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What are artists or things about those artists that annoy you
Pic related.
1) Ignoring rational proportions. Adult humans are 6-7 heads tall. Young children are 5, basketball players are 8. Too many fatties in fetish art are 9 or more. Like they can't fit all the fat they want unless they throw out the anatomy rulebook. Of course art is all about exagerration for effect but that requires a level of control most fetish artists haven't mastered. Thus they should stick to fundamentals.

Bonus annoyance: When an artist shows a weight gain sequence where the subject gets taller as well as fatter — again, because they lack the skill to add fat without height.

2) Anime faces. Not sexy and vaguely reminiscent of CP. Japan has one of the thinnest cultures in the world — why TF are artists coopting their most popular illustration style for fat fetishism?

3) Lack of dynamism. Subject is just standing/laying there, doing nothing. It almost always results in a dead, flat image no matter how well-rendered. Humans are moved by narrative, from Lascaux to Red Dead Redemption. Tell us a story.
Kisame here. I don't know what you mean. Toriyama said he was inspired by Disney to make Dragonball. Even Disney is more popular than anime. Tomino himself is infamous for poaching Yoko Kanno and the character designer for fighting games to work on his project. It's just Nomura who's stuck in the 90s Gundam Wing, Visual Kei past.

Being fat is more of a sign of nobility and greed in anime. When Char says he wants Lalah to be a mom to him, I chalk it to him admitting he's a chubby chaser and Earth women are warm and fatter than Zeon hags. American animation is on the decline because of Disney. Walt literally drove his animators nuts and caused them to defect to Warner Bros, Universal, and Columbia. The flop of Snow White killed the interest of lavish animations and made budgets more conservative. Anime itself is bad because animators are paid below minimum wage to sell products. On the voice acting side it's a trash fire. It's a shame cause BLEACH is literally about Orihime becoming a butterball and there's no way to animate it cause Kubo thinks we care about Ichigo.

I think Sailor Moon still remains the fat one in anime. Everyone else seems to copy Kagome's measurements to make their characters perfect. It's odd cause Sailor Moon hinges more on Usagi/Serena being a fat spoiled child who beats monsters by bodying them. Even Goku in Dragonball was iconic for being a fat rural boy barreling at enemies at high speeds.
Shit, sorry, didn't mean to summon the Kisame Kraken — I meant to say "manga," not anime. The big watery eyes, freaky expressions, etc.
You say American animation is on the decline because of Disney and then follow it up with nothing to back it up. The era of Walt is long over and Snow White did not flop, it did the opposite of that. If it made budgets more conservative then I wonder how it compares to Sleeping Beauty that looks just as lavish as that one. Looking at purely at the results it's good that Walt drove his animators nuts. The pre xerography stuff is still the most fluid animation in existence that gave the impetus for anime to exist and simultaneously shit all over it, the only jap flicks that *slightly* come close in dynamism are Akira, Steamboy and Ghibli.
it's kisame, they never make sense or participate in actual conversations. why are you talking to a known schizo troll? (that's a rhetorical question)
That's because animation was hand drawn by two to six people and Walt was bad with money.Cartoons were also shown in theaters No sane person is going to show cartoons in theaters before a 3 hour movie in modern times. I may be Kisame, but even I can't ask an animator to devote 70 hours to making a film. If I may be on topic, weight gain art just gags and not meant to be taken seriously. Cartoons are more about timing and rhythm like music with discipline.
I am miles away from DC, the Isreal-Hamas war, and other issues that normal adults talk about. Congress already installed a new far right speaker who will deny aid to Israel and Ukraine. I used my schizo powers to figure out how to pay for a new car and the loan.
Not all anime faces are like that tbh, if you look at stuff from the 80s and early 90s they still drew girls like actual women. Think Cowboy Bebop, Golden Boy, Dirty Pair etc. I believe the balance has shifted so much to the cute side, that a grand majority of new artists tend to draw that way. Kawai shit just sells in Japan sadly.
No it doesn't. Sailor Moon, Gundam, Dragonball, Kamen Rider, Demon Slayer, and Bleach sells. Moe anime only movies a puny 10k.
I’m not an expert, I admit it. This is just my observations clicking through DA.
There’s some good stuff but a lot of it looks the same, sorry, and I don’t love it.
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Does this thick woman look like cheese pizza?

I will say, if an Anime artist wants to be very explicit that a girl is older, he or she will emphasize certain features like the lips or nose (I think big noses are hot anyway).

Anyway, to decry all anime is much like decrying all movies ever: anyone who claims such isn't fat homing the true breadth of the genre. I hate Marvel and other pop-slop, and do not even like most indie films, but I know there are still many diamonds in the rough. So yeah, there's lots of realistic style series out there especially in manga (example, try Lookism), don't needlessly deprive yourself.
Yes. They never give mature women time in Anime. Just look at Gnarly Otaku and his weeb trash. It's that idol garbage
Its fake. I don't see weebs animating Fujiko Mine because she'll rejected them for being simps. It's like how Ishinmori's women are cold
>3) Lack of dynamism.
This is definitely an underrated criticism. It's very rare to find artists that make scenes feel dynamic.
First, I hate this to be about my personal preferences alone, because who cares? Also there’s obviously an age gap because this stuff (manga, anime) hit the US when I was already in my 30s and not the teenage sweet spot where taste in such things is formed… And even then, I’m not crapping on all anime — that’s nuts, like hating all British music, or American movies, like you say.

But though these are well-done drawings I don’t find them appealing and I don’t dig the style, particularly for fat fetish art. I’m not a connoisseur so this looks like a million other manga faces I’ve seen. Where’s the individuality? It’s like everyone watched the same How To video… Yes American superhero comics have a sameness to them as well, and I’m not into those either.

Let’s move on, there’s a lot of shitty fetish art to comment on. I accept my manga prejudice is just me.
I hate how hivemindy fat artists can be. One artist draws the latest pornbait videogame character or oc and suddenly everyone is drawing them for likes for a week straight
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Toriyama is the only mangaka with an original style because he was an industrial designer before making Dragonball. I think Fist of the North Star's creator also count considering he was blind in one eye and could draw. What you're looking at is hentai. It's supposed to be generic because it was influenced by Dungeons and Dragons or Science Fiction.

Toriyama made Goku the main character because there's no difference between him, Yamcha, or Gohan in terms of appearance. He likes drawing Piccolo and Tien. Anime is supposed to be standardized since it's easier for animators to animate. American cartooning is a different story. Marvel underpaid it's artists. Marvel was run by a 13 year old Jim Shooter who looked like a Chad next to their army of college student artists.
Cartoonists in America have always been college students who needed a producer to act as a grown up. Tex Avery got the job the same way all of us did: BSing his way for a job he's not qualified for.

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