
It's 01:24 AM local time and I already failed
I actually am, sort of. Trying to get the gf pregnant and it seems my swimmers are short in number. This site may have something to do with that.

I've started eating more fruits, quit drinking alcohol and coffee, upped my work out routine, and added some dietary supplements. We'll see how long I'll last, but it has soon been a week of no nut apart from the male fertility test that showed my balls' true colors.
Zinc also affect this. Also, depending get your GP to check you out. I had all sort of problems and it just resulted in a lower sperm count.
Hmm I mean I'm on this site to check a thread I made but I haven't jerked off in the new month yet. Probably been jerking it a bit too much recently. I'll give it no fap a go for a bit - still gonna have sex though.
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>>38846 (OP)
November? Pfft, get on my level. I've been about as porn free as one can be since the first day of 2022 (I only come to /gen/ for the discussion, although there's not much of that lately), and today is day 304 of nofap. I've even somehow managed to avoid nocturnal emissions - every time I've woken up moments before and managed to avoid it by clenching my kegel muscles tight and doing difficult arithmetic in my head.

Why? To see if all the stories of brain rewiring and boosts to energy and mood are true, to train my willpower, and to prove that I can.
I'm gonna time my nut to the second to annoy people like you
my longest streak as of now was 3+years, 1.5 years of those was without porn. I started because I felt shame in public settings after I had done it and suffered from some sort of OCD where I had to fap to every vid that I bookmarked once. It came to an end around the start of the lockdowns, nocturnal emissions up to that point happend regularly and where a highlight of my day, when they stopped I tried triggering them by edging and watching copious amounts of porn which resulted in me busting a nut by lying prone. Prone masturbation led to an new obsession that lasted until september of this year with occasional nofap streaks that maximally lasted 1 month. November will be the third month of abstinence if I keep up now. One of the biggest revelations during my longest streak was that you can forget what an orgasm feels like, I lost the urge to use my hand to get off as well, the muscle memory connected to it left my body. It was really prone masturbation that opened a new box of pandora which gave me the ideas to do experiments like listing to a fat chat while humping the shit out of my bed.
Dude, you're gonna give yourself ED from that.
> (I only come to /gen/ for the discussion, although there's not much of that lately)

just research, really lol
You need to work out, eat less sugar, eat more red meat, take cold showers, stop watching porn and find a group of men to help you along with your journey, whether that's through a church or gym or shooting club.

Good luck, anon. Fatherhood is a gift
Also boxers or commando — no briefs/boxer briefs, and no tight jeans/trousers. Balls are outside your body because they need to be at a slightly lower temperature for peak performance.
I disagree. I wear briefs made of bamboo/viscose. I wore boxers and boxer briefs most of my adult life and I have to say, having my balls well supported feels much better, plus it boosts my confidence because I think my bulge looks great in briefs but tbh to each their own.
That's not healthy at all. Nocturnal emissions is your body telling you you need to cum so it can make more sperm. If we were wired by evolution to cum in as many women as possible, then you are going against nature.
Nope, I actually have a gf this year. And one who feels like a long term one. No way I'm giving up a month of sex, especially when she stuffs herself afterwards. She's not into gaining but her food baby gut is the closest thing I got atm.
I wear boxer briefs. I’m saying just give them up for the period he’s trying to knock her up. It’s can be uncomfortable but so is what she’s gonna go through.
And are they true?
He's gonna hold off another 10 months to be sure.
Then today would be day 670. NoFap? More like NoBrain.


>I've even somehow managed to avoid nocturnal emissions

Everyone who does Nofap agrees those don't count because you can't control it.
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I eased into it. The first year was going without porn, this year will be without porn and without ejaculation.
Disappointing tbh. I dream more often and vividly. I get morning wood (didn't much before) and my erections from the occasional sexy thought are diamond hard with a strength previously unachievable. But no increased energy or motivation, no adderall-like effects as some people describe, no signs of slow testosterone increases over time like that one guy who posted his bloodwork before and after nofap. The training of the willpower has been the most effective and important aspect of this experiment, and I suspect it's merely the willpower training that is behind so many of the stupid /r/nofap stories of sudden revitalization of the will to live in depressed people.
I'm also involved in the western esoteric traditions (aka ceremonial magic, theurgy, occult philosophy) and was interested in the spiritual effects of preserving what Dion Fortune calls "the downward current of creation." My daily banishing ritual seems more affected by the phases of the moon than anything, and I've done some basic practices to take the extra lifeforce that I should be conserving and move it up from the lower centres into higher energy centres (NOT the same thing as chakras), but all that achieved was once making colours super vivid and beautiful for a brief moment.

