
(119 KB, 894x894, pov_eating_while_you_watch_2_by_allroun_dg8cc7s-pre.jpg)
Mostly looking just for peoples own experiences or how you started out exploring the kink more with your partner. In my case, we’ve been dating nearly 4 years and she’s known almost from the get-go that I had a fat/feeding fetish. She’s originally from a country with really harsh body standards and had been conditioned by family/world to think she was borderline obese when she’s only about 130lbs even this far into our relationship. She was probably only about 120 when we met. We’ve done minor feedings before and she enjoys them, mostly cuz she enjoys food but especially since she gets off from seeing me really excited about it.

We’ve discussed doing hard feeding sessions in the past and she’s always been open, but we’ve never properly gone through with it. Now, she’s decided she’d definitely like to give it a try and I’m over the moon. Was wondering what I could do for her to make it the most enjoyable experience possible so that she’d want to do it again!

TL;DR: Longtime gf wants to try out my fetish for reals, how can I make our first hard stuffing session great for her?
>>38778 (OP)
I think it kinda depends on what she wants to do/capable of. If you want to do a big stuffing, go for something she likes eating and don't get tired of. Fast food like a large order of McDonald's or Wendy's, maybe a big pizza? Desert like a whole cake stuffing or a bunch of donuts? Does she want to try being messy with her food and get it all on herself, or just be able to eat a large portion of it? Maybe you should ask her what comes to her mind on a big stuffing she wants to do.

In my opinion you should take things slow instead of doing things rapidly. Imo models tend to gain and look better that way as opposed of gaining like 200 pounds in less than 2 years. It's also healthier since it allows the body to adjust to the added weight instead of having to play catch up.

Also 130 obese is crazy. There's no fucking way you're obese at that weight unless you some dwarf or something.
1. do you actually like feeding or are you just into weight gain? a lot of people think feeding is something they're "supposed to do" when it's often a completely different fetish

2. what does she like to eat/drink? it should be more enjoyable than it is uncomfortable. pushing past fullness is what creates quasi-permanent appetite increases, but pushing too far past it will make her never want to do it again. liquid calories go far btw, if she likes milkshakes.

3. i cannot stress this enough. make sure both of you get hot and horny before you start. you staring at her while you wait for her to finish some store-bought cookie in dead silence is awkward as fuck. do some foreplay. hell, fuck a little before or during, then pleasure her while she does it

4. optional: tell her not to eat much that day, and have an actual meal like pizza or fast food she likes rather than dessert. stuffing herself with everything she could ever want will be much more enjoyable if she's starving
I think a steady, low pressure "grazing" is a better approach, it's low pressure, and more relaxing. Put on her favorite movie, get a pizza and some ice cream, and you'll be surprised by how much more she will eat and how much happier she will be.

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