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I'll start.

I was about 11 or 12 (so we're talking around 2002-2003), my family and I went to the local IHOP for breakfast one morning. As we were being seated, I couldn't help but notice a woman probably in her late 30s or early 40s who was taking up TWO seats, and spilling over the edge of BOTH of them. I don't remember much else, but I do remember that when she left, she needed to be helped up from her seats. I'd guess she probably weighed north of 500 pounds
I was around the same age you were in that story circa 2007. I'm from Ireland. My family went on a trip to Florida that summer, which is so far the only time I've been to the US. During that trip, we went on a cruise. There was a pool on the cruise ship, but it was tiny. I saw a woman who was so fat she basically took up the entire pool (or so it seemed to my 11-year old brain). Me and some other boys who had been playing in the pool basically had to get out when she got in because there was no longer any room to splash around. Far from being aroused, I was actually a bit grossed out, not to mention pissed off that we couldn't play in the pool anymore.
Ok, this happened less then a week ago.

I was driving downtown to go to the gym and all of a sudden I pass these two black girls.

One was of average size (actually pretty skinny; "conventionally" very attractive) wearing yoga pants and a zip sweater and carrying a water bottle.

The other however, was EASILY 500 pounds, and if Im going to be quite honest, more like 700+ or something like that.

She was the width of a queen size mattress or bigger, with the biggest bust I had ever laid eyes on, at least a foot and a half in front of her.

Not to mention her ass was probably five feet across or more, and her belly was enormous as well. Absolutely massive.

I was surprised she could walk at all, let alone walk with no assistance. It was obvious though, how slow she was, and her waddle was enormous.

The skinny chick seemed to literally be orbiting her she was so huge.

Sorry for long post.
While there's no clear winner as far as I can remember as far as overall frame, a lot of the fattest girls I've seen in person were pretty normal as far as assets go, but one exception sticks out in my mind.

>Be working retail
>Customer walks to area I'm working in
>Black lady, probably in her 30s or so
>She's fucking huge all over
>Probably in the 400-450 range, maybe pushing 500
>Her boobs are easily each larger than my head
>Her ass was one of those ones someone would need hours to properly care for, couldn't have been less than 70 inches around, likely closer to 80-90
>Unfortunately I was busy at the time and I consider it unprofessional to come on to customers while I'm on the clock, plus I'm awkward as fuck anyway, so I just awkwardly glanced at her from afar once in a while until she left the area

I haven't seen her come in since.
There was this one girl I went to college with, and I would see her around campus daily. Just wobbling and waddling along to get from place to place. Unfortunately I never had a class with her (she was an art student, always had brightly colored paint stains on her clothes), and was typically dating other women at the time so I never had the opportunity to speak with her to see if we were each other's type.

She was attractive enough, and was r o u n d. She was the closest to a circle shape I had ever seen a woman. I still think am dumbfounded by it almost a decade later. Her silhouette looked legitimately like she could play Violet Beaugarde from Willy Wonka without the use of a suit. Had to be well over 5 bills.

I've met the likes of Echo and Kellie Kay before, and this Uni girl still came off as fatter, to me. I think it was her shape. Kellie was relatively in shape fat (I recall her getting around pretty easily), and Echo is mostly pear shaped and doesn't read as fat in person as I've sen in pictures.

This girl was just fat everywhere, and I swear when I walked past her on campus I was shocked she was getting so far without stopping or using a scooter. Regretting not shooting my shot with her, even if it would have been completely in the dark!
I was on a cruise to Bermuda this past November. One night, my cousin and I went to see a comedy show in the main theater, and when I got there, there was this MASSIVE girl sitting a few rows from the back, She was stuffed into one seat, but her sweatpants could barely contain her belly which was nearly touching the seat in front of her. After the show ended, I tried to delay my departure so I could see her waddle out, but she and her friend seemingly had no intention of going anywhere (maybe because she didn't want people staring at how big she was). It was a five-day cruise, but she must have laid low because that was the only time I saw her (whereas there were scores of people who I saw dozens of times throughout). Though I imagine I would have run into her again if I spent more time at the buffet lol
A few months ago I was driving and saw a family with who I assume was the mom in the cargo area of their SUV, she was taking up the width and was enormous.
I attempted to follow because it was like a scene from my 600lb life, but looks them at a red light best immediately.
this is gonna sound hella fake but i swear to CHRIST this happened. I was about 14 at the cirque du soleil or whatever the fuck, and like two rows down from me was the fattest girl I've ever seen, in reality or online. She had an oxygen tank and everything, and i dont live in america. I'd guess her to be about 850-900 lbs on a 5'5 frame, and in her 20's. still one of the best shows i ever saw :).
>>389 (OP)
Makes me think about Layla's recent video highlighting her trip to India, and being informed that for the most part she's the fattest person those people have probably ever seen.

Also that reality from long time ago "Can Fat Teens Hunt" where they took a bunch a obese teens out into the middle of Borneo, and couple with the fact those indigenous people live so frugally that the contestants were literally almost unhuman to them in appearance

her as sso fat her bely moves everywear I hold shit up n my musles aikk everything so fat so good sshe smel like ransid wale fat n booty so good the selyewlite melts onto my face n dik n her fat squeezes dik so good i cant stop cuming it just CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM if u even see her then CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM if u tuh her she was my 7th graed techr she so fat she just EAT EAT EAT EAT n she no drink water SHE DRINK LARD N MAYO mixed wit PURE SHUGAR n it maek hes farts SWEET bit SPISEY so good so much fat but if she put soumthing on u u CANT BREETH cus fat engulfs EVERYTHIG SO MUCH in nostrles in EVRYWEAR but it so good it doesnt colapse legs like say other biches SHE SO FAT SO MUCH FAT SO GOOD

n i can draw shit n her pussy n it jigles n everything jiggles n tders such good smel nskin get dark n a litle fishy like pussy n SHE SO SMART n i think all dat fat is BRAYN POWER cus shet so smart n fatest bich i now al dat fat omg so good so sexy like fuking heven.

I HILY RECOMEND FUKING BARY BUT U CANT CUS SHE MINE but she fat n if u want pics tell me how good my poum is she fat fat is life it good life good OMG I AM IN HEVN WIT DIS FAT fat everywear so much fat N SELULITE n EERYTING IS A STRECH MARK her but n cheeks n pussy so good so fat it best
tldr she fat it best like heven
About two years ago. I did some public speaking engagements related to my job, most of them were directed at young adults, right between finishing high school and starting college.
I'll never forget this one woman, about 18 or 19 years old, tall(ish), like 5'10, and she was twice the size (combined) the two of her friends, (the two other women) she came there with.
I don't know if she is the biggest ever I have ever seen, but she was by far the most beautiful fat woman I've ever seen. Light-skinned, long, dark hair, (probably dyed), and her shirt/top was really tight... to emphasize her big, fat over body. Her boobs were massive, but still, didn't reach out as far as her belly. I also caught a glimpse of her from behind, and to be sure, her butt was just as massive as the rest.
She was really beautiful. Kinda like a Christina Hendricks-like face, porcelain skin, just super-duper-obese and much younger. She was smiling and laughing with her friends, waddling with these two stick figures. I had such a hard-on I'll never get anytime again.

(Sorry about the English, it's not my native language).

Nice story! Reminds me of a girl I have been sleeping with. Except that yours seems better lol. But I can't complain, fat is fat. She's 18/19 (born in 01), shorter, a bit over 160cm I guess. While definitely not the biggest girl I have seen, she's probably biggest I have talked with that young (but I felt like sharing anyways). Sadly her big belly is the only redeeming feature with her. Tragically small boobs compared to the rest of her body, ass is just a shapeless blob of fat and face has piercings and weird make-up.
Hey, another Norwegian. Dated anyone from Feabie?
nah. Are there even any actually fat Norwegian girls on feabie? Haven't been there for over a year.
I've found the best way to find fat girls is to find them in real life, bars and parties and things like that. Hell, I've even sometimes just sent them a follow request on Instagram and started talking.
I met one there. Seemed like I wasn't the only one who dated her, though, so therefor I was asking.
Talked with another one, but she was a little special, to say the least. Since then I deleted my profile and moved on.

As you say, it's easier talking to them IRL and meeting them outside anyway.
I'm honestly a bit surprised they even responded. I thought all girls on Feabie had millions of beta-orbiters spamming their inbox all day long.

But yeah, regular dating apps might work too. I've used only Tinder, and big girls are rare there for some reason. In total I have met 2 big girls from there. But that's after using it since last summer, if not even longer.
If you talk Norwegian, and not just fetish-related, it can work.

Yeah, I have a thing going on with a girl from tinder now. You never talked with explorerno or mscurves?>>778
I can see that working, I guess most mails are from creepy foreigners wanting to see their toes or something.

Nope, haven't heard about them. Didn't find explorer on Feabie, and MsCurves has only one picture. She looks very cute however. Quite young too. Would probably be nice to have a chat with a local girl on there.
My old neighbors had this outdoor couch which was basically just a normal couch cause they were rednecks. One time they had this family member over who was just absolutely massive. She could hardly walk, her shirt didn't fit, and I swear to God she took up more than that couch. She was barely 30 and had black hair. I got caught staring at her and didn't know how to deal with it cause I was an awkward fuck.
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I work healthcare, so mine are TOTALLY biased.

1) Most notable. My age (mid 20s) and weighed over 600lbs. I am COMPLETELY unsure how the fuck, but in medicine in America you stop asking questions after your first year. Her and her significant other/friend/caretaker/whatever were like lessons in extremes; she was obviously the nerd girl stereotype with a Kingdom hearts shirt stretched WAY too far, and he was like every MSPaint copypasta stereotype of a soy-consumer. She barely talked- clearly very embarrassed- and literally filled the bed. I'm a professional, but I still would have liked to see if she could have stood up but I think she couldn't, hence the hospital stay.

2) Regular frequent flyer- we called this dude the "Frequent Fatty Flyer", every medic took him at some point. 6 feet tall, 700+ lbs, STILL WALKING. Every 2-3 weeks on the dot his cellulitis would get bad and he'd have to go to the regional medical center. Co-workers of mine nearly blew their backs out caring for him. Body type was "planetoid". No joke, I had asked our billing department about him and found out we alone had made over $10K from medicare/Medicaid just shuttling him. A frequent part of his diet was Domino's pizza and it was one of the few chains in his small town- if he died, I think he'd take the joint with him. He must order 30% of their made foods, which ALSO makes me wonder what the FUCK he did for a living. He also had a GF, in case you boys feel like wojak at some point- she was like half his size.

3) 812lb patient. Intubated. Sending facility couldn't get a proper weight because he was too much for the bed scales, don't remember what he was being sent FOR but I DO remember that because they couldn't get good weights they couldn't get accurate doses for his sedatives- he woke up in transport like 10 minutes away, it was fucking bad. He was so heavy the rear of the ambulance dropped a good inch when we were all in, and he spilled over so much on the sides we had to be careful his side rolls didn't get pinched under the wheels. We also couldn't lay him flat- his gut would pin his lungs and suffocate him internally.

>But yeah, regular dating apps might work too. I've used only Tinder, and big girls are rare there for some reason. In total I have met 2 big girls from there. But that's after using it since last summer, if not even longer.

Honestly? After it was recently found out that TikTok was filtering out "Ugly" people from appearing in their top 10/hot lists for new users I wouldn't be surprised if there's a system of some kind filtering them down.


Fuck outta here breh. The thread is titled "fastest GIRLS"

>Honestly? After it was recently found out that TikTok was filtering out "Ugly" people from appearing in their top 10/hot lists for new users I wouldn't be surprised if there's a system of some kind filtering them down.

