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With the site shutting down and one of the last bastions of anonymity going with it...

Confess your sins, fellow degenerates. And refrain from judging your peers too harshly.
>>37714 (OP)
Yuri makes me autistically angry, and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't.
I love fat chicks
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I'm an oldfag who is staying in an unhappy marriage for the sake of his kids. I get unreasonably angry at the Zoomer "trad" dorks who think that a porn board is an appropriate place to deliver lectures about the evils of degeneracy and the beauty of monogamous marriage and traditional families, and I have to restrain myself from being unnecessarily vicious in my replies to them. As a burger of actual Eastern Euro descent, this is especially true of the American Orthodox convert LARPers.
I went to church and my pastor pointed out that people want to join the ministry but are mediocre at doing anything. I have been wondering if Christians are encouraging children to be mediocre so they don't die fighting terrorists in the Gaza strip. Millennials had Generation Kill, Boomers had Band of Brothers, Gen X had the Ken Burns doc and all the cool music about Nam. Gen Z is the equivalent to that kid in school who dodged the draft and bragged about being in the army.
I was an atheist before becoming Kisame17
I also may quit my net life as Kisame17 to walk the earth.
I’m kissami, I’m he mad pooper, and I’ve always hated this place and disgusted by the people in it. Feederism makes no sense and fat people probably do smell.

I only cum here for the orbtacular AI hotties. (Inflated, round, and casting an accurate shadow for me. *Yes and thank you. Yum*)
Nice try but I am not part of the net community and went back to Satanism. Have fun with your Windows XP graphics
>>37714 (OP)
I've posted girls that have no connection to the community (and some were horrified to find out this place exists) to this website.
Father I might be what the kids call a “simp" and have a platonic crush in tianastummy. I can't explain why my brain reacts differently to her from all other models. Just looking at pics of her makes me feel silly.
I find her entirely attractive, beyond her looks but also her personality. I pretty much treat her clips as a mukbang to listen to her ramblings instead of fetish content, and even though her content is widely available, I still pay for the OF subscription.
I need to cleanse myself from this chronic illness.
I made a very deranged collage of udderly adorable. I think it was the reason the collage thread got taken down
What do you mean "deranged"? Please share, even a peek. I love Zoe
I bought a Feabie sub once to rip DarkXCorner's pics before she left, I never spent money on something intangible before that.

Instagram once thought I was a mutual with a model that's unexperienced but nevertheless legendary (hint) and recommended me her personal acc with her legit name, will never share it ofc.

I made a thread here sharing my disappointment about being a virgin maybe 2 years ago and i'm still one jfl.
Hope you've cleared your schedule, Father, because this is a long one...

I’ve low-key stalked a series of exceptionally pear-shaped women over the past 25 years. I live in a big city and commute daily, so basically this means I spot an “ideal” woman one morning randomly, then position myself the next morning in the same place hoping to see her again. At which point I’ll follow her to her job or wherever she’s going, staring at her ass. This is almost always near where I work, a busy area during rush hours, so I haven’t been caught yet though I suspect at least a few of them were aware of me. I get obsessed and generally don’t stop until she disappears or I have to change my commute pattern due to job switch, move, or whatever.

I say "low-key" because I've never tried to find a name or followed them back to their homes. Though I confess I tried once, following a woman I’d been perving for years back home on the metro. It was a 25 minute ride out to a giant apartment complex with security (and cameras), the outside deserted so I was exposed, and so that was the end of that. She was my longest obsession, worked at a medical complex near my office so I saw her at least twice a week for like 10+ years. She was a super-pear shaped Latina, very pretty with Jenni's body type but taller, and probably 30 yo when I first saw her. I stalked her long enough where I watched her lose at least 70 pounds but then gain it back again and more.

Freakiest thing was a woman I stalked for about 6 months, who I wound up finding online in a generic "ssbbw pear" image search. She was mixed race, attractive, tall, Asshley-type figure. She looked late 20s though it turned out she was mid 30s. I did a reverse image search and found her FB page, where it turned out we had like 2 degrees of separation which was even freakier. Her insta had a lot of great pics and videos, a few in bathing suits, and it tracked a pretty impressive weight gain. (She's taken it down since — and no, I didn't DM her.) You guys might have seen her too, she's a civilian but has popped up in random pic threads here and elsewhere. I stopped seeing her maybe 5 years ago but I'm still stalking her FB so I know she no longer lives in my city.

Second freakiest was a woman I often saw at my metro stop, though she took the bus to get there so she wasn't too local. She was Latina, mid-40s MILFish, a little homely with dyed blonde hair, just a bit chunky a/o except for her ass, which was unreal — round, wide, and stuck out like Pearalicious' (though maybe 2/3 the size). It bounced when she walked and she favored tight, light-colored skirts and pants so you could see it was covered in dimples. Never saw anything like it before or since. One day I stopped seeing her and that was that — I thought — til maybe a year later when I was many miles away, in a totally different part of the city. I was actually answering a craigslist ad, at a dude's house looking at a car I wanted to buy, decided against it, and was walking back to the metro when I saw her crossing the street. Her hair was slightly different but that ass was unmistakeable. She caught me staring, glanced at me in a curious way, like "How do I know you...?" but then walked on.

Same, though to Curvage, not here. And in my defense (sort of) they were public figures and I didn't really think my actions through. It was "Hey look at this hot fatty!" not "I'm gonna fuck with this fatty..." With low-level celebs Curvage usually comes up within the first 10 search results so it's hard for them to ignore. I might be giving myself too much credit but I think I might have caused at least one of them to seriously downgrade their online presence and show less of their bodies. Talk about killing the golden goose.
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The other guy used another word instead of collage, I don't remember. But his dhit was just a couple of images slapped together. Mine ends up looking like a creepy fan I fan with the amount pictures I had to scour for. Maybe if you love her as much as I do you won't find it as weird
This is a stupid question, but what are the scabs/ spots/bruises that REALLY fat women get on their stomachs? Tara has them sometimes and I've seen others with them.
Not the thread for it, but fuck it: I'm close friends with Tara. She was living with family up until two years ago as most people in their early 20s do. They had like 8 cats. Now she just has the one. It's surprising how the USSBBWs I talk to don't have diabetes but there isn't a weight threshold with that, it's almost all diet with a sprinkling of genetics. They're legitimately cat scratches in her case, it doesn't heal nearly as quickly when you're super fat and so it tends to scar.

Mine was entirely private, not public. She rarely posted anything full-body in the first place, and I think thanks to that she hasn't posted anything at all since.
>FatMissT cat trutherism
I don't want to reopen this slapfight and derail the thread, but there's more online disinformation about this subject than there is about the Gaza hospital bombing.

>Instagram once thought I was a mutual with a model that's unexperienced but nevertheless legendary (hint) and recommended me her personal acc with her legit name, will never share it ofc.
I feel sorry for models who have to deal with social media algorithms leaking their personal info, since there's no way to avoid it other than staying off social media entirely. I used to be active in the bash scene and am mutuals on FB with the personal accounts of a few models from that era, and I get other models' personal accounts in my "People You Might Know" feed all the time.
>Hope you've cleared your schedule, Father, because this is a long one...

you aren't the only one who does these things, it's not something I would've thought typing about unless you brought it up. It kind of sucks I can't speak to anyone IRL about this topic, anyone who wouldn't judge me to hard for it is either dead or has disappeared. I guess
it stems from continued staring at girls when I was younger. First it was just the girl with the cutest face but it shifted to the girl with the cutest face and the biggest ass as I got older. When I got tired of engaging with women passively a switch flipped and I started following them around sometimes. It's generally just girls I want to ask out so while i'm waiting for her to hit a quiet spot or me to chance my mind I try to be unseen cause if I get spotted before that happens it comes across as weird. I'm inclined to say I wouldn't come outside after i'm done working/studying from home everyday if there wasn't the possibility of encounters with attractive women. I'm decent at small talk now and the best looking woman I hit on was flattered so i've gotten some use out of it.

The most trouble i've gotten from it where 2 remarks in passing from the Police when we spoke about something unrelated. 1 girl allegedly photographed and reported me while another report was from a camera observer. That was years ago and i've become smarter about it since. As long as all of this stays in my head and I act smart about it I don't think it can't brother anyone.

I would be interested in seeing a poll asking men if they done this before or a study about this behaviour to learn how widespread this urge is.
had 8 hot dogs with buns before bed last night
It's pretty widespread from what I gather. The (dead) comedian Greg Giraldo once did a bit on it, talking about male vs female sexuality: "You girls get horny too? Really? Have you ever followed a guy's ass for thirty blocks, onto a train, wound up in a different city...?"

My particular shame is the obsessiveness of it, following the same woman day after day. I've spoken to women I know about it (obliquely — not copping to anything) and they often know what's happening. I even had a work friend who jokingly talked about "her stalker," a guy who was doing what I did, following her to the metro every afternoon for a while.

They don't let the guy know they know, or do anything about it, because they just want you to go away. They're afraid that by escalating it — confronting the guy or contacting the police — they'll wind up with a violent stalker rather than a passive one. So even though it's low-key stalking, it's still a form of sexual harrassment that at best annoys and at worst frightens women.

Thank god I've never been caught, or even called out. Probably because I keep it passive and the areas are generally pretty busy so it would be hard to pin anything on me. Maybe CCTV showing me waiting for Woman X to show up but then there are no laws about loitering where I live. Still if a cop or a boyfriend or the woman herself confronted me I'd be mortified.

I haven't done it in a while actually, at least a year, and I'd like to think I'm over it. I've seen some pretty amazing superpears in the meantime but I haven't been compelled to stake them out.

That's not a confession, that's a brag.
I’d really love to see other folks with cat scratches that look like that. Go ahead. Make my day. It’s okay to admit that a 25 year old girl who weighs almost 800 pounds might not be the perfect image of health.
She's got other issues but diabetes isn't one of them. I can't prove she doesn't have something. >>37820 is correct in saying other belly-heavy models have scars too. Stretched out skin gets sensitive.

I don't want to have to moderate a thread on /gen/ in its final hours. Just drop it and move on. If she had diabetes and she confided that in me, I would have admitted it here.
>be 16
>starting to discover and explore my kinks
>make larp post on yahoo answers about consensually fattening up gf
>fast forward 15 years
>realize that question is tied to a screen name my friend mentions sometimes
>yahoo answers is first search result when googling screen name
>yahoo fucked their authentication stuff so can't access account to delete it
>he's said it in front of our friends and online friends. a few are known to dig up dirt on people
>freak out
>spend hours on yahoo answers customer service trying to get them to remove the post or recover my account
>they can't do it
>they always laugh when they see the post
>at one point spend 4 hours with customer service, go up to supervisors, managers, devs, none can remove the post but are really sympathetic
>fucking humiliated by it
>decide to buy 50 yahoo answers phone-approved accounts from blackhat site
>report the question with all of them
>it's gone within 2 days
>3 weeks later yahoo answers announces they're closing down
>cites lack of moderation resources

tfw i probably shut down yahoo answers because of my cursed sexuality
I once found out the personal details of two VERY high-profile SSBBW models out of boredom: Their names, their addresses, their phone numbers, their friends and families. It was frighteningly easy, even though they lived on the other side of the world.

I couldn't believe how easy it was, so I called each of them from a public phone just to be sure and told them I misdialled. It was really them.

This was years ago and I don't think spying on complete strangers is so easy any more; or at least I hope so. Of course I never made anything out of it.
Unfortunately someone high up in the community is sloppy with their Facebook privacy and if you really want an easy Rolodex of models real names, it’s right here. I don’t condone what this guy is claiming to have done, but I’m very guilty of some heavy Facebook creeping so who am I to judge.
Sorry, this wasn't about Tara specifically. Just really heavy models, and she was the first one I thought of. I'll see myself out, lmao.
Yep, agreed. I've done the same. Well, almost to the extent >>37866 did. But once you have a full name and general location, you can piece the rest out from those FindMyProfile sites.

Go ahead, who were they Germanon?
You don't really imagine I would tell you that, let alone on this board?
You trying to tell me they haven't changed their security since you found out? Dude, I found Mary's personal info 6 years ago. She's absolutely tightened things up since then.

But hey, no one's forcing you to confess. Your choice.
Her stuff is on LOCK but Boberry also has the benefit of having an extremely plain name. Even when the rumors about her dad being a former NFL player came out, it barely mattered because dozens and dozens of players shared her last name, lol.
Right? Genuinely didn't make it easy. But I found out enough and I'm content. She really doesn't want any trail of crumbs left behind. But hey, that banner pic with the dog in the lobster costume was a current-ish meme at the time. So she seems fun, y'know?
When we lived in a big city this happened to my now wife, she'd get harassed going to and from the bus and got followed into our shitty apt building once. The guy kept trying to talk to her even though she had headphones in. I'm far from a feminist, but I wanted to castrate and murder that guy.

On the other hand, I really shouldn't throw too many stones because I can't go to a public pool much less a school pickup line for my kids without staring at the thicker women. It must be brutally obvious to them, but I can't help it and I don't know how other men avoid being so blatant in checking women out. I think I used to be better at it, but porn has fucked me up, and now I look like a coomer almost every time I'm in a public place.

How many Hail Marys Father?
I'm actually a depressed autistic porn addict in denial and truthfully I want to quit porn and return to my faith with Jesus and stop believing the lie that I'm some born loser destined to be a failure. I like fat girls clearly but I've come to the conclusion that I want to quit feeder I'm entirely. It has never made me happy and I'm tired of the porn the drama and the completely disregard for human decency. I know that's cringe and hypocritical to say on a porn board but its my confession and I own it.
>>37898 I just want to take back control of my life and quit feederism and fat girl porn.
I hate saxxons art with a passion its boring.
>tfw I highly relate to you

like down to the last later, as a fellow autistic Christian loser, except that I have accepted by now this fetish is hard-baked into my brain's foundations and I'll never find peace with a skinny chick (even though I can find them hot, I just need that warm security of blubber). :(
The funny thing is I've come to realize don't really care if my partner is fat or not I'm content with whomever I get with as long as she loves me. As for the fetish feederism isn't it for me I like big woman I like nuturing through food but that's it and I'm OK with that but Porn isn't for me. It's cause too much damage but that's enough moral fagging out of me.
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Well anon, God bless you of course and I pray your peace and that you find the path meant for you. I just am led to believe that for most people with this fetish, trying to be rid of it is coping. It IS possible to express it "healthily" like having a loving wife who incidentally plumps over time (as most Western normie couples do anyway), as Sciencefag said in another thread, with modern life it's nigh inevitable unless he has, e.g. an ED or very unique genes.

As a fellow Autist, we both know how hard it is for us to change habits. Normies already struggle with addiction in society, and ASD makes it so much worse (the Lord knows this too). We do have to try within our ability, and no matter how many times we fall we must never lose hope. Despair is evil cancer, remember that. I understand the pain.

All that said: See you next week Anon!
May God bless you anons with a fat wife who is accepting of a feeder kink. It can happen, I have one. We don't have a funnel, we don't do "stuffings", but if she asks me for a snack from some place or wants take out, I just make sure it happens. There's just a lot of good natured "fat teasing" and she's never in doubt as to if I'm very into her. I don't really do porn, I need to quit it entirely, I'm mostly here for the comradery. I'll pray for you guys(unironically) that the Lord will bless you with a good woman.
Peace be with you.
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Thank you and bless you, that's soothing to read, same to you. How did you meet yours anyway? Close off with a story or 2. What extent does she know how much you love fat?

slight correction: A girl with an ED can "switch" to the other extreme to cope, I've seen it, but obviously I don't endorse abusing any condition and everyone should try be slightly more normal these days.
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>>37714 (OP)
I cannot deny that this site has most definitely stunted my personal growth as a person. not due to the site itself, but as a consequence of my inability to let go off my urges. always chasing a high, never saying enough is enough for longer than 2 months. my only hope is I can move on without a care and pursue real goals from here on out.
When I was in high school there was a girl who had a crush on me that knew I had a fat fetish and she intentionally gained at least 100 lbs in hopes that I would notice. I did, and I was mind-meltingly attracted to her, but I never made a real move on her due of internalized shame about this fetish. She was so hot. Huge tits. Pretty face.

