
(57 KB, 500x627, Rajesh-Koothrappali-Big-Bang-Theory-Kunal-Nayyar.jpg)
Hey there fellas! Been on this site for quite some years now(since volafile days), been looking for some suggestions. Don't worry I'm not a typical bobs-vagene pajeet poster (having a population over a billion does present a decent probabilty of normal dudes lol). So thing is this country is kind of a hell-hole for a FA and i've been thinking to go some other country for higher studies. Ofc US is a heaven but it seems to be a really far stretch for me in financial terms, way too expensive. So i thought about it's north neighbor Canada, but given recent instability of Trudeau's govt, housing crisis, expensive cost of living, less jobs, it's not looking way too good. Also I'm not too sure if Canada is having obesity golden period like it's neighbor. So, the thing is Europe and Germany in particular seems to be quite affordable and aligned with my career aspects but part of me really aches for experiencing the obesity epidemic in states especially. Logical parts of me thinks that it's really not smart to base such important decisions on geograpical bbw density of a country but not-so-logical (heart) says you get one shot at life and is clinging on to the idea on landing with a potential bbw partner in Canada lol.
->Is Europe too bad for an option if one is interested in bbws (not talking extremes, 250-350lbs) ? Also am i delusional thinking if i land Canada/States i'll easily find a plus sided partner who'll find me attractive and tick all the boxes. Any Europeans/Germans can also throw some light and share their opinions. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks. :-).For reference I'm 23 who's never been in a serious relationship for crying out loud.
P.S. I don't smell like curry lol
Even if you're brown, if you are at least moderately funny and talented, and have a "decent" job, you should have no problem with connecting with a lot of western fatties.

As for love, well, do you believe in fate and providence or not? Really, if you feel more drawn to Germany or USA that's up to you. However if you really want to make the minority of your blood that actually is Aryan proud, I recommend really LARPing and trying to work in a small German city within commute of a cozy traditional village to live in. Then you can find a plump rural yokel who may fetishize your exotic appearance and let you suck massive bobs. Meanwhile, you assimilate best you can and pretend to be a Gypsy there for generations.

Or, you know, just keep fishing online...
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First, not sure what's in your curry that makes you think Germany has a less expensive cost of living than the US. Granted, a few rich areas like NYC Metro and San Francisco Bay Area are probably higher but those places also also have the lowest concentration of fat chicks.

The American South is chock-full of fatties and mostly an inexpensive place to live. 20 years ago I'd say a brown person would not want to live there due to racism but many of the metro areas (i.e., places with jobs) are very diverse now, including A LOT of South Asians. Plus the warm climate will feel just like home.

I'm much older than you and I'm not single so I can't tell you about the dating scene, but I imagine a charming, employed, decent looking, English-speaking dude who specifies a preference for plump in his profile will do better than okay.
You will definetely find some plus size in Germany, but really big ones (if that is what you're truly looking for) will be a lot harder compared to the US (my gf, 420 lbs at her highest for example is always the fattest one you'll see wherever we are)
But you'll find lots of 2/300sth

Just keep in mind that german seems to be super hard to learn for most people and living here isn't that cheap and it's getting worse basically every year ;)

Other than that you should feel alright in any bigger city I'd say, that's the ethnically diverse areas

I'm pretty sure that there are also women who will like your non German appearance and background, but a lot of people tend to stay within their own ethnicity for relationships judging from my experience
But there's plenty of ways to make yourself way better than the others and be the exception ;)
Southeast US man, it's not Expensive. Alabama has lots of decent jobs, relatively nice people and a shitload of fat girls. It's one of the cheapest places to live in the US too. No offence, but the hot sticky weather will make you feel right at home most likely too.
>LARPing and trying to work in a small German city within commute of a cozy traditional village to live in
In an ideal world seems like a good setup but highly unlikely in a white collar job scenario. Talking to someone even on feabie is hard, the general notions of being an Indian overshadows a lot of good things.

>Germany has a less expensive cost of living than the US.
I was mainly referring to doing a masters (in engineering), avg tuition fees in US is north of 40k usd which is a really big amount when converted to Inr, something which just can't be done without burdensome of heavy loans.
>American South is chock-full of fatties
Damn, i think some dreams aren't just meant to be 😔.

>But you'll find lots of 2/300sth
That doesn't sound bad at all, i mean not comparable to west but definitely sounds better than Asia.
>german seems to be super hard to learn for most people and living here isn't that cheap and it's getting worse basically every year ;)
Yeah, German is kinda hard, all i know is "Kaffee und milch, bitte" lol. Regarding living expenses, i mean masters tuition fees is nearly 0 in public univ., but it's really tough to get into them, especially English based courses given people from all over the world are applying.

The only hurdle is the initial investment for masters tuition fees, it nears around 6-7 million in my currency 😪. Also, i'm not at all a fan of hot sticky weather, i am born and raised in north in himalayas so i hate the humidity too.

To add to the expenses of tuition fees in Us, green card scenario doesn't sound good at all. One has to renew work permit every 3 years and chances of getting green card is nearing 0.
Ngl though, these southern us states sound good but a far fetched dream 😓
also, one of friend went to Karlsruhe for an intern and stayed for a year. One day, he was flaunting how the girls over are so fit and that he barely saw 8-9 overweight girls during his entire stay. He obviously thought I'll be kinda jealous of the fact but FA inside me was really sad. But you mentioning 2/300ish are common, i don't know what to believe lol..:--(
There’s more to the planet than america and Europe. You know the Caribbean and a lot of Africa is full of fat Indian women.
The fact is the US is a hellhole if you’re not wealthy and well educated. Canada is barely better but has better immigration laws for Indian people. Europe is a monoculture of skinny white peoples and there’s next to no work.
Get good at coding and data, work remote from somewhere you can live the good life. The US exported its lifestyle the whole world is about to be obese.
>Ngl though, these southern us states sound good but a far fetched dream

Come visit on a tourist visa, find your fatty and get her to marry you.
>the US is a hellhole if you’re not wealthy and well educated. Canada is barely better


>Caribbean and a lot of Africa

...are nirvana if you're not wealthy. GREAT advice, my man.
>>37062 (OP)
The states where fatties live are WAY, WAY cheaper than everywhere in Germany. If you are actually serious about planning your life around fat women, you have to move to the US. There's just no other option. Apply to a nice big state school in the southeast, find a way to make it work financially and I PROMISE you you'll be drowning in fat pussy before you know it. I repeat to you: the US is your only option. Just don't speed or mess up your driving record cause, in case you didn't know, the police here are out of control and they WILL fuck you up if you're brown. Hell they even kill white people all the time too but that's another story. Anyways you have to move to the US. You're only 23 so it isn't obvious to you but Germany is so much more expensive and that isn't an option.
Bobs Vagene!
>US is a hellhole if you’re not wealthy and well educated
This...I have seen people bury in debt and visa issues. Even after spending so much there's no peace and you are on the mercy of your employer. If you get fired they give you like 100 days to find a job before deporting. I really don't like this idea of a hanging sword over my head.
>Caribbean and a lot of Africa is full of fat Indian women.
Not the worst advice but this would be possible with some work exp, money and remote job.
>Europe is a monoculture of skinny white peoples and there’s next to no work.
I really hope that this isn't completely true 😪and there are some Lailans there lol...

If only i had the money sir, if only and even then it's not certain that I'll find someone in that amount of time...

>If you are actually serious about planning your life around fat women
this is really the main question and gist of it all, i mean should I? The fact being whenever I spot someone around 250lbs my mind goes like "damn that's really epic", i can't really wrap my mind around 500-600lbs women you guys typically find in walmart i suppose. That's why i was considering Europe, i mean i don't mind at all getting off to someone like jae, hayley but realistically i think i'll be ok with someone even less than half their size..
Can someone shed some light on Canada's situation on the same, seems like a middleground b/w Europe and US. Really appreciate you guys chiming in (>>37136 not you). Fellas from europe can also speak their hearts out /_ \

False and irrelevant

>skinny white peoples
Statistics: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/bookmark/472f4803-ab3e-43fb-8fae-08a737021d48?lang=en

Yeah almost everyone is white, so mixed couples are rare. Huge disadvantage. [I'm talking about Spain, not sure about other countries].

