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10/16 Edit: Efforts are underway to secure a new domain name, bbw-chan.link, to ride our remaining months until server shutdown. Do not be too alarmed if the site blips a bit as I experiment with redirecting bbw-chan.nl to bbw-chan.link.

Hello all. LtBarclay with a status report here.
An unholy storm of circumstances is converging which will considerably impact operations in this sector early 2024 NOW.

The continued plague of CP reducing visitor numbers, which stymied ad revenue, combined with the long-standing crypto bear market making our ad network pay out less on top of that, a user-base that is mostly about not paying for things and generally use ad-blockers, price increases in our hosting, and all manner of other things has lead us to circumstances which do not support the life of the site any longer. In the next 90 days or so, without either a massive, historic crypto bull run that increases our ad revenue astronomically, or an unprecedented amount of donations, BBWChan will pass into annals of internet history.

THE PLOT THICKENS. See >>37432 We are likely losing the domain name as SIDN has requested registrar data (likely due to constant reports of CP), which of course isn't going to happen. Be warned, our original .NL domain name may, AT ANY TIME, cease to function. See you at https://lemmynsfw.com/c/bbwchan if the worst happens and the server itself is affected.

For reference, if our current .nl domain name is seized before our server hosting is up, we "should" still be accessible at https://bbw-chan.link until 1/29/2024, but honestly, I have no idea at this point.

It was, perhaps, completely unwise to be open about having pre-paid for 6 months at the last crisis point. In truth, it may have been better to obfuscate that fact and act as if we were on verge of shutdown right then and there to drum up funds for the future, but I opted for the advanced-advance notice, which has not induced the expected reaction. So, rather than spring it all on you a week before it happens...

After running the numbers, I am announcing the (barring a miracle) shutdown of BBWChan effective 1/29/2024. At that time we will have burned through our current pre-paid server months that were only possible based on completely cashing out our prior donation campaign funds. Based on current ad revenue and donations we will be unable to pay our server bill for the month of February 2024. Could someone swoop in and donate enough at the last minute to get us another month? Maybe, but lets be real here. That shit won't last forever. Everyone is short on money, the last thing anyone needs to be spending money on is a site like this. My electric bill was three hundred fucking dollars last month, food costs are through the roof, housing is insane: I am not at all surprised or disappointed that donations are not exactly flooding in especially considering the nature of the site and crypto. It is what it is. It's honestly surprising the site has gone on this long, in this way (entirely funded by crypto). But times change, sites like these are a relic of the past, but the internet is no museum, it's just a river. Things get carried away all the time.

I want to thank all anons for their years of patronage, especially those who tried to keep the spirit of sharing alive even through the worst of times. I have enjoyed my time being 'admin' here since 2016, though the past year has been especially difficult. I also want to give very special thanks to all mods and janitors, past and present, for putting up with me and the site and your years of service.

I also apologize to all those who believe I did not do enough to save the site: you're probably right. It's kind of like any job. Sometimes, you burn out. I'm being real here, I'm a little burnt out. My life took a real, shitty hard turn the last few years. Brother axed himself. I got divorced, then outsourced. I also have some IRL shit that makes it difficult for me to get another job now that I've been outsourced. Shit sucks man. I had to cash out my 401k to buy a fucking shack in the middle of nowhere literally across the country after my landlady sold her beachhouse that I was, tbh, paying nearly nothing in rent for but still. My savings are gone, all my contacts and work friends are lost. With all this going on, yeah you're damn right I could have done more to save the site but the energy just wasn't there.

What are the plans for the domain name after site shutdown? I'm not sure, perhaps I will redirect it to our Lemmy instance and we can just go legit with only /bbwai/ and /gen/ (no piracy) and have no server costs from there. In any event, I will ensure it does not expire and not eventually point to scams or malware like bbw-chan.net did.

There's also the possibility of a much, MUCH smaller site being spun up that could survive on our current absolute meager ad revenue. I'm talking just images, no videos, three or four boards tops, 5 pages per board, etc. Like a tiny mini version of what we have now. Though I'd imagine a site like that would lose a ton of visitors, which would reduce ad revenue even further, at which point it would not be able to support itself and would die as well. It would also be running on shitty servers, and we all saw what that was like.
Will a site archive for download be made available? No. Please locally save all media you wish to archive in advance. A.architect.coffee will likely maintain their (partial) copy for some time after our shutdown, but I have to imagine they will cease operations shortly after we do. They do not archive full size images, just thumbnails that link to our full images, so their archive will be of limited use after our server goes offline.
What alternatives can I consume the same content on? I would suggest stufferdb.com, reddit's r/ssbbw, any of Lemmy's NSFW instances, as well as the any number of other chans which allow sexual content. Please share where you will be spending the time you would have spent here, I'm interested to know and will probably follow somewhere and maintain some presence.

Today, all boards have had their threads-per-hour limit reduced to (possibly) mitigate any unforeseen reactions to this announcement.

I have had many a belly laugh here on /gen/, and hope to see some of you in new places.
God damn, that sucks. But it's understandble. It was a good run.
where can I find the lemmy link that we are using right now?
Thank you for the advanced warning. You've worked very hard on this community and I've had many good times here.
So we’re victims to the sands of time, good, maybe I can quit porn altogether
It could be the only positive effect of this
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geez things are moving faster than I thought guys. just checked my emails, pretty sure this is legit boys. I've blacked out my obviously fake domain registration details, but damn, 7 years without so much as a peep. domain will likely go down much earlier than the server backend, but who knows at this point, these are uncharted waters for me.
A million thank yous for doing this all these years. Condolences for your bro. That sucks.
Time to enjoy your life
RIP. honestly I think bbwchan is irreplaceable. nowhere else has the same type of discussions about fat fetishism topics (although tbh the quality has degraded over the years). I'm going to miss this site, when I was a horny teen discovering this site and transitioning from searching "bbw cartoon" on youtube to knowing specific models and pirating their content was a huge jump for my sexual development lol. guess I need to join the bbwchan discord before this site goes down
Or...you know, you could've talked about this shit on 4chan like everyone else
Just saying, but making a telegram group could also be a valid option as well.
4chan has some good fat fetishism threads but so often mods will randomly nuke them because they dislike fat people so it can be very hit and miss whether a conversation or topic can be sustained
>>37424 (OP)
I wish you find peace. Thank you for your gift to this world.
You fucking zoomer retard. Until like 2021, loads of discussion happened totally unmolested on /d/, in a better, more centralized way no less. It was only once the rant general here got created and then subsequently banned that this massive diaspora and slow death of forum talk occurred. I mourn the death of the site for more wide-reaching content sharing reasons, but with any luck this could incite a return to form on /d/
4chan sucks ass because of all the futa threads that us fat enjoyers have to deal with. Unless it gets a section like BBWDraw, then I'm not going there.
Someone needs to promote the Discord ASAP
the question should be asked

I take it there is nothing we can do?
discord sucks, and telegram requires a fucking phone number
>>37424 (OP)
Do you mean to tell me that banning discussions on BBWDraw made the website's viewership drop?

Remember, the discussion threads that spawned from you removing the discussions from Kip threads, you said go discuss it elsewhere. Then they made discussion threads, they were great with unique takes, current news, and happenings. Brought a lot of the scene's artists to come interact, defend themselves, unmasked some scammers, unmasked the insanity of the Luckystar gecko guy. Gave you a reason to come check out BBWDraw and what's going on.

Then you banned them. GG.
Nice... Biden's economy claims yet another victim. 😒

If this is truly the end, I am genuinely gonna miss this haven of fat bitch content... for as long as I could remember, BBW-chan has been the best place to obtain new content (especially anything Big Cuties or Boberry related). I honest dunno how well Reddit's sub-reddit will suffice as an alternative when I believe it is actively monitored & deletes shared links...
I remember seeing/finding this place in 2020 during the pandemic (I still see old threads from 2020 and 2019) and man it hits weird seeing how time flew. So long and thanks for all the fish.

Don't forget to get and save any images you might want later if they were saved elsewhere.
Discords are susceptible to all the problems other places/sites are as they can be terminated and deleted at a moments notice if one malicious person with a chip on their shoulder reports it or has a bad day.

It's sadly just how the internet is.
RIP to the greatest site on the internet for fat fetishist discussion. Even as someone who never downloaded from here, I'll miss this site.
It's a shame imageboards are so susceptible to this
Goodbye and so long BBWchan

Which honestly is why I suggested telegram above.

Yeah you need a phone number to set up, but the sharing capabilities are wonderful.
Thanks for all the fish.
The site needs money. That is the fix.
Read the second paragraph of what the admin said. Money would just be a temporary fix and would only prolong the damage already done. They paid for the site to be online until at least February, but that won't help if complaints keep coming and ad's stop flowing.
Money obviously, but an overall compressing of the site could help in theory, but also probably just accelerate the decline realistically/pessimistically.

One of this site's strengths is that it can be tailor to your tastes based on what youre looking for, tits or ass or drawn, but it also spreads itself thin and small user counts both makes hosting any content expensive and hinders moderation efforts(cant mod if no ones around to mod to much)

bringing forum counts down would obviously bring more users closer, making moderation easier in that way, but would probably lose that 'personalization' if you had to share your taste with 2 or 3 other topics going on in the same thread, or if your taste simply wasnt represented enough to garner discussion/thread creation. that and people rubbing shoulders would probably lead to more shit talking and derailment unless people got real cool about each others tastes real quick.

I wouldnt mind seeing this site downsized some, but thats assuming MY personal tastes would survive the Compacting. This place was never my go to in terms of actually looking at the content, spankbang, kemono and coomer among other sources are where I actually follow and explore my tastes, but the ONE THING i like about this site is that discussion is at least somewhat centralized, I see what other people recommend and have saved and are willing to share by word of mouth, even if they never post it.Third party file share tools are half of this site for that reason, and the strength of bbwchan in my eyes is that communication, and not needing to rely on algorithms spitting the same things ive seen and hardly ever getting to see things lost/ in other corners of the internet. I would hope that if there is a future, then that is the strength that would be focused on.
got so many pics from here, I'll miss this site a lot. Farewell
Shit sucks, I appreciate you running the site as long as you have, feels like it's been here forever, and I loved my little pornchan.

Maybe this will be the kick I need to finally divorce me from port.