She got a job at an ice cream shop shortly after I met her. She was probably 130 at the time. She must have ate a gallon of ice cream every shift in order to get as big as she did.

We had history class together a year and half later, where at the start of class the teacher would do trivia and give a jolly rancher to whichever student answered first. I sat right next to her, and being a smart kid would often answer almost every answer first. I would give every piece of candy to her, and she would giggle while she ate it.

Sometime around then I texted her asking if she wanted to hang out. She gave some excuse not to, and being the smoothest of retards I was I said "I'm getting pizza lol :Pppppp (fart noises)"
She said "no pizza for me. I'm trying to lose weight." I don't remember what I said to that
I do remember her next text being "you don't think I'm fat do you?"
I said something to the effect of "I guess you're a little bit thicker, but that doesn't take away from how beautiful you are," to which she responded "You don't have a thing for chubby girls, do you?"
"I wouldn't say that." is what I said.

After that I kind of ignored her. I figured she wasn't into me and she wanted to lose weight. It never really struck me how conflicting that was with what I saw right in front of me every day in class. It seemed like she was only getting bigger. She would often be absent for many days at a time, and each time she returned her tits would be bigger, her hips wider, and her belly would be bulging even further from her outgrown jeans. It's like she would stay home and just eat gallons and gallons of ice cream in bed just to show off how fat she could get. I would often get up multiple times per class to sharpen my pencil or do something else just to sneak a glance at her voluptuous silky-white muffin-top exposed by her shirt. But still I never once put together what was actually going on. Somehow the "normal", highschool-public-profile (FACADE) side of my brain was still in firm command of my logical faculties. I still believed that she was trying to lose weight and didn't want to hang out with me, all because that's what she said to me one time, and I was too much of a categorically-driven autist to recognize any subtext in ANY aspect of the situation. Even while I was jerking off to the thought of her, given that she was and probably is the hottest girl I had ever seen, I still never put it together that I still had a chance with her. I was that fucking stupid.

Anyway, one day in class I had brought my guitar in from home, and since we all had a few extra minutes before the bell rang, I decided to get up in front of everyone and sing a comedy song I had learned. I know this sounds pretty weird, but I was a weird kid, and I was pretty well-known for telling stories and making jokes in class, as well as for playing the guitar, so everyone went along with it as this wasn't really that unusual for a strange but outgoing guy like me. Anyway I play the song and everyone loves it. They laugh at all the jokes and applaud me at the end. "I feel like he's gonna be famous someday," somebody said to another. I know this sounds like pure fantasy but it's important to what happened.

So the bell rings and I was feeling pretty good as I get to my next class. I sit down at my desk and right as I do I get a text from girl. "You were great today (emoji, emoji)" "thanks." End of conversation.

After that everything basically went back to normal, including girlie's trend of continuously getting fatter. She would come in bloated as hell, huge ring of belly exposed by last year's shirts, and would often try to talk to me in class. It was getting to the point now where I couldn't even look at her without getting aroused, and so without ever having a single conscious thought to myself about what I should do, my "normal", public-facade brain devised the strategy of ignoring her at all costs. If she asked me a question, I would give her a disinterested answer and never even look at her. This is what I remember happening at least, as I never really thought about what I was doing at the time.

Not only we're her attempts to capture my attention becoming more brazen in her choice of clothing, but she also began talking openly to the people around her about her "weight-problem". A lot. She was now constantly mentioning to anyone who would listen how fat she was getting and just how out of control she was. She was eating so much ice cream, her clothes were getting so tiny, the whole fat-fetish dreamboat. On the surface, none of these comments were directed at me. They were all just mindless pieces of chatter between girls, meaningless fragments of teenaged conversation. But everything was really for me. This went on for days. She wanted me to engage. But I never did. I would bounce my knee feverishly with pent-up desire. Grasping for anything to distract me from my dream.

It was the end of class. Everyone was standing by the door waiting for the bell to ring. She continued her prodding, getting even more brazen, seeming almost aroused by herself.

"I'm getting soooo big~" I would shudder.

"Like look at how _fat_ I'm getting." My neck would convulse.

"I'm just..." She was tired of waiting.

"Anon, look at how _~FAT~_ I am!!!"

My head snapped around. My eyes grew huge and my stomach flipped over.
"I DON'T CARE!!!!"
"But look--"

Her mouth closed. The bell rang. I stormed from the room. She had unadded me on snap later that day. We didn't talk at all after that. The end.
6.5/10 for effort but this is like an unholy fusion dance of DA fanfic and a greentext copypasta.
I swear to god almighty this actually happened to me. Just getting it off my chest before the site dies because I've kept it to myself and regretted it for years. If I was going to larp about something like this I would have given it a happy ending
I've fumbled before in my life, but if this story is true, this is like dropping a winning lottery ticket into the sewer. You dun infinity goofed anon - although if it's any consolation, if she was willing to swell up to morbid obesity based off a crush alone when things weren't even sure yet, she might not have been mature enough for a real relationship. God works in mysterious ways.

Clearly you can't be too repulsive, I'm sure you will blow up another girl soon.

Thank you for the lesson though about how we shouldn't be ashamed about our tastes
Btw post any model or person she resembled at her fattest point

Also it'd be funny if she was thin now with loose skin
>>37714 (OP)
I first got into feederism at 6yo by stumbling on a youtube video, while trying to watch cartoons as I didn't have access to any while other children were talking about them, of rouge from sonic the hedgehog getting fattened.
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She doesn't really look like any of these girls but it gives you an idea. She was definitely more apple-shaped but still had thick thighs and an ass. Think cece but with thighs.

And yeah last time I saw her she was skinny. I estimate she probably weighed 200 at the time of the incident. After I graduated she probably lost 50 lbs during her senior year. I actually saw her at the gym one time maybe 4 years after the incident. She was walking on a treadmill and looked like she had gained a little bit of weight since high school, probably about 160 at that time. She came over right near me and I said nothing. I saw her again a few months later and she looked 120

Well, I'm not so much worried about them being doxxed today, but it's more that I don't want them to find out and feel creeped out retroactively.

The walls have ears around here, and it's certainly not a nice feeling to know that some rando German Kilotroll-hater or whoever would have had all means necessary to stalk you years ago.
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A story from around fifteen years ago: not hooking up with Paige Bombshell was the great missed opportunity of my (pre-marriage) life in the bash scene.

It was at an East Coast bash that she had travelled all the way from her Midwestern state to attend. We danced for a while and had been flirting on and off throughout the evening, but when the dance portion of the bash was over she was deep in a serious conversation with a female friend that seemed like it would be inappropriate to interrupt, and I let the moment pass.

I should have shot my shot. She was cute as a button, and a classic example of the "fatter in person" effect where photos didn't do her size justice.
Trust me, if they're still around today they've survived worse and learned from it.
Not to rub it in but she has one of the greatest fat faces. I'd love a comeback (assuming she's still fat).
This was painful to read anon I literally had to stop in the middle. Props 10/10
Sometimes I surprise myself how I can normally exist and function in the real world even though I watch the most degenerate shit. Mass downloading of porn, buying porn, spending over $800 on a feedee that scammed me and voyeurism.
I thought I would be never be normal but yet I still behave normally, have ambitions and feel empathy (sympathy idk man) . Especially the empathy part, I find it hot that a girl is slowly killing themselves but yet I get sad and worried when a friend is in trouble and when somebody helps me… Just super counter-intuitive man… Those stuff just eats away at you.. and I am also M19.
i have a girl who i was classmates with in school for years, she was a little chubby when she was a kid but lost weight as we went into highschool and ended up being pretty skinny. In the last 2 years we ended up becoming friends cause I was dating her friend and I got to know her pretty well, and over the 2 years she gained some weight - not like, an insane amount, but like 20-25lbs maybe? so it was pretty noticable. She was pretty self concious about it from what I can remember, and i recall her going on runs n shit presumably to lose weight but eventually she lost interest in that. We used to get lunch together every day in our last year of school and like the perv I was I always offered her some part of whatever I got and she always accepted. Anyway, we go into university, and she goes to one pretty far from me, but we kept contact. During her first year, especially in the first few months, she has probably gained another 10-15lbs and is definitely on the chubbier side now, pretty hefty double chin and fat arms, tits exploded in size, big ass, and a relatively small belly. We were facetiming ocasionally throughout the year and sometimes when she wore outfits that showed off her figure i would screen record and beat off to how fat she got. If she ever found out I would probably kill myself as im 99% sure she's not into the fetish and has gained weight as a result of medication and overall laziness, but fuck its so hot whenever she texts and asks if she should order mcdonalds, or starts talking about her weight. In the last few months her laziness has accelerated and she's stopped working out completely and I swear to god she seems to be ordering takeout at least 3 times a week. I saw her in person this summer when we were back in our hometown, we went out to smoke weed, and fuck she looked bigger than at the start of university when I had last seen her in person. Probably the hottest thing to ever happen to me was seeing her high as fuck eating all the food we brought for snacks. Her face looked so much fuller and fatter than before, if I showed just her face she would seem like a blimp but I would estimate that she weighs around 170-180lbs. I hope she keeps gaining but I feel like a massive piece of shit
if people are interested ill post some pics, i dont really have many befores from when she was skinny but i wouldnt post them anyway cause she was underage and this shit is fucked up enough as it is
!!Long post ahead. For anyone not deterred by a long post that isn't so unbelievable to the point of sounding made up: Please continue reading!!

So basically after getting into this whole fetish through Layla's Paysite previews, my first obsession became BoBbery (she still is my favorite to this day). After getting my hands on a siterip of her content I started goofing around in Photoshop and doing shitty morphs of her pictures. I mean badly cutout painstakingly obvious morphs of a 700lbs BoBerry. This is probably where my creative journey would(should?) have ended, or so I thought back then. Fast forward a couple of years later I randomly picked up drawing as a new hobby. After soon realizing that this is actually something I quite enjoy and am half decent at (contrary to what art class made me believe), I soon started drawing things for fun. Needless to say, studying the female body and anatomy piqued my interest. Not soon after I found myself drawing fat women from Pinterest and Instagram. This would be a huge confidence boost in the project that should follow next: A 30cm polymer clay sculpture of BoBerry. After watching tons of sculpting videos on yt I started creating the plan for my undertaking. So I began by rewatching old measuring videos of peak ~600lbs BoBerry. I then prepared a quick charcoal sketch of one of her photos that I was planning to use as a reference for the sculpture. After this, I added her measurements to my sketch to have a quick cheat sheet to compare my sculpture. After screengrabing some not-so-ideal pictures of BoBerry in a bikini (front, back, and side view) to add to my reference collection I felt ready to approach the sculpt. Please keep in my that this was my first time sculpting. So I began by making an armature out of aluminum wire and bulking it out with aluminum foil (so that I wouldn't have to use so much polymer clay) and occasionally holding it to my reference pictures to compare. Then began the actual sculpting part by layering on sheets of polymer clay onto the aluminum foil while trying to maintain the proportions of everything. What quickly became apparent were the outright insane proportions of her ussbbw body. Even at such a small scale, the depth of her body was something else. After feeling satisfied with these first layers and still being a decent chunk away from my final dimensions I decided to go ahead and bake this layer to harden it. This however turned out to be nearly impossible to do right as the sculpture by then was a giant ass heavy blob of fat, which prevented me from securing it in the oven standing up. So the inevitable happened and she fell on her ass, which caused it to burn slightly. As this however did luckily not seem to have caused any more damage I decided to move on. This is also when things started to not add up. As I was sculpting away at my second layer I found it increasingly difficult to accurately compare my proportions to the reference pictures. So that's when I decided to wrap a piece of string around the sculpture to try and compare my measurements to the real numbers. That's when I realized that I had already done irreparable damage by sculpting her too big. And to this day I don't know how I managed to do that, but judging by my non-existent first-time sculptor skills I probably made some stupid mistakes(s) early on.
After realizing what I had done and how I had crossed the point of no return (for me at my current skill level at least), I decided to give up.
So since a couple of months, I have a creepy unfinished, faceless 30cm sculpture of BoBerry hidden away in my cupboard (as to not frighten my parents) constantly reminding me of this fetish and my failed attempt. Honestly thinking about this now I don't even know what I would have done with the finished sculpture in the first place as displaying it in my room is off-limits.

TL;DR got into art and then decided to take on a very ambitious first-time sculpting project out of polymer clay. So I set out to try sculpting peak BoBoberry out of polymer clay and failed miserably by managing to make her too fat. Now I'm left with a creepy, unfinished, and faceless 30cm sculpture hidden away in my cupboard.
I'd love to see what she was like, love Slavic fatties
Pics or it didn't happen, also why are Krauts so autistic about sexual stuff? I guess it's better than being a German Boomer who likes to crossdress with a dominatrix as a weird way to cathartically express a post war guilt complex.
I think i have this fetish because i was raped as a child. I don't have any proof, i'm no psychologist, but i have a hunch.
this happened in the uk actually, i’ll post some pics/vids later on
I take pictures and/or videos of some of the big fat asses I see when out and about and fap to them
(140 KB, 1827x2985, IMG_20231020_134206590.MP_2-Kopie.webp) (172 KB, 2173x3954, IMG_20231020_134109645.MP_2-Kopie.webp) (191 KB, 2140x3564, IMG_20231020_134240225.MP_2-Kopie.webp) (240 KB, 2523x3510, IMG_20231020_134248215.MP_2-Kopie.webp) (182 KB, 2446x3532, IMG_20231020_134332656.MP_2-Kopie.webp) (1.3 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20231020_134439815.MP-Kopie.webp)
Idk why I would lie about this but here you go.
Also added two digital paintings of mine just to prove that I am not completely delusional. Also, keep in my that this was my first time trying to sculpt anything and that the subject chosen was less than ideal. Also the outer layer started devolping cracks and accumulating dust due to air drying.The pose I was going for was a screengrab from BC set 289 I believe.

About the autism I don't think that this is particularly german, but rather a me thing. I always find it super fun to try and gather tons of info on things like sculpting before putting things into pratice, but most of the time I get bored after a couple of weeks before even starting as having tough the act trough start to finish is enoguh for me and I jump on to the next thing.

Ps.: For anyone wondering who the fat firl in the yellow top is: ig @11espi
I've got a few

1. I paid an eastern european stripper about €1200 for sex but I couldn't get an erection because she wasn't fat (if you're curious, this happened in eastern europe, not ireland)

2. A fat girl reached out to me on this board and added me on discord. We chatted for a while. She ghosted me after I sent her a picture of myself. That genuinely surprised me because I don't think I'm ugly at all, but it still stung

3. I have probably banged more fat girls than the average poster on this board but I'm still constantly desperately lonely/horny

4. I have been here for years and been very foolhardy in terms of giving away personal info; if someone really wanted to dox me they easily could have done it

5. I was a regular in the "omegle text chat rp fapper" circuit for a long time
can you post some of the best pics
>I was a regular in the "omegle text chat rp fapper" circuit for a long time
Same :(
You're welcome anon. I'll tell a few stories and share some more, it'll be a little long.

