
(8.8 MB, 1280x720, Holyshit.webm)
Old crisis thread: >>37424 (Cross-thread)
Please see attached.
TLDW: Someone went ballz deep in the paint and donated enough to keep us going for an entire year. We will still lose our bbw-chan.nl domain, but hopefully everyone has updated their bookmarks to bbw-chan.link and bbw-chan.xyz (still working on that one) by the time that happens.

It's a Halloween miracle. Everyone give this man a hearty round of applause.
Thank you, Anon.
>>38553 (OP)
Thank you so much Lt Barclay, for securing the funds and especially for adding the part about the bbwdraw discussions and rants. You're an absolute hero among fat lovers worldwide!
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You have no idea how much this means to this profligate. Hopefully we can keep this little corner of the internet funded (and cp free) for the foreseeable future.
As a ex 4chan /trash poster I can't go back to those gay-ass furries who only post three images of some purple wolf before letting the thread die. Godspeed my coomer brethren
I was so worried, this means a ton. Thank you, anon. o7
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Whoever you are kind man, thank you for supporting my (and many others) degenerate cooming habits for another year!
>>38553 (OP)
We're so back.

Also, gratitude to LtBarclay for carrying that weight.
someone was willing to shell out 2k to keep this site alive but still won't pay for porn?
Maybe they've got more than £2k of porn from this site. I probably have.
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AND the array might come back?

Holy fuck.
>>38553 (OP)
thank you for addressing the mods
Praise anon oil prince and barclay, we live bitch.
He be paying for the memories not the bitches
>>38553 (OP)
>Array back online

By the way, I noticed that a few of the cyclical threads on some of the boards got unpinned (model ID thread and begging thread), can those be re pinned or were they unpinned for a reason?
>>38553 (OP)
Business as normal then. I can breath a sigh of great relief!
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based as fuck
Absolutely based
For the record I still believe in my less boards idea.
>>38553 (OP)
Praise the gigachad for the donation!

Where else could we get our porn from?
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So, barring any issues, bbw-chan.link should be our domain name from now on, but just to be super cautious, we should, like all sites like this, have a backup domain. We know we're losing .nl, so can a few anons confirm bbw-chan.xyz currently correctly redirects to bbw-chan.link for them? This will be our official backup domain after .nl goes offline.
This site's an unironic hellhole, why would you donate to keep it alive?
Thank you anon gigachad and all the folks that keep this running
Thank you for saving this community anon! You are king of kings!
We do not have the permission to die! Let's fucking go!
Why are you here then? GTFO, fag
Hell yes that is great news. Thank you Barclay for running the site and thank you anon for donating to save it
>Implying they probably haven't also paid for porn
With the absolute state of content these days being here today, gone tomorrow, and double paywalled, it's actually cheaper and more convenient to pay a a single lump sum up front and have some of the content funneled here.
>Implying they probably haven't also paid for porn
With the absolute state of content these days being here today, gone tomorrow, and double paywalled, it's actually cheaper and more convenient to pay a a single lump sum up front and have some of the content funneled here.
To whichever severe porn addict just donated 2000 bucks to a free porn website, I fucking kneel.
the suspiciously rich furries have struck
Absolute gigachad
Anon is GOAT
My deepest and most sincere gratitude to the king who saved us
>can a few anons confirm bbw-chan.xyz currently correctly redirects to bbw-chan.link for them?
god bless. anon, you are a hero.

In the future, is there anyway to make small donos? I would be willing to shill out a couple bux to help keep this site going.
Thank you, kind degenerate soul.
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That random anon decided to drop bust the fattest nut with his wallet and and I respect that

Thank you for keeping the site alive you big ball dragging madlad
>>38553 (OP)
God speed you legends
Glad to see that we're still living

self-fulfilling 'contributions' such as yours are one of the few senses in which that might to some degree on occasion be remotely true.

as an entirely adequate solution to your problem, might i politely suggest you bugger back off to your bog, and leave the rest of us to enjoy the place?
To the anonymous gigachad — godspeed, ye might champion. All glory due

