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Last one bumplocked

I want to know if:
1. Chloe's actually divorced/separated
2. Anyone else thinks Ash has five o'clock shadow in some of her insta pics or if it's just wonky lighting on her face
Can’t help you with #1.
With you on #2, I’ve definitely noticed what looks like dark hair on her chin.
>>39137 (OP)
IIRC, Chloe said she was engaged in a video that was released around April 2022, but she split up with her fiancé shortly afterwards.
This is a total guess on my part, but Chloe’s dude being out of the picture coinciding with her dropping some weight makes sense. People don’t wanna hear it but the fetish/lifestyle is probably so much more fun with a partner.
>>39137 (OP)
A few months ago someone leaked her personal social media on here confirming that the engagement was canceled. It was all deleted and the user was banned but it was confirmed called off. Reasons as to why, well it's all speculation at that point. As far as I know she had been dating the guy since high school, so if I had to guess they just grew apart as they grew up, and wasn't too related to the fetish. But, it could have been that she wasn't into it and/or wasn't gaining fast enough, etc. We'll never know
Yeah that dox was absolutely nasty and it stayed up for a while too. IMO, it seems kind of like the ex did it? I live in the same state as her and I wasn't even aware of that until Feabie. She's extremely private.

When did she get doxxed? Was it on here?
Few months ago someone posted her full name and address on /bbw/
So what are peoples thoughts on Amber crystal and her feeder ?

Is this open knowledge now? Where can one do research on this topic?

Oh shit nevermind - I thought you were talking about someone else.

Thoughts? Clean up the house a little. That's about it.
seems like the exact kind of low-quality white trash this scene started leaving behind years ago. yawn.
What about it?
That’s her or the guy IMO. Best to ignore, they’re nobodies.
I just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on them never here them be brought up.
Is it true she ate her feeders cat when they ran out of groceries?
Maybe my memory’s just fuzzy but I’ve been a /gen/ poster through several of these threads and I feel like no one’s ever had anything on Jackie, Luna, Plump Princess - guess the Canadians keep to themselves? PP’s got such a big personality it’s a wonder to me she’s never really been wrapped up in scene drama
What's the deal with these rumors about ChubbyChiquita being a Zionist?
she made a post on twitter calling for all the dead palestinians bodies to be gathered up and used in a jewish ritual to disappear the muslim race and turn the middle east into mass jewry. it came out of nowhere, I never knew she was an undercover jew! I've had to tear down all my chubbychiquita posters on my wall (my mom has been asking why and I don't have the heart to tell her CC is a jew) which took me hours. just goes to show all models are scammers and liars. also she waffle stomps
Because she claims to be a bleeding heart liberal while supporting big brands that actively donate to Israel. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a Zionist..... Or something. There's a boycott happening with a lot of restaurants so it just seems incongruous to her internet persona is the vibe I got.
Kisame here. I doubt the idea that a rabbi has that kind of clout to influence people like Candence Owens and Tucker Carlson as to reconsider their views. Ben Shapiro cannot even get his opera singer sister to brainwash antisemite with her big boobs for Israel. AIPAC is just a conglomerate of Israel multimillionaires who used to be Mossad and IDF while donating to the Republican Party for propaganda. Shazam II flopped because Gal Gadot looks like a hag when standing next to cougars like Hellen Mirren and Lucy Liu. They could've won if they persuaded Elvira at 71 or got Sophie Dee to play Wonder Woman. I am still questioning Ben Shapiro making a furry fetish cartoon with Rob Schneider as the dad. I think he wants to make Goof Troop Peg and Pete.

As for the restaurant. We're already expediting Christmas in the middle of November to shill merchandise.
CC is a zionist celebrating the genocide of innocent Palestinians AND a waffle stomper?
My kinda gal
No. Candence Owens spells out that Jewish people don't matter in the day to day affairs. E-celebs just don't want their internet cut off or ad revenue cut cause rabbi lecture them on antisemities.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
There are confirmed waffle stompers in the fetish, some pretty good content. Last I checked no one has CC unambiguously on video stomping a turd.
What models have been confirmed to waffle stomp?
No hard confirmations outside of a shower chair in a CC video. Last drama thread ran wild with it if you wanna go back and check lol
Anyone who still has a Feabie account, is Notsolittlemermaid still on there?
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Imagine being a big enough virgin neckbeard to think every fat woman can fit on every toilet, every time they need to shit. People waffle stomp for a lot of reasons: comfort, convenience, cleanliness as well as shame, laziness, sickness, and just being in too much a rush to navigate using the toilet at 400+ pounds.

She had a little back and forth and basically denied it with a wink and a nod. I’d say she does it occasionally under specific circumstances (these diets lead to a ton of diarrhea and it’s a drag to be on the can for hours a day)
Can confirm, I have personally witnessed every single SSBBW model shit in the shower, irl in person, at least once. and most of them I've seen them do it repeatedly over a span of years. So it is confirmed true that most models waffle stomp. Name a model and I've seen her shit in a shower and stomp the sludge down the drain with her feet with my own 2 eyeballs, as god is my witness.
Don't let them fool you. Waffle stomping is a myth.
I always figured an SSBBW would dump like a horse, and that would make waffle stomping extremely difficult.
It’s not a myth. It’s probably not peoples number one way to pinch a loaf but it’s in no way unheard of. Get some more life experience with super large people and be a little less judgmental.
I’m a BHM approaching 400 pounds and friends with plenty of SSBBWs. I don’t do it, but I know a few people who do, although they won’t often admit it.
I’m a BHM approaching 500 pounds and friends with even more SSBBWs. I don’t do it, but I know a no people who do, and they all readily admit not doing it.
>justifying wafflestomping
>being this far gone
Consider suicide
OK buddy. It sounds like you’ve got some superficial relationships with insecure losers who won’t admit to the limitations their size produces. The women I know are sheepish but comeon bro, it’s anonymous you can be honest here.
Is this a gay bear insecurity? Are you one of those fabulous big gay men? Most dudes I know aren’t so shy about bathroom talk.
For the record I do not think this leak confirmed anything other than her real name and address. Her socials are on lock, yes I was here the day of the dox and took a look lol. No pictures of the guy as far as I saw so maybe that’s why people assume they’ve split
i love this retarded wafflestomp meme lmao
Anyone know if Britt is still insane?
I don’t think there’s any coming back from that without institutionalization lmao
I don’t support everyone’s decisions but don’t kill your self just because you’re too fat for your current toilet. They make some great built in bidets that are an easy fit.
Really tho, women are on TLC out growing the shower and getting hosed off, out back behind a tarp— and you’re grossed out by using the bathroom in a way that leads to enhanced cleanliness if anything.
Be excellent to each other and fuck off with this fatphobic small dick energy.
I’m staying in a hotel for business right now that has one of those modern shower drains that are totally flush. Picturing a fatfuck staying here and realizing too little too late that’s the setup. Sucks for the maid I guess
True. I guess I was wondering if there was an update with her. Plus I was trying to change the topic away from shitting in the shower lmao
She is probaby a kabbalist
No one fucking talks like this you retarded faggot.
Also, you clearly are a fucking schizo. this nigga is worse than Zepher, he is least fun to see post.

Abby clearly doesn't subscribe to Brother's racist bullshit.
Gal is just patriotic.
Kindly fuck off to your to under your rock.
Patriotism is for boomers old man.
Rebbe believes that Mosiach will be born from King David
Maybe you racists have mental illness. Nobody wants normal sounding man who says normal words.
Do you mean BiggestMermaid? If so she’s still there but I think she’s basically stopped posting pictures
>Amber crystal
HAHAHA WOAH wait what is this true no way hahaha omg bro what
Gross that someone would do it. I mean I know a lot of them (pretty much all but Mal Malloy- she's got to be pretty damn smart as she has stayed a ghost) but would never do that or leak a BBW NOC list. Even the ones I really dislike. But because this is a gossip thread, while I won't say who anybody is, I'll give some fun facts and leave people guessing; One you wouldn't expect has a kid. One has a black kid whose father dipped. One is married to an Indian guy. One votes GOP. One is friends with a famous celeb.
I've said this before in another thread, but a certain someone who models under her real name is very sloppy with her Facebook privacy and is exposing a mini NOC list of sorts, lol. Again a lot of these girls have their own pages pretty locked up but if you at least want a lot of real first names, well...

As for your fun facts, pretty much anybody can have a kid and vote red so I'm not even gonna throw darts there. I know Asshley has been married at least twice and has a mixed race kid. Friends with "a famous celeb" can mean almost anything but I'd almost have to pull a name from the LA scene for that. Maybe Boberry if you believe peoples' speculation about her upbringing, but who knows.
Am I out of line to suggest there are probably a lot of models who were secretly pregnant at one point or another? I know BBB specifically caught a lot of shit for passing off a pregnancy as intentional weight gain but IMO a lot of that backlash was rooted in people just not liking her to begin with lol
never occurred to me until now that Mal and Val were using aliases but a lightbulb just went off in my head over how porn-y "Mal Malloy" sounds lmao
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I remember when that first happened and she was about the hottest feedee out there and people were outraged because they felt lied to by someone who was actually gaining an incredible amount of weight.

Still never understood people taking models lying personally like it was directed at them.

It's because her getting pregnant broke the immersion for those people. Which I mean, yeah no shit she has a boyfriend, but those people hate the thought and want to act like they have a shot at her.

But having a pregnant belly is a reminder to them that she's already taken.
people are also just obsessed with linear upward weight gain and take any deviation as a slight against both them and the fetish as a whole. BBB sucks tho
Its kind of funny whenever she comes back for the billionth time and it’s always obvious whether it’s her or her husband writing the descriptions based on whether it reads like an 8 year old wrote it.

