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And I thought I couldn't support Israel more than I already did.
Nah, fuck em. Drive them back into the sea.
>>39129 (OP)
I knew a fat Israeli chick in college, who’d come to the US right after IDF service. I assumed she’d put the weight on after discharge but she showed me a photo of herself in uniform and, nope.

Anyway yeah, it’s war folks. People get killed, including babies because it can’t be won cleanly even if the enemy doesn’t put missile launchers in preschools. Ask Japan. That’s why sane people avoid it at all costs, rather than forcibly enlisting your people into an Islamic death cult. Who thinks they’re gonna kick 7m people out of their own country by being big enough PITAs. And after 75 years yeah, it’s theirs.

Says European occupier of Uthuru.
And i didnt think Pigs were Kosher!
I honestly don't pay attention to the war since it's a distraction from inflation and the economy. Mollie Hemingway looks better than the average Jewish woman. The right making their breeding cows from the Midwest into lawyers was the best idea.
>Palestine larper
Actually lmao
>>39129 (OP)
Aren't the fat marines dedicated to complex artillery, requiring mathematics in order to launch missiles?
>>39129 (OP)
I've never seen an attractive israeli
The fat USS Alabama types tend to be the ones who launch missiles. That's mostly due to eating McDonald's. Otherwise, many of them are skinny cause of the training they undergo
Where the fuck is their fat? Gtfoh with that shit

Imagine having so much brain damage that a tub of blob is the only thing that'll get you hard.
20+ BMI points too thin for me too. My point was that Israelis aren't ugly. Or at least no uglier than any other country, including Italy.
>>39129 (OP)
SHALOM goyim.

The absence of dramatic hook noses and other degenerate deformities present in the semetic people's tells me that these women have been genetically enriched with other genes over years.
I'd defo fuck #1 and #3, though.
Being an exclusive chubby chaser is a mental illnesd
I'm not the mouth-breathing retard that posted 3 headshots of thin women to a bbw imageboard. Both of you should get the rope.
When WW3 starts and we go back to conscription, there will be news about how terribly unfit the average person in their 20s is nowadays compared to last time we were drafting people. Times will be tough but I look forward to getting a good nut in over that.
No you're the mouth-breathing literal retard who totally missed the point and now doubles down as if that'll get rid of your extra chromosome.

It's already happening. Army recruiters are freaking out over how many enlistees are too out of shape to even start basic training.
>>unironically posts gal gadot, most cringe person in hollywood, as example of sexy isreali

You may as well have posted amy schumer
Kisame here. I thought I was done playing MAGA Marine supporter. The recruiters should be angry at Biden since the president doesn't want us Trump people even though the 200lbs guys can do the heavy lifting
Fine. Tuberville is blocking confrontations so the military is made up of 20 hour fat boomers who get heart attacks. They're afraid of getting Senate hearings and perjure themselves into prison like Trump's bulldog.
Jews are genetically diverse, except some ultra Orthodox who are fucked like any other fundamentalists. Not saying the hook-nosed charicature you describe doesn't exist, but so do pig-faced Saxons and anemic, chicken-faced Anglos. Most of us aren't beautiful, whatever ethnicity. Beautiful people are beautiful in part because they're rare.

And yes, we're the degenerates who dominate just about everything that matters in modern society, despite our tiny numbers and 2,000 years of genocide and discrimination. Meanwhile white people here in the US get poorer, dumber, and more disenfranchised every year, then blame everyone but their lazy entitlement.

Thing is, we're not genetically superior — otherwise we'd dominate sports as well. (Overreliance on sports for access to higher education has misled 3 generations of African Americans at this point... another story.)

We just work hard, keep a close eye on our finances, and prioritize education as well as strong family and community ties. Meanwhile "goyim" (a word only anti-semites and Jews over 70 use these days) fall for the same self-defeating fascist clownshow, over and over, where a substitute father figure tells them they're superior and so they believe it. Rather than doing the hard work to actually be that way.

Go to a Jewish house and 9/10 it'll be filled with books and report cards with straight As tacked to the fridge, rather than guns, high fructose corn syrup, and football participation trophies. Goyim should be taking notes, not cooking up Dan Brown or alien lizard conspiracies.

tl;dr: Scratch an anti-semite, find a bitter underacheiver.
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Kisame here. I argue getting rid of science fiction or rather the alien stories made things boring. I say this because Republicans lost 2023 elections because they kept targeting the monster romance and alien stories that readers love. The debate also dropped in viewership because Vivek and Christie keep belittling conservative women on abortion which made Ron and Nikki Haley look normal. Meanwhile Trump is winning because he only had Bannon and Stone as his two points guy.

Fascists let Char have McDonald's cause it stops Zeon from dropping meteors on Earth. Meanwhile Japanese strongmen like Goku and Vegeta still lose to a furry with a vore fetish at the peak of their power cause they don't let their 129lb, 5'4 Saiyans eat. Even Kagome is fatter cause she eats at McDonald's.

The problem I have with Judaism is that they don't want Superman having fun or Cyclops in Street Fighter and keep replacing them with copies. Even DB shows evil Goku eating a giant fruit full of antioxidants that give him a boost in strength.
>tl;dr: Scratch an anti-semite, find a bitter underacheiver.
Explains Israels Islamic neighbours then. They've watched a small bit of desert become a fully functioning and contributing country after the Jews arrived whilst they remained stagnant reminiscing about the glory days of the Islamic empires.
African Americans don't really dominate the sports in public and private institutions. If the did, the Eagles, 76sers, Raiders, Jets, Lakers wouldn't be losing the Patriots, Tom Brady, Peyton and Eli Manning.

Muslims tend to put more effort into sciences like engineering in addition to sports. Saudi Arabia is just a shopping mall while Afghanistan is one big countryside government center. Muslim just have the personality of the Menendez brothers.
I don't know what you mean. The counterculture movement was a literary Jewish movement born out of the slums that strictly adhered to a frugal way of life while bringing back the jazz age of the 1920s. The upper middle class Jews like Theodore Adorno fled Europe during the fight against Germany in WWII. Adorno hated popular music and demanded classical music. Eventually, modern academia in Europe and America got fed up with him while started questioning his teachings. More specially he questioned WWII veterans who wanted to fight in the Korean War and stop China. Jew boy forgot that nobody likes that gay California accent Patton had or that wussy Massachusetts Macarthur had. This is why us far righters do the Samurai and Meiji things as opposed to the suicidal and meth addled Nazis
Kisame here. I don't know where the anti-Semitism is coming from. All those posters are either put on Hempstead Turnpike, Jericho Turnpike, or some kosher restaurant off Sunrise Highway. I doubt the private lines operating at 50 mph to clear the border or Sunrise Mall cares for the Hebrew Academy.
I think Jews tend to forget us far righters are speed demons drifting thru the Southern State to care. I think Jewish anon's beef is with the fat Turkish and Egyptian girl taking AP. I hear they make fat slavs fight bears out in the middle of Russia
Cool story bro but we're taking all your shit and you're going to an oblast in western siberia
I mean, sorry, but yeah. It's a culture that's perversely unsuited to post-Enlightenment reality. The choice seems to be medieval-modern kleptocracy or fundamentalist death cult. This has been playing out in Syria for 12 years and counting, the Assad Autocracy vs Islamists and democracy/reform advocates. And yeah yeah I know "whatabout" is supposed to be off the table, but it's astounding how you don't hear a peep about the ongoing civil war 30 miles from Gaza that's killed half a million people including 100k+ children. But oh right, it's Arabs killing Arabs so those precious babies don't count.

African Americans dominate on the field, period, and so a few hundred of them are doing great and hey, sometimes one of them opens a movie theater in a ghetto or funds a dozen scholarships. But the culture of quick money, materialism, and hero worship has killed their progress. They don't understand the way out of poverty and oppression is to crack a book and learn to code, not dunk a basketball or be able to rhyme "plane" with "lame" over an old R&B record. Not all but enough where their stats are pathetic compared to other minorities who keep passing them by, generation after generation. Racism is real and 400 years of slavery and apartheid is a motherfucker to overcome but it can be done. Not by investing in sneakers rather than real estate and advanced degrees.

Muslim countries had access to insane wealth by potentially dominating the most critical commodity of the last 100 years. They came close to realizing their power in the 70s but pissed it away because their culture and mindset is just fucked. And now the world is moving on to renewables.

They could be giving themselves a headstart in that regard too, but they're afraid to educate their own because educated people aren't into autocracies. And no Western scientist or entrepreneur wants to live where if they're female they can't go outside without their head covered and are harassed to the point of rape and beyond by every male in sight (Go visit a Muslim country. Any of them. I'll wait.) Or if they're gay they can't kiss their partner without being executed. Or if they're anyone they can't have a public political discussion or look at a boob without winding up in a prison torture chamber. All the deluxe shopping malls in the world can't make up for basic civil rights and the personal liberties we take for granted in a post-Enlightenment world. My Starbucks isn't 10,000 square feet with an indoor ski jump but the coffee is the same.

Which is why I hear a lot about scientific innovation from Western Countries and now Asia. Can't think of anything extraordinary that Muslim countries have done except build really tall buildings. Which is a sad metaphor in itself, erecting these glass and steel priapisms while they're completely impotent in controlling their own destinies.

Nah, at this point we're cockroaches. You'll stomp a few here and there but we've infested all aspects of modern existence to the point where we're not just indispensible; we own it — no conspiracy required. You have dopey college kids and Mother Jones hippies chanting "river to the sea" but every politician and business leader with any actual power is with us. Even if they hate Jews personally, they know Hamas is an evil death cult, not "freedom fighters" and Palestinians are fucked from 75 years of astoundingly awful leadership who sold them a mass delusion that there's a time machine to take them back to 1947.
Kisame here. Trump is on trial in the first place because he exaggerated his net worth to get on Forbes while pillaging the Trump Organization and banks to balance the books in the real estate. Without the exaggerations he'd be roughly around 2 billion. African Americans in the 21st Century are from small towns. When you remove public housing, many of them are middle class. The only reason Trump is not in trouble is because Fox News mislead their investors and black conservatives there by defrauding the state out of money. I say this cause the feds just raided Eric Adams cause he was taking foreign money as mayor.

Rappers are only the face cause nobody can understand the London accent these Boston urbanites have or that highbrow voice people from Connecticut have. I think people tend to forget the valley girl accent or surfer dude accent that Suburban blacks have. It's just recently that these Black mayors are investing in real estate, but that would require the Trump Organization or public works Republicans.
Me being black and smart is all about saving up for a car to invest in like a Mini Cooper or a Toyota Tacoma instead of getting forced to choose a boring Chevy Suburban like all the others
Typical nigger worshipping Conservakike.
Your takeaway is that I worship black people? Huh, thinking an actual black person reading this might be less than grateful.

Bigotry is more dangerous for the bigot than your targets, because it dulls your critical thinking and allows you to be led around by your nose like a cow. Jews are the devil/Blacks are subhuman is the drug you’ve been binging for how many generations… how’s it working out?
Wow. Y’all took the bait and ran with it, huh?
My initial response but I realized the Jews are the ones putting all the chemicals in food making people obese and they also control the media and promote fat acceptance. So we do owe them the support
Kisame here. I am French Black. I just don't have the mindset to understand nobility status.
They always do lmao
>>39277 So my take always from this are.
>Invest in education and critical thinking.
> Learn to manage money and invest and possible buy land.
>Develop strong family and community ties.
>Disregard victim hood and petty nonsense.
Do these steps with some hard work and you will succeed .
Kisame here. Not really. Restaurants are shutting down faster because the Greek and Jewish managers can't sell their imported goods to millennials who want casual dining. That and Biden's army of food safety inspectors spotted a rat. The no pets allowed regulations also means we can't use a cat. I argue post pandemic people don't want to be inconvenienced and want to make small talk with the staff to escape their empty office lives.
The problem is that journalists and their Jewish cohorts are too scared Trump is plotting Nazi America, which is undermine by how Germany mismanaged their resources during and after the war. I guess conserving resources are not in people's vocabulary
Nah that's fake. It's a a college student posing as a IDF. I know there's a lot of tough guys who humbrag about being in military but are unfit for service
Military service is compulsory in Israel.
Kisame here. The IDF is not that tough. It's reliant on military equipment from America and aid from Congress. It's like how Ukraine likes to act tough but needs the EU for aid. Israel is a company town.
Yup. I think I posted this earlier that I knew a fat Israeli girl in college (lesbo). I assumed she put on the weight after her military service but she showed me a pic of herself in training in the Negev and, nope, she was fat then as well.

Even if you can't scale a 20' wall they find something to do with you. 4'9" Dr. Ruth Westheimer was a sniper during the war for independence from the Brits.
New York is home to the simple kibbutz types who don't buy into Netanyahu's overheated rhetoric or political groups
Every Jew claims to not be a Zionist and hate Net-and-yahoo. Until proven otherwise I just assume all Jewish people are part of the same fucking hive mind and need to cover for each other in public because they depend on Americans feeling bad for them and giving them free guns. They hate that Israel basically justifies antisemitism and is single handedly bringing back the Nazi party because, someone has to stop them from killing everyone.
They’re just trying to steal the land from brown people and jack up the rent prices, same as they did in Brooklyn.
Mush-brained morons like you hardly need a justification to hate Jews, it’s a great place to park your fears and resentments. A group that’s ancient, high-achieving, semi-assimilated yet separate makes for juicy conspiracy theories. Keep believing them — please. It only helps us.

That said, Israel defending itself against Hamas, IJ, Hezbollah, and other fundamentalist Islamic terror groups is a great cope if you want to think you’re making a political statement with your hate. Soon the little girls and boys running around with their keffiyahs and PLO flags will get bored and move on to the next cause. Israel will continue to have the support of the West where it counts, and Muslim petroleum states as well (except Iran) because they know a stable, liberal, outward-looking democracy is a better bet than a psychopathic death cult.

Not sure what part of Brooklyn you live in but black and brown homeowners there have been cashing in like mad for 30 years now, making 1500% profits on their POS properties selling to yuppies. The Puerto Rican family this Jew bought his house from retired and moved to Florida with their windfall. Black and brown renters are fucked but that’s everywhere, including places where there are no Jews for 100 miles. Cultures that disparage education and worship quick, flashy money are doomed, unfortunately.

Anyway you can’t accuse us of elevating black and brown people to destroy white Christianity and then say we’re disenfranchising them as well. Make up your mind.
Seeing Eliza Allure's twitter being flooded with pro hamas disinformation, the usual twitter anti-white racism, overall anti-western narrative is fucking hilarious to me. Eliza, you fat retard, you're living the most western lifestyle imaginable. Keep your too-fucking-retarded-and-fat-for-a-real-job-so-became-an-e-whore mouth shut and stick to posting nudes.
She's not even that hot.
New York is now home to a large Muslim population below Hudson Valley. All the fundies fled to the Carolinas, the Dakotas, DC, Georgia or Texas
I knew it was fake. There's a lot of novelty army shops that sell this stuff in LI.
Fundies and their cohort the Haredim hate pornography because they think it's an invention of the Nazis, Communists, or Hollywood to corrupt the youth and make them disobedient. They rather fuck off to Texas, Utah, Arizona than be part of the trashy Portland-Seattle-Montreal-Los Angeles scene. They're okay with Vegas-Atlantic City, Upstate-New England-South Beach levels of debauchery tho.
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Jews have historically been abusive landlords in New York to black communities.
They’re just another group of ex-slave owning white peoples who for some reason get a chunk of my paycheck out of charity.
The second the us stops funding for this stingy trust fund apartheid state the second they’ll seek peace.
>They’re just another group of ex-slave owning white peoples who for some reason get a chunk of my paycheck out of charity.
How, exactly?
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US taxes fund their army you dipshit. God euro trash got dumb this decade.
You’d know a little about genocidal colonies wouldn’t you, inbred drunken Prussian scum.
Right, but that's Israel. Not all Jews. The Jews living in the next apartment building over are not affiliated with Israel, only in conflation.

This is why I'm not worried about the latte left taking down Israel. You're all shallow, whining, ADHD-afflicted veal calves who'll inevitably move on to the next "cause" in a few weeks.

>Jews have historically been abusive landlords in New York to black communities.

No group of white people have done more or sacrificed more for black civil rights. Fact.

That there are asshole landlords among us, well, Jews happen to own a lot of property in NYC, because there are a lot of us here, and we tend to punch beyond our strength economically. There are a lot of black people in NYC as well, you could say black people have historically been deadbeat, nightmare tenants. I can find you 1,000s of examples of it — I lived with black neighbors and can give you plenty myself — but there's nothing about being black that makes them that way, specifically.

>They’re just another group of ex-slave owning white peoples who for some reason get a chunk of my paycheck out of charity.

Jews did own slaves, and were shamefully pro-Confederacy as we made a lot of money off the cotton trade. But we owned them at a far lower rate than Christians, and even black people owned slaves so it's an assinine argument. The guy who said we're all ugly was on less shaky ground.

Far as your precious paycheck, by "they" you mean Israel, which is heavily subsidized by the US because it's the lone stable, liberal (small L) democracy in the Middle East, not to mention many business and personal ties between the two countries. It makes strategic sense, period. You sound like Trump who wanted to withdraw money to South Korea out of principle.

>The second the us stops funding for this stingy trust fund apartheid state the second they’ll seek peace.

Israel is not an apartheid state. The Arab citizens of Israel (30%) have full rights under the law. In practice there is hardcore discrimination against non-Jews (and non-white Jews), as there is against all kinds of minorities in all kinds of countries, like the USA. Apartheid was a system of discrimination and segregation that was the law in South Africa.