. . . & Lt Barcs — man, thanks and salutations for all your hard work over the years.
👑 🐐
Plot twist....
Boberry paid
>>38553 (OP)
im sure you remember the times, but perhaps not the usernames. i was with you when you started trying this on irc, fodarray. it was fun times. i helped you work out commands and such. having direct contact with you while it was in the birthing process was fun. trust me, if i ever am blessed with excess funds they will go to you, even though im not into 95%. you have heart my friend. maybe irc could play a part again, to bring irc use back, text only no hosting.
It works boss.
Bravo to the man with the deep pockets!
>>38553 (OP)

Porn is a Helluva Drugg.
Thank you Anon, Thank you LtBarclay.
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>>38553 (OP)
Can we try a more efficient site design next year?
Obviously it's BBW-chan so fat women get the lion's share. And obviously every board has it's own one draw thread, one edit thread, one write thread, one animations thread, one board-related games thread, one captions thread, one beg thread, one lost content thread, one artists' thread, one real life thread, one roleplay thread, and one AI thread. Posting AI content outside of the only AI thread should be reported. Please add a sage function so we can respond to bad threads we don't want to keep afloat.
Also every board should have only one sticky that reads CHECK THE CATALOGUE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD.

Here are my board ideas.
/bbw/ - BBWchan, the site itself, general discussions
/c/ - chubby, smallfat, pudgy, slightly overweight
/f/ - fat, bigfat, overweight, obese
/infl/ - inflation, because
/s/ - slob, lack of hygiene, smells, farts and vomit and shit and piss
/x/ - eXpansion, everything boobs and butts, also pregnancy
/z/ - furry, everything non-human that's clearly based on an animal

I'm saying definitely 300 posts per thread max, 150 threads per board max, and I'm thinking maybe only one attachment per post. We can add an archive for recently bumped off threads with the newy freed up space.

Thoughts? I like this site.
>And obviously every board has it's own one draw thread, one edit thread, one write thread, one animations thread, one board-related games thread, one captions thread, one beg thread, one lost content thread, one artists' thread, one real life thread, one roleplay thread, and one AI thread.
no thank you
>Here are my board ideas.
>/bbw/ - BBWchan, the site itself, general discussions
>/c/ - chubby, smallfat, pudgy, slightly overweight
>/f/ - fat, bigfat, overweight, obese
>/infl/ - inflation, because
>/s/ - slob, lack of hygiene, smells, farts and vomit and shit and piss
>/x/ - eXpansion, everything boobs and butts, also pregnancy
>/z/ - furry, everything non-human that's clearly based on an animal
no thank you
>Thoughts? I like this site.
the only good suggestion was sage. fuck off
Kisame here. I honestly think mods need to stop people from using the n-word and Nazis. As someone who lives off gas station food and smells like garbage from NY, I find it amusing that retarded zoomers can't throw insults properly. I don't expect from the generation of crypto dweebs who need mommy and daddy's money to be tough.
Can we have /li/ back too, while were at it?
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Expansion is not as popular as it was in the 90s Germanbro. SizeCon moved from LaGuardia by the Grand Central to middle of nowhere Jersey cause of the dumb MAGfest level drama occuring there. My pastor in Elmhurst thinks they could be part of the sex trafficking down under the 7 in Corona but I am thankful that I don't watch Sound of Freedom. I find myself wondering why people don't do 50 in a 25 and remembered Vision Zero forces me to concentrate and drive like I am bored in GTA.

Fat chicks in the city hates their image on the internet. Unless you're out in the trashy suburbs where there's nothing resembling urban settings, good look finding fat women since they've been replaced by Turkish and other women who wear sweat suits. All the
fat Christians I know are fleeing to Florida, the Carolinas, or Texas before the Biden people start cutting their services.
>Also every board should have only one sticky that reads CHECK THE CATALOGUE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD.
This is actually necessary and the only part of your post I agree with. I don't know if lynxchan supports merging threads but I'm sick of seeing multiple threads for the same fucking topic, sometimes filled with the exact same images taken from the other thread. Something needs to be done to actually address the retards doing this shit. It's essentially spam and shouldn't be allowed. Jannies need to actually enforce a rule which disallows that behavior.