I’d respect it if she just said “yep I’m back again, what can I say, I’m broke again and I’m so fucking stupid what other options do I have?”
I'd maintain some respect for her if she didn't try doing a fucking disappearing act every six months. We know you're not going to lose the weight to a level you can pretend you're normal, and we know you're not going to get a real job. Just film yourself eating some Wendy's for fuck's sake.

Sorry but Im slow. Who's BBB? I'm still new to this fetish and trying to figure out past and present models.
“Butter Bread & Breed” it’s currently the META strategy for quick gains.
BBB means to cover you carbs in lipids while basing the majority of gains on birthing weight gain thru breeding or induced lactation.
there was a run where the husband was injecting all sorts of "I am 14 and this is deep" political/socioeconomic stuff into the clip descriptions and then the clip would just be her sitting on the couch with no makeup on being like "hey y'all I'm fat"
BBB makes the lbs go bbrrrrrr
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What the fuck is Empress-of-the-north doing. Who would pay moneyfor padding and fake belly shit. She is delusional charging for these, let alone at almost 20 bucks lmao
She needs more BBB

So getting knocked up, gain a crazy amount of weight, give birth, regain lost weight from postpartum.......so what's the issue outside of potential stretch marks?


That's her whole schtick since day one? The fact that a bunch of notable models collab with her means that she's pulling enough attention and sales to justify the high prices. In reality she's a health nut who puts on a fat costume and still makes more money than some of these blobs out here.

If anything I'd say she's pretty smart for setting up this plan.
> So getting knocked up, gain a crazy amount of weight, give birth, regain lost weight from postpartum.......so what's the issue outside of potential stretch marks?

That’s the BBB system. Breeding plus bread and butter makes the pounds fly on.
I paid for her padding vid. To be honest, it’s hot to me just to imagine a hot woman who is genuinely fatsexual wearing a suit like that and fantasizing. It’s not the RP that is interesting, it’s imagining the ‘behind the scenes’ for me.
Nah she started out as a female feeder content maker for that market. Sll her other stuff.. she clearly wants to gain and be fat but too hesitant to not be conventionally fit and attractive. It’s the equivalent of someone who eats a little bit and just pushes out their stomach whining “I’m soooo fat” and trying to sell it as wg

You just repeated what he said. I swear some of you are retarded.
Yeah, you are if you can’t figure out the point.
No, different person (Notsolittlemermaid). I know she lost a ton of weight IRL so I'm curious if she's still on Feabie.
The most likely scenario is that she's come to the realization that she's really not that into fat guys, or guys in general considering how much girl on girl content she's done so she's pivoting from being a female feeder to whatever she is now
anybody have a clue what happened to theresasweetpeach? Her IG is gone.
98% of real estate agents wont retire with more then 500k in savings. She is going to need the extra cash to cover her taxes. Fucking dumb ass lmfao
Everytime rich couples announce engagements I say to myself wolf or vampire. Oh fuck another new rolls royce throws out old one
This is a tragedy, I was super into her. Hopefully it's temporary... Anyone have her stuff saved?
Ooh the last one could be the former BigCutie Remy? Idk if she’s even around or on anyone’s radar these days but she’s Kato Kaelin’s daughter so she could have grown up around other weirdo C and D list celebs
Stop trying to gas light people. Im sure im not the only one who realize this with you.
She posts on Instagram once in a while. Seems she has a dude and he's probably not into her showing off online. As a GenXer whose entire mid-90s was dominated by the OJ trial, it blew my mind when I found out recently that her dad is Kato Kaelin.
You can take ceo off your ig bio now. You will never grasp real paper
It probably just sells better tbh
Casey saying in her newest curvage video she has a “700lb immobile aunt” all of a sudden. Does anyone actually believe her shit, she literally just makes shit up and is compulsive liar for all these LARPs
I’m not saying these models don’t lie…. but she’s been talking about this aunt for years and years
Yall trolls come to this site and hide bash women specially BBW women because yall don’t have anything better to do with your miserable life’s probably sitting in your mommy’s basement still playing video games all day eating like a dam pig GET A LIFE ALL YOU SICK FUCKS
lol hi Casey
> yall don’t have anything better to do with your miserable life’s probably sitting in your mommy’s basement
> yall don’t have anything better to do with your miserable life’s probably sitting in your mommy’s basement
At least my moms actually bedbound and not something I made up to sell pictures of my bathroom parts.
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Also this is literally a bash thread so if you don’t like it you can literally just not come here.
What’s been going on with Chloe? Hasn’t posted a video to MV since 12/01. I know she’s on a steady decline but is she finished? If this is truly because of her doxxing you’d think she’d disappear outright, but she’s still making content. I wonder if she even knows she’s been doxxed, and at least several people on here know her name, address, and even have info on her family which is messed up in its own right.
IMO >>39161 is probably the best guess anyone will have. I liked her content but it was always a little halfhearted and I think she's not nearly as motivated to do porn and stay fat without the husband around.
Chloe single, LisaLou on Tinder, and murmurings of Roxxie getting divorced. It’s a new golden age boys, enjoy it while it lasts
Aged our millennial hoes are getting put back on the market.

(Sidebar: GenZ women are younger, prettier, less golddiggery and more sex positive. GenZ men are less masculine and less economically successful than ever. If youre a millennial man who scored a millennial woman, right now it’s basically garunteed you can upgrade every aspect of your millennial wife and how she treats you.)

Chloe and Roxxie were otherwise average midwestern white chicks who were early adopters to the internet sex work market. (I date women for her personality but that ain’t it boys: Read through her posts, I’m a BernieBro for life and I still can say I ever read one interesting or entertaining thought. Just random basic bitch consumerism and stale memes.)

But no one stays married to an aged out sex worker, it’s fun while they’re a minor celebrity in the scene.
There’s barely a single model over 40 who didn’t get dumped and the ones with husbands have kids.
No one dates a 50 year old hooker for her body.
The Roxxie thing kinda reads like bbwchan wishcasting to me? I haven't really seen or heard anything that points to her and the guy splitting up.
Kisame here. I am a Bernie Bro. Bernie Bro and Hillary voters hate each other. Bernie Bros understand that 500k in the bank and owning a house is a living. I also got kicked out of the preg community community cause I voted for Trump. Artists tried to come up with that Jewish Communist "I am better than you!" intellectual and I put them down for being eggheads. I argue porn stars from Millennials and Gen X are approaching retirement and you can't perform when you're mid-40s or 30s. Businessmen harnessing Youki and Reiki can that's why I can still produce preg pics.
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It's not wish. I live in the city. They're getting rid of the fat nerds who read Game of Thrones because they're annoying the black boss women who are doing productions for Netflix. Blacks don't like the quiz boys or high IQ geniuses except for Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro. Fox News delivers information with blaring exposition that cannot be replicated and Tucker Carlson's paleoconservative beliefs wins over Blacks who hate neocons.
I mean based on her old chubbyformyhubby name and even some of her fat chats, she basically did it for her partner. She always came across as less into it and more just super casual and lazy about everything so she didn’t mind. So it’s not strange to me that as a single person she drops some weight.
Agreed with all this. Having a vague idea of her background I'm surprised she even took it this far and stuck around for so long. But, for the record, a single month of no posts doesn't necessarily mean she straight up quit.

>>Gen Z is less masculine than millennials
Huh?? Gen Z (excluding the alphabet weirdos) is reviving gym culture and masculinity as a whole. Hence their obsession with Tate, Goggins, looksmaxxing and “aesthetics”
Solid points. I also noticed she never really seemed to know what to do with herself on camera. I thought it was just her personality but I’m wondering now if she just doesn’t know what we want to see and isn’t into her own gain, but the gratification and satisfaction of her partner. I remember she made a video about how she got into feedism, and if I remember correctly, it was essentially “Hey let’s eat while having sex” and just escalated from there. She just went with it because that guy was into it I guess.
> gym culture and masculinity as a whole. Hence their obsession with Tate, Goggins, looksmaxxing and “aesthetics”

I have no clue what you’re talking about. I’m a simple millennial who’s jacked as fuck from high school sports. I’m busy working a career or doing home improvement: landscaping, chopping wood or doing other manly choreplay kid these days skip.
Kids these days have no work ethic, that’s why they can’t afford houses and instead their women are normalizing “age gap” relationships.
Nobody tell him how much of gym culture is made up of gay men
You sound like an atypical millennial then, good for you bro. That or you’re misinformed. It’s millennials who can’t afford homes. For the most part it’s millennials who post about depression, anxiety, or whatever other disorder they have. Gen Z, at least from what I’ve seen, is more into self improvement. Millennials just whine in front of a screen about how their life sucks and things are too expensive
Dude, Kisame works at Burger King and isn't jacked from high school sports, he's an autistic dweeb. Don't tell me you fell for this.
I live in the suburbs. The whiny millennial stereotype is made by boomers and Gen X who live in their McMansions as opposed to a modest home. I don't know what 28% APR means. Autistics don't have that fear of math
Kisame here. Afford is not in my vocabulary. I want that pickup or a Subaru.
> Kisame works at Burger King and isn't jacked from high school sports, he's an autistic dweeb. Don't tell me you fell for this.

Lord Burger pays me $13.59 an hour because I had an internship on my resume I lied about being certified to service the milkshake machine. I work 56 hours an week and only 40% of my weekly budget goes to mortgage with basically no food or kitchen costs.
I make food it makes people happy enough to tip sometimes. You’re just sad because you paid papa Vassar $250k to be graded on your blog posts praising Rothko and now you’re scared AI will take your job.