Israel is one of the most generous social welfare states on earth, and one of the largest net providers of humanitarian aid to other countries. Stingy, they are not.

If the US ever cuts them off trust me, they'll be fine. The state survived for its first 10 years through several wars with and blockades by neighboring Arab countries without any help. If necessary, US and European Jews will foot the bill as we did then.

Israel has sought peace with the Palestinians at least a dozen times, with plans on the table, since before they called themselves Palestinians. Yet from the rejection of the UN Partition in 1947 til Camp David in 2000 they've chosen war, and so war is what they got. It's really working out great for them. Wave that keffiyah!

It all boils down to one big problem: From the PLO through Hamas and Islamic Jihad, they have made it clear they'll settle for nothing less than every Jew out of Israel, which is not gonna happen. So the Palestinians will continue to die, and be poor and disenfranchised otherwise while they follow one corrupt, incompetent leadership after another. Anyone who'll promise them they'll all have 3br houses in downtown Tel Aviv if they just Believe (and sacrifice their children).

Because speaking of foreign aid, do you realize how much of it the PLO, PA, Fatah, Hamas, etc have squandered over the years? Enough where all 7 million of them should be living like Qataris, or Swiss. I'd laugh except their continued self-inflicted misery only means more dead Jews.
Kisame here. New York was founded by the Dutch as a trading and merchant post with the Indians. The wealthy landowners you talk about were Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson. Jews didn't arrive in NY until the late 20th Century.
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Jews like the confederacy because let's face it. Stonewall J and Robert Lee were better fighters than Nazis. Sure the confederates had slaves but they weren't Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, or Merryweather Lewis or Puritans. Puritans understood their women were high test Stacies so much that Ichabod Crane tries to marry the farmer's daughter. Lol at white supremacists who think Columbus and Cortez were conquistadors when they couldn't handle high test Aztec women
A lot of us small l liberals are the one keeping the checks and balances in the system despite voting for Trump. I am already medicated to deprive progressives their big glorious battle in the 2024 using homeopathy. So it's going to be whatever's left of the radical left beating up center left cops over something as trivial as the middle east.
No offense but the left is losing cause it treats culture war like an episode of Dragonball Z. You energy sensing tards are too scared to even throw a punch. My manager was right, it is dumb
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Geese, at least fact check your own racist white tears bitch boy.
A) “ No group of white people have done more or sacrificed more for black civil rights. Fact.”
Source? Because pretty much all abolitionists were Christian sects like the Quakers.
B) try James Balwdins 1967 essay: “ Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White” for facts.
C) “ it's the lone stable, liberal (small L) democracy in the Middle East”…
It’s an illiberal democracy and every scholar knows that you pig face vampire. Israel never really was anything but a fascist apartheid theocracy, so not really worth defending on moralistic humanity grounds.
F) Israel is an apartheid state. The Arab people are not afford the same luxuries like justice and equality under the law. Settlers are basically lynching crews that steal water and land with impunity.
G) Israel would be fucked without our generosity. You know the Jews are too stingy to fund their own genocide unless it’s ROI positive.
H) Seriously. The Jewish people are lucky to live off Christian’s charity and protection. Your just pawns in the white people race war, and your the lowest ranking pawns period. Enjoy being allied to white supremacy when they decide your not white anymore.
Kisame here. You are conflating quakers with the Mormons and Mennonites and Satanists who live in the East Coast along the Metro North and Amtrak lines.
Look, I like the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe too but even I admit that CS Lewis Christian allegory about British WWII era children fighting evil doesn't translate in today's economy.
>A) “ No group of white people have done more or sacrificed more for black civil rights. Fact.” Source? Because pretty much all abolitionists were Christian sects like the Quakers.

As I admitted, Jews have a pretty bad record in terms of slavery, which ended in 1864. However slavery ≠ the black civil rights movement, you dumb fuck, which began about 90 years later.

Read and learn:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_in_the_civil_rights_movement

>B) try James Balwdins 1967 essay: “ Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They're Anti-White” for facts.

There's plenty of truth in it, and I 100% agree the Jewish experience in America is in no way comparable to that of Black people. Though I'm baffled what you think it proves... It says that Jews and Blacks being shoved together as adversaries is not an indictment of Jews, but of white/Western oppression.

Like, check this out, from the essay: "If one blames the Jew for not having been ennobled by oppression, one is not indicting the single figure of the Jew but the entire human race, and one is also making a quite breathtaking claim for oneself."

Did you go to a 4-year college? Just curious, because your gross misinterpretation of Baldwin is classic Internet University idiocy. I'm not saying a college education is the end-all — plenty of dummies in college, and geniuses outside it — but it does teach one how to read critically, and you wind up learning a little about classical logic as well.

>C) “ it's the lone stable, liberal (small L) democracy in the Middle East”… It’s an illiberal democracy and every scholar knows that you pig face vampire. Israel never really was anything but a fascist apartheid theocracy, so not really worth defending on moralistic humanity grounds.

"Liberal," as a political term: "relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise."

Israel embodies those in all ways, as much as the US or any other Western Democracy. As for theocracy, there are no banned religions in Israel. In fact several Israeli founding fathers were actually atheists (as in the US, another discussion...).

>E) [You forgot E, because you're dumb]

>F) Israel is an apartheid state. The Arab people are not afford the same luxuries like justice and equality under the law. Settlers are basically lynching crews that steal water and land with impunity.

Ignorance or obstinance? Because you're talking about Palestinians, not Israeli Arab citizens. There's a difference. Gaza is not part of Israel at all (Israeli occupation ended in 2005) and the West Bank is occupied territory. I (likely) agree with you that the West Bank should -not- be occupied territory, that it should be part of an independent state. That's another discussion. As per this one however, Arabs there are not Israeli citizens and so do not enjoy the same rights. As do non-citizens in many if not most Western countries.

And yeah, settlers suck. They're Israel's achilles heel at this point both morally and tactically.

>G) Israel would be fucked without our generosity. You know the Jews are too stingy to fund their own genocide unless it’s ROI positive.

You nor I have no idea how fucked Israel would be. If you look at the early history of the country they succeeded with extremely slim odds.

The rest is boilerplate anti-Semitism, yawn. Polish people are dumb, the Dutch are cheap, Mexicans are lazy, etc. Just proves what an unthinking parrot you are and that classic Jew-hate is what's powering this "movement" rather than any actual concern for Palestinians. Thanks for the honesty, at least.

H) Seriously. The Jewish people are lucky to live off Christian’s charity and protection. Your just pawns in the white people race war, and your the lowest ranking pawns period. Enjoy being allied to white supremacy when they decide your not white anymore.

Lowest ranking? Pawns? Look at Wall Street, Hollywood, the news media, publishing, science, the arts, etc etc. We dominate in every one of these, well beyond our 2.4% share of the US population. If this is losing, please don't let us win.

Though you're right that we're honorary white at best and should always be aware of it. The Holocaust is far enough in the rear view where anti-Israel Jews in the US (i.e., linguine-spined lefties) think if they're nice enough that anti-Semitic groups from Hamas to Muskovite Replacement Nuts will leave them alone when the time comes. Plenty of Jews tried to play ball with the Nazis. They went to the camps too, just a few months later than the others.

Thus Israel not fucking around when it comes to groups like Hamas who state, in print, that their goal is to eliminate us from the earth. Never again indeed.
I’m here to troll. We’re in some ways closer than not but I find much of your position to be intentionally unexamined and pretending to be enlightened while couched in tribalistic brutality.
Idk whose dumb enough to argue the country with a two tiered legal system, whose official language is a religions and whose leadership talks about “preserving the Jewish character” isn’t a theocracy.
The settlers aren’t the Achilles heel of Israel, they’re more representative of Israel than Israel’s impotent left.
I think the world should look poorly on a country that flagrantly violates international law and allows their population to hate crimes for profit but hey, I’m a Christian, we have ethics.
And yes…look at Wall Street, the subprime mortgage industry, look at Hollywood/Recording industry black exploitation more industries the Jewish diapora used as an avenue to exploit Americas own apartheid population. Civil rights, genocide, exploitation… The supposed charity towards black people is just your own white savior complex showing.
Jewish people’s morality is based on what’s good business right now. They will offer you predatory loans or kill your family and steal their land depending upon what makes them a dollar.
>Jews dominate Wall Street and Hollywood
Whoah whoah whoah cool it with the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories there bro
Wall Street wants Nikki Haley. Deep down, bankers are closeted Tories
lol I meant demographically. There’s no conspiracy per se (or at least no one I’m part of).
>I’m here to troll.
Clearly, but okay.

>We’re in some ways closer than not but I find much of your position to be intentionally unexamined and pretending to be enlightened while couched in tribalistic brutality.

I admit I'm painting with a very broad brush to keep these comments from being longer than they are. And speaking of trolling, yes, I'm using the brutal, confrontational style of chans to get my points across in a direct and hopefully readable, entertaining way. I don't pretend to be enlightened. I'm no more brutal than my enemies — less in fact.

>Idk whose dumb enough to argue the country with a two tiered legal system, whose official language is a religions and whose leadership talks about “preserving the Jewish character” isn’t a theocracy.
*who's But anyway that would be me,

Again — the justice system is two-tiered based on citizenship, and that the West Bank is occupied territory in an ongoing conflict, not religion per se. It just shakes out that Palestinians are mostly Muslim (though there are a lot of Christians and other religions as well) while Israel is 74% Jewish. (I was wrong about 70% in my earlier comment.)

It's no different (or better, or worse) than how the US treats prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, or border detainees, or any number of Western liberal democracies treat people under occupation (check out Australia's island penal colonies for illegal immigrants). ...Which I agree is wrong, but the legal gymnastics is about different sides in a conflict that happen to involve the Christian/Jewish West and the Muslim East. There's nothing in the Israeli constitution that gives Jews an edge in the justice system. And thus — not a theocracy.

Modern Hebrew as spoken in Israel is not the Biblical language. It was invented alongside the country itself, in the late 1940s. It's like saying Spain, Italy, and France are theocracies because their languages are rooted in Ecclesiastical Latin. Give me a fucking break.

"Preserving the Jewish character" is not theocracy, because again, Israel is actually a secular country. And guess what — Holland just elected a nativist, as did Italy, as we did with Trump, as will more countries as this decade wears on and people are protective of their culture and character. Israel is guilty of nationalism but they're in good/bad company throughout the West, and it's a pale (no pun intended) version of what exists in most Muslim countries.

>The settlers aren’t the Achilles heel of Israel, they’re more representative of Israel than Israel’s impotent left.

Just like the Republican Party that controls Congress the US is 100% pro-life while the country is 70% pro-choice, the settlers are representative of the dominant right wing Israeli political parties, not the population as a whole.

And Israel's Left was gelded by the failure of Camp David 2000 and subsequent 3rd Intifada, wherein the remnants of the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other militant Palestinian groups proved they weren't interested in a 2-state solution, or the continued existence of Jews in the Levant or anywhere near it. They in turn legitimized the rhetoric of far-Right in the Knesset and the ultra-Right Settlers, that Palestinians were fundamentally violent fuckheads undeserving of mercy or even humanity.

The result however was that they fucked themselves way worse than they did Israel. Par for the course.

>I think the world should look poorly on a country that flagrantly violates international law and allows their population to hate crimes for profit but hey, I’m a Christian, we have ethics.

[Pause while I clean up the coffee I spit all over my keyboard] Christian ethics like Oral Roberts and Joel Osteen, or the Vatican-administered worldwide pedophile ring, or the Mainline Protestant/Baptist sanctifying of slavery, and on and on and on. Nigga, please.

Anyway the US regularly violates international law and allows their population to engage in hate crimes for profit. As do... a lot of other countries — China, Russia, France, the UK, Australia. Why single out Israel? Oh right... sorry, forgot the answer is always (always) "Jews."

>And yes…look at Wall Street, the subprime mortgage industry, look at Hollywood/Recording industry black exploitation more industries the Jewish diapora used as an avenue to exploit Americas own apartheid population.

As I said, Jews are overrepresented on Wall Street and in the entertainent industry. But to flip that around and say "Jews are explotive" because they dominate in exploitive industries is just bad logic. Sorry. Take a look at the boards of Bank of America and other major lenders in the middle of the Aughts and you'll see a lot of Jewish surnames, but also WASP, Irish, and other gentile ones. Just saying.

If you're talking segregation, I can't believe you're seriously going to single out the the explotive heads of, say, Chess Records, who were willing to record and represent Black artists, at a time when half of the country was under literal apartheid — THAT WAS CREATED AND ADMINISTERED BY CHRISTIANS. And the rest of the country was heavily de facto segregated, to where Gentile-owned radio stations and record companies would not play or record Black artists. That's the Jews' fault, right?

Homework: Go back to that James Baldwin essay. The moron who posted it didn't realize how well he was making an argument -against- anti-semitism, but there's a shitload of wisdom in there regarding your arguments.

>Civil rights, genocide, exploitation…

Ever been to Pittsburgh? (Gentile) Andrew Carnegie was a philanthropist without peer, while the factories that made his zillion dollar fortune were medieval exploitive nightmares. JP Morgan, Rockefeller, etc — all kinds of rich gentiles — similarly exploited millions of Americans and upheld a real and de facto system of actual apartheid and disenfranchisement.

Again... logic: That wealthy, powerful people exploit, and a lot of Jews happen to be wealthy and powerful does not mean "Jews" somehow have a predilection towards exploitation. That's just prejudice, aka bigotry, aka fear-based stupidity.

Tell me where Jews commited "genocide." Because there were 900k Palestinians in Israel in 1947 and 7 million now. And FWIW, "Palestinian" as an identity didn't exist in 1947. So if Israel is committing genocide there, they're really, really fucking bad at it.

>The supposed charity towards black people is just your own white savior complex showing.

There was no doubt performative generosity and posturing, or wealthy Jews trying to buy some points with the BIg Guy, but at the level we helped the Civil Rights movement? No way. You don't get into a car as an identifiably Jewish dude with a Jewish surname and drive to Mississippi to march along Black people in 1960 as virtue signaling.

Jewish involvement in Civil Rights is just a fact. Not to mention the US Labor Movement, and other human rights causes — including Palestinian rights, both here and in Israel. We're just as overrepresented in that sphere as in business or entertainment. Also a fact.

>Jewish people’s morality is based on what’s good business right now. They will offer you predatory loans or kill your family and steal their land depending upon what makes them a dollar.

LOL there we go, get it all out. Same as it ever was, and why Israel knows it has no choice but to eradicate anti-Semitism no matter who's in the way. This kind of firehose bigotry actually empowers the Israeli Right and hurts Palestinians. But we all know you don't give a ripe, Christian fuck about them.
Clearly it is a Jewish theocracy. It’s just a very weak religion whose adherent use it more as a business club.
Stop patting yourself on the back, you’re just another white group exterminating the locals to steal their land.
Im just saying, the way Israel’s acting is making a lot of people wonder if Hitler wasn’t onto something.
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Seriously, just suck tour own dick more. Israel dropped more bombs on a small city than US dropped on Afghanistan in a decade.
Stop jacking off to what decent Jewish people did before you got money and started associating with the real white people.
Understand, the Jewish people lost all Allie’s except Christian’s who see them as house elves who we’ve outsourced the crusades to. Good luck with that buddy, but stop pretending the Jewish people and Israel aren’t white supremacist who burned all their alliances with human rights groups and non-white populations.
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Two messages, 12 minutes apart... I really got to you, huh lol. The thing about sucking one's own dick is that every man would, if he could.

The amount of self-ownership here is stunning — you could be a Jewish landlord yourself! And where'd you find that picture of my Uncle Schmuley? I inherited his nose but not for business, alas.

Just that I have it straight: Jews are 1) not white — in fact are real white people's bitches — yet — 2) utilize the power of whiteness for our dastardly deeds, and Israel is 3) a theocracy but no, actually a "business club."


("Business club" lol. You've never even run a lemonade stand. WTF do you know about business?)


Israel has dropped a lot of bombs on Gaza, true, and they'll keep dropping. Because we learned the hard way that compromise in the face of uncompromising hate makes you dead.

I've heard the word "existential" more times in the last few months than I have in my entire life prior, but this is the real meaning: Oct. 7 proved Hamas and IJ will keep killing Jews til they're themselves destroyed. So the IDF will keep dropping bombs til they break them, or kill any potential future membership.

That's hardcore indeed, and not preferable, yet hardly unprecedented.

Like how the US killed 2 million Japanese civilians in WWII — you know, the last "good" war — to break the spine of Japanese imperialism. How the RAF, with the war in Europe all but won, killed 250k German civilians in Dresden and elsewhere to stamp out Naziism. Literally terrorism, to break their spirit and destroy their souls, beyond the actual casualties.

Or to bring things closer to home, and the here-and-now, how the Assad regime has killed 400k civilians (100k children) over the last 12 years to destroy ISIS and other violent fundamentalist Muslim groups.

How else to deal with 70m people willing to die for the Emporer? 80m pledging the same to Hitler? ISIS and their 72 virgins?

As with Hamas holding 2 million Gazans hostage, all of these tragedies could have been prevented with their leaders' surrender, once they realized the cause was lost. Like, really — Hamas surrenders, this ends immediately. Palestinians live, with another shot at getting it right this time.

Though I know you don't give a shit about Palestinian lives, so stop giving yourself that moral authority. It's even more embarrassing than your illiteracy. You've never lifted a finger for anyone other than yourself, -maybe- close family, though I doubt that too.