>next to no work
Obviously, it depends on the country and the industry.

IMO I wouldn't recommend you Spain. Girls vote for far-left parties and say they're not racists but wouldn't probably date a man who isn't white. I think the language barrier would be an issue as well. So, if I were you, I'd work in pursuing a good career, learning the language of the country I'd go and building a charming personality.
23.3% women overweight, and just over 8% obese in Germany, doesn't sound too good but not the worst i suppose...
>wouldn't recommend you Spain
noted fellow anon...
also are you able to find someone for yourself in your preferred weight bracket 😅?

Truth be told sometimes i feel cursed that i'm kinda born with this fetish, i just wanted to feel normal. Combined that with spawned here just feels like make me wanna scream so bad, no one would get me here even in 7 lives.
FWIW, I follow several fat Indian women on Instagram, and I've read more than one article about how Indians are getting fatter by the year. Are these people unicorns?

In a country with a billion people it seems even if .5% of women are obese that's 25m women — greater than the entire population of most European countries. Only 2 states in the USA have more than 25m people each.

Oops nevermind — make that 2.5m women... I'm bad at math, that's why you guys are taking all our jobs lol.
this is a tightly knitted society where every decision subconsciously represents families and extended families, it's like apes living in the jungles. If you've seen big bang theory and how intrusive were Raj's parents lol (all of it is really close to reality here) and the famous arrange marriages. Concept of individualism doesn't exist much here. They would never get it even if i told them about my preferences. Also Indian girls are over the moon all the time, even a 2 thinks she's some sort of celebrity owing to constant Pajeets pedestalizing them by flooding their Dms. Conclusively society just don't let people be the way they want here.

Bear in mind that those statistics were collected in 2014, I'm sure there are higher numbers now.

Yeah, I dated a plump girl (~90 kg) with an amazing hourglass shape and I've had a fling with some fat girls. There are few fat girls on dating apps, but you can find tons of them out there. Specifically, I found a lot in a "Medieval market", which are kinda popular here.

I forgot to ask you something related to what the American anon said. Aren't Indian mature women usually fat?
The concept of finding someone and getting married is not much accepted, there's a thing called arranged marriage where basically your family finds someone for you and then you meet the girl and just agree/disagree (as orthodox and other worldly it sounds). There's no point in hell they'll agree to set me up with someone overweight (constantly reminding of what society would think).
>Aren't Indian mature women usually fat?
Mature overweight women are not rare but it's something which might or might not happen, not much willing to bet on those odds.
Got it. Side note, I'm aware of some of this. I was friends with a Indian girl in high school, Her family were immigrants, had been in the US for 10 years or so, Dad was a doctor etc.

I'd talk to her on the bus, she seemed to like me, thought I was funny, etc so I asked her out. She told me she was flattered but that she was already "engaged" to a guy back in India. We were 16! Til then I thought arranged marriages were a myth lol.
>dated a plump girl (~90 kg) with an amazing hourglass shape and I've had a fling with some fat girls.
damn sir, good for you.
>she was already "engaged" to a guy back in India
engaged at 16, i'm often as dumbstruck when i hear such things as you guys are lol.
>If you are actually serious about planning your life around fat women
anything fellas, given i'm not looking for extreme sizes...
you may have said that provocatively but comment section is pretty unpleasant, combine that with no sense of personal boundaries in majority (like this vid) makes up for a pretty bad environment for bigger people.
I’m exchange for help tell us about Indian bbws on the internet. Where do we find that brown bbw videos. Are there only fans bbws that remain low key?
I haven't seen any mainstream bbw/ssbbw creating content around weight, though there are quite some plus sized influencers. Most of them are just on some sort of fitness journey. One comes to mind which is in bbw territory and jeez with around 800k followers on insta. Though not exactly onlyfans, she does have a profile on a cheap copy platform. Her prices are outrageous for Indian currency.


well, just a grateful goodbye to this community. Before finding this back in 2014-15, i always thought in my head that i'm the weirdest mf alive on this planet. Downloaded a shit load of videos, bought some and shared, felt i'm a part of something. Recent years, this place took a dark turn for worse and we all knew this inevitable end was near. Kudos to admin(s) to keep it afloat even in this cesspool for so long. Anyways any last advice on the topic of this thread would be appreciated before it's demise.
have you considered australia? probably a higher proportion of fat chicks compared to europe, according to the numbers it's similar to canada. plus there is a huge desi community here, especially in melbourne and sydney. given you're from the north i'd say the weather in melbourne would suit you better, a couple of universities there have a good reputation for engineering.
I have but it's costly, somewhere in b/w canada and usa in most universities. Nothing is able to beat free masters in public universities of Germany 🤧😞. I'll see if i get some scholarships... although chances are bleak.
My friends from upper himalayas own quite some. Remote northen villages people still have quite a traditional lifestyle, they never stepped out of himalayas and don't give a F about what's happening in big cities like Delhi.
Just putting it out there, getting a fat girl even in Usa must not be a cakewalk given most traffic of this site is from states and anons behave like autistics over a random fat ass picture (/booty, who is she threads). Or are most guys in-closet FAs who quench their other personality thirst here? Or most of you are living the FA dream yet visit here due to habits/free porn?
>Saw a bbw (in the upper weight brackets) after ages.
>thought to casually talk.
>heart beat got insanely high
>couldn't muster the courage to talk to her.
>got back home.
>life goes on.
>tomorrow is just like yesterday.
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i was awestruck when i saw ladyjiggles in a saree lol. I wonder what went through the minds of people at the wedding. I mean sure the party was somewhere in UK so that size must not be totally foreign to them, but she definitely is quite up in over-weight category. Probably the biggest woman they saw wearing a traditional saree.
Her O/F caption-
" As a plus sized girl, I had to special order an extra long saree, but I think it turned out beautiful."
FWIW, Indian women this size are not especially rare in northern NJ (the part near NY city). Midsized ones are dime a dozen.

I'm the guy further up the thread who told you to come to the US and I still think you should. Do it on a tourist visa and get a job at a restaurant. You speak English and they're so desperate for workers here they won't give a fuck if you don't have a green card, trust me. And no one is sweeping through restaurants busting illegal work situations, trust me on that as well. If you make it through JFK you're golden.

Yeah, you want a career. Yeah your family will be unhappy. Be the prodigal son. Go have an adventure and if they love you they'll take you back. You only get one life and it's yours, not theirs. You might not meet the fat girl of your dreams, there's no guarantees in life except that if you stay in Fucknowswhere making your parents happy and you'll never know what could have happened.
>>37062 (OP)
If you come here, there's one caveat
please please PLEASE shower at least once a day for chrissake.
>Indian women this size are not especially rare in northern NJ (the part near NY city). Midsized ones are dime a dozen.
Damn seems like all the good ones left India lol.
>Do it on a tourist visa and get a job at a restaurant.
I really get where you're coming from, but i really doubt myself to pull this off. I'm a fucking choker (https://youtu.be/-KKZS8F9JTs?si=iPSTrcDiYPAO-sWq), i've barely had a decent convo with a girl in 23 years of my life so really unsure about leaving my career for something i'm highly likely to fail 😔.
one distant friend of mine came from usa, he went through a normal path (higher education, masters and stuff), finance was not an issue for him. He came after like 5 years or so. He told me one strange thing that he didn't have a single friend from the states during his entirety of the stay. All his friends were students from different countries. Side note- he really is a charming extroverted guy. He pointed out the extremity of individualism and lack of meaningful connections. I mean sure it's not like people there are living with their parents like here but I've seen enough sitcoms (big bang theory, friends, the community, superstore and many others) and i always thought they would have some proximity to reality but i guess not. For reference he used to live in Florida. This further dented my hopes tbh, my introverted autistic ass ain't gonna do shit there lol.
well sir, sorry about your probable bad hygiene experiences with south asians but there's no point in generalizing, i do bath everyday.
>also care to shed some light on canada in regards to topic of this channel please?
>He told me one strange thing that he didn't have a single friend from the states during his entirety of the stay. All his friends were students from different countries.