>Obviously it's BBW-chan so fat women get the lion's share. And obviously every board has it's own one draw thread, one edit thread, one write thread, one animations thread, one board-related games thread, one captions thread, one beg thread, one lost content thread, one artists' thread, one real life thread, one roleplay thread, and one AI thread. Posting AI content outside of the only AI thread should be reported. Please add a sage function so we can respond to bad threads we don't want to keep afloat.
removing the 2D/3D split is a terrible idea and I shouldn't have to explain why if you've been here for long enough. the site is already loosely organized around it for a reason.
The threads I listed were meant to showcase how we don't need a draw board and a write board. 4chan is successful for content creation because they have draw threads and write threads for thematic boards. Everything else is nothing more than showcasing how much space we can save. Having less boards means less work for moderation.
I'm not sure I understand.
Can you suggest improvements? Because I don't see why BBWchan can't streamline its design.
to fix it, you must first understand it. you seem out of touch
What is there to understand? I have been using anonymous posting and image boards for as long as I use the Internet and talking with many oldfags who say there's a trend - thematic boards or wastebin boards.
Thematic boards is what made 2chan, 4chan, and 8chan big and popular. Other sites slow to a crawl and finally into obscurity. I don't want that to happen to this website.
> I don't know if lynxchan supports merging threads but I'm sick of seeing multiple threads for the same fucking topic, sometimes filled with the exact same images taken from the other thread. Something needs to be done to actually address the retards doing this shit. It's essentially spam and shouldn't be allowed. Jannies need to actually enforce a rule which disallows that behavior.
THANK YOU. That's what I meant, and the limited number of pre-posted thread generals were meant to make it clear to new posters.
>removing the 2D/3D split is a terrible idea and I shouldn't have to explain why if you've been here for long enough. the site is already loosely organized around it for a reason.
My goal is reducing boards to free up space to pay for and time for mods or janitors. Currently we have 14 boards, 200 threads per boards, 400 post bump limit per thread, and 6 attachments per post. Please correct me but I think my humble suggestion reduces costs to a 1/4th.
> I don't know if lynxchan supports merging threads but I'm sick of seeing multiple threads for the same fucking topic, sometimes filled with the exact same images taken from the other thread. Something needs to be done to actually address the retards doing this shit. It's essentially spam and shouldn't be allowed. Jannies need to actually enforce a rule which disallows that behavior.
THANK YOU. That's what I meant, and the limited number of pre-posted thread generals were meant to make it clear to new posters.
>removing the 2D/3D split is a terrible idea and I shouldn't have to explain why if you've been here for long enough. the site is already loosely organized around it for a reason.
My goal is reducing boards to free up space to pay for and time for mods or janitors. Currently we have 14 boards, 200 threads per boards, 400 post bump limit per thread, and 6 attachments per post. Please correct me but I think my humble suggestion reduces unused space to a 1/4th.
I'm bored. You're mom gay.
absolute gigachad pulls through, cheers!!!!
Who ever donated all that money is a hero man
>Please add a sage function so we can respond to bad threads we don't want to keep afloat.
>I am le old fag
>doesn't know that sage is already implemented, nor how to use it

If you want a serious answer, the issue is it seems like you're not considering how the site actually functions. The issue with your proposal is that it introduces too much disorganization into the site's structure. In your suggestion, /s/, and /x/ is basically splitting /bbwalt/ into two separate boards. Along with assuming that people who like boobs/ass inherently like expansion. I mean no disrespect, but there's a bit of a pattern in your suggestions with expansion/inflation and it seems like you're biased towards organizing the site's structure around those subjects. That aside, with the inclusion of retaining /inf/, all three of those subjects are going to be predominately 2D focused, yet you still want to remove the 2D/3D split across all boards. This again makes the assumption that people are content with the coexistence of 2D/3D as a whole, and not only in specific subjects. It also assumes that people who like 2D are completely fine with AI content (most seem to not be). Additionally the removal of /booty/ is a huge mistake. It's basically a containment board at this point. I could go on, but hopefully this gives an idea of why people are resistant to your suggestions.