Because, once again, when good, human rights-minded gentiles like yourself engage in drooling, cartoonish bullshit like saying Hitler was onto something and posting Shylock cartoons, you let the IDF know that blind, fanatical anti-semitism is alive and well. Which means Jews have no reason not to bomb the fuck out of the Palestinians, because who cares what you think, when our existence is on the line? You'll never be more than a conditional "Allie," no matter what. That's how the world works, marshmallow.
All the klan-redneck-neo Nazis types that were on the Jerry Springer show pretty much disappeared. They've been replaced with women or the occasional fat Black guy from the Midwest who's feuding with their neighbors.
Netanyahu is infamous for being friends with Trump and other far righters. The UN is like the prom for dictators. Only neocons like John Bolton hate it.
If you want a serious discussion from Kisame, blame Eric Adams since he slashed the budgets and dismantled the counter terrorism units that protected the city from anti-Semitism. Now that him and Cuomo are backed into a corner, people are defending them since the alternative is letting Gavin Newsome convert California and NY to Shanghai just to appease Xi. Republicans aren't going to dump Trump. They're good at keeping the state red
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Antisemitism doesn’t exist. It’s like being racist against Italian or Irish people. You can’t be racist because you’re disgusted by yet another brand of rancid mayonnaise.
The Jews are just professional bitches and complainers and self victimizers, basically all Jewish men are subset of white women, Karens.
> thinks Irish and Italian are races
> denies anti-semitism exists while posting anti-Semitic image
> Jews secure knowing if this is our opposition, we’ll be okay
>antisemitism doesn't exist

When was the last time someone took you seriously?
i dont give a fuck what race anyone is, if theyre fat and hot im into it
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>insulting a frisian as a prussian by using an image of inbred austrian monarch of swiss heritage
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Italian isn’t a race but Jewish is? Now who’s the inbred Neanderthal? Fine, I’d bet you think this pictures antisemetic too. (Inbred genepool)
Professional whiners, Jewish is a race, no it’s a religion, no it’s neither. Just admit your the spoiled children of bankers and lawyers and used to whining to get your way.
Seriously, whiney than white girls, with thinner wrists.
Talk about a shallow gene pool, aren’t Jewish people soooo inbred they literally have to genetically test to make sure they’re not accidentally ducking their cousin again? Fucking white trash in the holy land.
Wait minute? Isn't that those lame goblins from Harry Potter just like the lame demon from CS Lewis Screwtape Letters? At least be a proper racist like HP Lovecraft and go for Hastur, Yog Sohoth
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I’m sorry, did the pig face Slav have something to say? Greatest contribution your people had to the world was getting repeatably conquered and starting shitbag wars. No wonder you people looked in the mirror and said “no the Jews did this to us”.
You people started this mess, if anyone shoulda been genocides to make way for the “chosen peoples” homeland it’s you’re cultureless drunken jackboot peasants. Ugly wretched people.
Imagine being a dumb American and supporting Israel and not knowing anything about Zionism

Zionism is the reason why this war happened and Zionism is why Israel should not get support.

Americans think Palestinians should.accept land sharing when Israel stole half of what belonged to them.

Bit rich of 'murica to steal land from the Natives, then Mexico, then all the surrounding Islands and then tell others that they have to share stolen land.
Kisame here. The lower New York region is home to more Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus living in the suburbs. They occupy the slums and drive their civics. Zionists are mad cause they're multiplying in the Continental side of Forest Hills, around the Conduit and Van Wyck. They're never content like the old school Sicilians who just hang around Howard Beach. Muslims are typically chill unless you piss them off. The downside is that big ass Turks tend to talk like valley girls while their men are skinny with dark rings under their eyes.

I flat out don't know what Zionism is. Most Jews I know don't like Ben Shapiro or Netanyahu cause they're working class Democrats who support Trump cause they're conservative businessmen or civil servants.
Your beef is mainly with the old money types like the Kushners. They're so dysfunctional they make the Trumps look normal.
No offense but the fat Salvadorians with their Jesus hats like Viziepop aren't going to for Israel
This is indeed an unattractive man, but Jews are not a race. "Race" is a fuzzy concept to begin with, there are as few as 5 or as many as 10 depending on who's counting. But Jews aren't among them. Ashkenazi share a few genes, as do Sephardim. They don't share much between them.

Tay-Sachs may be what you're talking about...? It's extremely rare, as compared to say sickle cell anemia among African Americans or Rh negative infertility in Basques. All kinds of ethnicities who share DNA also share diseases.

There is a small ultra-orthodox sect called the Satmar who have a lot of inbreeding, and guess what — they are staunchly anti-Israel. Funny how the two go together...

I have 8 certified Jewish great-grandparents but no bankers and only 2 lawyers in my extended family. And whiners don't bounce back from nearly being wiped off the planet to dominate well, everything like we do, or drop enormous amounts of ordinance on our enemies. Those are doers. Whiners are the ones who resent Jews because their brains and work ethic remind them of their own inadequacies.

This must be that famous British absurdist sense of humor, right? Because imagine being a limey lecturing against Zionism when their faded empire is directly responsible for unprecedented historical atrocities and contemporary horrific colonialist hangover wars on every continent except Antarctica.

Your Kingdom's bungling of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire is what led to both Zionist and Arab uprisings, that resulted in the UN Partition plan — that the Arabs (not yet identifying themselves as "Palestinians") rejected, that would have given them a contiguous, viable country.

Unfortunately the 900k Arabs couldn't bear splitting the territory with the 600k Jews who were there so they, with the backing of four surrounding Arab countries, declared war on the Jews. And then lost, as they do, and lost their land as well when the winners decided — logically — that people who refused to coexist with Jews as neighbors would be a far bigger nightmare as roommates.

Please let me know how the Palestinians — from the PLO with its child suicide bombers to Hamas' fundamentalist death cult — should dissuade any Israeli of this.

Anyway, compared to the two million Jews who were kicked out of countries from Morocco to Iran in the aftermath it wasn't much, really. And compared to the Smaug-like mountain of stolen wealth Britain's "Greatness" rests upon, it's microscopic.
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Sure, “work ethic”, it’s my work ethic that makes me the breadwinner for all the landlords, investors, bankers and vampire capitalists in the Jewish community.
So, it’s not really a race; it’s not a religion anyone really beleives in? So what is it? A club that gets you access to murder brown people with impunity?
Imagine looking like this guy and pretending your military is anything but the technology you got for free from the US.
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You're pretty stupid to work so hard for people you resent so much. How sad you are.

Also that's not the definition of "breadwinner," unless the Jew who's exploiting you is your spouse.

The definition of "Jewish" is actually an ongoing discussion among Jews themselves. But if I murder a brown person I'll almost definitely go to prison, so I don't think yours is accurate.

Imagine being so blinded by ignorant hate you don't know that Israel demolished the Russian-backed armies of 4 countries before the US acknowledged their existence. Then did it again 19 years later, but 7 countries, 7 years before the US started giving them military aid.
>>Get control of this garbage
I wonder if the Williamsburg Satmars and the Rockland County Satmars will split into separate gene pools now that there's been a schism. Kisame, what are your thoughts on this?
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MODS:off with his head.
It’s crazy how a board that posts some of the most racist shit turns into whiney Karen complaining to the principle any time white people get insulted.
Thin skinned, low genetic diversity probably found it cheaper to save money on skin depth:
Yeah they'll split. Nobody likes Netanyahu or Chuck Schumer enough to humor him. Nobody turned out for Zeldin. I am too busy trying to get that Subaru WRX I wanted which means less time online.

Only terminally online people deify artists like (You) do
>Deify artists
I live in the eastern seaboard fat remove from the artists you put on this pedestal. Are you bored from the lack of stimulation of Kisame ignoring you for a Subaru?
No offense anon but Congress expelled George Santos. Schumer is written off as too scared to lose political power so he surrenders to whatever right wing bully or diva like Taylor Swift to control the youth.
Soon, Trump is going to be thwarted and Israelis will be out of an over the top villain to rally the weak moderates around. This is why Jewish women go for Muslims. They're not giving up trance music and techno cause boomer mc boomington wants to go back to country club conservativism. Libs don't understand how flat out unpleasant Kamala Harris is. She's not suave like Barack Obama to lull independents into turning out.
Kisame here. All the freaks I know pretty much left New York. They can't afford the rent to visit the museums and buses. So all the old money types are being annoyed by the radical left protestors. So without freaks in the Upper East Side, Gramercy, or the Bowery, the old money types are going to be annoyed by the fat Trump supporters who can afford congestion pricing.
I don't care for white supremacists in the East Coast cause they're always the klan-neo-nazi-child molester from Jersey-PA who would be on Dateline or get caught by the feds.
53% of Palestinians support Hamas and are therefore subhuman scum that deserve death. The minority that doesn't support Hamas probably doesn't deserve to die, though.

Go Israel.
Nah old man Netanyahu can't play ultranationalist. Conservatives eat the old to fuel the young.
You were talking about landlords in new york you black nigger. The implication being that your taxes are going to new York landlords which doesn't make sense.
It's not my fault you can't write coherent sentences. Kill yourself.
NY is expensive cause of the retail. Companies like mark-ups at 5% to fund whatever they like.
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OK the guy from the generic brand Nazi state has an opinion on genocide and he’s pro ethnic slurs. Indeed drunkard, you know ever peasant woman in your village looks like a man.
I don’t have to define predatory capital to a Dutchman, I’ll tell you that. Talk about some throw away NPCs left over from the last world war.
Literally, isn’t the entire eurozone’s economy mostly pandering to American and now Chinese tourists?
NY outside of the city is super redneck anon.. Nobody cares that the elites are getting annoyed by their socialist activist circles.
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God damn, inbreeding did not serve you mental faculties well. Two things (2) can exist at the same time and steal money outta working peoples pockets.
—I work a job producing value, this makes me the proletariat here. The landlord exists as a middle man who is a predatory drain on the system as he produces no value and consumes excess value derived from my income. Same for lending and investment, that’s why Muslim nations and Christian’s were civilized enough to outlaw usuries. This is a vampiric drain on the system and a celebrated part of Jewish culture.
—Israel receives military aid, this comes from my income tax. This is charity given to a wealthy nation too stingy to pay for their own ethnic cleansing.
What they share in common is a lack of grave and respect for humanity. Which, kinda ties into the question of: “why did every culture who coexisted with the Jewish people try to get rid of them?”
This has nothing to do with my response.
This also has nothing to do with my response.

Actual bots.
Kisame here. American conservatives are that autistic. They drone on and on about theory. I remember my pastor getting fed up with music theory and demanding her child play the piano. It's why Christians gravitate towards Trump over Desantis.
I was a tax preparer. My taxes go into the school district, police, bribing SUNY, fire department, water, and transportation. I can own a tiny cottage or a ranch house if I pay the realtor. The problem is that teachers and policeman fight over the budget, which goes to the fat cop. Politicians get paid below minimum wage to say they can go to Washington or City Hall. I can't verify your claim unless you're a moocher on Social Security who's getting his wages garnished for getting the stimulus and not working.
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Kisalami here.
Jewish landlords in New York City don’t actually exist, this is a lie made up by the reality associate to try to scare millennials into buying houses in Bergen County. The Dutch population here keeps to themselves and aren’t really decent bakers like the Pennies Dutch you find across the Delawhere.
The international scene is a bunch of art school posers who secretly wanna suck basic frat boy dick. Netandyahoo is gonna clean up in the next election because he’s trained the judiciary to sing on command. Once he’s exterminated or locked up the left Israel’s moderates can show their true colors and invent their own swastika and coat of arms. Medium sized Ben is gonna have a hard time picking up that spare trying to spin 7/10 split as 9/11.
I think you are on drugs cause it's a Saturday. I care more about relaxing as opposed to debates. I can laugh at interracial humor with me and Bolette. I don't know what you squares and your split personality named Kisame are talking about.
Again, nothing to do with what I said.
Landlord and wealth talk is flat out boring anon.
I agree. But my initial query was asking why landlords in New York would be getting tax from the government, which was implied by a poorly written post.
It's now confirmed that the retard that wrote that post is just that, a retard.
But now I'm getting pure gpt-tier retard responses to my posts that have NOTHING to do with my ask.
This thread is nothing but bots.
Answer is right there >>40329
I’m not sure if it’s a good answer, as the true answer is your own limited reading comprehension.
Jewish landlords are economic leaches, so I’d Israel. The two are used in comparison to each while you conflated them.
You just hate landlords like a brainlet socialist fag. There is no comparison.
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>>4035 (Dead)
Socialism is American workers buying Israel white phosphorus to melt children with.
Socialism is NATO letting Belgium continue to exist as a free state.
Socialism is qualifying for govt back loans and defaulting on them.
Socialism is the *jewish* lead banking system being too big to fail and getting failed out.
Socialism is your wife letting you score some sloppy seconds or sloppy thirds.
IN NY, the judges can screw landlords over like they are doing with Trump using an obscure law on the books. It's called colloquially as civil forfeiture. I am guessing this is how Starrett City got bought. It's a non issue because the city doesn't have enough engineers and they all live out in Suffolk or Westchester
Chase Bank and Citibank doesn't care for the war. Daddy Warbucks is a relic of a time when Republicans won the city.
Are you referring to the ones that got away with arson and murder by lighting the menorah upstate?
Are you done crying, socialist fag?
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We don't have socialism. We have Peronism, and Pinochet which are CIA states
No offense, but Kisame here is not a landowner according to the Incorporated Village of Hempstead which is becoming a city. Pregchan tried to dox me and I told them they doxxed the Hells Angels, MS-13, and Bloods, or crackheads. There's also village police eager to crack the skull and give Pregchan a rough ride to whomever hacked into their internet
I am guessing after consuming shrooms that preg community isn't making money because they all talk in that boring wealthy landowner talk
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Kisalami here:
You see, it's like this, man. ChatGPT art, Generative AI and Korean animation have taken a sledgehammer to the whole business plan for these struggling hyperpreg artists. It used to be, you know, somewhat legit for an artist to pull all-nighters sketching out these hand-drawn sketch’s if a woman carrying twins, like 23 sets of twin, all in sync. Fast forward to today, any simian palmed Tom, Dick, or Harry can slap that generate button and, boom, they're getting their kicks to a buffet of top-tier orbtacular content. Shiney 6-fingered legless orbs for days.
The consumers, they're not looking back. Theyre hooked on AI orb babes and can’t spare a nickel for hand drawn cartoon porn even if humans could come close to emulating even just the synthetic orb look— but they can’t, only a supreme intelligence like AI can evolve those perfect vestigial stump legs and orbtastic shadow of a billowing floating fupa. Best humanity can do similar to AI is amputated bbws and that shit doesn’t sell.
It's a whole new world, and artists are in the ring, getting slapped around, dizzy, trying to keep up with the AI's orb game of top-notch quality, effortless quantity, and insane customization like you wouldn't believe.
I don't know what you mean because I am on shrooms and don't do artificial intelligence. It sounds too dweeb like and the plot of Code Lyoko, Dan Brown novels, or Tom Clancy novels
Maybe this imposter Kisame is Ilikapie coming from his crappy Sarasota-Miami area tech hub working so his coon of a wife doesn't go to Tallahassee for crack.
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I’m the original Kisalami so I don’t know who you’re talking about.
We all know you’re the real fraud here, the true Kisame had the nuance and grace of an angel. He single handledly brought down DeSantis, and Bob Chapek, in one fell swoop. He’s the reason were getting an extending universe.
The true Kisame speaks with a rare cosmopolitan wisdom while you ramble like a toothless hillbilly.
No offense but I hope you can take some classes and work on your mental issues and maybe finish your GED. Until then we pray for the return of the one true Kisame.
-signed our faithful servant Kisalami
I don't know who those guys are. I am not a Disney person. NY outside of the city are super rednecks who want to go to Walmart
I don't even know what a cosmopolitan is. I don't read the trades or the statistics.
Maybe those tax shelters I mean Christian and parochial schools down south took Ilikapie's money and he has nothing to show for it.
I am guessing making below minimum wage at Chick-fil-A sucks for Ilikapie so he's spamming the hyperpreg/d/ section
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WTF is “below minimum wage”. No one making less than sex figures could really enjoy the hyperpreg hobbies, I’ve spent upwards of fifty bucks just for some horribly drawn homunculus that happens to be 54 months pregnant and on her 27th trimester.
High-quality analysis of the orbtacular phenomenon, Fake Kisame. When I make my first million I plan to endow a Center for Orb Research at my alma mater, LaGuardia Community College.
I tried to interest Bill Ackman in endowing an orb studies department at Harvard but as a Conservative Democrat from the Five Towns he was too busy campaigning for Al D'Amato