Autistic Dweebs make good football players because they see nothing wrong with getting a concussion to win the game. Coach told me to lift that stuff and I did it with the form I learned doing yard work for cold hard cash to buy niche fetish art as a child.
Don't listen to Ilikapie. He's still dumpster diving for Chick-fil-A cause the Tampa buccaneers sick with Tom Brady and he's too much of a fag to like Eli Manning
Does someone know what happened to luscious amazon, i remember starstruck gave an explanation on one of her threads, but i can't seem to remember/find that anymore..?
Everybody stay the fuck away. Then we will see who the problem is. Because I cut all of you people off before and life was great! I let you back in and it turned to shit! So now we will see this time.
So what’s the deal with how LaurenLush is like the Queen of collabs at Curvage? Is she just more willing/proximate than others? Casey was the same but she kind of seems like she’s peaked in her influence over there. Then again maybe it’s just because I don’t go into her thread because her fans are so cringy.
Not sure why Lauren Lush collabs with as many people as she does but it does strike me as weird she does as many collabs as she does.

As for Casey I don't think she's as invested in Curvage these days and is way more focused on her OF. She mentioned on an OF stream recently when she was doing way more collab stuff that a few of the people she was doing collabs with weren't hardcore feedees and she doesn't want to do collab stuff with people who aren't hardcore into it. Funnily the first name I thought of when she said that was LaurenLush. Now she only really does collab stuff with Nadya and Ivy's studio which sucks because the content she does with them sucks.
Not to defend Lauren or anything but given the fact that curvage is made up mostly of fake feedees, Casey could be talking about anyone lol. Also Casey is stupid for working with Ivy, why on earth are girls still willing to work with her knowing good and well that she's the one making all the money in the long run? For real, the only reason Ivy is still around today is because of Pleasantly Plump.
Right she’s working with the bearded feedee on feedee&feedee
Queen of Collabs? I thought that was Reiinapop's title XD
I was just basing that on girls I know she's collabed with and Lush was one of them. The other that sprung to mind was CandicesCurves who she did a bunch of stuff with in 2021. Casey has a tendancy to go in hard with collabing with someone for a period then jibs them off at some point and then never mentions them again. I wish she'd do that with Ivy and Nadya but she goes on and on about them all the time on her OF streams to the point its a turn off.
Yeah going in hard and jibbing it off after a while is almost her and Curvage in a nutshell. She seems like she’d be a 1000% intense person with things at first but then kinda burns out
Once Casey figures out that Ivy only makes money due to other people's hard work she'll drop her like a bad habit just like other models have
People have been making an Ivy/Heather comparison for years but Ivy at least never stopped making her own content lmao
Which models are Zionists?
We need to clearly know who to boycott.
You're retarded
ChubbyChiquita (aka "Eatmore Ben-Gvir")
>> Bots
Yeah but Ivy's content doesn't sell, if it wasn't for Pleasantly Plump she would've had to close up shop years ago
lol I mean, her store is routinely near the top of the best sellers list on C4S and I’d believe their metrics over some random chan poster. I get she’s kind of goofy now but let’s not ignore reality hombre.
> Yeah but Ivy's content doesn't sell, if it wasn't for Pleasantly Plump she would've had to close up shop years ago

Glad to see the Zionist boycott is working.
There was a thread on FatCelebs back in the day where one of the girls had photos inside the White House. Did anyone ever look through Hunter’s sex tapes enough to rule it out?
I’m pretty sure she was a bigcutie.
There is no Zionist boycott. Wrong side dumbass
Does anyone have any insight on some of the generation of bigcuties from like 10 years ago? Think Miley, Aurora, Lyla, Steph I guess is back now but it feels like a lot of those girls got the hell out of modeling and missed the boat on the boom period we’re kind of in right now with OF and manyvids. Miley and Lyla were my favorites when I was first discovering this stuff
Still incredibly unusual to me that this happened
Or maybe they just both happened to see the same viral video?
Miley has a tumblr where she will still occasionally post feedist stuff and has alluded to possibly doing content again but I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Lyla always gave me “weird girl from your hometown who never moved out of her parents house” but that’s strictly headcanon. Steph was ALLEGEDLY lured out of obscurity because Heather made her a huge she couldn’t refuse, I think she’s pretty legit into fat kink stuff but not really the most charismatic on camera and probably needed a lot of incentive to get back in the game
I also saw that miley post you're referring to lol. I think she just said that to stop the all questions she probably gets
Yeah, I'm *sure* that's what happened buddy

Steph apparently didn't need too much encouragement to rejoin - she's been friends with Heather and when BoBerry left I'm sure Heather was hitting up girls who have worked for her and didn't shed all their blubber yet. She is definitely a shy girl which I guess that comes off as being dull on camera, but she certainly has more enthusiasm than other models who clearly phone it in. She looks like she genuinely enjoys being a whale - that cheesecake vid sold it for me.
I always wondered if Heather made an offer to thicksadworld. She hung around with the heather clique pre covid but to be quite honest she doesn’t really fit the BC aesthetic
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does anyone know some context behind The Feedee Farmer? judging from his appearance and relationship to Immobile Soon he's from Spain but he has a whole harem of woman from several SA countries willing to do feedist content. Does he travel to SA and scout these woman like a conquistador or is he located there? His vids have distinct gonzo style, the models are eating food as much as smearing it all over their bodies most of the time and want to reach immobility.

He created a site where you can chat with the woman, or rather chat with him as it seems like he's managing all their accounts.

I think there is something kind of weird about his whole stable like weird in the way S31 is with the SEA and Brazilian girls like it gives off similar vibes especially since a bunch of the girls from his stable started showing up on Curvage last year.
"Not unusual" is putting it lightly. they want us to think that when they are alone with friends they are only gossiping and shittalking men but its just as much about other women if not more. but they all put on a front about how women need to support other women and ad hominems about appearance is body shaming. if another woman makes them angry enough all that is off the table. Ive heard 400lbs women shit talk other women who are heavier than them or talk about how another girl has a weird shaped ass or is just ugly or something.
There's little to no solidarity between SSBBWs under 600lbs and over. When you cross that threshold you're Other'd like no one's business. You're gossiped about and seen as a cautionary tale to anyone thinking of gaining weight on purpose. Imagine being too fat to be accepted by other fat women lol
no model of any consequence would ever admit this but it's true. girls on feabie like biggestmermaid would talk openly about it and tbh it makes sense. when you get into those higher levels of obesity it severely limits your social prospects. it literally makes you more challenging to hang out with, which sucks of course. the amount of help and accommodation a 600+ pound person needs even compared to a 400 pound person is fucking huge.
The same girls that would speak in hushed tones about Echo becoming immobile and how she could let herself get that fat are starting to catch up to them. The general idea of their attitude about it is "I may be fat but at least I'm not THAT fat", yet with models reaching 500, 600, even having 700lbs within reach, now they're the ones being whispered about.

Make no mistake, they're still pointing fingers at the USSBBWs and convincing themselves they're not in too deep. They're still someone's shock story in some way.
Some times there's little to no solidarity with any women of all types when they get competitive or the attention another is getting is perceived as a threat, then they must devalue and cock block and poison reputations.
I’ve posted this in these threads before but I used to be in “the scene” so to speak and there are definitely models including those she probably knows personally who view Echo as a kind of freak show. Like they pity her and wonder if she’s all there in the head. And these are other FAT women. personally I get my blob bitch kicks elsewhere, I find her completely chilling to listen to
>I find her completely chilling to listen to

I guess if you watch her video with the mindset "this woman doesn't have the mental agency to take care of herself" then it'd feel bad, but I've never seen anything for or against this case people made about her. I think she just knew how to act on camera for an hour but probably is just dull.

That one video where she was "coming back from a date at a buffet" was a little hard to believe as far as a social life is concerned. And she never really talked about what she did for money, so I just assumed since early BigCuties she was on disability and had family help out here and there financially.
Considering she’s an 800 pound 40-something who was hauled by crane into a nursing home, oh and she’s a weaboo, yes in fact I do think she’s quite stunted and was too naive to get help before she ended up like this. Again, I jack off to plenty on disabled blobs, she just gives me a certain kind of ick that others don’t
Senators Urge DEA to Remove Marijuana from Controlled Substances Act and Provide Timely Progress Update
(File under shit talk/babble. Bored at work with too many thoughts and too much coffee.)

I like Rennaye, think her c4s stuff is high quality and creative. I've paid for plenty of it, happily. I get she wants to move out of adult stuff and she's comfortable in front of a camera, so why not rebrand as a YouTuber?

I started watching Planet with a Palate as a fan, thinking this would be a fun, accidentally-hot PG accompaniment to her X stuff. But it may have ruined the latter for me, while the show itself kinda... sucks. The more I find out about her life and that she's all-in at the batshit militant end of HAES the more she creeps me out. I'm not naive enough to think someone that size is playing with a full deck, but if I don't know the truth I can just fap and be happy.

How does it suck? Trying to speak objectively (i.e., not as an FA), obviously she knows how to eat but she's a pretty basic cook. You're not gonna learn much unless you were dropped into an Earth kitchen from Mars and don't know what to do. Her banter is okay but it's not particularly funny or informative and there's not a lot going on visually. Again, I'm not talking about getting off, as an FA either. Just that her kitchen/house is small and kinda ugly and she's mostly sitting on a chair leaning over her counter or stove, often same angle t/o.

And frankly, including her kid in a few vids gave me the willies. I get if you're approaching PWAP without having watched dozens of hours of her doing crazy kinky fetish shit it's not a thing — why not include her family? But she was still making c4s content at the same time... I also get she's gotta pay bills while she pivots but a long break seems more appropriate, and maybe restyle herself too. And if she wants to make a break from her Rennaye persona maybe don't have Ivy and other adult performers as guests...?

Re HAES: She stopped posting PWAPs a couple months ago with no warning. I figured she wasn't getting the numbers she'd hoped for and called it a day. Turns out she was seriously ill with cellulitis — again, not a shocker if you're thinking of her as a person and not a fantasy — and was in and out of the hospital.

