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Why are fantasy feeder forums full of leftist retards which get offended at anything and everything?
why are chans full of rightoid incels that cry at the very idea of a woman even speaking?
because they need somewhere to blame others for their issues.
>>37044 (OP)
They flooded curvage too and got the candids board shut down
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>>37044 (OP)
It's the entire internet. Imageboards used to be the last safe refuges because they were the wild west, and the thought of accidentally encountering gore or having to put up with a user interface not designed for toddlers scared away the normalfag shitheads. But now the big corporate internet has started to eat itself over the past 5-10 years, and like leftists fleeing California to settle in Texas and vote for everything that made California unliveable, or 4th century Christians fleeing the collapsing Roman cities to the country side just to pitch a fit and try to get all the rural "pagan" harvest festivals banned, liberals are now fleeing their dying (in a spiritual sense, not a pure numbers sense) websites and trying to impose the same hysterical neo-puritan mindset on everybody who doesn't join in their religious fervor for CURRENT THING. You can see one of them here in this thread >>37046 and there are countless more where they came from. They simply have the sheer numbers and control over governments and financial institutions to get their way, so prepare for imageboards to get worse. Unless we move to i2p or tor imageboards, our days of freedom and not being harrassed will be coming to an end over the next decade.
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Kisame here. The internet is still as it was in the 90s. Boring, safe, and fun. People just want to play trucking simulator's, the Sims, Pinball and Doom on their computer. You are one of those NPC IT workers who thought Y2K was going to usher in a new world order, then your ego got shattered when you became a drone for Elon Musk, Time Warner, Disney, Amazon. There's a good reason Bill Gates outlasted his rivals. He wasn't an ass wipe like Lasseter or a visionary like Lucas. He sold a computer. It's the same reason Playstation sells while Nintendo has no games. Playstation isn't an asshole like Inafune or Yuji Naka.
The irony @ you complaining about losing your safe space.

Double the irony of even being on this board, one entirely dependent on the hysterical fat bitches you whine about. You are a slave to the people you hate.

Maybe if everyone here just shut the fuck up about politics, this place would be better off.

>>37067 "Kisame" is right.
God, the level of dumbfuck "logic" and asspulling in those greentexts is astonishing, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad (and probably purposefully engineered that way to sway people into being rightist dingbats.)
>Maybe if everyone here just shut the fuck up about politics, this place would be better off
I got called racist for saying I don't watch modern movies.
"Shutting up about politics" means being a good liberal sheep who lets his masters walk all over you. You have no real passions, you've never had anything you've cared enough to stand up for, you'll always be a doormat who watches as the culture vultures wipe their dirty boots all over you before moving onto the next thing they can ruin. These people are like spoilt children who break anything they don't own out of spite. I for one don't care to see the places I've always enjoyed get turned into another sterile, homogenised wasteland where real conversation is impossible.
Of course, this is absolutely wasted on you, because you are illiterate garbage who can't even be bothered to write "at." You are the nigger cattle that first greentext is describing.
I like classic movies man, but read the room. Those movies are made for white people by white people. You’re not racist for liking old movies, you’re probably racist tho for this Karen level meltdown and inability to read between the lines dipshit.
You’re from the Alabama of the eurozone, imagine talking about “classic movies” online while living in a country with a per capita GDP and literacy rate lower than most Arby’s.
“Shut up about politics” means stop dropping hard Rs you bald, alcoholic kangaroo-fucker.
Fucking inbred drunken strayans need to shut the fuck up about everything, you uneducated sack of vegmite and fosters.
You know you all descended from like 500 convicts? You’re the underbred, over produced mongrel throwaways of the worlds ugliest island. I’ve seen deeper puddles than your entire races gene pool.
And to think this is all happening on a fetish imageboard...
>You’re from the Alabama of the eurozone
Romania isn't even IN the eurozone
>imagine talking about “classic movies” online while living in a country with a per capita GDP and literacy rate lower than most Arby’s.
I don't have to imagine. It is what it is.
>"Kisame" is right
I told you to ride your donkey back to your decrepit village. Your child-bride needs your help cooking the cat for dinner and you’ve spent too long at this Internet cafe drunk on fermented mares milk.
Keep yapping mutt.
Imagine being this inbred and idiot. Learn some more words and you can talk with the adults even when you’re piss drunk in the middle of the workday.
Get sober bro. Maybe even get to see your kids sometimes. I hear the strayan legal justice systems pretty lax to drunken wife beaters like yourself.
You're on a fat fetish piracy board. Nobody cares about your politics.