(Also I apologize for calling you Fake Kisame, you're the real Kisame)
I don't know what you guys are talking about. You are replying to an imaginary friend again. That below minimum wage job must be starving Ilikapie of nutrients.
I ditched the suit and tie in favor of a frugal life thanks to drugs. I probably won't be back until late 2024
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It’s true. Taking mushrooms and staring at a blank wall all afternoon only costs me like 18$ total, meanwhile watching two matinees at the theater would cost twice that.
But in terms of cheap entertainment, nothing beats putting on a nice long tv series, smoking a little meth, picking at good scab and sticking to it.
Don't know what you're talking a lot. Go back to Orlando inbred hillbilly
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Again with the inbreeding? Incest porn is a different pig, different farm.
I thank you for your kind words and fellowship in our shared orbthusiasm. Fake Kisame is as good a name as Kisalami for all in tents if proposes.
I do think our shared orbship and praise is the only force of light that can orbliterate darkness and help peas prevail.
Ok cousin fucker
You're just jealous of Kisame because he's a good poster. PAWGs from Atlanta vote for Vivek Ramaswamy. Meanwhile likapie is receiving Urbit Foundation money in Dimes Square.
Are you on drugs anon?
Kisame here. Drugs are for Limousine Liberals like Donald Trump and George Wallace. Meanwhile Li Li is getting hot beef injections from Dr. Dre and Snoop and other straightedge artists. I'm too busy waiting tables to take drugs or be political.
Yeah you must be on drugs and develop a personality anon.
I don't know who you're talking about. Is this about your imaginary friends Kisame and Likeapie? As a sous chef I'm too busy cooking for underground artists like Taylor Swift
Still mad you're making below minimum wage?
I don't know what you're talking about anon. Neoconservative columnists like Rod Dreher are eating oysters and voting for the Green Party. Bob Iger sued Dreamworks because they made Aang and Kora homosexual. Bulma had a big ass but she wouldn't sleep with Krillin because he was bald
Immortal Technique spoke at a pro Israel rally. As for me I prefer Jem and the Holograms
I don't know what you anons mean. Tuesday's a slow day for me
Normies don't care for Ukraine, Israel, or whatever Saturday morning cartoon villain the government thinks is threatening America. I argue banning MAGA from television hurts Biden because progressives come off as out of touch elites with a fetish for totalitarianism. Those data gurus better hope Ron or Nikki Haley do take the lead.
Everything's decided by computers and data now. Even Sammy the Bull admits that FBI agents are squares
Imagine thinking you could afford a car for lesbians with a dishwasher's salary. Maybe if you were getting autismbux from the government and lived with mom & dad, but we can't all be one public breakdown about our racist OC away from the padded room now can we
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Kisalami here:
Conservative children are banning abortion because sugar babies are dating older men whose sperm might have sticky chromosomes. I’m off the romantic market and couldn’t care less as long as mommy hits it right.
I cant vote against democrats because I’d be voting against stem cell research and against my lifelong dream of being in-vitro fertlized back into the cavernous stomach cavity of my hideously obese mother. Luckily there are some out of work red state abortion doctors willing to try the reverse procedure and finally make me a 57th trimester baby bump. I couldn’t be happier and remind you to always focus on voting in your local elections as they impact your life the most.
Of course I can. It's just 2k at signing and then monthly payments of 400
I don't speak gringo. Normies don't care for Hollywood and their causes
>Gen Z conservatives

GenZ is super progressive. I have not seen an unironic college conservative.
Back from my 4 day Christian baby blood binge. Love it when you guys go off like this, particularly the pseudo sociology, misspellings, malapropisms, etc.

You hate landlords, okay. I've had a few doozies myself. But Jews are 2.4% of the US population. If every Jewish man, woman, and child was a landlord they still wouldn't be the majority of landlords. So everyone STFU about their Jewish landlord.

Usury was indeed outlawed by the Catholic Church (moral paragons otherwise) and Islam (another awesome religion). The modern definition is -excessive- interest, but BITD it just meant "interest."

So it's the 18th century and Farmer Goy needs to buy seed for next planting and doesn't have the cash. So Shylock is willing to lend him the money, but wants something in return for the risk involved. OMG HOW EVIL.

And do you know how/why Shylock got into that line of work? Because the Church banned him from owning land, and the guilds refused to allow him to practice any trades. Which iced him out of the main ways of making a living for most of the first two millenia AD. But wiley fuckers that we are, we figured out alternate ways to survive.

Tell me banks are vampires, okay. But the folks who sold the USA out to them are mostly not Jewish. They're the politicians you vote for like Catholic Joe Biden or Presbyterian Ronald Reagan. That there are a lot of Jewish names in Wall Street C Suites and otherwise? Well, again, we're smart and work hard.

And trust me, usury is not a "celebrated part of Jewish culture." Most Jews in the US lean left (truth), and Jews are way overrepresented in the left-left. Name me a Jewish Friedmanite and I'll find you a Trotskyite. (Maybe check out Trotsky's background as well...)

The US gives money to Israel because it's a good investment, period. They're a sane, US-friendly backstop against both radical Islam and fucked up OPEC autocracies. The day Israel stops serving that function, we'll cut them off.

Not every culture who's coexisted with us has tried to get rid of us. See: The USA.

Bottom line, you're another pile of splooge who makes no sense even beyond your blatant illiteracy. Exhibit A:

>What they share in common is a lack of grave and respect for humanity
Evangelicals in America does not have any political power. Only roughly 48% of the states are Protestant and many of them are unaffiliated churches and denominations. Reagan won because he was an actor turned politician like the Donald and not born into wealth like the Bushes. The banks are just closeted Bushes and Koch who want to bankroll conservatives to deregulate the economy just for a quick buck. While the Jewish population are indeed liberal, none of these actors have any political power. Israel's problem boils mostly down to Netanyahu and the ultranationalists holding political power. I know it's hips to rip the Donald but if he's beaten then Israel-US are going to have to find a new antagonist to justify the high military budget.

Putin? He'll kick the bucket or be replaced by another hardliner. China? Xi is just running a company police state and doesn't have time for a major war. 1/6ers? They make the militarized police force look pathetic.
Hey there, as probably the only Israeli on here coming to just relax and enjoy some fatties,
I swear to god you guys lost it.
For crying out loud let me watch my fatties in Peace.
Cant believe this topic got to this side of the internet it means both sides are screwed ong.
But fr guys if you are Palestinen American European whatever, dude at the end of the day we are human. We dont want war we just want to live a nomal life have a job a loving family and a home.
So before you blame me no im not for bombing civilians tho the situation is problamtic here to say the least so i understand why they bomb gaza. The fact i understand it dosnt mean i think its right but yeah, it is what it is. Lost a couple loved ones October 7th and that shit hurt. But i just want peace for real. I have a lot Israeli arab friends and i am mixed myself (an arab jew) its complicated to say the least the government here is horrible and if you have been following the news you would know that approximately 45% dont want this government and we had 5 elections in a couple years so our political situation is very bad. Netanyahu ruined this lovely place i called home and it breaks my heart. Well that's it really. Just please lets love and not hate <3 and try to spread positive energy as much as possible. I prey for the people of gaza and for my brothers in the front lines.
P.s i met her irl and holyyyy she is hugeee
And most Israeli wemon put on a lot of weight during their service it is actually quite a stigma.
Netanyahu may be a rabid dog looking to exterminate every brown skinned child he’s ever seen but unless you stop buying products Made in China youre just as bad as Ben is since you’re sorta a combatant vs. the Uyghurs. Don’t get me started on oilstates. That’s why I make my own diesel fuel from hotdog water and try to limit how much I use Ali express.
Mister mister I don’t know what you are or why you’re here but we were having a good conversation about philosophy and art before you dropped in with the defenses script from Nuremberg trials.
At some point US taxpayers are gonna go angry mom and demand that if the Jewish people really need a refuge state to run to they’d better use it now. With a little breathing room free of greedy snookers us millennial Bernicrats can finally reform the banking system to run on charity and alms as was Hamiltans initial dream. I’d explain it to you more but it involves high levels of QE while dropping interest rates and running American as a cohesive society ala Japon. It’s called macro economics I could suggest you try starting with Adam Smith and Ayn Rand.
OK boomer.
You like Ben’s wars, you profit from them, you’re just too big a bitch to take the heat when the world calls you todays Nazis, cause you’re a whiney bitch. These walls of text clearly show how hard you’re spinning your wheels to justify throwing away “never again” if you can profit off racial murder and theft.

“ We dont want war we just want to live a normal life have a job a loving family and a home.”
-A home where?
If it’s a home in Israel with Israel’s apartheid economy you might understand why the world over sees you as todays Nazis. Our white supremacists in america say the same thing about their homeland, we’ve heard this shtick.

Shut up being such a whiney bitch: “Lazy, greedy, land grabbing genocides need sympathy too”.
Take your tiny cut of Netanyahu’s war I’m paying for and buy me the worlds smallest violin. Until you take arms against Ben you’re his cowardly little loyal jackboot army that enjoys massacring children.
>>4058 (Cross-thread) I was just calling for peace and you came at me with pure hatred.
Clearly you are very mad brother, im truly sorry.
Last i checked i didn't massacre any child.
And i dont get your point, i just called for Peace for all people regardless of ethnicity and yet you are talking in such a way.
shows your true colors.
I should "take arms and fight ben?"
Boy you really think you are something arnt you?
And yes, this is my home i was born here as well as my parents and my grandparents and my great grandparents. Im a proud Israeli arab jew and you will not try to teach me morals you keyboard warior. I want peace for all. I want Palestinens to live in peace among us.
I want to understand why people like you hold so muxh hatred for a person they do not know or never met.. its not antisemitic that's some straight up hater shit.
And from a so called "todays nazi"
I hope you will understand i wish well to all my Palestinens brother and sisters and to my jewish ones.
There will be peace in the middle east. Certainly not because of people like yourself tho.
Uncle Ruckus over here says: “ i understand why they bomb gaza”… and you don’t understand why Hamas is dedicated to ending your theocratic apartheid state?
Don’t pretend you value peace or are above this when you’re calling for war crimes against children.
>>40602 classic one sideded propaganda filled person, you take half of a sentence in order to have a desperate attempt to make me look bad..
Maybe try and read half of the sentence.
I said i do understand the motive yet I do not agree with the method.
Its like I understand Hitler's and hamas's world view and agenda, taht "jews are the root of all evil and must be eradicated."
See? I understand what the intention is.
Does that mean I agree with that?
In your mind probably yes.
Tho reality is different then your keyboard my guy.
You are talking to somone more arab then you'll ever be no matter how much hummus and falafel you will buy at Costco.
I live in the middle east.
I am a proud arab Israeli.
I support peace, and im sure any person with a head on their shoulders can understand this.
You bitch about your tax money being used for war and killing arab kids like you dont know the history of the united states.
And what a ridiculous under 18 year old did not finish middle school in iraq Afghanistan and many more.
So please before you criticize somone try to walk a couple meters (like you know what those are) in their shoes.
Also you apartheid irish cOloNizER !!giVe ThE NaTiVeS ThEir HoMeS BacK.
Oh wait you cant.
You murdered 90 precent of them and ethnicly cleansed them.
הגמל לא רואה את הדבשת.
Did you answer me twice pretending to be different people or does it take 3 hours for your meds to kick in/wear off? You make as much sense as Kisame (Ayn Rand and Bernie…?) though you don’t have his style. Is this some new kind of AI?

אחי, don’t bother trying to appeal on a human level. These folks have dehumanized us to where we’re just boogeymen upon which to apply their fears — social, economic, etc. US Jews stand by you.
מהנהר לים, פלסטין תהיה חופשית
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No dummy, smallpox killed 90% of the natives, they’d have kicked the white mans ass in any fair fight. We’re not actively dropping white phosphorus on schools and melting children’s skin off for worshiping the wrong gods and living on arable land.
The cannoli over here (tan on the outside, mayo on the inside) benefits from the war against an entirely arab population, he actively and vocally support the apartheid and murder but you just wanna whine online that your religion isn’t the one that murdered 10000 Arab children this month. Or is that blood libel to point out?
Blah blah blah but there were 900k Muslim and Christian Arabs in Mandatory Palestine in 1947 and 5m now. Not sure what part of your ignorant rectum you pulled “90%” out of.
אתה פשוט צודק אני לא מעוניין בדיונים כאלה שלא מוסיפים לכלום.
אני יכול להתחיל דיון ענייני אבל ברור שזו לא המטרה של האנשים פה הם מנסים להוציא אותי בתור תת אדם שסה"כ אמרתי שאני רוצה שלום ומאמין בו. לפעמים אני לא מבין את האנושות תתמוך בהם אתה רע, תתנגד להם אתה רע
מה הם רוצים באמת סה״כ באתי לראות שמנות לא לדבר על המצב הגיאו פוליטי במזרח התיכון
No one’s trying to put you as subhuman.
You got criticized for dehumanizing the palestians.
Weak willed white women, even the men are Karen’s.
God will you shut the fuck up?
My man.
I'm an anti-Israeli soft Zionist by the way,
If Amy was a rightwing Catholic I'd marry her.
She a hottie but her personality is fucking unattractive.
No man wants to her how her cunt smells bad
Is this the perverted racist Marine again?
Those are the Habsburgs you retard fucking fucking faggot.
You can't even get your countries right.
As Kumail Nanjiani would say, an accurate racist is a better racist.
Crypto gay. These women are manly af.
The drop white phosphorus on UN schools in a respected fucking war crimes and then say Nazi shit like “can’t make a few omelets without cracking some eggs”…yet surprised that no country on earth wants a Jewish population in their community.

—Nah. The Jews are incredibly inbred like those purebred dogs that can barely make it without human help, but the dogs are also kinda ugly and unathletic so what’s the fetish with being purebred? That’s just a fact, check pubmed, or just check your local Matza ball court. Only culture I know that pressures their children to marry within their small insular community then acts surprised their genes are rife with illness and mental disease.
—Jews made their money being immolation bankers, financing the slave trade, owning slaves and exploiting everyone around them. Name an important Jewish humanitarianism, artist or athlete, you can’t because they’re lazy people users as a culture.
“ It's a culture that's perversely unsuited to post-Enlightenment reality. The choice seems to be medieval-modern kleptocracy or fundamentalist death cult.”
—we’re talking about Israel right? You know Ben’s up for trial and started this war to seize power.
—you know stealing an entire country and forcing its inhabitants to adopt your religions language is an theocratic apartheid?

Then posts a page of racist dialogue blaming African Americans for the effect of the Jim Crow laws that benefited Jews and things like redlining that let them white Jews become abusive landlords that helped them “earn” their initial wealth.

If I followed your logic buddy the Holocaust is just what happens when European Jews lost the war they started.
Lol at anon being mad at a bunch of slum kids reclaiming public housing while listening to jazz and smoking pot with black musicians. I honestly don't buy into either extremes despite being Kisame17. Chuck Schumer is looking out for Schumer. Harvard is looking out for Harvard. Let's face it, Peter Parker and Cyclops did more for Jews than Israel.
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Chuck Schulmer’s daughter is a disgusting nepobaby melon any who ruined the trolls franchise
I don't watch those and didn't know Trolls was a thing. I am focusing on normal now
I am attached to reality
What Holocaust? It never happened?
Some Jewish terrorists attacked a German border guard and then the Jewish terrorists lost their war and some civilians got killed as collateral damage.
The Germans had a right to self defend against this race of violent barbarians child killing terrorists.
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Just stop. I know literally hundreds of Jews and none who have those genetic diseases you sad Nazis harp over. Like, no one. I do know several Jews in the US military, a body builder, a catalog model, a semi-pro baseball player, several social workers and so on.

>Name an important Jewish humanitarianism, artist or athlete
Oh wow, now that's a stumper!


>we’re talking about Israel right?
No, the Palestinians, who've never missed an opportunity to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. From their rejection of the 1947 UN partition of Mandatory Palestine to Wye to Oslo to Camp David to Israeli tacit acceptance of Hamas as legit leaders of Gaza, which was heading toward ending the blockade before 10/7.

That's why I say "death cult" — they're more interested in martyrdom and the destruction of Jews than in improving the lives of their people. Not just spiritual brothers but actual allies of ISIS and Al Qaeda.

>You know Ben’s up for trial

>and started this war to seize power.
No. This war is the ignomious end of his political career. Oct. 7 revealed his incompetence and venality, and that of his cabinet. It's the stupidest interpretation possible, like saying Bush brought on the 2008 financial crisis to get himself a third term.

>you know stealing an entire country and forcing its inhabitants to adopt your religions language is an theocratic apartheid?
You're starting from an incorrect premise, so No again. Read and learn, sad little Meme Scholar:

1) There were 400k Jews in Mandatory Palestine in 1947. Nothing was "stolen"; Jews were already there. A civil war was fought after the rejection of the UN Partition plan and the Jews subsequently kicked out the losers (Arabs) and declared their own state.

2) Modern Hebrew as spoken in Israel is a secular language, invented around the turn of the 20th Century. It's based on ancient Hebrew in the same way French is based on liturgical Latin. France's official language is French and all citizens have to know it. Is France a "theocratic apartheid" based on Catholicism?

>Then posts a page of racist dialogue
[gif of Inigo Montoya's "dialogue" regarding using words you don't actually know]

>blaming African Americans for the effect of the Jim Crow laws
Gross misinterpretation of what I said. Blacks were 100% victims of Jim Crow, Jews some of the many (ostensibly) white beneficiaries, though hardly the biggest. My point was that a lot of Black culture is self-defeating, including the worship of quick money and belittling of education. Plenty of Black leaders say the same fwiw.

>If I followed your logic buddy the Holocaust is just what happens when European Jews lost the war they started.
Bro, you couldn't follow a straight line to your dick.
(Sorry, I don't actually speak/read modern Hebrew; secular Jew who only learned enough of the Torah to be bar mitzvah'd)

What do they want? Us as a spittoon for their anxieties. The misinterpretation of what's going on in Gaza is depressing but predictable. There's a lot of "Holocaust fatigue" in Europe and North America where they're tired of seeing us as victims. So even when we're morally justified in defending ourselves. anything we do is "See what assholes they are??? They deserved it!"

Seriously — imagine any country on earth that's attacked in such a brutal way, and when they retaliate it becomes their fault.

Dehumanization is correct though. "Jews" aren't really a group of people to them; we're a force of nature, or a myth. Anti-Semitism is weird.

