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So, lately I started going to the mall for the first time in forever, and what I've witnessed would have been mind blowing to me 5 years ago. Every time I go to the mall I see at least 3 or 4 East/ Southeast Asian girls that are easily 300lbs. They're all younger, well dressed, and conventionally really pretty too. Like, growing up I remember seeing the odd fat Asian lady every few months and yk, they would be in their 30s-40s. But every time I go to the city I see at least one Asian girl my age that is fat af. Sure, obesity is on the rise, but I seriously never saw Asians in the BBW-SSBBW category in person just a few years ago, they would all be a little chubby or whatever. I can't be the only one seeing this right? Has anyone else been coming across these heifers of the AZN persuasion? LMK
>>37213 (OP)

Imagine thinkng Asians were always 70lb twigs. Asians have been fat as fuck since forever. You just never see them in the west until recently.
>>37213 (OP)
I’m afraid that pic is just a bad shop of Big Cutie Marilyn
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Who's the fattest Asian girl out there?
Well duh, I'm talking about right here right now in Canada

The pic was for attention lol
It must be with the new age of obesity

my gf is a 23 y/o filipina. Short and high 200s. Only girl in her family that is fat. Her mom is tiny and all her aunts are avg. size at most.

You must live in a bumfuck area of Canada. Both Toronto and Vancouver are littered in Asian fatties and have been for a long time now.
>>37213 (OP)
I live near a college campus and one day I had to do a double take because I saw this Korean student on the bus who probably weighed over 200 pounds. Not only that, but she had a rikarika_707-style fat distribution, unlike the typical visceral fat heavy bodies you usually see with fat Asian girls.
Every Asian I saw was thin until about 10-15 years ago. My city (NYC) has two big Chinatowns, one full of tourists that oddly has a lot of recent immigrants, most of whom are thin. The other one is where the majority of Asians (90% Chinese and Koreans) live and there's a shocking number of fatties. All under 30 btw, the ones who grew up on the American diet.

The really young kids are even fatter. Unless they start pumping Wegovy into the drinking water I predict an Asian obesity explosion (maybe literally) in half a generation or so.

And if we're talking South Asia, it seems every 2nd Indian girl I see these days is fat-fat. The princesses under 30 dress in workout wear like white girls, giant bellies and dimply asses encased in spandex. It's glorious.
Koreans are chunkier in general and have better distribution (hourglass figures), in my observation. Thais/Malays often have nice fat asses but Koreans are the only ones who grow huge tits. Their faces get super fat too, which I like though I know that's more a niche preference.
Ive always seen fat south Asian girls. They don't tend too luck after themselves. East Asian girls its almost unheard of too see a fat one. Id wife a fat east Asian up in a heart beat but south Asians are just dirty
Id love too know if there was any models who were east asian
Hey man that's awesome! You're living my dream, respect.
Does it show that much? I'm living it up here in rural 'Berta. It's all thin white chicks and East Indians out here so the dating scenes pretty fucked. I've never been to Hongcouver or Toronto yet, but it sounds like I'm missing out. When you say they're littered everywhere do you mean plump Asian girls who are 200lbs or are there Asian girls in the 300-400lb range? Because that would be like heaven on earth lol
If you see her again you should giver her your number