Again, shut the fuck up.
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Kisame here. Who the fuck watches Svengoolie unironically? I like classic cartoons but even I admit Toon In With Me is cringe. I will watch these new anime when I have the chance.

It's a moot point. I am already planning to vote for Trump in 2024. Biden's double dealing with Iran is backfiring. Dubya, Nixon, and Reagan can act like a normal person. Obama and Clinton needed charisma. New York is more Palestinian than Israel. These zoomers already identify as the Akatsuki, Espada, Frieza Force, Zeon, or Slytherin. They're not going to listen to Democratic Socialists of America. It's not about messaging, but about branding.
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I don't know what's going on either. I made fun of Ilikapie for being obsessed with fighting an arch enemy and deprived him of his glorious final battle. Respectable men with fetish for big butt women don't have time for battle. It's the same reason Lex became president
Hyperreal Kisami here.
I don’t vote in national contests because I already voted on Dancing with the Stars. Local politics is more fun because you can shake their greasy hands and get your baby kissed. Long Island republicans aren’t much different than midtown democrats outside of where they get their hair cut.
Australia is a throw away-continent. The kids only know it exists because gen-z check for New Zealand on world maps. Romania’s a small town hoe who’s broke and embarassed after after shacking up with Hitler and Stalin, without ever producing any bugcars or quality Soviet animation. American women are fat because they eat hamburgers.
Politics here is bread and circuses, I’m keto and scared of clowns. RealPolitiks happens in the comments section of Yelp. Don’t trust anywhere that makes you pay extra for cheese on your burger.
I don't know what you mean because I always pay extra for food. Not my fault Americans are cheap
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Hyperreal Kisami here.
He’s not the real Kisame, he’s probably in league with the Aussie cunt and his Moldovan freind. Midwestern moms imitate Kisame online when their children start losing fights on the Chan. Midwestern dads are too busy eating chili served on spaghetti to care what their family does with their 5g.
I don't eat spaghetti. You just outed yourself Ilikapie
Here is today's winner folks.
>a mutt jabbing about another country's gene pool being shit
The lack of self consciousness in your room temp IQ rambling is fascinating.
For fuck's sake, you live in a 3rd world country behind a Gucci belt, you have no word when breaking an arm in the US costs more than a brand new BMW 5 series and gets you and 2 generations of your offsprings into unbearable debt.
At least you got those posh fighter jets, with which you bomb a middle east or latin american shithole to dust every decade or so.
“You can’t oppose racism unless you have single payer healthcare”.
Fucking retard drunken Pole. You can tell with these racist idiots, the white race isn’t sending their best and brightest.
You know our big dick American marines are the only thing keeping your neat little NATO ass from getting fucked by Putin. Now sit down and shut up until your state can defend itself.
Nobody here is a winner
Nah bro, there are some clear losers. You probably were cheerleading them tho.
everyone on this board is a loser
Kisame here. I am on vitamins. I am sure that I can't be bothered to care what others think thanks to the vitamins. I have no recollection of the past and think forward. It also means I cannot bother to feel empathy about Israel's past transgressions against Hamas.
Even the unionized Starbucks doesn't think of supporting Israel boomer. This is what having job security in the service sector is like.
>I have no recollection of the past and think forward
even though you do because you remember how to type and you also remember what this imageboard is about and how to post
So many scammers/beggars over there that they do nothing about. Moth is the worst.

Old news ik but I wonder if this guy genuinely thought it was worth the time and effort to type this out on a site called "bbw.chan"
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> Dudes here unironically claims that boards are the last bastion of sanity in this leftists corrupted world
> Starts arguing like a bunch of angrily shaking chihuahua’s immediately after seeing opposite opinion

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