I actually believe this. I think they have some really advanced algorithms. But on the flip sight I have had these ideas lately on how hard it would be to develop an AI (or whatever you call it) that detects fat girls, and swipes no on all thin ones. (of course, you can do it yourself more precisely. But I'm lazy and like to find ways to do things more effectively).
there’s a lot going on in this post, strong opinions about soy
there’s a lot going on in this post, strong opinions about soy

You weren't kidding, I really came off that way. My bad; I guess some of those issues (and the general feeling in Emergency services) still holds on with a death grip.
It's probably from the feeling and sensation you get when you discover one person is mis-using aid and you gotta rein yourself in from the ledge of wacky "No social service at all, market is best!" think.
People who rail against soy products are just mad they can't lift or diet. It's true.

It's also because of a different person I met once- their significant other had no interest in having a thin partner, and they had ballooned to over ~500lbs but had become dependent on them- when they died, this person was TERRIFIED of leaving a home they couldn't care for, having panic attacks about leaving the home at night even. I can never read force-feeding or other questionably consensual stories again after that experience.

>I actually believe this. I think they have some really advanced algorithms.

"They"- Google, Facebook ect.- absolutely do, and I see no reason why they couldn't seek heavier people and downvote them based on size and appearance now. Have you read some of the ArsTechnica articles on surveillance capitalism and "cloaking" clothes, ones that make you invisible from cameras? Dystopia is here, and it came in business suits and sillicon. I don't even like it when people take my picture anymore because I KNOW one will end up on FB at some point and an algorithm will try to put my face to my name.

>It's also because of a different person I met once- their significant other had no interest in having a thin partner, and they had ballooned to over ~500lbs but had become dependent on them- when they died, this person was TERRIFIED of leaving a home they couldn't care for, having panic attacks about leaving the home at night even. I can never read force-feeding or other questionably consensual stories again after that experience.

I've said this here before and will no doubt have the occasion to say it here again (honest discussion of this stuff is why /gen/ is important to me), but actually dating a 500 lb. partner and seeing what that level of extreme obesity can do to people was a major reality check on my weight gain desires. I'm not turned on by nonconsensual gaining, even as a fantasy, but I do get off to consensual immobility fantasies, and in real life I could never do that to a partner I cared about.

>My bad; I guess some of those issues (and the general feeling in Emergency services) still holds on with a death grip. It's probably from the feeling and sensation you get when you discover one person is mis-using aid and you gotta rein yourself in from the ledge of wacky "No social service at all, market is best!" think.

Polite spoiler because this is an off-topic derail that really belongs over in the /bbwpol/ thread >>195 (Dead), but I feel you fam. As someone who believes in (and has benefited from) a strong social safety net and public services, I recognize that living with some degree of fraud and abuse is a necessary evil if we want that safety net to be in place for the majority of hard-working citizens in their time of need. But it grinds my gears when nice professional class latte liberals who've never actually worked a job in that context insist loudly that NOBODY is abusing the system, and that the only reason anyone could even THINK that is because they've been brainwashed by conservative media.
Sorry to semi-necro the thread, but i didnt want to make another for a similar topic. Does anyone have information or a source for finding reports on super obese people?
The amount of welfraud is a pea, compared to the sludge that gets funneled to multinationals every time they shit the bed and cause a recession. It's so far off my radar as to become meaningless.

Sounds like a fun idea for a thread. The problem is once you get to a certain level of immobility, I find it becomes dark. And not kinky-dark, just sad and banal. It doesn't stick in my memory.

I will say that some of the fattest women I've ever met are in teaching, especially blacks and latinas. My mom used to work special ed, so I had to come and help her move into/out of her offices all the time.

This was less true in college, though I had a very fat music professor. She was Caucasian or Jewish, I forget which. Fairly young and fair-skinned. Sadly no longer on the faculty so I can't look her up atm. I learned absolutely nothing in her class. I distinctly remember her having to strip down in the hot months.
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Nice trips, your infernal majesty.

>The problem is once you get to a certain level of immobility, I find it becomes dark. And not kinky-dark, just sad and banal.

Yep. Idk if you're speaking from personal experience, but I am speaking from personal experience, and this is exactly how it is. I'm not even talking about literal "can't get up from the bed" immobility, just the fact that once someone is past a certain size, functioning in everyday life becomes increasingly difficult and severely limits their options. A hot idea in fantasy, yeah, but in real life it's just sad and depressing, especially with someone who's still in their 20s or 30s and could be out enjoying life instead of sitting around watching TV and surfing the internet. And that's before you get to the health issues that come with being that size, which are serious business and can't be wished away with "size acceptance" slogans. I wasn't responsible for fattening anyone up to that size -- the ex I had this experience with was already 500+ when we started dating. (She did end up having WLS a few years after we broke up to try and resolve some of her health problems.) But seeing what life was like at that size was a serious reality check.

I always think of it as being like BDSM. Lots of people have rape and torture fantasies. That doesn't mean they would enjoy seeing someone get raped or tortured in real life, or that being a 24/7 sub slave wouldn't be kind of a sad waste of a life (pic related) even if it were consensual. That's pretty much how my brain (as opposed to my boner) feels about extreme feedism.
I don't really begrudge an older chick who gets WLS. It seems like all of them do it when they hit a certain age. Most likely they get sick of their joints hurting. Getting old is not fun. Carrying around an electric blanket of 250 lbs. of fatty tissue: Even less fun. If I were in my fifties I'd do anything in my power to help me forget that fact.

>I think of it as BDSM

There's a lot of crossover with the degradation fetish. I confess to reading some force feeding and bursting fics and such, but I have zero appetite for the slob fetish or any of that scat stuff. It seems a lot of dudes get into weight gain for the humilation aspect, and really, those kinks exist in seperate worlds. It also makes it easier to paint us all with the same brush. Not everyone with a foot fetish wants to have their dick stomped.
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Same; whenever someone elects for WLS I'm more concerned that it takes well for them.
I find mine's more around contentment. I really can only read the "vanilla" stories, anything forceful or non-consensual goes into the bin for me.

>The amount of welfraud is a pea, compared to the sludge that gets funneled to multinationals every time they shit the bed and cause a recession

One of the problems of America becoming the world's benchmark of currency. I still remember a military friend of mine in Afghansitan telling me a tale about how they'd expend ordinance at a range (cheaper than to bring home I think, it'd be THOUSANDS of tons) after a sweep and farmers would shove Camels out into the firing line to die, 'cause each one killed was about $400 USD To them, more than they'd make in a year.

Yeah, once you get around 500lbs things like basic mobility become questionable and many would never admit the problems they begin to have. I too have some fanasties of that flowery, storytale immobile ladies but i've never seen or heard of any- and even worse, I want to be a father and a doting husband in the future. As much as I'd love that, I know being a mom whos limited in how much she can play with her child would be hell. Add in the inability to go to active concerts, or participate in most sports and like you said it's just banal and unfulfilling.

What do you mean, or are looking for? I'm, the >>841 anon btw.
I find it interesting you specify older women who get WLS. I'm in my 20s and am seeing someone ~350, and at least half of her friends have had WLS. She is 25, and her friends are younger. It's an epidemic that I'm curious about. It really does seem like the obesity epidemic has reached a point where gastric sleeves are commonplace.

I don't begrudge someone doing something for their health but the cynic in me wants them to learn nothing from the quick surgery fix and relapse after reaching their target.
my favorite shit is refattening a chick that lost all her weight via wls

you gotta be subtle

best to "design the world" for her instead of doing it directly

for example take her on a date to the best bakery in town and arrange free shit for life for her make it seem like she won it in a lottery

she starts going there more and more gets fatter

have a fat friend posse set up for her a fun group where they just eat

next help her get a stressful job that pays well but has her not moving much through the day one where she works there all the time and have free foods everywhere

also hormones and hypnosis etc anything to subtly encourage her

switch out her clothes for bigger clothes and switch the labels so she thinks she is staying skinny but actually gaining tons of weight

i have so much experience with this i got literally hundreds of wls chicks to gain back all their weight + 100 pounds

I find these claims implausible.
I'm very rich. The fattening machine guy is my older brother. We have our ways.

For normies like you, there are ways... but you'll need to be creative and you won't be able to fatten hundreds of WLS chicks without devoting your life to it.

I have devoted to my life to it, so really.. shit like the 900 pound chicks I know that got 3 weight loss surgeries is just the cherry on top in my decadent life.

I'll fatten you to prove it. Next year, you will be 100 pounds heavier. I usually don't fatten men, but I refuse to allow someone to shit on my life's work.
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I find these threads are hard to troll because anything you say just gets people even more hard.
Okay back to reality

If you’ve ever been to the doctor while fat, you know that WLS comes up a lot. Hospitals actually make money on bariatric surgery, so doctors are pretty quick to push for it. I know that at some hospitals they even get a cut if you go through with it.

It’s crazy too, since they try to turn people who got it into WLS evangelists. They have you meet with people ‘so you can decide’ and it’s always people getting toward their honeymoon phase that are eager to continue getting praised for their weigh loss—and right before their bodies will start gaining a lot of it back.

Personally, the whole thing is strange, culty, and shady.
Bariatric surgeons are looking to make a quick buck, not change any lives. Patients get the surgery after two weeks of prep, put up with discomfort for a little while, and then go back to their bad eating habits. They eat less, but eat more often. Or they continue to eat calorie-dense foods. Fattest girl I know has refused to get WLS because she knows it's what she eats, not how much she eats.

They're preying on the young, especially. Half of my partner's friends have gotten the surgery. She's not as out of control as they were before, but one friend in particular actually regrets having the surgery and likes being heavy now.
>frequent farry flyer
kek my sides
In the UK we have quite a large population of strict religious Asian (Pakistan, India etc...) communities. Some of the women in these communities are never educated, never go to school, cannot speak English and are just expected to stay at home, cook and look after children.

One of these families lives fairly close to me, they're all fairly big apart from the children but the mum of the family is HUGE! I'd estimate her weight to be around 600lbs. On the rare occasions that you see her leaving the house she is normally surrounded by running children whilst she slowly lumbers down the road huffing and panting heavily. She seems to take breaks walking to catch her breathe every 20 metres or so which makes it fairly easy to see her in the street because she barely gets anywhere.

She's always wearing traditional brightly coloured Asian style dress which is loose and billowing giving her ample space for this massive belly, unconstrained by the confines of a trouser waist, that hangs down to her knees and swings from side to side as she walks. Despite the huge amount of loose cloth used in her dress, you can see the massive outline of her hanging belly and massive tits.

The next most noticeable thing about her is her face. Her neck has completely disappeared behind a huge massive chin that complimented with amazingly chubby cheeks above.

Whenever I see her panting on a street corner or in mid lumber, I always make sure to admire this amazing site.

Oh man, I feel this. I used to live in a neighborhood with a lot of first gen South Asian immigrants. There was this one woman who was exactly like you described, old enough that I wouldn't normally find her attractive (getting close to GILF status, lol), but she was absolutely massive and looked so regal and resplendant in her sari and traditional jewelry that I couldn't not get turned on.
They spend most of their time indoors so you rarely see them, but when you do, make sure you enjoy the site!

Another I saw recently in full South Asian dress was not quite as big, but on her way there. 500lbs or so.

Walking down the street, my girlfriend excitedly tapped me on the shoulder (she's in on the whole fat admiration thing too) to point out this massive woman emerging from a people carrier. It's on elf those ones big enough to seat 8 people but she was the only passenger, and she needed it! She had to be helped down by her husband and had to lean against the car for support as she walked around it before disappearing into their house. Despite the short walk, you could see how laboured her steps were and the look of concentration etched on her.

Without trousers also, but instead in easter loose dress meant her belly was unconstrained and was shaking wildly as she stepped down from the carrier, before swinging from side to side as she lumbered to her house.