If your goal is only to condense the size of the website, it would probably be best to just limit thread counts/post numbers/attachment size. Maybe remove some low traffic/dead boards at most (bhm/ee/preg/elite/). Some of those could reasonably be grouped under /bbwalt/ without much issue, I'd think
That's the part about their proposal that irks me. They're looking to oversimplify the site but gives moderate to low activity boards and threads special consideration, while the high activity boards are condensed together. Ffs why would a slob thread get its own board? There would be 5 thread topics and that's it. Meanwhile /f/ would have 5 active pages muscling to stay on top.

It's the kind of suggestion a new CEO would give to revitalize a company that didn't need to reorganize.
Nobody wants to do expansion art cause there's too many management and loser CEOs trying to chase the next big thing
I hope they never remove the bhm board tho, the ones I use most are ssbbw and bhm.
>add sage function
>everything else
>>38553 (OP)

I'm very late...but I need to give a massive shout out to the GOAT who made this happen. THANK YOU. <3
isnt nazi an n-word? i'd appreciate you didnt use any of the n-words here.
the sad part, you're most likely not ESL.
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Good posts? On BBWchan? I kid. When you were designing an image board you know how a site works and you want it easy to use. When I was making the board list I had been looking at the homepages of the big (huehue intended) image boards for hours on end to choose where to post next. Crossposting is good and should be encouraged. And I paid no mind to any board politics and I made no assumption about what users like or dislike. I'm sorry if I gave that impression. To be really honest most of the ideas aren't even fully mine, but that's not important. Let me restate my reasoning for the boards.

How do we get new posters who can draw or write to check out the site? How do we deal with newcomers who make a new threads for literally everything and your gay mom? How do we invite newfriends without the pressing need to explain every single currect board?
Here are my thread ideas for generals for every board.
>sticky, post #1 and locked at zero responses, CHECK THE CATALOG BEFORE STARTING A NEW THREAD, board-related sticky image like pic related for /c/, Snake saluting for /f/, the guy who shouts UNF at a circle for /infl/, the braaap guy from the raid comic for /s/, etc.
The rest is non-sticky. It'd be nice if mods started them as the first threads, is all.
>draw thread
>edit thread
>write thread
>gif and animations thread
>board-related games and modding thread
>captions thread
>beg thread
>lost content thread
>artists' thread, because most artists don't fill 400 posts
>real life thread, same as above for real life gainers or inflaters
>roleplay thread
>AI thread
You can see by giving every single board the content creation general threads listed above makes the names of the current boards redundant. Which are too long, by the way. I thought of shortening /infl/ to /i/ but I wanted to warn newcomers; the site was nice to take them in. /x/ was meant as a joke in allusion to 4chan's /x/ for schizo's and naming it /exp/ would've forced it between /c/ and /f/. Beyond /bbw/ at the beginning and /z/ at the end and /s/ to force all smellfags into, I didn't think any further than literally "I want normies to "get" this website."

I never wanted to "remove" a board, only move its users together, is all. Too many boards split the userbase. Less boards mean less work for mods.
How about a warn function? Users can be warned and the warning appears in red capitals that reads "Check the catalog before making a duplicate thread."
You are obstinately reiterating your obsession with categorization without addressing your inability to understand the basics of human sexuality. You literally have severe autism. Here's a great suggestion for improving this chan: rangeban Germany.
>You are obstinately reiterating your obsession with categorization without addressing your inability to understand the basics of human sexuality

Duh? He's German.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. My mod in question has been reminded of his role. Please continue to call out this behavior if it continues (it damn well better not). It's fine if a mod deletes things occasionally and people bitch, but to delete the bitching about the deletions too? That's a bad look.
I get paid to categorize your mom into the gay closet if you tell me you seriously believe in basics of human sexuality on a fucking fat women chan?
Can we put some of this sites's threads on the webarchive?
Vote for me and once we half the number of boards and reduce the number of threads per catalogue there'll be enough space left to save threads to BBWchan's very own archive.
I just want this image board to thrive and 4chan's design is the best example to imitate.
There's no voting happening what kind of reddit nonsense is this
He's been spamming "Vote for my proposal, ooooo I'm gonna vooooote" in dozens of threads over the last two months. We can't even make german jokes because he's an ameritard working in Germany. But if the mods won't ban the schizo then I don't think we'll be rid of him any time soon.
German flag, Germanfag. Dude's idea for the site is over-optimized like a German anyway. I'm more confused as to where he thinks voting is happening anyway. There's no poll.