Hopefully your life smooths out, man.
I think this will not work elsewhere, since the interesting thing about this site, was to interact anonymously, without that, you just become another site on the internet, where you have to give all your data, and for that case, there are already telegram groups, so I don't see the case of having to register to access the new BBWchan, but I wish you luck.
That anonymity is also to the sites detriment as well, just like all of the other Chan's. Once sick and twisted individuals start taking advantage of that, everyone is fucked beyond measure. There are threads where people have full arguments with themselves and no one even knows. This is just how the internet works though, and there will always be the few that ruin it for the many like everything else...
I started lurking around 2020, never posted on an image board before until now. All i have to say is that even with how many crazy asshole there might be here, a website that let me jack off to fat bitches in numbers without having to sign up for anything is a good website in my book.
I wish you all good luck in life with this cursed fetish.
>phone number
hard fucking pass
>>37424 (OP)
could always go the BBS route (over SSH for some security) for that retro feel. Downside is that would require more technical knowledge on the user's side so posting quantity would go down and no multimedia support so you're relying on links for content more frequently, but on the up side it would filter out a lot of retards and thirdies that just leech off of this site. just throwing that out there as a future option if the imageboard format is no longer viable
if only discord servers didn't go to shit so fast it would be feasible to setup a simple one with the purpose of sharing images. of course there is no anonymity, but it's not that hard to make a burner discord account. (then again, grudges can be formed, and raids are more dangerous) it has been an honour gentlemen.
>>37424 (OP)
I always assumed this little site would push through.

It's been feeling like threads have been under attack from bots and malicious CP posters. It doesn't seem like all of this is just random. I wonder if some chick with an axe to grind or her orbiter is doing something malicious.

Considering most downloads are hosted offsite with their links posted here, could we go down to images only? I guess I don't really have a solid solution, but I'm lamenting a future where this place is gone.

I hope things turn around for the site and you, LtBarclay!
>>37424 (OP)
> My electric bill was three hundred fucking dollars last month
You have a power leak somewhere if you are paying that much! Check to see if anything is running that shouldn't be.

I have a 3 freezers and I still pay under $100 a month, and I'm in Canada not the US where you get fucked big time on Elec.
instead of discord (which can and will nuke a server for nsfw) or telegram (also requires phone number), why not go to Matrix?
>>37424 (OP)
Can you make a new board for /elite/ on lemmy or whatever new site you make? It's pretty low bandwidth, there's almost no images, and there's no equivalent place on 4chan.
much like discord, the telegram "requires a phone number" is big no from me. I happen to be lucky and have many "anonymous" grandfathered discord accounts which were never subjected to the phone number requirement that new accounts have. This does deter a lot, not all, but alot of bad actors. Lemmy, in much the same way, having to request to join the community as a whole, then posting within your niche is a deterrent.

I mean look, if somehow a bunch of money fell in my lap, I could get us a new domain name, extend our hosting, continue fighting CP on a dying social platform, and we could go through this whole e-begging thing and losing our domain name thing again...and...you know what I'm talking myself out of it.

believe me, I too value my anonymity. Lemmy is the lesser of two evils, but yes, I could see some people being turned off by the signup process...and the interface.... and just everything about it but distributed, no single point of failure, and free of any hosting costs! It hard to beat that, if you're going to stay simple.

BBS holy shit that takes me back. I remember getting PSX isos all the fucking time back then. It was sick. You know it's really funny, but, we could buy a SUPER MEGA extra cheap VPS server to run it on, for like, YEARS with just like a tiny donation, but man, would that be so fucking old school. I doubt even 10% of the current user base would transition to using it.

Without giving too much away, there's a scaling "delivery fee" that is entirely separate from our usage, and is currently being challenged in local governments.

Oh god dude, our whole mod team tried to move to Matrix because discord implemented that new accounts need phone number thing, but literally everyone hated it so we moved back to discord.

>everyone hated it so we moved back to discord
dang, that's too bad. what were the problems you guys had, if you don't mind me asking? if it was back when discord started requiring phone numbers, I'm sure a ton has changed since as that was, what, 6-7 years ago. Was it an issue with a specific client or the protocol in general?
Damn, this is the worst news I could hear, this is probably going to sound sad and creepy about a site about fapping to fat chicks but even if I lurked a lot definitely helped me explore my interests and accept who I am more. I hope this site can continue in some form but thank you for all the memories and for awakening the feedee in me.
The interface was not generally liked. It was almost there, but not quite. It was also fairly buggy/slow a lot of times, things like having to restart the app to get updates, only for those to slowly load, if they ever did. Some mods have to re-auth multiple times out of nowhere and juggling the keys was cumbersome. Overall compared to what they were used to on discord, it felt like a cheap, not-quite-there-yet interim stand-in, just like Lemmy and Mastodon et all.
Some sad news, found alot of new models from this site RIP 💀
I guess my favourite fap site is going to poof
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This sucks but it felt inevitable. Thanks to the site team for keeping this shit up, it had a long run. The last thing that we should do now is archive any rare finds that were exclusively posted on this site and upload them on E-Hentai and what not.
With the inevitable approaching it has dawned on me I’ve been lurking this site since at least 2011-2012 and it’s kind of insane that it’s lasted as long as it has. Really the only place online for a long time I could talk about this fetish and not feel like a freak. Hope life works out for you Barclay and I appreciate all the work you and the other mods put into to keep the site alive.

21 fap salute.

Godspeed to the rest of you degenerates
>>37424 (OP)
I don't browse here too frequently but I haven't personally seen or encountered any objectionable/illegal content being posted, so I guess administration has been doing their job. But now I'm wondering if there's any risk for people who simply interacted with the site itself, if the site evidently has a stigma for being plagued with that sort of illegal content? I'm just curious if ordinary users have anything to worry about

Was the illegal content that was posted primarily images? If not, I feel like you'd have to be pretty retarded to be uploading that stuff to a file sharing site like wetransfer then posting the link here.
You talkin bout the CP? They were using some weird link that I dont know and dont wana know to "share"
>I don't browse here too frequently but I haven't personally seen or encountered any objectionable/illegal content being posted, so I guess administration has been doing their job

That's great to hear and I'm glad, but you've just been very, very lucky. It's been everywhere. For months. We fought and fought and banned and banned, link auto bans, image sha 256 auto bans, ASN bans, IP bans, every possible tool we could use and probably blocked many legitimate users. It has calmed down recently, but the damage was done, at least to the domain name itself.

>But now I'm wondering if there's any risk for people who simply interacted with the site itself, if the site evidently has a stigma for being plagued with that sort of illegal content? I'm just curious if ordinary users have anything to worry about

This is actually a very good question. The simple answer is, just like any site of this nature, clear your cache (Or preferably, prevent it from caching in the first place, though you would have to go out of your way to do that, as it's on by default). You might not have seen it, but it's possible a cursed cached thumbnail could be residing in your browser's cache, if you weren't using incognito/private mode.

>Was the illegal content that was posted primarily images? If not, I feel like you'd have to be pretty retarded to be uploading that stuff to a file sharing site like wetransfer then posting the link here.

Yes, primarily just images. They also linked to many, many different sites, but we do not auto-hyperlink websites that are posted and you would have had to have been a fool see the thumbnail and also copy and paste the website therein.
I have no idea myself, because I haven't encountered anything like that. Nor do I have any interest in that stuff. I was just wondering if normal users should be concerned due to the actions of others.

Ok that makes sense. To be clear; the issue didn't involve people embedding that sort of illegal content into our standard bbw siterips/c4s shares that were hosted on mab/wt? I realize that speculation sounds paranoid but it would be an insidious thing to do
It really is sad that it only takes one cp schizo to ruin everything, godspeed bros...
Genuine question though, a few years ago the board activity suddenly jumped up massively and a lot of "people" (niggers) suddenly appeared who had never used an image board before, begging for "wins". Where did they even come from? It was really bizarre.
>To be clear; the issue didn't involve people embedding that sort of illegal content into our standard bbw siterips/c4s shares that were hosted on mab/wt? I realize that speculation sounds paranoid but it would be an insidious thing to do

Not to my knowledge, though there was that one certain titty model thread that always got gore...sometimes even disguised mab or wetransfer uploads, correct filename, with the first 5 seconds being the real video then beheadings spliced in.
If I remember correctly, we trended on Egyptian telegram channels and literally doubled our userbase overnight...lol... egypt loves butts.
yo how is the site gona be down at a whim or at the january date you posted.
Cuz im gona dump my stash and delete it in a week cuz i wana move on stop with this porn shit for good
yo is the site*
Lol that does explain it. I hope it at least brought in a lot of ad revenue.
I honestly can't say, I've never faced this specific problem before. It's possible we just lose our domain name, or they go one step further and try to get our hosting provider to take down the server. It's really all up in the air now, since I have no frame of reference for how this plays out.
ok then.
I will get to organizing and dump it here for grabs.
Thank you and I salute your sir.
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Thanks for giving the inflatechan refugees a place to squat in for all these years. I hope we can all meet on a new imageboard in the future. Respect.
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Mostly lurked for the past 7-8 years but knew this was coming the last year or so from the tone of your general updates. Thanks for keeping it going as long as you did, but like another anon said this is probably a good excuse to stop looking at this shit and giving it up cold turkey. Godspeed.
is posting tons of wetransfer links against the rules on lemmy?

aka why can't we just do that?
viewership isn't really the biggest problem, it's totally anonymous hosting
I want to crush the skulls of CP spammers in a vice grip
but not before I crush their misshapen testicles first
This is horrible to hear, Lt.
Thanks for keeping it up for as long as you did.

By the way, could you unban me from the discord? .uncletito
>>37424 (OP)
Which of the boards have the CP problem? I never encountered such things on /ssbbw and /gen, where I lurk.
Never mind, I should have just read a bit further.
This, the dirt on artists and exposing the scammers was the only highlight to this site and now the owner is crying bitch because he has to lay in the hole he's dug for himself.
It's been real, gentlemen. Sorry to hear about your tragic personal details, Barclay. I said almost five years ago on the day that instead of suicide I'd wait five years to think about it, and I've just recently fallen in love with the most amazing girlfriend with size 44Q titties. Never give up, lieutenant.

Fuck half of you bastards, most of the mods, and Sara Rae can rot in hell with her weirdly off-center nipples (ever notice how the outer sides of her boobs are way bigger?), but damn do I love the rest of you. I really was Georgia Davis's secret ex-boyfriend from the tabloids like I said.

