
(223 KB, 1353x590, omegle.png)

I had some unbelievably hot feedist roleplays there over the years that opened up my mind to just how deep and strange and powerful this kink can get. I've run into at least a couple of other bbw-chan anons there over the years. It was a good run.

"Quivering rolls."
The owner got burned out on running it and took it down.

According to the site, it's due to the site being spammed with CSAM/CP, which should sound awfully familiar to anyone who followed LtBarclay's threads last month.

"Omegle’s moderation even had a positive impact beyond the site. Omegle worked with law enforcement agencies, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to help put evildoers in prison where they belong. There are “people” rotting behind bars right now thanks in part to evidence that Omegle proactively collected against them, and tipped the authorities off to."

Seems like there is a rising tide of warfare to kill off the old Internet, with CP as the ammunition. This is insanely distressing. The way internet anonymity runs, no one will know who did the attacking, but authorities will punish and regulate the attacked. And then it's easy to legislate internet anonymity away.

Dark times.

Oh please, CSAM/CP is a lazy copout when Chatroulette is not only still going strong, but (mostly) solved those issues by implementing Hive to automatically flag the stuff.

The real reason was already explained. The owner grew up and decided to not carry the expense anymore. He couldn't get much ads or even a potential buyer, so he's said so-long.

The place was mostly horndogs showing off their dicks anyways...
I cited the direct source.

"[...]One aspect of this has been a constant barrage of attacks on communication services, Omegle included, based on the behavior of a malicious subset of users[...]Omegle is the direct target of these attacks[...]I’ve done my best to weather the attacks, with the interests of Omegle’s users – and the broader principle – in mind[...]Unfortunately, what is right doesn’t always prevail. As much as I wish circumstances were different, the stress and expense of this fight – coupled with the existing stress and expense of operating Omegle, and fighting its misuse – are simply too much. Operating Omegle is no longer sustainable, financially nor psychologically. Frankly, I don’t want to have a heart attack in my 30s."

None of what you said is borne out, and neither of us had access to their backend, and it tracks exactly with what this site went through all this past year, with Barclay reporting on giving up because of some of these reasons, as well as the inability to keep mods.

Please get your head in the game.

Again lazy copout when Chattoulette had the same issues and is still around.

Don't be this gullible my boy. Leif is lying through his teeth and taking the "hurr durr cp problem" way out. And Barclays is just as lazy/guilty for not keeping this site in better shape.

Aquire Hive or any other AI software to handle the CP problem and stop relying on these whiny ass moderators.
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>>39191 (OP)
You and I almost certainly conversed there at some point.

I met the woman I lost my virginity to there. She was a BBW but I didn't meet her on fat-related tags.

I met a few other interesting people over the years. Some of whom I became platonic pen pals with, including a different BBW (no, she wasn't a catfish), though all of those relationships eventually faded.

In a weird way, I'm actually kind of glad it's gone. I spent far too much time on it over the years. I was basically addicted to it. Not just fat roleplay, but all kinds of other fetishes.

I won't miss the pedos, the schizos, the ESLs, the "M" spammers (sometimes all four qualities in the same person), the e-thots plying their trade, or any of the other various flavours of retards. But I did have some good times.
>>39191 (OP)
I got on here to look at some hot fat girls and now I'm just full of emotion. Damn I can't believe Omegle is gone man.
Well, fuck. Now I gotta go back to the mouth breathing dummies on the Reddit WG RP page. Cycling through chats on Omegle probably wasn’t great but I could at least bump into one person and get an incredibly hot chat out of them for a bit.
RIP. Raise your hand if you remember "Larissa"
HA i wonder how they're taking the news given i swear no matter the time of the day i crossed paths with her
Is Larissa getting fat?
I'll miss it, but at the same time I'm glad it's gone. I got hooked during the lockdown when I was stuck in my apartment and there were upwards of 70k users on at any given time. I had a couple of really good anonymous RPs in March 2020 with people who opened up sides of the kink that I didn't even know I had. Once the user numbers dropped, I wasted way too much of my free time chasing that dragon and hitting ESC just one more time to see if lightning would strike again. Like you said, usually it was pointless but I'd get "hits" just often enough to keep me coming back the rest of the time. I managed to break the habit this past year, but for a solid two years I was wasting a stupid amount of time on it trying to recapture the initial magic of the lockdown days.

Kek, I think you catfished me once by RPing as an "F", unless there's another Irish Omegle user who's familiar with /gen/ lore.

I'm trying to remember what other eccentric characters used to show up regularly on the BBW/feedist tags, other than Larissa. The copypastes for extremely specific things were always a trip. There was one regular who claimed to be 18/F/lesbian and wanted to talk to older lesbians in an IRL feedist relationship who would tell "her" what it was like. (You know, for research.) And a guy who was so desperate to find an IRL female feeder that he'd open every chat with pasta about it. But there were also some pretty cool folks just to chat with, I had some interesting conversations about the kink with other Ms.
Bittersweet for sure, still cant believe i actually met a couple girls in person off that site. Had a lot of fun RPs and scored a lot of pics but i spent wayyy too much time there.