I vote he jumps in a lake.
You guys have no sense of humor. Somehow y'all fit better here in Germany than I. Also I'm starting to think you never used an image board other than this one. You can't tell me 4chan is "over-optimized".
I really don't like the trend of chan's going offline one after another, is all.
I admit "ooooo I'm gonna vooooote" is funny.
Please stop using our flag.
I'm serious. I want to change my flag, too. It's such a surreal experience to post with a one other than the stripes I used for decades.
It's easy: Just leave our country.
Or use a VPN.
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Okay fuck me I'm sorry. I didn't expect the first time I got smack on the chan I liek would turn out to be so cringy. Maybe it's mom's gay.
Let me start with how much I like this site.
And let me continue with how much I resent the trend of image boards decreasing and disappearing. So how do we stop this? Currently most boards are flooded with low count threads asking for the same things.

First let's make the frontpage less cluttered - mascot, list of boards, and donation link.
Here's a revized list of boards:
/bbw/ - BBWchan, the site itself, general discussions and complaints
/c/ - chubby, smallfat, pudgy, slightly overweight, not yet unhealthy
/f/ - fat, bigfat, overweight, obese, definitely unhealthy
/i/ - inflation, because, but also everything boobs and butts, also pregnancy
/s/ - slob, lack of hygiene, smells, farts and vomit and shit and piss
/z/ - furry, everything non-human that's clearly based on an animal
No furry outside of /z/
No /s/ outside of /s/
No board-specific subjects in /bbw/

And here's a new list of generals:
/draw/ thread, include rules like no bumping requests
/edit/ thread, also coloring
/write/ thread
/cap/tions thread
/gif/ and animations thread, for gif and webm and video files, but not irl
/games/ thread, also modding, but not official gaming franchises
/beg/ thread
/lost/ content thread
/art/ists' thread, because most artists don't fill 300 posts much less 400
/irl/ real life thread, same as above but for real life gainers or inflaters
/rp/ roleplay thread
/mime/ing thread, for pretenders and fat suits
/ai/ thread, report posts outside of this containment thread

Next on the list is three tools for the userbase: sage, warn, and ban. Make them visible. I think it'd be funny to read USER WAS BANNED FOR NOT CHECKING THE CATALOG in red bolds. Keep the Report My Post replacer. With this in mind it'll be much easier to tell new posters to check available threads before making a new one for a subject like navel fucking or a prolific artist like Axel Rosered. Otherwise it's free real estate.

Can we keep a serious discussion how to improve the website? You have to admit you fit the stereotype of fat lovers to a T. We want more new posters "get" BBWchan.
your trolling is so obvious please stfu
lulz had to. continue.

or don't, I don't like your idea. it's too streamlined yet at the same time bloats each page with generals. that's just not our vibe here.
I can't tell you how funny this is to me. Thank you. Mods be gods.
>>38553 (OP)
So why tf are my posts getting randomly deleted? One of the mods here is going crazy I think, particularly in SSBBW. Like I'm only asking for re-ups and then I check the thread later and whole threads of replies are gone. it's bullshit. Reprimand your faggot jannies please
Yeah I gotta agree with the other guy wtf is going on? Posts are randomly being deleted, no reason given, and the boards are rife with spam shit. The hell is going on
While you didn't cite any specific sources, I did a little digging around on a.architect.coffee, and all I saw was probsty cleaning up bumps, re-up requests, etc. Nothing too surprising. He probably could have stood to let some of the re-up requests fly, but beyond that, I don't see anything to get up in arms about. But you tell me, show me some deleted posts on a.architect.coffee that you think were a problem and I'll address it. The last time this was brought up, I did find at least one actionable item.
>>38553 (OP)

