
(185 KB, 1070x1000, bild_2023-10-23_142529752.png)
So many of us here have had this fetish (or some version of it) from very early, And it seems almost impossible to remove it.

But there is ways to "moderate" our degeneracy, Do you guys have any advice?
Engage with the world otherwise — romantic relationships, friendships, family, self-improvement, work, volunteering, hobbies/sports. In other words get your endorphins from a variety places so it's not all from jerking it to fat women you don't know on a screen.

I've had this fetish for literally as long as I can remember and I've come to terms with the fact I'll never be rid of it. But the only times I've felt it was a problem was when I used it to escape my feelings and the real world in general. In other words, an addiction.
A wife is meant to be the place where you (literally) park all of that stuff, I'm not saying easy to find that, but that's the natural answer. It's not going away, but you moderate it by using a woman's body and getting rid of it.
There are many millions of fat women in the world who are probably going to Heaven, because they have faithful good hearts first and foremost. Reverse-engineer your logic from there.

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