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Why do stressed men prefer fat women over skinny women in a sexual context?
>>37090 (OP)
Because we like using a woman's belly as our own personal stress ball.
I prefer fat over skinny, stressed or mellow.
Don't think I had a very stressful childhood when I got interested in girls and found out there's more to discover ;)

I never really got that study anyway, since they seem to ignore the fact that some guys like me were apparently born with that preference and never cared for anything else but ssbbws and soft jiggly fat rolls
Romania. We told you to stop and go home to your childbride or at least read the introduction/discussion section of a paper on pubmed.
Fat == baby food. Period.
When foods in short supply it’s smarter to knock up the fat chick who can make milk like a cow.
War, famine, disease. These are all associated with different phenotypes being expressed: from gender ratios, hormones and sexual preferences. (Phenotypes as data on a population level, not your personal anecdotes.)
Epigenetics. Or maybe Mendelian genetics 🧬.
There’s a gene in there that controls for everything from what color your hair is to which foot you wafflestomp with. What kind of genes are activated is controlled by forces we’ve yet to uncover and neither science nor religion really has a clue as to why an Epigene might activate.
>>37090 (OP)
It's nice when your partner can double as a weighted blanket.
I believe the results in these tests showed a 20lb sway in preference, which is barely significant in regards to most people here. Like, if you preferred thin women normally you liled slightly chubby women when stressed.

As for why, maybe historically stress coorelated with potential food scarcity, and fatter women are more likely to live through that?
>As for why, maybe historically stress coorelated with potential food scarcity, and fatter women are more likely to live through that?
Indeed, another theory is that they see them as less desirable to others therefor more safe partners
Nope. If anything they’re larger and more physically intimidating to hungry and tired men. In fact that’s the idea: larger female dimorphism to facilitate sexual cannibalism.
It’s clearly more likely this is a behavior problem observed in many species during food shortages.
In some cases it’s a fight to escape and some males even actively sacrifice themselves as a snack after reproducing (e.g. Latrodectus hasselti vs Anaconda)
>If anything they’re larger and more physically intimidating to hungry and tired men
I meant as in uglier and especially less socially appealing cuz who wants to be known as the fat one's husband.
That's a different anon
self worth issues

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