(I'm 38779, your American lifecoach) I'm not surprised, especially in Florida where I've spent a fair amount of time. It's a fragmented place, very few natives, mostly transplants from all over. You'd think that would make people more open to cross-cultural relationships but I think it actually makes them cling harder to what they know.

The US is more mosaic than melting pot, in that you can see people from 15 different ethnicities in one trip to WalMart but the racial/cultural divides can be pretty stark in terms of close relationships. Whites with whites, blacks with blacks, Asians with Asians, etc. Humans are tribal as a species, it seems.

Also there are a lot of preconceptions about South Asians here, "model minority" as they are. A lot of us are aware that family and cultural ties are super strong and frankly Indians give off a distant "stuck up" vibe so we're less likely to engage. On the other hand I've had Asian friends (East and South Asian) tell me Americans are very familiar, crude, and casual in a way that's almost offensive to them.

I get you're not gonna do this, but just in case I'd suggest NYC Metro as being very different in that way. It's the most diverse place in the US (probably the world) but also very dense so everyone is on top of each other — you can't help but meet other people, and if you're open to it, you can make those cross-cultural connections. I have friends from all over the place and know a lot of people in mixed marriages, including Bangladeshi-white, Sri Lankan-white, and Gujarati-Mexican couples, fwiw. And something like restaurant work brings together diverse people.

I won't say it's like a sitcom but people really can mix it up here, if they put themselves in the right situation. The only downside is that there are fewer fat chicks than most of the country, but still probably a hell of a lot more than where you're at.
bong here, according to statistics overweight women are common but truly fat ones like her are fairly rare, especially when it comes to younger women. most fat women here are old.
Yeah, oops, I’m old so I didn’t take that into account. We’re looking at different age categories. Anyway I’ve seen my share of young Indian chubsters as well, and you know how that goes.
>constantly reminding of what society would think
Romanian and Indian societies are very similar, as you described here
>>37062 (OP)
Europe UK/ES/FR:

I dont recommend going to the UK right now, the country is still sinking and you dont get european citizenship/residence. I've only been in london and the phattest asses ive seen were indian bitches and tourists, not saying theres no phat white bitches but not enough to consider it a BBW city, maybe im wrong. Besides, there might be white BBWs but that doesnt mean they brittish, most women are tall (for women) and thin. At work the biggest ass, legs, and body overall was a slut from Spain, lol.

Because youre indian i have to start with the race issue, im assuming you brown here, Theres racism in the western world, even in the countries that seem to be open minded, there is racism and you will experience it, open racism, hidden racism, and "micro-racism", you just gotta learn to live with it, no white man will ever be able to understand what any of this means because they will never experience it, and yes, white men can suffer racism, but never in the same scale as dark skinned ppl, specially men. As i said, you gonna have to learn to live with it, dont take it personal and dont focus on it. Theres laws to protect you in many countries, however that only protects against direct violence and discrimination, which makes sense, ppl have the freedom to be racist, thats their choice and cant be punished for their prejudice as long as they dont go all 3rd reich about it.

The advice i can give you is work on yourself to the point you will become "irresistible" to the common chick/milf/granny, and go from there. You dont need to be lean cos many women like some fat on their men, just be fit and never do roids cos you dont need them unless your goal is becoming mr olympia, be well dressed (on whatever style u like), clean, nice haircut (regardless of length) or shaved head, dont ever take the balding refusal path, thats a lonely road 99% of the time IMO, clean teeth & breath FFS and heal/control any illnesses you can, like fungal infections, obesity, mental health, dont be a lazy disgusting mofo, take care of your body & mind, and diet, READ books, no self help BS or self hate stuff from the "man(pussy)"-o-sphere. And if you got a thicc accent, like many indians do, you can either embrace it and be an exotic kinda guy, or work on it and try to blend in, thats a personal choice, choose the right one for you. Oh yeah, clean fucking clothes, no weird or strong smells.

Go out! dont be a work->home->bed->work...fool, specially if youre a foreigner you have to move and do your best to meet people, not trying to get dates, just go out and meet people, all kinds of ppl, be careful and learn from your mistakes so you can improve, all that experience is gonna help you with girls and life. If all you gonna do is go to work and get back home to fap on BBW-chan you're better off staying in India, im being real here.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day everyday, 10 hours is ok too, in this case i recommend having a break after the first 3 hours, try it, if you dont like it then just sleep the whole 10 hours. Dont overwork if you dont need to, this depends on your goals and lifestyle.

Money is a panty dropper FO SHO! However, women are humans like you, they have their needs and desires, if you have money but look like a blob or behave like a fool you will hardly find a decent long lasting whale-wife/partner. Now, youre still real fucking young, you can play around many years if thats what you really want, it depends on your goals.
If all you want is hookers IDK wtf are you doing asking for advice, open your wallet, win.

All this im telling here is targeted to your goal, why would a faceless woman be your goal? i have no fucking idea but hey if thats what you want, everybody chooses his own poison. My personal advice is, think about all im telling you for yourself, not for any woman or man.

Make your own choices because you are already a man, you just dont know it yet, you are in the age of making your own choices and living with the consequences. Hopefully you will learn instead of living in denial for the rest of your life, like most people in human history.

I'm assuming youre craving sum white meat hence why ur talking bout the US and EU, but if all you want is BBWs i think you're better off going to a really safe city in Latin America, well...as safe as any LA country can be, they have better shape in terms of curves, they have bigger...everything, they fuck a whole lot better by default, and theyre less bitchy in general (the women), things are cheaper so you wont struggle as much as living in New York or Berlin for example. Latin women, NOT US latin, REAL latinass women have a lot of positives no other women on earth have, at least not when it comes to BBW women. (reminder that Spain isnt Latin in terms of geography and ppl).
If you really have to have white meat then choose your poison, and i'd choose a high density city with low indian population, you can become the exotic fuccb0i.

When it comes to fitness, 2 years doing what you have to do is enough to build an attractive enough body unless you're a phatphucc, the rest is up to you.

P.S: Wherever it is that you end up going, dont become an apologetic cunt, you dont have to be a full critic but dont be that disgusting POS who behaves like he owes his life to the country because you can work and live there, seriously, ppl dont appreciate that, not even the locals, they wont tell you but most people despise that, specially women, it shows a weakness of character. Only cunts who will be happy about it are the nationalists, and you dont want anything to do with them, because they dont appreciate you, they only appreciate you behaving like a servant to their ideas of grandeur, which is a whole different thing.

Dont do anything i say, just think about it if you care.
Also about fitness, i wholeheartedly recommend scooby1961, you only have 1 body, neo, uno, dont fucking destroy it following roided twats from the net telling you how they naturally built the body only a wise 40y.o fitness freak could do in 20 years. Brats whose idea of fitness is stuffing shit in their mouths and destroying their joints to the point theyre older than a 60y.o man and cant run or climb stairs without having half a heart attack are not the kind of ppl you wanna listen to.
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>your American lifecoach
really appreciate you constantly chiming in.
>Whites with whites, blacks with blacks, Asians with Asians, etc.
this involves one of my wildest fears lol, i mean it's fine upto a certain point but mutual exclusiveness would be shitty setup.
>Americans are very familiar, crude, and casual in a way that's almost offensive to them.
haha i can relate to that too, i've been on some less known dating apps and i found westerners so darn casual, not to mention entitled too. I mean level of entitlement is outrageous like the whole world revolve around them.
>'d suggest NYC Metro as being very different in that way.
duly noted sir, if i end up ripping off the bandage.
>Bangladeshi-white, Sri Lankan-white, and Gujarati-Mexican couples, fwiw
that did brought up a smile on my face lol, there's hope after all lol.
> but truly fat ones like her are fairly rare, especially when it comes to younger women. most fat women here are old.
that would be true for most part of the europe i suppose.

condolences fellow anon.