White and black ssbbw (very rare here but I'm assuming definitely in US) you normally see wearing trousers so that their bellies are somewhat contained and out the way of their knees. But in South Asian dress there swinging bellies are free to swing around in front of their knees which severely effects their walking capabilities. They should wear some kind of belly hammock underneath...
They really do look regal right! Like they've succumbed to a life of luxury, eating heavy, rich and meaty food constantly and occasionally being ferried to an event or restaurant by their husbands. I assume their days of bending down over a prayer mat are numbered, in which case I wonder what alterations have been made for the super-obese women who want to pray in the Islamic way.
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Islam as a religion/culture has a whole lot of issues and is never going to look very convincing to those who weren't born into it. Still... those husbands are living the dream, aren't they? A huge, spoiled, gluttonous wife to fuck and pamper, who spends all day cooking delicious naan, kebabs and biryani, so fat that she only leaves the house on special occasions, and she's all for you. You can even have more than one, if you're rich enough and pious enough.

>be a prosperous Silk Road merchant with four fat wives, each greedier and more gluttonous than the last
>marry off your fattest daughter to an ambitious young trader and your second fattest to a learned scholar of the sacred texts
>your portly sons will take wives only from the fattest and most respectable clans
>from the shores of Morocco to the dustblown deserts of Kashgar, your name will live on in the Dar-al-Islam as a byword for piety, prosperity, and being really fucking fat
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Looks like Kuwait and Jordan are tied with the US, but the fattest women are apparently in Nauru and other island communities

It's surprising how few South Asian or Middle Eastern BBW models there are, considering how many fat women there are in those communities. In the fat activist scene there are a lot of assimilated second-gen desi women who've been socialized into Western university SJW culture. But I can't think of ANY models who come from that background.

>Nauru and other island communities

Polynesians are on a whole other level when it comes to fatness.
You make converting to Islam seem like a very tempting prospect. Can't wait to grow my own obese, trad, muslim, burqa wife.
Best to find one of the really devout ones that accept life as a homebound housewife.
>It's surprising how few South Asian or Middle Eastern BBW models there are

Never had a sexual revolution. They're probably not down with pornography in general. Also, this is anecdotal, but Indian girls are the coldest on earth. They probably get so much unwanted attention that they treat every guy as a potentiality predator
To be ridiculously fair, Indian men are one of the worst on Earth and act like predators to any woman online. See: bobs and vagene. I'm sure the whole culture keeps them on their guard - Can't remember where I read it, but Indian men growing up have a warped view on how social interaction works with the western world, so they're a lot more brazen and forceful. It's why they will just propose marriage out of the blue.

And they gravitate to Jenni Bombshell, if Reddit is any indicator.
Gonna go ahead and say that the fattest I’ve seen in quite a while around here was a woman I used to talk to quite a bit, before we grew apart. She was very “thicc” then, in 2018, but I saw her tonight coincidentally.

I’m not kidding when I say she looked three times her size, she’s very good at hiding it on social media but she went from a barely chubby girl to a full blown BBW, with an absolutely enormous ass.

Quarantine has done wonders for the female population
Tell us more about her new size?
The two fattest women I’ve seen were both at Winco, which is a cheap grocery chain in parts of the US.
The first was the fattest woman I’ve ever seen not in a scooter. She was white, sorta tall, maybe 5’7”, with long blonde hair, large but not gigantic breasts, and an absolutely massive belly, huge thighs, and a massive ass. She was far wider than the shopping cart was, and she was leaning on it hard as she waddled around the store. It looked like she was with her mom or grandmother maybe, as she looked to be in her early 20s, and honestly I was impressed she could walk at all. It was great, I like to imagine she went totally bedridden a couple weeks afterwards because their cart was FULL.
The next girl was actually even fatter, and was the fattest woman I’ve ever seen in real life. She didn’t even have a shape, everything was massive. They brought out a motorized cart for her, and she was so heavy it couldn’t get her up the very slight incline to get into the store. She had to heave herself up, wave over a family member, and try to get repositioned on flat ground. My God she was massive, easily 700 pounds. She was short, brunette, wearing one of those billowy tops that fat women seem to always have. I genuinely couldn’t believe they had even brought her to the store.
Stories like this just make me want to say fuck it I'm moving to America to hunt for obese women.
Says the guy living in the best country for obese women in the Europe.
I feel for you Norwegian, it's a shame everyone is so healthy over there. But UK is skinny in comparison to what you see in America.
Honestly it isn't that bad, especially in rural areas. (Which there is a lot of) and it's still so much better here than for example in Denmark or the Netherlands and it's pretty great if you like chubby girls and "regular" fat. Because honestly, I feel like the fat girls here often are so much more attractive than similarly sized girls in America (speaking from experience after using dating sites). But it's not so great if you like super-sized ones, like we do. I feel like the difference between Europe and America is that while both continents have shit loads of fat people, in Europe people stop at like... 350 pounds and anything bigger than that is super rare while in certain demographics in the US it isn't that uncommon to see people way beyond that.
It's gonna take another generation. I see a lot of Westernized young BBWs too but they're 2nd gen and have internalized the Old World ideas about modesty, etc. Way more concerned about what their families would think if they found out as compared to people from non-immigrant families. That said, I do see way more fat South Asian and Middle Eastern girls in tighter, more revealing clothes than I did 10 years ago.
I live in NYC which is America Lite, fat-wise. You see some monsters if you go to black or PR/Dominican neighborhoods, or some white ethnic 'hoods that are way out, almost in suburbia, but otherwise it's more like what I observed in the UK — plenty of fatties but few real giants.

In fact pre-Covid some of the biggest women I'd see here were tourists from other parts of the US, in places basically only tourists visit like Times Square. That's where I've seen families that are something out of WG fic, where the mom and dad are 400-500 with 300+ lb kids, I'm not exagerrating. NYC is really a walking city and subways require a lot of stair climbing so I don't know how they do it. A lot of ubers and taxis, I guess.

Some of my AT biggest/most extraordinary sightings here in the rotting Big Apple:

1) In Rockefeller Center, another area that's all tourists unless you work there, I saw two couples, all four of them on scooters. They were white, obviously tourists, older but not *old*, 50s-60s. 3/4 were enormous and the 4th one just really fat. I honestly can't remember details about all of them except they were classic Red State American middle aged, middle class blobs. I do remember one woman had more ass hanging off her seat than was on it — on each side. Think BC Sadie-sized. I followed them for a bit, looking for cameras because I couldn't believe it wasn't a prank.

The Rock Center complex was built in the 30s and a lot of the storefronts along the side streets have doors that are kind of narrow and involve a step. Anyway the scooter gang all stopped at this one place, which was — I swear I shit you not — a chocolate store. But there was no way you were piloting a scooter in there, so one guy got up (with great difficulty), waddled inside and then reported back to the others. The big-assed one I was talking about decided it was worth it and dragged herself off her wheels and checked it out. Then I had to go because I was getting creepy. Or rather, I already was creepy but I didn't want to freak them out.

2) This one happened 25+ years ago and stuck with me, probably because there were fewer mega-sized people around in general so she was a real unicorn. It was in the subway, where stairs, narrowish turnstiles, and crowding that often necessitates standing for long periods of time generally keep out the real big 'uns. Anyway I go into the station and heading toward the turnstiles are 3 black women, two thickish ones, kinda tall, and a third who's a little shorter and absolutely huge.

Total African fertility goddess: Shaved head, thin face and neck but *massive* boobs, each 2x the size of her head, in this stretchy halter thing like a sling, and they hung down to her waist and swung from side to side along with upper arms like only fat black women seem to have, like giant brown pillows that hung way down over her elbows, all of it wobbling around like crazy as she moved. But her upper body wasn't even the main event... Her hips and ass were just outrageous — hips 2x3x as wide as her shoulders and one of those asses that's so big she actually leaned forward as she walked. Big belly but not huge, chunky but normalish calves and ankles. She wore a skirt that was loose but kind of clung to her so you could see her shape fairly well.

Of course I thought, No way is she getting those hips through that turnstile, and indeed there's an emergency door that's wider, that I've seen bigger people use. But she just pushed herself through it! Like those videos where a 30 lb octupus squeezes through a keyhole or something.

Anyway the benches on the platforms have armrests every 18" so people don't lay down on them, wider than a coach airplane seat but not wide. Her friends sat down but she obviously knew it wasn't gonna happen so she leaned against the wall to wait, which spread her ass even wider, and the rest of her was like 2' from the wall because her booty was so deep.

We get on the train and she sort of falls into a seat — too much time on her feet and she's obviously exhausted. In general she moved around with that hurried fat person thing, like it was a race against time before her legs gave out. Anyway she's sitting on a bench for 2-3 people but she fills it with her hip fat pouring out the armrest (which is open metal tubing). She's leaning forward because the bench is only deep enough for 2/3 of her ass. She has her palms planted on her knees, elbows up to steady herself, with those gigantic boobs fully in her lap, and splashing around with the motion of the train. In fact her whole body is kind of flowing side to side as we move.

At this point I'm gawking and she notices but I guess she's used to it. I try to be cool but I'm smitten. I was headed up to 42nd Street to transfer and I'm hoping the ladies are too but alas, they're not. But I figure, Fuck it, what do I have to do? It's an express train so 3 stops later we're at 125th Street — Harlem — and in those days there were very few white people (like me) hanging out up there, especially after dark.

Anyway it's their stop and they get out so I follow. I've just gotta see this megalodon climb those stairs! I hang back trying to be discreet and thankfully they don't seem to notice me. The two average-sized women go up the stairs fairly quick and then wait at the top. The big one has to go step by step, really hauling herself up with the railing and stopping halfway up to rest. At this point I was really stalking so I went to another stairway and headed back downtown.

Like I said, this one is burned in the memory banks. I've been blessed to be with several big gals, including a 375 lb, extremely squishy version, but I've still never seen one quite that... womanly.

3) Another one from a while back: I was visiting a relative in the hospital way the fuck out in Queens, where I took the subway to the last stop and then had to take a bus the rest of the way. Family duty satisfied, I was waiting for the bus on the way home and I look up the street and see this woman coming towards me in a power chair.

She was white, older but again, not old-old, 50s, fairly fat upper body (double chin, big boobs and belly, etc) but absolute monsterish legs. They were extended straight out in front of her, hers some sort of special chair for people with manatees for legs, that was extra-wide as well. Her thighs were maybe 2.5' wide each, calves 2/3 that, the kind that almost eat the feet below them. Basically like she had two futons rolled up in front of her. She was wearing a kind of muu-muu thing that stopped at her knees and her calves were naked, pale and extremely bloated-looking, like pale pink water balloons.

It's impossible to guess the weight of someone that big but I'd say she was on par with the biggest My 600 Lb Life subjects. I gawked as she rolled up and she smiled, like, Yeah, I know — pretty crazy, right??? I smiled back and was happy to see she was waiting for the bus too. I was reading a book and mostly minded my business til the bus showed.

So when a person in a wheelchair wants to get on a NYC bus it's a whole thing where the driver has to get up, flip up a whole row of seats (and telling anyone in them they have to stand), and then they operate a lift that's slow as hell and requires the wheelchair person know how to back up onto it. One thing I've observed is that if a bus is really crowded and it's not rush hour (when all the busses are crowded), the person in the chair will let it go and take the next one so they don't inconvenience too many people. ...All that to say, I'm hoping I'll get to ride with this Wonder of Nature for a bit and watch those beluga whale legs bounce around. But just my luck, the bus arrives and it's pretty crowded. I reluctantly got on and she waved the driver on. I gave her one last glance and she smiled and I swear it was like, Not today dude.

4) Another powerchair wonder: I was shopping at Whole Foods in Tribeca in Manhattan, a high end supermarket in a very rich neighborhood. I don't live there but I work nearby and it's way better than the markets near me (and not much more expensive). By NYC standards it's also a huge market, takes up a whole block, has very wide aisles, and is all on one level. I never thought of it as a "SSBBW friendly" market, as the local women are generally stick insects. But I suppose it is, because it's definitely where I've seen the most truly huge white women in the city. Not many mind you, like 1 every month, but still. Like I said, you just don't see big-big women in white neighborhoods.