That said, they might even know and like some actual Jewish people. I've heard unbelievable bile from people I thought were friends, or at least friendly, and when I called them out they'd say "Oh, not you — those OTHER Jews." Okay, then don't say "Jews."
Kisame here. There's no such thing as a secular Jew. The Orthodox maybe Harvard educated and in the entertainment business but they aren't secular. Those who study the Torah are too busy with the diamonds and restaurants to care about multiculturalism.
Germany was morally justified in defending itself against the terrorist Jews who had stolen the wealth and were attacking policemen.
It was a fair fight, just like Gaza. Civilians get exterminated in fair fights buddy.
>>39129 (OP)

Lt. Barkclay/ Mods DO YOUR JOB. HOW is this allowed to remain on here. Wipe this non bbw trash and clean the fuck up. tired of this.
No. Expose them more.

/GEN is unmoderated, Holmes
/gen/ is purposely hands-off moderation, except for anything extreme. This ain't that.

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Look, there's a hide thread button. This stupid, why-the-fuck-is-this-even-here bullshit, you can just ignore. Like everyone else who has better things to do than look at insane rants on a fat fetish forum. Let the autismos, racists, and "war is a sport whose team are you on" fuckfaces have their stupid ass little blowouts here because literally every other site has gone so censor heavy THEY ARE COMPELLED TO DO IT HERE, OF ALL PLACES. Who the fuck cares. It's immaterial. Hide it. I'd rather it be here than shotgun scattered everywhere across the site, because you know damn well, they just can't help themselves. If you think even half the posters here are actually sincere and not trolling, you have some things to learn about chan culture.
Dude calls all palestians terrorists and justifies killing 12k civilians in a month, then this jackboot calls for the moderators when the same logic is shown to justify the Holocaust. Fragile whiteness at its peak.
“I've heard unbelievable bile from people I thought were friends, or at least friendly, and when I called them out they'd say "Oh, not you — those OTHER Jews." Okay, then don't say "Jews."”
-I’ve had similar things happen, then our Jewish friend’s watched John Oliver, listened to Bernie Sanders and understood why their blind loyalty to Israel is racism. That the treatment of Palestinians is a magnitude larger and more vicious and includes man’s war crimes against civilians as documented by the UN, Humanrightswatch and Doctors Without Borders.
Zionism in any form is just the kind of unenlightened, unexamined tribal hate most non-racist people don’t wanna be around.
The justifications of war crimes (on both sides) isn’t something most anti-racists wanna hear-after commenting “kinda fucked up they dropped white phosphorus on a UN school melting kids skin and lungs” my Jewish friends aren’t jumping to victim blaming because they’re better informed.
Additionally, you’re kinda racist dude. No wonder your friends are racist too.
You’re the kinda guy who says “despite only recently being freed from generations of slavery wherein white peoples (many jewish) dehumanized black peoples and stripped their culture…it’s their culture making them poor and oppression rather than their oppression and poverty influencing the culture”.
Despite (white people, many Jewish) bombing black Wall Street, despite the same groups segregating schools and then de facto segregating them on redlining.
Get a grip buddy, you’re racist, your friends are too, you’re a self hating jew not because of racism, but because of how hate filled you are.
You sir are absolutely right. I admit I'm wrong.

>>Appreciate all you do Lieutenant.
Kisame here. I am going to be reasonable here. Nobody is being censored. The internet is not as restricted as it was in the 90s where dialup took six minutes to load a webpage. I've had pastors, deacons, teachers, and doctors complain that the government is restricting them. If it was then GTA VI wouldn't be 70 bucks with a 400 bucks PS5, and 200 bucks for cable-internet. There's no canned response from porn. Nobody like Verizon, Time Warner enough to humor them. All the electronics stores like Radio Shack, Circuit City, and T-Mobile, EB Games, and Staples went out of business. It's not like restaurants where if Wendy's suck, you go to McDonald's or if Burger King sucks you go to Five Guys, Applebees, or TGI Friday. What's going on is Fundies won and they're mald that newscaster man didn't tell them they won. Just look at how Christie acts like a petulant child cause moderator didn't ask him questions about Trump. Trump maybe a heel, but like a true villain, he has henchmen chase after him once he leaves the court. What happened is that Time Warner got greedy and wanted to charge more for internet cause they can just like how Musk is charging more for Telsas cause he can. That's why those stupid teslas are sitting out at an abandoned raceway being carried by a diesel car carrier truck. Elon Musk is a weirdo who LARPs as a wealthy owner and he wants the world to burn because he didn't win while aspies like me are too busy getting that Subaru to care about the culture war.
I was in fact once married to a gentile. As are many Jews I know. Your study simply shows Jews are more alike than non Jews. Another graduate of Simple English Wiki University. Next.

I said the Palestinians are willingly led by terrorists, which is true. Hamas was elected by 2/3 of Gaza, explicitly saying they'd kill Jews and destroy Israel, using any means necessary.


The PLO, longtime leaders of the Palestinian people with near universal support, used suicide bombings extensively in their quest for the end of Israeli occupation. What's your definition of "terrorism"...?

I did not call for moderation. I believe in free speech, that Holocaust denial as well as popular support among latte lefties like you for Hamas should be exposed to sunlight.

Israel has committed war crimes, both sides have. West Bank settlers should be kicked out and deoccupation should be Israel's first priority. Some of us are capable of non-binary thinking. Wow!

My loyalty to Israel isn't blind. It's just that in balance I support Israel over Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, or what's left of Fatah and the PA. I support democracy — however flawed — over dictatorship, and rule of law — again, even when highly imperfect — over actual theocracy as practiced by Hamas and its allies and supporters.

I also support liberalism over fundamentalism, meaning gays and women have full rights and so on. It's not a small detail or a cope that Hamas kills homosexuals and believes in the disenfranchisement of women.

This is who you're defending when you spread these lies and distortions. I don't worry that Islamic fundamentalism will take over the world — they can't kneel to pray without stepping on their own balls — but if they did you would not like the world as they envision it.

You're making a huge leap that isn't supported by what I wrote. FTR, I acknowledge that for it's entire existence the US has oppressed Blacks, as the British and French colonists did before them. This oppression — slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, etc — is overwhelmingly responsible for high rates of poverty, incarceration, and other bad things within their community. I also believe — as, again, do many, many black leaders (and not just Bill Cosby) — that there are deep flaws in their culture that are preventing their advancement.

That said, you're just wrong about Jewish involvement in the Tulsa Massacre. Again — no community has done more for Black civil rights in the US than Jews. https://aish.com/the-tulsa-race-massacre-and-oklahomas-jews/ This has been acknowledged by the NAACP and other groups.

I'm not a self-hating Jew. You don't understand the meaning of the term, as you don't understand so many things. I don't hate Palestinians, I pity them, but I also support Israel's actions to protect themselves from them.

Once more: Hamas are the leaders of Gaza. Hamas attacked Israel. Israel retaliated by bombing Gaza. Hamas also continues to bomb Israel, as we speak. Innocents die. It's called war, and should be avoided at all costs, though diplomacy and negotiation. Israel has reached out to negotiate numerous times in the past 75 years. Palestinian leadership has rejected every proposal.
I think you guys are being trolled by the IDF. They have their own troll kibbutz.
There's been a lot of rabbis quiting federally funded schools demanding blind obedience even though Title 6 and Title 9 prevents discrimination of any kind. That God we cut ESPN
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You’re truly delusional and I understand why your own friends dislike you. Israel’s killed more kids than america did in Afghanistan already, they’d destroyed more buildings in Gaza than were destroyed in Nazi Germany.
Your tribe is the bank owning Karen’s became full fledged white people begging republicans to suspend the first amendment in Ivy League campuses. Use the wealth you extracted from every community jewish people touch and defend yourselves.
You’re just a genocide apologist now bitchboy, sorry the victim status among inbred white people ran out when they made 2M people refugees and destroyed every mosque, church, school and hospital they could, enjoy being defended by white supremacists now.
Those casualties are caused by the IDF and Netanyahu's forces from the drone strikes. The average Hamas fighter uses a public school as cover and tries to take out five IDF soldiers before a mutual kill by bombing is achieved.
Using my Kisame autism: 5 Muslim children and 3 IDF are killed for every 1 Hamas soldier. On top of the hostages dying that makes Netanyahu an idiot. By contrast Trump had 1,200 supporters with only 5 dead and the rest alive on minimal sentences
Meaningless meme stats, "karen", "banks"... Have you ever had an original thought?

Oh, and the 1st Amendment doesn't apply within private universities but I'll keep begging those Republicans. Just for you.

And White supremacists love Jews. You're so right.

More important, Israel is supported by everyone who matters, like heads of state, including Arabs. Why? Because they agree with me that while the IDF is a threat to Gazans, Hamas and their allies and sponsors are a threat to the entire world.

They also know ADHD-addled dopes like you don't vote or support boycotts. You'll make a big noise and stink up social media before moving on to some other target.
Heads of state let Israel torture Palestinians the like Sid in toy story because Arabs are made of plastic and don’t have feelings.
Plus after Israel stole nuclear technology their basically a teenager with access to their dads gun, let they gut and skin as many stray cats and stray dogs as I liked.
These limousine liberals won’t admit is they think the same thing we do: some cultures and people are worse than others and should be eliminated.
They were probably calling for Bush to nuke Iran after 9/11 and they just can’t stand watching Israel defend itself by doing the responsible thing and relocating every Muslim person they can to the desert.
It would be poor machine politics to attack suburban and rural voters for not backing conservatives and independents.

All the machine data shows Trump winning by 4 points in 2024 because Biden doesn't have ground organization to run. I argue that telehealth and telemedicine are cutting into the voting causing independents to latch onto Trump or RFK Jr. White supremacists are not impressive since Bannon and Alex Jones admitted they're drunk when coming up with conspiracies.
If our side does it right there won’t be a Gaza to return and hopefully no Palestinians either, GTFO of the homeland or else.
>>39129 (OP)
Not even gonna accept war brides, no matter how tempting the OP makes it look.
They had literal sex slaves who worshipped them dumbarse
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>mfw (((they're))) even subverting a fat fetish board now
Why can't we have anything bros?
Reminder debating grabblers is pointless, as outlined in Mein Kampf. They will simply raise a shield of ultimate infallible mock-ignorance. The only thing that will solve all our problems, (and I mean every single problem in our lives) be it Central Banking, ugly modern art, crappy videogames and movies, shallow modern dating, the poor education sector, the job market, crime statistics, wage rates, pollution, inflation, or even the quality of food and drink, all of these can only be solved with the Final Solution.
>b-but you're a hypocrite, a fanatic, insane–
TKD. I don't give a fuck.
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Kisalami here:
I contribute to this forum merely due to the insistence of my esteemed Ivy League institution, where a mere *expression* of a preference for muffins over bagels is deemed an affront akin to genocide.
Their orchestrated schmear campaign has allowed the Lox and Whitefish station to usurp the rightful territory of the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Omelet station. Consequently, individuals now form queues around the fruit nook, all for a meager serving of a Southwest Ham and vegan cheese, simply because combining meat and cheese is deemed "antisemitic."

It is imperative that we partition the Omelet bar, rather than imposing a kosher mandate that denies all the pleasure of cheeseburgers. Meanwhile, the Bagel station continues to expand unchecked, and any dissent is swiftly met with accusations of antisemitism, as if my reluctance to consume whitefish salad composed of ground-up children's fingernails and hair were an act of bigotry.
I am the real Kisame. This imposter is lying. New Yorkers with our broken English and SUNY CUNY systems hate Harvard. We rather cheer Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State than any IVY League institutions. The Jewish Nassau County Executive is more invested in owning the libs cause he lost to Clinton in the Senate, losing the 4th to a lib during the house, and somehow won the county executive race. Now he's trying to push that Ethiopian Jew chick to own Suozzi. Honestly,Jews should just embrace the fail upwards mentality. Zeldin would've won if that Jewish neurosis didn't flare up. He made Hochul look like the man of the house.

No offense but I don't care for modern academia or the ennui that higher learning entails. I cook my own breakfast and lunch now cause everything's expensive.
I don't even know why these Black IVY Leaguez dress like some kind of Batman villain
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Yes, please keep following the advice outlined in Mein Kampf and hopefully you'll wind up like its author.

There wouldn't be an internet if not for a Jew: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Kahn. Really, everywhere you look it's just Jews being amazing. No wonder you're so angry with us.

Central Banking is what's enabled every aspect of modernity and kept us from reverting to a Mad Max survival existence when inevitable downturns happen. Blaming "banking" for economic exploitation is like blaming food for obesity. I bet you believe in the gold standard, right? Good idea — we Jews could never, ever figure out how to exploit precious metals lol.

You know even less about art than economics. Tell me how Chagall or Pissarro's work is "ugly," then imagine a world where all we have is heroic representative painting and sculpture and neoclassical architecture that the Nazis championed. Yikes.

All video games are a stupid waste of time, and Jews invented the movie business so you have to give us credit for the good ones as well as blaming us for the bad ones.

"Shallow modern dating" I just don't get — most of the Jews I know are extremely marriage and family-oriented, especially the religious ones.

"Poor education sector" is pure sophistry. A dumb, meaningless phrase with words that make it seem meaningful and smart. Which you are not.

The rest is absurdity and cope-speak. Why not pile on "Mondays", "hangnails", and "soggy french fries" while you're at it?

But then blaming .2% of the world's population for all the stuff your mediocre ass can't deal with is really the ultimate self-own, no? Your hero Adolf all but eliminated Jews from Europe yet he still lost to a large but largely undeveloped agricultural co-op. Ironically because of his own greedy desire for world domination, the same thing you pin on Jews. Huh.
Kisame here. A lot of us gamers who shop at Hot Topic don't care for your platitudes
I don't care about gamers who shop at Hot Topic, only the ones who shop at Torrid.
Did the fat chick at Hot Topic break your heart in from the parking lot?
Kisame here. Kaifeng Jews like Shigeru Miyamoto invented the video game industry. Nazis and Neo-Nazis rather play mah jongg with Hideki Tojo. Me I'm just saving up enough as a bartender to commission hyperpreg art of Chun Li
I flat out don't know what you mean despite being Kisame. Gaming is reduced to a small cubicle filled with games, T-shirts, and Funko pop toys that nobody buys. I think the candy shops took over the large space that was GameStop.
Retail is more controlled by brands now. I don't care for Nintendo or Capcom as a brand. Millennials are super ignorant. I am guessing the legal community and modern academia are so insulated now that they forget they need the Israeli billionaires to fund their schools.
It's like how gaming communities forgot that they need autism to sell their merchandise. The markups in exchange for loyalty and discounts aren't going to save the malls
Kisame here. I don't know what you're talking about, Kisame. Miyazaki got cancelled for supporting Trump. Meanwhile Dwayne Wade moved to Florida for Desantis trans policies. DSA was controversial for Gaza but meanwhile Persian jewelry dealers rather support Mansoor Hekmat.
We know it's you Ilikapie. Nobody is buying your preg in a couch pics sold by Marrazan. I don't even know what Miyazaki is. I am going back shopping elsewhere.
I am guessing the preg community snapped mentally without an imaginary friend. It can have fun with it's AI programs
Kisame here. AOC went back to bartending because Congress was too stressful. Meanwhile Likud is trying to negotiate a ceasefire.
I forgot who she is. The chick who presides over that dump Hunts point and the Astoria Houses? I don't watch the news or care for City Hall. Five Towns must really suck nowadays
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Nope too overtly political
Too impersonal and AI sounding.
No one cares about the breakfast woes of Kisalami despite being the one true child of the universe.
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Happy Hannukah. Only three nights left for you bitches to hook me up with a new dreidel. Green is my favorite color yuk yuk.

- If Jews control the banks, the media, etc, why would Israel have to rely on the US for military aid? Why fund an expensive, polarizing lobby like AIPAC? Why would the Israeli PM and other high officials waste time during a major conflict to humor spineless mediocrities like Biden and Blinken?

Seems like if we had the omnipotence anti-semites allege, we could build all the weapons we want. Or install a Jewish US president or EU head, maybe occupy the Moon and figure out how to grow chickpeas there so we can appropriate more hummus recipes.

Goes along with the idea we're inbred, which implies mental deficiencies, yet smart enough to control the world for, what, 2000 years? Almost like anti-semitism makes no sense.

- The current conflict is almost always characterized in the MSM as the "Israel-Hamas War." Thing is, Hamas was elected by a clear majority of Palestinians in Gaza as their leaders. Hamas then cancelled elections because Arab culture is hostile to democracy and other post-Enlightenment concepts, but to point this out is racism so I won't. But I've never heard about a serious rebellion against them since 2007. So really it's the "Israel-Gaza War."

Is this mischaracterization in order to separate Palestinian war casualties from the Palestinians who elected and supported the idea that all Jews should be kicked out of the Middle East, if not wiped off the face of the earth? And before you respond in the predictable way, I agree that a young child doesn't have any say as to whether living alongside Israel is preferable to fighting to destroy them and dying in the process. Sort of like how young Israeli children don't have a say as to whether their parents voted Labor or Likud, or are hardcore settler-loving Zionists or Palestinian rights activists (as many victims of the 10/7 massacre were).

Yet "Israel" is responsible for the bombing, no exceptions made.

- If Hamas were to surrender tomorrow and end the war, Palestinian statehood is dead. The war has empowered Jewish settlers in the West Bank, wherein the IDF and Israel's interior ministry are openly, avidly ignoring their own laws in helping them displace, harass and even kill Palestinians throughout the territory. The govt actively and openly enabling illegal settlements began with the 2nd Intifada but it's on hyperdrive now. I follow Israeli politics way closer than the average bbw-changoer but I hadn't realized the extent of it til this past couple of weeks.