I don't even follow PWAP on Instagram but I found this out the truth because the post explaining her absence came up in my feed. In the form of a video of her eating two (!) giant egg and spam (!) sandwiches while she talked about her health problems, financial difficulties, and other issues, which between the lines or otherwise are directly obesity-related.

She was obviously filtering out negative/troll comments on YT but there's no way to do that on Insta without blocking people individually. So of course there was all kinds of OMG WTF ARE YOU DOING comments, which make sense. She's 600ish pounds, a single mom, nearly died of an obesity-related illness in recent weeks... and here she's stuffing down a 2,500 calorie (easily) hyperprocessed, salt- and grease-laden breakfast.

She responded to a surprising number of comments, denying any of it has to do with her weight or ignoring that factor completely. Maybe more disturbing was how many people were coming to her defense. A lot of replies were "hey she's a person, don't be mean" but many more were other HAES nuts confirming her delusions.

I'm o/a a supporter of SA/FP but there are limits to everything. You can accept and even celebrate yourself as fat but when you wind up nearly dying in your 30s/40s, leaving an orphan, you have to bite the bullet and accept your fat isn't your friend.

Again — as fantasy, bring it on. IRL... yikes. The internet is weird.

Thanks for reading. Sorry.

Makes perfect sense to me. No one is harder on fat women than slightly less-fat women.
I never ever ever like to make assumptions about these women because they only show us certain sides to their lives but it's super apparent to me that Reenaye is not well. Everything about her screams manic and/or crying for help.
oh and re: Ivy, I'm not convinced she has another friend on earth who would be willing to do normie YouTube mom blog stuff with her, tbh
well I have no idea who they are but that’s what “in loving memory” means you dullard
He’s asking if it’s genuine or a troll.
to follow up on this, does anyone know why empress of the north retired? she seemed like she was planning a bunch of stuff, and then out of nowhere quit.

yeah, seemed like she actually wanted to gain, but never did. she made a vid right before she retired where she looked relatively big and great. maybe it was too much for her.

You know nothing about Gen Z women, lol. Less golddiggery? Did you read that in AARP magazine?

She mentioned personal reasons. She did say she still has about 100 videos in her backlog to release. But after that it's over and isn't taking anymore requests.

Either she'll mass dump the videos or space them out and still upload for at least 2 more years (assuming she does 1 video a week)
To quote one of the best/worst Star Wars movies, "Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong."

(Other than Genz women being younger of course, as that's true.)
>>Genz women are prettier
GenZ women are objectively and intentionally way uglier; they're always fucking up their faces with nasty haircuts, piercings and tattoos.

>>less golddiggery
All women are equally "golddiggery," which is to say not very golddiggery at all. Guys who think that way have been red pill brainwashed into hating women and are barely in reality. If anything, genz women are MORE entitled than millenial women, as they're more likely to be anti men.

>>more sex positive
Genz women are LESS sex positive, have you ever seen on twitter all the bitching and moaning about how sex scenes in movies "aren't necessary for the plot" and there should be trigger warnings before sex scenes as the viewer/audience "didn't consent" to being part of it? That's literally 100% genz people saying that. Take a millenial woman to see Oppenheimer and she won't say a word. Take a Genz woman to see it, and all you'll hear about for the rest of the night is how unnecessary the sex scene with florence pugh was.

>>GenZ men are less masculine
Again, GenZ men are about as masculine as other men; guys who think this way have clearly been red pilled and are delusional. Genz men might APPEAR to be less masculine because they're more comfortable showing their true selves, as opposed to millenials and boomers who hide behind toxic masculinity, but we're all the same.

>>less economically successful
Less than who, millenials? That makes me LOL.

>>genz woman is an upgrade to millenial wife
I'm in a ltr with a millenial woman right now and when I see all the they/them Genz freaks obsessed with gender and everything being sapphic, I wouldn't dream of leaving her for any of them. It would be a downgrade in every single way. I prefer my women bearable to be around, thank you.

>>Chloe and Roxxie are from the midwest
Chloe is from New England and Roxxie is from Colorado, this is established fact that everyone (accept for you, apparently) knows. Wrong again.

I'll give you that Chloe is a basic bitch. But I would still way, way rather date her than some obnoxious armpit haired they/them genZer. As for Roxxie, judging her personality on the memes she posts is... interesting. Again, very never-actually-interacted-with-a-woman-in-real-life behavior.

RE the initial topic of single models, the whole Roxxie divorce thing seems like pure Bbwchan fantasy to me, but turning this into an argument about Genz women being better is ridiculous. To all the genz guys reading this, I'd reccommend just waiting 5-10 years for millenial women to start getting divorced; in the meantime, hit the gym, get a career going and save some money. Don't waste your time with genz women lol
Egregious misuse and/or misunderstanding of the term "red pill"
He’s a beta cuck living off the fumes of copium to subvert constant feelings of buyers remorse for marrying some wrinkly, frigid, wine drunk hoe who settled from him after Chad stopped giving her his semi erect whiskey dick in the bathroom of her favorite waterhole.

Pew research is pretty clear on how fucked Gen-Z men are and this kinda pandering to anti-red-pill hysteria is fucking gay as shit and more than justifies worldwide misogyny.
> I'm in a ltr with a millenial woman right now and when I see all the they/them Genz freaks obsessed with gender and everything being sapphic, I wouldn't dream of leaving her for any of them.

I fucked this guys bitch. I can promise you, her pussy is nothing special.
And you respond with an ad hominem false argument, since you have no logic or reason or minimally competent argument. Idiot
Reddit is that way >>>>>>>
Uh no, studies have shown that millennials and zoomers are more misogynistic than boomers. Charlie Kirk and the Daily Wire are often criticized for not holding down a job and becoming an activist, or working on retail. Young people are voting Trump cause they see Biden as a war monger democrat chasing Europe than being American. This frightens journalists with their DC apartments and bizarre Europe fixation cause they see nationalists in Germany, Italy, Poland and Argentina winning while the EU is losing to Putin. It's why the press is so relieved to be Swifties when they should be listening to Sheryl Crow.
Old black dems are more worried that MAGA dominates the internet and that Andrew Tate has control over impressionable black youths. Tate Zoomers have their energy drinks, Jeeps and hand out free Monsters. What has the left done but expand the university hospital system that's buying old department stores with the high taxes instead of converting boomers into cyborgs to fight WWII?
didn't the husband delete his feeder tumblr or am I thinking of someone else?
His tumblr is still up and he recently answered a question about her

My guess is empress got doxxed. There was some drama a while back between her the partner of one of her feedees. Something about the partner accusing her of being a homewrecker. She ended up putting out a response on OF about the person being crazy and jealous.
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Rest in peace BELEAF genetics
boberry top tier ssbbw but hayley is def competition lmao. pretty much only spot they can compete on is face, i like that boberry is a bit of a mean girl lmao. keep me sane instead of thinking she's some angelic goddess
>>41974 yeah tbh, this started to annoy me with curvage, like all these useless 8 minute fake feedee collabs taking up space, once you've seen one you've seen them all lol.

it's a litttle insulting sometimes like if there's four of you in a room, why not jjst actually feed each other, insted of sitting around in a hotel saying ooooyeahhhhh for four minutes straight.
I'll bite, someone i wouldn't expect has a kid? Davenport,
black kid who father dipped? basically a pre-req at this point,
married to an indian guy, plump princess
(or one of the other canada models)
votes GOP - honestly, i see Roxxie voting GOP but her husband seems pretty liberal so i'll go with jenni bombshll as a backup

friends with famous celeb? honestly i couldn't rack my brain with that one, but someone said big cutie remy, makes sense.
>friends with famous celeb? honestly i couldn't rack my brain with that one, but someone said big cutie remy, makes sense.

Her dad is Kato Kaelin, which is a mind blower if you're of a certain age like me.
yeah, i only know him cuz OJ and stuff but he might as well be nobody to me that said.

Remy seems to be doing well, glad her celebrity parenting didn't lead to her being forced to be a skinny or something.

still has a great rack, surprised she has an actual job instead of influencing and also makes me curious to see what stuff she was doing on big cuties.
Hard to explain how much the murders and trial dominated the mid-90s zeitgeist. Everyone involved became a household name, the first time most people heard the surname "Kardashian" for better or worse. So many weird, memorable characters including slacker "pool boy" Kaelin.

And as reward for putting up with my GenX nostalgia blather, here's some of her BC stuff: https://we.tl/t-ze8sW6kmF3

Not a complete collection but this will give you a taste. She was bigger back then.
It’s such a fucking shame. OJ was one of the strongest running backs of his era. Canceled over accusation he killed some white hoe despite being declared innocent.
Marcos Alonso has killed women on a Friday and been playing footy ball on Sunday with a light sentence. Basically Ted Kennedy but less fat and an uglier accent.
Reminds me of the Pearadise harem and fallout from a few years ago.
Was that the creepy old man with the weird hair? What was the true story there?
He looked like he was riding that was of pandemic domestic abuse renaissance and monstrously obese fattys fleeing their partners/parents during lockdownz.
Re: the Canadians, that’s a great guess but Jackie and PP have both had their husbands make faceless appearances in their content and as far as I can tell they’re both white dudes. That leaves Luna who I know nothing about
I am so glad someone else remembers this. “The American education system made me fat” is some of the funniest shit this fetish has ever produced
Call Washington office.
Wasn't aware she and the DeviantArt weirdo split. Good for her.
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* fashion industry trying to suppress pro-fat voices
* tess being very outspoken
* elitist and naive people jumping on the bandwagon too easily, repeating pre-fabricated anti-fat-, anti-strong-women-, anti-tattoo-, anti-fuck-the-industry- propaganda
* jealous thin-bitches unable to wrap their pea brained heads around "how a fat woman can be so successful"
* blah

plus everything going on and on and on. some people love to gossip and get excited over and over again about the same old stories, even if it doesn't lead to anything.
No one is going to believe me, but I have a friend whose brother's coworker briefly dated Tess Holiday. He said that on their first date they went to a restaurant and Tess ordered two different bowls of soup and mixed them together one spoonful at a time before eating both bowls mixed together as one soup. Just big and greedy
i fucking hate 'begging for x' threads and i want to know why these retards dont get banned
their shit threads get deleted instantly yet they keep making them
>i fucking hate 'begging for x' threads
good point, you're not alone

>why these retards don't get banned
they do, as soon as it's obvious that they're really asking for something without delivering something.
typically: OP gets banned, thread gets locked but remains visible for a while (including the red warning text so everyone can potentially learn from it), then thread gets removed

>their shit threads get deleted
they do

whenever possible: no. if threads just disappear there's no learning effect, and after a while a new thread just like the old one gets created. a few very entitled users will start whining like "why has my thread been removed, i did everything perfectly, it's injustice, why my thread and not that other thread, boohoo-dee-boohoo-dah...".