Well, I met her years ago on Fantasy Feeder, so, it was pretty obvious that we were into the same things. I was about to relocate to another side of the country where she was from and saw her on there. She had been a BC, and obviously I'd seen her pics before and I guessed correctly that we would have things in common. I was really excited to message her, like, rushing to get my first message out to her. I played it really cool and didn't start off with sexy talk or ask for tons of pics or anything, I really wanted to get to know her.

We were both really excited to get messages from each other, she later told me that she had seen my profile and hoped I'd message her because we shared interests. We video chatted and I remember thinking "this girl will be my wife", I was wanting to settle down, and she was my first fat gf. I had been with maybe two fat girls before, but after her, I knew there was no way I'd go back to a skinny girl.

We dated, got married, and now have a couple of kids. No health scares, no pregnancy complications, so, I've found that for us at least, a fat mom hasn't been any kind of issue. She's gained maybe 75-100 pounds over the course of the relationship, and I can't really see her get much fatter. She doesn't really like sweets, or stuffing, and she doesn't stress eat, more of a grazer type of gainer. In the spirit of the thread, it is honestly kind of a pain to help your fatter partner navigate the world, I try and do little things like drop her off at the front of the store and then park, or carry stuff up and down stairs, but it is annoying sometimes. As much as I'd like to see her fatter, it's just not practical.

I've asked her a lot about what she likes about gaining weight, she says she likes "taking up more space" and she likes having her belly roll jiggled, but I've come to realize that she's just comfortable being fat and her gain was like 50% me giving tacit permission to her to eat whatever she wants and 50% her being submissive and liking the fact that she was doing something to make me happy. My personal opinion is that's probably a lot of female feedees mindset, partially getting to eat what they want, and partially getting satisfaction from submitting to their partners desires. Do with that what you will.
I love to take pussy. Not in a violent way or dude lurking in the bushes.

Example... I was with a SSBBW escort... She was SUPPER big, mostly in the bottom half area. She used to struggle just to sit up on her own so I knew she couldn't push me off of her. Well... we was in missionary and I nutted. I just laid there ontop of here acting like I was catching my breath. As I'm rubbing her she's like ok you nutted session is done. My dick gets hard again and and I start stroking. She struggles and she's like "come on dude I don't do multiple pops", "get the fuck off". Her struggles and wiggling just turn me on more and I ended up busting like three more nuts.

She put my number on some blacklist but it was my burner phone lolololol

I've done stuff like this several times. I know it's wrong AF but the adrenaline rush is out of this world. A LOT of hookers won't kick and scream cause they don't want to get kicked out of their hotel. They just curse you out, grunt, and try to wrestle themselves free.
What's you age and body count?

Kinda a bit in the lonely boat myself, the girls I'm attracted to just don't seem to stick along after banging a few times.
37818 here, the low-key, long-term stalker

I did this for a short time too. It was around the time pocket digital cameras became affordable (a while ago) and so I started taking souvenir pics of random fat asses. Did it for a couple of months til I was spotted by a partner, a very large, very pissed off dude. I talked my way out of it — he knew he'd made his point — but stopped at that point and went back to just collecting memories lol.

Same, I'm known as a "nice guy" by pretty much everyone — I've been told this multiple times — I'm not super-successful or very social but I have a house that's mostly paid off, I'm debt-free and live a solid middle class lifestyle, and I'm divorced and single now, but have been in good relationships since. Later today I'll be heading over to my GF's place to carve pumpkins with her kid and go out to dinner. Never been arrested and I'm overall honest as hell.

I'm also the cringiest white knight when I see fat women being harassed or made fun of IRL. I've chided friends and colleages for fat bashing too and written many an FB post and comment criticizing and calling out fatphobia. In fact I met one GF at a party where I pretty much sealed the deal by going off on SA, sincerely. (I've never been involved in any SA groups formally, because I know that would be stepping over the line.) The biggest joke is that ever since high school even thin women who find out about my preferences think I'm some kind of superhero, like it's a sign of good character that I can "overlook" a woman being fat.

Yet besides the stalking I also have really horrific feeder fantasies and get off on fat women being humilated and harrassed, "stuckage" fantasies and such. When I see stuff about serial killers with double lives and people are like "How could they go along like that without anyone knowing?" Granted I never killed or even directly harmed anyone, but it's been 30+ years for me living a sort of double life so I definitely know. The predatory FA just occupies a separate compartment in my brain.

this is laugh out loud funny thanks for sharing
5 & 27

Not impressive by any means, but when I say "above average" I'm factoring in most of the users here being khv porn addicts

>the girls I'm attracted to just don't seem to stick along after banging a few times
For me it's kinda 50/50. Some girls were like that for sure (including the last bbw I dated). Other times I was the one being an asshole from her perspective. Dumping girls cos they had too much baggage mainly. I've also been on a lot of dates with girls (fat and skinny) that didn't result in sex. Also been stood up plenty of times. I'm tired, boss. I just want fat gf who puts out and isn't fucked in the head
Freud would have a field day with me because i fully have become this way because i had an ssbbw mom growing up, probably tipping the scales at 600 lbs (i don’t know exactly but an educated guess as we all do)
What was it like to have such an obese mom? Are you fat too? Story time anon. Did she hate herself or did your dad try to make her feel sexy? How did she even get that big

well i am very fat, i’m currently 25 and pushing 400 lbs myself, my younger sisters both also struggling with their weight, one of my sisters is like approaching 400 while the other is anorexic skinny, so go figure lol.

but there was like a lot of stigma around it, friends didn’t really come over, we were the weird family out of my extended family and you could tell. we only saw people on holidays. she really didn’t (or couldn’t) do much so we were a lazy family overall lol. which i guess makes sense with me and my sister now too lol. but my dad definitely loved her, and tried to make her feel sexy and took care of her but i think especially when she reached her biggest size it started to get to her a lot more.

at her biggest she really was losing her mobility and she was sedentary or laying down like all day every day. we had a lot of fast food and just junk food in the house. soda constantly. and i was a fat fucking kid too, i’m talking like almost “day time talk show episode” big lol. i ate when she ate so, i ballooned. luckily i grew into it, my mom didn’t lol, she just grew

my dad was 10 years older than her, they met when she was 18 and they accidentally got pregnant and had me, she was already big by 18 and i’ve always thought my dad was a feeder (for obvious reasons) and i think she just never stood a chance.

she had a major health scare when i was 10 and she was 28, and that was when she was at her absolute biggest, and she was too lazy and too big (/enabled by my dad) to do anything active so she didn’t lose much at all after that. her health started getting bad and she had a blood clot kill her when she was 33 and i was 16. gone but definitely not forgotten since i think of her all the time and she definitely shaped my world view lol. i can answer questions i guess lol
Oh that's really tragic firstly Lord have mercy I'm sorry. I know it's messed up to say that I do feel slightly jealous for the time you did get, but moreso we are around the same age and I'm jealous of your weight lol. How does it feel to be 400? Since you've always been fat, is it just normal, or does it excite you? How did you first start liking this fetish?
Also your story seems to imply you're not from a particularly fat state. I guess your mon was unusually lazy and slow metabolism and your dad liked that and built the family around it? Also frankly it's impressive he pumped 3 kids out of such a large woman. I have about 150 pounds before I get your weight, do you recommend it? I already know all the disclaimers, but I really do feel comforted by the weight I already carry and just want more.

This sounds fake as fuck but also hot as fuck so I want to believe
Post pics of your sister
i got into like everyone i think just googling stuff about fat and stumbling onto websites and models

it became weird watching my mom while also being into this and probably has slightly messed up my head for life but oh well lol.

i do like being fat though, probably won’t stop lol


yeah i think he did structure the family around it tbh lol we’re from the north east so def not fat country. i recommend though! do it haha. why not. you’ll probably have it in your brain forever anyways so might as well follow through even if there’s complications. and impressive, yeah? lol


it is real i can assure you and also i bet i’m not the only kid of an ssbbw that’s found out about everything related to this
>>37714 (OP)
My confession: I have this awful thing where, some times, I make collage images of my two female mutuals (former classmates and so on). I have some pictures of them and I like the contrast- one is really lean, skinny and a bit muscular (goes to gym a lot) and the other is just real glutton with big belly, fat face and rolls/flabs.
I exceptionally horny when I make these, coom to them. Afterwards I feel immediately ashamed, delete collages, but find my self doing them again...
If it's a larp it's a really well executed one. I come from exactly the same kind of family almost to a T. Fat mom, "scalebusters 3" DVD being the first porn thing I ever found while sneaking in my dad's shit, junk food being the only thing around the house. So much of what this anon said was relatable to me. I'm nearly a quarter ton on purpose, my brother used to be pushing 4, but our other brother is a gym freak like anon's anorexic sister, so they're all losing weight now.

They used to tell me when I got bullied in school for being big "You're extremely intelligent and beautiful no matter your size. Chubby (my mom hates the word fat, never owned a scale growing up) is beautiful." And I legit thought she was the most gorgeous woman on the planet, like a bloated delta burke, so it really is a mindfuck to be outcast for being a fat content creator as an adult tbh
5 kinda sounds nice thought to girls I believe, it makes it seem like you are not the type that is just rushing for sex.

I''ve slept with somewhere between 15 and 20 but have only actually known one of them for long enough where I actually wanted to pursue a relationship but sadly after some months it was evident she didn't feel the same about me. The rest either didn't have enough matching personality or we just didn't get to know eachother good enough.
Pics of your mom?

"Not in a violent way"

Literally describes women struggling to get away from you and forcing yourself on them. Okay, rapist. Get help.
Nah I'm ok 😈
What do you do if they DO yell? Cover their mouths?
She's really cute, love her arms and overall girth. She must be a massive glutton and heavy. She got any admirers?
i've got no experience with escorts but don't
you pay for the time you wan't to spent together not the amount of orgasms? If they wants to get you off asap and kick you out it could be that you're hideous.
I'm self-employed and have been a frustrated writer for my entire life, and I spend as much as 30 hours a week writing WG/fat fiction, work and life permitting. When I'm in the middle of a really engaging story it distracts me to the point where it affects my relationships and my work, causing me to cancel plans and push deadlines.

Sometimes I feel pathetic for giving so much time and brainpower to something that makes no money and that I can't share with anyone who knows me IRL. Other times I say Fuck it, I'm middle aged and childless, it's a cheap, fun hobby, doesn't harm anyone, and it brings me a huge amount of creative fulfillment.

Horrendous behavior but hey, it's a confession thread. Let's not get judgy lol.

My childhood/teens couldn't have been different — so much for the idea we get our "thing" from our upbringing or our moms. My mom was a thin ex-hippie and way into health food.
where do you post your stories? I've been finding it hard to find good new wg writers, 90% of the ones I find write the same story every time or make basic spelling and grammar mistakes that dent my confidence in their work too much for me to invest time reading their works.
I shat up the chan with one and the same German phrase for weeks.
I would stop
On DA, the best of the worst IMO. I get what you're saying, but WG fic is like any genre — 95% is garbage, 4% is decent and 1% is really good. I do make an effort to clean up spelling and grammar, and I'm mostly successful at it.

So at the risk of making the confession thread a self-promotion thread, I'm MrWrong1 there. I'll warn you my stuff isn't for everyone — it's plot-heavy, often at the expense of the smut, and I lean toward MILF- and GILF-aged characters. Also a lot of the stories are really long, like novel-long.

Yeah but doing God's work harrassing that miserable joy-killing Hun.
I found out my wife, who's a BBW, has been browsing this website. Commenting too. It makes me angry for some reason and I don't know why.
Not necessarily a confession, but I accidentally played a clip of plump princess to my music theory class when I was 15. Fat ass full out, belly shaking, everyone saw my fetish porn. I tried to play it cool, but easily the most mortifying experience of my life.

Oddly enough, once the initial embarrassment wore off, I had a pretty normal experience throughout the rest of high school. Didn’t lose friends, some cool indie girls who witnessed the whole thing were still down to hang. No bullying or gossiping about the ordeal that I noticed. Still got invited to parties.

IDK, I still cringe so fkn hard when I think about it, and I probably cant run for office, but OTOH the worst day of my social life didn’t really have any lasting effect. We’ll all be alright.
I bet only a few people remember at best, but that was a Gigachad move tbh
Won't she see this?
A client once sent me some links as reference for a job we were working on and two turned out to be gay porn. (He’s out but not flamboyant.) As a gentleman (and vendor) I didn’t say a word and discretely deleted the vid links when I emailed my response. Anyway with the amount of fat chick porn I consume, and as long as I’ve been emailing (since it was a thing) I’ve gotta think I’ve done the equivalent, at least once.
lol reminds me of the time in highschool when I was working on a presentation with a friend and i was gonna upload a picture from my phone to the slides. I had so much bbw ssbbw and fat porn saved on my gallery before I found out about private folders.
I connected my charger to the school macbook and my whole gallery pops up and my friend was like "ayoooo" and I immeaidately placed the macbook on my laptop and turned away.
Years passed since and we joked about it on a ps4 chat and he was like "oh i saw mad bitches, fat bitches all the bitches on your phone" haha so I find it more funny than embarrassing nowadays
I'm in a slightly frustrated marriage, and when I can't get my appetites satisfied I end up writing WG fiction too. It starts with a scenario that's so hot I can't get it out of my head, then I write in my work van at lunch, or when it's slow. I do a lot of driving, so I roll the story around in my head when I'm driving, I end up losing stuff because I can't pull over to write it down, I've written two stories that were well received on an "archive of our own". The fucked up thing is sometimes I'll get so excited about my story while driving that I end up creaming my jeans a bit, I think that's kinda fucked up, lol. Kudos on your writing and also your attention to grammar and actual story telling, it's severely lacking in erotic fiction.
FWIW I dare say more guys look at porn/masturbate at work than don't, at least from what I've heard. We're a horny gender (or whatever), it's how we populated the planet. My only worry is that you're so wrapped up in your story building that you crash!
I was showing my old boss pictures of my new apartment and didn't realize I had videos of ThickSadWorld casually sitting in between on my phone's camera roll that I frantically flicked past and were never spoke of.
Do you have a pseudonym? Happy to look up your stuff.
I had a similar experience with a female coworker recently. I was trying to show her photos of a recent fishing trip and my BBW pic folder flashed up for a split second. I don't think she noticed, but even if she did, we were outside of work and she already knows I'm an FA so eh
That’s grounds for a promotion in my book.
Big L confession: I love fat women and female weight gain as the rest of you, but I don't want my wife gaining weight because deep down I don't respect/trust fat women.
You are a worthless bitch-ass nigga. Your life literally is as valuable as a summer ant. I'm just gonna stomp you, you're gonna keep coming back, I'm gonna seal up all my cracks, you're gonna keep coming back why? Because you keep smelling the syrup, you worthless bitch-ass nigga. You're gonna stay on my dick until you die. You serve no purpose in life. Your purpose in life is to be in my stream sucking on my dick daily. Your purpose in life is to be in that chat blowing a dick daily. Your life is nothing. You serve zero purpose. You should kill yourself NOW! And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen and ozone layer that's covered up so that we can breathe inside this blue trap bubble. Because what are you here for, to worship me? Kill yourself. I mean that with a hundred percent, with a thousand percent. I've never seen somebody so worthless in my life, I deadass have not seen such a more worthless nigga in my life. If he has kids, oh my god imagine if a nigga like that has kids. Like imagine. Imagine if somebody like that actually has kids I would feel so sorry for his children because the nigga literally serves no fucking purpose. Imagine a father: now, we got lots of niggas with wives and kids and shit that suck my dick daily on the internet, but imagine if this nigga actually had children. This nigga's devoting the time he could be spending with his kids checking out a black man on stream cucking over him relentlessly! It's crazy! I've never seen somebody so relentless to be seen. Somebody, somebody, somebody's value so worthless that they'll come into a fucking stream and keep coming in this bitch over and over and over and over and over and over again we keep banning you! Nigga let me, let me, let's do you a favor. Let's go to the 99-cent store let's pick out a rope together. I'm gonna give you an assisted suicide. Let's pick out a rope together, right, and we're gonna take all the greatest troll clips, put a tv screen right in front of you. I'm gonna hang that rope on top of the motherfucking garage. We're gonna forcefully, pry your eyes open, I don't even need to do that because you're on my dick daily. We're gonna pry your eyes open, and consistently watch clips over and over and over and over and over again. You're just gonna start going crazy, you're gonna start feeling crazy, just your eyes are gonna bleed, the retinas are gonna just start pouring out, pouring out blood veins and it's getting cracked and the veins and the retinas is just going to start engaging and bulging. Then, I'm going to grab that rope and say "Are you ready?" You're gonna say yes imma take it PULL it. Why you beg me? Beg me? And I mean beg me? To kill you? And choke you, choke the worthless life of your sorry ass until you fucking dead roped with a blue face nigga. Somebody like that needs to die, I guara-like, there's really no reason for him to be alive. Come on, my nigga, like, your life is worthless, just please kill yourself. Go outside, throw some steaks in a fucking alley and hope for that bunch of stray dogs come and just start chewing your fucking dick off, biting pieces off you and shit like that nigga, cause you, you literally just gotta go. Like get this nigga off earth.
Lol, thanks man, I'm pretty good at multitasking. I should really write more, I wrote one quick, silly thing that people liked a lot, but more in depth work that I spent 4 times as long on wasn't as popular, go figure. Do you find that to be true?
(24 KB, 374x540, d8977bc414b2bc0ba6fb35afc6c87c5d_f.jpg)
She wasn't a SSBBW but she was still THICC AF

