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Whether it is a date or hookup, what is the furthest dißtance you've traveled? Was it worth it or a waste of time?

I would say 273 km or 2 hrs 50 mins one way, that would be 546 km or 5 hrs 25 mins total. Recently

Was it worth it, not really. She wasn't attractive in personality or figure.
Not sure if this counts but I lobbied a client into paying for a face to face meeting in LA with a subcontractor at least 80% because I wanted to hook up with Goddess Patty. (Maybe this shoudl go in the confession thread lol...)

After all that, when I tried to seal the deal her then-bf/pimp made it almost impossible. Rather than her coming to my hotel in WeHo as we'd tentatively agreed, he now wanted me to go down to their slum in Long Beach with $600+ cash. Yeah, sure dude.

I live on the East Coast so we're talking around 3,000 miles/4,800 km.
A girl travelled 2700km to see me, if that counts
I'm traveling over 700 miles along the East Coast to see a 600lb cutie very soon
500 kilometers/310 miles
For a longer time almost every weekend after a week of driving (truck driver)

Was totally worth it
Married to an ssbbw now ^^
>>38289 (OP)
I met a 600# girl on Reddit who drove about 2 hours to come to spend a weekend at my parent's house while they were out of town. I was insatiable I just squeezed her and fucked the folds of her fat. She ended up having WLS and hit me up a few years later and it sounded like she was doing well.Now that I am revisiting it I wonder if any of my neighbors saw her and told my parents. I couldnt seriously date a girl that big she couldnt do anything.
Fuck I want to become a truck driver in Germany or somewhere else so I actually can explore the continent instead of the same 3-4 cities here, but I'm sure then I'd have to compete with Ukrainian Girteka specials working for 4€ an hour.
Depends on how broad the definition of traveling is here. Farthest I've traveled is roughly 2 hours, for two separate women, at significantly different times. But I did also fly ~2400 miles to visit family, where I spent time with someone, so depends on whether or not you want to count that.
That doesn't count. We're talking about traveling for pussy, or at least as the primary reason.
If you're qualified and have at least a little bit of skill almost any company that doesn't do exclusive local tours (language skills required for daycab usually) will hire you

But honestly I feel like Norway could be a better place to work at as a driver for you
Less external competition and better working conditions I guess

In Germany there's many shitty companies as well
But there's also a lot of good companies
And all of them are happy to find some drivers due to the incredible shortage

But yes almost everyone has those "special" drivers, because you don't really find anything else or better apart from a few "native" drivers like me
But quality has a price and it's hard to pay much with all the competition from the east
So some companies tend to hire cheap workforce primarily for the bad tours or at all to save money

Others try to hire good drivers, but struggle to find them

Companies like Girteka are a nightmare anyway for both the market and us on the road ;)

Lots of off topic
Gonna get back by saying I love big trucks and big bellies =P

Just ignore us if you're not interested ^^
how tf you guys chatting up 600lb women in different countries? i'm amazed they'd take people so far away seriously.
You're vastly overestimating how much these women are in demand and underestimating how much they need attention.
how to even find them? Places like feabie or fantasy feeder are trash tier, completely pozzed filled with annoying and ugly cunts
Drove from NY to VA to meet with a 500lb girl.
Roughly 450 miles each way. Well worth every mile to have access to that much fat and a cute face.
I made that exact same trip, wonder if it was the same girl
New York to Sydey
that should read Sydney. And yeah it was worth it at the time.
I think I'd pay $2,500 and be stuck in a seat for 16 hours to fuck Ms. Puss at her prime. Then we'd take a tour of the harbor, rent a car and go see a few kangaroos, have a swim on Bondi Beach and call it a nice little vaycay.
Norway is without doubt the best place money wise, I just want some variation. I work for a serious employer and drive BDF's in the far north so it's certainly a life, but you won't see much abroad doing it, perhaps Finland and Sweden if you're real lucky. Sometimes wish I was one of these Don Juan truckers with a girl in every town. Guess I'm a bit of a homebody, only girls I manage to find are in my own city.
Maybe, that would be funny. Destination city? Hair color and general height of girl?
Short, blonde, gorgeous.
Mine was 5’8” and blonde. Here’s to the fat women of Virginia!
>Ukrainian Girteka specials
hell yeah, at least we're known for something (that is ruining your market and providing with truck related incidents very often)

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