
>matpat coaler is a bbw troon
who woulda thunk it
>>37402 (OP)
That made me laugh way more than it should have
I found a website in French that collected data on how quickly a girl can inflate with certain kinds of pumps. Unsurprisingly ball pumps were the slowest but surprisingly foot pumps were the fastest. Since then I couldn't find it again.

If you happen to come across a French website with edited gas tanks please share.
Great now I need mattpats fetish theory as he either inflates with a hose up his as or is massively blobly in the corner camera animated to slowly eat a bag of chips as he explains things out of breath
What is Matthew Patrick, who starred in the hit 2023 horror movie Five Nights at Freddys, doing on a BBW porn site?
and what does that make you?
(3 KB, 150x120, 2777081.jpg)
This is a crop of one of the images on the website.
is there any science behind why all of a sudden all the chicks with crazy hourglasses have hashimotos disease

Like today alone I've probably seen like 6 BBW hourglass body influencers pop up on social media and their pinned post is always "let's talk about my hashimotos"
I think it's mostly by self diagnosis.
Any STEM bros here that have fat GFS/wives? Did you "logically" conclude you liked bigger women? Was it relationship weight that got out hand? Im recently seeing skinny, non descript white dudes around with absolute slampigs, not just trashy cottage cheese bodies, but fat women that wear all their curves precisely well.
Mat the Pat made a vid about a theory to explode humans based on the premise that the Pooka's are tomatoes.
I always thought everyone loved fat tits, fat asses and all things feminine.
When I found out other guys likes the skinner chicks with less feminine features I was surprised and confused. I still think they’re gay pedos.
The world is run by pedofiles.
Look at Epstein, Dershowitz, Kissinger, etc. the US give run by pedos like Trump/Clinton that pledge unwavering loyalty to Israel: Mecca of pedofiles with no laws prosecuting child rape and murder. Pedos literal always have dual citizenship to the Israel, the Disneyland of Child Rape.
This would explain why Israel is so comfortable bombing children.

Ignore my flag, its a vpn. im from the us.
I flat out don't know what you mean as lower NY, which is where I am based in has more Muslim and Sikhs living than conservatives. The Israelis you talk about stay in Five Towns or south of Merrick. What's going on in NYC is merely the out of touch civil servant class fighting their activist class. Trump is only winning because Adams, James are just engaging in performative theater.
Netanyahu is hated cause he's too old to be an IDF and comes off as an oedipal boomer who makes Trump look normal. Tel Aviv and Ukraine are banker-gas stations
Illiterate loser creepily obsessed with child rape hates Jews... shocking.
You ever figured that out?
We sure that’s a lady? Prime beef either way! ❤️ 🥩
I'm the one asking here.

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