On the downside, that place was a great way for me to deal with my fat girl fetish while dating a slim/thicc girl and now its gone lol.
If Omegle is gone for good, is there going to be an up-coming new site, that has all the modern specs and other gigglyglobs. Or is there already an alternative site that is E X A C L Y like Omegle?
I remember. He was insufferable lol
>Kek, I think you catfished me once by RPing as an "F", unless there's another Irish Omegle user who's familiar with /gen/ lore.
That was almost certainly me.
I never considered it "catfishing" - unless the other person was gullible enough to think they were actually talking to a real woman (no offence), at which point I would terminate the conversation, not wanting to lead them on.
I always operated under the assumption that there was a tacit understanding that none of the "women" on RP tags were actually women. I also felt strongly that anyone who was on text chat (and RP tags in particular) looking for IRL women was retarded. I talked to plenty of "F"s over the years who were definitely dudes IRL, but I never cared as long as they were good writers and into the same kinks.
>The copypastes for extremely specific things were always a trip.
I'm convinced that this is part-and-parcel of online text-based RP. So many goddamn people with bizarre, extremely specific kinks.
>There was one regular who claimed to be 18/F/lesbian and wanted to talk to older lesbians in an IRL feedist relationship who would tell "her" what it was like. (You know, for research.)
I remember him. He would sometimes change up the message, to the point that I gradually pieced together the (extremely specific) scenario he actually wanted to discuss:
A thin young white woman dating an old fat black woman, with the former as feeder and the latter as feedee, and scat being involved as well (with the white woman eating the black woman's shit). Sometimes he would pretend to be the white woman, sometimes the black woman, but always wanting to "hear about someone else in the same situation". I have to wonder if he ever found someone willing to play along.
Did you ever get the one who was always on about chugging maple syrup and inserting tubes and things in "her" anus?
YEEEEARS ago, the Larissa guy actually showed up on here to explain himself and get into it with everyone who had encountered him. Genuinely came across like the saddest weirdo
The one I couldn’t quite figure out was the “Looking for an M who has gained weight recently” person. I ran into them a million times and tried taking the conversation/scenario in just as many ways, but they’d always say some weird shit like “you got a lot to unlock” and disconnect. I could never figure out what it was they actually wanted.

The “meta” of recognizing someone who constantly disconnects and trying to figure out what catches them into chatting more than four messages was always kinda fun to me, so I was more drawn in trying to get them to give me something than the actual chat.

Other eccentric characters that I ran into recently were:
- the “Hi I’m (totally) a 34F mom, are you a mom too?”
-“18M being helplessly fattened by his mother, 688 pounds” and immediately disconnects
-Some mutual WG guy that occasionally appears and reels you in with good writing and hot details, and then always forces it to include neighborhood kids watching the characters jerk off through the window
what's the new side we using boys?

There was one girl who would show up fairly regularly looking for a dude who would play into growing to the size of a house and fitting her into his mouth.
Was this "looking for an SSBHM who's into mouthplay~"? I always wondered what her deal was, but she would bail when I asked what exactly "mouthplay" was.
Kek, I remember these characters.

>“Hi I’m (totally) a 34F mom, are you a mom too?”
The worst part was that "she" always misspelled it as "are you a mom to?"

>Some mutual WG guy that occasionally appears and reels you in with good writing and hot details, and then always forces it to include neighborhood kids watching the characters jerk off through the window
Oh god, I forgot about that guy but as a mutual gain RPer I definitely had a couple run-ins with him. He'd always try to steer it in that direction.

Anyone else remember the F mutual gainer who wanted to be fattened up to immobility by an SSBHM, then cheat on him with a different SSBHM while he was at the office?

>The “meta” of recognizing someone who constantly disconnects and trying to figure out what catches them into chatting more than four messages was always kinda fun to me, so I was more drawn in trying to get them to give me something than the actual chat.
Same here. Although it was incredibly frustrating when you'd match with someone with a ton of interests in common and they'd immediately disconnect without even seeing who you were. And it always sucked to have someone bail without warning when you were doing your best to be a good conversation/RP partner.
Yeah that was her thing.

I mean who am i to judge, i tried finding chicks who enjoyed the udea of being imppssibky fat but still mobile somehow. Did get a few legit ones over the years though
>>39191 (OP)
well fuck, where do people get their RP kicks now? f-list and discord are both shitty
hopefully a new website pops up that actually stops bots
AI chats are great, as sad as it sounds lol
Anyone got any alternatives or replacements? I didn't quite realize how central to my cooming habits Omegle was
Depressing as it is, >>39500 is right. If you spend time training a private Character.AI chatbot, you can get high quality feedist content tailored to your particular tastes. You can't get it to do explicit sex, but you can sometimes get it to use euphemisms or imply what's really happening. But it rarely truly surprises you the way a human partner occasionally can.

I wasted way too much time on it, but I still miss Omegle.
Bump because I'm feeling weirdly nostalgic for Omegle tonight.
What are the best replacements? I'm itching for some online chat action rn

There’s not nearly the volume of users as Omegle so I’ve only had a small amount of good chats, but it’s more or less the same thing
>>39191 (OP)
I'm definitely gonna miss the guy wearing black face, imagine my shock if that guy ended up behind bars while the pedophiles are on the loose because they joined the fun while not breaking the rules.
eu usei o omegle por algum tempo, só agora descobri que o site se foi, conheci algumas pessoas de internet lá.
The “Looking for an M who has gained weight recently” is an M that rp’s/catfishes as a 23 F. They want a relationship with a girl also like guys or just have a fetish for food addictions and get off to guys with them, theyre on the Chitchat app still doing the same thing. Not much missed there

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