Hit her with the "Hey, I thought (pay compliment) anyways, here's my number I'd like to get to know you and you can contact me if you want :) " then say your goodbyes and walk away. She probably doesn't get a ton of attention so she'll definitely be flattered. Just remember, girls go after guys that make them feel good about themselves.
The Government flooded the place with immigrants and there's a giant scam going on where diploma mills have recruiters in India who advertise Canadian colleges.
So you'll have "colleges" that have a bunch of international students and 80%+ of them are all from India. The students use the diploma mills as its a giant loophole to get PR since you can work 40 hours (until January) even while going to school. The colleges on the otherhand can charge like 10k+ above Canadian students so they're making money hand over fist.
I was watching the China Uncensored channel, and they said China is now having an obesity episdemic.
Kisame here. That's just a dumb myth chirped by conservative who demand we withhold funding from the ivy leagues to get rid of secularism. We already starved the fatties at the I-95 corridor now they're skinny fit chicks.
China is getting fat because of the growing middle class eating burgers. Good luck with that cause fat Chinese women have downs
It was pretty mind blowing because she was talking in Korean with her friends, meaning she's probably a foreign student. I don't think I've ever seen a female Korean foreign student that wasn't as skinny as a twig.
Your country is 4 million square miles with 150 people. With all your resources and strategic positioning it's the only reason you're an afterthought rather than a world power. Either start fucking more or accept the immigrants. Each time in US history we opened things up to (legal) immigrants a huge economic boom followed, it's a good policy.
Kisame again, it's a boom for Trump and not Biden. Immigrants tend to be more conservative than Americans which means that they swing Republican. Just because yogis like Macron swing left, it doesn't mean the people swinging left as well. Underneath every gook and raghead is a patriot screaming to get out. It's a hardboiled world.
You are right that loads of immigrants can have conservative beliefs.Though they shouldn't support the modern day conservative party. They have embraced straight up racism and fascism. If these immigrants vote for trump and those like him, they are going to make it harder for people like themselves as those like trump will pass laws that will make their lives harder. As well as how much anti immigrant rhetoric they use. How much they blame immigrants for drugs and american women getting raped. While the immigrants and republican party are conservative, it's different types of conservativism. The immigrants in following their beliefs,religious,cultural,etc. as well as having old fashioned views towards sexuality. The mainstream american conservative shares similar strict views towards religion and sexuality, but are also racist. Various members ignore similarities between themselves and various immigrant groups due to said racism. They have done this for example to muslims. They ignore how many similarities they have with muslims, but because of their racism, they choose to believe that muslims are silly foreigners who wish to blow up this country.
Can you dorks fuck off to reddit and suck off your favorite political candidates over there?
I cannot understand this schizophrenic post despite being Kisame. Mr Model Minority Muslim will always be proud of their homeland just like John Chinaman and Jose the Day Labourer. Just look at how Vivek destroyed his own campaign cause he won't support bombing Gaza. It's not about the message, but the branding. This is why Reagan and Oliver North are in Call of Duty.
Why? It's funny watching moderates like Desantis fizzle cause their constituents don't want to bomb the Middle East. Fat chicks are Trump supporters. It's the same reason libs larp as the Akatsuki, Espada, Zeon, or the Frieza Force. It's also why Blacks like Sasuke and Itachi. They want to be terrorists. Anons forgot how much fat chicks wanted to bang Gendo Ikari
I live in a small town. Chicks big bad guys. It's why Bulma married Vegeta the murder manlet over Yamcha.
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Fat chicks even wanted to o bang Tony Soprano
Still mad you can't commit a war crime?
A new age of slavery?
I (20m) just moved to the big city after living in the prairies my whole life. OP wasn't kidding, there are so many fat (SE) asians. Everyday I'm bound to see at least one Filipina in their early 20s that is easily in the high 200s. Not all of them are sexy ofc, but some of them are serious head turners. Like, the other day I went to the mall and spotted a rediculously thick girl that I'm guessing was Filo? She had a decently cute and thin face, she wore a crop top + flannel which revealed a chubby belly (not that big), but her legs were massive and her huge donk ass swallowed up her baggy sweats. She was so bottom heavy and chunky I had a mini heart attack. I glanced at her for a few seconds and we locked eyes, she flashed a big smile at me but I was too much of a pussy to approach her. I'm not gonna sweat it though because I see girls that hot occasionally. Does anyone in here date big Asian ladies? If so what is it like? (Sorry to necro the thread but it resonated with me so much lol)
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Filo's are amazing arent they?

Im (26M) gonna cheat on this thread a little bit cause my GF of 4 years (22F) is actually a Wasian. Her dad is a very tall and hefty sized white guy and her mom is a very tiny and thin 4'11 filipina.

Mix those genes together and you get my girl---5'5" tall and in the low 400s now (when we met, she was in the high 200s/low 300s 🙂)

She has a lighter skin complexion but she luckily inherited all the pretty asian girl features from her mom.
-Amazing cheek bone structure, even for a fat girl
-Reasonably thin face especially when you consider she's 400 pounds. Also the cutest most perfect button nose ever.
-This will come off gay but ppl have literally called her a "plus-sized Chrissy Teagan"
-She's Not SUPER bottom heavy but she carries alot of her weight in her legs and hips. Has a very nice double belly and big tits. Her arms are really really big and fat too. She has the cuttest upper arm roll on her left side and she has alot of 'over-elbow' fat. Her forearms are also super chubby, almost very infant like.