Anyway I'd finished my shopping, was on the way out, and saw a van unloading someone from the side, what turned out to be an absolute planet of a woman. She had huge-everything, including giant doll legs in shiny fat lady tights, but the showstopper was a midriff that pushed out past her knees and spread up and over the armrests at the sides. And mind you this was one of those extra-wide chairs to begin with. Like a gigantic lava floe of fat stretching a size 20x t-shirt to its limits. She had to kind of reach *over* that belly mass to get the joystick and operate the chair.

Obviously someone who needed help to do everything — everything — and indeed she had a helper with her, a thin hipsterish woman. She and the helper were sort of joking and laughing as the van operator unhooked her once the lift was down.

The kicker was that she was fairly young, I'd say no more than 35. Her face was very round and reddish but she was otherwise healthyish looking — except she had an oxygen tank on the back of her chair and tubes in her nose... wow. Kinda butch looking unfortunately too but the spectacle of it was enough to get me.

I had bags in each hand, there was absolutely no reason to head back into the market but damn was I tempted.

That's it for now... I'm sure I'll think of more. Great thread.

Fun to see a detailed post from another NYCbro. Everyone has their own love/hate relationship with New York City, but being an SSBBW lover definitely puts a unique spin on that dynamic, because we're #1 in everything except superfats. (The fashion culture in LA seems equally hostile to fat women, but at least there you don't have the pedestrian / public transit lifestyle putting a hard upper limit on how fat the average person can get.)

>white ethnic 'hoods that are way out, almost in suburbia

Lol, this was my experience as a single white guy in NYC with a dating site profile that identified me as an open FA. Most out-of-the-blue messages I got were from girls in Staten Island and Nassau County.

A couple of random anecdotes that occur to me:

Probably the single hottest "sighting" in all my years in NYC: on my regular bus commute one day, I sat across from an absolutely stunning black SSBBW who was probably in her mid-20s. She was proportionally fat all over with a chubby face and big belly but carried most of her weight in her hips and ass, which would have completely filled two seats even if she hadn't been sitting at an angle to accommodate how far back it went. Her outfit and whole vibe radiated "classy, slightly hipsterish middle class black girl" -- knee-high leather boots, black tights, a nice leather jacket over a white t-shirt, gold hoop earrings and round John Lennon sunglasses. If I hadn't been in a relationship at the time I might seriously have tried to spit some game and see if she was down to grab drinks with a random white dude (answer would almost certainly have been no, but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.)

The corner diner in my old neighborhood had the usual row of built-in booths next to the windows, except at the very end to fit the shape of the building there was a half-sized booth that was just a half table with a seat on just one side. It was a comfy spot where you could sit and people-watch the sidewalk and the diner counter, and I'd usually post up there if I was going out for a burger. One time I was passing by on the sidewalk and saw a cute SSBBW crammed in there with her top belly roll spilling over onto the table. I was kind of surprised the waitress had seated her there. (I forget exactly how I discovered this, must have been Facebook snooping, but I later recognized her face as a mutual friend of an ex of mine.)

I already mentioned this in the thread, but there was a massive South Asian woman in her fifties or sixties who I'd occasionally see walking around in her sari and gold jewelry.

There was a gourmet burger place on my block that I'd occasionally hit up, and one time I saw this fat couple who got all my mutual gaining fantasies racing -- a guy and a girl, each probably about 350-400 lbs., who waddled in as a couple and were really digging in to their burgers and high-cal milkshakes. They had kind of a cornfed Midwestern look to them, probably transplants rather than tourists, and gave off a kind of "geeky young professionals" vibe like they'd just gotten off work doing IT stuff at a startup and were headed to stuff their faces with comfort food before going home to watch a Marvel movie. Not gonna lie, I nutted thinking about being the dude in that couple.

That's all that comes to mind at the moment. Girls over 300 are definitely a rarity in the five boroughs. Whole Foods in Tribeca is like the last place I'd ever expect to see a scooter queen.
Thank you for these great contributions New Yorkers, really vivid!

>125th Street — Harlem — 25+ years ago
I admire your bravery for your cause too.

I have some other stories that involve "relative" fattestness as this is Japan, a notoriously slim country.

1) The first one directly effects me. Me a, young late teens boy newly arrived in Japan immediately gets on Tinder to see the lay of the land. I eventually stumble across a single profile photo of just their face followed by the caption "I enjoy eating"... The hint of a double chin let me know that this girl was going to be chubby, but nothing prepared me for the sight that I saw upon picking her up. She was mountainous! Easily the heaviest woman I saw in Japan at 130kg combined with very short stature at just over 153cm. I did not believe it was her at first so I had to recheck the picture of her face again before approaching her. It was my first experience with a fat woman too so I had no idea just how massive someone could appear in person compared to a photo.

When walking back to my place in the intense summer heat (Japanese summers get up to 40 degrees) she was breathing heavily, sweating profusely and slowly waddling. I'd never had to walk so slowly in my life.

At this point in my life I was incredibly skinny at less than 60kg (thankfully much fatter now), so we must've looked quite the sight walking down the street together.

Obviously there is more to this story but you get the idea. I was extremely fortunate to have the heaviest woman I'd witnessed in Japan end up in my bed.

2) This next story involves a man (we've already mentioned some men before in this thread so I hope it isn't too off topic).

I was living on the outskirts of Tokyo where it was extremely rare to see any other foreigners let alone any tourists. Whilst strolling around my area on yet another extremely hot day I came across a situation that although lasted no longer than 30 seconds, has been seared into my memory ever since.

I had stumbled across a pretty, slim, very short, late 20's girl slowly walking down the street in the blistering sun with her hand clasped in that of one of the heaviest men I have seen to date. Well into the 200 kg's, he was slowly lumbering down the street with pretty girl in tow. Massive belly swaying from side to side, straining against an overworked t-shirt. He had the kind of body that suggest that he is a man of great leisure, who hadn't worked a days work in years instead preferring to send his wife out to work and support him. Judging from the look of her, she did not seem to mind.

I just had to know more about him but alas, I was young and shy, and disappointedly let him slowly lumber out of my life forever.

I still think think about him occasionally; I hope he is keeping well fed and happy. He ticked all my dream boxes for male feedee to a loving, doting woman. I've spent my life in envy ever since.
Nassau county eh? I'm out in Suffolk and there's a fair share of fatties here. Can share the sentiment about Nassau too. Went to school in Queens, graduated about 6 years ago and I can tell you one thing for certain: they are getting fatter each year. Made friends with the fattest girl on campus in my undergrad, didn't really pan out. Will say though, it was nice hearing her go through all the fat tropes you read in erotica- giving up at the gym after a month, reaching a peak and worrying yourself and family, cheating on diets, tight squeezes on trains and airplanes, being upfront about being fat on her dating profile and not just thicc... We fell out of touch, but it's for the best.

Might just be Long Island now that I think about it.
I did the same. She was a total gossiping bitch that talked shit about everyone for no reason, but was always nice to me. But listening to her giving up her diets, claiming her friends were fatter than her (they were not) and telling me how she was not able to fit in on chairs and unable to find clothes unless she ordered online or went to the city was entertaining and made it worth it. Obviously she picked up I was into big girls (not unexpected, I tried my luck on all of her fat friends, including her) and instead of being weirded out she just got more comfortable about eating junk food around me (even when she allegedly was on a diet).

Good times. We went to same school for years, typical small town stuff. I remember her breaking a chair while we were watching some movie at 16, that was probably the moment when I started to notice her heh. We still talk sometimes but now we live 1000 km away from each other.
>Whole Foods in Tribeca is like the last place I'd ever expect to see a scooter queen.

I know it's bizarre, but I've seen 3 bona fide SSBBWs there that I can remember offhand. First was the gal in the powerchair, that was probably last year. Second was about a month ago, reminded me a lot of BC Jae, though this was recent-ish so she was wearing a mask, so who knows? Same hair, same approx. size and body type, tall though not Jae-tall, more like 5'9". Anyway dressed SO not Tribeca, in old sweats and with her bleachy hair pulled back really sloppy.

Third was actually earlier this week, and she actually was an Amazon, 6'2" at least, dark hair, wearing black tights. She was overall pear-shaped, or rather mountain-shaped, with big hips and a huge ass. But she carried way more up front, one of those huge, wide bellies that just goes on and on, hung down almost to her knees with that cleft on the bottom that makes it look like a gigantic camel toe. Seriously, such a giant gut I could see it from behind her. With her height she was easily 500 pounds and as you know, a 500 pound woman in NYC is a 2-3x a year thing if you're really lucky.

As for the rest of the city, you just have to go to the right places. I find Upper Manhattan and the Bronx have tons (...) of fat women, a gold mine as long as you're not looking for white girls. Black, PR, and Dominican women up there get HUGE and because there's not the social stigma they aren't afraid to show it all off.

I haven't spent much time in Nassau except the beaches so I can't verify, and I think I've been to Staten Island 2x, like most New Yorkers lol. I can't tell you about the dating scene because I've been in a LTR forever... maybe why my sightings are so precious lol.....
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I, too, have an NYC story. Not as scintillating as the others, but it happened this past week, so I'll just chat about it.

The thing about these stupid covid masks is that ladies don't catch you looking at them; at least not to the extent as before. So, I was riding the 6 to work like usual and in the same car as me is this couple. The dude is black and his woman is copper, or whatever. Can't pin down her ethnicity. Looks similar to Golden Bombshell, but younger and (obviously) nowhere near as big. She was, however, very tall and just as wide. Big arms, bigger legs, and holes in her jeans with thigh meat billowing out.

Anyhow, they're in the same car as me, and I do my usual thing when I spot a big woman: I scan for places to scoot closer or sit across from her. There wasn't a window for that, so I just kept looking at them in the corner of my eye until we got to 125th. They were both munching on some fried Bodega food, as well. So now I'm stealing looks at her she plucks food in her mouth.

That's the thing about outer boroughs. These girls are built like Mt. Everest.

The one, frustrating thing is that I never attract those types; only skinny ones. I'm really thirsty for a particular Puerto Rican at work, but...I'm getting strong "you're a chill person but please don't make a pass at me" vibes. It's a cruel irony.
>The one, frustrating thing is that I never attract those types; only skinny ones. I'm really thirsty for a particular Puerto Rican at work, but...I'm getting strong "you're a chill person but please don't make a pass at me" vibes. It's a cruel irony.

I had the same thing when I was single. My theory is the bigger girls sensed my thirst, which was a turn-off. I could never be cool around them like I was with the thin ones. I've never not had to make the first move with the fatties but I actually had a skinny girl ask me out, a barista like 10 years younger than me. It was the usual coffee shop kind of thing, I'd see her every day and we'd talk for 2 minutes. It totally shocked me and I think she was bummed when I side-stepped it. She was objectively cute so I'm assuming she thought I was gay lol.
Another one, and I'm surprised it didn't immediately come to mind because it was a long-term thing... (And BTW I have a thing for USBBW GILFs but if that's not your thing here's your warning.)

For a good part of the 00s I worked in up the street from an office that was somehow related to the NYC Archdiocese (Catholic Church). It was pretty common to see nuns and priests around, which was kind of odd for a secular Jewboy like me, but the best part of it were the regular office workers, many of whom liked to hang outside and eat lunch when the weather was decent. It was mostly women, mostly Latina or white-ethnic (Italian, whatever). Most were chunky-to-BBW and it was a nice little bonus, passing by them when I went out to get lunch myself.

