to do that because we have logic while kids don't. Adults can still do stupid shit like drinking their liver under, but it's far more controllable. Likewise, once joint pain starts as a heckin chonker, that's a lifelong condition with no easy way out, especially if they experience it early.

2. Their early years are when women are under the most pressure to conform, and stay thin. Once they tradwife or get fuck you money, the pressure decreases until they reach the breaking point and say fuck it to losing weight. Ideally, they taper off to a more reliable weight, but considering how much the elderly is overweight and how Ozempic has dominated healthcare, it shows how people are shit at health once they let go.

3. Women are more likely be in tune with their kinks with time. If you push a girl too far, too fast with little experience in that area, they're going to blame you as a groomer with the age difference and get you in trouble, possibly with their parents. Older women may be more cold, but will call a spade a spade and break up, as they can't play victim anymore.

Although I agree that zoomer women are less cancerous than millennials and the most reliable way to date is through their daddy issues and the age gap, obesity is a bit of a paradox. I'm not saying the based zoomer gf doesn't exist, but with all the brain rot on Twitter and tiktok and my experience with zoomers, I really doubt they'll be healthier than millennials. Plus, they're more likely going to use gender brain worms, and who has time for that shit?

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