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alright lads, my girl has had PCOS all her life and she recently told me she wants to start eating better so she doesn't feel like shit. i got her onto peating and she's gonna start tonight.

my question is, does anyone else have any experience with pro metabolic eating, or any other diet/lifestyle changes to try and remedy PCOS? this isn't about intentional weight loss, we're just trying to get her hormones back in balance, any advice would be appreciated.
Really you're gonna to need avoid food that's jack up insulin.
>>38953 (OP)
what the fuck is that?
i like peated whisky
>diet/lifestyle changes to try and remedy PCOS
>we're just trying to get her hormones back in balance, any advice would be appreciated
lose weight
Relative of mine has PCOS. It's made it very hard to lose weight (read: she's up to like 320 lbs in her early twenties, put on like 100 since high school) and made her very belly heavy. She claims she exercises but just to keep her healthy, which she is. Doctor gave her a clean bill of health. So my advice would be if your gf wants to feel good at her current weight just do the common sense stuff. Eat healthy, balanced meals, stay mobile, don't smoke, don't drink much, etc. The weight my relative has put on came from those moments of overindulgence, like during the holidays. She's not interested in losing the weight, at least not interested enough to be strict about diet and exercise.

TLDR it's probably easy for your gf to feel fine on a regular, healthy diet. If at some point she wants to lose weight it'll be a steep uphill challenge to lose it and keep it off. I realize I probably repeated much of what you already knew, but I hope that helps somewhat. good luck!
My wife suffers. Evening Primrose Oil will help general lady issues.

Vitamin D, zinc and omega 3 supplements will help general well being and if she's prone to any acne as a result of it, that makes the biggest difference to her, if she likes what she sees in the mirror, huge difference.

Its really down to generally taking a little more care in the diet and exercise too. Make anti immflamatory foods a staple of her diet.
Staying away from red meat helps

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