PAWG/Animexpansion died over a decade ago. That was the greatest site on the internet for fat discussion. I'll mourn this place in its own right, but don't get it twisted just because you missed the true golden years. -Cheatachu72
o7 Barclay
Don't forget the fattest person of all time was an Egyptian woman

Lemme see.
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Thank you for your service, Barclay and the rest of the mod and janny team. You have done a remarkable job keeping this site afloat for so long. Proven by the fact that I only saw gore/CP posts here like once over the years. Honestly can't believe it was in 2016 you took the reins. Time flies, man.
Sorry to hear about all of the irl shit going on. Hope things improve.

As for the rest of you, half of you are retarded cunts I wonder how the fuck ever made it onto an imageboard, yet alone an internet browser. You will not be missed.
As for the other half: You guys are all right. Looking forward to meeting you bbwchan refugees all over the internet for years to come. Had a good run here. Good laughs, good faps and on occasion even good discussion about content or the fetish itself. Godspeed, Anons. I wish you the best.

Yeah, no... that only means a good number of you fgts were just vindictive little shits. If you just came here for all the drama, you deserved to see the door... all the awesome free content that was shared & the anonymous comradery is what should have mattered to everyone.
Farewell. It's been a good one
(I'm gonna say it, kraut and kisame are behind this(and possibly upset models and fat haters but who knows))
What can you say, when's the last time this site has ever been mentioned by an artist on their Twitter? They used to post about it weekly, be checking if their name is mentioned. Get upset that someone called them out for not doing their commissions they were paid to do over a year ago.

The day the discussions died, all exposure this site had died. The active user base could ONLY decline if there is no draw to the site from the outside.

Kemono party has the bulk of the free content, it just occasionally gets mirrored here. This site without the community and discussions is just a worse pirate vessel with a silent, waning user base with front-and-center CP posts.

It's not all about drama itself, it's about being able to speak. How many times can a quality post you took time to write and post get nuked before you don't write a post anymore? That's the experience of every user in BBWDraw.

That's the crazy part, discussion threads and their quality posts within were being deleted by mods a whole lot swifter than some of those CP posts ever were.
Out of curiosity, about how many people are active on bbw chan? I always got the feeling it was a couple hundred guys between /bbw, /ssbbw and /gen
I'm surprised my original post here stands and don't have confidence my latest will. Call me a negative person for having opinions and writing them and discussing shit. This site, when it had people talking on it still, had countless of my own comments deleted. Y'know, in the threads themselves that could at least exist without being deleted in its entirety. I'd leave a tab open on auto-refresh so I could see what other people actually said in threads. Click refresh, whoops half the thread just suddenly disappeared. So much unapproved wrong think getting deleted on this 'uncensored' site.
On the flip side, the amount of discussion derailment on the bbw and ssbbw boards (and ironically gen) is why I'm not shedding a tear in losing this site. I loved having discussions on gen until a Northeast schizophrenic took up residence here. Actual discussions on models and fat chicks got poisoned by an unrelenting German faggot insisting he knows the truth because of a TLC show. Insider accounts, bash stories, armchair psychiatrists, all drowned out because fuckers kept complaining they didn't know what to do without new content despite no one uploading and them already bored of the terrabyte library they're already sitting on.

I'm going to miss the compilation thread the most. That was a fucking jewel in the dumpster. Other than that, can't say I'm going to miss this place. It lived long enough to become the crazy sick grandpa in the nursing home instead of the beloved grandparent you knew and loved.
I've never had any of these problems, and I switched from Discord to Matrix/Element over a year ago. I've had far less problems with Element then I ever did with Shitcord. Discord was easily worse than Skype the entire time I used it.
It's bad enough that you can't even type out the word faggot like a human, but I can't imagine being so pathetic as to run damage control for the site owner and con artists on top of that.
Again, this.
I too have had my own posts deleted for "wrongthink" and I barely posted on this site in the first place, so it wasn't a big deal to stop bothering posting entirely.
As you mentioned, other sites have the art I like and I don't have to bother posting here at all if the place just devolves to being reddit pretending to be an imageboard.
In terms of "Degradation of a fanbase/hobby" I tend to opt out of a community between steps 4 and 6, long before step 7.
I only have a handful of threads that I check regularly here and they rarely have anything relevant to my interests.

Still believe that one or two of the "mods" joined the staff at least partly so they could shield a few artists that were outed for being shitheels more than a few times, no hard evidence of that though and I don't care enough to pursue it for the above reason.
Not to mention the few "shitposters" that curiously popped up when they wanted to end the discussion threads entirely and then disappeared just as fast, you'd think they'd start shitposting in all the other threads instead...it's almost like they showed up just to get the threads removed in the first place to use as an excuse.

For another point of discussion: If you can't out an artist for general scumbaggery and shit behavior on this site, where can you?

I like to imagine the mod(s?) responsible for "banning wrongthink" have to tread more lightly with LtB actually paying attention to this thread.
I'm not 100% sure on whether Barclay was involved or aware of the "sides" being taken in bbwdraw or not as I'd never seen a statement from them in regards to it.
Which artists?
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I've been posting here since 2010 because I'm old, lol. (Anyone else remember the original Queen-Chan thread?) I've said this more than once during shakeups in the site administration, but /gen/ has really meant a lot to me over the years as the only place on the internet where guys like us can talk honestly about what it's like to live with this ridiculous fetish. Thanks for all your hard work, Lieutenant, and sorry to hear your life is going through a rough patch. I'm also getting fucked by inflation and money worries right now.

As far as alternative porn sharing platforms go, anything that requires a phone number is a hard no from me. I'm cautiously optimistic about Urbit (a peer-to-peer virtual server with its own bottom-up system architecture and networking stack) as a solution to some of the communicative problems of the modern centralized/corporate web; Urbit is still very much in alpha, and it may turn out to be a proof of concept that some other project picks up, but if you're technically literate, it's worth investigating. Maybe some day I'll see some of you guys on ~fatgal-wankyr.

I will say that I was disappointed in the lack of mod interest in keeping /gen/ discussions on topic once a certain schizo spammer started attacking the board. A hard "no off-topic politics" rule would have been straightforward to enforce and (IMO) would have solved the worst of the problem.
>>37424 (OP)
Well, I suppose all good things must come to an end. I have really enjoy my time chatting about, and downloading all manner of BBW related items. I even started threads to try and satisfy my own BBW/SSBBW desires, which worked well in some instances, but not others.

If the board does disappear, I will miss it deeply. Thanks for the good times.
>damage control

Nah... just disgusted seeing you drama-loving fgts dog pile on him when he did honestly nothing wrong. This site is for posting topic-related content & LIGHTLY discussing the topic of the thread... not hearsay, drama, witch-hunting, etc. Good on you all for ousting con-artists tho... kudos & whatever. End of the day tho, most of y'alls "discussions" devolved into nothing but unnecessary drama & single-man back & forths... Mods had every right to shipwreck y'alls "fun".

>type out the word

Why should I? Because it make your little wee wee soft or something? How about NO, fgt expert... get over both.
Oh yea I'm also Facebook friends with Queen-Chan thanks to this site and could have dated her too, but she was really serious about losing weight. I wish someone archived that thread.
Lmao, drinking in the middle of the day ain't good for you anon, but then again if you're whitekinghting porn artists you're already a lost cause. Tell me, which big mean shitposter triggered you this hard, and which mediocre artist was it over? You've already spilt your spaghetti faggot, you're free entertainment now.
Is a private subreddit an option, at least for "community" purposes if not piracy? r/ssbbw sucks, it's just gross randos promoting their part time OF.
/gen/ being unmoderated was a poor choice. The topics should have been a free-for-all as intended, but the unwillingness to intervene when said schizo completely trashed the threads killed it for me.

I would have loved a politics containment thread with actual mod attention for once, and anything so goddamn off-topic or tangental would be purged.
>Mods had every right to shipwreck y'alls "fun".

Strange, shipwrecking the fun of the site made the site sink!

>disgusted seeing you drama-loving fgts dog pile on him when he did honestly nothing wrong.

Scroll up bud, he at least laid out and accepted he messed up. Plenty of good IRL reasons for his heart not being in the administration of the site. I can respect that.

But killing off the fun of the site wasn't listed, so maybe he didn't realize that was occurring? Shit sub-janitors he let onto the ship? If he can plug the holes, dawn his captain's hat and steer away from the iceburg - hope he can figure out the real underlying reasons user base died off.

The CP problem is so stupid too, btw. Beg someone to send a PR to lynxchan to add functionality for new thread posts to hit a mod-queue and be accepted/declined. How the fuck long can you leave the gangway wide open for anyone with a fresh IP to post CP to the front of the site.
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I try not to respond to this kind of criticism, because I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to.
All I can say is what I've always said just with another spin: the other mods aren't carbon copy clones of me.
I honestly don't give much of a fuck if someone calls someone else a faggot or a nigger. I don't moderate discussion. But other mods look at the rules and see a rigid checklist.
And I can't fault them for that. Nor could I always instill in them the golden rule that I personally follow.

But the site could only ever operate with only me as the single moderator for so long. I HAD to onboard more personnel eventually.
As a "unit" grows you are going to have different interpretations, varying opinions of "the rules". If I were to nitpick them for every interaction they take, then I might as well take away their modding privileges and do it myself. For every 1 mod that has joined and stayed and performed their duty until the end, 4 more have tried and failed under the pressure. For every 1 bad interaction you have with a mod's decision to silence a 20-post long shitfit that might have had some innocent-enough collateral post damage, 4 more were to your benefit, in one way or another. The Tau say "We work together for the greater good", not the greater perfect.

I would say at this point that's really untested. It's kind of a wild west. Who knows what the ramifications could be.

Lay in the hole? This was always a trench.

>Never give up, lieutenant.
I don't think the particular chaos demon will ever tempt me, but thank you for the kind words.

I won't deny this ever happened. But when you're looking at a dashboard for a site like this, specific instances like that are literally a drop in a bucket. It's a shame that it so negatively impacted your view of the site, but it is what it is.

While I know many, many people were personally annoyed by KT and Kisame, honestly, after enough time, it just became like waving to the crazy guy at the bus stop everyday. He's part of your routine, he's never personally confronted you physically, he's just there, at a distance, being crazy. You get a little giggle and walk past the bus stop to your car. End of story.