So she opens the door and surprise surprise she was NOT the same girl in her adds but she was still THICC AF and kinda tall too. So once again the deal was 1hr. I nutted at like 20 mins... wend back in again and started stroking she said it will be another $50 lolololol. I was like ok (I was NOT paying extra but I wasn't about to stop either). She tells me to stop and pay her first lololol. Nah I was already rock hard and full throttle stroking. With her struggling (she was actually kinda strong) and her thick thighs and hips it didn't take long to nut. Everytime she would buck it would almost slip out and I would just slide right back it. Almost like she was making me fuck her. That shit was so hot

(45 KB, 569x510, fce.jpg)
>rapeanon wasn't larping
Ok, glad to hear it’s safety first lol…

I liked your little vignette — evocative and kinda romantic. I’ll get into some longer pieces later.

Anyway yeah, my most popular stories by far were dashed off in 2-4 hours. This is 90% length — these pieces are less than 10k words. For me it’s literature but readers want to get off and 50-100k word epics, no matter how hot, don’t fit that prescription. There are writers on DA who go long and get way more attention than I do, but then I’m lazy about self-promo and I post sporadically so that’s that. My main focus for 4 years has been a noir detective semi-parody series where the MC is 50 and most of the women are over 40. I have no one to blame but myself for my obscurity.

But again, I write primarily to entertain myself. That I have a small cult who appreciates my stuff is gravy.
In highschool there was a big girl in our friend group and we use to wrestle all the time as a "joke" were I would let her win and she would pin me down.
Bonus: We skipped school once and she invited me to her house while nobody was home and while watching TV she suddenly jumped on me and we started wrestling. Ended up fucking in the living room.
Even as an adult play fighting always leads to fucking for some reason.
What the fuck is this file?
If you went and checked out a confessed rapist's random link it's on you dude.
Yeah, the context clues alone should have made anyone wary of that link.
I enjoyed this completely, but then again, I am /elite/.
I only learned that /gen/ existed after someone there said the site was closing.
> I'm tired, boss. I just want fat gf who puts out and isn't fucked in the head
I felt that. What are the chances such a woman exists?
Through HS and college years I used to draw fat furry content on deviantart under Hellwithin8024. It was never about being into beastiality or any weird shit like that, it was just the fantasy of it and making body types I rarely saw IRL. I no longer draw, but still lurk. I know other artists are rightfully upset at the flood of AI material, but i think it's incredible and my main interest these days on there.
I'm only like 10% furry at best, but your art is pretty cute. I don't think AI will ever be able to recreate stylized fetish art reliably. And frankly even for normal stuff, I swear this isn't a cope but I think it's proof art reflects the human soul, because it always feels like weird kitsch. Always.
I browsed this site for years while in a toxic relationship. After breaking up I went on a dating site, a gorgeous bbw messaged me and we hit it off right away. Only after talking with her did I realize that she was one of my favorite models who I had initially learned about on this site. And now I'm married to her. She knows all this and thinks it's funny that I didn't immediately recognize her when we started talking.

It isn't really a sin, but as a forever lurker who never wanted to risk getting our personal life made into topic of discussion on this site I kept quiet. But also I certainly never got to brag to the people I know in real life on how fucking lucky I got marrying my favorite bbw fetish model and you all are the only folks who'd appreciate that. So that's a confession of sorts.

Cheers, all, to 10+ years of poisoning my brain. I wish all of you who aren't total fucking loons the best of luck out there and hope you can get something as good out of this as I did.
Please tell us more, I need a whitepill. What's she's like?
I sincerely wish I could have done more to make berryfuckers feel more uncomfortable, unwelcome and generally unwanted.
The amount of women SSBBWs Ive been with is high but standards for them have been low. Im proud of what I like and Im very public about liking SSBBWs but I find myself looking for/at women with those low standards and I tend to find those "low standard" girls more attractive now...its hard to explain...

a long time ago on the old chan/site I used to do full write ups about ssbbw hook ups...
>Anon clicks on a link posted on a fat fetish board by a self described rapist and doesn't like what he finds
Sure thing.

Physically, she is still as crazy hot to me as when I met her, she has a great bottom heavy shape but could still smother me to death with her belly, tits, ass, or thighs so she isn't lacking anywhere. She knows she can drive me insane either with just her body or by leaning into the kink and fat-chatting. She knows she's pretty beyond just being fat, and I can't argue with her about that. She's not egotistical about that though.

First and foremost I love her for the person she is. If she had a trash personality or was exciting as a wooden block, it wouldn't matter how fat she was. She's my best friend, as corny and cliche as it sounds. She's fun and easy to be with. Chill, a huge nerd (same here), has a huge heart and cares deeply for people, she's always curious and wanting to learn more about the world, has a great sense of humor, a sense of adventure and loves to travel, and of course is a foodie (which, hey, me too!). We're both homebodies which is great, plenty of time being cozy on the couch together and I get to be handsy with her and make her feel pampered and when I'm having a rough time she does the same for me. We both have our ups and downs with mental health but know that's just a thing we deal with and have empathy for each other. When the other person is having a rough time we step up and support each other.

So I went from my ex who made me feel like a shit human for years to someone who genuinely loves me for who I am and makes me feel valued and appreciated and good as a person and I feel that way in turn with her.

As for finding someone like that, I don't think I'm much of a catch when it comes to appearances. I had dad-bod when she met me. But just grooming yourself and taking care of basics is where you start, personality and ability to carry on a conversation is what helped me most along with showing that I was interested in her for more than just my own fetish reasons (again, I literally did not recognize this woman as someone I had masturbated to on this website before she told me, I thought she was just a cute and cool fat girl). She loves that I'm a nerd and that we have similar hobbies. She loved that I could make her laugh and was clever and was knowledgeable and could talk to her about different subjects (just random shit that I found interesting and would learn about on my own) and she would learn about things she never knew about. Don't be a single minded dork about your weird niche interest when you talk with someone you're interested in, be curious about the other person, treat people with basic respect (no need to m'lady), and most importantly remember that they're a person and not a fat fuck-toy. Like, be attracted to them, that's important! But if you're wanting a relationship with someone, find someone who you could actually have fun with and who you find interesting and cool in their way. Bodies change, so it's the person they are that matters.

Just put yourselves out there, talk to fat girls like they're normal people. Embrace the stuff you like! I mentioned loving my specific needs hobbies and that was one of the things that got my now-wife's attention.

You might have wanted like, more physical deets and sex life stuff as a carrot to motivate you, maybe, but if you're wanting hope this is what worked for me and how I want you to have hope. Don't take the blackpill and become a doomer bummer, don't take the redpill and become a bitter incel. There's plenty of fatty tuna in the sea and I want you well-adjusted folks to find someone who thinks you're interesting and cool for who you all are.

Be hopeful, guy. I'm rooting for you.
I like all shapes of women, except apple. Any average woman from skinny to verging on ssbbw. I can tell within 2 seconds if I wanna fuck a woman I meet. And I will think about it, and I will want it, but I have enough control to never do it. ... Banged plenty of women, too, including this plump stacked Southern rock chick with absolutely HUGE tits. The whole time I was hanging out with her, I kept thinking "I'm gonna nail her fat ass so fucking hard" and I did...

But, dudes, sometimes I regret being insanely attracted to bbws and chubbies. Let's be real, they are spoiled, lazy slobs. They turn me on and make me explode, but in the back of my mind, I know they wouldn't want me if I looked as fat and sloppy as them. I know they're shallow and only like me for my looks, yet they look fat themselves and shit on men who look like them. It's a weird dynamic.
You're a rapist, son. Stop doing that before it ends super badly. I know you won't, though.
You could have fucked this chick long ago.
(289 KB, 2032x2048, Velma and Daph.jpeg)
I pretended to be a thuggish black man for a decade so I could ERP with this fat nerdy girl who was a massive coalburner who'd also talk to me about
her real life.
She said she looked like Velma(or how internet artists tend to draw Velma now and days)/Mei Overwatch but white and liked bodypaint and stuff like that.
She also had a massive breeding kink that was borderline deranged(making her watch as you drop BC pills into the toilet and flush them).
She lives in fucking Alaska apparently and has guys from Detroit come up there to gangbang her too.

I could've 100% been fed bullshit by some weirdo but I like to believe this woman is out there.
Nah... I'm already plotting my next conquest
What if sending your recording to the escort that's found with a Google image search that knows your identity is all that's needed to report you and get you arrested?

...ya dun goofed
Not sure the deal in Norway but prostitution is very illegal here. She won’t go to the cops unless he takes a limb.
(69 KB, 660x433, 1200px-Venus_of_Willendorf_-_All_sides.jpg)
Time really is just a flat circle...
Even if it's scrapped and unfinished it's still pretty neat. Personally I like the proportions, but I can understand the frustration of not getting what you were aiming for, especially considering the medium.
Sincerely congrats bro! I have a similar story with my wife(also a former model), it's a very niche flex, but one you should still be proud of.
Wishing you many happy years,
THAT one was +2 years ago, I have burner phones and she does NOT remember my face guaranteed!

Anger and frustration while they struggle turns me on not crying and pain. Yes I'm aware that it's wrong and immoral I don't make excuses for that. I don't know WHY I'm like this but it does turn me on. I've voluntarily roleplayed with consenting women too. CNC play. Apparently a lot of women have fantasies of being forced.

Some are real, some are roleplay... the real ones... I'm 100% wrong and a dirt bag. Why does it turn me on... I dunno
I only do it to girls that try to short me on time. Like I paid for an hour... I'm getting an hour
>>37714 (OP)
I think I’ve been around since 2012 or so, mostly as a lurker and can count on my fingers how many times I’ve replied in threads. I browsed /ssbbw/ for Boberry threads, but my main boards to lurk were /draw/, /alt/, and /elite/.

My interest in big beautiful women is closeted, though its not exactly a well kept secret. My wife is significantly larger than me, my family has gotten concerned about how big she’s gotten these past years to the point of advising she take some supplements or change her diet. A few friends have been able to figure out that I sincerely enjoy the larger frame. I told my wife early on when we were dating that I liked big women. Amusingly, her gaining weight was never on purpose, but its been a huge bonus.

I also wanted to get into making BBW/SSBBW art. I had an early interest in fat art, ran into BeakerFA’s work around 2005 which was a significant influence. Before getting the equipment I have now, I would traditionally draw, then eventually destroy the art I made so that no one would see it. After learning techniques many years later, I had the desire to make a NSFW alternate art account but decided against it as someone out there would recognize my style. I also thought that I would have also felt bad to perpetuate the cycle of porn addiction by making it for others. Some art from my circle have made the rounds on this site, though they would have no idea (or maybe even care) that we share the same interest.
got any examples of your art you could share?
Thank you for sharing this, just saw and it could write my own stuff but I appreciate, it is indeed hopeful and I realize I've been overthinking for years. As one fatty artist (and a couple anons) put it recently, really it's all about true love first and then letting the consequences of that love (like giving abundant gifts) take its squishy toll. God bless you two
I'm going to get crucified for this

I'm married to a very popular ssbbw bottom heavy model that frequently appears in this board. I monitor this board often, not only for window shopping (hey we all do it), but to remove her newer content shared here. I don't care about content that has made its rounds about the internet and has been uploaded to various sites (reddit, pornhub, etc). It's easily accessible, so I don't bother. It's on the house.

I care about the brand new content that has hype and will generate the $. Weigh ins, new ideas, food related requests, clothes try ons, etc. I see a link, I take the necessary steps to take it down. Sometimes I'm generous and upload a few pics here and there to generate some interest. Stir the pot so to say. Of course a few lucky people here get the content before it's down, but I can't win every battle. Early bird gets the worm.

After all, it is a business, and my wife puts a great amount of thought and effort into her content. She works hard for that money. Also, need money to keep her packing on the pounds too. You guys can understand that.

If it's any consolation, I often share content of other models here. Those are my hail marys for my sins.

Forgive me father.
My name isn't important, but I've done alot that I'm not proud of, stuff that has kept me up at night and given me nightmares, like haunting ghosts I can't get rid of. I've lied, cheated and stolen so much it has just become habit. I never intended to be this person, but living in Washington DC of all places, I find that sometimes the people around me are much depper-in than I am. I've cheated on almost every woman I have been in an "exclusive relationship" with. But the one that really fucked me up, that causes me to loose sleep and have shit relationships now as an adult, a girl from Illinois, almost a decade ago now. I had no idea how much this person was important to me until I started having dreams where she was there. I talk in my sleep, and logic following, if I was sleeping with another woman and she would hear me saying the name of another woman over and over in my sleep, you can imagine how that would go. When i'm having sex, it's her thats in my head. When I'm about to go to sleep, the fear that she'll be there in my dreams keeps me up, reminding me of all the shame and regret I have for her. I think she was the only person I've ever really loved and my subconscious won't let me move on or forget. I want to, so bad. but fuck me I guess right.
The way she's going, is she going to see 700lbs again, or did you two find the limit and now you're playing it safer?

Also I'm besties with a model that's friends with her on snap, so I get occasional updates. Wish she'd be able to make time for game night but totally understand her being busy and stressed with everything else. Figured the next one being gothic horror would pique her interest but it looks like that's not getting any bites.
You’re a retarded idiot. Adeline isn’t bottom heavy or married
Bless me father, for I have sinned.

I have cheated on my wife. I have cheated on my mistress. I have cheated on my sidechick. I have hired escorts. I have slept with women who were good friends with each other. I have slept with women who hated each other, just to get them to hate each other more. I have engaged in threesomes, foursomes, orgies. I have had women get a room for us to have sex, and not paid them back as I promised to. I have had sex with hookups, and not always used protection, without their knowledge. And when one did notice, I ghosted her. I have photographed and recorded myself having sex at various times, and with multiple partners, sometimes secretly. I have photographed and recorded others having sex, sometimes secretly. I fucked several bottom-heavy SSBBW models, and several more bottom heavy SSBBW regulars. I avoid fucking skinny chicks unless they can get me access to a fat chick. I fucked college seniors, married moms, widows, and grannies.