But the one highlight of working on that block was an absolutely enormous 60ish white woman with a massive pear shape — small bust but big arms, giant flaring hips, a super-deep shelf butt, and monster bloated Teighlor legs. Actually her body was fairly close to Teighlor's in most ways from what I saw of it. Otherwise she was decent looking in an older woman way, a thinnish face for her size, very pale skin. She was well-groomed, always with makeup and jewelry and very white hair she wore pulled up tight in a bun. Total fantasy fodder if you're built like me.

I probably saw her 30-40 times total over the 7 years I worked up the street, mostly in the morning when we were both heading to work. She walked with a cane, veeeery slowly and with obvious effort, and would always stop to rest on the benches outside the offices before heading inside. I tended to work late so I only caught her once going home in the late afternoon. I considered going full-stalker and following her but sanity prevailed, lol. I was always curious how she commuted, as I figured she was way too big for the bus or subway. I got my answer when one day a few years in I caught her heading into a high-rise apartment building on the corner at lunchtime, so she only had a half-block commute, arduous as it was for her.

Every time I saw her she was wearing one of two dresses, black or brown, that went to her cankles. Whenever I caught her sitting down I could see her Michelin Man calves though, packed into black stockings and stretched so tight they were almost see-through over the biggest bulges. She wore black pumps that must have been murder on her feet but I guess she had standards lol. The dresses were pretty roomy and she obviously wore some kind of slip underneath so it was hard to get a sense of the contours of her body.

A few times I caught her sitting in such a way where the hem of her dress would be up closer to her knees or higher. It was weirdly revealing and super-sexy and obviously unintentional as she clearly was concerned with modesty. I'm thinking she couldn't see down that far, or with the bulletproof stockings couldn't feel the breeze or whatever. Anyway this would give me a decent look at the lower parts of her thighs, which were amazing. The stockings she wore were the type that have a wide band of different material towards the upper part, darker and textured, and the little bit of it I saw totally drove me nuts. Also when she sat her dress would be pulled tight around her hips and thighs and I could see the insane amount of rolls she had all the way up her legs.

When she'd stand up she'd sort of *flow* off the bench, stagger sometimes, and then start waddling again with the cane. The security guy was always ready for her and held the door open.

I only interacted with her once, when she saw I had my cellphone out and asked me the time. For a second I thought maybe she'd busted me gawking at her, as obviously I was dawdling and otherwise moving very slowly up the street but I'm pretty sure she was clueless. And only once did I see her having lunch outside with the others, which really made for an all-day distraction for me.

Eventually I left the job for different pastures and that was that. Last time I saw her was 12ish years ago and given her age and size I wouldn't bet on her still working, much less existing, but I'm definitely curious!
It's a whole new dynamic out of there. My friend would tell me there's a ton of guys who just want her to sit on their face, but there's plenty out there that are upfront about their fetish. Too upfront, if you ask me... You would think they're easier because they're used to rejection, but if you're supersized and beautiful you are a hot commodity no matter where you are (And with good reason). She had her pick of the guys and wanted someone tall, muscular, and tattooed, and that's who she found for a fuckbuddy.
It's tough in the city, because fat girls from the block go for these tall, atheletic black guys with a certain style. Which I can understand. I go for white girls generally. (I'm mixed but I pass for white so it's all but irrelevant.) When I moved north, I was naive and expected to be in hog heaven, but it's easier said than done.

If I still lived in Richmond (where Adeline is), I would probably clean up.

I dated a girl from central Suffolk for a while and would reverse commute on the LIRR to hang out with her. She wasn't supersize (a tall 315), but she was a cutie, and amazing in bed -- she even got me to try some non-feedist fetish stuff that I didn't expect to enjoy as much as I did. We weren't compatible personalities in the long run, but we had some fun times.

I did have one amazing sighting out on the island while we were dating, though. We had gone way out almost to Montauk to have dinner at one of her favorite restaurants. I was seated facing the front door, and as we were waiting for our food an absolutely massive woman waddled in and slowly made her way across the main dining area on her way to the private party room. She looked maybe 40ish and must have been at least 500 if not more. I can't remember if she was using a cane, but she would stop every few feet and lean on a doorframe or chair to catch her breath. She wore a sleeveless dress (her upper arms, oh my god) made of white lace and silk, and it looked to me as if it was once a wedding dress and had been altered for use as a general purpose outfit. It was hard to get a sense of her exact body shape, because the dress was way too big for her, billowing around her as she moved, and I couldn't help wondering if she had once fit snugly into it. The white of the dress combined with the paleness of her skin drew attention to her long, wavy, naturally red hair that was most of the way down to her waist.

I was awestruck and couldn't take my eyes off her. Which was a little embarrassing in front of my date, but fortunately she knew I was an FA and was cool with it.
>I was awestruck and couldn't take my eyes off her. Which was a little embarrassing in front of my date, but fortunately she knew I was an FA and was cool with it.

Far as my FA-ness (the compulsion to gawk at fat women in public), my GF went from fascination to disgust to acceptance. We sort of have an unofficial 5-second rule now. Like, Look but don't gawk. Once in a while she'll even point someone out to me. As always it depends on what kind of mood she's in lol.
It's always a good feeling when my 50kg gf points out women over three times her size to gawp at together.
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A friend at work sort of sensed I was checking out customers, so she would point out butts to me. I would always respond that they were too small, lol. Knowing a kink exists is not the same as understanding it, I guess
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Was at a Kroger's in West Indianapolis, an Enormous chick probably 450-550, looked a lot like Jae. was walking and picking up food along with her mother, probably late 20s early 30s.
I am in my late teens, and was with my older brother who doesn't know what I am into. So I kept my mouth shut, but couldn't help but look back at her. She caught me looking and smiled. So it was a def a good day.
Live in the same area of LI, but so rarely see any good looking BBW/SSBBW. I keep looking though.

Can you tell me more bout your girlfriends reaction to your FA-ness? Currently dating a thin girl (love her to death) and I just brace myself for when I tell her


This is my ideal scenario tbh
How cool is your girl with your FA-ness?
She is very cool with my FA-ness. So much so, that my used to be 50kg gf, is now my 52kg gf after a few weeks of returning to her home country. When she arrives back here we plan to some feeding and eventually to fully indulge when we relocate permanently to her home country next year.
I have two instances that spring to mind.

The first was during a family holiday to Florida. I was a teen at the time. We rented an apartment and there were a few older, overweight people that would head the pool from time to time. As a family we would have diving contests. Tossing a coin into the water then diving down. My brother hurled one right into the deep end.

It was too deep for him and my dad had to stop him from going after it. So that left me me. I got the coin and looked up to see the biggest belly I had ever seen in my life, stuffed into a light blue, one piece swimsuit. It undulated as she swam, swinging back and forth, bobbing weightlessly in the pool.

Not sure how much she weighed tbh, but she was huge (that became evident when she was out of the pool). Most of her weight had piled onto her stomach. If I had to say, she would have been about 500lbs.

The second was in university. The was this huge woman in my first year who would sometime walk the same route as me. Her apartment was by the car park I usually parked at. She was the definition of an oversized pear shape. I definitely could not guess her weight, but it all piled onto her lower half (think the SSBBW model Sadie). Which meant she had to walk with an waddle.

We never really spoke, just the occasional hello or a thanks for holding open a door. I would often avert my eyes from her as I was in a relationship at the time (gotta avoid that temptation). But there was more the one occasion that she would get take out from the student bar, leaning over the counter and stretching her leggings to oblivion. My faith was tested with this lady, but I made it though.

She was super nice though.
This just makes me feel bad for your gf. Why is she still dating you if you have to make a rule like this?
The key word is "unofficial", he's just generalising.
It was in fact a girl I went to school with, horrid personality though plus I wasn't into fatties back then and she was fucking the guy who bullied me. I would now though.
Maybe not the fattest but the one I most remember.

I went to pick up a guitar and decided to stop by the supermarket to buy some groceries. While I was waiting in line, there was this chick outside, waiting for some relative (covid ruled only one person per family in shops and shit). She was literally a fat goth/egirl waifu. She had the stockings, the weird hat that i don't know the name, the bracelets, the whole things. She must've been like 200-250, mostly pear shaped but with a decent belly. She also had some thick legs, which looked really hot in the stockings. Anyways, I paid, I left, never saw her again obviously.
Was the girl or her mother in her late 20s early 30s.
The girl, what the fuck.
I was accounting for teenage pregnancy.
Was a teacher that i have in 6th grade.
She was enormous.
With a biggest booty and belly that i ever see.

With around 500 lbs and a body like Jae.

Other was a class coleague, a woman that had 350lbs in the 8th grade and upon this to nearly 450lbs in two years.
I actually had a really fat teacher in 6th grade, incidentally. My memory is terribly fuzzy, but I'd wager she was probably safely in the 350-400 range. I want to say she had fairly large tits and ass too. Unsurprisingly, she got a lot of shit about it.
The home economics (of course) teacher was around the 400 lb mark with the majority of which was her arse. Her arse was so large in fact that it impeded her walking so she was very slow. Combined with her massive width and narrow school corridors, she became a genuine concern for all students if you were to get stuck behind her on your way to lessons with a particularly strict teacher.

Although a source of mockery for the students, god was she amazing.
Chiming in with a fat teacher story. I had an absolutely gorgeous English teacher in 6th year. Too lazy to look up what grade/class that'd be called in other countries. I was 18. Anyway, she was a ringer for Lacey Elle. Late 20s/early 30s, about 5'4ish, easily at least 300lbs, crazy good fat distribution (i.e. curvy as hell instead of big gut and a Hank Hill ass). She always had her hair and makeup done up and she always wore cute dresses. Needless to say I had a massive crush on her lol. I actually had a good rapport with her cos I was acing her class while others struggled. I got an A in the state English exam thanks to her.
Nobody ever gave her a hard time for her weight to her face, although they did make unkind comments behind her back. Funnily enough, I did hear some of the lads say she'd be hot if she lost weight. And she eventually did. I bumped into her randomly on the street a while back. She'd lost about 100lbs. We had a chat, I told her I'd got the A and complimented her on the weight loss. Happy ending for her, maybe not so much for anyone reading this who was expecting her to get fatter lol.
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This happened relatively recently, a few short months ago...

>Be me, recently changed clinics and heading in for my yearly physical
>Walk into the waiting room, black woman at the front desk typing some stuff onto a computer
>Notices me standing there and smiles underneath her mask
>The sheer amount of fat deposits on her cheeks and neck absolutely dwarf her mask... just barely enough fabric to cover the tip of her nose to her lips, but not much more
>Asks for the usual appointment info in a quintessential sassy black girl voice, not in a bitchy way, but more in a domineering "little white boy" sense
>At this point, I could only see her face and neck, the rest of her body is obscured by the reception counter
>The dainty receptionist next to her is noticeably shorter even though they're both sitting down. Weird. Different chairs perhaps.
>Something's up behind the scenes, forcing the woman to see what's wrong
>She stands up
>Dear Lord...
>What was previously hidden by the reception counter is finally exposed and hits me like a freight train. Black woman is a good 6'3"-6'5" and appears just as wide. Her ass brushes the edges of the doorway as she waddles, I can best compare it to BBW Sadie but no online picture or video can ever do real magnitudes justice.
>Belly inhumanly spherical. It's as if all those terrible deviantart inflation drawing had manifested themselves in this woman's gut. A decent size to be sure, but completely dwarfed by her most prominent asset...
>Tits could knock borat out cold. Photo for reference. They sloped down her stomach and the bottoms just hung near her belly button, their weight presumably preventing them from swaying too much.
>Arms and legs, well, you know by now. Her upper arms and thighs most definitely exceed the width of her dainty receptionist friend.
>She waddles over to my 5'7" self and tells me to take a seat. I comply. She could tell me to break my own leg and I would have no choice but to listen.
>Plops down in her titanium-reinforced armrestless chair. The ground noticeably vibrates.
>Instant boner from the size difference alone.

