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Alright BBWchan. This may be like an alcoholic asking bar mates if beer is bad, but being as this is a site for BBW/ fat fetishists how do you relate this fetish and consumption of porn to your life? Is this a problem for you at all, sexually/ / romantically/ otherwise? Are there experiences or guidelines you want to share that have improved your relationship to this fetish?

I'll give my experience, bit of a ramble ahead. I don't think I have a 'problem' per se with this fetish but it'd probably be good to moderate things a bit. I've been watching porn regularly since I was a kid, probably 11/12, and it undoubtedly shaped my brain sexually in ways I'm not sure are wholly positive. I've got no problem dating a big girl, dating one now, and the sex is great. I usually masturbate most days I'm not banging, and usually watch BBW porn of some kind to get off. Over they years my tastes have progressed to bigger and bigger girls, and slowly more into feederism itself. This somewhat concerns me as its one thing in fantasy but another to NEED that irl. Although i've had no issues with ED with the current girl I'm dating, previous relationships/hookups with smaller girls have resulted in a mixed bag. If a girl is too skinny, sometimes I'm just almost asexual, or unable to maintain erection/arousal. But usually if they're properly fat I've got no problems.

But that has caused some embarrassment and shame. One time I remember having a great date with a girl (Who is now actually a close platonic friend so it all worked out really) who was cute and funny and had huge tits on a slim frame, but because she was slim when it came to having sex I couldn't perform even if societally she was like a 9 or 10.

Anyways, is there any real evidence for porn causing long term issues? Is daily consumption of BBW fetish porn bad? cause it kinda sounds bad, but actual science seems light on this topic. But the whole fellow Gen Z generation having unrestricted access to porn from pre teen age seems like it may lead to some consequences, and i wanna know if I'm living it.
yea i suspect our eternal souls are damned but probably on one of the upper layers of hell
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Here is my take on porn addiction.
Trying to address what is an "appropriate" level of porn consumption or masturbation is too nebulous and debatable. It is more useful to talk about separating fantasy from reality. If you focus too much on the fantasy and/or allow the fantasy to become your expectation, you are setting yourself up for unfulfilment and sexual frustration in your IRL sex life.

People talk a lot about how porn gives young men unrealistic expectations. For normies, this entails things such as: women having shaved vaginas, men having 8"+ penises, anal/choking/rough sex/facials/etc being the norm, you get the picture.

People don't often talk about how BBW/feedee porn in particular can give an FA unrealistic expectations.
I will give some obvious examples for FAs as I did for normies.
BBW/feedee porn would have you believe that your fat girlfriend will:
- Enjoy being fat
- Be comfortable with the fact that you are attracted to her fatness
- Let you rub her belly / play with her fat
- Let you feed her
- Let you call her names like "piggy" or "fatty"
- Gain weight for you
If you start dating a random fat girl and expect her to meet all (or indeed any) of these criteria, you will be disappointed.
On the other hand, if you are specifically trying to find a girl like this from the get-go, you will also be disappointed.
Heterosexual feederism is like any other fetish with a "sausage fest" demographic (other examples off the top of my head include things such as femdom and feet) insofar as this: The best you can realistically hope for (99% of the time) is a girl who will pretend to enjoy it for your sake if she really likes you. You can kind of sort of maybe get a facsimile of what you want by being very patient and understanding with your partner. Some guys here will tell you that you can get it by being duplicitous and manipulative. I think these guys are the ones who can't separate fantasy from reality, coupled with a lack of empathy and morals.

So what can you do? As I've repeatedly said, I think it's important to separate the fantasy from the reality. And it's equally important to communicate with your partner and (for the love of God) respect her boundaries. For some men this means watching less porn.
However, to bring this all back to my earlier examples of "normie porn expectations", all of this (often but not always) ironically correlates to how much IRL experience you have. In other words, virgins (or otherwise inexperienced guys) are a lot more likely to have these unrealistic expectations.
So I guess my advice would be: If you haven't dated a BBW yet, don't expect her to act like one of the models you jerk off to. Or, more accurately, how those girls act on camera. Because almost all of them actually hate it IRL. In fact, you should expect the complete opposite.

TL;DR: It's important to be able to separate the "porno fantasy" from the actual reality of dating a fat woman.
There's no "science" because everyone is different. Some dudes can fit daily porn consumption into a productive, fulfilling life. Others get addicted with all that entails. Bottom line, ignore the No-Nut Puritans and wannabe Spartans: Daily masturbation is normal and healthy. That's what modern psychology says, especially as it seems it's not precluding sex with your partner.

And the reason you couldn't get it up for the skinny friend is because you're an FA. That's why you're here. It's like beating yourself up because you don't want to fuck a guy you like to hang out with.