And I enjoyed doing it all.
I can’t stop jerking off to people around me.
My 3 first cousins all have gained 70-100+ pounds the past 10 years to become big fatties. Their mom and dad were both 350+ at one point so I’m hoping they end up huge even though I interact with them frequently.
And all the girl friends I have I can’t help but secretly ogle them. I seem to have a habit of making friends with chubby girls. One is one of my best friends and she’s told me about her weight issues for a long time which I secretly jerk off to. I’m always supporting them when they go to the gym and try and eat healthier but I secretly hope they fail. During Covid they put on like 25-30 pounds, enough for me to make a real before and after of them. They were around 170 pounds and getting to borderline fat territory. They’ve lost all that weight and some more to be thin (maybe not by frat boy standards but by fa standards she’s tiny lol), but the chunky girl I’ve known is still there. She still loves to eat she’s just good about going to the gym and cutting back. Somedays like thanksgiving she lets go and eats a ton. The last time I saw her I saw her inhale an entire poke bowl. In June she said she gained 10 pounds but I think she’s worked it off. I’m hoping her boyfriend helps put some happy weight on her bc she is so much hotter when she’s chubby. I know she unwinds some during the holidays so fingers crossed this year.
Idk, my fetish brain is so strong there’s so many girls I wish I didn’t jerk off to but I see a girl gain weight and my brain goes awooga awooga.
Not Adeline, but good guess. I wouldn't really consider her bottom heavy, relative to the rest of her features. She's just fat fat fat
Fair enough, you're forgiven. It's the thrill of the chase anyway when it comes to piracy.

Tell me you're not in the know without actually saying it
Teach us your ways (the getting laid part, not the cheating and lying part.). Where do you meet people? What's a good way to get a date with models? Where do you find fat women? Etc
Getting Plump Princess vibes. Thought about Jackie at first but I don’t know if her own husband would shout her out as “bottom heavy” even though she does have a pretty huge ass.
Lol, my wife has a thread on this website and I don't care about piracy at all. She doesn't put in much effort a lot of the time and won't take my suggestions either. Piracy on this website for her is probably a very minor issue. My issue is religious, I wasn't really religious when we met, and a few years into our marriage I came back to the Church. I really wish she would quit modeling all together, but it is extremely helpful to have her bring in some sort of income. Even though I come here of my own volition, I feel guilty for other men sinning through her content, just like I do sometimes with other models content. I suppose if she quit they'd just buy another models content and use that to sin, but I'm tacitly supporting it nonetheless. It actually weighs on me, I don't feel shame or weird about her modeling outside of the sin aspect, is that weird? I really don't care, I imagine other women naked all the time and with modern outfits it's not hard to imagine pretty accurately what a random woman looks like naked.
Adeline was a good guess since her stuff is taken down pretty quickly. Everyone else's content is usually up for a while, barring Luna and FatMissT, or are neither bottom heavy or married respectively.
I was thinking Sadie for some reason.
with the chan dying i can finally confess my sins. ive been on the discord for some time and ive lurked here. ive found it hard to navigate and i personally find SDB to be better and more welcoming to me. most people just tell me STFU or who asked and i have at this point become the personafication of who asked lol because of that i turned to ssbbw content when my parents got my first imac and ive been on SDB/deviantart/here ever sincei can remember. ive basically wanked to a mjoraty of all the ssbbws. also i think boberry is overrated. ive been i n3 failed relationships and sometimes i come here to cry wank while listening to Avril's "keep holding on" on a loop. ive done it so much my left arm is in pain and i have callouces everywhere. but now i can finally to all the chan users out there there is always SDB
Lol. Hey volt
go masturb8 to your fucking cars and take odin with you
go jack off to your cars and take odin with you
Sooo now that bbwchan isn't dying, turns out Foxy Roxxie's husband just outted himself as a chan user for no reason
Funny thing to me about the plus-size and bbw model community when I met my wife was realizing how weirdly small it is. Like, so many of the models know one another on a personal basis (I'm the kind of dork who was like "Awh you people are actually friends" and found it kinda sweet). But like, we had such kind and caring messages to us on our wedding day from people who I had totally fantasized about in the past! I've been to a wedding of theirs as a guest! Wild to feel like I'm on this side of the curtain, you know?

All that said, I doubt it's as easy to guess who's patrolling the site to flag their spouse's content as you'd guess, unless someone has been really vocal about doing it. Idk, I don't follow any of the community gossip.
May God bless the two of you. My situation is similar. I'll pray one of my Rosaries for you this week, please commend me in your prayers, too.

Maybe we should all go to real confessio more often, lol
OP here, not PP or Roxxie. I said bottom heavy. Not going to admit any more tbh, but good tries. Just know I'm here lurking, and will be doing so for another year thanks to gigachad doner
I would wager Rox's husband is on here to a certain degree, he's a pretty online dude. Runs a feedist Tumblr, etc.
Is it Tofu? He isn't unfamiliar with boards, the dude was a regular on fat-forums.
We got so many questions. What does she eat? Is she gaining? What’s taking a number two like? People on this board are keenly questioning if she’s hit wafflestomping size or if it’s all a ruse.
Does being “bottom” heavy affect the ability to straddle a small shower sideways while sitting down?
I didn't think he and Sadie were married, I thought they were dating.

Person. Singular. You. And it's not going to merit a response other than CC giving you a cheeky nod.
I'll bite. Eats normally, just snacks a lot. Hungry every 3-4 hours so empty calories come easy. Not a stuffer/binger. I'm an enabler so I don't really say anything, just benefits me.

Gaining slowly, but honestly fluctuates over the years. We're looking for longevity. Slow and steady wins the race. Will likely diet if health takes a downturn.

Normal like everyone else? Bidets are a life changer.

I'm lucky to have a house with a large jacuzzi tub in one of our bathrooms. She showers there, so no circumference issues. Normal showers her hips hit the walls/curtain constantly. So yeah, has to turn sideways elsewhere.

I will say we furniture shop way more than average person. Her ass spills over any recliner, crushing the support and arm rests in <2 years. That's one cost I didn't expect.
Lol, same with furniture, I've gotten skilled at fixing cool looking but shitty furniture, we've had a metal bed frame for awhile though. She also always sets off the airbag warning in our car, we have a Honda and I don't think the Japanese expected even Americans to be so fat, so a warning light goes off because it thinks two people are sitting in the passenger seat.
Danke Mein Freund,
I really appreciate that. It prevents me from taking communion because even though I've had priests tell me it's her sin and not mine, I feel like since we use the money for our monthly budget, I'm still culpable. I'll pray for you too KiloKumpi.
I'm dating a bbw model, and I've got a pr0n addiction. I browse here and see her threads pop up on here, but she has no idea this site even exists.
That's okay. Browsing doesn't hurt anyone without intent. Delete your browser history and your downloads & cookies daily.

Make sure you appreciate her daily and attend to her needs. Everyone wins anon
I deleted the years-old reddit account that I used for porn a few weeks ago after getting scammed by two whores who were going to film stuffings for me. Told myself I was going to quit porn entirely after that. Deleting reddit was like throwing away the key on porn for me, as messaging horny girls from r/weightgaintalk was my ultimate nut-fuel.

So anyway here I am back on this website. Kept my curvage account with all my vids on it. Haven't nutted since getting scammed though, just gooned a bit. Trying to find a reason not to make a new reddit account. All of these sites are a disgusting waste, but reddit was the worst one because of how time-consuming it is messaging college girls about how fat they're getting. I've had girls literally beg me to come be their feeder and make them 500 lbs. describing how wet they are guzzling ice cream while sexting me. FUCK
I came across this site tonight because someone I know who is not into any of this has her photos posted here with some frequency.

I looked around, found this and have read all of the posts in this thread. Some of you seem nice and well-adjusted and that's great.

More of you are stalkers, rapists, and other flavours of non-con freaks who photograph strangers on the street to jerk off to later, to say nothing of the abundant hypocrisy or betraying your own sister.

I have saved most of the awful posts to share/ogle at with others because it's rare to see men so honest about being so vile without an undertone of "I'm just trying to shock the reader."

I had thought about posting some photos to the bbw board because I was curious if I had hit the ss category yet, and it would've been nice to be less self-conscious for once, but this thread has so thoroughly repulsed me; I cannot now consider the idea of ever introducing images of myself to you all. Genuinely, thank you for these confessionals.
Anons won't improve your self-consciousness overall, so posting pics is useless in reality. I genuinely hope you find a better, definitive solution.
Can we at least get a photo of your cankles?

I feel the same anon. Good luck
I won’t argue with your conclusions except that “nice and well-adjusted” is incompatible with a fat fetish Chan site. I think the word you’re looking for is “harmless.”
post timestamp photo or you're a troll
Lame troll not even annoying just lame
Most of the people into this sort of thing are autistic, femanon.
It's like scientifically proven.
Plus its an imageboard which just is also autistic as well.
(1.9 MB, 1290x1699, IMG_4418.jpg)
Thanks :)

I'm autistic (if you have any doubt about that please examine my writing style and consider that I came across this image board and explored it meticulously). I have weird bad fetishes too but my god, fellas. I don't stalk or photograph strangers and especially don't rape them.

What a bizarre thing to troll about: "I think a lot of you are morally bankrupt." Is it so inconceivable that someone would think that after reading this stuff?
No not fuck you. You moved to make something of yourself and get away from that shit situation you had at home. The girl never forgot about you. She's still around. And knowing you are still out there makes her all the more happy. SHe may even still have your number ;)
(229 KB, 1200x799, download.jpeg)
Cmon anon. The whole point of this thread is that it's the lowest of the low, worst of the worst.

There's a silent majority of us who are mostly normal people who just don't want to pay for pornograpgy
Trust me that fucking loser has never raped anyone. He's masturbated to the thought, I'm sure but he's thankfully most certainly a retarded weak shut in who's never done anything
Can I befriend you pwease? :3c If you want a method that isn't revealing for example, make a dummy tumblr account (no phone needed)
Hands are too skinny to be SS/BBW. Calling cap.
Wow thanks, I do take a perverse pride in my ability to catfish normal men online with glimpses of my hands and neck included in photographs since they do not hold that much of my weight, but I hit over 300 last year and I don't own a Specialty Scale that goes that high so I don't know what I'm at now. Also I believe no woman on earth would label herself fat if she wasn't. If I were thin I would be posting thirst traps on Twitter or something, not checking an obscure image board for replies every few hours.
I do realize this is just bait to see more but unfortunately for all parties involved, I'd die before showing my arms/stomach/thighs on this internet.

I will admit my curiosity has gotten the better of me though; I do have a lot of questions and am interested in talking 1:1 if anyone wants to discuss this fetish with me, though probably not in a way that would indulge you.

My throwaway discord is Zetian#5146.

I'm not even from here, I just immigrated so that my posts on image boards would look less authentic.

Yea actually, you're right, I did not consider the lurker majority. Sorry for insulting the honour of those of you silently observing who have not committed sex crimes.
>I'm not even from here, I just immigrated so that my posts on image boards would look less authentic.

Wait do you mean a VPN?
Also I was just taking the piss out of the people claiming you were a "troll" because of your location icon and with the whole ordeal of Australian shitposters and what not.
No, I did really immigrate to Australia but for better reasons of course. I tried to use a VPN (Greenland) on my first post but it said I was banned from posting till 2024 for "cp". :(
I was just going along with your joke, I remember moot's "I hate Australians so god damn much" post and honestly they're the same irl but I think it's kinda charming.
I mean, you could be a man larping. Do you think all thin women post thirst traps on Twitter? Weird.
Yea, I'm a man, that's why I own all that makeup and the period cup accessories and have such weak-looking hands. I guess you could believe I am a man with embarrassing-for-a-man hands and with a girlfriend or sister who owns that stuff and lives with me but that's kinda silly I think, and I'm happy to voice on discord.

And when did I say all women do that? All I said was that personally, if I were thin, I would do that. When I was a teenager and just chubby, I used to do little shows on Stickam for guys I knew online until they banned me. Some of us are whores, it's not a big deal.
Girls are allowed to purchase computers and even phones, why is it so unbelievable to some of you that one found your porn-sharing site?
Video or nothin, tbh. Unless you're god awful I don't understand why you have to flee to the receseses of the internet to get validation from rapists and CP enthusiasts.

Very unconvincing. It's alright, anon.
I did say before that I had my own assortment of weird little sexual interests. I haven't been validated here on account of not posting anything past my wrist. I don't really like most people, I am very picky. I do think I could post a carefully cropped photo of my chest and get some level of approval from men coaxing me for more but I don't really want that, because again, I'm interested in very specific things and probably wouldn't like most of the people who expressed interest.
I did not know you were CP enthusiasts, I had gleaned you just had some people posting it in an effort to shut the whole site down. Yikes!


idk if this link will work. Honestly, your deep suspicion makes it seem like you don't know anything about women at all and maybe don't realise they're just people, every bit as capable of finding the weird niche corners of the internet as you are.
Ok, fuck it, I'll bite, what are your "weird little sexual interests"? This is at least a more interesting thread tangent than schizo nonsense.
Oh, sorry, I didn't mean for it to be bait, I just didn't think it was interesting. Really, depending on who you ask, it's either very tame or inconceivable. I'm just into SM stuff to the point that I, an atheist, actually worshiped and prayed to the last man I dated, a man I've known for 10+ years. Unfortunately for my own sake, I don't respect most people nearly enough that I'd consider something like that with them. I don't really want to delve into more of the fine criminal detail on a public image board, but it was probably objectively sick and "toxic" and the happiest I've ever been and I don't think I'll ever be happy with anyone unwilling to go at least as far. Ah well.
SorRy iM GeTtInG a BaD gRaDe aT bEiNg A wOmAn oN tHe InTeRnEt.

You're either a man or a very hideous woman. That's all I can say.
Did me mentioning that your conception of women is detached from reality upset you?
You guys are jerking off to girls with sores/scars/pimples all over their bodies and Walmart-brand soap in their showers. If I didn't know better, after seeing the 'models' here I'd think ugly was your fetish, but I've seen enough of you complaining about how bad some of their faces are. Even if I was grotesque, you'd still get off judging by the standards here.
Bad attempt at goading. For future reference you should've tried being normal; this isn't an environment where negging pays off. I'm guessing you floundered because, again, no real experience with women.
I seem to have struck a nerve. You good, bro???
Yea, thanks for checking in. 💕
Goodnight :)
Sweet dreams, sweaty. 😘
AussieScold is 3 posts from putting up nudie pics.

"You fat fetishists are a bunch of morally bankrupt predators... Now let me tell you all about myself while teasing how fat I am, Satan!"

I used to wonder how seemingly normal women got involved with guys in prison, seeking them out as penpals and then getting into romantic relationships with them, and even marriage. I've since realized that being scared, scandalized, yet also turned on like a firehose when confronted with sexual danger is baked into female DNA, sure as predatory behavior is baked into males.
I'm not justifying predatory behavior, btw. There's no excuse for sexual harassment or violence even if she hands it to you on a platter. Just an observation.
Extreme female subbie stuff is super fun if you have all the proper boundaries in place. I had this great FWB once, sweet, well put together, cool taste, etc. She was "open use" before I had heard that term, she used to lament "wasted boners", and took every one that I gave her as a gift. It felt really nice, besides the sex, to feel that my desire wasn't a chore, like walking the dog, but something she was as excited about as I was. She always wanted me to take her when she was asleep(never got around to it unfortunately), and she once convinced me to tie her up, leave her in a closet and drive around the city for a period of time unknown to her, wasn't really my thing, but I was happy to help make her happy. Unfortunately, she was naturally very skinny with no butt, so it was never going to work for me. My current wife probably has some sort of "murder victim" fetish, but she's way more shy about talking about sex. From my experience, and I'm just some guy on a fetish board, submissive and "victim" type kinks are way, way, way, more common with women than probably most men think.
That's what I was saying. Kinsey found rape fantasies are more common than not among women. Submission is hardwired, even if they don't know about/care to acknowlege any kind of formal kink relationship.