>yet they keep making them
true, the number of users who ignore the rules and poop all over the forum is frightening. blame increasing stupidity, ignorance, entitlement, whatnot.

they all end up running into the wall.

I remember JJ being super outspoken about her. The shirt stuff aside, I think she was jealous of someone with a more prestigious modeling career. Think about it— Tess hasn’t had to slap a pig nose on or eat a whole sheet cake with her hands to get people to notice her.
I've always kind of thought Jackie was conventionally attractive enough that she could go quasi-mainstream. Not quite like Tess but if there's anyone who could actually be a major online figurehead for women of that size, imo Jackie fits the bill more so than the ones who have actually tried like Ash lmao
Jackie also has gotten way more personable now. If you said this 10 years ago you would get flamed since she was still a Tumblr feminazi. Now she just seems more, idk, happy? Or less inclined to go on a crusade on a tangent. The moments on Tumblr are more often justified than not.
I've said it on here before but the fact that she evened out as a person AND her porn got better is nuts, lol. I'm probably one of the more openly feminist posters on here and she was pretty aggressive on that front even for me.
Alright, so t-shirts aside it's just that she's annoying and often hypocritical. Hasn't eaten a Palestinian baby or said the N-word or anything.
I know the last thread was nothing but armchair psychoanalyzing Ash but she remains so fucking cringe to me lol. I remember she had Coldstonesteveaustin on her failed podcast once and all I could think was damn can’t yall just fuck for us instead
(619 KB, 769x327, not_the_devil.png)
of course this >>44925 wasn't a full catalog of the events around Tess. there's probably a lot more meat to the bone, and also tough to separate fact from false accusations / lies.
but i guess if Tess Munster had done something real "munstrous" / criminal / whatnot, we might have heard from it.
(619 KB, 769x327, not_the_devil.png)
of course this >>44925 wasn't a full catalog of the events around Tess. there's probably a lot more meat to the bone. tough to separate fact from false accusation, but i guess if Tess Munster had done something real "munstrous" or criminal besides being provocative, we might have heard from it.
I think the women in this scene don’t actually want to support one another. They’re in this to make a buck or find a man, and when they see someone else doing that, their true nature comes out.

Sure, some of them are friendlier towards one another, but the transactional nature of the lifestyle is strong. Jackie didn’t see a fellow fat girl putting a positive image out, she saw a smaller fat who had it better (magazine covers and modeling gigs vs a house Jackie can’t leave easily, an ass too big to wipe without a wand/bidet, and a partner who is an adult Harry Potter fan). These girls will turn on each other when the chance presents itself. Look at the ones who burn bridges as soon as they get WLS.
Ehhh. Anyone who knows sloppy millenial golddiggers has seen the “pink haired feminist” to “boring housewife” pipeline in real-time.
Her content sucks, she’s got the diseased face of an inbred child, and she’s mid as fuck outside of the fluid filled bags she’s calls legs.
She’s obviously married to an older man she’s not interested in, she’s stopped trying hard to be cute or make sexy content. Bored fat housewife.
True. Patriarchy always wins when they get that big. They talk a big game but they realize they can’t be independent. Our girls eventually figure it out.
Hahah hugh heffner disagree in his augusta grave
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No white woman was ever actually a feminist.
It was just a bargaining chip in the hunt for a rich Chad daddy.
Hard agree. From the time I spent in the scene it seems super apparent to me that a lot of these girls are even more vain and superficial than most normies. Which, unfortunately, is crazy hot.

This I cannot get behind though. I get personal preference and all but Jackie's content is very good for the sort of quasi-softcore feedist stuff it is. Especially when you compare it to a few years ago.
They ARE in competition with each other at the end of the day. If they're prettier or have more fans or look like they have better lifestyles, then the claws inevitably come out. Most don't really have a problem with each other and will be friendly to their face, but you can tell who draws the most ire.

The ones who get WLS are considered turncoats because at the end of the day, these girls are showcasing a life where big is beautiful and fat isn't unhealthy through their content. WLS and weight loss is the nagging endpoint that flies in the face of what these girls are selling; if you want to live better and healthier then you need to stop pretending you're happy being over 400lbs, sweaty.

I agree with you on >>45010, this reads like he has a chip on his shoulder about her and her content. He thinks she's ugly therefore her content must suck. He hates Tumblr millennial feminists ergo she's trash. This isn't that deep - dude's got it out for girls like her and hate that she gets spotlight.
Her best content was 10 years ago. She’s mushy old fruit now.
Yall should check out Jasmine Mendez / Laughing Latina lately
Long shot, but what’s up with Nikki/Gaining Goddess these days? I remember when she dropped out of modeling because (allegedly) someone was threatening child services. Could’ve been bullshit from back when, but it’s at least more plausible than the rumors about Kelligrl
Idk how u argue with women with no hips lol
What does this mean
probably nothing. there's always an idiot post like that. if they can't clearly say what they want to say, just ignore.
there is a LOT more bizarre schizoposting in /gen/ lately I've noticed
if a post sounds like a severe case of head trauma and if it comes with the subject line filled to the brim with word salad, it can be ignored.
That is how Trump supporters talk because America is made up of people who didn't go to college or treat college as a key to higher learning. The left are the party of scientists and college professors, but don't expect the left to give up the fat cop or security guard with the Glock guarding them from MAGA. It is the same reason the left is rigging California. It's constituents are valley wine moms while MAGA is full of single moms who worked at the waffle house.
I am convinced conspiracy nuts jumped the shark when they suggested that the Super Bowl was rigged because of Taylor Swift and the Chiefs. I am currently on vacation mentally until late April
Ehh figured I wait another year I can afford it. For now until market tells me otherwise
Anyone see the Susanne Emman is making new content? Seems she’s pivoting more towards bland positivity stuff; not sure if it’s a lead up to a “weight loss journey” or just chasing the bandwagon. Either way, she’s a little past her prime, but I’m glad she’s still active in the scene. She was like a less pathetic Donna Simpson.
There's nothing wrong with positivity. It is only a problem now because the left is taking it to extremes to the point of being the party of Barney and Teletubbies.
Your mother should’ve swallowed you.
I don't know how to describe the modern left other than the party of college professors and psychologists who think they're better than MSNBC, the comedians like Jon Stewart, and Joe Biden. It's like how Netanyahu thinks he's better than CBS.
Not a car accident, fent
ptar stalked ashley bridges?
Who's ptar?
I buy it, tbh. I live a couple towns over from where it happened and I couldn't dig up anything in the local news about a recent fatal car crash, though I may not have looked back far enough. Also notable the obit posted above just says "an accident", making no mention of a car.
Hmm when did she get pregnant. And who is the father. I dont like bodhi seeds.
Maybe a year or so ago I posted a theory that she was leaning so hard into the extreme/deathfeedist end of things (crying in videos, posting from the hospital, role playing a heart attack) as a way to burn brightly at the end of her modeling career and make some money carving out a niche that most other girls wouldn’t feel comfortable in. I figured she was hanging it up since her kid was getting older and she’d been around a long time and was probably feeling very real physical and societal pressure from her massive size. Knowing now that she’s divorced and doing this side YouTube project and acting out the way you’ve described, idk, I’m starting to get the vibe it’s all a cry for help. Have been a fan of her’s for a while but I agree that something just feels off now.
FatMissT is claiming she’s going to explain what’s up with her health in a livestream this week. I’m a fan but have often found her to be… sketchy about that stuff (those aren’t cat scratches on her body lol) and wondering if anyone’s subbed to her OF currently and planning on catching the stream?
It’s gotta be tough for the aged out models these days. Pretty much only Roxie and Kitt got wifed up long term. The rest were on lease agreement that ended with her returned tot he dealership. Dudes fattened them up and then bailed on the long term costs, work or eventually deflategate (aka Adeline, dude had the dream woman for 6 months and a lifetime of caring for a sack of sagging skin).
I see classics like Ms Fat Booty approaching retirement age single, alone, surrounded by cats and looking ragged. Jae’s life seems scary. Lisalou, Chloe, CC….returned to the market and aging like milk.
buddy, all due respect, but I have no idea how FatMissT counts as "aged out". and MFB's in her early 40s lmao. approaching retirement age??

I will totally agree with you about Jae though haha. That recent weigh-in video, her mobility is totally shot and she can barely fit through doors. Kinda telling that it's the most recent content we've seen from her. Fuck I think I'll go watch it now
> MFB's in her early 40s lmao. approaching retirement age?
How do you expect a 40something 400 pound woman to be able to sell her body?
(lots of these women have day jobs my dude)
anybody happen to know if celiabbw is still around? her free and paid OF both seem abandoned.
Facts. This gig is and always has been a side hustle for 95% of the women out there. The ones that rely on this for primary income are either comically fat and can't do anything else or have been doing this for 10+ years and already have enough of a following to make it worthwhile. Even big names like BoBerry have kept their job.

