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A few days ago I fully accepted that I really do want a fat GF. My first thought is “Oh well, easy, very little people like fat women” but then the problems kick in - the scarcity (most college students are young, and women who are 20 are FARRR less likely to be obese than women at 30), the fact that the hottest/fattest woman I know has a bf, as well as the fact that dating apps suck (at least as far as I’ve tried them).
I come here to try and talk with like minded people about how to find fat women.
The only thing I can add to the conversation is that the fat chick I mentioned above goes to concerts and works at a dominos. I live in a mid sized Kentucky town, for better or worse, but a conversation for city dwellers would be ok too.
>>38159 (OP)
There are plenty of chubby/obese college students even if they aren't the majority. I live in a relatively healthy area and I still see dozens of chubby girls every single day walking through campus. If you are competent and capable of talking to girls you can get a chubby college girl. Especially because most of them are lonely and open to finding a relationship
Same places you find thin women and people in general: out in public. Get outside and do stuff that interests you, volunteer, and be friendly to everyone, and you'll better your chances of talking to fat women. Talking and being friendly gives you a better opening to ask them out on a date.

>My first thought is “Oh well, easy, very little people like fat women” but then the problems kick in - the scarcity (most college students are young, and women who are 20 are FARRR less likely to be obese than women at 30),

Also, get the hell out of this frame of mind ASAP. You're showing pretty plainly that you have zero self esteem if you're thinking of the people you want to date as having low value, and that their low value is the reason they might show some interest in you. Thinking this way says more about you than them.
You seriously can't find a 20-something fat chick in the middle of Kentucky?
>>38159 (OP)
>dating apps suck
Try dating sites instead. But be patient, you may have to wait awhile for one to show up. The other day one of the sites I had a fake profile setup on to check if any women used it presented me with a BBW who at 29, recently decided to use it.

Apps have this stupid feature where if you're not ugly/fat, they won't show you fat women. They don't care what your preference is, they assume everyone has the same interest.

On the topic of Apps. Has anyone here had experience with Woo Plus? I'm thinking of giving it a try, but I don't know if my phone can run it (Android 7 if that matters).
>>38159 (OP)

This Might Be Irrelevant to ask but, By any chance do you know who is the art that made this?
>>38159 (OP)
I agree with the other anons who've said that you'll find fat women in the same places as "normal" women. The only exception is that you're not going to find them in an athletics club or something like that, lol.
Personally I used to have decent success with tinder but that's kinda dried up now. I did meet one at a bar once. I've seen plenty at bars but I'm too autistic to talk to them 99% of the time.

I get it though. One of the frustrating things about this fetish is that it can often feel like there are no fat girls in your town (or certainly there are none who are as fat/attractive as models). I can't help you there, but I get it.

I tried wooplus a few years ago.
I thought it was buggy and the UI was badly designed.
It was also a sausage fest and there were very few users (feabie was exactly the same in that regard). Maybe that's just because I'm in Ireland. It might be better in Canada or the US, I don't know.
They had a feature on wooplus where you could pay to put a sticker on someone's profile (like reddit gold basically lol). There were only about a dozen girls and each of them had hundreds of these stickers from different guys
>>38159 (OP)
If you're talking about genuinely very obese (350+) girls in their 20's, Hinge or tinder is probably the way to go. Thats like 99.9th percentile for obesity in that age group and fat girls tend to be the ones on dating apps anyway. Most of the biggest girls I've ever seen in person have been the ones I've met that way.

An added bonus: The ones you meet online are almost always fatter in person which never gets old.
If I weren't the kind of guy that just goes to class, leaves campus then goes straight home and goes out maybe once a month (no job), I probably would be dating a nice fat girl already.
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Thanks everyone for replying!
Thanks for the motivation. I have only seen one fat chick in the classes I've taken but she wasn't worth it. I haven't seen really any fat chick besides the one I mentioned walking around but college is an OK spot to try chilling at for a while to see what happens.
I'm a type of fish who latches onto a different kind of bait
I can find a fat chick but not a fat partner. Yes, I could be less greedy but it's also a matter of respecting one's self. Some fat chicks, like every other chick, are just not it.
I've tried Woo Plus. It recommends you fat women but it has a daily limit of people to swipe through. It also has a cool proximity-based search but it puts into perspective how little people use Woo Plus, or at least list their location.
Thanks for the insight. I feel like that earlier poster with the unneeded moral lecture is giving a non-answer for the sake of a non-answer but I do respect the point. I think it is more a matter of going outside very often and seeing which places work for you than "just know where every woman goes bro"
I am talking about those girls. I've tried hinge but after swiping through 200 identical-looking girls I have not found a single fat one. Will install Tinder tho
Wild no one has mentioned Facebook dating, it's the only one that will actually recognize you like fat girls and then surface those ones as a priority, and a surprising amount of people use it. The only down side is if you live in an area with a low population it will start showing you accounts from very far away.
top tinder tip, only look at the verified profiles which is a free feature, probabilities go way up with that filter on
Every punk gig I've been to is loaded with BBW nerdy girls.