And again, this isn't to say "hey let's be predators because they secretly love it." It's all about the context of an equitable relationship. Sorry for being redundant or coming off as a cuck but this is a chan and you can't take anything for granted.
100%, it's absolutely not fun or sexy if she's not having fun. It's funny, the FWB I was talking about above had to basically take my hand and say "choke me you pussy!", but once I saw how happy it made her I was all about it.

I'm a bigger guy and once I started thinking about what it would be like if the roles were reversed and I was smaller and less physically able to defend myself I understood it. In my day to day life I'm usually not intimidated by almost anyone(and I work in the trades), but if my experience was being attracted to muscular Amazon's that could snap me in two I think I'd want to psychologically work through that, and turn it into something fun with an hot Amazon that I knew wasn't evil. Kinda like a sex rollercoaster, it's scary, but you know you won't really get hurt so it's fun.
why am i seeing this word everywhere?
some new form of newspeak for 'equal'?
Kisame here. I don't know why the fetish community talk like bankers or psychologists. People don't see progressives as this quirky group of misfits. There's more calls to crack down at college campuses because people are tired of the fat guy threatening the Jewish part of town. My own narrow minded view is that it's the end of counter culture and parents will start voting Republican or conservative or MAGA to keep the suburbs Christian.
Unlikely. I argue psychology in the community is killing the fun of expansion. I even spelled out in my own thread that Gen Z doesn't like Jordan Peterson, Bishop Barron or any of these enlightenment thinkers trying to usurp Oprah as the fat daytime talkshow host. Schizophrenics like Terry A Davis, Time Cube guy, and the Unabomber are forgotten. Everyone's on TikTok or Instagram now and Zoomers think furries and other artists are misfits.
So when anon is talking about Kinsey, they're just talking about another liberal theologian who founded a revolution cause pastor refused to let him be a hippie during Nam. It's like how Christofascism was coined by a woman still mad she couldn't do drugs with the Beat Generation cause G-D said no. I argue being open about sex lead to hambeasts like Andrea Dworkin going against pornography. Where as G-D didn't care that Children of Israel had thick Egyptian women and Mesopotamian women, the fat Andrea Dworkin destroyed Kinsey as the father of sex revolution cause the sex revolution wouldn't fuck a fat chick.
Yeah dude. It’s a related word.
11 seconds of Googling reveals: “Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.”

The words are related but with different meanings. Could be you’re seeing “equitable” more because people are more conscious of social justice issues and looking for more precise ways to express themselves. Could also be you’re a grumpy asshole who should stfu.
Nah, social justice as this brand of quirky misfits is not a thing. All these college campuses are going back to their time honored tradition of calling out the far left for being antisemitic. Jewish people are the old left who want to be small town where people become politicians and lawyers and authors. Bankers are hated for using diversity, equity, inclusion to own the town.
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masturbated to bbw hentai for the first time last night. its just weird having done something new in regards to this fetish after having been jacking it to fat women for years. made especially weird by the fact that i have also been consuming anime for years. i also can now no longer say that i never jerked off to japanese cartoon porn :/ what having a gf but not having sex does to an mf

also, i made a post on here like three years ago saying that i really wanted to quit or at least reduce my consumption of porn as it is fairly unhealthy and i am still here. i have to be awake for work in only a few hours. this is my life
Addiction is a symptom of depression/anxiety. Porn is not inherently bad, nor is booze, drugs, ice cream, etc. Yes, they're habit-forming because they're fun to consume, but mere habits tend not to ruin people's lives and those around them. The real problem is that they can become a form of self-medication and take over one's life. The reason 12-Step programs work (when they do) is because it involves behavioral therapy and forced socialization. Barring a chemical imbalance (which is rare, while mental health issues are common), the enemy is isolation and stubborn adherence to self-defeating patterns of behavior.
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Kisame here. Getting rid of porn cause men are addicted to it is a dumb reason. I get complaints that Mai Shiranui, Morrigan, and Chun Li or Tifa doesn't get art cause corporations hate porn. It's just a dumb gimmick to hide the loss in trillions of profits the gaming industry. The gaming industry wants the Dragonball Tenkaichi, GTA, Madden, Call of Duty, WWE audience.

Smash cannot complete with the Five Gokus from Dragonball to Super, the three Vegetas from Saiyan arc to Buu Saga, or Two Brolys. Let's face it, Dragonball games made Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, 18 more viable so tards don't brute force their way and rely on skill
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So this wasn't my normal (lol my normal smh).

I booked this THICC AMAZON blonde. She had to be like 6'1" bare feet and her hips, booty, thighs, calves BRUH she took up like half the bed.

Well... The session starts... a little foreplay... touching and squeezing and she asks if I don't mind if she blazes a joint. I'm like shit I don't care (I was just mesmerized by her thickness). I'm oiling her down while she's smoking. Something HAD to be in that joint besides weed cause it smelled weird AF. Not only that but she popped some pills.

So we start fucking and she starts kinda zoning out and I notice she's half awake then the chick is actually knocked TF out.

YO... I was kinda mad but I was like fuck it. Kept fucking busted in the rubber. As I'm laying there catching my breath and she's snoring... those intrusive thoughts pop in my mind. I climbed between those thick ass thighs, lifted one up and slid right in bareback. I was in that room for like 2-3 hours. Busted endless nuts in her.
Yeah I’m sure it was her doob and her idea to smoke it.
>me, 18f in doing highschool exchange program in toronto
>had a fat fetish but never experienced anything irl
>matched with a 400lb guy my age on tinder and was stoked
> he told me he didn't want me to come over to his house because as a kid he wiped snot all over his walls
>it was still dried up there
>it was too old and caked on to clean off without scraping it off with the paint
>he lied about having graduated highschool
>on disability and planned to be for the rest of his life
>ugly and greasy
>i disregarded this
>bought him a $100 uber gift card to come hang out with me at the mall
>we go to the food court subway
>he asks for no lettuce and the worker didn't hear him so he just said "oh" quietly as she put lettuce on it
>i stepped in and corrected her
>ordered the rest of his sub for him (just meat and cheese)
>after the date i was mortified because that was the cringest thing i had ever done
>texted him saying i'm sorry and I don't wanna hang out again
>he replied "now i know what it feels like to cry in public"
>fml i didnt even touch his fat
This made me lol. The idea that you took up an artform just to make a miniature boberry which you and I both know you'd probably eventually end up doing weird shit to (even if this conclusion eluded you at the time). Good stuff
Didn't you post in the SuperXLChubBoy thread?
big oof, how long ago was that and have you had the opportunity to fondle someone's fat since then?
>>39283 Nope not even once lol hopefully some day. Lots of online chatting and "phone sex" but nothing more
I fattened my girlfriend up 73 lbs over 3 years while knowing I'd eventually break up with her.

That was 7 years ago and she's lost maybe 20 since
Did she know?
Confession time I disagree I think porn is extremely harmful but its so addictive and we are so desensitized to it that we don't care. I've tried quitting porn but here Team lurking saxxons threads again and again and I think that honestly I don't know if I can every quit porn but hey maybe I'm just a degenerate retard in denial.
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She knew I had the fetish and took it as a pass to eat whatever she wanted. She also didn't mind being fat and actually got turned on by her own fat toward the end.

Pic related
>>37714 (OP)

I've been losing this fetish slowly over time. Recently I've seen chubby girls at the clubs but can't help but find them less attractive than the smaller, skinny girls. Back in the day if a small, skinny girl found me attractive I'd reject her completely.
You’re right. It’s normalized, but not really normal. It’s like alcohol—not really ever “good for you” but socially accepted if it’s in no real quantity.
Hot. Any more text chains?
if i wasn't a social retard in my youth, i (probably) would've gotten at least 3 pear-shaped bitches, one of which was taller than me. they're oddly not totally rare in my neck of the woods that i will not reveal though, so it ain't like i passed on a lifetime chance.
Yup. Had a girl I was insanely horny for in high school... Rare find — gorgeous (thin) face, big boobs, and enormous ass. She was moderately popular but friends with a lot of popular kids. I wasn't a total geek but kind of an outsider. I just couldn't talk to her, never seemed to be the right time and I was too afraid of being shut down or laughed at by her friends.

I found out way later she thought I was cool/interesting, suspected I was into her but because I was so standoffish she didn't make a move either.

No long term regrets — WLS (I suspect) because she looks like a skinny hag now — but getting with her would have made high school 1000% better.
>>37714 (OP)
I’ve catfished dozens of fat women, maybe hundreds at this point.
Dated a model for years. Met most of the other models.

Kellybellyohio is a narcisist. Clinical. Textbook

Reenaye is much, much less stable than she lets on. Also quite manipulative.

Caitidee is pure evil

Lastly, not really a secret, but the vast majority of these models have zero idea as to why they're succesful/what makes money/ what people actually want to see. Of course there are a few who clearly "get it" and are most likely into the fetish; Ivy, Roxxie, LisaLou etc. (none of whom I've met), but the vast majority outright have no idea what they're doing, and are well below average IQ.
She's a narccist, really? that's so hot. fuck meeeee Id love to be bullied and put down and belittled by afucking ugly fat bitch like her. I deserve no less.
seriously speaking tho. i dont get narcissism, where do fat fitches like her get their ego from?
How is Caitidee evil? She just seems like a lame dumb stoner to me.
There have been all sorts of rumors about reenaye for years, some of which I’m not even gonna repeat because its not my business. But I have zero doubt she’s fucking nuts.
Bruh you can't do that to us. Spill the tea
I’ve heard this story: general market competition, fucking each others current and ex boyfriends, one of the girls sat on another one’s cat during a Halloween party, stealing set ideas, bandwagonning related niche fetishes with low effort content after another model cultivated the content more organically
What, someone sat on a cat? Really? That's sick.
Yet hot as fuck.

Let me not cast the first stone, as I've just admitted that a fat woman crushing a cat turns me on ^. But without knowing any of the rumors you're teasing us with, she comes off kinda cray-cray, which is why her content is so amazingly sick and awesome.
yep. she's just a party girl slowly turning into a lazy milf. activist bs is what makes people hate her in reality. no one gives a fuck about models opinions on BLM etc op is a roxxie and lisalou fan, makes sense that caitidee is "evil"
Anyone who was actually at the costume party can tell you, it wasn’t a cat, it was a guinea pig (who’d been spray painted festive colors contributing to the kerfluffle). It was probably one of the girls dressed like a sumo wrestler but the investigation was never conclusive.
Wait, BBW-chan is shutting down? Dang, i just found it
read the sticky retard
Because your miserable life will be just slightly better if call anon on imageboard a retard.
yep, you're retarded. feel sorry for you.
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I’ve always wanted to see BWS’s OC Chloe (pink haired girl) get raped and hear her screams while it happens, this isn’t a joke. I’ve always wanted to see her get raped… something about it just makes me feel good…
Kisame here, I grew up in evangelical circles. Evangelicals have been trying to demolish the internet and these groups have backings with the school district to restrict internet access. Really the evangelicals are upset they can't put Corinthians on their Facebook and think the internet is regulated and dark. It could be Gen Z being edgelords since they seem to like race humor a lot and making fun of fat people.
I also confess that these fetish artists complaining about retail theft aren't serious or captivating.
>>37714 (OP)
I have a crush on GlitterandLazers. Her super bubbly attitude just it for me.
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I confess that I like to combine my fetishes, something about a pregnant BBW eating people is really fucking hot to me. Maybe it's something along the lines of "Her pregnancy has made her such a gluttonous fatass that she has no problems with resorting to cannibalism to satisfy her cravings, as well as feeding her brood". Shame there's next to no content of that.
Bait. I laughed, but it's still bait.
Stole a friend's fat GF's dirty panties once while they were staying at my house. She was freaking out as they were leaving, turning the place upside down though she wouldn't say -what- exactly she was looking for. I felt guilty putting her through that but got a lot of good sniffs out of them.

Saw her on Halloween in NYC, bigger and fatter-looking than you'd think even post-Ozempic or whatever she's on.
I confess my bizarre kink of femdom worship. I want more than anything to be a slave to a blob of a woman
The confession itself is that i have sexual thoughts about my girlfriend's mom

Along with just preferring big girls in general, i have a bit of a kink/interest in fat girls who come from skinny moms. Idk what exactly about that dynamic gets me going but it just does.

This is very much the dynamic between my GF and her mom. Both are 5'2 but my GF is 335 and her mom is super skinny (obvi dont know her moms weight but like, she cant be more than 120).

Seeing them next to each other is so fucking hot, the contrast just blows me away. We recently spent thanksgiving with her fam and i almost busted a nut at the table watching my gf look so large and eat so much while her mother did the inverse.

My GF is 22 and we've been together for 4 years now.
This is relatable! The girl I've been talking to is 460lbs and her mom is maybe 160lbs on a bad day. I find it hot this girl is league's fatter than anyone else in her family.
A dark revelation in our age.
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>>37714 (OP)
Everytime I turn a woman into a feedee. I always break up with them.
Almost as if getting the thing I want instantly destroys my drive to be with them.

I dated Thiclady bug for a few months back in 2020, and introduced her to Feabie. And then broke up with her and went fishing in Alaska.

Perhaps I am afraid, perhaps I am disgusted with myself. But yet when I don't have something I crave it, and work to achieve it.
But once I have it in my hands, it turns to ash in my hands. And all enjoyment flees from my mind.

The same thing has occured when finding relics and hard to come by firearms.
And now that I have a good rig to play video games, I uninstalled steam as I had no enjoyment.

I truly do not know why this keeps happening, but I struggle to achieve things. And then find 0 joy in having it. As though the actual fight to achieve something is what I enjoy most of all.
Feels good to get that off my chest, even if I wrote it out sporadically.
>turn a woman into a feedee
Excuse me? You've done this more than once? Teach us your ways master.

Intrigued. How did your GF get so fat if her mother is so small? Fatness is largely genetic.
Mixing sex and food slowly does wonders.
He is probably just writing about his fantasies like they actually happened

Theres probably a couple reason whys she got to the size she is:

-She's an only child and her parents got divorced pretty young. Its pretty obvious both her mom and dad are in a life long competition to be the favorite parent and as a result, my gf is spoiled beyond belief (her fam has is wealthy too). My gf gets random direct deposits & care packages from both parents all the time.