>I'm not 100% sure on whether Barclay was involved or aware of the "sides" being taken in bbwdraw or not as I'd never seen a statement from them in regards to it.
I wasn't involved. Honestly, the only reason I ever checked bbwdraw after woot left was for the Kip thread, and even then, after BWS, I just wasn't vibin' with the stories, sizes, or characters being made anymore. Eventually other mods joined, and all my previous points about interpretations of the rules and viewpoints stand.

>Beg someone to send a PR to lynxchan to add functionality for new thread posts to hit a mod-queue and be accepted/declined. How the fuck long can you leave the gangway wide open for anyone with a fresh IP to post CP to the front of the site.

Gosh, I can't wait to start my morning with a fresh cup of coffee and giant list of CP to decline to publish. That sounds grand. Look, I get the sentiment, yes the software side of things could be improved, but we went too deep into lynxchan before really knowing it's limits. TBH, to restart on another software platform, anything other than lynxchan, would be a benefit, but image board software is a dying beast, and few want to continue to maintain it.
it was good while it lasted
(idk what else to say maybe later ill think of more to say )
About fucking time
>I wasn't involved. Honestly, the only reason I ever checked bbwdraw after woot left was for the Kip thread, and even then, after BWS, I just wasn't vibin' wi h the stories, sizes, or characters being made anymore. Eventually other mods joined, and all my previous points about interpretations of the rules and viewpoints stand.

You weren't alone, most users came for the Kip thread. Then a mod decided too much complaining was happening since nobody liked their latest comic. So mod said go make another thread to discuss it and deleted anything that wasn't 110% positive Kip speech. (No other artist in bbwdraw has a mod army enforcing a negative discourse shield, by the way.)

The new thread series was made, the discussion/man-baby/rant thread. It was needing a new thread in the series to be created every week, another 400 posts of users and content creators jumping in and talking about everything and anything in the community. Latest drama, upcoming artists worth looking into, commission experiences and disasters. Then the board mods decided to ban the series after it became the most active thread series. Then you couldn't discuss anything in the Kip thread, couldn't make a discussion thread. ?????

Total mismanagement by your sub mods is why user numbers are down. CP posts are annoying but don't remove the entire reason for a user to visit this site. Deleting all the content and discussion worth visiting the site for did it.
I may not know any of you,but I wish you all the best of luck on whatever lies beyond once this domain is smitten. To those trying to quit porn,I believe you may be able to find peace,but the shutdown of this place is only the first step. To those who wish to seek out a new place to call home,it will be a hard search,but I believe in you all. Carry on Wayward Anons.
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What can I say, at the end of the day, vet them as I may, I was/am trusting randos on the internet, to moderate other randos on the internet. What, exactly, was the expected end result over time?
Can we all just take over a board on some other defunct Chan like 8kun or something?
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Chan Exodus of this magnitude is not unprecedented. There are countless underutilized chans out there, some with board creation still enabled, that could theoretically host refugees. Whether or not those kind of sites survive the influx, or end up evolving mod teams you approve of, is another story.
I'll just say for anyone looking for art, or places to upload art to, Curveybooru is good.
Absolutely not.
You guys burned the house down listening to freeloaders getting rid of Kisame. Now that crazy guy's gone, the internet is gentrifying and your kind is getting kicked out for not paying rent.
Best part is I outlasted this site, WISWRP, Expansion Mansion, Bastion Works by doing nothing
>end up evolving mod teams you approve of, is another story.
If that day came then we'd just migrate someplace else. I've been a part of this community since 1996 on usenet groups. The location has often changed but we always find a new home.
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These retards get one post deleted and think their internal crusade is shared by the illiterates on /booty/ and /tits/.

I guarantee moderation is not the reason this site has seen change. Content is simply different. We've been here through the fall of Dimensions and the conception of OnlyFans. Not to mention countless models, bless their hearts.

It seems all most of us can do is salute you, Barclay. You're a man among men, and it's been an honor serving in this degenerate cadre. Thanks for everything. Onto fatter pastures.
At the end of the day, the capabilities of lynxchan was not able to handle the demands of this site. We couldn't ban CP posters and shitposters fast and effective enough thanks to VPNs and other gateways. Coomer made sharing a lot of new content redundant, especially with all of it stored elsewhere for easy viewing. New models get their start on Feabie or thotting on Instagram and Twitter instead of testing the waters here. Frankly, this site is a relic of a simpler time and isn't designed to handle this modern Internet age.
I see zero issue accessing it by ip on a regular basis. Some social networks where it may be announced should that IP change and voila.
Projecting like one stupid asshole
See. You burn down the house and blame crazy steve. Crazy steve wins by doing nothing
A lot of schizos crawling out of the woodwork. A couple of drama obsessed retards on /draw/ getting banned isn't going to affect the wider site demographics at all. And no one knows what the fuck the kisame spammer was ever talking about.
What of Kisame was a figment of your fragile ego?
>>37424 (OP)
Is there any other sites like these for content we could go to?
There is no modern internet age. Musk is getting sued for owning more online commerce and conspiring to betray Europe and the US.

The one bright side about this site closing up shop is you lose another outlet to sperg out on.
Thank you good Sir for all your efforts and still keeping the site and hence the community on life-support.

Then, for the next step, to contribute to the server costs, how can a crypto-ignorant-anon help while staying anon?
>>37424 (OP)
a.architect.coffee admin here, I'm honored that you'd mention me.
>but I have to imagine they will cease operations shortly after we do.
The archive is easy to run, especially if it stops ingesting new, potentially illegal data which I have to remove every few days (aforementioned plague).
So I do plan to run it for at least 5 years and maybe at that point the contents can be uploaded to archive.org or whatever, idk.
I can only emphasize your advice: SAVE EVERYTHING YOU LIKE! Do it as soon as you see something you like because on the Internet, anything can disppear within a week, a day or even an hour.
at risk of stating the obvious, you have banned all Tor exits right?
it's the number one venue for pedos on the internet and if you don't sort those out right out you're never gonna see land.
My archiver is usually quick enough to catch the CP and I can attest that basic spam filtering techniques (probably what lynxchan gives you?) don't work at all.
It's not an impossible to solve problem in the end but you'd need someone with solid programming experience and time on their hands to implement a bunch of smarter approaches.
A bit late now but let me give you a recommendation: use Njalla for domain registrations. They have the usual privacy stuff but they act as registrant for your domains, so there's actually valid and real address on file and you get none of that bullshit.
honestly a proper booru for bbw art would be great but I'm not convinced it's ever going to happen as it takes lots of willingness to maintain and populate one.

Lastly, let me say that if bbw chan survives this episode or is revived I will archive it again.
Your beloved Kip is not going to make fujo art of Kisame senpai
The mods were the worst man. Like, impressively biased and bad. I understand you put all you had into the site, and I'm not asking that you did more, but did you ever stop to audit their work? They acted like a bunch of trannies, seriously.
Also let me explain that the problem wasn't specific to /bbwdraw/ and the people who think it was were clearly not very active on other boards. If you notice, only a couple of us are name-dropping that particular board, as the issue was ubiquitous and a lot of us aren't just taking about the kip tranny simping.
New BBWchan, but make it have less board. We really don't need an art board or a write board.
posting just to pour one out while reading the thread, saved a lot of stuff from here back in the day that's likely lost to the internet otherwise
>>37424 (OP)
Thanks for all your service over the years, Barclay. I hope one day you'll look back on this as the beginning of things getting better.
How about we get rid of the pregnant board rather than the art board?
Art and literature are content creation. Boards should have content creation for its subjects and themes.
maybe this is a sign to stop jerking off
Devastating but understandable.

BRO MY DUDE DID IT. Keep fighting the good fight, I just whitelisted the new link. o7

Thank you for your service.

Take this domain and the new .link domain off your ad blocker to help defray costs.
Works perfectly fine. Thanks for everything you've done, for anything you might do in the future, and keep on rockin' in the free world.
Lol at all the people taking it as a sign to stop jerking off... like you don't know you'll search your porn elsewhere
/inf/ user here. This imageboard has provided me with great loads of pirated fetish pornography over the last 3 to 4 years and I couldn't be happier for it. Thanks for everything, bbwchan!
>provided me with great loads

There should defo be some sort of “greatest hits” during the waning months, and/or a final run of “the array”
Where did you find this?
>>37424 (OP)
My friend, tell us how much money is required to maintain the server. There are many options for what to do.
1) Open a constantly updated collection of donations for the operation of the site on the main page. Ask people to disable adblock, add more stupid ads like on c00mer.
2) Start selling passcodes that would give some preferences on the site.
3) As a last resort, sell the site to someone interested in investing in it. 4) A safe alternative to discord could be a telegram channel with chats, although I’m not sure that telegram is popular in the USA.

While we still have time, we can try to resolve the issue with the life of the site. There are simply no normal alternatives to this site. Sorry for the machine translation into English.
Multiple times a week for the past 4 years, I've paid a visit to bbw-chan. Built up a pretty nice collection of videos free of charge, and tried to give back when I could. This site was a godsend to a broke college student who just wanted to jerk off to fat chicks. Now I have a decent-paying job and can afford to pay for a couple of models' OnlyFans (and feel like a moron for doing so, I mean who pays for porn in this day and age?) I still find myself coming back here to see what I can add to my collection for the low cost of nothing.

Thanks to anyone who ever uploaded content here. Thanks Barclay for everything you did to keep this place up and running.
The funny thing is that Russia has more or less blocked deviantart and twitter in the country, and Russians can no longer pay for foreign services like Patreon and Onlyfans due to sanctions, and given that VPNs in Russia will be almost completely destroyed by the government in March , this site would be practically the only opportunity to search for content)))000

Thanks, uncle Vova!
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Sad to see this site finally reach its end but I'm glad I was here for when it was around. Like many I discovered this place as a horny teenager and lurked about. Occasionally giving back whenever I could afford to. I've had some of my best wanks to this site and discovered some my favorite fetish artists here. Now I'm gonna sit on the rocky cliffs overlooking this place and continue to jerk off as I watch the whole thing come burning down. Maybe someday we'll get a successor but until that day comes. Au revoir you degenerates.
sad to see the only fat site that works on a 3ds go down
A 3DS? You could see like 5 pixels on there
sad about this news, but yes we knew it would happen eventually. I know it's weird to feel this way about a porn site, but I've been coming here since I discovered my preferences as a a teenager. I'm 30 now. Personally I'd be fine with a much smaller version of the board, but even that doesn't need to happen if it's too much. You run this place out of the goodness of your heart, dude. You've got no obligation to us. Maybe somebody else will pick up the torch. Good luck everyone.
There's nowhere else for us to go, there's got to be something else. You weirdos are the only people that really made me feel like I was a normal person. This sucks.
I moved to French Polynesia from the States to jerk off more, shut the fuck up.
I can't help but feel like there are options here. Barclay you are the chosen one sent to unite the people. don't give up. Discord is out and reddit but certainly we can do something else. With stuffer DB shitting the bed there has to be a bbw piracy hub. What if we pared down to 5 or less boards and nuked videos? I would turn my ad block off to keep this chan alive.
Thanks for this site. I've enjoyed it.