Also lol at thinking someone over 400lbs after 40 can't keep at this. Some of you would cream through your jeans if Jenni Bombshell or Viva La Valerie made a comeback.
>This gig is and always has been a side hustle for 95% of the women out there
Imagine a “side gig” that permanently destroys your body and reputation.
Your point being?
It’s no side gig honey. Big cuties dot com lists her as “retired”.
Selling their lard by the pound was the career.
Retirement was supposed to be one of you SIMPs wifing her up so she doesn’t have to pay for Arbys by photographing her circa 1970s era ass.
when did LisaLou go back on the market? I’ll slurp up her aging milk
I'm probably taking the bait here, but not being able to understand the difference between "retired from BigCuties" and "retired from the workplace" is a whole new level of bbwchan autism. If we're still talking about MsFatBooty, I follow her on Feabie and she's posted selfies from her office and done plenty of bitching about her job.
>delusional incel screaming into the void
I don't understand men who don't find older women attractive as they age. The best thing about growing old for me is that the range of women I find attractive grows wider.

I used to find MFB repulsive but honestly now that she's 40 and even fatter, she's finally hot to me
“If your not married to a 40 year old ssbbw model you’re an incel” is the gayest shit I’ve ever read.
Someone allegedly saw her on tinder but that’s pretty much the extent of my knowledge. Wasn’t really aware she had a partner or went through a breakup to begin with
LisaLou? Chubby Chiquita? Neither of whom are retired or looking old ? I’m so confused lol. Chloe looks old cause she lost weight. Referring to Adeline as deflategate made me chuckle though lol. Poor guy married a beige hot air balloon with no air.
What are you talking about, CC looks like she's 39 because she has eight million health problems and lets the internet stress her out. Lisa Lou lost a lot of youth points after she dyed (stopped bleaching?) her hair. I think she looks gr8 tho.
Best years are behind the lot of them. Most don’t look so healthy anymore, weird diabetic liver spots and thin oily hair.
Roxxie and Dankii are the only models over the last decade still dating the guy who fattened her up.
It’s been way too long so I could be wrong but I think dankii and that jacked dude’s relationship began during her modeling run, as in when she was already huge. Don’t think she ever really did the whole feedee thing either but again my memory’s a bit fuzzy.
Y’all are being dramatic. Chloe and Lisa look fine. Roxxie, like boberry just got lucky with genetics; they’re pushing 40 and both look amazing. And may I remind you that does NOT happen with thin women. FatMissT isn’t even old (25? 26?) and she look on the brink of death. Adeline (32? 33?) probably won’t make it that far past 40; losing 200 pounds won’t save you when you started af 700. The human heart isn’t designed to pump blood through 500 pound bags of skin.
It's funny how it's wildly accepted that becoming morbidly obese is *very much* a young woman's game, but whenever you bring it up in those circles you get called a creep. They all look like they start melting at 26 because they unsurprisingly stop taking care of themselves. They'll scream they aren't death feedists until they realize that working out is hard then try to tap into that market. I'm interested to see if Chubbychiquita starts highlighting and embracing her health issues, thinning hair, aging features, for the people who are willing to pay for it once she comes back.
i am literally begging you to shut the fuck up about me, is being run off social media not enough for you??
>>45257 inb4 "stop looking", everytime someone says something about me on this website i get 20 relevant dms telling me to kill myself or asking me if im okay. the hair thing is hard water btw, thanks for causing so much harassment i had my pipes fixed
Don't know what to tell you dude. Can't stop people from talking about their observations. Chill out?
are you a sociopath or something? im asking you specifically to stop fueling harassment against me, when it clearly causes me extreme distress. i am medically incapable of chilling out. and id rather look 40 than be completely devoid of empathy
Dude she's not going to fuck you.
Probably a larp
No one is going to believe me, but I have a friend whose brother's coworker briefly dated ChubbyChiquita. He said that on their first date they went to a restaurant and she ordered two different bowls of soup and mixed them together one spoonful at a time before eating both bowls mixed together as one soup.
I believe this more than the other guy
fyi this is a copypasta, not an actual accusation against cc lol
I'm a beliebieber
> and id rather look 40 than be completely devoid of empathy
No you wouldn’t. These 40 year old blimps are not moving so hot.
Were fucking them, not racing them. Who gives a shit about how well they get around?
Watching this back on coomer rn. Will update you all if she says anything of interest.
Couple quick hits: blaming the marks on sharp corners on her counters lmao. Uhh I'm not saying she's entirely full of shit but she's saying she developed a vague "condition" where she can't really move? She's now saying she won't answer questions about it, not about her weight, etc.

Scrubbed through the rest because it was mostly boring Q/A about music and video games and shit. She's still over 750 pounds but not really intentionally gaining, playing the usual "if it happens it happens" game you always see when girls start to realize they've made a huge mistake. She keeps saying she has SO MANY IDEAS FOR CONTENT!! that we all know we'll never see
Re: dankii, is she still present online anywhere? A lot of those early-mid era bombshells girls vanished before the sex work/onlyfans boom we’re in now. Sunny’s one I think about a lot too.
Dankii got bigger after she stopped modeling but legit wants nothing to do with it now. Hates being objectified and such. To answer >>45623, she's on IG as sageandsour but you're not going to find much aside from a lot of social justice stuff.
Jeeeesus she still looks incredible. Dynamite curves for a woman her size.
Quick scan of her IG and you get a wall of Palestine activism posts followed by some fat activism, and if you keep scrolling she does show her body and she does look bigger. She looks amazing, seems insufferable
Bet she’s a Muslim or something.
First CC now this. Guess we can’t have nice things.
I looked at her IG a while ago and saw a thumbnail that said "Palestine and Fat Activism" or something similar, and I just had to close out.

CC's Muslim? Everything about her is haram.
I guess she felt compelled to say something since the narrative usually goes "You're defending Palestine? You know they would be hateful towards you because you're fat" (usually I've seen this used against anyone LGBTQ, but I guess they hate fat people too?
Eh independent of her activism she’s always been bizarrely kind of stuck up and aloof. Her only real piece of lore besides dating the muscle bro was that really weird video she put out as a joke where she pretended to be into him only for his body. Anybody else remember that? I think she was trying to lampoon fat fetishism or make some kind of statement about people objectifying her. I don’t really know how she ever thought modeling was a good idea since this is clearly a big hangup for her.
Eh, maybe. I could see it as a wasting resources issues. But squaring Fat Activism with kids having their heads blown up is extremely wild to me.
I think a lot of women who model end up breaking from being under a lense, and criticised all of the time. At first it seems liberating, but all of the shit that made them uncomfortable prior to modeling never gets resolved. I understand, but at the same time this isn't a job for everyone. You're effectively signing up to be some sort of gooner court jester.
Oh, nvm, I misread what you said. Maybe. I should probably watch the video lmao.
100%. I’ve criticized a lot of models on here over the years but you’ll never hear me say this is an easy job or lifestyle, especially for fat women.
If it’s not an easy job why are so many models lazy assholes?
>she's on IG as sageandsour
This takes me to the page of a clothing brand, is there a different spelling? "Sourandsage" and "sagensour" don't work either.
Yup. I think most women go into it expecting easy money and don't understand how emotionally draining it's going to be.
That and I don't think people realize how much you have to hustle on top of being called a piece of shit. Like, clearly a lot of these women have *issues* (who doesn't), but it's all exacerbated by the fact that they cater to a largely unwelcoming demographic. At the end of the day they're still "ugly fat bitches." No amount of body positivity mantra can get rid of that.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these women start getting on ozempic and other weight loss meds.
But also I firmly believe that if you cannot handle the heat then just stay out. That's why I don't understand why people like CC keep coming back. "Okay you keep getting burned and upset, at this point it's kinda on you."
A lot of these women have no idea how much scrutiny they're going to be under. Anyone who thinks this is just a gig to shake their ass and eat some cake is in for a rude awakening when they have to interact with their base. It's not even the vitriol, it's the love-bombing and creepy advances from dozens a day if you make a splash.