Theres alot i could ramble about on why i love her and our relationship but one fetish aspect that i really really get a kick out of is just the size difference between my girl and her mom. Its just crazy how different they're lifestyles are.

Her mom is an asian almond mom. You almost never see her eat anything. She's not like a fitness queen and really only gets her activity from morning walks, gardening and cleaning but like, when you only consume maybe 500-700 calories a day...yeah, you're gonna stay very skinny.

In the inverse, iv watched my girl clear 3'000 calories in one sitting and once had a christmas day where she almost hit 10k (the high calorie drinks were a big part of it but still)

God i just love seeing those two sit and stand next to each other

Note- id love to post a pic of us here but like my girl would kill me if she knew i was posting photos of us in a site like this, so, heres an art comp of what we look like together (im 5'6" and 140 pounds).
Under what rock did you crawl out from? You couldn't be more wrong. Against shit culture? Yes. Racist? Lol, no. You're just mad black people be reminiscing about how great it was when Trump was prez.
Wow, you're like, really lucky! I'd be proud to have a girlfriend like her (she sounds absolutely stunning). Growing up in the sticks I never knew Asian girls were so big until recently, haha. I always thought I'd have to compromise on my s/o by dating a skinny asian girl that I found attractive, or choosing a big girl of a different ethnic background that I don't find as visually appealing. Your story gives me hope that I'll have my dream gf in the 400-500lb range one day, even if they need a bit of help getting there yk? ;) I wish you two the best in this new year and I hope your bombshell gf expands a lot this year too. Ciao~
Every time I see you post, a part of me feels a little jealous :)
Well anon, Asian girls are fatter than ever. If you take your time to find a girl that's 250-300lbs, odds are she's a foodie, and it's only a matter of time before she gets even bigger. That guy is super lucky and found a great girlfriend. But you can too! It's only a matter of time before you meet the bbw asian princess of your dreams. Don't give up hope :)
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Shit cultures are ones like the Jewish people and British people.
Just scum— lying, theiving leeches who would destroy the world to make a tiny profit.
I hope that you come back and tell more stories about your life with your wonderful girlfriend. Happy new year to the both of you
The SGV of LA has like the highest concentration of Chinese people in the country at this point, and tons are going into that second and third generation where the American weight is starting to come on. Before it was just the crummy looking jungle Asians like the Hmong that looked like potatoes
Kisame here. Asians are only 4% fat. Britons according to the NY Post are 28% fat followed by America at 36% fat.
Does your SO have a fat back? Also thanks for sharing thjs, more wholesome stuff is very nice.
You have discord my man?
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I do not have discord at the moment.

also, thanks to everyone who has said nice things about my girl and my relationship on this thread. Its really nice hearing that positive feedback for once!

I know im very lucky guy and you best believe i dont take that for granted.

To tell y'all the truth, im actually starting to save for an engagement ring and plan to pop the question later in the Fall (been together for over 4 years now and we've been living together since last summer).

Have alot to look forward to this year! Including maybe even seeing my girl get closer to 500??? Man has she been a bottomless pit of hunger as of late lol
Do you want kids?
Have a whole little brood of Filipino-European Castizos for you and her to look after?
Also how big do you want her?
You are lucky man.
You've been feeding her plenty right?
Is that the reason she is so massive now?
I like 600lbs girls, but in real life, 200 to 350 is best for me.
She stays active and healthy with still a lot of her to love.
I'm acquainted with a cute fat hapa and tbh while I had my eyes locked on her redhaired friend, she and I might have more in common. Who knows, I might try getting closer to her.
Oh and sorry for all the questioning, ut I was just curious about one more thing.

Y'all ever get compliments or does your girl ever get hit/stared at by either obvious or not-so obvious FAs? I've heard from people in the scene that it's more common than one would think.
Based. Just treat her well. Fat asian chicks have a hard time dating.
Is she religious?