There were relatively few settlements in Gaza when Israel ended occupation there in 2005. Thus the conflicts between IDF and the settlers they were kicking out were dealable. If they tried the same in the West Bank in the aftermath of this current conflict, there would be a literal civil war. The Leftiest Labor pols in Israel won't risk this. Who would?

The real issue is not the dead Palestinians of the past two months, but what happens to the Palestinians who are left alive when this is over and Hamas is a bad memory like ISIS.
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Biden needs to pardon Trump and make Republicans take the White House in 2024. The world seemingly forgot that America willingly elect psychopaths and madmen for the lulz. Biden's biggest mistake was listening to neocons and progressives who walk all over him. I feel like normies forget he put that heffer Kamala Harris in her place and suspended habeas corpus just to sick the FBI on Trump. Jews got too comfortable with Dubya and Reagan. They got too comfortable with Netanyahu. People forget how to fight for their scraps. I hope Hamas wins because Israel getting bombed by a one arm, one leg bandit and his friends all hopped on meth will never not be funny. It's like find out Hitler was speedballing on heroin and meth
If the majority of Jews thought in this morally vacant way I’d agree with the posters above saying Hitler was right.
Nobody cares for Hitler or the Nazis. They were druggies who were into cults. One can argue that giving Adderall to Nazis would stop them from committing genocide
I bothered to check. Zionism is merely the belief that Jews should leave their native of Austria and France for Palestine since Europe doesn't trust them with military secrets. Jews just doesn't have that hard right that makes Nazis like Hitler respect African Americans like Jesse Owens or the KKK respecting Marcus Garvey. Even the neo confederates and black supremacists got along with communists. I blame the media cause they aren't getting their bloodlust sated and MAGA is depriving them of an arch enemy. I saw a Latino guy wearing a Trump 2020 hat. I guess the Obama people sold their house and Honda Fits cause they can't afford Biden's lofty ambitions of being a communist China. After all they'll be paired with a Bernie Bro who will get the green jobs cause village idiot with his fat wife produced children and jerbs.
I've heard the ones thing tha joos truly fear is you taking your meds. The mere thought sends them into a panic
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Zionists are just white supremacists wearing upside down soup bowls on their heads instead of pillow cases. Jews don’t follow international law because they’re lousy with crooked lawyers.
The Jewish State is bombing hospitals because Indians and Chinese Americas are crowding the medical fields and they more trying to kill the Doctors Without Borders folk who tend non-white.
Jewish academic efforts have plummeted in recent decades as the overbearing immigrant jewish mothers got replaced by the recent generation of whorish JAPs.
Jews today just want their free speech quiet, their MTV loud, their blood diamonds shining, and their ethnostate pure.
I don't care for the joos. I am offline trying to be a person
Kisame here. Uh no, we're dealing with slower than normal retail sales this holiday because of inflation. This is why Home Depot is so desperate to push Nikki Haley. Tim Scott made it too obvious he wants to fire union workers, Nikki Haley will do it without bloating the deficit. Biden's approval ratings are low because he made everything expensive by trying to phase out domestic goods and importing European ideas. Fat people are now buying Kia, Mitsubishi, and Honda Fits cause it's affordable while EVs are used by the GrubHub class
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Kisalami here.
Biden’s losing voters because the price of fried pork grinds in New York City is too damn high. Suburban moms love Trump because he’s the type of man who enjoys paying for sex and likes to be married to an aged out model while fucking children on Epstein Love Island.
White supremacist like Stefanik are scared brown people are reproducing too fast. She likes how the Jews bomb cities full of protesting brown people.
It’s only terrorism when brown people attack Jews, but Jews can carpet bomb civilians to enact political change and that’s just the white mans burden to civilize the barbarians.
White Americans miss the days when they could bomb black wall street and partition their school districts, they like Israel because they’ve taken the Nazis/KKKs hate and ran it with an efficient Jewish management and corporate friendly social media.
Trump will reverse the globalists and bring the American jobs of bombing brown people back home to America.
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You're less funny than the actual Kisame even though he's not trying and you are. He's also literate.
Just admit you actually do agree with them. Nothing I wrote is "morally vacant." (Oh the drama!) You just don't agree with it.
We haven’t had a real Kisame here in over a year.
All that’s left is some bootlicking moderates LARPing as this chans most prolific celebrity.
Suburban women hate Trump. 1/6 was already an explanation flick where hordes of MAGA supporters attempted to claim liberal women as spoils of war. Guliani acted like some norse dirty and attempted acts that convinced lawyers he should be disbarred. The problem with the left is how do you top a bunch of misfits in DnD attire attempting to kill Congress in a frat party gone wrong. No sane person is going to give Trump a second chance. He might birth another mini-Trump before going to prison or dying. It's why the 14th Amendment failed. Nobody wants to imagine Trump fathering more versions of himself with a plantation slaves.
I don't care for the war in Israel or Ukraine. Putin and Netanyahu screwed up in such a way they make Trump look competent and shifted the world hard right to protect Europe from the Middle East.
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That's because artists without the autism are boring. Sales are slow cause nobody wants to listen to a morose white guy talk about progressive causes while making inflation pics. Soon DeviantArt is going to get rid of all those inflation porn cause content creators didn't check their privilege according to troon patrol or offended basketball man.
Israel and the IDF are based. People who blame the world's problems on Jewish people and suddenly like violent terrorists are fucking idiots.
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/ˈterərəst/ noun
a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
>Jews bomb 20k civilians to death and displace 2M people in their own Holocaust to enact political change, but the other side is the terrorists. Why can’t you human rights violators just cum on each others in your circlejerks and shut up in public before everyone get tired enough to dust off the German made showers.
What Israel is doing is brutal but not illegal. Go educate yourself about the rules of war. Embedding military personnel, installations, and materiel among civilian infrastructure is illegal, which is what Hamas did, which is why Israel is bombing the fuck out of Gaza. Because they’re protecting their citizens from another 10/7.

You Hamas stans would be much more effective if you cared more about facts and the words you use rather than wallowing in your trendy false empathy and cozy self-righteousness.
If someone has received military training and is 18+ they are a legitimate military target, doubly so if that party they’re having happens to be next to a military base.
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That's a lie. You either made it up or heard it from one of your fellow Meme University Law School grads. This is life and death and you can't even be bothered to read a Wiki article or two before barfing up your ignorant opinion. So typical.

Only active military are legitimate human targets. Otherwise an 80 year old US Army veteran who happens to live near a military base would be a fair target.
They’re called war crimes. Google exists:
Things like murdering journalists, illegal occupation, illegal settlements, snipers shooting pregnant women as they walk to the hospital, white phosphorus dropped on schools melting children’s skin and lungs, imprisonment and rape of teenagers for social media posting, dumb bombs leveling entire neighborhoods, poising in the drinkable water, the list goes on…

The worlds watching, and the human rights organizations are speaking out. Every organization against genocide right now is calling this shit illegal buddy.
It’s not racist or antisemitism to hate Israel anymore, it’s racist to not hate Israel and think every Zionist is some farfel brained blood thirsty bigot.
Google exists, and unfortunately some people believe every link they find in their pre-determined "research." We call those people "nitwits."

Murdering journalists is a war crime. However journalists die while covering violent conflicts all the time, including conflicts that have nothing to do with Israel. The UN (no friend of Israel) has investigated the death of that Al Jazeera reporter in October and not yet found evidence of a war crime.

Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory is indeed illegal under international law. However Israel de-occupied Gaza in 2005. Repeat after me: Hamas, legit leaders of Gaza, attacked Israel. Israel retaliated. Hamas has not stopped fighting or firing rockets since Oct. 7, except in the brief cease-fire last month, that they broke by... firing more rockets. Hamas could end this today but they choose not to.

IDF snipers did shoot a pregnant women after other IDF soldiers allowed her to pass through a secure checkpoint. This was a fuckup, which happens during war. Please see previous post re: "Avoid war at all costs by not attacking other countries."

Use of white phosphorous is not a war crime. It's used to light up bombing sites during heavy fighting. Deliberately targeting people (soldiers or civilians) with it is illegal, but there's no evidence Israel did this.

"Imprisonment and rape for social media posting" is another pile of bullshit burying a nugget of truth. Around 60 people were arrested in Israel for pro-Hamas posts but none were charged or imprisoned. A violation of civil rights in peacetime but legal in war. Most countries have similar exceptions, including the US.

Even the IDF doesn't have a bomb that can level an entire neighborhood. Once more for the cheap seats: Hamas (in violation of international law) had embedded itself completely into Gaza City, and so Israel has targeted the civilian infrastructure they use to stage attacks and hide soldiers and materiel. The IDF gives residents and workers a warning before destroying those buildings. Hamas does not warn Israel before firing rockets.

Israel has not poisoned drinkable water in Gaza. Again: War, bad for children and other living things. So don't start one. Accept a 2-state solution, as the world has been trying to negotiate for 75 years. Use the billions in aid you're given to improve the lives of your people, not dig tunnels under hospitals and schools and fire rockets from them. THat way they have something to live for beyond martyrdom.

>it’s racist to not hate Israel
Yes go ahead and hate 9 million people, men, women and children, including 2 million peaceniks and 2.5 million Arabs, and think you're a social justice hero. It's really that easy!
TLDR: Antisemitism is justified for all.

>If you’re not racist: hate the Jews
It’s important to hate Israel and stop associating with Zionists.
-They’re rich white people in complete denial about their colonialist war crimes.

>If you’re racist: Hate the Jews
It’s fun to be antisemitic. They’re a morally inferior, genetically inferior sub-white group of wealthy northeast nerds.
Kisame here. Democrats are losing because when you look at the map of America, the party is concentrated along the Pacific and Atlantic Coasts while Republic have all the land. I live in the northeast and Jewish people vote Republican and like Trump. The fucking hate finance bros with their Porsche and McMansions. Biden is losing because he keeps surrending to black federal employees and doesn't put them in their place the same way Bill did in the 90s. I say this because there's a special election in my area and Republicans are propping up an Israeli commando mom as their rep cause the alternative is Biden's army of dysfunctional small city mayors who double as accountant and activist. There's a very good reason libs hate Susan Sarandon, Elvira and porn stars. These bohemian high test Stacies want Iranian because Haman the antisemitism and Xerxes were the chads. Christians still to LARP as Judge Dredd jnstead of the Biblical Judges who murdered everyone who slighted them.
don't let your self get baited by the zionist apologetics for that racist mass murder regime.

If you want to maximally piss of the Zionists, you have to tell them they're not real Jews and that they're antisemitic for pretending that slaughtering children in Gaza helps the Jews.

Most Jews live outside of Israel and a growing number are dissociating them selves from Israel and Zionism. That's who the Zionists hate even more than Palestinians, and that's who you should uphold as the model Jew who embodies the lessons learned from the Holocaust.
If you hate black, Jewish, Hispanic, native Americans, Arabs etc you are a person that is painting with too broad a brush. Genetically inferior Jews or blacks is just a person blinded by hate. The greatest scientist was thankfully was thrown out of Germany in the 1930s because of that kind of thinking.
Support for Israel is on the decline cause their paramilitary organization resembles the Klan in America. Neo-Nazis and black supremacists can at least deescalate and live as sovereign citizens far from civilization. The federal government always needs an enemy to bump up it's federal budget. It's why Satanism and occultism is becoming popular in the countryside. The alt-right is actually losing because technocrats like Elon Musk and Alex Jones owns must of Texas.

As for the Zionists, I don't know. I have been wondering if Ben Shapiro is whoring his sister as a broodmares cause Candence Owens refuses to be the preg fetish. I am still baffled as to how he's getting comedians to do adult animation.
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We know you wear “1 shot 2 kills” shirts while targeting pregnant women.
The Jewish people are just advertising why every culture they invade try’s to eliminate them. Stop fueling your culture off children’s blood and people won’t be antisemetic.
Pan Africans tend to support Palestine and oppose the Washington machine. This could hurt Biden since he's more reliant on black college students to counter his army of dysfunctional politicians. When you remove the federal agents commuting along I-95 from Virginia and Maryland, DC is just a gated suburb with schools for people who can't afford the ivy leagues. The far right at least can take that trip to Latin America, Russia, France, and the islands while going to the city. Student loan debt is baked in as to cripple liberals to prevent them from ever rebelling. By the time they rise up, they're too old to change the system.
The difference between the IDF and Hamas is that those soldiers were discplined while Hamas terrorists who kill pregnant women are lauded as heroes by their leadership and the population of Gaza.

Anyway Hamas is a wonderful cause and they appreciate all your support.


>Stop fueling your culture off children’s blood and people won’t be antisemetic.

The IDF has only been in existence for 75 years. Prior to that Jews never had an army with which to extract baby blood. Unless you believe we're vampires who sneak into Christian and Muslim houses at night...?

By continuting to spread hateful fairy tales, you reinforce the idea that all Jews are targets and our enemies must be dealt with as brutally and efficiently as possible. The victims are apolitical Gazans who just want to live their lives, who — let's face it — you don't GAF about. A two-state solution, like Hamas has consistently rejected, would improve their lives. A cult of martyrdom has not.
>Most Jews live outside of Israel

It's about 50/50, so you're wrong, Part 1.

>a growing number are dissociating them selves [sic] from Israel and Zionism

You're Wrong Part 2: They're a minority both inside and outside of Israel. A majority — even those who opposed Likud occupation policies and "zionism" as a religious/political concept, like me — have thrown in with Israel because we've seen how the world reacts when we don't just lay down and be murdered like good little Jews.

THAT'S the lesson from the Holocaust: that we must fight for our own survival, and not give a fuck what others think when we do.
Biden's approval ratings are tanking because the IDf can't stop shooting civilians, making Netanyahu look more unhinged than Trump and causing Congress to exit before 2024. It's gotten so bad that congestion pricing and electric vehicles may not be viable until long after 2100 cause normal people feel the government's trying get them or using teens as government agents to get them arrested. I can't even use the bathroom or shop at CVS without a pin number cause paratrooper boomers can't stop autistically screeching about being robbed by Big Nigger Abdul Jamar who's just taking spoilage like juice past the expiration date or food.
I flat out don't know what happened to those Zeldin lizards once they lost the state to Hochul, but man they're so mind broken they make Adam Sandler look like chad
I can just vote third party for RFK Jr, making neolibs seethe that Trump gets elected cause nobody under 40 wants to elect Biden.
I honestly don't see Nikki Haley becoming president. She makes it too obvious she hates old people and will kill the elderly of elected. It's like how Tim Scott made it too apparent he's going fire union auto workers. I don't blame MAGA for wanting new leadership.
> THAT'S the lesson from the Holocaust: that we must fight for our own survival, and not give a fuck what others think when we do.

Says a people very dependent upon the hood will, charity and protection of Christians. And are allied to white Christian nationalists like Stefanik and Musk.
Your ethnostate is a product of the same era that gave us the Holocaust and is just as big a human rights abuse.
Kisame here. Stefanik isn't a Christian fundamentalists. She's just the resident Albany breeding cow who's scared thick mature Buffalo and Seneca Indian Nation women will take her district. Buffalo is chubby turbo whore central
I feel like anon forgets how much the alt right hates oligarchs and monarchs demanding the poor fight in Ukraine to satisfy their libertine lifestyle. The oligarchs do not care for nationalism as a concept. They're not going to give up God, country, and impregnating fatties using occult magic because Alex Jones spotted them. Crowley invented occultism to spite conspiracy nuts
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>Says a people very dependent upon the hood [sic] will, charity and protection of Christians

I mean, so do you personally, so does half the world. Meaningless argument. Of course Israel is gonna lobby for $ and accept military aid from the US to help in their defense against 75% of the Muslim world.

>allied to white Christian nationalists like Stefanik and Musk

Stefanik isn't a "white nationalist," you boob. She's a conservative Republican, like half of Congress, who supports Israel unconditionally, like a majority of Congress. She's become a hardass on immigration because she sees it as an effective wedge issue. Which it is. It's unfortunate it fell to a Trumper to get the heads of the Ivys to admit free speech stops at the end of a bullhorn calling for genocide.

As for Musk, take a look at how much business the Federal government does with him and tell me who's allied with whom.

>Your ethnostate is a product of the same era that gave us the Holocaust

I'm American, not Israeli, so it's not "my" ethnostate. Nor an "ethnostate" at all, as it contains Europeans, Africans, Arabs, and many other ethnicities. Words. They mean something.

And yes, 1948 is approximately the same era as the Holocaust. Also in the 1940s, the UN was founded, Mao Zedong remade China as a communist state, and the first computers were built. So your point is what, that Israel and the Holocaust were similar? You know who primarily died in the Holocaust, right...? lol

>and is just as big a human rights abuse

If you mean the 1947-48 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine through the current Gaza War, around 60k Palestinian Arabs have been killed, vs. 6m killed in the Holocaust. Yeah, that seems "just as big." Like a golf ball and the moon are both spheres and so basically the same thing.
I went back to drinking coffee and thought it over. Joe Biden and his ilk are losing cause the party wasted all their legal power prosecuting Trump the past three years as opposed to building capital and military aid for the middle east and Europe. Trump and his ilk may be poor financially and lost land but they're not dysfunctional like Desantis as to conflate legalism with politics. I argue by getting rid of Trump, it drew attention to the failings of the party like energy being expensive and the ivy leagues having no people skills.