I didn't grow up with the internet but I was exposed to porn fairly regularly at a very young age, and no doubt it twisted me sexually. That said, pretty much everyone on earth born after 1990 has had infinite access to porn at this point, and so we as society are just gonna have to deal. Pandora's box can't be closed, like with social media which is way more toxic IMO.

To me the shame is a bigger issue than watching people fuck — a natural process like sleeping and shitting. Denying, criminalizing, and stigmatizing people's natural urges is otherwise called "mind control." See: Religion, Totalitarian Governments, Media/Advertising. It's in oppressors' interests to make you hate yourself so you're reliant on them psychologically.

Now, if they can take the human trafficking/abuse aspects out of porn there's no reason it can't be part of a balanced media diet. Look at all the violence we ingest from news and entertainment, like video games, movies, etc. I barely watch TV yet 90% of my netflix suggestions involve someone being murdered. Meanwhile all studies say we're less violent as a species than ever.

(Yes, a dude will shoot up a school or bar every once in a while, but that's because Muh Segun Amandamunt assholes in this country give crazy people access to military-grade rifles. And drug prohibition + cheap, easily accessible handguns is what leads to 90% of street killings. Don't get me started.)
No-Nut November is the dumbest shit ever. Especially when people end up lying about going x amount of time without jerking off.
I tried not nut november once

worst 10 minutes of my life
>>38923 (OP)
you know the answer already
you're depraved. go live in california
You're here, Swiss Miss. Choke on your hypocritical self-loathing.
But he does have a point.
>>38923 (OP)
Once a master debater always a master debater, as long as you're not consuming criminal stuff and you dont have to cancel RL stuff for a fap youre ok. You can always take a break, anyways when you do it too much is because you have too many empty hours on the day, try working 12 hours shifts pumping oil from the ground 6 days a week or the same time coding for EA, you wont even use your free time to eat or shit.

Now, morally, spiritually, biologically, thats another subject and its different per person and beliefs.

Greeks used to fuck young bois back in the day and hustle writing philosophy on the side, that shit was perverse, but those were the times when such things didnt matter for them.

Should you be worried about your taste becoming more and more excesive? yeah, feederism isnt porn anymore, the same way food porn isnt porn either. If youre so worried you oughta look for professional help instead of asking other active adicts for advice, thats not a bright idea.

when it comes to regular fetish, your taste change with age and access, ppl used to fap to a fucking ankle or kneecap, when i was young i liked women one way and what i used to find disgusting in girls now intrigues me, age, experiences, women you meet along the way, all your life experiences have an impact in your taste.

Ppl with trauma are prone to develop sick sexual taste, if you are one of those its better to find help, specially if you yourself realise that this isnt

Im not gonna condemn feederism, as long as its consesual.

Fantasy and reality are compatible concepts as long as you keep them separated, you may love a fantasy and hate the thought of said fantasy in the real world with all your guts.

Ideation != desire.
Also, your mindset depends on your surroundings, if we put you in an island full of skinny women, in mere months you'd be pumping anorexic models left and right given the chance. Only a really, and i mean really, sick man would not change his taste, and that requires professional help.

We are men, if it moves we f0cc it m8.
I don't really think I have a problem with porn addiction. In all honesty, I more horde the porn rather than you know actually watch any of it. Like, don't get me wrong, occasionally (maybe once every other month) if I'm feeling in the mood for a really big girl I might watch an Adeline clip. However, generally, I just jerk off without porn to help myself sleep at night.

The only time I really felt it was a problem was when I was reading erotica. The climaxes are so much more intense and last so much longer. Like seriously, It can feel like your balls are on fire with pleasure for frigging hours. It is just too time-consuming tho and it is so easy to waste the day just reading smut.

As for shaping my sexuality, I don't really think porn has had an impact. I got into this fetish when I noticed a rotund classmate and began to fixate on what it would like to be fat. I started dreaming about getting fat (I mean this literally as in this is what I would dream about going to bed) and then gaining to basically immobility. This happened in the third grade. I didn't know what an erection was then and certainly didn't watch porn at that time. Hell since I was pretty stupid growing up, I thought that all video smut sites would give you a virus so I don't think I really watched porn until high school. By then, my sexual preferences had been set and established for a long time.
Porn Addiction as a concept is heavily exaggerated by braindead zoomers, SWERFs that influence the former and Exodus Cry Christcucks.
The only way you are addicted to porn is if it completely dehabilitates your daily life and you are literally doing shit like busting nuts at work. If that sort of symptomology isn't what you have. You don't have an addiction.
I flat out don't know what Exodus Cry is. I think retards like DocGyara and Gnarly Otaku tend to ignore that evangelicals aren't this monolith like the ultra Orthodox or Catholic.
A lot of these blue state churches in beach towns don't have that kind of influence since Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee are still the Bible Belt states. I argue weebs should be more angry at Steven Spielberg for making films family friendly and Disney's attempts at cleaning up cinema further than some Mormon in Utah
I am a younger millennial despite being Kisame17 and I can verify that Gen Z does not like pornography. Market surveys shows that Gen Z wants to remove sex scenes from entertainment. I argue older millennials like DocGyara and Gnarly Otaku are seen as losers and homosexuals by Gen Z cause they open about their degeneracy. Mark my words that Riddle August's children will grow up to be state college players who work in corporations and not the next Elon Musk.