Damn shame this thread died.
It’s ok I got a boner from reading this

Always love catching a huge massive fatty next to some skinny chick irl

The size contrast is REAL
>but no online picture or video can ever do real magnitudes justice
Too true. None of these ssbbw photos on here give to justice to the sheer size of these women. Once you see one in the flesh you can finally understand what it's really about.
And it sounds like you should be going in more often than a yearly physical now Anon. What kind of ailments can you conjure?
I had a really fat music professor. For authenticity, this was at Brooklyn College during Obama's first term, although I have forgotten her name. I believe she's no longer on the faculty. Looked Caucasian with chestnut hair. Ethic first name which began with T. Jewish ladies keep themselves up, so I doubt it's a Hebrew name, but I dunno. That part isn't relevant.

Pretty much the complete package as far as BBW/SSBBW go. In the hot months she had no choice but to strip down to a cotton shirt, and her chins and neckline were still glistening. That was amazing.

I had some attractive teachers in my time. (The exchange of information is weirdly sexy on its own.) But she's the one I looked forward to seeing. Ehen you're in the collage, the faculty is rail-thin. Bodies like that exist mainly at the grade school level.
I live in New York and I can vouch for this: University Professors are very rail thin. It's very rare to find a BBW in the city. Philadelphia and New Jersey are fat and proud states
I had a co-worker at a restaurant that I was friends with. She was maybe 300+ish pounds, early 20s, she was cool and chill and not shy about her body. Me and her would be alone in the place early in the morning. Sometimes in the mornings she'd be putting on her uniform and her shirt would ride up. I'd sneak glances at her belly hanging down.

We were sort of friends, mostly just because a lot of the people who worked there were jerks. She also thought I was cute because I was shy and seemed naive. Anyway, one time me and her (also very fat) friend hung out at her house and got really drunk and high. It didn't go anywhere or anything, but in the morning she was changing in the room across from me - she thought I was asleep. I got the full view of her pulling her underwear up her big thighs, her belly hanging down, ect. It's burned into my mind.

She was a lesbian at the time btw so no chance of action ever happening. I'm wary of posting this here because it's like, a woman her size who is that comfortable with her body is surely aware of the whole fetish thing.
Trying to reignite this thread because I love the stories...

Maybe 10 years ago, I went on a road trip with friends to Yellowstone from Illinois. The whole trip was about two weeks but I vividly remember one of the best bbw (wasn't the biggest the best looking ever). We had stopped somewhere in Colorado or Utah for a scenic view to rest and explore a bit. My friends hiked to the scenic view point and I returned to the car first before they did. In the parking lot, the fattest, thickest, most milfish woman came out of a minivan. She had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a black tank top and gray yoga pants. Her breasts were big but not massive, probably enough for a hand to fully hold and cup with a little excess. But her best feature was the thighs and ass. Her ass was easily over 50 inches and had very large thighs to match it. I'd estimate her weight would be around 240~ because she wasn't too tall, probably 5'6 to 5'8. I remember watching her clean stuff out of the driver seat of her car whilst bending over. I had to be mindful of staring at her but it was insane. I watched for 5 minutes of her just being herself but it was so sexual. My friends soon returned to the car so I couldn't keep watching her but it's still burned into my memory.

2nd story...

In highschool, I signed up to do lifeguard training at a local college pool. The swim instructor was an ex-high school and college swim athlete but she had a pear build which is odd for swimmers. After college for her, she stopped excising as much and gained weight fast. All of her weight went straight into her thighs and wide hips. I remember meeting her for the first time and just being slack jawed at her dimensions. She wore a one piece swim suit for lessons but always had a towel or jacked on to hide her small belly. When she walked, her thighs jiggled immensely and was noticeable even from a distance. Whenever she wanted to get into the pool, she would take two approaches. The first was a straight jump into the pool but would generally create a big splash just from her size. The second approach is that she would sit down on the pool's edge and deep her feet into before sliding in. When she sat on the pool's edge, her thighs just spread out and covered so much space. Whenever she would give technique instructions, she urged people to look underwater to watch how her feet kicked and whatnot. I fell in love how her legs shook and jiggled underwater. They felt powerful because of her previous athletic swim experience but now they had a large layer of fat onto them which made it so hot.
I go to shopping to lunch today.

And i see a 60 age woman in a wheelchair.

The most fat that i see in all my life.
I'm making my lunch and a man (you husband?) very tiny put her with your wheelchair in the table in front of me.

She have i think, aproximate 500-550 lbs.

His arms were the size of my waist. I have 1.75meters and 140 lbs.

I imagined myself being crushed by that delight. And I was boner at the moment.
I had a science teacher in 7th grade that used two rolling computer chairs at the same time as her seat. She used two yard sticks to fasten the backs of the chairs together so she didnt need to reposition them after she got up. Clearly a visionary.

She was ungodly massive. Maybe just under 6 ft, but just as wide. She had fairly large boobs, a large apron belly, but her hips were wider than Ive ever scene. She had huge legs too, but not like Echo's lipedemia kind, more bulbous looking, like bobbi. Not that dense fat either, this ass wobbled and jiggled so much that the sight of her walking was mezmerizing.

 She forgot her own girth frequently. When shed turn around to face the class after writing on the board, her hips would erase practically everything she wrote. Countless times shed laugh with an "Whoopsie!" And rewrite it all over again. Kids at the time would snicker, but i did everything to conceal the boner about to rip thru my pants.
We sat as pairs at large lab tables and she had to hold onto them with one hand as she walked across the room, bracing her weight. You could literslly feel the weight of each step, and the wave of fat would shake her hips violently. The classroom had two long rows of desks positioned in U shapes, and she couldnt go in between the rows because she couldnt fit. The rows were easily 5-6ft apart. She was forced to walk to the outer edge of the classroom to check/help students, making the trip that much longer. The trip back to her desk took her breathe away and she always needed about 30 seconds to regain it. I sat in the middle back, and would witness all of this jiggling and struggling daily.

This woman literally changed my life. To this date, it was the biggest ass Ive ever seen, and Ive frequented my fair share of vegas bashes. None have compared. Likely even bigger than Bobbi or Echo if memory serves correct.
Here in Germany really fat women are kinda rare
Fortunately the fattest I've ever seen is my gf with a little under 400 lbs at 5'8" (similar body type to reenay just more hanging lower belly)

Guess I'm a lucky dude ^^
Not to get off topic but what are Vegas bashes like? Would you recommend?
That swim instructor one hit home for me, I was just about to hit puberty when I realized how hot my instructors were.

My grade 9 English teacher was a 5'4" 270 to 300 lbs pear shape, she had an incredible figure. I remember when I first saw her, all I could do was stare. She was brunette with shoulder length hair and green eyes, kind of looked like Fiona from Shrek.

Another English teacher in grade 12 was a straight up PAWG, she was just out of teacher's college and very proportionate around 170 lbs to 200 lbs at 5'8". Dressed modestly, but I could tell what her figure was.
Might be my new favorite supermarket this is one of the best threads ever please keep it alive, it’s the reason I’ll be joining here!!
Fuck now I want to see a photo of this absolute fatty or I will never really live.
I could check all the hospitals only for her.
Please make photos and post them.
"Fatter in person" is certainly more than just a saying. Looking at the pics of the first girl I met off Feabie, even a frontal full-body camera angle makes her look closer to 300, rather than the 375 she was in reality.
every decision I make is to increase the chance I encounter a woman like her
This is a total shot in the dark, but did you happen to make a thread about your gf many years ago on Curvage? Is she blonde and blew up quickly?
Nope sorry, that wasn't me ;)
Used to buss tables at a restaurant in the suburbs right out of high school. Kind of a dream gig looking back.

I think the top 5 biggest women I ever seen were when I was working there. One of them was 400lbs easy, maybe 5’4”, knocked one of the mini-tables in the lobby over with her genuinely flaring hips and I had to go into the kitchen because I couldn’t handle it.

Two shut-ins were obviously on a date and had to pick a table. The girl was enormous. Like, one chair was a mistake enormous. Her belly pushed her so far away from their table compared to the guy across from her that it was actually kind of funny. I only saw her in passing.

Sat a pair of friends that were known at the restaurant because one of them had an obvious crush on one of the waiters. She wasn’t bad looking herself, maybe 250lbs and pretty. But her friend was VERY pretty. 500lbs range, Ass spilled out the booth type shit. I was stressed out because I was zooted on addy (college student!) and wanted to get her number. Got her number somehow. We talked a few times and I found out her life was super interesting, but the age difference weirded me out back then. Not so much now.

The one that sticks with me was the girl and her friend who came in while I was across the lobby finishing up a table. I was a bit neurotic so I would regularly glance at the door to make sure guests were taken care of as soon as possible. A barrier that only lets me see the top of a guest’s head from the take-out bay let me know that people needed to be seated. I saw her boobs. Followed her to where she sat, flashed some awkward smiles and tried to hide the fact that I was smitten, and did my best to stick around at the host stand so I could see her get up and leave. I’m not messing around when I say she had to be 6’6” and 300lbs. I got to see how close her head was to the top of the doorframe. Smiled at me on the way out. I was on adderall that day too but was too pussy to make any moves :/
I'm the guy from the sshopping story.
I am Brazilian and here it is difficult to find very fat women like bbw or ssbbw.

Yesterday I took a 6 hour trip on a bus to another city.
And I was fortunate enough to sit next to the biggest girl I've ever seen in my life.

I took the bus at dawn and arrived at my destination at dawn. It was a semi-sleeper bus, with 50-centimeter-wide seats.

Beside me was a girl around 25 years old, who was super squeezed in her armchair. the whole trip I had a hard penis. I tried to take pictures with my cell phone, but I was afraid that other passengers would notice and due to the poor lighting the images would look horrible.

Anyway, she should have about 400 pounds. And she was squeezed in the window seat and me in the hall chair. When she needed to go out to use the bathroom and when she came down, in a city before me, I had to get out of my seat so she could get through.

She was about 4'9 to 5'0 tall, so her weight seemed very tight on her belly, butt and thighs. She tried to lift her legs to get better and get to sleep, and then the bus would jump over holes and all that mass would shake next to me. For the part of the trip she turned with her ass to my side and settled down, that huge ass almost in my lap, if it weren't for the partition of the seats.

The two times she got up I got out of my seat so she could pass and then I saw all that huge woman getting up and walking with immense effort, I was silly admiring that ass squeezing in the corridor and taking the entire space of the corridor to pass while walking slowly. Her arm was rubbing against me while she settled down, I am 70 kilos and 176 cm tall. I'm thin and her arm was the width of my thigh. Her thigh was almost thicker than my waist.