Can you please make a social media website once this blows over?
What is an autoban
A highway in Germany.
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>too streamlined
>bloated with generals
I feel like I'm getting bamboozled. Tell me how you would improve the website. I'll tell you something, I wanted to make my very own image board. You know what? I have found 2chan's and 4chan's design are the best in terms of space, moderation, and user interface. Please tell me how you would improve this chan because it's clearly belongs to the second, most inefficient design there is out there. If you like somebody you want to tell them how to improve and here's nothing but serious consideration for improvement. Recently I've heard about yet another chan biting dust. Let me repeat my point for free because normally I get paid to do that.

Rename boards, reduce their number, turn the home page into an alphabetically sorted board list, replace stickies with a relevant funny tongue in cheek image, make "bump" a warnable offense, reduce catalog size to 150, add an archive for 5-10 recently dead threads, reduce attachments to 5, remove IDs except for /gen/ aka /bbw/, and add a sage and autosage function so bad threads can serve as a buffer.

>>41014 (palindrome get)
I can confirm. I love zooming 100 mph and this is not a typo.
i've had like 4 posts deleted in the same thread i just thought i was shadow banned from posting since the posts would only hang around for an hour before being deleted..
You need to lurk more or use 4chan too.
My proposal would enable mods to ban users for making too many threads and auto-delete non-attached bumps.
Wow dude this website is fucking DEAD since the URL change. It seems very few people are finding their way back.
I myself didn't know about the donation and figured everything was gonzo, so I didn't even bother checking back to see if the site was still here or not. Quite glad it is, obviously!

You can tell me, I'm open minded.
Kisame here. Your dumb range bans don't work. It's not profitable long term.
I can simply just fall asleep and not care about e-community drama.
How come all the news about Jewish rape tunnels is hidden despite updates?
People need to know to protect their kids and families from this satanic cult.
Seen the video on YouTube students tried to hide the tunnels with cement. Someone is always watching someone for that particular reason. Fortunately.
Nobody cares for the Brooklyn Children's Museum. I doubt Fox News will travel up and down Kingston and Troy to find it
If you have children and live near Jews.
Have the police check their basements. Bet their binding Issac down there.
Who the fuck is talking about rangebans?
Hey Barclay, do something about the schizo trolls. I'm here to wank, not listen to politics that I could hear literally anywhere else.

Here b4 that schizo tags my comment.
I think you've been dealing with people impersonating Kisame17. Also, nobody's going to pay 20k for equipment. Chan culture is already frowned upon by normies with deep fakes or AI and you're not helping your case talking about chan culture.
Deep nude is big! Dont wear bikinis
See, people crazier than Kisame are taking over the internet.
I think this site is dealing with a Kisame impersonator cause I am out of touch with the elites and their militant activists. I am not coming out of retirement anytime soon.
I agree, until we’ve removed ever last Zionist here we’re not going to be able to overcome their pysops campaign
Just gonna toss this out here: The Rules link at the top of the page still links to bbw-chan.nl

The fact nobody noticed this for months should be concerning
One complete overhaul is needed.
You have no idea how angry I got when the black woman I got to lurk and who was willing to lurk this place left because the homepage was, I translate a quote, "cluttered".
As the mods are out of control. I call upon all trolls to destroy every board on this website.
wow, that's horrible. some random person allegedly found the 'homepage' cluttered. the internet has lost all meaning.
Did the site get rolled back?
Whose dick am I going to suck to rename the boards? "bbw" on BBWCHAN is redundant.
Fucking Christ, how invested in this idea are you that this place is some sort of open collaboration between crying faggots like you and Barclay?