Assuming older millennials are serious about addiction, they'll end up at a group him with some fat CNA since they're at the cutoff point where art isn't going to pay for the 4k rent.
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I am trying to articulate that Gen Z is not going to vote blue just to save millennials and Gen X their pornography. The back the blue types have themselves to blame for electing a president with weak policies and tax on middle class. I say this because millennial habits are starting to mimic seniors on social security. Come on coomers, sell your house for that time share!
>>38923 (OP)
I Literally once was unknowingly no-fap for the whole summer. I don't know how it happened, I was just busy with other things.
Then in 1st November remembered and did it. It was fucking amazing. Then I went to YouTube and saw for the first time no-fap videos.

It was utterly cringe.

I think some people do it because they feel they are doing something good for themselves. For me it made zero change, my life didn't improve in any way.
I can get porn into my life and not act retarded. Actually, I do act retarded, but not because of porn
yeah when I was in the military the shitters were so gross that if you were horny you'd get instantly turned off by the smell, so I never bothered for 3-4 months until I matched with some random 4/10 fat bitch on tinder and drove an hour to hook up with her. It was nothing special either either before, during or after.

I don't think the problem is in ejaculating itself, but rather how frying your dopamine receptors with porn.
I went to India for an aid mission (some of you may remember that thread from a long time ago) and unintentionally did nofap for the same reason while I was there. Not for any spiritual reason but just because the shitters were so gross, I was too busy with other shit, and tbh the lack of qts over there probably didn't help lol
I didn't realize how bad porn truly was until I met this super fuckable fat girl but couldn't get it up. I believe porn has contributed to my erectile dysfunction but I also have low testosterone. I've spent too much money and especially time on porn too. Porn just isn't as interesting as having sex with someone. Otherwise, with a kink like this I didn't think porn is that bad. Just so you don't have to engage in something that could be harmful IRL.

Try eating healthier and less stress. Also I heard pomegranates helps with ED
For me it's having way too much free time, 9 times outta 10 I'm beating it not because I'm horny or anything, I'm just bored and oops I'm on the chan/reddit/twitter/whatever again
Goddamn, this is me. It's fun, but a timesink.
Shit for me it isn't even fun anymore half the time, it's just like, get home from work and what else do I do
Play Age Of Empires 2 Ultimate Edition on steam
Going thru similar. Have been avidly beating it to fat porn since 12 or 13. I don’t have ED or anything, but I have noticed it’s gotten smaller. The biggest I ever measured it was 7 and a half inches, lately I’ve been hovering at or slightly below 7. It also just feels smaller flaccid too. I eat very well so I don’t think that’s it. Almost entirely Whole Foods. I work out, am natural so I don’t think it’s low T. Im finding it harder to get off to certain videos also. Like if it isn’t a brand new video I’ve never seen or doesn’t spike my interest, it doesn’t do too much for me. Before anyone says that’s ED, it gets hard, it’s just boring and uninteresting.

What do I do? What’s wrong with me? Has anyone on here experienced similar?
Procrasturbation: stay up all night drinking coffee, doing upper, smoking joints and beating your meat compulsively.
You don't necessarily need to stop porn, just lower the frequency. Here is the rule of thumb. Stop, and don't use porn until you start to get uncomfortable. And I mean it. Just hold off until you feel like you NEED to not want to. They get some release. Keep this up until your body realizes it can go at least a few days without you jacking it. The second part is you need to do something that will take your energy and is fun. This may sound like replacing one addiction with another but it's more like, you need to put your excess energy into something. For most people the thing that takes the most out of them is exercise. Try to expend energy doing something physical. After you are in the habit then you should feel novelty of porn/sex but without the burnout feeling of over stimulation. Best of luck.
>>38923 (OP)

I think you're putting too much blame on porn for your fantasies. Being an older person, I can tell you that I had the same fantasies before getting regular access to internet porn; the only difference was that I learned other people had them too, and that there were terminologies for them. If you didn't have these fantasies you wouldn't have seeked out porn featuring fat women in the first place.