I tried to talk to her a little, but she slept most of the time and was not in the mood for conversation. I spent the 6 hours of the trip with my penis erect, I couldn't sleep admiring that goddess. It was the best trip of my life. And while I report this and remember her, every curve, every movement, that huge ass in the corridor walking slowly, turning to my side, her huge thighs stuck in the armchair, I get horny just writing the account. She is a fantastic woman. I imagined myself with her sitting on my lap on the trip and crushing me.
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I don't take a pic of her, but her body is like Kenzie body.
Just over a year ago, I saw a woman on a train, accompanied by a man who I must assume to be her boyfriend/husband. They took up an entire 2x2 seats plus table between them. This guy was obese but not anything unusual for a western country. She on the other hand was massive, I guess 5'8ish and 400 pounds. A good comparison would be big cutie Holly from the top of this thread, at her peak weight, but with more belly and a bit taller. Not the best of faces though. She had leggings and cardigan on. She was clearly still out of breath from heaving her huge body there even though she must have been sat for at least 5 minutes. Unfortunately I was getting off at the first stop and never got to see that magnificent body in motion.
>>389 (OP)
I’ve related this story in a previous iteration of this thread but the biggest girl I’ve ever seen in real life was at a grocery store called WinCo. She was basically shapeless, easily over 700 pounds, and she was so big that the electric grocery cart couldn’t convey her up the slightest incline to actually get into the store. She had to gesture over one of her family member to try to help her get moving forward. She was maybe 5’3”, most of the weight appeared to be in her legs and belly, which were so big she could barely even steer the cart. Wish I would’ve taken some creepshots of her, she was truly one of a kind. I’ll never forget the frantic hand waving for help when she realized that the cart was stuck. I have no idea why they even brought her to the store.
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Not the fattest girl I've ever seen. But probably the biggest I'd wanna get with would be my neighbor. When we first moved in, before I even met them I saw her ass, and there house is probably 100-150m away. She's about 21, face wise not the kind of girl I'd go for, but damn she has an ass.
She would be about 5ft tall, overweight but in a way where most of the fat went to her ass. Probably a D cup, belly to match her tits, but her ass mush be at least 50 inches. And she always wears shorts or tights like damn. No wonder she has a lot of guy friends around. Photos of Big Cutie Margot, but imagine that, but shorter, and always in tights.
I wouldn't try my luck with her, but damn if I don't notice her walking home every now and then.
Why don't you invite her over for drinks or a BBQ?
Met Maya Rosales after her surgery, ssbbwmiriam was also someone I met who was massive, along with Ssbbw Bibi Tova, echo wasn’t as big back then but ssbbw summer who I also met and spent time with was absolutely massive ❤️❤️❤️ Have to get to this tribeca Whole Foods tho!!!
Commenting here because I don't know where else to mention this. No shit, I just saw a lady built exactly like Sadie. She was fairly old, like probably late 50s, but God damn that was surprising. You don't see that shape every day.
Wow nice! An Australian Sadie
I wanna know about Mayra very badly. How big was she when you met her?
You gave me a hearty laugh. Gotta say, the younger chunky British girls making OnlyFans that cater to this community (and who will inevitably get big as a consequence) seem to have really nice pouty lips and exaggerated hips. Something about the Anglo gene pool I guess (the Aussie girls have the lips too).
Sadly I don't see that in the 56% girls here :(
Once, when I was taking my then-girlfriend (a chubby 220lbs at 5' 6") to the chiropractor I was absolutely floored by the receptionist.. My ex knew I liked fat women and must've seen me staring.

This woman was in her mid 40s and had long bright gold curly hair framing a huge double chin. Her clothes were black and stretched maybe a bit too tight over the biggest belly I'd ever seen then or since. She sat on a rolling chair but had to sit a good distance away from the desk and even then had to angle her body probably 45 degrees to the side; the belly wouldn't have fit otherwise. For general shape think Candy Godiva: long belly with relatively little width to it. It was more concentrated up high, though. Her thick legs were thrust apart by the sheer weight of it as it slumped down over her lap and onto the chair. Even further, it filled the space between her legs on the chair and continued to hang off the edge a good ten or so inches. Her daughter was there (very skinny, probably afraid to end up like her mom) and would lean up against the belly while they talked.
Revisiting this thread after a few months — not disappointed. I love reading these stories. I wanted to mention the Tribeca Whole Foods is NOT an SSBBW paradise. What makes my sightings so odd is that virtually all of the clientelle are skinny 1-percenters, or slightly plump at best. And really the juxtaposition is what makes it...

So I was there just 2 nights ago and there was a 400± pound youngish (early-mid 30s? I'm old so that's young) woman at the self-checkout. 5-5ish, big all over but flaring hips and a huge ass really pushing out the back and sides of her long, black cardigan coverup thing. Fat belly swinging around in loose-legged black pants, fat feet pouring out of mule-type soft shoes.

She was masked but what I could see of her face was surprisingly attractive, she looked like Pleasantly Plump/Crissy, though no make-up, hair fuck-it style, pulled back, dark and growing out a blonde dye job. It was Monday evening, prime time at that location, and the self-checkout is crowded and she seemed a little stressed. Unfortunately I had very few items with a big line behind me so I only got to see her pivot and bend over so many times, taking stuff from her cart and bagging them, before I had to move on.

Still, the Tribeca WF delivers!
A lot of people talking about teachers... I never had a true fatty-fat instructing me but there was a woman who worked in the front office of my high school who was enormous. This was mid-80s so 350+ lb people were very rare in my neck of the woods, Northeast middle class suburbia.

She was no beauty, middle-aged which to high school me seemed ancient, but the sheer size made up for it, something out of my teenage fantasies. Shortish but huge all over — big double chin, jowls, roll around her neck; wide, round shoulders, not a particurly big chest for her o/a size but still objectively big and propped up by a thick, prominent belly; gigantic hips and a deep bustle-like rump; calves like my (teenaged) waist, cankles, fat feet; ultra-plump forearms and hands that fascinated me, the deep crease where her wrist would be, and creases between ever knuckly of her finger... Her hands were so plump they looked like they wouldn't even be able to hold a pen.

She dressed oddly, likely because super-plus clothing was very difficult to come by at the time, and looked like someone out of another era in general (mid-60s) — heavy makeup and her hair lacquered and pulled back in a tight bun. She wore long, pleated skirts, weird patterned polyester tops and very thick pantyhose (stockings?). That detail sticks in my mind because she made a shitload of noise as she walked through the hall, like a thresher going through a wheat field. It was a running joke among us that she'd never catch you misbehaving because you could hear her coming from 100 yards and around the corner. (My friends unaware I was diamond-hard as we made fun of her.)

Unfortunately as she worked in the administrative office I didn't see much of her, and she didn't venture out of there often. Actually the most I saw of her in one shot was a month before graduation when she buttonholed my gf and a couple of other girls, talking to them about ordering gowns for the ceremony and related stuff. (I guess she was in charge of such things.) I would see even larger women as time went on but I'm pretty sure she was my first real SSBBW.
I'm currently seeing a teacher who's like 5ft4 330lb (so verging on supersized) and one of her friends who is also a teacher looks pretty similar size wise (not seen them together so hard to judge which is largest). Why are so many teachers fatties?

based on my experience as a former teacher and with teachers in ny family
- its very stressful with long hours that people outside the job dont necessarily see
- it both takes a lot of energy but also you spend a lot of time sitting, especially at the senior high level, so you need those calories and caffeine to keep going
- you spend so much time around children, and once you get used to it, theres not as many adults around for you to care too much what you look like (you develop a thick skin and dont give a shit what teens think of you)
- theres a cafeteria, vending machines, you work a mon to fri that is scheduled around snacking hours, you snack while you grade assessments, surrounded by metabolically gifted youths who usually can eat and eat and stay relatively skinny

I taught for a couple years and put on 30 to 40 pounds, and my teacher partner at the time put on over 50. Teaching makes you fatttt if you dont watch it.

Dude you’re the freaking man I’m going there once a month now at least
She was incredibly small at the time compared to her 1000 lb size, I can’t even count how many times I came to her before we met, she had amazing strength still and moved beautifully; after the multiple surgeries a lot of loose skin but still sexy
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I'm entertained by the idea of non-Americans and non-New Yorkers reading this thread and imagining "the Tribeca Whole Foods" as some fatty paradise, like it's a country buffet in Texas or something. For the non-Americans, Whole Foods is an upscale supermarket chain that sells expensive organic produce to skinny yoga people, and Tribeca is one of the most posh and expensive neighborhoods in all of NYC, somewhere that celebrities and literal supermodels live. That's why it's so funny that this poster keeps running into SSBBWs there. It's like seeing a famous runway model at that buffet in Texas.
I am a New Yorker and I say Whole Foods and Trader Joes are for people who are too dumb to go to Stop and Shop, C-Town, Associated, Fruit Tree, or allow a Bodega in their area. These are the same people who would be shopping at Pathmark and Walbums if they didn't go bankrupt
I live in Italy, so It isnt so common ti see super size girl ( overweight Yes ) but i Study in Milan, i was going around with two Friends ( they know my love for big girls ) and they start joking like " would you fuck that girl ? Eheh " i turn around and i see this woman that i think She was around 250 kg ( like 550 ibs ), enormous booty and a fantasic double chin, probably around 25 years, i tried to Say hi to her but She didnt waved back, i dont think she was italian but probably an american or german tourist
(i cant speak English well lol)
I was still at school, and U need to know that it is so normally in my country(CN) to have an afterschool class.It was in winter,and then a very young(she and I were both 14y old)fat girl walked in. I just look at her round and red face."A normally fat girl?"i thought. she wore a thick jacket so i just thought her jacket made the fake round belly.
I saw her belly when she took off the jacket.I cant believe that her belly and her tits are so big and round(when she's only 13!)
she just sat on the chair and it began to "cheeeeeeek".Even if she learn against the back of the chair,her belly touched the table.It was so cold outside,but she was bathed in sweat because of the fat.
After class it was 7 pm.And we eat out in the same restaurant! I just saw her ordered three large bowls of beef noodles with her grandpa,but her grandpa just ate half of a bowl.then she ate all the food on the table!!! each of them was as big as my head.
But she could eat all of them in one go! she burped for a long time with a bigger round sloshing gut.
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My wife is now the fattest person I have met in real life, though I’ve seen photos of fatter women. She is well over 400 pounds since she gained 70 lbs during the pandemic. She loves to eat and has grown very fat since we first met. Here’s a photo of her when we first met when we were 16 and also from last year so you can see the change.
>>389 (OP)
I have been to many NAAFA conventions, anon. I am ruined for "normal" BBWs. Met Teighlor in person, if that's an indication and almost hooked up with her until her AOL email that actually belonged to an ex of mine was intercepted by her. This was just after she was with that feeder dude that got her to her biggest. I knew Heather when she was just above mid-sized. I was too stupid being loyal to my current squeeze to respond to her flirting. Wow, what a miss. My current squeeze at that time was all belly, but we had a good time in bed, and feeding her hamantash in bed might have been the highlight. She might have been the largest, tbh. But Zsalynn Whitworth was my penpal at one point. Hard to tell. So many possible paths.
I went to my first Naafa event in 1987. I have had the good fortune of meeting and hooking up with several prominent SSBBW’s. If I told you who you wouldn’t believe me anyways. The largest woman I’ve ever is a woman named Gina I meet at a Naafa Convention in La in 91. In my time I have seen Teighlor, Summer, Kathy Woods, Echo, Goddess Patty and others in that weight category. However, at a legit 700 pounds plus she was the biggest. Unfortunately, She never modeled. However, there is a picture of her in an old dimensions magazine from around that time.
I once ran into a MASSIVE woman when I was in highschool at disney land while waiting on the haunted mansion ride. This woman was well over 500 lbs and was absolutely gorgeous, practically all belly and tits. It was a wonder show they got her on the the ride with her like that along with her 2 friends. I'm so upset I didn't ask her for her number til this day.
That's fucking nice. How old is she now though?
>>389 (OP)
literally, Jae.

she's one you SEE, in person.
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I see this woman in shopping today.
I watch her for 50 minutes.

She returns to buy food 2 times and eat three burguer's combos with fries. An insane apettite.

It's make my day guys.

I'm the Guy of the history of bus.

This whales appear to me in the most unexpectate sites. It's Crazy.
Jesus. Relax dude.
I’ve been with Jae a handful of times. She is much taller and wider than you would expect. She couldn’t even fit into my car. 5’10” and 3x larger than me. Absolutely amazing.
whoa, was this recently?
This wasn't recent, like a couple of years ago or so. She is very kind and loving. I miss those days.
suppose if you're still able, you could still do another session, I guess. she's taking them right now, I think.
I would, but I have a gorgeous bbw girlfriend now. When I did get to spend time with Jae, it wasn’t paid for; so I doubt that this would change.
ah, sorry. you knew her socially, then?
Yes, we knew each other well. Almost like a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. We facetimed every night for hours.
lucky man. if you don't mind my asking, what happened?
We lived too far apart. Plus, I am 4 years younger and didn’t care for kids, which she has.
ah. Well, I know I've never had a realistic chance, myself, so, sorry to hear that.
The biggest i've ever seen was when I had a Saturday job when I was at uni delivering for takeaways/pizza places in my area. This one time when I was around 19 I delivered to a woman around a mile from where I lived. When she answered the door my jaw hit the floor, she was clearly around the 600-650 mark, as she was so wide and her legs were so damn thick. She was pretty rude and just took the food and went, and judging by the car and sounds sshe had a family and kids but I fantasized about that woman until I moved out of the area.

