
(131 KB, 900x1116, Eu3NQuEWgAIKEEK.jpg)
Was curious about this since I've been considering trying to write some wg fiction
Don't that's gay
Anything that emphasizes, from cute teasing to up to insane morbid detail, anything about the body fat growing itself and its consequences excites me a lot these days.

>oh look the collar of lard I'm starting to grow around my neck/arms
>I'm tiring out trying to carry all this new fat, this gut is getting too heavy
>I feel my blood pressure up after a meal just processing what a pig I am, I feel swollen with bands of cottage cheese choking me, feel the dimples on my arms... (wobble)
Discovering how out of control the gaining is.
"When did I pass 380?"
"Was this always so tight?"
"When did I become the fattest friend?"
"Am I really going to order another entree?"
Honey do you waffle mash with the toes or the heel?
"I need to lose weight" is a pretty simple one. Any lines where the SSBBW needs to embarrassingly ask for help with something simple are also nice "Please help, I'm too big to X"
Honestly girls describing themselves as "heavy," especially when they're otherwise in denial, is one of my biggest verbal turn-ons.
My partner is maybe around 375 lbs, but has chronic illnesses that really make it easy for her body to gain lots of weight.

Some days she really feels her weight, and when she does, voices her frustrations with how easily/quickly she gains, as well as how big she currently is/is continuing to get.

It's a bummer on one hand that she says this out of frustration, but her statement reluctantly enter my subconscious for months to come anyway. She loves her appearance and body overall, but moreover, she hates the fact that her body kind of does what it wants with her weight, regardless of how she eats. She's said things along the lines of:

"I wish my body at least let me eat the way other people do to get this fucking fat"

Other good verbatim examples:

"I'm just going to keep getting fatter until I fill this room"
"I feel like I weigh nine thousand pounds"
"I just keep gaining, and gaining and gaining"
"I'm not going to be able to find clothes that fit me soon"
"My (belly/arms/thighs/double chin) just keep getting bigger"
"At this rate, I'm going to end up the fattest woman alive"
"How am I not supposed to end up weighing 900 pounds?!"

It's all frustration-born exaggeration, and I empathize, but it's hard not to remember these statements when you hear them, in another context with a more positive tone, these could be some of the hottest things anyone's ever said to me.
"I'm going to explode/burst"
stuffed like a turkey
Do you push her or try to get her to gain?
>>38297 (Cross-thread)
My wife will say stuff like "I'm hungry! I want pankcakes."

Kind of pavolvian when she starts off with "I was bad" she will tell me how she ate a lot or stopped to get some kind of a sweet.

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