> I've only been in london and the phattest asses ive seen were indian bitches and tourists
damn, i did not expected that. Now i'm beginning to think i'm probably living in the wrong part of my own country lmao.
>there is racism and you will experience it, open racism, hidden racism, and "micro-racism", you just gotta learn to live with it
>work on yourself to the point you will become "irresistible" to the common chick/milf/granny.
All my life i have been a skinny underweight dude but i've begun to reverse that by working out from few months. I've always been in engaging sports (cycling, football {european one}, cricket) so much so that i've been never been able to stay at a healthy weight. Shitty genetics are also to blame here given how easily i've seen some of the models balloon up, it really does feel kinda alien from here lol.
>Go out! dont be a work->home->bed->work...fool,
i hope my mental health don't go into the shambles in a foreign land and my time management skills finally turn up.
>Make your own choices because you are already a man, you just dont know it yet
My mind is just not fucking ready to accept it, it wants to stay as directionless kid.
> i think you're better off going to a really safe city in Latin America
didn't really crossed my mind tbh when thinking from an engineer's point of view lol but yeah why not somewhere down the road.
>2 years doing what you have to do is enough to build an attractive enough body
my malnourished protein deficient physique would need some decent effort, hopefully i'll be able to come through.

again appreciating you guys chiming in, always a pleasure to hear anything on here 🙏🏼
This kind of people are so self-absorbed they cant even concieve the idea of thinking about how whities feel. Put all the racism, politics, etc aside and think for a moment about how this people feel and why suicide, depression, anxiety figures are still high in the wealthies societies on earth.

Im not saying you cant feel bad because white people also have their own struggles in life, im saying youre not the only one, imagine being white and still getting discriminated in your own country by your own people.

Im not talking to u tho, just reacting to that video, which is fucking disgusting as a human being.
>imagine being white and still getting discriminated in your own country by your own people.

i think this guy has some real unresolved issues though, as much as he would've been like this, irrespective of being born as any race in any country. I mean it can't be that bad (hopefully lol).
I hope you get windows update everyday 🙁.
>found an Indian girl on feabie after years
>lives about 100 miles from me
>185lbs nothing to write home but 5'3" so was chubby, pretty and was confident showing off.
>texted "damn, wasn't expecting to see much Indians here, but glad to see people stepping up".
>she requested my private pics (my actual photos are in there)
>got blocked in a couple of mins.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
big oof dude, hope you find a non-shallow indian fatass in the future to fuck
Shallow is the second name of most Indian girls....😞i mean nobody owes anyone anything but damn these cold straight blocking really hurts sometimes lol😪
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i know at this point, i'm just dragging this thread but i'm really struck in my head. The friend(>>37130), i was hanging out with him. He upon seeing a bbw flaunted how he only saw 8-9 fat girls during his entire 1 year tenure in Germany. He obviously thought that by saying that he was convincing me to go there but contraire i was heart broken.
Also Canada just made it a shitload difficult for international students to come by doubling down on GIC (a fixed deposit of now 20k Cad from 10k Cad) which has to be shown to Govt, apart from univ fees and other expenses.
This is your US Lifecoach again and you're just jerking yourself off. Forget Europe and Canada. This is Fat Girl Valhalla. Save your rupees and come as a tourist first, see if you vibe.

Also I've never been to India or near it, but because I keep following fat Indian chicks on Instagram, more keep coming. I believe there may be a famine up in your neck of the woods but don't tell me they don't exist in your country.
I'm in between jobs rn, left my last one due to a very toxic environment. Thought might as well do masters now, only to find out it takes a shitload of rupees to get anywhere abroad, now regretting should have stayed to save more, 'cause it's costing my house equivalent to go to usa. Regarding tourist visa, Indians have a waiting period of months, sometimes years, and young people are deprioritised to older people. They even take fuckin interviews for tourist visa. I don't know why tf was i cursed with this fetish and then thrown here.
Regarding fat chicks here, you have to live and see yourself how hard is it to even talk to them here. Conservative culture coupled with atrocious entitlement.
Is there any reason u keep fucking staring.
The only person I've can remember seeing using a mobility scooter due to her obesity was a middle aged desi woman actually. I'd say she looked Indian, but as this was in some small town in Sweden I wonder if it was more likely she was Pakistani or Bangladeshi as they seem to be more common. Indians seem to be mostly younger guys in university cities or technological centres.

I guess you've ruled out Norway due to cost but if there's interest I can try to give out my persective on moving here and the fat girl situation.
I've been trying to tell this fucking sad sack how fat South Asian women get once they emigrate (and within India but he's got excuses for that, too). Here in NYC Metro they rival blacks and latinas. As in, past age 20 or so I see way more fat ones than thin. Haven't spotted one in a scooter yet but at least a couple using canes and a lot of waddling heavy breathers.
My cousin and all my friends live in Norway, every time I've been there to visit I never saw any fat women (though the women were generally very pretty). The fatgirl situation in the Norge seems dire.
Compared to something like america it’s dire. But it’s not that bad tbh, you don’t how to look far to find someone fat. But that are for bbw range girls, for ssbbws I can barely think of anyone I’ve seen. Actually a childhood friend of mines mom was a real ssbbw. Jenni bombshell proportions, but I haven’t seen her in like ten years so.
I'm probably biased since I'm from here, but I'd say Norway is a quality over quantity type of country. Yeah there aren't many fat girls compared to US (but better than EU average I'd say!) however the fat girls here just are much more attractive than most other places, even compared to our neighbouring countries. Both due to their physical appearance and the fact that the majority of young fat girls clearly take care of their appearance which is far from the case everywhere.
I would agree with you on that. Only thing I wish was that some norwegian girls would start making content. I remember fluffprincess from a few years ago, but she quit like two years ago. And I can't think of a single other norwegian girl that makes fat fetish content.
>Here in NYC Metro
lol ive yet to see one morbidly obese indian chick in this city. i can probably count on two hands how many 50+ bmi women ive encountered IRL.
if you got any suggestions and where most of them are located, im all ears lol.
i was in a relationship with one but it fizzled out because of how much i was tired of her flirting with other guys online.
Jackson Heights (Queens) and Edison NJ are go-to spots and I see them randomly as well. I had a client contact for a few years who was 2nd gen, 5'4", very pretty and easily 300+ with a massive b-belly. Even recently I was riding my bike and spotted a young South Asian jogger, not huge, more like 40 bmi rather than 50 but it was mostly in her gigantic ass.

That said, I agree that NYC and the urban Northeast in general is not great for SS/USBBW spotting (I went to school in Boston and I spent a lot of time in Philly on and off as well), at least compared to the Midwest and South. But they're definitely here, especially in black and latino hoods.

I used to live in Inwood and a Sunday summer stroll in Washington Heights and over into the South Bronx would turn up all kinds of heavyweights. I lived in Fort Greene as well and the Fulton Mall also had its share of 300, 400+ fatties. (Less so since gentrification.)

Hipsters are starting to trickle into my hood now and they're trending large as well. More midsized or small SS but the occasional mega as well.
I don't think I wrote "as well" enough lol.
I lived for years on the western edge of JH. (Best place to eat in the city, bar none.) It wasn't every day, but I definitely saw the occasional fat desi waddling around. Mostly MILFs, and once an easily 450+ woman in a sari who was a straight up SSBBGILF, to my "I didn't think I'd find this hot but I kinda do" surprise. Don't sleep on Central Asians either as a recent immigrant group with genetic potential for fatness.

>Hipsters are starting to trickle into my hood now and they're trending large as well. More midsized or small SS but the occasional mega as well.
I might be taking a new job soon in your neck of the woods and noticed this on a recent recon trip. Spotted more than one Zoomer white girl chonker rocking the nonbinary/trenderqueer look, not my preferred aesthetic but whaddya gonna do. Bunch of new coffee shops have opened since the last time I was spending much time up there.