I'd be happy to donate if it was easy to do. I know nothing about crypto. Most of us probably don't. Could I mail a $20 bill to a post office box somewhere in the southern hemisphere?
I know he can, but Barclay has to want to do it.

1. Choose new domain, setup 301 redirect ASAP to fix the seo over to the new domain before you lose this one.
2. Beg for donations and make it easy as possible
3. Get that accept/deny new post queue thing going to stop CP from ever hitting front page.
4. Review the mod team, set new guidelines for avoiding removal of quality content

You can do it champ.
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I just saw this thread, but firsly, LtBarclay, I'm so sorry to read about your life tragedies. Your late bro has my prayers, as does everyone else.

I could wax a lengthy essay of my history on here and everything I love about BBW-chan but, it is way too late over here and perhaps I should keep things simple and sweet anyway. Firstly, I hate change and loss, more than most people, this site committing An Hero would be terrible.

PLEASE, consider doing what you can to even sell out a bit. Discuss this in the coming weeks, explore all your options. Attract more visitors some way, really guilt-trip anons to disable ad blockers, attract more advertisers, etc. Anything. Just do it.

In the WORST scenario, I think the downscaled chan is a wise idea. I'm sure the nitty-gritty can be worked out.

There's a lot of anons on fat-loving spaces of the internet who still don't even KNOW about BBW-chan, mind you. At all. On 4chan /d/, on twitter, youtube, you name it. This site sees a lot of the same faces. I'll do my part to spread awareness, but it's also foolish to think that imageboards must go the way of the dodo in the age of social media dominant. (if anything, in event of economic collapse I predict waves of decentralization but that's another story)

Please LtBarclay, you're one of the best admins I've seen online. The ship is going through a wicked storm, and it's time to batten down the hatches. Any measures you take, any austerity, can be healed later on so long as the ship does not sink. Get creative, get a but desperate, but please don't force us to go on places like stufferdb and reddit. ;_;7 Even if this chan has to force some SFW-ish standard, so be it.

Godspeed to us all.

never knew about this place, but as someone said, it takes a lot of effort to make one worth it. And unlike an imageboard it really is difficult to have real conversations, it's just an image hoard first.
P.S. I turned off my desktop adblocker (already had for my phone browser for this site) and I encourage all anons too as well. The ads here are fairly innocent and not irritating anyway
Shit's fucked up. One can only hope he chokes on a dick and dies.
I know this site is powered by the faggots and the frugal but there’s got to be someone out there in the sea of degenerates here that could or would support this site? Instead of a complete shutdown is there any way to look into transferring ownership to someone who has legitimate interest and time/money to run the ship?
I'm a Westerner but I'm also Orthodox. These two parts of me are conflicted. I don't really love Putin especially how the war was handled, but I know he could be much worse for sure. I think much degenerate porn should be banned, but at least our fetish has some "traditional" ancient roots and can be made into something sweet and nice. You can't do that with BDSM for example.

I know that historically and even some presently, Russians do like big women. I am surprised you guys don't have your own popular forums and sites for BBW. (popular enough to compete with here)

Anyway, fighting VPNs is an eternal game of car and mouse. Things always pop up one after another.
If you read all the replies, you'll see that I said I'm her secret ex.
>I also apologize to all those who believe I did not do enough to save the site: you're probably right. It's kind of like any job. Sometimes, you burn out. I'm being real here, I'm a little burnt out. My life took a real, shitty hard turn the last few years. Brother axed himself. I got divorced, then outsourced. I also have some IRL shit that makes it difficult for me to get another job now that I've been outsourced. Shit sucks man. I had to cash out my 401k to buy a fucking shack in the middle of nowhere literally across the country after my landlady sold her beachhouse that I was, tbh, paying nearly nothing in rent for but still. My savings are gone, all my contacts and work friends are lost. With all this going on, yeah you're damn right I could have done more to save the site but the energy just wasn't there.

Holy shit dude. I never knew it was that bad; this year has been also a crock of shit and made me lose motivation and joy in 99% of shit I been doing for the last few years. I hope you pull through, and I really appreciate your time and effort in keeping the site afloat as it was, in hindsight.

I may have whined about the occasional downtime or the overmodding, but it really doesn't measure up to how much you put in for this silly fetish basket weaving forum.

Twenty-one fap salute for the Leftenant!

(actually, I've been considering quitting porn altogether. It's taken a toll on my mental health more than likely. Just cranking it out daily makes me completely braindead for the day)
You're right.
Kisame here. Pregnancy has been dead for years.
Well shit, I'm quickly running out of reasons to keep using the internet.

Posting from Tor, by the way. Allowing that is a bad idea.
Fucking hell, I find this site for some good inflation content and now it's going to shit. Atleast I managed to share some of my pieces along the ride. UsernameValid might not live on for long...
And thats how the Russian population decline was reversed!
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>Then, for the next step, to contribute to the server costs, how can a crypto-ignorant-anon help while staying anon?

Here are my complicated thoughts on the matter. There is a reason I didn't update this latest post with all our donation addresses... part of me just wants this to end. It's been exhausting and I hate to say it, it's been way more like a job than a hobby for awhile now. You count everything it takes, frontal facing and back-end, maintaining, managing, and reviewing mods, to keep a bare-metal website alive, it's a job. To top it off, it's job where, a giant time-sucking machine generates a lot a cool things, except, money. It used to run in a weird "infinite energy" loop where it generated just enough money to pay it's own operational costs, but now it consumes way more in costs than it outputs money. It's just this giant, time-and-energy wasting device that eats at resources and it's YOUR JOB to maintain it, in it's decayed and decaying state. There are people DEPENDING on you keeping this fucking mess of a contraption alive, hoping that you can just keep it going, keep it steady. They throw you some duct tape every now and again but it needs more than that. They think they're helping, like it's just maintenance that needs to be done, but it's a whole god damn overhaul, and this isn't even your real job. You're just some desk jockey they asked "to fix the machine". And lately, it's been seeping black sludge and you're getting calls at all hours of the night to mop it up.

So when you ask how can you help, two things first. The keen eyed may have noticed someone asked in the last crisis thread to "add monero" to our accepted donations (a cryptocurrency like any other, with some more privacy focus), and I couldn't even be bothered to do that. Because I already saw the writing on the wall. Hell, I feel bad for the one donation we DID get, someone sent around $40 in eth to use and it's worth like $32 now because I didn't use it. And that's been the way of crypto for a long time. It's scary to think that, someone could donate $100+ of their own hard earned money and if I don't immediately spend it or convert it to USDC it could drop in value significantly. So I hate asking for donations, I really, truly do. It makes me feel like Mike Lindell out here. Like yeah, uh, my company failed so, I'm asking, you, the people that used to, uh, you know, wank at my company to uh, give me money so that, in the future, we can all, wank, here. It just sounds so bonkers.

This site does still have enough visitors to support itself with ads I believe, but ad-blocking is so damn prevalent now. Most vpns have it built in, some browsers like brave as well don't even need an extension. And if you're used to Firefox with ublock origin? Whoo sheesh there's no really going back to the regular internet you just don't think about ads anymore. And look I'm no hypocrite, do you think when I see the message on wikipedia that they need donations that I actually donate, or even worry if they are going to make it? No, not at all. Do you think I shed even a single tear for the literally fuckton of ad revenue ublock origin denies every youtube creator that I watch? NOPE! So I don't expect that here either. A smart man would have figured out a way around ads by now, they are an eyesore after all. But, that is technically a way to help, just, for this one site, disable the ad-blocker.

The real answer is the site is too big to be financially secure without some cabal of like 10 crypto-savvy-and-willing backers that all come together at the end of every month, I show them the actual factual server bill with the QR code ready, and they all pool ~$20 each into one crypto wallet address that pays the server bill. And then with just 10 dedicated people that are willing to part with ~$20 or month, we'd be set, maybe have to replace a backer here and there but, outside of some gigachad just straight donating $2500 and saying "alright now shut the fuck up for a year" I think something like that is our best bet. That would cover the bills and be way more secure than just hoping on a prayer that enough anons figure out crypto and donate the required amount each month, or that crypto bulls finally make our ads pay worth a damn again.

Anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk about crypto and funding fat fetish forums.

So... just one thing.. I have 0 adblockers of any sort on... yet since I moved to Japan I see 0 ads on the site. Is that just a funny coincidence...?
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people on this site will pay for porn (occasionally) and share it knowing that someone else might get the models next clip the next time. but nobody will pay for the site to stay up so that they can continue to share porn amongst each other. isn't it cheaper in the long run to donate a little bit so that the site stays up and everyone can access content drops and we won't have to buy all the porn ourselves? hy won't you whales pay for my favourite porn *and* my favourite porn sharing site!?!? YOU MONSTERS!!! YOU GOT FUCKING GREEDY AND GAVE UP ON THE FRIENDSHIP AT THE END OF THE BBWCHAN TUNNEL! YOU RUINED BBWCHAN YOU STINGY ALLPORNNODONATIONS WHALETARDS! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>people on this site will pay for porn (occasionally) and share it knowing that someone else might get the models next clip the next time. but nobody will pay for the site to stay up

It's the crypto which is the stumbling block for a lot of people. I understand completely that it's necessary to provide anonymity for both LtB and his donors, but it means that donations are limited to people who are crypto literate and have the disposable income to spend on a volatile asset.
Yea see, that's the thing. Is this really about the server costs? $200 a month is seriously peanuts in the grand scheme of things. But then we're all valuing your labor at $0 an hour and it sounds like its no small feat to keep things running. So this is a hobby, passion project thing for you that takes your time, adds stress, and earns you nothing monetarily. If you're not alright with that, nobody can blame you for discontinuing your efforts. Is there any passion left here or is all of your efforts now due to self-forced obligation?
Yeah, I'll miss this site, but if letting it die and finally getting a break from the stress is the "reward" LtB needs for all his hard work over the years, he deserves it.
(612 KB, 1280x1024, B8EB7B5A-4A86-4993-A7A8-B2BC4166C02E.jpeg)
>at risk of stating the obvious, you have banned all Tor exits right?
Tor posting is disabled in the settings, but I did see someone claiming they were able to post from tor, so I don't know anymore.
>recommendation: use Njalla for domain registrations.
I went ahead and snapped up bbw-chan.xyz from njalla as well, just in case. thanks for the tip. always been impressed with your backup site.

exactly and that's part of the reason I'm not pushing super hard and rallying the troops. I feel like, anyone who was actually interested in funding the site, and is crypto-literate, would have stepped in by now and done it, if they wanted to. This is just sort of the acceptance phase that crypto, while innovative and powerful, is also inherently limited in it's scope from a sheer convenience perspective, still, many years later. not to mention the volatility.