Elon Musk is popular because people use Tesla, PayPal, and Twitter in a constant basis. Getting rid of Trump and Bill Gates allowed one guy to have a monopoly over commerce and tech in a way that Biden can't do anything about it. Libs nowadays are more dependent on Tesla, Amazon cause there's no small town supermarket. Just the other day, Japanese Steel bought US Steel because Biden failed to do anything about it.
I just don't think Trump will go away. Like Putin, he'll survive on the cockroach mentality and be back cause the alternative is letting Netanyahu shoot fatties till the EU or UN gets fed up with him. Schizos like Kisame here are just going off the grid to deprive the internet of an archenemy.
So this is where that visual gag comes from? >Launch or lunch

Also the Israeli PM has some resemblance with the dumb dwarf from Snow White
I dunno. Trump is barred from Colorado. Oh well, Dems are going to get that madame president Nikki Haley they always wanted. This means that Israel will now have to answer to a fat girlboss cause boomers can't stand up to Trump.
I stand up to you every chance I got. Promote me
Nah, get used to seeing Nikki Haley's double chin cause that's who's going to be president. Netanyahu needs a fat woman to distract from his army of hamplanets bodying Israelis abc Gaza
I am building capital for 2024 since that dream about the moose and dear I had is telling me to travel. I doubt those Kisame preg pics are coming.
Nevermind, Fetterman is doing the most boomer thing possible and blaming TikTok for Biden's low approval ratings. Dems seemingly forgot Gen Z needs social media for high voter turnout.
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I admit I knew why I was wrong. Dems forgot to get the clown to distract from their failures. The left needs to admit that Dubya was the best thing about the middle east war and 9/11 because he could entertain people. Getting rid of Trump would draw attention to Biden's failure. The biggest problem with Netanyahu is that he's not an entertaining psychopath like Mugabe, Hussein, or Gaddafi. He's just too cerebral in a way that it draws attention to his war crimes. Zionists aren't even unironic people's republic like N.Korea. Israel takes itself way too seriously that they make Gaza and Iran look normal.
Eliza Allure banned from instagram for spreading Hamas disinformation
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Mh....thread is what it is.
But here's a pic for whose there for fat jewish women!
I-I am sorry if you don't find semitic or jewish features hot, but for the ones who do here's a pic.
Maybe don't need to say but, I hate Israel and zion crimes. Just so you know.
Take your tranny-bait somewhere else.
See the bunker strategy is working.
Dems have no strategy anon. They've been attacking each other now that Trump is vanquished. Soon, pornstars are gonna get surd for not supporting G-D Biden
Your trendy, ill-informed hatred of Israel and "zion crimes" aside*, these are atypical looking Jewish women. Must be Mizrahi, they look Latina to me.

(* Your own country rolled over for Mussolini then Hitler like a cheap whore. No wonder you hate a people who actually defend themselves and their freedom. You're embracing fascism yet again because your culture is pathologically lazy and inefficient and the country doesn't function otherwise. )

Here's a link to more pics: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/plus-size-beauty-pageant-israel_n_1611518

Some uggos in there but Miss Fat Israel is a babe. Now imagine something this awesome happening in a speculative Palestinian state. Hamas and IJ would assassinate everyone involved.
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those are israeli women lol, it's from a beauty pageant
Jewish women came from in many shapes and forms, ethnic features like hooked noses can be kept but sometimes they get mixtured with other things.
BTW Mussolini used to support italian jews, they were collaborators and didn't mind it since they felt more italian than any other things. Many italian jews today just want to stay in their little isolationist villages.
And for me it's enough if she is jewish by name or birth for me to find her hot.
BUT I want to see if you have any hooked nosed BBW
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Joey Ramone did more for fascism than either eldery dictator. It's just like Peronism and Pinochet rehabilitated Nazism by making it commercial. I am convinced that Hitler is only popular because he's too much of a nerd who likes the occult and want his titcows that it's easy to conceive he just needs to be an Otaku. The fact he respected Jesse Owens more than Americans makes it seem he can be tamed by Fox Sports.
I've met more unironic Jewish Neo-Nazis than Zionists where I live.
The Jews who came to Palestine are Khazar Jews, from east of the Caspian Sea. They were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. They emigrated to Europe, and from there, came to this region. They have nothing to do whatever with the ancient people of Israel.
Israel is home to a bunch of kibbutz long before Netanyahu went from soldier of the Six Day War to LARPing as a tough guy. Judaism believes that only the biblical king David can be the Messiah and their covenant with God means they don't owe the world anything. The pagans you lust after were just bored Brits like Aleister Crowley who came up with Satanism just to be libertine and spite Christianity. The ultra Orthodox just waste their time beating up the Haredim and evangelicals while Hamas is too busy brainwashing Israeli women with trance music to keep them from rebelling. I think Jews need to accept that Adam Sandler represents them more than Ben Shapiro and neo-cons.
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Those were the khazar to ashkes.
But our italian jews are leftovers from the roman empire trades and slaves transported here. The sicilian jews are so ancient they can trace themselves back to before the fall of the third temple. And are just happy to live in their closed villages and not bothering anyone. It's ashkes from germany that try funny things.
some jews think their job is to enlight the world and give them a better view of something like "You shouldn't eat dogs". But ours understood the world doesn't want it and want to live in their islands.
Adam Sandler was funny in Click th. Id save him.
No, idiot, “Russia” absolutely did not back the four invading Arab armies during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War (there was a UN-enforced arms embargo, numbnuts). Stalin actually had to use Czechoslovakia as a middleman to ship arms to ISRAEL. The Soviet Union was also the first country to grant de jure recognition to Israel on May 17, 1948. The Soviet Union only severed diplomatic ties with Israel and switched sides in 1953.

You’re just a court Jew bitch for your Anglo-American masters. Also, didn’t you say earlier that 30% of Israel is Arab? LOL. You don't even know the basic demographics of the country you shill for. Ignorant mouth breather.


>Then did it again 19 years later, but 7 countries, 7 years before the US started giving them military aid.

Wrong again. The United States has been providing Israel with military aid since 1949, albeit relatively limited until the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Regardless, Also, if you’re falsely claiming that the US started giving them military aid during Yom Kippur War, you’re even more wrong, because that war happened 6 years after the Six-Day-War, not 7 years.
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>Then did it again 19 years later, but 7 countries, 7 years before the US started giving them military aid.

Wrong again. The United States has been providing Israel with military aid since 1949, albeit a relatively limited amount until 1973. Moreover, if you’re trying to claim that the US only started giving Israel military aid 7 years later during the Yom Kippur War, you’re even more wrong, because that war happened 6 years after the Six-Day-War, not 7 years.
Kisame here. I think I am going to make sure I go to the hospital in 2024.
I hope Ben Gvir becomes king so he throws your Kibbutznik family in jail.

The truth is, Israelis who are against Netanyahu are actually the number one threat to the Muqawama. This is why the former mossad director Yossi Cohen said that Netanyahu’s judicial reforms pose a national security threat to Israel.

All anti-Israel forces must support Jewish supremacists seizing power and destroying Israel’s democratic institutions, pissing on the grave of Herzl.
RFK Jr. will never become president because nobody can stand his insufferable voice.
He won't win but RFK and Cornel West can deduct 20% of the vote from the left to deprive Biden in battleground states.
Vivek Ramaswamy is the best candidate IMO
Gramps probably raped some girls in Vietnam.
They don’t care about a fetish imageboard. One moron here said that 30% of Israel is Arab, it’s not the IDF trolling here.
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for the ones that came here for JBBW
Is everyone on Epstein’s list JEWISH?
Did a select statement on “*stein, *berg and *witz” and it’s like half the names
I was writing off the top of my head and got my wars switched up, but don't make it seem like Stalin was a Zionist. He was anti-Semitic like most of the country, which is why there was so much emigration from the USSR to Israel after 1948. It was strictly a chess move and he switched teams shortly after. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union_and_the_Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_conflict#Effects_of_the_Cold_War

Big stretch saying he sent arms using Czechoslovakia as a proxy. In fact 7 years later... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian%E2%80%93Czechoslovak_arms_deal

>Also, didn’t you say earlier that 30% of Israel is Arab?

I did initially then corrected myself, as I didn't realize how many non-Jew, non-Arab Israelis there are. It's 21% Arab and 9% "other." My original point was that Arab citizens of Israel have equal rights and protections under the law. Which is why Israel is not an "apartheid state," despite what moronic college students paint on army jackets.
Not really it’s 100% an apartheid.
The West Bank is a great example. Jews murder people and steal their land. Arabs end up in military detention without even a trial.

Good try bootlicker. Go rape more kids and drink their blood.
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You didn't source your meme, because it's bullshit. I stand by what I said — see attached.

You don't know what apartheid means then. You're part of a large group of stupid people.

The West Bank isn't part of Israel, it's occupied territory. Not a small detail. It's occupied by Israel because the previous occupiers, Jordan, attacked Israel, with the assistance of its refugee residents.

Military detentions are because those residents wouldn't stop sending their women and children into Israel to blow up busses and cafes. In other words, it's war, and most countries, including ours, suspend certain legal rights as part of warfare. This is supported by international law.

The only people in this conflict murdering people and raping kids are Hamas and IJ. I can link to video if you'd like. This is why world leaders are tacitly supporting Israel: they know the truth and in protecting your marshmallow ass can't afford cheap trendy kumbaya sentiment and misinformation.
Ah yes, all those Jews on the list like Andrew Windsorstein, Bill Clintonberg, and Bill Gatesowitz.
I get there's not many of us in Norway and you guys drink a lot but none of those men are Jewish.
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Kisame here. Why is the preg community so retarded? I don't watch the news. I thought to start the new year silly. I figured all those twists won't work. Are neocons afraid that bloated budget is getting cut? Netanyahu is on his own.
Oh, I know Epstein. He worked out of Dalton in the UES. It's one of those elite schools in Manhattan. Sexual harassment was common and still is. It's a 50k place. Me and the other cooks don't care for parent drama and want to eat in the quarters. I am guessing he committed suicide at the rundown prison off York overlooking the river.
I dunno. This is on Adams. Lol. He won't stop fighting buses entering Port Authority and Secaucus. The guy is so bonkers he makes Kisame look normal. I guess congestion pricing drove Manhattan residents nuts along with high rent. Trump isn't going to save them now!
I hope you kill yourself, Kisame. Everyone hates you, including your "friends" over at the IRS
What are you talking about? I don't work for the federal government. I want back to being a sous chef. Not my fault the cartels sold your mom. I don't even live in DC.
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Have fun with Nikki Haley and neocons blowing the world up. Conservatives cannot even get a man to do it. They're obsessed when the data gurus and consultants now.
Yeah yeah, you'd lick Donald Trump's ass even if he didn't ask you to
I haven't paid attention to the news or the race. I want to see the conservative data gurus class get bossed around by their Hindu idol or merge with Trump to beat Biden. Desantis is just lame. He expects Fox News to do his bidding.
Is this why the Van Wyck was full of Arabs approaching the airport during Christmas? I don't care for foreign policy. The Petreas and Flynn's care about crushing female soldier puss than fighting in the war. Not everyone is Benedict Arnold and betray the nation for extra pay.
Trump is going after the teamsters for their endorsement.
Union guys are the biggest Trump supporters. They live in Republican districts cause NYC is expensive and vote Republican.
I am a pentecostal at the moment. I am afraid it's going to take roughly 4 months before normality is introduced cause I am using a lot of energy to heal the sick
Nicki Haley said “the civil was wasn’t about slavery” but that’s not racist.
The same people want pretend “from river to sea” means anything but ending the existence of an apartheid theocracy.
They are anti-free speech fascists real conservatives woulda taken out behind the barn years ago.(which is what you do with useless, defective genetics that don’t deserve to breed.)
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Why are white people obsessed with safety? That bloated security budget doesn't appeal to anyone. I argue we need to cut that military budget. Data analysts and tech consultants are wasting money looking for imaginary enemies and simulations where America wins. I can honestly picture neocons and college students screwing over Biden cause they're paranoid and won't stop playing Call of Duty or reading Tom Clancy novels. We unironically need Tucker Carlson to deprive neocons of their Hunt for Red October LARP
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Nikki Haley is a neocon. Chris Christie is scaring neocons by doing an impression of Tony Soprano. The fat vote isn't going to give up their Escalades, Carbine rifles, and trips to NYC to elect Christie. We're already taxing the fatties twice with tolls starting this summer. Trump is already the fat jersey mobster. Naturally Haley is winning because fat people can be intimidating
Necons don’t exist. Jews are white supremacists now and no one feels bad about antisemitism except Jewish donors to Ivy League.
When the millennial Jewish girls from Vassar retweeted Stefanik memes on Instagram it became open season on white Jews in America.
MAGAzeeners are gonna pretend to defend at the Jews who behave and are good lapdogs to the white man. The white working class suspects Jews are trying to replace them with Indian engineers and Asian computer programers. (And Goldman Sachs says they aren’t wrong). The tiki torches will come back in 2025 and this time antiracists won’t see antisemitism as anything but “fuck around and find out”.
The Long Island Jewish and Upstate Jewish population aren't going to vote for Trump. Democrats are losing blacks and Latinos to Trump. Nobody cares for 1/6. That's a meme made by retarded data analysts. Blacks don't watch CNN, MSNBC.
Trump make a modest $5-10 million overseas is how Americans supposed to make it. Not my fault Catholics like Gnarly Otaku, Joe Biden, and Nancy Pelosi are too stupid to do math.
All judges have to do is stop asking Tyrone stupid questions and he won't leap like a cheetah to assault you.
The problem with Biden is his army of historians are ignoring that the East Coast is full of people who want to watch sports. Politicians are ignored on a Saturday night. Biden comes across as senile talking about George Washington. Washington hated political parties and was a general just like Sherman. He wasn't Lincoln
No offense but house pedophile Raskins blurting out that Trump took money from Saudi Arabia and China makes Jews look insecure. Their goyslop and sheckles don't carry moral capital. Muslims and China have a strong middle class sees themselves as the scrappy underdog going up against the west. Their propaganda is far more metal than our own.
So...are there any goddamn non-American people here? Seeing Kisame17 talk to himself is really sad
I’m not some bigger than life Kisami, just a normal run-of-the-mill, top-tier, high functioning sociopath on a mission to wreck trolls like you for the sake of all the law-abiding folks out there.
Quick advice: Avoid dissing a public servant on the down low. IRS folks? Don’t mess with types who find joy in paperwork, Jeff.
Nikki ‘I had Black friends growing up’ Haley doesn’t have Sarah Palin’s heaving tits not McCans limp wrist enough to cut it with todays Neocons.
Biden’s biggest liability is having an addict son he loves. That doesn’t play well with the Christians because a true godking would sacrifice his son for all of our sins.
Trump hates his own sons. The way he rules them with a cruel hand and iron fist is a lesson in capable administration. He’s the only leader with the chutzpah to just nuke the Jerusalem and make it a shiny glass desert.
The only top-tier thing you've got is your mental illness, I swear god you went off the deep end years ago. And I know you're PrinceMarcus2217 on Discord, stop harassing girls already
Calculated bots.
Nah, Nikki Haley is the future of the GOP. Banning Trump from participating in the NY real estate trade means neocons will elect Nikki Haley. No more over the top evil like Kisame or Trump. No more bombastic personalities. Ibes learned my lesson. Democrats may not need Trump's deception, but their voters will.
Data gurus are trying to prevent Trump from running for high office. This could backfire cause real estate property is expensive and the data uses a small sample size. They're using fake data since it oversamples the puritan vote and doesn't factor in conservative Blacks Latinos, Asians, Muslims, Hindus who have large family and could vote for Trump and erode Biden's advantage.
I know because Nassau County has their own data gurus for Republicans.
Kisame here. Nothing I can do. Blakeman hates Hochul's guts. Too bad Albany is incapable of doing anything right.
Cross Crescent works for FEMA. She's a Navajo code talker and mapmaker. I think Markwayne Mullins and David Duke are hated for giving the tribe a bad name. She's based in Missouri, my cousin Junior plays for the Rams
Or the redskins
I am two years younger than him and 5'7
I am well anon. The MTA just refunded the credit card company. Writing angry letters actually worked.
Not sure why Fetterman is calling UPenn pinko. Women libbers put out like pros. He's mad he can't crush farm gurl puss and squaw puss
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What do you think? I am the real Kisame and I am an alien. I studied anthropology and trained to have the agility of a monkey. I also had some anti-oxidants like fruits to push about my weight.
Imagine how big a dumb bitch this Jewish Supremacist must feel like now. All of his points are proven wrong:
-the Israeli Jews soldiers are the war criminals
-the Israeli Jew settlers are the terrorists.
-the American Jews are using this to attack.
-black people and ally themselves to white supremacy.

Jewish people need to respect that American Black GI tank drivers liberated the concentration camps in Germany so a bunch of rich Russian tax dodging Jews could skip outta paying Stalin their fair share of the peoples wealth. The current Jewish people have nothing to do with the Holocaust and their inhumane acts show.