is it just me or does being attractive work against you on these apps?? I’m not a model, but I think i’m above average (receive 5-10 likes a day on hinge), and barely any girls i see on dating apps are fat, let alone slightly chubby because i feel the algorithm shows me girls of a similar attractiveness to me.
Kind of. You have to swipe against your own interests. Fat girls don't get as many right swipes so they're pushed to the bottom of the algorithm and you need to also swim in there, but you're fighting against a current of popularity.

Just keep swiping, eventually you'll hit the bottom of the barrel. Check the verified profiles too.
or just do like me and live so remotely that Tinder will just be the same girls all over regardless of attractivenes
Man I wish I could try tinder again, I got banned a year ago and I don't know why, I tried to appeal it but they just said "nah".

I wish I could know how to make a new tinder account on the same phone number.

most workers at any KFC near me are like 40 year old migrant workers
I don't think there's a scarcity of fat American women so much as a shallow dating pool in your mid sized Kentucky town. If you haven't found anyone worth dating at school or online in your area, you probably need to consider broadening your horizons beyond rural Kentucky?
If you wan't to date a major fatty at a young age then being an architect is usually the best way to go. Women can put on tons of weight fast if you do it the right way. All of the feedees on feabie that do big binge sessions dont usually get fat quick. My gf went from 244-379 this year, and she's only 22. All of the women in her family are stick thin East Asian lady's. So, the right diet will do the trick. Good luck finding a gf anon
This is the way lol find your local alternative scene you find the baddies
Tried that, but they are usually so trashy...

I can't date "alt" girls
Any luck with Barnes and nobles? I love nerdy bookworm women and these days they're not only fat, but plump with dumptruck asses. Any stories?
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>>38159 (OP)
>>38159 (OP)
You are living in fatland.
You are in school
You Are in Kentucky
I'm mexican but i know that it's fried shitken's origings

And well... Walmart, súper market in My city it's a great place
Hey girl, i'm Anon Taco Burrito.
I'm in free time, are You free?
If do You want to take a coffe or icecream with me...
Do You want help?...
No, ok
If You want My FB or number

Next time depends of You.
But if You want gf love to woman for personality

I want a giant gf like the lefts picture
But i'm a autistic Bad chad lol
>I'm mex 5'6 imc 25
>I Buy icecream
>I'm in a store
>I see young german tall bbw 8/10
>I'm near
>Singular fatty smells
>She has yoga pants
>I see her butt
>I see Her panties marc
>She sits
>Small bech alone
>She is pretty and big +250
>I want meet
>I going to talk...
>I don't want only clean hambeast gf, i want to ve good boy
>Her family appears
>Honey do You want a icecream?
>Aborted mission:"(
>I see she buys a double big ball
>I'm alone :c...

But, for I think the situation 1 minute more... 1 minutes before and i would have her number

Talla, Slim, chubby, monster hambeast... Take oportunities
>>42434 Kaman Rider Ryuki, good choice
Chojin Sentai is my personal fave
I'm depressed right now for other reasons, so it might be I just have other things on my plate, but I just can't seem to find any cute big girls at the new school. I mean, there has to be among the 40k students but I wish there was a way to put out a personal on campus "Requesting BBW" without it being cringe haha.
wrong thread my dude, you want the one with the Mafia Boss in the pic.
Nah man; this is me asking where to find cute fat chicks on campus. I'm stumped, too.

My old school had a decent amount of hot fatties (at least one or two per class), especially in the Fine Arts department (most of which being unfortunately taken; makes sense though considering that of course Art of all majors is gonna have the big girl enjoyers, considering history), but I'm kinda starting at square one here.
>>38159 (OP)
Go to a planet fitness. Their whole thing is body positivity. Mine has an employee who is ~280, very attractive. Looks like mama Horker. Several fat gym girls also. Typically those really fat girls in the gym are so desperate and their standards are ridiculously low. You might have a better chance of being struck by lighting than getting rejected by one.
In developed countries, there's a correlation between lower education and obesity.
I told u they left. Back on trump ugh
Nowadays in burgerland - thanks to hustle and women empowerment taking off - Women that get well paying jobs after years of college are the obese ones because of the rigorous, sedentary work.
Hey, at least fat women are easy to spot ;)

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