Dankii didn't leave because she was hated, she left because it was an overwhelming amount of creepy people wanting to see more and more of her. Frankly the ones that are able to distance themselves and not be as interactive have the right idea, but it takes years to develop that mindset. Can't fault anyone for thinking they have the guts for all that attention.
I’d argue it’s only gotten worse since dankii and the lost generation of BigCuties alluded to earlier all cashed out and left. Porn/sex work is more lucrative but way more parasocial now.
Sunny, as I recall, dipped out because she was getting too big to work her daytime job. I wanna say she was a hairstylist and it was fucking with her knees? She got WLS or just dropped a lot of weight QUICKLY towards the end of her Bombshells run. As a horny idiot teen learning she had a life outside being massively obese and naked on the internet was a reality check.
That’s on her man. If mine was fat enough to grind her knees to dust, I sure as hell wouldn’t let her work a job like that.
Have you considered that possibly she wanted to be a hairdresser more than a fat model on the Internet? Where is this "let her" shit coming from, do we need to send a DV specialist to your crack den of a house?
Who aspires to be a hairdresser? Most of these girls, their size is their meal ticket. Let’s be honest. And what’s wrong with thinking a woman should only work if she wants to?
A lot of people aspire to be hairdressers? Are you okay?
It doesn't even need to be a lot of people, just anyone really. She was in Oklahoma, dude.
You're right, I just mean it's a wild question. It's almost like it's an entire industry that has a relatively low entry point. God forbid people enjoy their jobs, lol.
> like imagine if she was your mom
Imagine all the macrosoma and genetic damage. Imagine inheriting her genes.
Whatever happened to Scarlett/French Pear aka 2greeneyez on IG? Seems her IG is inactive, yet she’s got one of the biggest followings of ssbbw models
Ik I would. Jenni and Valerie are 2 of the best. Does anyone know why they never collabed? I mean they both even separately collabed with Brie Brown ffs. Anyway, Jenni made a brief comeback a couple years ago. Looked even better than what she did before. What’s up with the Bombshells models stopping their modeling/adult content yet gaining even more weight or at least staying huge? Jenni, Diva, Barbie, etc and here I thought Diva wanted to lose weight after her modeling career but now she’s way bigger
does anyone know the back stories for @599.to.damnshesfine and @quirkyloverosee / fatrosephoenix/rosejadegw?

i know they're not directly related and i also know rose had some cross over with ivy/reenaye circles?
I feel like Valerie simply wasn’t around that long tbh? She’s one of the more memorable non-bombshell/bigcuties from that era but I feel like she hung it up relatively quickly.
do not quote me on this but I remember hearing on Dims or some place like that she was either married to a rich/prominent lawyer or worked in the legal field, presumably as a paralegal, etc. I'll admit she's always been on my pipe dream comeback wishlist too but there's no way she hasn't been chopped up by WLS or ozempic by now, she's just got that energy about her
Sometimes that’s the appeal. The desperation and debasement. Getting fatter in hopes of earning enough to cover WLS. It’s a tightrope.
Years after her retirement I remember seeing a personal pic (from FB, I think) where she was maybe half her peak size. A few years later I saw another where she'd plumped up maybe halfway again. Not sure whether she lost weight with WLS or the old fashioned way, but this was before GLP1s were around.
Heard she can get much bigger then that jesus.
Julie Ginger spread STD
Kelly Kay is a child abuser
Kelly Kay, Boberry, Caitidee, BBBXL all textbook narcissists. Seems like a high proportion of ssbbws have some type of pathology
What’s up with that? Do they think they need to compensate because of how fat they are?
If they derive pleasure from excessive food, it makes sense they'd do from excessive attention.
Being mentally ill is a prerequisite for being SSBBW level fat. No sane and in control person lets themselves go to that extreme, even if they genuinely get off on being fat.
(69 KB, 1276x350, Capture.PNG)
Is any woman in this community not mentally ill?
Oh yeah Renee too, I completely forgot about her. Her mental instability and hyper toxicity, even by this community's standards, have been an open secret for a couple years now. It doesn't surprise me to learn that Ivy is jealous too, though. Makes me wonder if a lot of the nasty comments in newer models' threads over in /SSBBW are older, jealous models...
What exactly has she done? I only hear complaints about her acting in videos and that she embellishes her weight. I wouldn’t put it past a woman like that to act terribly, though. These girls are all driven by id. gotta feed those base needs by any means necessary, and all.
Jesus Christ, if anything this makes me like reenaye more
You’re right, and that’s something more people/everyone in this community should admit. We all find ssbbw attractive but they have screws loose to willingly fatten themselves up to such inconveniencing often painful proportions that make them essentially walking lard
Honestly this is a major generalization by me but I can't help it, the first thing I think when watching some deprived feedist porn is "there's no way this girl has a relationship with her parents"
Right, isn't trysts like a nurse
every time, tbh it gave me a chuckle, happy for hm though
My guess is that it has to do with bad business practices given how many models they've had falling outs with over the years.
I hear some of the 2010s prime big cuties fucked Hunter Biden
Sounds plausible, but there are plenty who’ve done that. Off the top of my head I can think of BBBXL and Gaining Gabi who did that. Hell, Kelligrl took money and ran.
The porn is mostly to supplement disability and child support payments. These women are neither physically or mentally capable of much sellable labor.
They’re not excited about selling their bodies as internet streetwalkers, or as some bizarre carnivalesque spectacle for us mentally ill fetishists to gawk at.
That tracks. Ssbbw tend to be huge animal lovers, pun not intended
True, but when it comes to Ivy and Reenaye it's like a half of dozen people or maybe more, it seems like they only models they get along with are the skinny ones.
BBB is the only girl I remember who has been explicitly called out by another model, Brianna, for this kind of stuff. I feel like it's actually pretty rare for anyone to air that kind of business-centric dirty laundry in this scene (was the LisaLou/Caitidee beef personal or business??). I can't remember it happening to Reenaye at all but this place is always looking for something new to bitch about with her, and I say that as someone who isn't a huge fan or anything.

lol if this were true it would be the one thing that would make Hunter rock even more
It was personal. CaitiDee was calling LisaLou racist but then Roxxie defended LisaLou saying CaitiDee had a history of doing that
Does anyone have anything on Do Sirena Del Mar aka daniam1123 on IG?
True, and I would take it a step further and say that since they aren't capable of producing value for the economy, then money they make doing sex work shouldn't be taxed. No SSBBW model should be held down by taxes and they should all be automatically exempt once they pass 400 pounds. Boberry should still pay taxes though since her prices are way too high
Did any of the popular pear ssbbw with huge butts ever have work done to their butts, like bbl or whatever?
Apparently she's just extremely, comically trashy and mean
I wouldn't put this on the SSBBW part as much as the fact that you gotta be a little screwed up to do any sort of "sex work" of this kind; not just the gaining part. That an OF whore is a weirdo is expected; some are just bad
90% of ssbbw sized women are eating as a mental illness or to cope with a mental illness.

Half are that weird kid from school who really really wanted to fit in with the normies, but was somehow oblivious to being 3x their size.

The other half are that kid sitting by themselves eating 5 Lil Debbie’s from the vending machine waiting for their grandparents picks them up from aftercare.
She doesn’t have a “gets work done” vibe about her IMO. Too earthy crunchy
Attention. That's the goal. Same thing happened with Jazzy Pear - she wasn't always showing skin or showing off her ass but one day she started and never went back.
I understand. She could at least have an IG sub tho. That seems like the precursor to an OF or at least a lighter version of OF
It's part of human DNA that women like to show themselves off and men like to look at them.
Sure but her and similar women are basically posting softcore porn on their media pages and missing out on chance to cash in
Yeah but it's like making your hobby your job. Once there's money on the line your fans become your boss, not as fun.
Plus she lives in Nowhere, PA and by all evidence doesn't make a lot of money. She's not flying to LA and paying five figures out of pocket for butt implants.
Her early modeling looked a lot like hipster NY 2010 types. I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried the big city money scene and got burnt by finance bros before becoming a backwoods hippy.
That works nicely into my other fantasies about her.
It feels like in a lot of online communities I've been part of (specifically gaming), niggas could be into lolis, furries and even traps without anyone batting an eye, but as soon as someone says they like fat girls, people go nuts and treat the person like a degenerate weirdo. Anyone else see the same?
(516 KB, 527x448, stand_by_your_girl.png) (795 KB, 1024x576, just jealous.png)
>Anyone else see the same?
no. your personal trauma is not representative of your entire cohort. if something like this happens to you, you could think about the insecurities you radiate.

if you don't have the courage to be clear about your preferences, you will be judged by other people's standards.
Nah, this wasn't something I said. I'm very much a show, don't tell type of guy but I had one friend who was (and is) VERY talkative about his preferences and people treated him like he was some complete freak of nature for a time.
Moralistic people are those who have the most to hide.
>crazier than loli and furfags online
Never seen that before. Worst is other degenerates trying to crab their way up using you as a hold.
>wasn’t something I said, show not tell
Having a hard time picturing this. So you posted an IRL girl you’re with to a purely online “friend” group?
So you’re on a furry and loli discord sharing channel or something? Why the fuck else are you and apparently everyone else posting your particular proclivities in a group like that lol.
Either way you sound like your over sharing and should stop expecting beings of the internet like pedos and furfag friend groups to respond reasonably or gracefully to anything that isn’t furfag or pedo apologetics.
Really just seems like you’re in a pretty gay situation all around, for no reason what so ever.
Is there a reason normies are weirded out by ourselves reveling in the greatest hyped medical epidemic in human history?
Do other fetishes operate by turning their beloved into a disabled, disgusting, unhealthy and increasingly morbid state?
No offense, but we’re basically vampires.
Perhaps you're a vampire -- but I just happen to like fat girls.
Who leaves their kids in the crib all day only shitty moms even when healthy
What percent of people here date women that *want* to be fat.
You’re taking advantage of people disabled by their disease.
Stuff her up. We need huge tits on her & her asshole deep in dark musky smell. Screaming usher new album
What are you talking about?
So what's your solution? Should fat people be shunned and excluded from society as not to take advantage of their disability by maintaining interpersonal relationships with them?
> Should fat people be shunned and excluded from society
No, it’s the fat fetishists that society wants to shun to protect the disabled and diseased.
The convo started with: “Why normies are weirded out by us.” You’re just being dense.

Nobody has ever been weirded out by me, not that I know of ...
I think he means we get no love in general. BBWs don't want to be "fetish objects" and the rest of society calls us enablers.

As usual this is mostly on the macro/online level. One to one I agree, after high school no one has ever given me shit for being an FA. A few times I even got props for it.
You're quite right, that's just what I meant and what also seems to be algeribro's standpoint in >>46490.

The problems that seem to exist froma a macro/online perspective is what I would call a non-issue. They are purely virtual and have no impact whatsoever on the reality anybody who doesn't let them affect their state of mind.

Remember: We call real whatever doesn't go away if we ignore it. And that's what counts. Everything else is just what we make of it.
Not to contradict what I said yesterday, but in this era we've seen many ideas (good and bad) make the leap from virtual to RL as people internalize them thanks to constant online exposure.