Anecdotally, I don't go to DC much but I was there for work last year and saw two smoking hot and well-dressed 300ish desi girls within a block of each other.
>Jackson Heights sightseeing
I think brown and black women age better than whites and I like MILFs/GILFs in general so that sounds fantastic. Been through a few times but I confess I only ate there once, a hole in the wall Pakistani place that was indeed excellent. Unfortunately my big memory was a massively fat dude pounding down bajis and stuff with his thin wife sitting across from him. Hot in its own way but not my primary focus.

If you like South Asian food Edison is a goldmine fwiw. Dated a woman from a town nearby and we wound up there a lot. That's how I realized how many Indians live there, and a lot of them fat.

>Central Asians
100%, with a tendency to really pack it on in their hips and asses too which is not a bad thing in my book. I get the feeling the men encourage it too which is like DA fat fic come to life. One of very few FA bonding experiences in my life was with my old barber, a Bukharan who lives in Rego Park, natch. We were talking about women and he said he liked them "big" and held out his hands like 3 feet wide. I told him I agreed and he was skeptical at first but then impressed lol.

Thing is they're mostly Muslim or orthodox Jewish so they dress pretty conservatively, long skirts and dresses and the layered look in general. I don't mind ladies leaving something to the imagination, but...

>fat hipsters
NYC happens to have a lot of them (and everything else) but the SSBBW hipster trend is even more pronounced in other cities I've visited. Spent some time in New Orleans last year and the server at a BBQ place on the edge of Bywater (main hipster hood) was no more than 5'3" but easily 400, all ass, hips, and belly. Very pretty and rocking a vintage dress and rockabilly style otherwise. My eyes nearly fell out of my head, was even thinking of making a move but I forget I'm old and she gave off mega "go away" vibes.
> But they're definitely here, especially in black and latino hoods.
ill keep looking then. my ex was in a latin neighborhood from the south bronx by the coast.
I'm near Inwood and just keep encoutering bbws at best. granted i dont get out my home out often, i do want to meet with a ss/u-bbw thats nearby. but i guess i gotta visit the south bronx since brooklyn is far af.
Any particular recommendations? I'm gonna have an afternoon free in Jersey next week after dropping a relative off at Newark airport, and I like exploring that side of the river when I get the chance. My usual MO is to park and walk around until I find a place that looks promising, but it looks on google maps like there's not really a "downtown" Edison, just suburban sprawl.

I moved a while ago and a lot of my favorite spots closed or changed ownership during the pandemic, but Himalayan Yak is still standing if you like (or want to try) Tibetan food. And classy enough to be a great date spot.

>Bukharan barber, North Jersey gf
St. Mark's?

>fat hipsters outside of NYC
Oh yeah. I was in a Midwestern college town for work last summer and my mind was blown by the sheer number of nicely dressed 350+ hotties out and about on a sunny afternoon. I'm NY born and raised, but I fantasize sometimes that if I were still young and single and had a fully remote job, I'd do a "grand tour" for a couple years where I short term rent and cowork in a bunch of different Middle American cities (make a big circle from Cincy to Mpls to STL) just to get the vibe of different places and "sample the goods." Too old for that now though, what a pity.

(Sorry to hijack your thread with NY talk, desibro)
Posting in this thread to say two things (neither of which is especially related to the other).

1. I saw a mind-blowing Indian SSBBW yesterday. The kind that really puts both of those Bs in that acronym. One of the fattest people I've ever seen IRL. She looked to be in her 20s, pretty face, tall (5'10"ish), easily at least 500lbs. Honest to God she had pretty much exactly the same body shape as Jae did at 500. I've barely ever seen any Indian BBWs, even when I went to India. But she was something really special. I'd marry a woman like that if I got the chance.

2. On the subject of fat girls in New York: I'll be going there soon and I'm really hoping I'll see a few - if I'm lucky, maybe even get the chance to talk to a few at bars etc. Even though I've seen a lot of guys here say that there aren't that many in NY, I still feel like it'll be better than Dublin lol. I'll be staying in Flushing, which I know is basically Chinatown lite. But I'm hoping I'll see a few in the city itself. Alas I can't really ask for recommendations on where to find them because I'm going with friends and can't really derail our trip for that purpose (even though my friends are well aware of my preference).
>Any particular recommendations?
There's a bunch along route 27 but this place is good, we ate there a few times: https://www.spicehousenj.com/ Has a weird mini catering hall feel like a lot of "authentic" ethnic restaurants but you're not there for the decor. (Sorry if it sucks, it's been a few years and I'm not an expert on Indian cuisine!)

You're correct, this is the burbs — a lot of shoppng centers and the Menlo Park Mall, if you want to do some fat Indian "sightseeing."

But if you want to walk around I'd check out Newark, Ironbound and Downtown, or Jersey City, the area from Journal Square to Grove St. And to the topic, there's an Indian hood just west of Journal Square where you can probably get some excellent and super authentic South Asian grub.

PS: Both cities have been gentrified to an extent (especially JC) but there are still bad hoods you can easily wander into.

>Bukharan barber, North Jersey gf
St. Marks lol... No, I've evolved beyond $8 haircuts though I have a fond memory of getting my hair buzzed then using the bathroom and sharing a joint on my way out with one of the guys in that weird Saw dungeon vestibule in the back.

To answer your question, Bukharan barber was in Midtown near where I used to work. Not sure if he's still there. GF lived in Westfield/Cranford/Scotch Plains area. True Jersey Girl.

>"grand tour"
Sounds like a great plan, but I'm too old as well. The cute young fatties in the coffee shops would be off limits, I'd wind up at the local bar with the obese lounge lizards which is too depressing to imagine.

>(Sorry to hijack your thread with NY talk, desibro)
Nah, he's beyond help lol.
>fat girls in New York

The bad news is that NYC is not at its most vibrant in winter, so you'll miss a fair amount of street life, which means fat chicks showing their stuff. And it's true New Yorkers are skinnier than most of our countrymen (I'm fat here and thin-average pretty much everywhere else in the US). The good news is that all the tourist traps have loads (npi) of fat American tourists year round (npi). Times Square, Rock Center, WTC, the Met, etc are almost guaranteed to cough up a fair amount of 300 pounders and a few 400+ specimens as well if you keep your eyes open.

Flushing is indeed not gonna be your friend fat-wise. Though lots of great, super-authentic Chinese and Vietnamese food, and Korean if you head further north. Have dim sum at least once at a big place, it's weird and fun.

If you guys do a wander around Flushing Meadows Park (famous steel globe, and the Queens Museum diorama of NYC is 100% worth it) and come out the other side Corona and Elmhurst have loads of chunky and downright hefty Latina babes. Not much to recommend those hoods otherwise except for cultural anthropology and the weird/awesome Louis Armstrong House if you're a jazz fan.

You'll be taking the 7 train back and forth to Manhattan and there are some interesting ethnic nabes along the way, pretty much a different culture at every stop. Queens is less densely populated in general than Manhattan and northern Brooklyn, and that whole stretch along the elevated tracks is pretty ugly and depressing. So I'm not saying get off and sightsee, but if you guys are big foodies it may be worth a detour in Jackson Heights where there's great authentic South Asian food and North Indian/Pakistani babes (as I said up the thread), fat ones included. A weird mix of cultures in general, with Hondurans, Thais, etc around as well. Jackson Heights is a major subway hub so you may wind up transferring there anyway.

Harlem is worth a wander as a tourist, if only because you get to see what the rest of Manhattan looked like 40 years ago before they knocked down everything interesting and authentically NYC down to put up glass towers like fucking Houston. You'll see a fair amount of fat black women and some Latinas along 125th and thereabouts. There's a black "restaurant row" on Lenox north of 125. Go for weekend brunch to Melba's or Red Rooster (make reservations or wait for a long time) and I almost guarantee you'll see tables full of fat, bougie black women. ...Or maybe a lot of Irish tourists, I haven't been in a few years lol.