Maybe ask yourself why the white world thinks you’re soulless lizard people instead of being such a bunch of Karens.
Kisame here. Those jigaboos aren't tough. GIs can't be brought to heel by a black teen in a crop top like what happened when I rode the bus home. They can whine to American Legion with their crackhead soldiers robbing 7-11. I am sure master gunnery will hit them. The only thing worse than hoteps, ballers, hustler preachers is Sambo Rambo who wants to LARP as the duke from GI Joe with their 4.0 GPA four degrees and tenure. They're bigger uncle Tom's than those historical black college. Haitian people like me can burn their house down and take them down with an AK-47. The bloods and crops are more American than those quislings
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You're right, I'm so sorry. I admit to everything. How can I argue with such lucid, fact-based analysis? Hope you'll accept my apology, I'm gonna finish my coffee then go back to attacking black people and pay Stalin all those back taxes my family owes.
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Don't bother. It's Black GIs. They're either fuckmeat, fodder, or labrats. The Harlem Hellfighters, Tuskegee Airmen, Nam boomers, Korean War live in retirement homes where I live. They wanted that GI Bill and government home and got mesothelioma at Lejune. They hate the Trumps cause Fred Trump didn't want niggers in his property. Donald Trump is popular with blacks cause they he's too inept to be racist and grew up in Jamaica and not the Estates off 179th or 188th. He's like cause he's not "Vote for Cuomo, Not the Homo" Mario and Andrew.
I know cause I live in Hempstead which is a military village. Us Caribbeans aren't afraid to throw them off the 40/41 bus.
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The Jewish American people are gonna be really let down when your white supremacist buddies turn on your rich white Jewish asses and they’re left being defended by you thin wristed losers.

Dude you write like the kids we all bullied in high school, just buy a dick extension with your Jewish daddies lawyer banker money.

More and more people are putting down the Jew owned media and opening books.
Jews financed and managed the slave trade, Jews ran the Nazi state. Even Adam Smith blames the Jews for the the slave trade in his famous economic book.

People woke up and saw you for what you and your too impotent to do anything but bitch and beg for my money.
I don't know what you mean. I would like to help but my county executive is fighting Hochul and trying to convert the coliseum into a casino. I am trying to save up for a Subaru WRX and ignore the race in Great Neck this February.
Money is not an issue. My taxes and money fund their private buses and the electric buses.
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The Jewish banker denied my loan on account of not being Jewish enough. Now some Jewish landlord bought the house and is charging me 150% of his mortgage to rent it from him.
I complained to my Jew doctor and he charged me 300$ to stick his finger up my ass.
I went to a Jew lawyer over all this and he charged me 150$ consulting fee to eat fermented white fish while reviewing document.
Oh it must be those German-Jewish types
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That’s oil money. It was made fair and square.

Jewish wealth is based on USERY and is illegal under Christian and Muslim law. Jewish law celebrates vampiric economics.

This is why Jews are hated the world over. Their culture is one based on oppression, warfare, stealing and taking advantage of the weak whenever they can.
Remember the story of Nebuchadnezzar burning children.
If Jews could follow the law, maybe god would make the ovens burn less hot.
Black people need to learn. from the jews keep the money circulating in your network. But blacks are dumb.
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I am named after dracula and drain the vitality. There's no evil draining the out of millions. Jews are dumb cause they oppress their own instead of obtaining unlimited power.
Real Estate law is boring. I know cause I was a hired gun before becoming Kisame. I am now a soldier trying to get a land and I am in the lower 12% bracket.
Supposedly, there's been a number of Jewish lawmen who use their position to get sex from bastard women. I wonder if AG James is blackmailing the Jewish judge since neither Hochul or Blakeman likes her enough.
> number of Jewish lawmen who use their position to get sex from bastard women.

epSTEIN. The rest is window dressing.

Jewish people have all sorts of bloody religious rituals based around cutting up children’s genitals and sucking the blood.

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Oh that's a Brit milah to form a pact with God. It is doable if the patriarch to form pact. Nobody I know does that.
Down south, Sambo Rambo wants government aid. Sambo has to be told that government work doesn't pay the bills because Washington will always look for some antagonist to justify it's bloated spending. It's why Cameron the Kentucky AG has nothing in common with Stepin Fetchit from Houston. Tory Lanez was branding his buck
Hey wait?
>150% on mortgage
> $300 to touch privates
> $150 to eat caviar just to sexually harass women
>Not doing it a quickie using the car and gas, making her brag in front of the guys at back of house

Holy shit Jews are incels.
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That's that stupid kosher nostra, mafia garbage they do in Brighton. I guess they got rejected by the turbo whores in LI. Lol at Jews not being about to crush puss so hard that women will need new balances to walk and their kids will need crocs
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Yes (incluiding without war). I see in a blog, that a ssbbw model needs 60-80 USDollars for meals.
I'm a mexican worker (sorry Mai inglich). per week I have 100 to 150 USD hahahaha.
I don't want a 400lb pretty hambeast girlfriend that doesnt can wipe her ass or go to work or to Fight or escape from enemies. Or does not go to walk in a park.

>>39129 (OP)
And to the girl in first picture:
Poor hungry girl :c
You don't understand
This Bad palestin family are eating and stealing in a day, her pre dinner snacks...
She needs to take the tank and gatling to defend her territory. They and she can't fit in the same country
>Paco the taco thinks he can afford fat chicks

Get back to work nigger! Massa Biden wants you to die for democracy
That military budget is already blown up. I expect Zelensky, Netanyahu, and Latin America to screw over Biden and Nikki Haley to win.
The problem is that Biden wants persuadable suburbanites. I live in the suburbs and we all watch Fox News cause it's deep red with Trump supporters. Mr. And Ms. Black Regular in the suburbs vote for Trump too. The suburbs are more Latino, Asian, Muslim now. They all watch Fox News too. MSNBC and CNN aren't reasonable.
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>Adam Smith blames the Jews for the the slave trade in his famous economic book.

Oh his "famous economic book." LOL
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You're all crazy with Jew hate. I drink it up like blood from a baby's dick.

>Jewish wealth is based on USERY and is illegal under Christian and Muslim law.

No wonder you don't own a house if you believe it's illegal to charge interest. Anyway I'm not a fan of running the world based on the Bible or the Koran. If it was, this site wouldn't exist.


They're called "rabbis," you dumb nerd. And though I was very young from what I remember it actually felt kind of nice.
My dude you need thicker skin.
Screaming “antisemitism” at every valid criticism of Israel and Zionism will get you no where bud.
I fired my friend who hired me. Huh. Yeah. Fuck off.
Gets no tougher then that.
Now look at him living it up all blessed up.
Cry me a river timberlake
Im just being very patient so you have time to come to your senses. Before I put down the hammer like mighty thor
I don't know who these people are. Ask DocGyara
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The preg community would have to let me into their secret club again. I changed my personality to that of a sleeping hamster
I dunno Jew dude. Biden has no exit strategy and Israel is a quagmire that will hand Trump the white house
All I know is that Kisame isn't going to be in the chans.
It's a wash, Trump's and Biden's Israel policies are identical. Biden has no exit strategy because there are no US troops in Gaza. If you mean defunding Israel's military, it's not gonna happen no matter who's president. That includes everyone from Ron DeSantis to AOC.

Whatever the rhetoric, everyone with even a wikipedia-level understanding of the Middle East knows it's in our interest — not just the US but the entire West — to make sure Israel continues to be a major military power there. They recognize that Iran and their proxies (not just Hamas but Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Houthis, etc) are existential threats to liberal democracy.
Okay, then show me the criticisms of Israel and Zionism, valid or otherwise. Those posts I tagged actually said nothing about either topic. They were just plain old anti-semitism like us being lawmen who fuck "bastard women" and our alleged love of baby fellatio.

In fact if you do actually GAF about Palestinians, the worst thing you can do is spread 800 year old conspiracy bullshit like this. It legitimizes Jewish paranoia that everyone is out to get us and so Israel should do whatever it wants to eliminate its enemies and not worry about world opinion.
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Aren’t you the Jewish white supremacist who ironically uses the n-word and denies the well documented war crimes of Israel?

Why do you think anyone would take you seriously or debate in good faith?
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In what sense is Iran an "existential threat" to the US and Western Europe?

They're a regional power which is hostile to the US (not without reason, pic related.) If they get nukes it will further destabilize the Middle East, and it would be a bad thing for us if they gained the upper hand over Saudi as regional hegemon. But they're not and are never going to be a great power rival on the level of Russia or China.

They *are* a potential existential threat to Israel. But not to "liberal democracy" in general, except to the extent that an Iran-Israel war could spiral quickly into WW3 by drawing in the US and Russia.
Kisame here. Where are Jews getting their information from? Iran is no threat, they're the biggest nerds who study chemistry and science. God I hope Trump wins again. I am tired of Biden and his wussy African American Episcopalians larping as wizards. It seems Common Core made people dumber
My guy, Jews have themselves to blame. You gut math, science, for computers and robotics. Little Timmy or Ephraim is too stupid to do math and understand modern art.
I don’t use the N-word, ironically or otherwise, and I don’t believe white people are superior so I guess not. Very few people have argued here in good faith, or made gross assumptions based on my identity. Even those who started out reasonable devolved into Protocols-style stupidity when I pointed out their wrongness. So ultimately idgaf. I’m here to point out facts vs bias for those who only understand Jewishness, Israel, and the Palestinian question based on memes.

You answer your own question and prove my point in that comment, so thanks for that lol.
How’s traffic on the Van Wyck this morning? I have to go pick my dad up at the airport in a little while.
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> I don’t use the N-word, ironically or otherwise,
> Nigga, please.

Shut up you fucking cunt.
Like I said. Your friends hate you because of this whiney little dick racism you’re either too dumb or too racist to monitor coming out of your mouth.
I’ve never seen a bigger bitch in my life. You depend on antiracists to defend you but you have no honor or morality and just hide behind “I wish you’d argue in good faith” rhetoric while dropping slurs and casual racism.
Yup, you got me — I used a version of it, ironically indeed, in commenting Christian sanctification of slavery in the US. Reach any harder and you'll dislocate your shoulder. Miss the point any further and you'll blow your own head off.

(PS: The C- and B-words are highly mysogynistic... Guess you failed your own purity test.)
>All this over the N word

Man these Uncle Tom's and Sambos have nothing better to do. I am voting Trump or RFK Jr this November
I argue Biden's problem is that he's just as much of a fundie fishing black churches for votes. This approach will get Trump reelected cause Trump doesn't court the evangelical vote. Sometimes Bombast works
Sorry for Triple posting but Howard Stern is no longer the cool guy he was. Netanyahu and Zelensky are black holes that suck all the aid out of America for their dumb campaigns.
Dont lose your life this year because someone is being soft. No one runs and gets shot quicker then someone going outside their home & popping violence. Friendly reminder im always carrying.
Dude. Fuck off. You know god damn well the America human rights abuses that constituted slavery was 10x the size of the Holocaust and lasted 400 more years than the Holocaust. Not to mention Jim Crow 1.0 and 2.0.
Any version of the n-word is the same thing as saying “Hitler was right, Jews are vermin”.
The center left doesn't want to pay for FEMA or making their kids gay or social security. African Americans are such giant man children that Jamaicans, Haitians, Dominicans, and Puerto Ricans want nothing to do with an overgrown man child. They all vote Republican while working for the American government.
Protestors are blocking the bridges and tunnels. I guess they stopped with the Van Wyck cause of the glorious merging
This is such a cringey overreach, in lieu of an actual argument. You're a parody of ignorant, weaponized wokeness.

And I know you're a full of shit meme activist because people who actually care about human rights and such don't put genocides in competition with each other.

Now go atone for your blatant misogyny, you fucking tool.
Saw that, found a workaround — thanks. The Palestinians thank them for their service.
Biden is getting interrupted by the youth vote at AME church.
To answer your inquiry, confederates and black supremacists don't care about helping Washington. All Biden and his army of federal workers need to do is stop reading those Tom Clancy books and watching the Shield, and they'll get that youth vote. I argue getting rid of the religious right and it's affiliates like the NRA and Trump Organized left them bored without a cause to fight
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>”cringey overreach”.. “weaponized wokeness”..
“meme activist”.. “blatant misogyny”

Inbred Karen learned some buzzwords and thinks she’s people.
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After that Jewish Rape tunnel got exposed under a synagogue in NYC I’d be getting that passport ready if I was part of the pedo-tribe.
Secret underground tunnels, blood soaked mattresses, baby strollers… real strong ‘Simon of Trent’ vibes, Jewish Blood Rituals and harvesting adrenochrome from their child victims' blood. It’s all in the Talmud, check for yourself.
Protect your families, protect your communities. If you live near a synagogue or other Jewish owned structure I suggest you organize with your Christian neighbors to check to make sure everything is normal by force if necessary.
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Really dude...? Like "Karen" isn't an overused cliche at this point? And "...thinks she's people" is another cliche from a dumb meme. You're really an original thinker.

The point is that you can't actually refute anything I wrote. You just post pics of unattractive Hassidim and think that makes your point. Keep blaming Jews for your dull brain, we love it.

You're a paranoid, gullible idiot. Here's some knowledge:

>Jewish Rape tunnel

The rabbi in the article (from 2013!) talks about a rape tunnel in Jerusalem, which is far from world Lubavich headquarters in Brooklyn (which is NOT a synagogue).

Here's the link, which you didn't provide because you're a POS person with plenty of hate and misfiring synapses and zero integrity:


Step outside your psychosis for a moment and ask yourself... Does his account sound plausible? Or like a Bosch painting come to life in his chemically imbalanced brain...?

(Vice has always been such a beacon of journalistic integrity. Because you wouldn't want to get any other perspectives when dropping acusations like this.)

Lubavichers built a tunnel, that they shouldn't have. The city went to check it out, they got angry. That's it.


A little background:

1) Rosenberg (the whistleblower rabbi) belongs to the Satmar, a rival Hassidic sect to the Lubavich (the folks with the illegal tunnel in Brooklyn). The Satmar are staunchly anti-Israel for religious reasons.

FWIW, I once lived just 3 blocks from Broadway (in Brooklyn, not Manhattan), the unofficial northern border of their community. They are a pretty rotten group of people, with whom 90% of my dealings were unpleasant at best. They've been plagued by scandal and most Jews in the city, including other Hassidim, avoid them, and vice-versa.

2) Hassidim overall are a minority group of fundamentalist kooks, less than 5% of us. Like a lot of fundamentalist kooks — Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc — they do kooky, fucked up things. Painting all Jews with the same brush as Hassidim is like considering the Amish or the Branch Davidians emblematic of Christians.

Anyway, plenty of priests, reverends, pastors, imams, etc have been nailed for being pedophiles. I'm not surprised rabbis and other Jewish religious figures have as well. Next.

3) There's nothing about blood rituals and "harvesting adrenochrome" (lol) in the Talmud. It was written thousands of years ago and like the version that's in the Christian bible called the Old Testament, or Nostradamus or whatever, there's a lot of vague language that can be interpreted any number of ways.

4) Definitely go harrass a synagogue based on some dollar store QAnon bullshit you've read on a chan and wind up in jail or bankrupt after being sued for religious harassment.

Your post:

>Secret underground tunnels, blood soaked mattresses, baby strollers… real strong ‘Simon of Trent’ vibes, Jewish Blood Rituals and harvesting adrenochrome from their child victims' blood.

The Rolling Stone article, quoting from some other chan lunatic:

>“Secret underground tunnels, blood soaked mattresses, baby strollers … Getting real strong ‘Simon of Trent’ vibes here,” one influencer wrote...

Come on man, you couldn't even bother to reword it...? Just copy-paste? It's not the Jews holding you back, it's your utter lack of effort in everything you do. Blame your DNA or probably your parents for making it too easy on you. My people have nothing to do with your mediocrity.
(7 KB, 308x222, IMG_3226.jpeg)
My source is literally from Jewish Virtual Library, not a meme retard. God, you know nothing. Stop speaking about things you know nothing about.

>I stand by what I said

Except the picture you attached undermines your original point. You first alleged that the US only started giving Israel military aid during the Yom Kippur war. Look closely, tard.
This doesn’t even take into account the extensive French & British support post-1948, btw.
>Big stretch saying he sent arms using Czechoslovakia as a proxy.
It’s not a big stretch, faggot retard. It’s a well documented historical event…
>In fact 7 years later
It’s almost as if geopolitics isn’t static. For example, 7 years after the 1948 war ended, Britain and Israel jointly launched a military intervention in Egypt, even though both parties were extremely hostile to each other during the 1948 war (British officers were training the invading Arab legion)
(97 KB, 640x797, PrescottBush.jpg)
> Leave the site for a few weeks. Comeback later and fetish artists are still arguing over aid to Israel and Ukraine.

G-D I hope Trump becomes president this year. Having the Red Skull for a dad really helped. Neocons need to learn their soft on crime pinko days are coming to an end. Trump just needed Prescott Bush as a mentor.
If you want a serious discussion from Kisame, Gen Z doesn't want to fight for Joe Biden and hate military intervention. Those conservatives and independents who vote for Nikki Haley are just Northeners blocking Trump so they can keep Vermont, NH, Maine white. They aren't going to stop Trump with their smug better than u beliefs
I won't be back till April since I am prioritizing living like a normies during Winter. Have fun with imaginary Kisame17 cause I need to focus on warming up during the 19 degrees weather
jibber babble
Ugly as hell naked 50
Netanyahu's salt the earth policies are hindering Biden cause Israel doesn't have a timetable for Gaza it's an invasion with no general or attrition
Don't try to play your word games with me, kike, you're not even arguing against half my points, you're just telling me "they don't make sense", lol.
What’s a “Nikki Haley”? The Donald’s gonna win and protect the chosen peps.
DeSantis just struck down DEI and Karen Stephanik forced Harvards to put member of the tribe back in charge.
German fascists are taking over, Eurovisions might be cucked but otherwise Jews and their anglo overlords and laughing up a storm.
Zionist Censorship on full display.
Hiding active discussions is shameful by you IDF shills.

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