If you're this invested in having a better, "more streamlined" chan, make one. Go set up a server and make your fucking own.
Angry business managers NYCHA FALL
If I didn't know any better I would think you're from Germany. I should know I work with these status quo addicts.
I feel the same way with /trash/ which is why I only browse here and curveybooru now.
bbwchan has its containment board and on curveybooru I can blacklist furry tags.
So who are the mods here? Which one is deleting any post that isn’t just an incel circlejerk?
obviously you haven't done it up to this point. you can now read and learn why threads get deleted.
I'm not talking about threads I'm talking about replies numbnuts

Mods/some rogue will let a thread go on and on & descend into nonstop shitting on a woman's appearance & immediately delete any post that disagrees. Is that in your fucking gay lil rulebook?
>Fucking Christ, how invested in this idea are you that this place is some sort of open collaboration between crying faggots like you and Barclay?
Because I’m an American who believes in free speech. Sic Semper Tyrannis! Fuck commerce, fuck the mods, fuck all you goon.
Lmao show yourself fucking coward mod
Trump voters are hated for wanting to haul cargo around the country instead of fighting suicidal terrorists funded by Putin, Iran, El Salvador. Interestingly, Biden is hated by the left cause he's a poor man's Oliver North.
Why are all the mods hardcore Zionists?
CC is a mod?
>Why are
there's your problem.
What the fuck is a Zionists? I think the internet fell for the glowies and their honey traps. This is why the CIA and their shadow companies are flopping. I haven't commission art as Kisame17 cause artists are just copying Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson without doing anything new. Traffic is down cause nobody cares for Israel l, they're either too awkward or dumpy looking.
There are no mods. People aren't hanging out much cause Americans won't let people loiter in the public square. It's like COPS where they're reduced to catching fat guys who possess drugs and have the agility of a cheetah from all that heroin and fentanyl. It's been peaceful despite the whole MS-13 thing.
The mods are paid for by IDF
We had an IDF run for Congress. She lost to Suozzi cause Israelis have no emotion and was a Democrat even though Israelis are shamelessly pro Trump supporters.
Now Dems are fucking up so bad cause Adams is causing NY to become Republicans to save their Porsches and BMW
Adam’s lost all his money on crypto and is in debt to Russia. Andrew Yang was a better moderate candidate. #YangGang
That's because he's a clout chasing nepo baby
I actually like Yang personally and I think he has some good ideas but that's not enough. He knows nothing about how the city works and is barely even a New Yorker. If he's bored he should dedicate himself to charity and lobbying rather than inflicting his midlife crisis on us.
>>38553 (OP)
Where can we donate? I'd like to contribute to this website's survival as well.
It’s gotta be hard out there for the Jews. There new best friends are MAGAheads who only like them for killing brown people. And now people against racism hate the Jews for being pro slavery and now pro genocide.
I dunno, I am saving up to see the world instead of mere schizo theories
So I can't contribute to tits anymore because I got banned for "shit posting" which I don't do. Can I see why? Probably shouting into the void but I contributed a lot and don't even remember posting non content posts
>>38553 (OP)
I work for a hosting company. Just out of professional curiosity what sort of specs is the site running on?
quote three examples
>>46762 just look at a.architect.coffee, this thread alone has had 40 replies deleted
Mod gaslighting got up to level 11
>It's fine if a mod deletes things occasionally and people bitch, but to delete the bitching about the deletions too? That's a bad look.
LMAO, not only did it happen to me but it happened twice in one thread at least within a couple days because a mod has a tattoo fetish they claim holy.
God what a trainwreck this site is. I'd say don't even bother trying to fix it. Rename it to fatbabychan, since it's a loli paradise but a complete hell for people who don't masturbate to babies and rebellious preteen girls.
(534 KB, 498x498, 1700983046444441.gif)
I'm not even going to dignify that thread with a response. All I'm gonna say is that your flag tells me all I need to know. I want to see your body riddled with holes. Stop living. Become swiss cheese.
Sucks you dont make enough at your job so you troll bbwchan kill yourself
Name one redeemable quality of this site that isn't "a quick nut"
Oh wait you can't
Thats easy. You.
Sounds pretty gay.
Regardless I'm out whether or not mods ban me. Just thought I'd wave my arms around for an hour or two before this redeemable quality fucks off for good.

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