General non-fat-related tourist advice to a fellow fat lover:

Watch for scams, especially in Times Square but anywhere tourists are around. If someone tries to hand you a CD ignore them. If someone says you dropped money ignore them. If there's a commotion — an argument or whatever — keep your hands on your valuables; it could be a distraction to pick your pocket or snatch a purse.

Don't eat in Times Square. When you get hungry head west to 9th Avenue where there's 15 blocks of small, excellent, reasonably priced restaurants of all kinds between 42nd and 57th Sts.

The West Village (aka Greenwich Village) is the most interesting and walkable hood in Manhattan, small streets and older, low-scale "European" architecture. Brooklyn Heights is similar, and very close to the Brooklyn Bridge/Lower Manhattan.

The Statue of Liberty isn't worth the time it takes to get there and back. Just look at it from Battery Park or take the Staten Island Ferry back and forth for a great (free!) view of the statue and NY Harbor in general. "Little Italy" doesn't exist anymore. It's a few overpriced, awful restaurants and gift shops. It's surrounded by Chinatown which is way more authentic and interesting but you'll already be in the Queens version so it's redundant.

Bottom line, don't just go from attraction to attraction. Not that the Empire State Building or Rock Center aren't worth it, but if that's all you do you may as well go to Disneyworld rather than the greatest city on earth.
Lol, don't knock the St. Mark's barbers. I was well into my 20s when an old Bukharan Jewish guy a friend recommended helped me finally find a sustainable cut for my genetically cursed fluffy-but-oily rabbit hair. He succeeded where the expensive snooty gay salon stylist I turned to in desperation had failed, I had decent hair for the first time in my life, and he did it for ten bucks.

Thanks for the recommend, I'll take it under advisement and do my own due diligence. I know JC well and have been to the (few) decent parts of Newark a couple of times. I'm talking more about the suburban/small city parts of the state that you have to explore by car, which is what I've been getting into lately since moving out of the city on the other side of the river. I grew up believing all the usual Jersey stereotypes, but I honestly like a lot of the NJ small cities and towns better than their NYS equivalents. Montclair and Morristown vs. White Plains and New Roc is hardly even a question, if "walkable and lively" is the criterion, and even the shitty parts of urban Jersey make you realize how much Governor Rockefeller's urban renewal program in the 70s fucked over comparable cities in NYS. Passaic and Paterson are hood, but the good architectural bones are still there, compared to NYS equivalents like Newburgh or Poughkeepsie where "nuke the historic 19th century downtown and replace it with brutalist office buildings for government employees" was explicit state policy.
Other NYC anon already gave good advice, but as a proud Queens booster I disagree about the 7 train. Under the tracks is nothing special except food-wise, but some of the adjacent neighborhoods are great. The Jackson Heights historic district north of the train and Sunnyside Gardens along Skillman Ave have beautiful historic architecture, and since you'll be coming and going from Flushing it'll be a convenient way to get a taste of the real non-touristy NYC, if that's what you're in the mood for.

My suggestion for an easy Jackson Heights side trip would be to get off the subway at 82nd and walk one block north to 37th Avenue, find a restaurant to try (throw a dart at a map and there will be a restaurant from that country somewhere on the block.) Then get back on the train at 74th, or vice versa if you're coming back from Manhattan.

Nowhere else in the city is like that part of Queens - they say more languages are spoken within a mile of the 74th Street subway junction than anywhere else in the world.

The pandemic sadly killed it off, because a lot of older longtime pub owners closed up shop for good, but the area around Woodside/61st was one of the last holdouts of old-school Irish-American outer borough NYC.

Agree that the best and cheapest way to do the Statue of Liberty is a Staten Island Ferry ride. I did that trip as a weeknight after work date with one of the hottest fat babes I ever dated, many years ago. And yeah, Middle American tourists at the expected spots will be your best bet for eye candy. But you never know, some of my best sightings over the years have been in totally random places.
100% to all of this. I've never lived in Jersey but would definitely consider if my next move wasn't almost certainly going to be to a cheaper part of the country with way more fat women.

Okay, I'll give it to you part-way on the 7 but this feels like something you do on your 5th trip to NYC, not your first. Unless they're staying a month they're gonna want to do all the touristy stuff (as they should) and maybe check out white Brooklyn a bit.

Sending Dubliners on a Woodside pub crawl could go either way. Might feel like Irish Disneyland to them (Irish immigrants I know despise Irish American culture), but they might enjoy being hailed as the second coming and not pay for a beer all night.

And I agree on leaving oneself open to randomness. I have a feeling just given the sheer number and variety of humans he'll encounter he'll find more than a few white (and brown) whales. As I posted on another thread a while back, one of the hottest, fattest women I've ever seen in the wild was at the fucking Tribeca Whole Foods of all places. Let's just say besides the cashiers, at 5'10" and 200 I was the second fattest person in the whole store lol.
Thanks for the advice, New York anons. If I ever see anyone talking about visiting Dublin (or Ireland in general) on this board I'll pay it forward.
The CD scam is a funny one; my friends have warned me about it repeatedly so I'll be on high alert lol.
>The pandemic sadly killed it off, because a lot of older longtime pub owners closed up shop for good, but the area around Woodside/61st was one of the last holdouts of old-school Irish-American outer borough NYC.
That's a shame. I was looking forward to exactly the scenario >>41333 described lol, i.e.
>being hailed as the second coming and not pay for a beer all night
But I'm also going to Boston and I know there's a lot more of that there.
>Irish immigrants I know despise Irish American culture
It's true that most Irish people hate Irish-Americans but I actually don't have any problem with them. They can be a little bit cringe sometimes but I'll take that over anti-Irish racism any fucking day of the week lol. I like that they're genuinely interested in my culture and want to hear about what the old country is like.
>Unless they're staying a month they're gonna want to do all the touristy stuff (as they should) and maybe check out white Brooklyn a bit.
I'm doing 5 days in New York and 5 days in Boston. You might think that's not long enough to see/do much, and that's basically true, but this shit is fucking expensive lmao. Can't really afford to do a month+.
It's my first time in the US as an adult (parents took me to Florida when I was a kid). I'm going with three guys who've all been to NY before so they all sort of know the lay of the land. Two of them have also been to Boston and one was actually born there but his family moved back to the old country.
>5 days in New York and 5 days in Boston
If you'd asked ahead of time I'd say you should do 7 in NYC and 3 in Beantown. It's a great city but tiny compared to the Big Apple. Maybe do a day trip to Gloucester or Salem. Both are touristy but fun and "quaint" with a lot of history, good contrasts to the city.

Anyway, Yes, you'll be conquering heroes, and you'll get a kick out of the Irish influence there in general. Even architecturally it may seem familiar. After all, the historic areas were built by the same people (Georgian Brits) at the same time as Dublin.

The North End is very touristy but the real deal, unlike anything in NYC. The Italian (American) food there is excellent and same with the pastries. If you're gonna see a huge fat chick in Boston it'll be on line to buy cannolis on Hanover Street.

Watch your ass though, there's a lot of heavy drinking bro culture that's different from what I experienced in Dublin. Scary white people are scary indeed. A lively conversation can easily turn into a fight. Or maybe it's just they don't like my NY accent lol.

>The CD scam
Story time:

I'd had a rough day and left work hating the world. I was near Times Square meeting someone for a much-needed drink and a dude tried to put a CD in my hand.

I was about to wave him off but felt devilish and slightly suicidal so I took it but kept walking.

"Hey my man, hey my man!" he kept yelling as he followed me. "That costs money!"

"You gave it to me so I figured it was free," I told him, and kept walking.

"That's theft — you're stealing!" he insisted.

"Call a cop," I told him.