-Her dad is a little heavier but only like 200ish maybe (im 140, so im just guessing), nothing crazy.
I fucked SpanxBeluga with a zucchini.
How are they Larpers if they are sincere?
I do that since this a cesspit to fuck with since people here don't want to be called out for their sins.
It's fun the fuck with the more thin-skinned guys here.
It's trolling my man.
I can't speak for the more spergy guys, but I just want to be in a group of uncloseted Catholic and Ortho FAs who are chaste pure and love their wives. I have to deal with scummy fake Christians who treat other people like shit.
Including bullying devout Catholic girls who are heavyset and are a thousand times better people than they are. I am a Polish American from the Rust belt by the way. I would like to be able to say I love fat girls openly without being scowled at. My priest friends are chill guys and like "Nah it's fine.
Not a sin, son."
I got my Saint Alphonsus Ligouri, I am good to go..
This guy needs to be in jail.
No one deserves rape.
Not even you.
Let the courts decide his fate.
Repent fool.
Protect her and get her off this cesspit
You have discord, my man?
I need a buddy who won't judge me.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori is the Doctor of Catholic Moral Theology who lived in the 18th century in Naples.
He literally speaks on how oral and manual stimulation is okay as foreplay if you and the wife don't climax. You have to get inside her as fast as possible if you are about to orgasm.
He literally says that in Clinical language.
Put your hands on me again I will kill you broad day light. Your children will grow up without their parents. Fuck with me
Tough guy over here
Rikers island will eat you alive pussy.
No one even knows who you were replying to in the first place or what your story is. Take your Thorazine and try again.
I'd like to see your bitch ass even try. I've served more tours in Afghanistan than you have teeth left in your maggot infested maw you call a mouth. Let's go head to head and see who comes out on top, pussy.
is this David?
Ill run you over with my car and steal your funds from serving time. Stupid asshole faggit
I want to fuck my gf mom she gives me these stares that tell me she wants me to undress her whenever we head into her bedroom. Her husband is deceased
Dated a 37yo woman whose mom was thin and regularly dropped off food, like trays of it at a time to set her up for the week. Super hot combo, like her mom was her feeder, which was basically the case. Dad died when she was 13 and she admitted mom spoiled/enabled the shit out of her.

That said, she didn't act "spoiled" at all, at least not in a toxic way, but she was super immature, like a 30-something college student. Sexual incompatibility too, which was semi-related. That's why it didn't work.

Par for the course, also one of the physically laziest people I've known. I get that if I go after fat women we're not gonna go mountain climbing or play racketball, but she'd take a taxi to go 5 blocks.
Walmart. Rush hour.
Some grandmother seem younger looking then the ones 20 years ago. This grand mother give me horny hints. Should I fuck her tonight after band practice
Nah, wouldn't be much of a confession if that was the case.
Forgive me father, for I have led a life of sin against fatdom.
>always enjoyed feeling heavy, jiggly, warm, and soft
>middle school comes, and with it PE and locker room bullying
>still an incorrigible glutton, diet during the day and binge at home on my allowance money
>family feeds me way too much junk food because fast food is simpler than cooking
>skip forward to adulthood, lose 70 pounds for the navy
>denied, ghosted by my recruiting officer
>spend years trying anything I can to find a job that I can tolerate
>kinda like cars, imagine I could be a fatty mechanic like Ellie from Borderlands
>go homeless multiple times trying to share rent with people I thought I knew well enough to trust
>whore myself out to guys on grommr just to take showers at motels because covid shut down all the gym showers
>eventually it all falls through, and I return to stress eating while unemployed
>start being a campig for a couple admirers, but feel too ashamed to keep doing it
>cap out at 305 pounds before it becomes clear my only future jobs are gonna be retail, fast food or office bullshit if I keep gaining

I have lost 35 pounds since all this. I can't stop thinking about what my life could be if I didn't constantly fear the future, if I didn't have a protestant work ethic, if I never had this fetish at all. If I had the discipline I could have been fucking ripped or at least make for an 8/10 femboy. If I wasn't so afraid of becoming a welfare parasite or a useless cog I'd be 500+ by now. Instead I'm in the same position I was at 18, but hopelessly addicted to booze and cheese with no idea what to do.
I almost died when I was trying to carve a path in my life. I was sleeping in the 17 degree snow in my car, wondering if I'd die of exposure due to the lack of door insulation. I just want to lead a productive life, to have some independence without sacrificing my needs...what do I do?
That's sad to read, buddy. My prayers are with you.

As for
>what do I do?
I suggest the following New Year's resolutions:

- Become a man (as in, imagine yourself as a responsible adult who can and should do good for others).

- Contact your friends and family if it's viable, tell them about your resolution and ask them to help you, guide you and set you straight if they suspect you to stray from your ways. Don't be afraid to ask for help and use the resources you have. There are people who love you.

- If you think your friends and family wouldn't be helpful, it might be better to keep some distance for some time until you've come to terms with yourself and built up the strength to resist temptation.

- If you have nobody, find new resources. Talk to a Catholic priest. As cheesy as it may sound, they are great resources. They've taken a vow to serve, and they will either help you or find someone to help you.

- Clean up your damn room (I know, lol, but that's actually a great thing to do). If you don't have a room, clean up your car and, most importantly, your own appearance. Repeat daily at the same time. Keep yourself and your surroundings nice: You're worth it, and the others are, as well.

- Build up good habits. Begin by going for a walk in a nice place without your phone. Do that at the same time everyday or, if that's not feasible for you, take a long walk every Sunday. Make it a thing you look forward to.

- Look around you: There is always something good you can do to help yourself or others. Begin with the little things.

- Go out of doors everyday first thing in the morning. Once you're up and out, you might as well do something productive.

- Structure your day. Go to bed, rise, eat at the same time everyday. If it helps you, write yourself a timetable and stick to it.

- Get yourself an apprenticeship. Be there everyday, stay focussed, look forward to the outcome: You will have a skill that'll feed you and provide something good in the world.

- Come to terms with God. Pray for your success in life and for help in your struggles. Pray for other people, too.

- Write your resolutions down and take yourself time to evaluate your actions everyday before going to bed: Look at every point and think about a way to fulfill it more perfectly the next day. Don't be sad if you haven't lived up to your expectations, but tell yourself to be back on track tomorrow.

I had similar struggles and these are the things that helped me to overcome them. With God's help I got my life back together. It took some time and many failures, but I never gave up and in the end, I made it.

I pray that you may make it, too, bro. You're never alone.
I had a breakdown spilling my emotions to people I'm losing weight with from /mlp/. I want to be my best self for Mare Fair 2, and this subject is not exactly something people losing weight would understand. I know I sound like a faggot but thank you. I needed an honest answer from someone who at least shared fat kink with me. I'm sorry my confession was just a long blogpost.
Don't be sorry, man. It's ok.

I wish you all the best for 2024. Make it the year you took back control. You can do it.
You could try to find a female/male feeder if you can't shake off the weight.

Wish you luck in anything you try to accomplish.
I had decent success with attracting admirers before...but if I don't at least have some kind of purpose beyond myself, even a shallow capitalistic one, I feel like a parasite. It's hard to shake that desire to be a net positive contributor...even having to ask a past feeder for a couple motel nights/meals felt like taking advantage, and the guilt led me to DFE and lose that weight.
I think I'm going to lose a lot of weight again, given the rate of my progress. Then, if it doesn't feel as good to be fit as it was to be over 300....I'll gain it back. Healthily. No more canola oil milkshakes that make me shit 2-3 times a day, no more fast food, limited trips to Golden Corral. I wanna be my best self, especially if I take the gainer route in the end.
Fbi time to be concerned getting paid to view pornography websites just for tips. How fuck is ur wife know that.
>for tips
What? Are they tracking down serial architects looking to jump in on a Golden Corral trip and arrest a couple? Or are they investigating the lolifuckers?
>How fuck is ur wife know that
I’ve got few and I’m only 19

- one of the first things I did when I went to college was try and find a bbw to talk to and I did, but after actually going up to her and getting her number I was to nervous I only liked her for her body and I just ghosted her

- when I was in high school I wanted to date this one girl because she was low key becoming a bbw, but she was into my friend so I convinced him to date her and I just kind of helped her do stuff for home because she knew I knew what he liked. I have no idea why I did this one it was really dumb.

- back to the first one I ghosted this girl for like 3 months just to message her again recently because I was thinking about her, but now I regret it again
Gangsters get raped for talking shit. No coming back from being raped by another grown man. So shoot nigga you and your family dead to me
Try again in English
>>39660 my confession is that I found this kinda hot in the most fucked up way possible. Any more info on what happened?? Or who the contenders are for who dunnit? (Damnwhatiswrongwithme)
My confession is that I take creep shots of my fat ass titcos wife every chance I get when she’s around me and undressed. She’s never caught me in years of doing it, and I took the hottest pictures yet this weekend.
Larping this late why
I caught him taking pics at seaworld. I was going to throw him and his phone in the water pool. But I let it slide because his wife suck some mean fucking dick & ride it like a wild rowdy
If she's your wife why don't you just ask her to model for you?
I think Kellie has more problems than just being a narcissist, let me just say I'd trust her around kids as much as I would trust Mindy Kaling if you catch my drift.

I was friends with Reenaye on facebook for years so I can confirm she can be very unhinged and manipulative, the way she treated her ex-husband was just plain wrong, so I will not feel for her whatsoever when her french boytoy ends up cheating on her with another, better, woman (that's if he isn't already)

Calling Caitidee pure evil is a stretch, she's a self loathing, passive aggressive, cunt who's jealous of her contemporaries but that doesn't make her evil lol.
I buy it with Caiti. Her beef with lisalou spilled over into /ssbbw/ and she came off looking awful.
What was this?
All a sudden its no ones business huh. My godfather already told me those kids are mine. Dont ask me how he knows. Guy knows everything lol
Caitidee was saying racist shit while positing herself as an ally/BLM type on socials and she got called out for it. Rightfully so imo
Long islander
>the way she treated her ex-husband was just plain wrong
You mean legendary feeder artist Saxxon? Spill the tea
Do any of you guys stuff them selves and get turned on?

I do and it's a shame that I got this fetish
Just typical belittling and disrespect, on her facebook page she was always throwing him under the bus for one "reason" or another
deviantart weirdos deserve to be publicly shamed so I’m on her side tbh
Don't be ashamed, I have felt this way recently. It is difficult though because I (and probably you) want a big belly but at the same time we don't want to become diabetic and suffer negative health effects.
She is trying to tell you all these bitchs want to you blow their booties out. With protection.
Ye its just kinda turning me on when I´m bloated or full but at the same time feel shitty about it since it´s "weird"

I´m a dude
Ok I've been sitting on this one for a while. Last year I met up with a woman from feabie (we had chatted for a while and I told her I happened to be visiting for work so we planned to get together, I was really visiting just to see her and take some vacation time). She was pushing 500 but didn't know her exact weight since she outgrew her home scale years ago and only got updated when she went to the doctors.

It was the first time I had been with someone that large and she was absolutely stunning, we went out for dinner and hit it off. Then she asked if I wanted to go home with her and watch a movie. Eventually we were cuddling in bed and I put my hand on her thigh, which was bigger than any part of me (~140 5'11" SKINNY). We start making out and I ask if I can put my hands on her belly, she says she loves that and takes her belly out of her pants, she had a beautiful double belly covered in cellulite, think Destiny.

We keep making out, taking each other's clothes off (stopping altogether for her to shift around to get her massive clothes off), I eat her out and make her cum twice, I had to ask her to hold her belly up so I could get my tongue in her pussy, I had one hand inside her and one jiggling her thigh and belly. After I made her cum the first time, I slid inside her and fucked her for a couple seconds but the feeling was so good I had to pull out and start kissing her and eat her out again to stop myself from shamefully cumming immediately even though I had a thick condom on and could hardly feel anything.

If you haven't been with a woman this big I don't know how else to describe it, even with girls in the 300's you can see each time you pound them ripple across their thighs and belly and watch the boobs bounce around but the 200 extra pounds took that to a whole new level, she had to SPREAD her legs to make enough room for me to get between her thighs, thankfully she was quite flexible. And I had to hold her belly up to get all the way inside her, her ass was so big it was propping her up and I kept sliding out, and it honestly made it hard to fuck her in such a hot way. I couldn't reposition her, and if she had to move we pretty much had to stop for her to shift all her weight around into a better position.

After I made her cum the second time she asked to get on top, which I was not expecting because I did not know anyone's knees would be up to the task. She got on top and rode me with so much energy and excitement, her hands were propped against the wall for balance and her belly spread out over my chest and each time she moved forward her belly pressed my face against the wall, I wish I could have seen more at this point, I just remember the folds in her belly pressing against me and feeling a little bit scared because I kept slipping out, and if she jumped on my dick after slipping out it would be over for me. The fear kept me from cumming for a while but I came eventually, I was shocked at how long she lasted on top. The next few days my legs and back were fucked up from her bouncing on me but I still fantasize about her every now and then, it fucked me up because I honestly have not been with anyone her size since, and I have a hard time even getting it up for girls under 300 now.

The closest thing I can compare the whole experience to is taking ecstasy, just a full body high, full body happiness, euphoria. If you have any hint of shame or guilt about liking fat chicks get the fuck over it, treat them with respect and then fuck their brains out, life's too short not to.
Based as fuck, anon.

I too have taken ecstasy and had sex with extremely obese women (not at the same time) and I would also compare the two

It is ecstasy (in the pure adjective sense). The softness, the jiggling, all that weight on top of you...
Good job anon. Yeoman’s work.
I fucking hate unions they build up so many young american families then kill their careers because theyre toxic miserable old white men. With a terrible culture behind the union. Swear to god I want to kill them all they made a hot mess in the country then blame it on minorities. Im telling you right now if theyre not removed this year im risking it all and im going to get rid of them myself. Then everyone will fear me foreverZ
nice story. Wholesome sexy relevant BBW content.
Unfathomably based. Enjoy your next bout with either women or MDMA, comrade.
I don’t even have a poop fetish. I just think it’s funny but these posts about getting so fat they need to shit in the tub are hot as fuck.
I do go hogwild for anal and have a profound disgust for any poop involved.
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Anon, what website do you think you're on?
I want to see this website be more like 4chan, the most efficient and popular image board design for a reason.
I want to see this website be more like diaperchan, the most efficient and popular image board design for a reason
I have never heard of this one before and I used almost every chan out there.

Great post, how old are you/she?

As a younger man I did similar for a few years, I was physically very fit and legit travelled the UK as a relief manager for a high street bar chain. I'd make a point of getting wherever I was due a few days before and then have the chance to stay over a few days afterwards if I could. Good times. I can relate to 500lb girls, I casually met one more than a few times. I married a girl who was 400-420 at her peak, but she makes a point of keeping around 280 now, but she's still a big girl for it, a UK28, or US24.

Get yourself a return visit booked.
We're both in our late 20's and yes we've been trying to meet up again, hopefully soon. I'm a bit concerned of the fact that we know we're going to fuck again will take away from the excitement of it, a big part of the first experience was just not knowing how good things would go. I haven't had many casual relationships before but we do connect physically and emotionally, so maybe I'm overthinking it. If any of y'all have ideas on how to keep things fun & exciting I'm all ears.
i get ya. its the act not the poop itself. being so big and fat its the only way. like she broke her toilet and now has to use the tub.

ill say its pretty extreme but ivy's diaper vids have been a surprise and pretty popular. idk if she actually uses a diaper irl but wouldnt be surprised. shes the only one doing it i wonder if any other ssbbws will try their hand at it.
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What? Spill it homes.
What Happened hermano?
I loved Ulyssexx as a teen. his stuff was the shit.
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Same-ish energy. No one believes you're not actually into it when you bring up shit unprompted regularly.
I fap to fat women
Uh, I would not be so sure. We have some sic fuckers on this sick.
A guy posted photos of himself raping his own sister-in-law half the chan called the FBi and the Mounties (he was Candian) on him.
Or dudes with porn issues who just want a nice fat girl to marry who is a not depraved slut/cumdumpster and fellow dudebros to talk with about a shared love of fat girls.
Some of them are cp freaks who like that, including loli stuff. Not all of us.
I have been catfished three times.
Once by a 19-year-old girl who so was terrified of 40-year perverts constantly wanting to fuck her she posted fake pictures of an Instagram model who resembles how she actually looks and food my entire friend group, including other girls for 2 whole years
Most of the decent folk here are paranoid as shithouse rats. With good reason.
Alright, do we call the cops on this sick bastard or not?
I need to talk with my priest about this shit.
We have a Robert Hansen in the making right here lads.
From the Frozen Ground.
Perhaps you may be right.
She and several other girls are utterly repulsive leftys cumdumpsters who I would never fuck in a million years.
Actual confession. I can't fap to porn any more.
I feel like I will vomit.
Most of these girls are likely sexual abuse victims or had parents who neglected, abused or beat the shit out of them.
I only spend time with good Catholic girls who are cuvby to heavyset.
Getting a Catholic Match account was the best choice I ever made.
I met the best girls I ever dated there.
I won't talk of them in this cesspit but they all sweethearts are, some had a bad self-image but all are really sweet and pious. One of them hilarious enough is the best friend of my buddy's sister-in-law LMAO.
I can only see myself doing feederism and gaining and just plain FA stuff with great girls like them, if they consent.
> I need to talk with my priest about this shit.