So overall, some effects, but I expected a lot more and I'm rather disappointed. When my "year and a day" is over in a couple months, I'll bring the experiment to an end. I'll still probably use porn less and fap a lot less after I'm done though. I currently no longer feel the constant burning need to jack off every few days, though if I think long and hard about a sexual fantasy my sexual circuitry comes roaring back at a full gallop, so I'm clearly fine and healthy, just less interested in cold pixels and jacking off alone in an empty room, and I'm not desperate to go on a crazy porn binge when I'm done. At the end of the day, I'm mostly satisfied that I've proved to myself that I'm not a slave to my cravings and desires, and proud to have a tangible example of my willpower being exercised. Pic related.
Haven't jerked off since September, might as well keep it going
I don’t think I could. I can’t go more than a few days, if I don’t nut to 500lb women regularly I’d be on feabie and getting a divorce.
do you even cum that much during a wet dream? even though it feels like you do theres never a huge trace when you wake up
Captain's log, day 8.

After several days of keeping my observation of pornographic content to a tasteful minimum, I hit a stumbling block today. The pornographic sirens overcame me. Looking at content covering almost every fetish I have ended up eating a sizable chunk of my day.

Yet, something strange happened. Despite there being an urge to touch myself, I never really hardened much past brief periods. Has age caught up to me, and I simply can't get it up as easily as before? Or has not jacking off actually given me something resembling a more controlled libido?

Perhaps this year will be easier than in the past, though I do worry about the potential longer-term implications of a more controlled sex drive.

From personal experience, the volume seems to be roughly on par with a regular climax. Since my loads are very ordinary in volume, it isn't too awful.
Considering half of you already suffer from ED and gumdrop dick syndrome, No-Nut November is the dumbest shit ever. This is the type of stuff that'll give you prostate cancer in the future.

It's on par with someone suffering anorexia going on a diet.
Found the coomer
wtf is "gumdrop dick syndrome"?
Captain's log, day 15.

For the most part, the past week has been more or less smooth sailing. Despite continued surrender to my greater visual urges, any instance of sexual arousal has been brief at best.

However, this morning, I woke up finding myself hornier than at any point this month insofar. It wasn't enough so to push me over the top, but it does mildly concern me in regards to succeeding in my mission, given that I'm only at the halfway point.

I'm still fairly confident in myself, though I can't help but feel a wet dream hiding right around the corner. Only time will tell.
I wish I hadn't ever discovered porn so I could focus on my 500 lbs girlfriend ffs.

So fucking sad.
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I releapsed after 2 months and 16 days..

i'm not tired and dealing with brain fog so I think i'm still benefiting from my abstinence period

the problem was that I didn't cut this site out of my schedule and continued lying prone while hard for pleasure

when you browse this site whether it's /elite or /bbw eventually something will hit the spot which you will need to mentally process and the quickest way to do it is by getting off. hard mode is letting it subside and experience withdrawals. something can arouse you IRL too but that's more organic compared to the escalation that can happen with porn consumption.

my other annoying addiction is following video game industry headlines even though I haven't played games for years, it's pretty much a tic. anyone have something similar?
Captain's Log, day 23.

Just one more week remains, and I find myself holding steadfast. Beyond last week's incident, I haven't had any serious urges, not even so much as a wet dream to my name. I'm not even sure seeing the abundance of fat content that this time of year brings would cause me to relapse. It looks like the next week should be smooth sailing. But what about beyond that? I'll probably make myself nut at the start of December just so it's out of my system, but perhaps this November enabled me to attain something greater: Liberation from my own libido. Only time will tell.
That's how GenZ talks. Millennials with their talk of therapy are getting boring. Gen Z doesn't like fat women or preg because they're full of histrionics.
This is the dream

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