A block later I threw it in the trash. Made me feel like a million bucks but I would only recommend this if you've got your buddies with you.
>this feels like something you do on your 5th trip to NYC, not your first
Normally I'd agree, but if they're taking the 7 back and forth from Flushing every day anyway, it'd be a wasted opportunity not to stop at 74th Street for lunch and see a different side of the city for an hour or two. I can't promise cute babes but I can promise good food. (Protip: if you need something solid and greasy for a hangover cure, go Tibetan and get momos and sha bhaley.)

>they might enjoy being hailed as the second coming and not pay for a beer all night
Kek, that's what I was thinking. But at this point any Irish he meets in Woodside is more likely to be a 70yo retired union electrician than a cute SSBBW.

Have fun on your trip, Eireanon.
>this feels like something you do on your 5th trip to NYC, not your first
Normally I'd agree, but if they're taking the 7 back and forth from Flushing every day anyway, it'd be a wasted opportunity not to stop at 74th Street for lunch one day and see a different side of the city for an hour or two. I can't promise cute babes but I can promise good food. (Protip: if you need something solid and greasy for a hangover cure, go Tibetan and get momos and sha bhaley.)

>they might enjoy being hailed as the second coming and not pay for a beer all night
Kek, that's what I was thinking. But at this point any Irish he meets in Woodside is more likely to be a 70yo retired union electrician than a cute SSBBW.

Have fun on your trip, Eireanon.
Yeah, big ups for momos. Okay, I'll let them go to Jackson Heights lol.
>one of the hottest, fattest women I've ever seen in the wild was at the fucking Tribeca Whole Foods of all places.
i agree. i worked at that shop and holy fuck i saw like 2-3 bottom-shaped SSBBW/BBW with pretty faces. idk if they're still there right now, but when i worked there I wished I had the balls to ask them out.
If your boss doesnt have the same home interior design taste like the entire staff....... youre in trouble. Who wants a boss who likes old wall paper and outdated fixtures from the 1970-80s
Wait — are you talking customers or employees? Because there's an employee I'd see from time to time though barely at all lately I dubbed "Whole Pear." She was a very cute, VERY fat and pear-shaped 30ish Latina or maybe Middle Eastern chick. She always wore leggings and short tops so it was all out there — massive thighs and a somewhat flat though super fat ass. I believe she was a manager or at least something above cashier or clerk, by the way she moved around the place and how the other employees treated her.

FWIW she was very sweet and friendly too. Helped me out when they first installed the buggy self-checkouts and then remembered me the next time I was there. She was way too young for me to ask out — called me "sir" etc lol — but I had a massive crush on her nonetheless.

Anyway, do you know who I'm talking about? Don't dox, obviously. Just grooving on the memory of her.
employees bro.
but yeah at least from what i remember she was pear-shaped af just like you described but shes latina. this was like 3 years ago tho. i remember she was working as a cashier usually around the checkout line by the exit facing Goldman Sachs resolving customer orders.

lol I swear to god every time i saw her my heart would drop and i regret everytime not asking her out. but i dont know her since she worked with the whole foods store staff, and i worked with the amazon team. she looked mid to late twenties when i was there.

But i also remember seeing a customer with a mega fat ass like at least 75" but shes short, mobile, and black. other than them, no joke they're were a hand full of bottom-heavy bbws/ssbbws, granted most were milfs.
Damn, i have a lot to catch on....
Nvm, it's turned into nyc obesity map blueprint.... 😔
You want a good wife with a toxic job she has. Un fucking heard of. Good luck finding that sync
Fucking A — I'm legit LOLing. Yeah, that's EXACTLY where I saw her, on the Goldman side when I did see her, which I haven't in many months. Oh well. Maybe she was transferred? There have been other hot fat Latinas and other ethnicities on the staff but none like her.

The black swan customer I'm thinking of is blonde, 35ish, pretty, and just big all over — 5'5", 400+. Which is rare in NYC and unheard of in that neighborhood.

Don't recall seeing the black megapear you're talking about but I'll keep my eyes open.

Yeah sorry, your self-pity and inertia got boring so we steered things in a different direction.
As the third NYC anon in this thread, I might have to make a field trip to the Tribeca Whole Foods one of these days just to see if lightning strikes. It will never not be funny to me that *that's* the place you guys have had your most memorable sightings. Like running into a bunch of high fashion models at a Golden Corral in Des Moines.

For what it's worth, my all-time hottest sighting was on a Woodside-bound Q18 bus. She was an easily 550+ black girl with a perfect pear shape, a stunning face, and a classy, well-put-together bougie vibe, and her ass took up more than two full seats.
FTR, it wasn’t my GOAT sighting in the city. More that I saw a 400+ lb woman in that neighborhood at all, and she happened to be a very cute, well-put-together blonde. Like something you’d make with an AI bot lol.
i don't know what to do anymore, just being a fuckin cry baby. This fetish would kill me from inside sooner than later 🙃.
>Oh well. Maybe she was transferred?
Yeah perhaps. Then again some people get laid off because of low demand.
Lol yes I remember seeing a black/latina mega pear in her 30s/40s back then in that store, but that was only once and I think she only came to the store in-house to see how people treat pick-up delivery.
My other memorable sightings were at the statue of liberty, the gift shop in the bronx's botanical garden, and the back of the projects building.... my god at the last two spots, i saw a black woman that was like you stated, was perfect pear shape weighing at least 450/500 (i wanted to approach the one in the gift shop but I was with my ex gf at that time, who was a ssbbw herself).
Hey Irish anon, how did your vacation go?
I had a blast, thanks for asking!
I'm going to address the suggestions people gave me earlier in this thread.
I did get the 7 train back and forth from Flushing to Manhattan a bunch of times but didn't get off en route to sample different foods as you suggested.
I knew Flushing was Queens' answer to Chinatown, but I wasn't prepared for just how Chinese it was, lol. All the signs were in Chinese and my friends and I were basically the only white people there. I'm a big guy (6'5" and 200lbs) so I towered over everyone and got a lot of stares.
I never made it to Harlem but I did spend a good amount of time in West Village.
I took your advice and took the Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. That was a good tip so thank you. I didn't tell my friends I got that tip from a fat fetish forum, lol.
I didn't run into any scammers in Times Square (or elsewhere) but I did have a fucking weird encounter with the famous Naked Cowboy there. He made racist remarks towards my black friend. We didn't eat in Times Square, nor spend much time there at all. Just took pics and GTFO'd.
I didn't end up doing anything you suggested (aside from the aforementioned ferry trip). Didn't end up going to Woodside but did have two good nights of paddywhackery in NYC (more on that later).

Other things about NYC:
The beggars are way more aggressive than in Dublin. We have beggars and crackheads in Dublin and they're arguably more shitty/violent than the ones in NYC (I know that's a hot take lol), but on the other hand they're generally much better at taking no for an answer. Like, in Dublin you tell them to fuck off and they fuck off, but in NYC they start harassing you for cigarettes after you refuse to give them money. But I also think the ones in Dublin are more liable to assault people because our cops don't have guns, whereas NYC was crawling with NYPD everywhere I looked.
I was very surprised when I saw the statue of the bull on Wall Street. It's on like an island in the middle of the road and is all fenced off. I passed it a few times at different times of day and it seemed to be surrounded by Asian tourists queueing up to take photos 24/7.
I tried Guinness twice in NYC. First in a dive called Johnny's Bar (which I think was in Meatpacking or thereabouts). We were the only Irish people there but we got treated like royalty, lol. But the Guinness was godawful. On the other hand there's an Irish bar called The Dead Rabbit which I highly recommend. The Guinness there is excellent, almost the same as back home.

My thoughts on Boston:
Maybe it's just because I visited Boston after NYC, but Boston felt quaint in a good way. I loved Boston. It's very friendly for tourists, but not in a cheesy/overly touristy way, if that makes any sense. And way less chaotic than NYC. I met fewer Irish people than expected, but then again I didn't go to Southie. The main downsides of Boston was that I actually saw more homeless there than NYC, and also that it was brutally fucking cold (about 10 degrees Fahrenheit at some points).
There's a bar called Biddy Early's that does good Guinness. Had a great night there, got drunk with some randos we met. We visited a brewery the next day and it turned out the randos we were drinking with actually worked at that brewery. They wouldn't take any money from us and gave us shitloads of food and beer for free, and a free tour of the brewery (and even let us into areas normally off-limits to non-employees).
I loved all the historical stuff in Boston too.