Sure, tell your local rep for an organization that for the past 150 years has actively enabled and covered for thousands of pedophiles. He’ll know what to do.

PS: you can combine multiple replies in one post.
David is that you?
Also, bullshit.
The people who covered it were the godforsaken freemason and satanic and comunist infiltration.
Stalin is partly responsible
This is likely David the US marine who has the Yerevan cumdumpser whore as his wife.
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I don't know who David is. I do know that the uh freemason and commies must have bamboozled the justice system in half a dozen countries to pull off this anti-Catholic conspiracy. Oh, and the Catholic Church itself, who's admitted to much of it, though they refuse to make critical changes and deliver real compensation to its victims. I'm actually not anti-religion. Just anti-pedophile. Unlike you, who give them money every week and have pledged your soul. Chump.

^ See this? After finishing the first part of my comment, I clicked on another comment I wanted to respond to. Thus two responses in the same post. Not fifteen separate ones. I know you can do it.
Sorry, I meant to say "covered it up". We had problems like this in the 10th century and we burned all offending priests at the stake. Problem solved.
>I don't know who David is
Okay, you are not him, alright.
I am saying the freemason in commies infiltrated and put their own men in power to let pedos and fags int the priest to defile it, bishops, seminary rectors, etc. They admitted to it. Look at the released KGB files.
Oh god, not another schizoposter
The sister-in-law anon and the rape anon are two separate people
I know dude
>I looked around, found this and have read all of the posts in this thread. Some of you seem nice and well-adjusted and that's great.
Oh no
>More of you are stalkers, rapists, and other flavours of non-con freaks who photograph strangers on the street to jerk off to later, to say nothing of the abundant hypocrisy or betraying your own sister.
Fucking kek. Jamison levels of LOST. Truly a hive of LARP and villainy.
Jews consider me their GOD. Thats means fuck the rest of yall.
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Kisame here: RFK Jr. thinks the Texas governor should be free to shoot Mexican children but thinks Fauci Ouchies are tyranny. White Americans are afraid of vaccines because they score low on math and science. Asian and Indian immigrants do all of the actual science, while white women project manager drink out of their pink Stanley mugs while they nurse their fat swollen artificially enhanced dick sucking appendages.
Give it a rest cause I am on vacation until April
Im right with you. Let it run we will be back in few weeks.
I am the real Kisame and I stopped watching the news. I am looking to save up so I can make an effort to travel
I am not sure what the imposter is talking about. I am focusing on sports
This is too eloquent to be a credible Kisamepost, but the comic character in the picture is hot. Who is she?
I don't know. I am done being eloquent.
Your're obsolete.
I just stopped being an artist. Artists are so empty and hollow they're trying to be Kisame, Trump cause Biden is a square and so are his army of liberal lawyers

I am not obsolete. I just don't care
Nope. I went back to playing 3DS DQ8 and fighting metal slimes
To be an artist you must have created something. And you haven't made anything.
I was an artist. Nobody cares for fetish art man. It's the same reason they're going for autists instead of big name man.
Barbie was never going to get that award cause women aren't creative
Post literally anything you've made or shut up about ever being an artist.
Still mad that you got laid off by Zaslav cause your niche cartoons are tax shelters?
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I doubt your pornography counts as art according to Texas, Florida, Virginia, have fun getting zapped for fapping to traps. The border seems more interesting than your tranime
Just look at how Ilikapie crashed and burned cause he wasnt a good artist.
Have fun with imaginary Kisame17.
Detaching myself mentally for a vacation was a smart move. I won't be an artist till April
You've been dealing with people on the BBS pretending to be Kisame. Some noob with a thesaurus was being me. I am saving up for a car and an apartment. I am doing things on instinct and learning to be logical
Everyone is going to Jersey, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Miami, Vegas for fun. NY, Texas, is increasingly run by squares with nothing better to do.
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Kisame here: Categorically lies and slander coming from the Mattel corporation. The bigwig suits got they’re panties in a bunch over a dozen blogposts I wrote praising Nolan for finishing Bryan Cranston’s TV storyline to where he kills 250k Japanese civilians.
I’m only here on the Chan to keep an eye on you tax dodging art fiends while tracking high value targets for the US industrial military spy complex. Spreading lies about me, or blowing my cover, will earn you an automatic range ban and deletion of your sim card.
I don't know what this person is even saying. I just woke up on a Saturday morning.
Have fun with your primitive cartoons and boring studio.
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Sorry mods but I have no idea what this person is talking about. I guess Biden raised taxes on the middle class to fund his ambitions. I don't care for the fare hikes on NJ Transit or congestion pricing.
this is like, the most schizo shit i've ever seen lmao. "mattel is slandering me because i liked a tv show!! i will ban you and delete your sim card!!"

honestly i hope mods never ban this guy because i cant wait to see what kind of fucked shit this guy comes up with next
You've fallen for a fake Kisamepost. It's too well written.
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What is even happening here, I thought this was where people confessed about almost normal feelings or actions at least slightly related to feedism/admiring fatties. When did this thread become the schizo magnet of the entire site?
Egh, just, take this image I keep seeing on 4chan's /trash/. At least it will always make my dong expand.
Yeah there's a lot of this fake posts propping up lately. Especially from Canada.
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I also did it and I do it.
I understand those thoughts of street stalker
And I prefer young fat
However, I consider myself a shy autistic coomer.
And I don't go far, I occupy my eyes. Walk a little, sit down and leave it that way, back ando repeat. I visit parks, shopping centers or supermarkets and clothing stores.
But I think I can give them my number or ask them out. I try to be a Chad. And on some occasions they have written to me back.
I think that despite my lack of social skills, my insecurity and so, maybe some nice, nice girl (preferably clean hambeast) would like to be my girlfriend.
although other times I take advantage of the bus to sit next to someone and feel their fat body. However, I avoid having eye contact. Sometimes I occupy the same seat when she leaves.
and being discreet I avoid attracting attention.
However sometimes I look at women and try to be cute or seductive. but porn has miseducated us and added to not being attractive, and shyness forms a bad combination that only helps my rare autistic shyness
and once I had problems with a girl "coworker" because I don't know how to be cute. I also think some girls exaggerate. others maybe have bad experiences with incels or simps and don't know how to deal with autistic weirdos lol
and well it was only once of all. It motivates me that on another couple of occasions, they smile when they see me, maybe they make fun of me or maybe they already have a partner and throw away my number or leave me as a message friend.
I'm a oldfag and happily married for 15 years. Getting older, treat wife like a princess that's fat but not a feedist. There is a local girl, 20 years younger than me, grabbing at me begging to feed and fuck her. Wife does not put out, she's busy and professional and tired. All I want to do is fuck a fat young slice. Many times. Am I bad for even realizing this opportunity? I haven't done it, do I need forgiveness for even considering? (Because I'm almost at the point of throwing it all away)
If she wants you to feed her, sounds like you've already been sneaking around your wife's back to an extent. How did you meet her? I'm the oldfag in a dead bedroom, and I deliberately avoid any sort of feedist/FA social media where I could potentially make one-on-one connections with people (I post here and have an anon account to browse Tumblr, but that's it), because I know the temptation would be too great and I'd feel guilty afterwards.
I still do creepshots sometimes and feel guilty about it then coom

No Social media - she's part of my wife's work friend group that we see 1-2 times a month. Comes over to play games. Found out I was into feedism because of my weight gain and asking me bluntly about it one night because "there's no way anyone can gain that much that fast by accident." Some other fairly innocent cues on my part as well, but she picked up on it. She's very respectful and there has only been discussions that are not sexual, but the implications are clearly there. "You know, if you ever want me and you to go out to eat" or "You should cook for just us sometime." She talks to me about actively gaining, asking my opinion about things, and wears clothes that simply do not fit her anymore when she comes over for game night. I don't want to feel guilty about it either and I'm almost at the point to ask my wife if I can just have cooking/feeding sessions with her - but honestly I doubt I could keep my dick out of the equation. You don't just go do that sort of thing with 2 people genuinely into the kink and expect to not fuck. Again I hate to even think these things, but I do want it.
Creepshot candid make me so horny. Like she knows her ass is in my face. Knowing I want to shove it in there where it stinks
The more physically fit I get, the most disgusted I become with both fat men and fat women alike. Getting muscular is curing me of this fetish I think
Well...if your wife has you repressing your kink, or there's no family issues that would be held together by staying married, maybe you should talk these feelings out, with both girls. Might not go well with your wife, but might end up with someone even better.
Whatever happens, I can at least say, 15 years ain't bad. My parents divorced when I was a kid and I think it fucked me up, but knowing what I know about my dad I certainly don't blame mom for leaving.
Had the opposite effect on me. Felt like I was always hollow, hungry, unhappy, frail. Never got to express myself or my love of food Felt forced to be fit not by any intrinsic property of thinness being good for me, but because I had to work a menial labor job that asked a lot of me.
I love being fat. I love fat. I don't love muscle anywhere near as much.
I'm a fit, slim woman that works out but I have deep desires to see what I'd look like as a fatty. So much so that when I coom I take a lot of posed, slutty photos of myself and upload them to photoshop where I liquify myself into oblivion to look as fat as it will allow. This also ties in with bimbofication, as I'm a pretty smart woman that reads a lot of feminist text and media, so these photos often include me wearing much more makeup than I usually do (turning myself into an e-girl), wearing a blonde wig, and putting on clothing that's just a bit too tight for me. This ritual usually happens over the course of a few days, and my only gripe is that I can't edit videos of myself.

this is a dude LARPing
Dont talk of me boy as if I never seen a war. There will be no more talk of war in this house dammnit !
Move to montana move over the mountains from the madness yup.
" he read my mind" rich man language
i am 16m with a gf who is a feedee. i cheated on her with some skinny hoe from canada while i was on a cruise. not a day goes by without me wanting end it all in shame.
I also thought if it would affect anime/manga because of how western media does influence Japanese creators. The sexy build in anime/manga of thin, busty women was inspired by Playboy. Maybe it could influence some creators when bigger bodies are seen as sexy here in the states. That some mangaka/anime creators will decide to have more and more bigger bodies seen as sexy.
Sorry wrong thread, delete what I wrote
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I need to vent a bit, I (24m) met my current gf on Wooplus and this is the biggest woman I've ever been with. Shes an afro latina has the huge arm fat, very wide apple big back build, a lopsided but huge double belly and the closest person i can think of resembling her is jaebae in the 1st pic w/ the red bikini. She a bit dull and I dont think she has much going on, always texting me back very quickly. We've been on multiple dates and Ive been over her place a few times now. Each time I go I offer to do some feedee experiences w/ her. Shes not into feederism but has heard of it before and is super open to doing this with me as long as she says it makes me happy. Belly jiggling, feeding her junk food and soda, squashing and all that delicious body playing, shes even gotten turned on so it looks like Im getting the SSBBW feedee gf dream and she doesnt want to lose weight. Should be heaven but im ruinging it for myself.

I still miss my first feedee I met when I was a college freshman. We met online first through her feedee account and she was perfect. The most beautiful girl ive ever seen being half japanese half latina and beats my current gf in the looks department. Vey well proportioned, beafiful double belly, is actually into feederism and wanted to gain. I still remember the amazing sex, feeding sessions, belly plays, the stuff she would send to tease me, and lowkey miss it all. She moved across the country and we tried long distance for a few months before she ended it all w/ me. I was devasted and it was so painful seeing her post herself partying or out at the club so I removed her from all my socials to save my mental health.

I found her feabie and she was advertising her content and her weigh history has blown up almost reaching 300lbs. Looks like shes sticking to her gaining goals and this has made me turned on remembering all weve done and I made the worst decision of my life. I followed and mesaged her been hoping to reconnect so I can buy her content. In my horny mind this was a great decision but clarity hit, a week passed and she hasnt even opened the message. Ive been checking feabie to see if anything pops up but nothing and probably never will. This has caused me to go in a terrible mood and affected my dreams where I had one where I finally met her after 3 years and relived our great feeder/feedee moments at her new size. I feel mentally ill, had to stop myself from double texting. Why am i going after things that are going to hurt me. I should be happy with my SSBBW gf i have, any thoughts on how to move passed this? Sorry for the long confession
forgot to mention, posted the 2nd pic of phaith montoya because thats the closest i can think of my first feedee/gf looking like. Her body was feedee goals being a beautiful fat pear. Current gf is nice too but not as appealing sadly, its terrible i think this way
basically an r/offmychest post.

Been dating my fiancee for about 4 years now. (Just to preface, she's amazing, we get along really well and I love her to death.) When I met her in college she was ~140 lbs, 5'4", no tits, big butt. She was just getting over an eating disorder, she weighed ~230 lbs. in high school, long before I met her. So she had some loose skin but nothing that really made a difference, she was (and is) still gorgeous. But within a month I confessed my fetish to her while she told me some of her deviant preferences. She was surprised and willing to try some things like stuffing before sex which was awesome. Eventually, due in no part to me (I've never deliberately tried to "fatten her up" or anything, it feels too manipulative, at least when she's not okay with it), she would put on about ~40-50 pounds. She started going to the gym for a few months about 2 years ago and lost like 10 lbs which she looks like she's gained back since. Although she knows about my preference and lets me touch her belly/love handles and such during sex, she's still really insecure and now she wants to go back to the gym again. She asked me to come with her because she doesn't like going alone and doesn't have anyone to go with. I initially declined, not only because I don't need/want to and don't like going to the gym, but deep down I really don't want her to start going to the gym again. She's so much more attractive with the extra weight and she fills out her skin more, she has less of the hanging/empty skin from when she lost weight and she looks way better a little chubby. She was pretty disappointed when I said I didn't want to and complained about her body being fatter and not fitting in her clothes very well (which was unfortunately a huge turn-on). But I also want her to be happy and I feel bad being so selfish about it. I should really just be grateful that I have a beautiful and awesome fiancee that accepts who I am in the first place. I'll probably come around to do the right thing and encourage her to do what makes her happy but it just feelsbad. I don't want her to be less attractive but I also don't want her to be sad. I try to be encouraging in other ways, regularly telling her she's beautiful and looks good, and when relevant that women don't need to be skinny to be attractive/have worth. But I suppose it was too much to hope for that she would come around on that; the verbal abuse that led to her eating disorder in the first place probably sticks around in her head to this day. Really the issue is my own selfishness, anyone with a neurotypical brain would just do what's best for their partner and put aside their personal preferences. It's just overall a feelsbad situation. I can't talk to anyone about this, even my therapist (I would die of embarrassment), so I just needed to get it off my chest somewhere. If anyone has any advice I'm all ears.

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