>Is there any passion left here or is all of your efforts now due to self-forced obligation?
I will say that /gen/ and /bbwai/ often bring me right back in, even when my passion gets down to all-time lows. There is something special about the interactions in those two areas. And of course I still love big bitches, don't get it twisted. I have always said that as long as the site pays for itself, I'll keep trying to keep it going. So, that is a bit of a forced obligation.
Kudos to you for giving us a place to share and shitpost in.
You will be remembered.
(720 KB, 632x680, F7OalLPXsAA0f8h.png)
Barclay. All I have to say is this. A bad hand was inheretted here. This site actively chose death by progging out pre2016 and OF was the death blow.
There's a refusal to "move on" as it were from the models of the 00s-10s to the newer girls of now. Is it Autism? Probably. Same behaviors as what leads to the schizophrenia that rots deep within the walls of this site.
Everything about the model of BBWChan was super dated and that was part of the problem. People turned away because people here won't let go of long existing older models.
But as they say, Que Sera Sera.
Would it be possible to downsize the site to reduce server strain? Abandoning the huge normalfag boards to just keep small boards like gen and bbwai I imagine would reduce server costs a lot. It would also probably massively reduce the amount of jannie work you'd have to do. I know it would upset many people but lets be honest, coomer is far better suited for people just after onlyfans content.
What are you talking about? 4chan is immensely popular and it's much more efficient. As stated above boards should be ordered by subject and contents, not content creation.
This site is nothing like the ease of 4chan, anon
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>but did you ever stop to audit their work?
good question. No, not really. Occasionally something would bubble up far enough to reach me, but you have to understand, once I basically became back-end engineer first and moderator second (I had lost energy/passion to really do both), things like that would just be over in the blink of an eye to me. With so few janitors and mods, yeah sometimes I suspended people or reduced the boards they had access to if there were signs of over-moderation but like I said before, with 50 posts an hour and multiple fires to put out elsewhere, that kind of static just gets filtered out. You have co-admins, mods, volunteers, and janitors to prevent that kind of "minutia" (not to downplay it just saying from a hierarchy priority perspective) from reaching the top. I wish I had the time and passion and energy to be a full time engineer and moderator, but that would really need to be a paid position.

>Open a constantly updated collection of donations for the operation of the site on the main page.
Yea well anyone here long enough will remember we used to have a bar at the top of the page that would track donations and if we were going to make it. I suppose I could bring that back, but it was manually updated.
>Start selling passcodes that would give some preferences on the site.
Fun idea, not a thing on lynxchan. I suppose I could sell 'blocks' of personal stable diffusion generation on my GPU, but lord have mercy, my electricity is expensive. It wouldn't be very competitive price-wise compared to other online generation payment models, and it would still have to be funded by crypto, but I dare say I'm pretty decent at generating and doing some manual touch-ups on the results. I feel like I fulfilled some of the requests in /bbwai/ really well, maybe a few people would be willing to buy and send crypto if they were getting something very specific back in return? idk.
>As a last resort, sell the site to someone interested in investing in it.
Oh boy "investing" haha, you know...kudos to the the person who actually figures out how to make money off this site, while staying anonymous, dodging DMCA bulldogs, CP and gore, in an economy and world on fire. That guy will deserve a hard earned slap on the back.
I think you'll find the average chan user doesn't really gel with having to provide a phone number.

>While we still have time, we can try to resolve the issue with the life of the site. There are simply no normal alternatives to this site.
I'm still listening and looking for ideas, but I'm not gonna lie, it's gonna be mostly up to you guys to figure this out. If we got to this point, then clearly I'm not the guy we should all be looking for to come up with the grand idea that save us. I was never a big money guy, never a big leader. I'm just a techie who can improvise.

>PLEASE, consider doing what you can to even sell out a bit. Discuss this in the coming weeks, explore all your options. Attract more visitors some way, really guilt-trip anons to disable ad blockers, attract more advertisers, etc. Anything. Just do it.
I am all for discussing, but we've actually been talking about this for a long time. It cathartic, but talk is cheap. I get that. Everyone wants me to step up. But there's no way to attract more advertisers: we are stuck with a-ads because we are stuck with crypto because we are stuck with me. As for drumming up visitors, idk man. What do you want us to do, raid other chans with our link like bunch of soyjaks? Pay to advertise elsewhere? Social media and discord worth of mouth campaign? It's sound like we need a PR manager, and I'm looking at the warchest we have to bring someone like that on and...it's empty.

>predict waves of decentralization
I think you are absolutely correct on that, and it's why I just went ahead and made the Lemmy instance, even if it's a ghost town for now. There will come a time where having no single point of failure on your hosting will be crucial.

>Please LtBarclay, you're one of the best admins I've seen online.
appreciated, that's very nice to hear
>The ship is going through a wicked storm, and it's time to batten down the hatches. Any measures you take, any austerity, can be healed later on so long as the ship does not sink. Get creative, get a but desperate, but please don't force us to go on places like stufferdb and reddit. ;_;7 Even if this chan has to force some SFW-ish standard, so be it.

SFW-ish standard? I'm not even sure how that would even work.

>Would it be possible to downsize the site to reduce server strain?
Yes and no. Technically. See most servers are sold in tiers, both in performance and bandwidth. So, you could shrink the number of boards and use a smaller, cheaper server, but you are also reducing performance and bandwidth. So you get a cheaper site to run, with less content, less performance, missing features like video streaming, faulty hardware, times where the site is slow to load because it's on a shared pipe etc etc. So it's not like you can just cut half the boards and keep the speed and reliability of the nice server we have now: it would be a giant downgrade in all respects. We've seen it, we've done it, it's horrible. This current ~$200/month server is damn near about the cheapest we can go without really sacrificing the whole experience.
>People turned away because people here won't let go of long existing older models.

The newer models are awful and don't know how to act like women. Your average OF thot acts like she's an exceptional 12-year-old long into her late 20s and 30s. Gee, I wonder why men prefer the older models.
Hello, Barclay, I am the owner of several fat-based boards on 8chan.moe, more specifically https://8chan.moe/bbw and a couple of others. I'll contact you more directly through discord later, but if you wish us to, I can ask the 8chan administration to copy the entirety of the imageboard onto their own server, files and all, and you can keep on administering it from there.
By the way, the discord invite doesn't work anymore.
🐐 👑 if true
I really pray you're a legit Italian janny, be our hero, like Mario... Save the fatty board!
Been here for a good few years. It's been a long and sometimes goofy ride but I got tons of good content out of it and the experience has been eye opening; if nothing it taught me where to find free content.
Gonna miss the site and everything on it, bro. Thanks for the hard work.
>>37424 (OP)
Please contact codexx@cock.li if you wanna come over to 8chan.moe and conserve your content via the channel changer.
The princess is in another castle
>>37424 (OP)
I’ve been lurking on this site for only a few months. It feels like the only place where I can access this weird fetish shit (feederism, inflation…) that I for some reason love. Because of the anonymity of it, I don’t have to worry about being judged, I feel extremely embarrassed and ashamed of my fetish, but you’ve made a corner of the internet where I don’t have to worry about being treated like a weirdo. I also love the image board chan style. I’m sad this site has to go. I wish I had found it earlier and in it’s prime. I felt worried about people talking about the CP (and kind of put me off using the site, also posting, this is my literal first post) amongst other things, and a lack of funding proves that this site might just have to go. It’s one of those things I guess. I’m sorry about your personal/family issues. I hope things improve for you soon! Thank you for the hard work.
So many opinions on this thread, so here's mine.

I fucking admire your stealth and resilience through the years Barclay, and I wish there was someway out of this predictament, but just like you not wanting to reveal yourself and remain anonymous online to all of this (which is basically litigation from pirating content, that's the issue), I'd have paid up if the place followed my likes and didn't have so much crap boards on it.

I've no interest in pixel manipulation, I fucking love very fat women and sharing/downloading content of them. Fuck that shite off, keep a few actual porn boards and this place would still have a future.

This site went in the wrong direction. There are still places that host anonymously, they just don't host and accommodate huge bandwidth.

I get that your time is up tho and feel you paid your dues. You certainly have. All the best sir.
all this is old news. kys
>>34860 (Cross-thread)
clean up your fucking mods, display a donations thermometer and accept monero and your site is saved, whiny cunt
О, я не один тут. Если знаешь какие-то интересные ресурсы или просто хочешь перекинуться парой слов, то можешь написать мне на danix207@gmail.com, тут тг давать не буду
Is there a threat to you from DMCA if the server is located in some asshole of the world? You can try to transfer all rights over the site to someone from such places, where the prices for renting servers are lower and the rent is lower. In Russia, for example, we consider $300 to be the average salary
I think the problem isn't so much the operation of this site: it's your depression. It is tempting to let everything wash away, but you're likely to miss the board and regret your decision -- and then it may be a big pain in the arse to eventually get it running again, and it may never regain its full userbase.

You feel awkward about asking for donations to a wank site, but it's unfounded. Of course, the majority won't donate, but some of us are whales (heh) and more than willing to chip in if our favourite porn board is at threat.

Finding a way to stop people posting through tor would solve much of the problem of illegal postings. 4chan does it very well.
(975 KB, 498x305, robin-hood-poor.gif)
I doubt Swissfag is not a VPN-American but anyway he does make a decent point. Amongst other proposals in this thread, make a giant, glaring red thermometer displaying donations and begging hard for a widow's mite, disable adblock, word of mouth, etc. Be an obnoxious faggot cryptobro.