My thoughts on the US in general:
- Fast food is cheap as fuck (compared to Ireland) but everything else is really expensive. For example I was able to get 2 big macs, 10 nuggets and a slushy for like $12 but one bell pepper in the supermarket cost $2.
On the other hand I did get a few very good bargains in stores like TJ Maxx (which is called TK Maxx in Ireland lol).
- The tipping meme is 100% real, holy shit. Tip for this, tip for that. Tip a dollar every time you get a fucking beer, Jesus.
- The "huge drink sizes at fast food places" meme is also 100% real. I got a large sprite in burger king just for the meme and the cup was a fucking bucket, it must have been like 2 litres. And the meme of "a small drink in a US fast food place is a large drink in an Irish fast food place" (which is a very common preconceived notion Irish people have of the US) is 100% real too.
On the topic of fast food: I tried Wendy's, Chipotle and Taco Bell (none of which we have in Ireland) and they were all pretty fucking good. Taco Bell is insane bang for your buck.
- I had no idea that weed is legal in New York and Massachusetts before going, so that was a nice surprise. We didn't smoke every day but we did partake. The weed shops in Boston were much nicer and more "official" than in NYC.
- People in general were very friendly and helpful. Even in Manhattan, which one of our American friends told us wouldn't be the case. Americans at bars are very willing to strike up conversations with strangers. Irish people are like that too, but Americans even more so. I loved that. On the other hand, Americans will also strike up a conversation with you at the supermarket, which I was not prepared for lol.
Also maybe it's just because I was a tourist, but holy shit American women are much more forward than Irish women. I got hit on a few times at bars (sadly not by BBWs), which I am not used to lol.
- Finally, the buildings in NYC (and even in Boston) are incomprehensibly tall for an Irish person. The tallest building in all of Ireland is the same height as a normal apartment block in Boston.

Finally, BBW sightings:
I didn't see nearly as many BBWs as I hoped, but I did see a few.
I saw two USSBBWs on scooters. One in St Patrick's Cathedral in NYC (of all places) and another just on a random street in Boston. Neither of them were pretty but they were mind-bogglingly fat.
The best BBW encounter I had was in the natural history museum in NYC. I saw a gorgeous young Asian SSBBW wearing a revealing outfit with a crop top, most of her gut exposed, and a pink thong also exposed at the front and back. The museum itself is fucking awesome too, by the way.
I saw one other hot SSBBW in NYC, at a taphouse called Finback. She actually looked a lot like one of my exes (very pale, alt aesthetic, lots of tats) but fatter. She was wearing a cardigan with a loopy design at the sides (idk wtf you call it) and you could see her fat skin with the tattoos spilling out through the holes, it was hot as fuck.
I also saw a really nice latina SSBBW with a huge ass in Boston. I pointed her out to my friend (the same black friend from earlier). He knows I'm an FA (and he's not an FA) but he said "Damnnn, you like em BIG, huh?" He was shocked when I told him I've fucked girls fatter than that, lol.
(NYC advice dude here)

Congrats — sounds like a great trip! My last big tip is to come back in warmer weather. NYC is a 365/year city indeed but there's so much street life and such from May-October you missed out on, particularly in neighborhoods where actual New Yorkers live in Brooklyn, Queens, and upper Manhattan. You'll see a shitload more SSBBWs too.

FWIW, there were very few Chinese/Koreans in Flushing when I was a kid. That takeover has happened in less than 30 years. The version I knew was basically Jewville — my (Jewish) mom is from there and I used to visit relatives all the time there as a kid, til everyone died or moved to Florida lol. Hope you had some food there — real Chinese food is totally different and much superior to the shit they slop for the farang in takeaways. Korean is amazing as well.

I'm glad you found so many friendly people. Thing is for a lot of people NYC is the first "real" city they visit, and they're not used to how things work. It's fast-paced, dense, and competitive like nowhere else. But people will help if you need it, and if you put out good energy they'll open up as much as any Southerner. A lot of tourists I see are closed-off (Europeans and Asians) or walk around like paranoid rabbits (Americans) and it doesn't make me want to engage.

I like Boston too though Bostonians have a bug up their ass about New York — second city syndrome, same with Philadelphia and Chicago. Glad your black friend didn't get any shit in Beantown, as it has a reputation in that regard. (But racism from the fucking [i]Naked Cowboy[/i]...? LOL)

I spent 10 days in Dublin a while back, mix of work and play, and had the same experience — met one cool person after another, mostly just by dodging rainstorms in pubs. Very small compared to London or NYC but I was really taken by the place. Sucked for SSBBWs though lol.
>racism from the fucking Naked Cowboy...? LOL
Man, it was so weird. There were four of us just chilling in Times Square. As I said previously, we just wanted to snap a couple of photos and GTFO. The Naked Cowboy came up and started talking to us, asking us if we wanted to take pics with/of him etc. We politely declined but he kept badgering us. When we still refused, he said "Jeez, what has you so defensive? Is it the blacks or the Latinos?" At this point he chuckled and repeatedly punched my black friend's arm in a 'buddy-buddy' kinda way, although my friend said he actually hit him quite hard - and my friend is a big fucking dude, not a weakling or anything. He continued: "I'm a white guy, you can trust me, I'm not gonna gyp you like those minorities" and grinned. When we still refused, he got very cross and said "Alright, fuck you guys then" and stormed off.

And yeah, that was the only racist interaction of the whole trip. He didn't experience any racism in Boston, or in NYC apart from the fucking Naked Cowboy lol
IIRC, the subway break dancers, musicians who used to roam Penn Station, Times Square, Union Square, left cause the homeless ride north and south. The Bloomberg artsy fartsy scene died. NY is pro-cop, pro-military. I am guessing the Naked Cowboy is MAGA
Sorry but I don't know what you mean anon. I hear that tourism in the city is on the decline and everyone's going upstate, Jersey, or CT because NYC wants to enact congestion pricing cause lawmakers think it's the 80s or are stuck in the 80s. The naked cowboy is the relic of a past.
Sorry for your friend but that's hilarious. I guess he really is a cowboy lol. He's a Times Square fixture (25 years?) and supposedly makes $250K+ a year. I'm thinking that only happens through aggressive marketing, including negging on tourists. The guys handing out hiphop CDs often call out white people who refuse to take them as racist, and it works.

OMG STFU we don't need your broken AI stupidity in stereo. I'm ashamed to share the same general region with your autistic, fast food-slinging ass. Hopefully your workplace gets robbed today and you catch a bullet in the head.
>I'm assuming youre craving sum white meat hence why ur talking bout the US and EU

it's a little curious that OP didn't adress this assertion tbh

>The version I knew was basically Jewville — my (Jewish) mom is from there and I used to visit relatives all the time there as a kid, til everyone died or moved to Florida lol.

Many Jews moved to Florida? that definitely checks out. I visited the oldest synagogue in the western hemisphere (Caribbean) recently and I met a couple Jews from Florida (they have converted to Christianity though).
Doesnt seem out of ordinary. 8 billion ppl different cultures. Some accepted . Most torched
I'm from India too istg we have zero ladies into feedism I've never actually seen ONE person who's into this too
>Many Jews moved to Florida?

It's a huge cliche, the NY/NJ pipeline to Florida. They're pretty much all in the southeastern part of the state, from West Palm Beach to Miami. That's where my relatives all live.

But if the people you met converted to Christianity they're not Jews. Just sayin'.

I'm sure you have them but no one is gonna advertise it. The more conservative the culture, the more that's the case. Same with any kink.
Nah you living in the past old man.
Good to see someone from a country with over a billion people finally finding this dark corner of Internet lol...

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