However when I moved I started chatting to this girl I met on feabie, 520lbs and 5'3", couldn't believe my luck. Didn't get to doing anything with her besides making out and a little bit of squashing but it solidyfied my fantasy for sure. She told me she used to be 600lbs, dropped to 400 and then has been slowly putting it on since. I wanted nothing more than to get her back to that point, but I was pushing my luck and things didn't continue. The lost weight meant that she was pretty saggy all the way round and was extremely jiggly.
Wow where're you finding these heifers? Extremely rare to find anyone over the 150kg where I am apart from some nearby Indians.
I used to live in the west midlands, but I think there are larger girls closer to london.

Honestly mate, dated a biiiig indian gal when I was at uni, dont knock it

Kisame, what's your take on Fine Fare and Western Beef?
Those are low end supermarket chains for boomers. Fat Chicks in NY want to shop at Trader Joes or whole foods
Just refreshing this to see if anyone has had any new sights
Live on the Gulf Coast. Very tall and wide women here.

Tallest was in Mobile. She was cosplaying a basketball player. Thought the irony was pretty funny.

Widest was at a casino in the French Quarter of Louisiana. She walked past me on a pier and I could feel the wood bending under my feet as she walked past me. I still think about that to this day.

To that point, even my most recent ex herself was 6'2 and 500+
In here now at 7 am on a Friday morning and no real bbws just one big butt women with crutches lol disappointed but I see the potential went to college right down the street
Don't generalize man, i know some of men are dicks here, but with such large population generates more chances of jerks also. Also traditions are fucked up here, girls are very cold i gotta tell you that. This whole arrange marriage paradigm is kinda the reason, girl knows that she'll end up with a guy anyway and hence just doesn't make any effort from their side which gives the man "Jerk" title.Asia is a fucked up place to be a FA, seeing a bbw is very rare here in India, ssbbw doesn't exist honestly speaking. All this fetishes are not talked here upon much, culture is the primary reason, everyone needs some sort of outlet to meet their desires, fetishes, and in such culturally binding environment, internet helps us through, *sighs with surrounded by thin women*.
A few days ago, two absolutely stunning bbws walk in the store I work at(with a skinny friend to compare with no less) Both were wearing short jumpsuits tight enough where I could tell one wasn't wearing a bra (and it was small enough to where she kept pulling it up so nothing got exposed). And luck was on my side as they went to my register, so I got a great look at them. They were all in their own conversation and I was kind of stunned (good breasts, decent bellies, great thighs), so I just started to scan and bag their items, sneaking a few glances. I actually got to be around them a bit longer, since one of their items had a missing barcode, so we waited for the skinny friend to go get another one to scan it. I got the chance to compliment the starry tattoo one had on her enourmous thigh, which seemed to lighten her frustration a bit. Hope they come in again one day.
We’ll be in again on Thursday. What time are you on?
I worked with an SSBBW who had to be around 500 lbs. She was diabetic but had jars of candy by her desk and constantly ate sweets, fried food and fast food openly and didn't give a shit what people thought about her. Always admired her confidence.
Let me guess, she was already married?
A woman who was the fattest woman in the world lived in my town when I was in junior high. She was a rude bitch which explains so many of the women I've been attracted to.
...uh, what? Was this somebody who had been in the news?
Yes, she was on a 90s talk show with Richard Simmons
I am skeptical because people like Honey Boo Boo often have no friends and are put in harms way by television producers. Part of the reasons why Talk Shows and Reality Shows have plummeted is that they manufacture drama and outrage.
seriously, who the fuck was this person?
That Jessica girl who was like 400 pounds at 8 or something?
Fattest WOMAN, not child. He's probably talking about Rosalie Bradford.
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Rosalie Bradford of Lakeland, Polk County, Florida I assume.
And what a formative place to live... the fattest area in the whole of Florida. Must have been chockablock overflowing bellies as far as the eye could see.
The fattest girl I have ever slept with weighed 465 pounds at 5 foot four. She was the real deal really into gaining weight had a husband Who hated how fat she was. She became my mistress and we had sex regularly in hotel rooms. She gained a lot of weight she now weighs 571 pounds. Every time I sleep with her I can’t believe this is real.
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>>389 (OP)
One of my moms friends. She is definitely over 400lbs, super pear shaped short with dark hair. She usually wears these stretch pant type things I remember being close behind her one time and realizing just how huge she was when I noticed the back pockets on them were bigger than legal envelopes
You know I'd always wondered what happened to her, considering that finding videos about her as a kid are probably what turned me onto this. I'm susprised she hadn't relapsed and become a model.
She's relapsed. But she has no fucking clue about all this.
Not for lack of fucking trying by some of the people on the TikTok thread on /ssbbw/
Sounds like you're the mistress, anon
I’ve got a list of all the girls I’ve been with, 95% are BBW/SSBBW’s. I have been with Jae and Asstronomy for a three way. Absolute best night of my entire life.
Lucky man! you must be in the new england area, then.
A few years ago I was with a few friends at Six Flags, waiting in line to get on the slow log ride thing to cool off a bit. Just as it was hetting clise to time for our group to get onto the rde I looked down from the ramp we were on to see a woman, probably in her mud to late 30’s with her husband and 8-9 yo kid. She was a very pretty lady, but clearly did not care about her appearance with no makeup and her hair in a messy bun. She was predominately pear shaped, but her belly was massive as well and took up her entire lap and was cramped against the mobility scooter she was on. She was definitely well over 500 lbs, wouldn’t surprise me if she was into the 600’s easily. Instead of waiting in line, the employees directed her up a wheelchair ramp in her scooter and up to the log ride. The rows sat 4-5 people, but they had to reserve an entire row for just her and the squeezed her small son on with her. It took her what seemed like forever to get up from her mobility scooter. You could hear her kinda irritatedly telling her husband how to best help her up from her chair in a hushed and winded voice. I loved to watch her ass and hips waggle as she tried to move. The employees and her husband helped her carefully get into the log boat, which caused the boat to legit TIP up on her side. I felt bad for her and the kid, it was in the middle of summer and she clearly only crammed herself on that ride to cool off but she looked so exhausted and uncomfortable on the ride. Her kid was smushed between her hips and the boat. I can’t think of another time where I saw someone that disablingly obese in person
>her belly was massive as well and took up her entire lap
Honestly surprised she managed to fit in the ride. I remember going to six flags a few years back and just how tightly the bar sinks into your lap, like even moderately chubby people had the safety bar squish into their gut. I remember seeing quite a few fatties when I went to Six Flags New England, doesn't hold a candle to the absolute behemoths you'd find at Disney parks lol
I couldn’t believe she fit either tbh, fortunately for her it was the slow, “cool off” kinda ride so didn’t have a bar or anything. Still she was clearly uncomfortable, crammed inside the ride with everything bulging out lol I was also kinda shocked that, even with a couple of people’s help, she was physically able to step into the rocking boat. When I say she was huge, I’m talking massive so much so that I was surprised to see her get up from her scooter period. And oh yeah, there are some absolutely chonks at Disney lmao
Admittedly not the biggest but I ran into a girl I slept with over a decade ago today. She was pretty fat then and did nothing to hide it.
Today she is about twice the size she was then. Apparently she's moving back to the area. Mentally I was already thinking about fucking her senseless.
10 years ago I met Jenni Bombshell in San Francisco, when I was on holiday there. We had online contact for a few months and we decided to have coffee together in a Starbucks. I never forget the sight she was waddling towards me. She is short 5.3 and at the time around 500 lbs. She is very mobile though! After the coffee we walked to her car and I had my arm around (half her waist). We both had a relationship, so there was nothing more than a good bye kiss. This was the best hour in my life though!

Sure buddy. Sure
I don't really think that woman's attractive, but I hope you're doing ok, based polk county bro
It happened at the airport. Saw a woman that was easily 500 pounds.

She looked to be between 20 and 30. I've seen older women approching her size but never anyone so young, and never at an airport of all places. She was about as close to an hourglass as is possible for her size. Each one of her legs was bigger than me. She also had a relatively skinny and attractive face.

Frankly, I was more interested in the logistics of her situation than anything. When you're that big, how do airplanes even work? Do you need to buy two tickets? She couldn't fit in the seats at the departure gate let alone on the plane (she was sitting on a bench in the main aisle when I saw her.) What's compelling enough to make a person that big brave the horrors of air travel?

I wish her the best, as well as the lucky person who got to sit next to her wherever she was going.
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I see this big girl in bus station

5'4 height

400-450lbs i think
>>12002 She looks hot, but I hate to break it to you, no way shes over 400
If she's 5'4" there's no way she's 400lbs. 400lbs on a short woman is enormous. More likely she is in the low 300s.
Dude, stop taking photos of women in the street, it's fucking creepy.

keep taking pics

hopefully next time you can capture some nipple, pussy, and/or asshole
>>11963 if your that big you buy two or three seats/tickets. the planes have seatbelt extensions for larger people.
She’s 38. And also even bigger now. This pandemic has really contributed to her growth.>>7887
Not fat, but I saw a woman I sort of knew in college. She was your standard athletic type, toned thighs and legs (before pandemic). Saw her in the store recently. She got THICC. Butt and thighs were large and very good to look at. I'm suspecting it was from pandemic weight and damn, it went to the right place.
So this probably isn't the biggest girl I've ever seen but she's the biggest in recent memory, it was December and cold as shit. Somehow this girl who was easily about 380-430lbs+, 5'6, is able to bear it with a tight, unzipped grey tracksuit and a white tshirt. Her gut was just huge honestly, a little exposed under her tight tshirt and perfectly spherical. It looked soft enough for my hand to sink straight into it.

Nice boobs too maybe D-cup or bigger. A bit of a small butt but it looked nice on her and really suited and emphasised the rest of her body. Oh and her face, she was seriously cute, nice eyes, nice makeup, haircut, etc and genuinely just beautiful facial features, not to mention a nice, unhideable, double chin and chubby cheeks.

I regret being a bit of a pervert and burning holes into her body and not even talking to her. If her personality was even half as perfect as her body was for me then that would've been it I'd of married her lmao.

Her slight waddle was cute too but I'll cut the story off there.
Can't be many 500+ girls in the UK that used to be even bigger, lost a bunch and then gained most of it back... Think I might know her too. Black girl?
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I met this girl on Feabie like two years ago. Her profile said she was 180 kgs, which is a lot but didn't seem "that much" to me (I had no idea at the time). I messaged her and we ended up chatting. She's one of the sweatest persons I've ever met and If I were not in a relationship now I'd seriously consider to try and date her.

Anyways, we agreed to meet near a local hotel to go to a buffet (meme, I know) and then have some fun in the hotel.

I get to the place and I was scanning the area for her. From what I think was 400-500 meters I see this huge, short, black blob in the distance and I instantly got rock hard. "Please be her please be her". And there she was, the hugest woman I've ever met in my life. We went to the buffet, we had fun and then to the hotel (we brought some soda and ice cream for the fun too lol). We're still in touch from time to time, she really is sweet as candy and extremely sexy. God, I really miss how she felt... extremely warm and soft. At one point she hugged me while she was standing up, I was sitting and I rested my head on her chest and belly... I felt the peace of heavens. What I would give for another night with her.

She might still be on feabie if you guys wanna look, I think it's FatFairy or something like that now, from Argentina. Sweetest and sexiest girl I've ever met.

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