If so, how devoted is she? I hear fillipinos tend to be rather pious (not that its a bad thing) (it would be pretty funny if she ended up being an Anitist/Dayawist, but I'ms sure theres no chance she is)
Down the road yeah but she's only 22 and doesnt want to think about that until her late 20s so we have alot of time to have fun and travel and shit.

As far as how big i want her? Man thats a loaded question lol. I love that she's a pretty active girl..Not with exercise lol but like she enjoys going out, window shopping, site seeing..we live in one of USAs bigger cities so theres always something to do.

TBH id probably be horny 24/7 if my girl got to 600 pounds but i dont see that ever happening as she would not want that at all. To tell ya the truth she is not very happy being big. She masks it well but she has body image issues too.

THAT SAID--- last night she weighed herself for the new year. She now officially weighs 412 lbs❤️❤️. After she found out she was over 400 she got kinda down for a little bit but vowed to make 2024 the year she finally drops the weight but like....She did this exact same thing and said all the same things last year on Jan 1, 2023 when she weighed 358 pounds lmfao, soo.....we'll see how she really does in 2024 :)

She does get complimented in public but its usually only by other woman (especially when she's all dolled up with her hair and makeup)

She has told me that she gets hit on by other men when im not around but its only when im not around.
We're not super religious but were raised catholic. Catholicism is actually huge in the philippines.

My parents are Mexican, so, that kinda worked out perfectly lol.
I saw that you said she has an insatiable appetite, makes me wonder how thanksgiving and Christmas dinner went. Or her usual dinners for that matter, she’s only 22 and she’s that huge. I can only imagine waking up next to her and seeing how cranky she gets when she’s hungry in the morning.
I dated a very fat girl in Thailand, 5'3 and around 350lbs. It was pretty fun but we would get funny looks and rude comments in public. An old white dude even took a picture of us without consent.
Was your gf the biggest girl you ever met in Thailand or did you occasionally see bigger ones?
I saw 3 or 4 of women in their 30s/40s who were bigger than her, but my gf was 23.
BTW I used to talk to a Thai woman who was around 420 pounds on Feabie.
lmao funny thoght what if by feeding the girls more chinese food u can make them more chinese and fat and its just now more folks are liking chinese food that arnt chinese so more girls get chinese and fat caus their also eatin so much food in gen

i know i know im not stupid that is probly not how it works but what if??? ima feed my girl tons of sushi see if she loks more jap
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Based Mexciano keeping the bonds of the Viceroyalty of New Spain alive.
(FYI to the uninitiated, The Philipines were part of
Spanish Mexico from 1572 to 1821)
Filipinos are also Hispanic after all.
Nice to see a guy who seems like a decent person and not a sick freak or a brain-dead Coomer.
I like Hispanic girls best.
Iberians, Latin Americans, Filipinas, all are great
You just made my day!

Finding a girl from spanish descent wasnt exactly my priority #1 but its a huge plus and its been great with connecting both sides of our families.

I appreciate your comment about not being a coomer too lol. Theres alot of vile shit on this site and im happy to do my part in cleaning it up.
>valuing GDP over blood and soil
Imagine believing this
My nigga I am a literal neo-nazi lel, I fucking wish modern cuckservatives were anywhere near as racist and homophobic as the (((media))) claims they are. In reality they're basically the exact same as libtards, just slower.
"Blood and Soil" lol Do you do Viking cosplay on weekends in the courtyard of your council estate, or does the chain mail you bought not fit over your lager and sausage roll gut? You Nazis are a fucking joke, all Brexit got you a was neoliberal South Asian PM. Soon, when your economy is like Greece, you'll see GDP is pretty important.
All the Nazis I’ve known in my life are 5’5” overgrown fetuses that couldn’t pass the presidential fitness test.
This makes me wonder what changes may happen as more and more of these fat women appear in the population. If society will need to accommodate bigger women and if more anime/manga will feature plump women being sexy.
I wonder how this would change the perception of thinness and the sense of overall beauty standards, mostly in the United States of course.
Would fat and thin bodies be considered equally sexy? would thin bodies be considered more 'valuable' due to becoming slightly more scarce their rarity? would bigger bodies be considered more sexy due to the more frequent nature of them? would fat fetishes in a way become slightly common due to the larger amount of overweight individuals and more people dating said individuals, perhaps resulting in a skewed or distorted misreporting of how many people currently who are with a fat person are fat fetishists or just commonfolk who are getting what they can?