But I am saying that for me, in my circle, at this moment, the online discourse over fat and my own day to day life have nothing to do with each other. At worst I'm considered a harmless weirdo, which is accurate lol.
Online opinions are what people say about you behind your back.
No one calls out a fat fetishist but I’m sure we’re all joked about behind our backs, as are our fat wives and girlfriends.
100%. It's not that people are more racist online, just that there are few to no consequences when they express how they really feel.

Anway I talk shit about friends and everyone else behind their back, too. They can have at it as long as they respect me and my SO face to face.
How is that the Mercedes bbw clips such as their facesitting videos never get leaked? Clips from other sites get leaked all the time but I never see Mercedes facesitting clips get leaked.
Man that site has been around forever and Mercedes has just never had an eye for actually making good content. My best guess is that the piracy community just doesn’t care?
i can't say much about the facesitting content.

but in general i agree that too much of mercedes stuff is dominated by the same old
"model in mercedes-shirt and ugly underwear, standing in front of an ugly couch or kneeling on the couch, always seen from the back, shaking her ass from side to side".

also very annoying: the videos and photo sets are often recorded simultaneously, so the photo flash and click noises are constantly distracting the video scene. sometimes you can even see the photo guy walking in front of the video camera. really amateurish stuff for a "professional" content maker.

and all that uninspired low value content comes at hefty price and with a weird old web site.
Bingo. It’s like an even trailer trashier BigCuties knockoff. I will say I appreciate how many absolutely enormous women she works with but she presents them in such a dull, low effort, monotonous way.
Night. Cant go
Not her dad she dont care lol
this is key tbh. I've openly dated mostly bigger women since high school and outside of a few "hey I get it bruh" exchanges with friends nobody ever says shit. I know my experience isn't everybody's but generally speaking people really don't care if you fuck fat chicks.
So did we drive ChubbyChiquita off? Shame if that's what happened
she's locked all her social media and hasn't updated her OnlyFans or LoyalFans in over a month so I don't think it's unlikely that she's quit (or at least doesn't return for some months).
At this point I wonder if someone is keeping track of all the models that quit because of this site
Did she get doxxed again?
Anyone know what happened to ssbbwcaitb? She deleted her insta and feabie. Bummer honestly, I really liked the shape and size of her belly.
It was earlier in this thread she got upset about the Zionst stuff I think
No one actually quit because of this site.
We think CC is brave enough to be known in public as a 300+ pound glutton but quit modeling because she was called a wafflestomper and Zionist by trolls she encouraged and interacted with?
Maybe they just got a sugar-daddy/bf who doesn’t like parading his livestock around the internet.
CC is a cool chick and I feel bad that she got doxxed all those years ago and has to monitor places like this to make sure it doesn't happen again, especially since the schizos and maladjusted Kisame types tend to gravitate towards ganging up on her. That's it. I've said my piece.

Can anyone confirm some of the stuff about Kellie Kay in her /ssbbw thread? That she dropped the weight and quit modeling to take in her sister's kids (which I'd commend her for of course)? I'm fairly plugged in and I never heard that until today.
I have some Facebook friends in the scene and outside of a couple outliers any model of note keeps her personal socials on lock, for good reason. The one hilarious example of an outlier I am willing to share because she seems like a fucking idiot is Sadie, who has a personal page with what I presume is her real last name, tons of pics of her enormous ass and her BigCuties preview images everywhere, and a friends list full of every desperately horny stranger named Mohammed and obvious spam bot possible. Don’t get the impression the girl’s playing with a full deck.

Imagine believing that this site (that can barely stay afloat and is constantly being target by CP trolls) has so much influence that they can make a model quit.
I've seen discussions around Sadie about this sort of thing and it reaffirms my suspicions every time. The usual takeaway is due to her camera presence and over-editing and almost cluelessness to what people want to see from her (save for a win every now and then), it's been suspected she has a form of autism. But then again, given her online presence even with her personal accounts, she might just be an airhead or dummy. Still would love some confirmation from that one Anon that supposedly knew her in high school for being an insecure fatass - diamond in the rough, gossip like that.

Those aspects aren't mutually exclusive to each other. I've seen my fair share of girls take down their online presence because some people tapped the glass a little too hard.
I think she’s just an unaware dummy even by fat fetish model standards lol. There’s an older BC vid where she’s walking around a house and you see two people who are presumably her parents in the background for a couple seconds. It’s BIZARRE.
Eh, it's not the site it's the people. At the same time I don't know why a model would willingly entertain the bullshit if she's not getting something out of it. She's said herself that she likes going back and forth with trolls, so idk why she takes it so seriously.
Sadie is dumb but I also think she’s a troll. No way she doesn’t know people want to see her giant ass. The amount of times she just hides it or teases it without showing it is infuriating. Dae think she’s more awkward the older she gets? I guess she’s always been kind of camera shy or whatever but she seemed more happy in her 20s than her 30s.
She may be dumb but I don’t think she’s struggling to form sentences dumb like I’ve seen some people say about certain ssbbw (Randalin and BBBXXL off the top of my head) lol but i could be wrong. Do you have that weird Sadie video? Tbh I think that Tofu guy made Sadie weirder than she already was. He seems like a weird guy. No way he doesn’t fuck some of those porn stars he works with yet Sadie either supports it or seems too weak to do anything bout it

>>I've seen my fair share of girls take down their online presence because some people tapped the glass a little too hard.

That doesn't necessarily mean that this site is the direct cause, especially when there are other bbw sites out there that are just as toxic.


>>She's said herself that she likes going back and forth with trolls, so idk why she takes it so seriously.

Because she's used to simps kissing her ass that when a real back and forth will a group of trolls happens, she ends up can't taking what she dished out. Just like Nadya who tried showing up here and ended up getting shut down after that one guy made fun of her nose.
They like engaging with trolls when it fulfills their white feminist fantasy’s of totally owning a conservative incel troll online.
When it turns out their politics are pretty “blah middle of the road moderate” who likes 1900s gender norms, whose dream relationship is to property of a rich white sugardaddy, and who wallow in white/light-skinned privledges in pornography… it’s a blow to their victim complex and narcissistic worldview.
>why they don’t season they people
Randalin and BBB are like DUMB DUMB. Like never left their small town, scraping by with their GED type dumb. Sadie is just a gawky weird Jewish chick imo. as discussed earlier Echo gives me autism vibes
off the top of my head, trysta is a veterinarian, Ellie worked for Mary kay beauty supply, heather had a background in something like computer science or electronics before starting bigcuties. pleasantlyplump either used to or still does phone sex.
oh but the funniest one by far is that Layla is allegedly in law school, which means Australia has a crazy low bar to get in, or she's just really good at playing a sloppy dumb broad on camera
Is she still in law school? She first mentioned it YEARS ago. I don't think she even lives in Australia anymore.
She vacations a lot, was in DC and Boston within the last year or so, hangs out with GilbertGrapesMom. I seeeeem to recall her mentioning something about moving elsewhere but I could be wrong
Anyone with an IQ over 90 and a 5th grade reading level could get into law school.
Doubly so if their strayan. Is she an alcoholic by the way?
I wonder if my lawyer is any good… oh look here’s a video of her drunk and eating until she pukes everywhere
She’s Jewish, greed and unlikeable— she’d make a great lawyer.
>>47196 "Dawg I'm going to jail bro"-type
It's been pointed out here so many times before, and I've said it too, but I've met several models in person (dated one for years, we broke up and I way prefer non-sex-worker fatties now), and was blown away at how stupid... EVERY single one was. With zero exceptions. Every model I've met has been stunningly, bafflingly unintelligent.

Met Sadie at one of Heather's parties once... the rumors are true. Nothing going on up there. Head's completely empty.

Never met BBB or Randalin but you can see in BBB's trailers on clips4sale that she literally can't form sentences. The models I met aren't that dumb, like they can speak in sentences, but they are all, by far, the dumbest people I've ever met.

>>Is she still in law school?

I'm positive she dropped out before completing the first year. Law school is notorious for being mentally/financially draining. She wouldn't have gotten huge if she was actually in school.

Another sign that she lied is how consistent her output has been. No way she'd have time to be a model full time while being a student for those 3 years.
Want to hear more stories from Heather's fat girl parties if you have any. There's always someone in these threads saying they were fun but never much in the way of details.

To add to this, we would've heard about an extremely obese woman being a lawyer by now.
I briefly dated/hooked up with two smaller time models (nobody crazy popular but two names everyone in here would recognize at least) and spent some time in the community in 2017-19. I had some huge missed opportunities and regret not being sluttier during that time but then I remember all these chicks are into like crystals and reiki, all that horse shit, and then I don’t feel so bad about it anymore
Fat Brain is real
But what if the stupidity was part of the appeal? You jonesing for intellectual conversation once the plates are licked clean and you’ve pulled out?
There are three reasons a woman would end up a 400 pound sex worker:
1) mental illness
2) poverty mixed with mental ilness.
3) fetish for it (probably bore out of abuse related to #1 and/or#2)

Most are dirt poor women or mentally ill middle class women who used food as a coping mechanism and spiraled out of control.
What made Sadie seem dumb to you?
What’s that?
Only ppl from long island say " whats that? " tell on ur self more
she got married and had a kid within the last year and a half or so. friend of a friend of the guy. seems like it happened quick but they're happy. take my word she's not coming back.
Anything on Plump Pixie or Chelsea Higley? Both had chan pages which got removed of course. Pixie has an OF but seemingly no coomer page. Pixie apparently has sex tapes but they’re expensive af. Higley supposedly going to start a podcast soon. Wondering if they do meet ups or request videos
Found all of it on 4chan. Us hackers steal content then upload there. Alot of disloyal women out there. And I have it all waiting to dox them if they keep it up

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