It's not over 'til the fat lady sings.
> 8chan
yeah, no, let's not do that. Jim Watkins is a skeevy pig farming fucker.
That 8ch has no affiliation with Jim Watkins actually
They should rebrand then because everyone reads 8chan and thinks "bruh that's the place from ohio for actual nazis too extreme for even 4chan on god"
>They should rebrand then because everyone reads 8chan and thinks "bruh that's the place from ohio for actual nazis too extreme for even 4chan on god"
This has been a point of contention with modern 8chan's admins for a while. Their reasoning is that og 8chan had no affiliatuon with actual extremists and it is something that kicked off only when Jim Watkins and his QAnon gang took over the site by forcing the previous admins out of the picture.
For my part, I have tried negotiating the name change for a while now. You can also browse modern 8chan via redchannit.org (this is especially important if you are Russian or Chinese).
The one you are talking about is 8kun. Funnily enough we may be able to get back some of our domain names again.
The one we are suggesting is 8chan.moe.
I have personally seen imageboards be taken down for any kind of reason by their service providers. In a few instances, some concern troll named Esther would flood catalogs of low activity anime imageboards with CP, then report them en masse, and without fail Cloudflare and domain name registers would delete the site without even allowing a retort by the admins. Part of why 8chan.moe is resilient to that shot is that the site owners have insider contacts with most of their services, if they have not made them themselves, so good luck flagging them.
i don't give a FUCK what some cunts on twitter think
(41 KB, 879x357, cut.PNG)

when this site goes down the only way to engage with the community for me will be on Gigatribe, Curvage, Feabie and some Reddit&Discord users I met here to trade with.

on Gigatribe the users who buy content instead of only leeching can be count on one hand

Curvage has decent discussion but its way more vanilla than here and we very much differ from opinion on what constitutes a "HUGE gain" among other things

and Feabie should just disallow sign-ups from EU, it's that worthless there.

Some people here think new pirated content will finds its way on various porn sites but when this shit is gone you will realize how much came from here first, especially soft-core. There's Coomer but I think we are responsible for much of the (BBW) imports there by implicitly advertising it. Models are celebrating now but they will suffer later as well since there discoverability will take a hit.

im thinking I just need to book a session with a SSBBW and let this preference rest


the The Thick BBW Forum died around that time it was kind of like /booty and The Hood Up (a Gang forum) in one.

>I think you'll find the average chan user doesn't really gel with having to provide a phone number.

Cheap pre-paid sim card can come in handy for that, I bought a $20 phone with one to set up a PayPal the other day mostly because EU has phased out gift cards while international merchants still offer them (which accept PayPal).
About time this website shuts down. Lunatics.
BBW-chan must live on forever solely to spite "her".

Is Esther a lolcow tranny? Any good articles on "her" too
>telegram "requires a phone number" is big no from me
It really depends if you are afraid of russian FSB having your phone number or not (as we know, Telegram is russian made and there's some theories that it's a FSB honeypot).
I really doubt they share their info with US 3 letter agencies, especially with in this geopolitical climate.
Also, you can always get a prepaid SIM card with a number on it and use it as a burner (idk if you can buy one without ID/passport in the US, if yes - it's a viable way).
On other hand, thank you for your service. It's been great and I really wish you best of luck and health in your present and future.
>face piercing
>tattoos, lots of them at that
>danger hair
Ah yes, half the results of searching for "ssbbw" and newest when you look on youtube.
AKA every reason I've ignored the bbw/ssbbw board here for years. Not wading through that, thanks.
>>37705 had it right.

>"Models" (are all the openly bitching ones as "charming" as this one?) are celebrating now but they will suffer later as well since there discoverability will take a hit.
A few artists are as well, though if all those venomous people just shriveled up and fucked off I'd consider that a good thing.
Obviously it's BBW-chan so fat women get the lion's share. And obviously every thread has it's one draw thread, one edit thread, one caption thread, one beg thread, one lost content thread, one roleplay thread, and one AI thread. Posting AI content outside of the only AI thread should be reported. Also every board should only one sticky that reads CHECK THE CATALOGUE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD.
/bbw/ - BBWchan, the site itself
/c/ - chubby, smallfat, pudgy, slightly overweight
/f/ - fat, bigfat, overweight, obese
/infl/ - inflation, because
/s/ - slob, lack of hygiene, farts and vomit and shit and piss
/x/ - eXpansion, everything boobs and butts, also pregnancy
/z/ - furry, everything non-human that's clearly based on an animal
Did not see this thread before now. This site has been an embarrassingly big part of my life. I found this site in like 2015 -2016 maybe? And I’ve been on here almost daily since. So many hours spent, so many vids downloaded, so many nuts busted. Might be cringe to say, but I will be legitimately sad the day this shuts down. Discord is maybe a semi good replacement, but it won’t be the same, or maybe it’s time to actually get rid of my porn addiciton this time…
>After running the numbers, I am announcing the (barring a miracle) shutdown of BBWChan effective 1/29/2024
Well, shit.

I'll miss this place.
>Is Esther a lolcow tranny? Any good articles on "her" too
It has been presumed that he is someone from a /tv/-centric imageboard, thing is that ever since 8chan prevented file posting through TOR they have been unable to spam certain boards and report them to the authorities. As I mentioned, he tried to at least once and got handed a "no you" as a response by the admins and registrar.
The "everything else" and "pregnancy" boards are really redundant, /ee/ is basically alternative /bbwalt/ and Pregchan exists.
moe already has a few BBW boards: /bbw/ (though it's advertised at 2D only), /bbwai/, /bbwalt/, /bbwdraw/, and /ssbbw/. It's certainly a plausible landing spot.
simpcity.su might be an alternative
I’ve been on there more recently and they don’t seem entirely friendly to fat fetishism. There’s one largely inactive thread for bbw/ssbbw stuff. I think if enough people migrate there and show there’s an audience they might be okay with it.
where's the search function on that site? seems like a pain to find specific things in
You need an account to get the search function. A throwaway email address is enough to register the account.
I've been following this site since about 2014, so almost 10 years. Sure, it's not what it once was, but I'm going to miss it. Thanks for all the hard work Barclay.
Also ban loli with contempt.
Inflatechan might not've been nice to us but we were nice to them.
Alternatively we can ask Pregchan to take us in.
Maybe. Your calling to quit porn and remember who you were when this site was created in 2014. So many friendships will be lost.
what a pain in the ass. now I have to encourage a girl to get fat irl. fuck crypto retards and ESPECIALLY fuck jannies

I think that the mods that were bad, were actually good. modding this site is an awful and thankless task. retention of mods was a critical issue for the site. In other words, no matter how overbearing a mod was, the site couldn't afford to lose them.

the visitors/users would whine that the problem was "bad mods" who were biased and overbearing... but what they don't realize is... there was no room to wiggle. the choice was bad mods or no moderation at all. users assumed if we just got rid of the bad mods the site would do better. the users were assuming there was no end to the supply of willing volunteers to be moderators and that by getting rid of the bad mods we'd automatically get good mods.

This was just false logic the whole time. The good mods didn't exist. That said, any mod that was driven away, likely would've quit by now anyways. the task was that stressful/thankless/difficult
(527 KB, 244x138, elrond-lotr.gif)

...you do know this site was around well before that right? It's just changed names several times; when I started lurking here in 2007 it was called 7898chan.
(251 KB, 1500x1835, mT1XaqK.png)
>modding a fat fetish porn board
>banning bants and shitposting and having to look at CP/guro
>literally doing it for free
> F O R F R E E

I'd feel tempted to rope too tbh

(but anyone who does pitch in: ily <3)
(73 KB, 639x808, 1635072947840.jpg)
>site ran by an insufferable lolicon
>CIA honeypot operating out of the cold dead husk that was 8Chan
Even with Cakekike being avoidable, I'm interested in just how many would choose getting dicked by the alphabet soup orgs, and how many would choose death
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>>37424 (OP)

anon who gave some eth a few months back:

1. don't feel bad about the price drop from 40 to 32 - it was originally 100 when I bought it :)

2. if I were to give a second, larger dono, would you accept it? please feel free to say no, I understand what burnout feels like. but if you say yes, would you prefer USDC? idc, but whatever is easiest for you
Based Helluva enjoyer
(148 KB, 1280x1707, 1689283781271244.jpg)
Ask and you shall receive
>Even with Cakekike being avoidable
Funny you mention Mark, sleepy-anon, as apparently he's made plans of stepping down for good
>I'm interested in just how many would choose getting dicked by the alphabet soup orgs
Stop falling for /cow/'s propaganda, if three letter agencies ran 8chan they would allow it on the Google like 4chan is. Heck, if three letter agencies ran it, you'd see a lot more "organic posting" exactly like whenever something big happens in the world.
>implying hard earned money
Add monero if you think we can salvage the situation, I don't wana get you in shit with btc. If you are capable of receiving I promise I will donate an indeterminate (enough) amount of xmr. And if you change the site to a text board / bbs I would not really give a fuck.
Nice alternative
How many lbs. of Product™ will he have to cram up his poop chute to make up for this favor, Mr. Escobar?
Obviously they're barren because they're all new boards.
Please do bookmark them though in the event this site goes under.
(11 KB, 248x317, yeah RIP.jpg)
Thanks for your service keeping this weird website running, Lt. Totally understand the decision and sorry to hear about your situation.
Feels odd to say I'll miss this weird sex-pervert site, but there it is. No stranger to jumping boards (I think I started out on p4c's /cod/, before 4chan's /aco/ or /trash/ even existed), even if there's not a "community" feeling as such it's always a shame to have one less site to jump around to.
(9.7 MB, 1280x720, Phoenix Wright - Smooth Criminal.webm)
>isn't so much the operation of this site, it's your depression.
Maybe. But, the month I was in a holding pattern and just crashing on the floor of a family friend's gutted pre-demolition apartment waiting for a new house to pop up on the market, sitting at my desk and just fulfilling requests in /bbwai/ all day, was some of the most fun I've had in years. I LOVE THE TECH. All it's little ins and outs. I love learning about it and engaging with it, feeling like I've made someone's day by realizing something they've had in lingering in their imagination for who knows how long was a thrill.