Like almost anything porn is fine in moderation, but that's easier said than done. I'm very much in support of moderating porn use since it tends to become a dopamine addiction like any other. You couod try putting yourself on a schedule or just getting other hobbies to distract you. Sometimes you just need to beat it and that's fine, as long as it's not getting in the way of your life.
Like other people have said, everyone's different and some people can manage this fetish IRL while watching a lot of porn, others can't. Personally, I would like to get to the point where I'm barely watching it, if not abstaining altogether. Everyone faces the difference between fantasy and reality in their sexual lives, but our fetish is particularly prone to them being discordant.

Given the nature of our fetish, in order for us to be satisfied in our sexual lives IRL, we have to be more flexible, yet watching porn promotes the exact opposite of this. Always being able to gratify your desires in exactly the most stimulating way shrinks your horizons and makes your tastes increasingly specific over time. When I was first getting into this, I could get off to a barely chubby girl playing with her belly on YouTube, and now I need to watch something way more extreme. All that happened was that I had access to more feederism porn, and in the moment, I always chose to jerk off to what was turning me on the most (naturally), and what turned me on the most was porn that pushed it slightly further than last time.

Ultimately, I've accepted that I'll never not like fat chicks, and that's okay with me. But I do have some control over how broad my horizons are and how flexible I am with my tastes, and that really comes down to where I'm holding my attention. If I'm constantly watching porn, then I'm going to continue to develop these specific tastes and feel stressed out about how they mesh with reality. But if I limit myself to reality, my tastes will adapt (to an extent) and give me more flexibility. Again, I'll never not like fat chicks, but what did the guy who liked fat chicks in 1830 do? He blew his load to the probably semi-chubby woman in town who by our standards was too small. But he was none the wiser.

Also, real life experiences can shape tastes too. One relationship I had with a woman who was 5'10 220 was one of the best that I've ever had, and it singlehandedly unlocked the tall/curvy body type for me. You might find that when your brain isn't constantly stimulated with porn that IRL experiences can be more potent.
No fap Anecdotal Evidence:
imgur com/gallery/g4eGH/
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>>38923 (OP)
The only bad part about this fetish is that people expect you to treat it as a kink the moment it stops suiting their agenda.
>I want to go on a diet!
>My family and friends keep bullying me saying I'm unhealthy!
>Welp, got the beetus, time to put the brakes if I want any sense of normalcy.

Even with a consenting partner, what else can someone do to drain the demons? Mass debate. What else can you do, hold it in and risk getting an even crazier fetish because you're so turned on and willing to associate with anything for relief? It's simpler to drain the lizard from your own fantasies than move on.

However, chronic masturbation (gooning in extreme cases) is often a comorbidity of other issues, such as poor self-esteem, procrastination, and attention grabbing conditions such as ADHD. Meditation is similar to cognitive behavioral therapy (no, not the other one) where you undo these impulsive urges with mindfulness and letting emotions pass through you, even if it's related to terrible situation like rape. Anybody can do this, the therapist is only there if you're prone to meltdowns if you can't control yourself.

There is something to be said about how data collection agencies and advertising are willing to exploit this, as impulsiveness is their game; exploiting feedism by giving everyone this fetish would lead to social contagion akin to troons where long-term outcomes would be terrible. Unlike them, however, obesity always has the caveat "you can get bikini body ready whenever you want :^)" despite people like boogie where the habits made the man as fat as he is and he pursued every unhealthy option to cut down his weight. Likewise, the "feeder to feedee" pipeline is not to be underestimated because of so many unwilling partners, and how troons have allowed themselves into the feedism community because PIV sex isn't enough for them. For some here, if given the option to be a family man or get a food dump slave (or even be the food dump slave), some would be corrupt enough to take the latter despite the consequences for society. In which, Darwinism ensues. Hell, I was just in a shopping mall overhearing two lanklets, where the twink in pink was "joking" about becoming a male stripper, even in this "work when you want, where you want" glut sites like Doordash bring. These people just want to work without breaking a nail, and if they want to be contractual slaves where doxxing is common, their loss. These people never had dreams to begin with.

tl;dr It's not a question of "do you masturbate?", but "why do you masturbate?" Masturbation shouldn't be an excuse to lie flat and be a victim. Only when you have six figures and retire off your earnings, do you have my permission to fap.
Is this actual toro art lol didn't he quit and nuke his shit
Thank you. I’ll try lowering the frequency. I thought it was less about the frequency and more about the semen retention, but hey, it’s worth a shot.
Yep, not a fake. His art got archived on other websites. He does share an account with Bamboo-Ale now where you see his characters every so often.

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