Maybe it could influence some Japanese creators after all, the thin, busty woman build came from Playboy and japanese creators wanting to expand on that. I do wonder if bigger bodies start to be seen as sexy here in the states, if some mangaka/anime creators will decide to have more and more BBWs in their series.
I took a massive L today. When snow falls there isn't a hell of a lot to do in my city. So, to kill some time I head to my local mall. I thought to myself "maybe I can make some friends or even meet a cute girl". Before leaving the house I tell my mom where I'm heading out. She's all like "you're going to the mall? Let me come too" (I'm 19 dont judge me) So, my original plan was ruined, but I figured I wouldn't see any girls to chat up anyways, so I my as well get a walk in. Hours go by of my mom and I checking out stores, and I didn't see any girls worth my time, so no big deal. It was busy, so for a while we were trying to keep up with the crowd, I was pretty zoned out and following traffic. My mind was blank until I heard I heard a girl around my age talking in Korean. I looked down and saw two stick thin middle aged Korean people, and in the middle was the fattest Korean girl I've ever seen. She was very bottom heavy, and had a build similar to curvydiamond or Jexkaa. I was in shock. Of course I didn't try striking up a convoy with her considering I was with my parent and she was presumably with hers. But how unlucky is that? Every time I'm in the position to talk to a girl, the girls in question look like Jeff Spicoli XD. But when I'm not in the position to talk to girls, they're literal statistical anomalies like the girl I saw at the mall. No Joke I've literally been in so many scenarios where I'll notice a pretty young east asian girl my age who is uber fat, but any outcome to me approaching her would be a net negative for the both of us? When is it gonna be my time to find my 20 something morbidly obese asian princess?
this might sound crazy but because you're 19, i have to tell you this... go back to that mall. I guarantee you you'll run into her again if you just go chill at the mall.

you have more that enough time and most people are on a routine so whatever brought her to that mall before will bring her back again. good luck soldier.
Whos back tracking for old news.
I’m with >>44526. In a few years you’ll regret not at least trying. I’ve never seen a fat Asian girl. If it were me I’d do anything to get to speak to her
I hate how this site is filled to the brim with retarded creeps. It comes with the territory of having this fetish, but goddamn.
Good we will make sure we spot u and focus on u
>Toronto and Vancouver are littered in Asian fatties
I live in Vancouver and I barely ever see any cute chubby asian girls, all of the asian girls that I see are thin. For disclosure, as this might be why I see so little, I mostly only go to places that are walking distance from my house, as I don't have a driver's license. I would probably see some more fat asian girls if I went to like Richmond or somewhere else?
Kinda different but I posted on a thread here a few months back about my new relationship with a Chinese girl who had gained a very small ammount (Still super skinny) - but who'd encouraged me to eat a little more myself as she thought I was 'too skinny' and that's why I was getting sick... After I gained a little like she had I ended up getting pretty drunk one night and admitting that I LOVED the little belly that she'd grown.. she kinda returned the favour and said she'd like to see me gain another 2kg in the next few months.

I agreed, but on the condition that she gained atleast half that much... fast forward like two months and she's probably gained closer to two and I've probably gained less than one. She's lookingg pregnant and has has people start calling her 'fat' and 'chubby' which she's been super into. She's even on a girls holiday right now and keeps sending me updates on everything she's eating and videos of her stuffed belly after eating. It's drivng me absolutley fucking wild. Keep the faith, there are asian feedeees out there.
Are you a mutual gain faggot, or are you just pretending to want to gain weight so she becomes fat?
What’s gay about having a bio-babe rubbing your man fat?
Male WG is gay
Post pics or gtfo

there are women into fat men
Not really. I’ve probably gained 2/3 KG over the course of our relationship, it’s been kinda fun but it’s not for me.
Maybe later, honestly it’s not much right now but she’s definitely chubby now. She called herself ‘fat’ last night and told me to grab her belly while I fucked her… can’t wait to architect her to Riki size.

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