>You feel awkward about asking for donations to a wank site, but it's unfounded. Of course, the majority won't donate, but some of us are whales (heh) and more than willing to chip in if our favourite porn board is at threat.

I have consolidated and updated our donation addresses, including XMR. That should be the last hurdle for anyone who actually wants to support the site.

>Finding a way to stop people posting through tor would solve much of the problem of illegal postings. 4chan does it very well.
Assuming we generate enough funds to get us through Feb 2024, I will take another look at Tor posting, but not exactly sure where I should start, since it's disabled in settings. I suppose I need to download the onion browser again and test it myself.

>Be an obnoxious faggot cryptobro.
Already feel like one, definitely.

I have to say, the whole "copy all your threads and files and continue on another site entirely" plan strikes me as a last resort, not something we decide on three months before our hosting is up. It's a great option to have, I just don't see any unified "yes, let's all head to 8chan, right now" wave of support.

>if I were to give a second, larger dono, would you accept it? please feel free to say no, I understand what burnout feels like. but if you say yes, would you prefer USDC? idc, but whatever is easiest for you
Of course I'll accept it. I'm starting to regret framing this situation in a "that's all folks" light (it is, technically, saveable), but the last time I was "soft" on the situation, you were the only one to contribute, and while generous, it wasn't enough for even a month of hosting even combined with our ad revenue, thus why I kind of framed this all as "Let's be prepared for shutdown" rather than "Let's all come together and fund this thing". A site that takes 3+ months to generate enough AD revenue to pay one month of hosting doesn't seem sustainable to me, and history says neither is hoping anons donate enough each and every single month, but we'll see.

So long as I am aware of a donation within around ~24 hours of it happening, I will take any donation and convert it to USDC so that it does not lose value and is usable for site costs come Feb 2024. But yes, just sending USDC itself makes it easier for both the donator and me to grasp the value of what's being donated, and for it to retain it's value for when we need it.

Hmmm. Haven't I already been helping (by doing nothing) to end it? Some would definitely say so.

> If you are capable of receiving I promise I will donate an indeterminate (enough) amount of xmr. And if you change the site to a text board / bbs I would not really give a fuck.
>>37826 (Cross-thread) We are indeed capable of receiving XMR now. A site change to only text or god forbid, BBS, is not what we are doing this donation campaign for though, it's to keep us going as is, for better or worse.
it would not need to be obnoxious. as long as it's visible on the home page, a fun, simple and clear way of showing what is expected to make ends meet is a huge incentive for donations. before or even now, barely anyone would know that the site is in a financially dire situation without digging through walls of text in /gen/
>I have consolidated and updated our donation addresses, including XMR.
>>>37826 (Cross-thread) We are indeed capable of receiving XMR now.
fucking finally
i will be chipping in but i expect you to do something about your jannies if you have not already, like others have said
making this site able to be jannied seems better than waiting for an army of jannies to appear out of thin air, so I wouldnt mind if there were some cutting back on thread counts if it makes managing easier, just my 2 cents that maybe others agree with
I m no Computer savvy individual, but wasnt there any way in the past to implement some sort of Hash filter for images that shouldnt be posted? I think people offer literal databases with the hashes of those images so you can block posts who may contain those files.
fue un honor estar estos años con esta comunidad
>I have to say, the whole "copy all your threads and files and continue on another site entirely" plan strikes me as a last resort, not something we decide on three months before our hosting is up. It's a great option to have, I just don't see any unified "yes, let's all head to 8chan, right now" wave of support.
Honestly, understandable.
You should probably ask the admins of that place how they deal with cheese pizza. Their system is pretty ingenious, but it does block a lot of TORposting, which isn't ideal.
>Un venezolano fan de las rellenitas.
De lo mas increible que ví en este sitio.
Sad to hear this news. I've been around since 7898chan days, almost 40 now. BBWchan and its iterations have been a staple, so it's going to be weird not having it.
Thanks for all those years of keeping it up!
Mostly lurked in /bbw/ and /gen/ in my time here but i did post a bit, just wanted to thank you Barclay for hosting this site for so long, sorry to hear about your personal situation man but it all works out in the end. I thank everyone here for the content and the discussions in gen, we had a good run boys. As a lot of anons have said maybe i’ll also lay off the porn after this so atleast there is an upside. I’ll stop with the glazing now we’re all straight here. Godspeed you magnificent bastards
I know very well 95% of you would get addicted even to deviantart before you stopped your fetish fix even if this site went down. Unless you're marrying a 10/10 or becoming a monk you niggas are coping hard.
Like inflatechan, bbw-chan falls all the same; at cause to the natural bullshittery, hypocrisy and degeneration of any pornboard.
See you space Cowboy---
Kisame here. From inflation and weight gain are on the decline cause it's seen as fake by normies. People don't want the green screen stuff, there's more demand for natural colors and shots according to the production guys. Even those they/them BLM whatever are seen as fake and losing their cushy NYU-law firm, or Cornell-law gigs.
BBWCHAN has died many times over the past 20 years. I'm not exactly keeping track but it's been rebooted plenty since I first started coming around like 2004 or 5
Thanks you for your service Barclay.
Caitidee just posted on feabie "free palestine.' this coming from the anti racist blm textbook virtue signaler Caitidee. She will blame her dwindling income on age, or maybe even say men are racists and dont like the blm nonsense in her bio. But we all know it's cause she's faking it. probably couldn't even point out israel on a map
Thank you. I forgot to add a something.
300 posts per thread max, and 150 threads per board max.
(265 KB, 640x517, F4zGzteXYAA8dXz.png)
What, you mean to tell me that years of free-booting and piracy actually have long-term consequences?

Well, shiver me timbers...
What consequences? Are you a bootlicker? I bet you love licking boots.
I talked to a friend about potentially archiving the most recent version of this, when it is about to shut down, will keep everyone updated.
>>38076 you sure you ain’t projecting, not everyone here is completely depraved only most lol good luck if anyone is trying to quit, have some hope brother
One image per post.

This has got to reduce server load by 80%.
>>37424 (OP)
Do you think Pregchan can take us in?
>>37424 (OP)
Ill read the whole thing, but iam too dumb to understand, can someone explain it to me like iam 13? Just short why BBW-Chan goes down forever?
I have no clue how I ended up here, so I'm fairly confident that I'll find my way where we may migrate if this is the end.
>>37424 (OP)
>Based on current ad revenue and donations we will be unable to pay our server bill for the month of February 2024. Could someone swoop in and donate enough at the last minute to get us another month? Maybe, but lets be real here. That shit won't last forever. Everyone is short on money, the last thing anyone needs to be spending money on is a site like this.
I would fucking donate if there was a fucking donation link to donate to.
I've skimmed through the thread but I couldn't find any exact numbers regarding the hosting cost / average traffic to this site. Is there any way to get a backup of the system that's running this site so that someone can migrate it somewhere with a domain from something like njal.la or sth?
They are pinned in the next thread down from this one
Why no paypal or venmo links? Not to be rude, but who the fuck do you think is going to donate dogecoin?
We need about $200/month and make about $60-80/month in ads. So we would need around $150/month in donations to run.
You must be new. The site operates as it does because I have never, not once, associated my real name or payment information with it. It can dodge DMCA and keep my identity safe with crypto. To take paypal/venmo etc, we would have to go legit, start responding to DMCA, bring back the DNP list, and actively squelch piracy and sharing. Even then, I don't know what the statute of limitations on all the illegality that goes on here has, and I don't really want to test it by actually financially participating in it. So if we want to keep the site the way it is, it has to be crypto, and if not and the site is going legit I'd prefer not to be involved with the money part.
How are we even getting CP? Bbw is, like, the opposite of CP
I have been talking with image board veterans from across websites and it's almost always connected with loli.
>We need about $200/month
why the hell does it cost that much?
We pay premium for offshore, no know-your-customer hosting. This premium is close to 100% extra. It's the price we pay for hosting which doesn't care who the fuck I am as long as I keep paying.
When a retard gets upset, he starts spamming cp, gore and other shit. Its a problem because they ban evade and hold long grudges. I would not be surprised if certain models who have their paid content shared here get their simps to do it for them.
>>37424 (OP)
It was good run but thanks for doing my requests on the ai board. Also are you going to do some soon.
>I have been talking with image board veterans from across websites
Considering the fact that it got the domain under scrutiny, it worked. The mods didn't have the tools to make sure the problem didn't get out of hand, other than being vigilant and removing as soon as a report came in.
Did you know there were lots more image boards than 4chan back in the day? Lots more. Many lots more.
here's a crazy idea: integrate with coomer.party
they already host this: rarbg dot coomer dot party
what do you think?
The way we block people from spamming that kind of stuff over at fullchan is locking TORposting, activating per-post-captcha and occasionally forcing cookies-only posting. Only happens when someone gets incredibly upset though, as most of the times you can just ban the single person or a range of IPs and be done with it for the day.
So this website is about to be deleted? About fucking time. you ppl need to go outside touch grass
LTBarclay, long time lurker, occasional sharer. I have had many a good time on here and I'd hate to see this site disappear.

Tell me/us where to donate. Provide a crypto address or if you have already, tell us where to look.

I typically sign up for an OF or two every month, but I would prefer my money go to this cause.

I can't fill the whole gap, but I can help. Hoping a few other degenerates on this site feel the desire to help as well.

Even if you choose to take the $ and run, consider it a thank you for all your hard work and efforts over the years despite all the hell life has put you thru recently. You're a king, thank you for all the memories.
It is the next pinned thread.
>You must be new. The site operates as it does because I have never, not once, associated my real name or payment information with it. It can dodge DMCA and keep my identity safe with crypto. To take paypal/venmo etc, we would have to go legit, start responding to DMCA, bring back the DNP list, and actively squelch piracy and sharing. Even then, I don't know what the statute of limitations on all the illegality that goes on here has, and I don't really want to test it by actually financially participating in it. So if we want to keep the site the way it is, it has to be crypto, and if not and the site is going legit I'd prefer not to be involved with the money part.
Smart in addition to generous?
Tech savvy in addition?
10/10 best mod ever.
Ah that sucks. I'll check out the new site but this was basically where I got all the best porn from. Was a good time and frankly, part of my routine.

It shall be missed.
>the Eternal Anglo instantly surrenders
You are also part of the eternal anglosphere :^)
>>37424 (OP)
Any update on the amount of money that has come in through donations?

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